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东、黄海绿鳍马面鲀的资源评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用Pope-Shepherd多世代解析法推算了1977—1987年东、黄海绿鳍马面纯的各龄组资源量及捕捞死亡系数变动。结果表明,一龄以上资源量从70年代末的70余万吨逐步减少,80年代中期降到约50万吨的最低点。此后渔获物中一龄鱼比例大幅度增加。1984—1986三年中一龄鱼分别占渔获物的14.8%,53.3%。和16.2%(重量比例)。但因东、黄海主要底鱼衰退,生态系结构发生变化,马面纯幼鱼补充多于70年代,特别是1985年和1986年幼鱼补充量显著增加,出现二个较强的补充群体,使1986和1987年的2龄鱼数量有所增加。但该期间3龄以上成鱼资源量仍低于70年代水准,反映出捕捞强度过大。根据生物量曲线解析,将开捕年龄提高到3龄才能获得最佳管理效果。  相似文献   

Adequate conservation and management of shark populations is becoming increasingly important on a global scale, especially because many species are exceptionally vulnerable to overfishing. Yet, reported catch statistics for sharks are incomplete, and mortality estimates have not been available for sharks as a group. Here, the global catch and mortality of sharks from reported and unreported landings, discards, and shark finning are being estimated at 1.44 million metric tons for the year 2000, and at only slightly less in 2010 (1.41 million tons). Based on an analysis of average shark weights, this translates into a total annual mortality estimate of about 100 million sharks in 2000, and about 97 million sharks in 2010, with a total range of possible values between 63 and 273 million sharks per year. Further, the exploitation rate for sharks as a group was calculated by dividing two independent mortality estimates by an estimate of total global biomass. As an alternative approach, exploitation rates for individual shark populations were compiled and averaged from stock assessments and other published sources. The resulting three independent estimates of the average exploitation rate ranged between 6.4% and 7.9% of sharks killed per year. This exceeds the average rebound rate for many shark populations, estimated from the life history information on 62 shark species (rebound rates averaged 4.9% per year), and explains the ongoing declines in most populations for which data exist. The consequences of these unsustainable catch and mortality rates for marine ecosystems could be substantial. Global total shark mortality, therefore, needs to be reduced drastically in order to rebuild depleted populations and restore marine ecosystems with functional top predators.  相似文献   

Birthdate distributions of anchovy recruits caught during research surveys in June 1985 and June 1989 were compiled from weighted length frequency distributions, aged samples and length frequencies from commercial catches. Birthdates ranged from July to March with a peak in October for both year-classes. However, birthdate distribution for the 1989 year-class showed comparatively few fish spawning after October 1988. Also, the growth rate of recruits was slower in 1989 than in 1985. It is proposed that the very weak 1989 year-class of anchovy and the low spawning biomass subsequently observed were a result of poorer-than-average egg production and survival of prerecruits spawned after October 1988, and the slow rate of growth of juvenile anchovy recruited till June 1989.  相似文献   

1983年夏季渤海上层鱼类生物量的估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
这项工作是渤海水产资源增殖研究中的一个组成部分。1982年4月至1983年5月对该海区底层所进行的鱼类调查结束后,接着于6月和7月开展了上层的鱼类调查。调查工具为185马力双船上层拖网。网口周长为800目,目大100毫米。网囊部为20毫米目。拖网时,两船间距平均为94.5米,网袖间距平均为17.8米,  相似文献   

渔业产量和资源生物量数值模型及相关因子的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于渔业的中长期预报计算,是渔业种群补充的关键问题。本文在单位补充量产量和单位补充量生物量模型中加入了亲体一补充模型即密度相关过程,并引入了白色噪音以模拟环境变化。结果表明:本研究(1)可以明确地给出渔业种群崩溃的可能性,估计出达到崩溃时的捕捞死亡率;(2)可以估计最大持续产量的绝对值;(3)引入的白色噪音可以模拟环境变化对产量与捕捞死亡率和产量与亲体生物量关系曲线的影响。虽然亲体补充关系仍多是个假设,补充与亲体之间存在的补偿机制需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Orange roughy form dense spawning aggregations in specific small areas in deep water on the Namibian shelf between late June and early August each year. The biomass in three such areas, where most commercial fishing occurs (the Johnies, Frankies and Rix Quota Management Areas, or QMAs) has been assessed acoustically each year since 1997. Acoustic estimates of the aggregated portion of the biomass (the only component that can be assessed reliably using acoustics) were obtained for all three QMAs in 1997 and 1998, but only for Frankies in 1999 owing to increased problems with target identification as the biomass declined. The methodology developed for these surveys, including the equipment used, survey design, target identification, data processing and error analysis are described. Some important biases that should be corrected for when estimating absolute abundance of orange roughy acoustically are addressed. Individual sources of error were quantified as well as possible, and input to an error model that simulated the error process and produced probability density functions of absolute biomass, from which the mean absolute biomass and its standard error could be computed for each survey, effectively correcting for identified sources of bias and quantifying the overall uncertainty. The correction factors ranged from 1.58 to 1.71 and the CVs increased by factors of 1.2–2.1. Target strength uncertainty and negative bias attributable to the dead zone close to the bottom were considered to be the most serious errors. The acoustic estimates indicate a substantial decline in orange roughy biomass in all three QMAs since 1997, in accord with indices from contemporaneous swept-area surveys and the catch rate of the commercial fleet. Acoustic estimates have already been used extensively to manage the resource and are likely to remain important in the future.  相似文献   

Short-lived species are extremely dependent on the seasonal and interannual variability of environmental conditions, and determining their stock status is often difficult. This study investigates the effects of environmental variability and fishing pressure on the stock of octopus Octopus vulgaris in Senegalese waters over a 10-year period from 1996 to 2005. Monthly catches-at-age were estimated based on catch-at-weight data and a polymodal decomposition constrained by a given growth curve. Octopus recruitments and fishing mortalities were then estimated using a catch-at-age analysis performed on a monthly basis. Yield and biomass per recruit were simulated using a Thompson and Bell model and used to generate a diagnostic of the fishery's impacts. Results indicate that the high interannual and seasonal variability of the octopus stock biomass is linked to the spring recruitment event, the annual intensity of which was significantly correlated with the coastal upwelling index and sea surface temperature. Yield per recruit varied seasonally but remained almost unchanged from one year to the next. Even when catches vary strongly according to recruitment, the octopus stock appears to be consistently fully exploited, or slightly overexploited in some years. In this context of environmental variability, usual indicators such as the maximum yield per recruit, and the related fishing mortality and spawning potential ratio, remain useful for fisheries management purposes.  相似文献   

Alternative harvesting schemes for the South African anchovy resource are considered. For this preliminary study, strategies in which quotas are simply related to the pre-catch survey estimates of spawning biomass and recruitment are investigated, using a Monte Carlo simulation approach. The schemes evaluated are the strategies of a constant catch, a constant proportion of the recruitment estimate, and a variant on constant escapement. The relationship between modal recruitment and spawning biomass is assumed known, and the values of parameters such as natural mortality and mass-at-age are initially taken to be exact. True recruitment is assumed log-normally distributed about its modal value. The annual survey estimates of recruitment and spawning biomass are generated with typical measurement errors included. The results show the cost (expressed as a loss of potential annual yield) of imperfect survey information, natural recruitment variability, and constraints on year-to-year catch variability. The analysis is extended to integrate the outcome of specific harvesting strategies over the current estimates of the probability distributions for the model parameters, assuming that these are not updated as harvesting is continued. The final results suggest that the mean annual yield of the South African anchovy resource could be increased by about 40 per cent through use of a more flexible harvesting strategy than is the current practice, without at the same time increasing the risk of collapse.  相似文献   

In this paper Cohort Analysis (VPA) with the data on catch in number by age and year is used to estimate independently fishing mortality, abundance and actual number of spawning stock of the Pacific herring in the Huanghai Sea. The results show that catch rate of the fishery is very high, and that the fishing mortality of the dominant age group aged 2-4 was 0.87-2.97 during the years 1971-1984. The size of year class has been decreased since 1982 although the variability for this species in the Huanghai Sea is frequent. This results in reducing the recruitment of the fishery, the abundance and the actual number of spawning stock. Therefore, an urgent management measure should be considered.The magnitude of several sources of errors in Cohort Analysis (VPA) are examined, and the precision of the estimates is mainly dependent on an accurate natural mortality.  相似文献   

Of the southern African intertidal and shallow subtidal trochid and turbinid gastropods, Turbo sarmaticus, T. cidaris and Oxystele sinensis, are the most abundant large species, and therefore obvious targets for a winkle fishery. T. sarmaticus is harvested by recreational snorkel divers, and an application has been made for a permit to experimentally harvest the other two species commercially. This study involves four major aspects, namely morphometrics and flesh yield, shore-based abundance estimates, subtidal abundance estimates, and an estimate of the potential yield for each of the three species off the South-Western Cape, South Africa. Abundance and biomass of the winkles increased from west to east, highest densities being recorded in the low intertidal regions to 2 m depth. Low biomasses of the three species were recorded west of Cape Hangklip and are unlikely to support a fishery there. East of Cape Hangklip, invasion of rock lobsters Jasus lalandii has had a considerable impact on T. cidaris and O. sinensis populations. Consequently, a boat-based fishery with an estimated annual total allowable catch of 75.5 tons for T. cidaris, with a bycatch of 9.9 tons for O. sinensis, can only be considered in the easternmost fisheries-management area between Kleinbaai and Quoin Point. Because previous studies on the harvesting potential of T. sarmaticus off the Western Cape concluded that it was not commercially sustainable, a total allowable catch for that species was not considered. Management options deserving considerations before the commencement of a giant winkle fishery are discussed.  相似文献   

Available data on phytoplankton and bacterial abundance and production off the coasts of southern Africa (to the 500 m depth contour) have been assembled and analysed for a network analysis of carbon flow in the Benguela ecosystem. Phytoplankton carbon biomass (from measurements of chlorophyll a) in the northern Benguela (2 558 300 tons) was considerably higher than in the southern Benguela (671 420 and 516 400 tons for the West and South coasts respectively). However, overall annual production (from C14-uptake measurements) was similar, 77 416 608, 76 399 973 and 78 988 020 tons C·year?1 respectively. Phytoplankton respiration and sedimentation losses were calculated as functions of primary production and therefore followed similar trends. From the most conservative estimates (mean bacterial biomass of 10 mg C·m?3 and average P:B of 0,2·day?1) bacterial biomass is 2–7 per cent of phytoplankton biomass in the northern and southern Benguela, and bacterial production is 3–5 per cent of primary production. Assuming a net growth yield of 30 per cent, bacteria would need to consume 9–15 per cent of the total primary production in order to meet their requirements for carbon consumption. Calculations based on a mean bacterial biomass of 40 mg C·m?3 and a mean growth rate of 0,5·day?1 in the upper 30 m of the water column show bacterial biomass to be 8–27 per cent of phytoplankton biomass and bacterial production to be 26–44 per cent of phytoplankton production. Bacterial carbon consumption requirements at these rates amount to 86–147 per cent of total primary production.  相似文献   

The catchability of western rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus) during the spawning season (October and November) may be affected by their reproductive state. In this study, movement and food consumption of males and females of different reproductive states held in laboratory tanks were measured as proxies for catchability. Density of lobsters was found to influence both movement and food consumption. Solitary animals and, to a lesser extent, two lobsters per tank, were more sedentary and consumed significantly less food than animals at a density of three or four specimens per tank. Tests using three animals per tank confirmed that mature, unmated, and ovigerous females carrying early stage eggs moved more frequently away from their shelters than males or females carrying late stage eggs (P < 0.0001, d.f. = 3). Further, unmated females and females with early stage eggs recorded significantly higher food consumption (P < 0.0061, d.f. = 3) compared with males or females carrying late stage eggs. The greater time spent away from shelter and also food consumption make unmated females and females with early stage eggs likely to be more catchable than males or females with late stage eggs. As catchability is commonly used to obtain population estimates from survey data, these results have implications for surveys which use catch rates of breeding animals as indicators of egg production.  相似文献   

This study presents an example of horse mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) stock to demonstrate that marine environmental factors are important in stock assessment for the new Korean Total Allowable Catch (TAC)-based fisheries management system. The estimated survival rate (S) of horse mackerel ranged from 0.25 to 0.36. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality (M) was 0.48/year, and the age at first capture was 0.83 year. Annual biomass of horse mackerel in Korean waters was estimated by a biomass-based cohort analysis using annual catch in weight at age during 1965–1995. Yield-per-recruit and spawning biomass-per-recruit were estimated under various harvest strategies at Fmax, F0.1, F30% and F40%. A method for estimating acceptable biological catch (ABC) is proposed for dealing with the large differences in the quality and quantity of information and data available. Using recruitment of horse mackerel estimated from various spawner–recruitment relationship models combined with salinity, volume transport, and zooplankton biomass as environmental factors, the ABC under the best information available was estimated to range from 3100 to 3800 mt.  相似文献   

A particle-size spectrum model is used to estimate standing stocks of some pelagic fish from measurements of phytoplankton chlorophyll in two exploited regions in southern Africa (southern Benguela and off South West Africa/Namibia) and in two unexploited regions (the Agulhas Bank and off the eastern Cape Province). The model is based on the assumption that equal biomasses occur in logarithmically equal size classes in the pelagic marine environment. Phytoplankton, with an equivalent spherical diameter ranging from 1 to 128 μm, occupy 21 size classes on the logarithmic scale. Two different size ranges are assumed for some commercial, pelagic fish species, equivalent to exploitation with two different purse-seine mesh sizes. A mesh of 12,7 mm would catch 8 size classes of pilchard, horse mackerel and anchovy whereas a mesh of 32 mm would catch only 3,3 size classes of pilchard and horse mackerel. From the model, the potential biomass of these commercial pelagic fish is estimated, after allowing for the presence of other commercial and non-commercial fish and other taxa in the exploited size range. Total pelagic fish production is estimated by assuming constant turnover rates of 1·y?1 and 1,5·y?1 when exploited with 32 and 12,7 mm mesh nets respectively. Consideration of the maximum and mean reported catches in the exploited areas indicates that only some 25 per cent of pelagic fish production is exploitable by man. On this basis, the unexploited Agulhas Bank region may yield some 400 000 metric tons (wet) of pelagic fish of the species considered, and the East Coast region some 90 000 tons. Exploitation in these regions cannot be recommended, because the Agulhas Bank is an important spawning ground for many pelagic species, and the fish in both regions probably act as a reserve buffer for the heavily exploited pelagic resource of the Western Cape.  相似文献   

This study describes the Thukela Banks crustacean and linefish fisheries and investigates the potential impacts of reduced flow from the Thukela River on the value of these fisheries. Data were obtained from published and unpublished material, key informants and government records. The crustacean fishery employs about 300 people, and comprises an inshore and offshore fishery. Inshore catches and effort are strongly seasonal, peaking in April to June. The probability of fishing in any particular month is positively correlated with catch per unit effort. Average overall annual catch (inshore and offshore) was estimated to be in the region of 700 tonnes for 1992–2002 with a gross output of about R36.7 million per annum, and a gross value added (net output) of R13.8 million (1 US$ = R6.40; 2003). Inshore prawns were estimated to contribute R8.5 million of the gross output. The Thukela Banks was estimated to contribute R4.5 million and R35 million (rand value in 2003) to the gross output of the commercial linefishery and boat-based recreational angling fishery respectively. Freshwater reduction scenarios yielded 0.7–11% reductions in prawn catches, which translated into only a 1–2% drop in the annual value of the fishery. The latter was attributed to the fishery's diversity (predominantly the buffering effect of bycatch) and the fact that the stocks of the species targeted by the offshore component are largely independent of flow. Catches and value of the recreational boat-based linefishery were predicted to remain fairly constant irrespective of any changes in flow. The commercial linefishery was the most responsive, with a 20% decline in total catch and 17% value predicted for the most extreme flow reduction scenario.  相似文献   

Following independence of Namibia in 1990, abundance of that country's hake stocks was monitored by trawl surveys conducted by the Norwegian F.R.V. Dr Fridtjof Nansen using a systematic survey design. Precision from such designs is considered to be better than with a random design, but it cannot be quantified through standard analysis of variance. In 1998 and 1999, the trawl surveys were duplicated in full using a commercial trawler that operated in parallel with the Dr Fridtjof Nansen. Both vessels had the same fishing gear and rigging. In both years, biomass and distribution patterns estimated by the vessels were similar. The paired datasets collected from the surveys were used to analyse variability in the point samples. Absolute differences between pairs of catches were, in general, proportional to the catch, but they varied randomly following a normal distribution around the catch level. Local variability was analysed as random noise, modelled and later reapplied on single vessel data series to evaluate the effect of sample size and replicates on the survey mean. In a survey with 200 stations, local sample noise accounted for about 4% of the variability in the survey mean. Alternatively, running series of simulated surveys by bootstrapping on pairs of catch data gave similar results, when a small systematic vessel effect was adjusted for. The main statistical techniques applied were less susceptible to outlier catches than straightforward correlations or regressions and could therefore, perhaps with some advantage, also be used to estimate the vessel factor when intercalibrating trawl survey vessels.  相似文献   

Acoustic data on the abundance and distribution of anchovy Engraulis capensis, pilchard Sardinops ocellatus and round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi on the South African continental shelf have been collected from 21 echo-integrator surveys between 1984 and 1991. Most effort has been concentrated on estimating adult biomass of anchovy and pilchard in November (spring) and anchovy recruitment in autumn. Distribution maps from all surveys are presented and the biomass estimates considered most reliable documented. A series of distribution maps tracing movements of three anchovy year-classes over a four-year period is presented to illustrate the usefulness of the surveys in migration studies. The major findings of the survey programme have been that anchovy are generally considerably more abundant and widespread than was thought to be the case prior to the surveys, that the pilchard resource has recovered substantially in recent years, and that the round herring resource, about which little was known prior to the surveys, is probably of the same order of magnitude as the anchovy resource and is probably underexploited. The anchovy and pilchard resources are currently managed through procedures based largely on the acoustic estimates of biomass and their estimated precision. The role of these estimates in the management procedures is discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Korea's coastal and offshore fisheries have experienced reduction in their catch in the early 2000. The amount of catch from coastal and offshore fisheries dropped from 1.7 million tons in 1986 to 1 million tons in 2004. To address such catch reduction, fish stock enhancement programs have been constantly developed and implemented. However, as fish stocks have been estimated to decrease since 2000 in spite of various management measures, the Korean Government genuinely acknowledges the necessity to enhance fisheries productivity through the recovery of depleted fish stocks. Based on such acknowledgement, a fish stock rebuilding plan (FSRP) combined with conventional fish stock enhancement programs was established in 2005. For stocks which have shown drastic decrease, a FSRP was set up and promoted. So far, 10 FSRPs have been established and operated, and plan is being made to expand them to 20 species by 2012. The result of pilot projects shows that stocks have been increasing after the introduction of FSRPs. For instance, the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of sandfish in the East Sea has increased from 0.44 in 2005 to 0.78 in 2011. Consequently, fishing income has increased by 15%. The key lessons learned during the implementation of FSRP are: the causes for the decrease of stock vary and are complicated and it is necessary to adjust and eliminate some conventional policies that could have unforeseen negative impacts on fish stocks. The FSRP-based fisheries management policy in Korea carries great significance, for it has changed the focus of policy from simply maintaining the status quo to stock recovery and it allows relevant stakeholders to get actively involved in the procedures of establishing and promoting the plan, leading to effective implementation of the plan. The current FSRP is operated with species, but if it can be gradually expanded to encompass the whole ecosystem, it will greatly contribute to more effective management and fish stock recovery for all species in offshore and coastal waters surrounding Korea.  相似文献   

Information coming from fishery monitoring, surveys and experimental fishing with participation of fishers was employed to determine the impact of an artisanal gear, ‘boliche’, on the biodiversity of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), an estuarine lagoon on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Fishery monitoring (catch data) included landings before (1968 and 1978) and after (1994–1996) the introduction of the boliche in the CGSM (1985), whereas surveys were conducted seasonally during 1993–1994. Fishing experiments involved evaluating different mesh sizes and the short-term effect of physical disturbance by the boliche. Monitoring suggested potential trophic effects of this fishing gear: the catch of large, long-lived, carnivorous species declined after the introduction of the boliche in the CGSM, whereas catch rates of smaller, shorter-lived, and lower trophic level species increased. Surveys revealed that the boliche retained 41 species. The by-catch made up 62% of the total catch and the remaining 38% involved the three target species Eugerres plumieri, Mugil incilis and Cathorops spixii. Selectivity experiments showed that 2.5 in. stretched mesh size gill nets caught more species than the 3.0-in. mesh. The smaller mesh also increased the risk of a critical reduction in the spawning stock of target species (notably E. plumieri); a situation that could affect the fish community if mesh sizes lower than 2.5 in. were intensively used. Suspended particulate matter significantly increased after fishing activity, with higher resuspension on mud-shells and mud substrata, whereas dissolved oxygen showed no appreciable changes after fishing operations. Notwithstanding, the activity of the boliche would generate sediment resuspension between 382 and 470 t day−1, which could lead to potential cascade impacts on water quality. We propose a framework of redundancy in management measures in order to simultaneously reach management and conservation goals.  相似文献   

In the existing management procedure for the South African anchovy Engraulis capensis resource, an initial Total Allowable Catch (TAC) is set at the start of the fishing season in January, before the year's recruitment of 0-year-old fish, an important component of the catch, is known. Recruitment is therefore assumed to be equal to the observed median. This TAC may be revised in May or June, after the actual recruitment has been estimated. This procedure incorporates a risk that, if recruitment is below the median, the stock could be adversely depleted before the mid-year recruitment survey. A simulation approach is used in this paper to assess the possible benefits, in terms of average annual catch and interannual fluctuations in catch, of three different methods of predicting recruitment earlier in the season, if such methods were available. The results show that the average annual catch could be increased theoretically by up to 48 per cent if a very precise prediction (CV = 0,1) could be made at the start of the fishing season. In practice, more modest improvements of 21 per cent by prerecruit surveys undertaken in March each year, or 16 per cent by means of a two-class ordinal prediction with 70 per cent success, may be attainable. However, these improvements would result in increased interannual fluctuations in catch, a situation which may be detrimental to the fishing industry.  相似文献   

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