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Alterations to the operational fishing gear used in the South African west coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii fishery and their resultant impacts are investigated. The most important developments have been: (i) a change during the 1960s from hand-hauled hoopnets to winch-hauled traps, with a concomitant modification of vessels; (ii) the introduction of deck-grid sorters in 1975; (iii) an increase during 1984 of minimum mesh aperture from 62 to 100 mm (stretched), with a concomitant decrease in the length of the trap codend; (iv) a decrease in the minimum legal size during the early 1990s; and (v) the introduction of bottom-grid traps in 1994. Most of these alterations have been driven by a trade off between the need for greater operational efficiency and concerns surrounding the issue of how best to deal with the problem of catching and releasing specimens smaller than the minimum legal size.  相似文献   

A biochemical genetic study of the mussels Perna perna and Choromytilus meridionalis on the west coast of South Africa revealed the presence of an unreported mytilid mussel that had previously been mistaken, because of its shell colour polymorphism, for either P. perna or a hybrid between P. perna and C. meridionalis. The gene products of 19 protein-coding loci in P. perna. C. meridionalis and in the newly recognized mussel were examined by means of horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis. The results showed that there was no allele-frequency overlap between any of these mussel taxa, thus implying little or no genetic relatedness between them. A morphological examination showed that the previously unreported mytilid has a pitted resilial ridge (similar to that of Perna), an anterior adductor muscle (unlike either Perna or Choromytilus), and an undivided posterior foot retractor-muscle scar (unlike Perna). Such features are diagnostic of the genus Mytilus. The South African Mytilus has morphological traits that are more characteristic of M. galloprovincialis of the Mediterranean Sea than of the more cosmopolitan M. edulis. which occurs in the northern and southern Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A large heterozygosity in Mytilus sp. argues against a recent dispersal from the Mediterranean Sea via a small founder population. Rather, the presence of Mytilus sp. in South Africa may represent a relict population of a wider geographic distribution of M. galloprovincialis resulting from Pleistocene cooling. However, the warmer water at lower latitudes could have still prevented dispersal of M. edulis, a species adapted to colder waters.  相似文献   

The mean effective fishing area (EFA) of a Japanese-type crab trap fishing for Geryon maritae on the northern South West African red-crab grounds was calibrated as 2 160 m2. The commercial fishery uses traps covered with 90-mm mesh. In order to be able to use the density results obtained by this survey from traps covered with 60-mm mesh, a preliminary mesh selectivity study was carried out. The carapace width at 50-per-cent retention for 90-mm mesh was estimated as 72 mm. Based on the EFA results, it seems that most commercial fishing takes place in areas of crab density varying between 46 and 231 crabs·ha?1, but that densities can reach ~510 crabs·ha?1. It is suggested that crab traps would fish more efficiently on the northern South West African crab grounds if longlines were set across the depth contours rather than in a longshore direction.  相似文献   

Growth rates determined from recovered tagged galjoen Dichistius capensis and white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus were compared to predictions from growth models based on otolith ring counts. Galjoen could not be sexed externally, but it was assumed that all fish >450 mm total length were females, which grow faster than males. Those smaller than this were assumed to include mostly males and were treated as a "male" sample. Male and female white steenbras grow equivalently. Tagged "male" (n = 322), and female galjoen (n = 34) and white steenbras (n = 14) grew more slowly than the model predictions. The discrepancy is likely attributable to the physiological effect of external tags on growth.  相似文献   

Aside from gender differences, a principal components analysis of skull measurements of 72 adult common dolphins from South Africa failed to distinguish more than one form of Delphinus. Plots of rostral length against zygomatic width indicated most could be referred to the long-beaked form D. capensis, but three individuals lay outside this range, two of which were within the range for the short-beaked form D. delphis from the North Pacific. These were smaller individuals with significantly shorter beaks, longer flippers and wider flukes, and the colour patterns of two agreed completely or mostly with criteria for delphis. Their tooth counts were within (but close to the upper end of) the range for D. delphis, whereas other common dolphins in the region were within the range for D. capensis. Vertebral counts for all Delphinus from South Africa were similar and were well below those for D. capensis from the North Pacific. It is concluded that a smaller form of Delphinus, with characteristics mostly resembling those of D. delphis, occurs in South African waters, but (because of small sample size and the lack of complete agreement with published criteria for D. delphis from the North Pacific) its exact taxonomic relationship to D. capensis in this region is unclear.  相似文献   

Deep-set longline investigations of the slope waters off northern KwaZulu-Natal on the east coast of South Africa confirmed the first records of the longnose spiny dogfish Squalus blainvillei (Squalidae) and the deep-water stingray Plesiobatis daviesi (Urolophidae) from South African waters.  相似文献   

An integrated telephone and on-site questionnaire survey was used to estimate total shark fishing effort and specific catch of the ragged-tooth shark Carcharias taurus by coastal club-affiliated shore-anglers, primarily along the east coast of South Africa. Mean total shark fishing effort was estimated to be 37 820 fisher-days year?1 (95% CI = 28 281–47 359 fisher-days year?1) with a mean cpue of 0.073 C. taurus fisher?1 day?1 (95% CI = 0.068–0.078 fisher?1 day?1). Cpue for C. taurus varied significantly along the coast and ranged from a high of 0.260 fisher?1 day?1 in the Eastern Cape to zero fisher?1 day?1 on the West Coast. The total number of C. taurus caught annually by coastal club anglers was estimated at 1 764 fish year?1 (95% CI = 321–3 207 fish year?1). The majority (92.1%) of young-of-the-year sharks (<1.2m total length, TL) were recorded between East London and Jeffreys Bay, suggesting that this may be the primary nursery area for C. taurus. Post-release mortality ranged from 3.8% for young-of-the-year sharks to 18.5% for adult sharks (>2.4m TL). The majority (76.2%) of anglers interviewed stated that they now fished less for sharks since the banning of vehicles on beaches in December 2001. As a result of this ban, almost half (49.2%) of interviewed anglers stated that they now fished more for non-cartilaginous species.  相似文献   

Tagging effects and loss rates of 60 Roman Chrysoblephus laticeps tagged with dart tags with barbs (D-tags), T-bar filaments (T-tags) and visible implant fluorescent elastomer (VIFE) tags were investigated. The fish were tagged and monitored in a controlled tank experiment over a period of 198 days. Application technique and underwater visibility of VIFE tags were assessed in a preliminary experiment on Roman and on fransmadam Boobsoidia inornata. The use of 25-gauge needles improved VIFE tag application. Whereas VIFE tagging caused fin rot in fransmadam, it had no negative effect on Roman. VIFE tag codes could be identified underwater from a distance of 3m under ambient light. There was no significant difference in growth rates among groups of Roman with different tags and controls, but rates of tag loss were high for D-tags (53%) and T-tags (73%). Although some of the VIFE marks were incomplete, all VIFE-tagged fish were individually recognised at the end of the study. The results highlight the need to take cognisance of the high tag loss rate of conventional tags during the design of mark and recapture studies.  相似文献   

Nine stages and substages of post-, inter- and premoult were distinguished in the West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii by microscopic examination of the cuticle, epidermal retraction and setal development in the pleopods. The postmoult condition is characterized by progressive thickening of the setal walls and cuticle through to inter-moult. Premoult commences with apolysis (Stage D0), followed by setal development (Stage D1', D1", D1'") and culminates with cuticle deposition (Stage D2), The diagnostic features of the stages are generally similar to those of other decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   

An oxytetracycline (OTC) marker was used to validate the periodicity of opaque zone deposition in the otoliths of Chrysoblephus laticeps, Cheimerius nufar, Cymatoceps nasutus (Sparidae) and Dichistius capensis (Dichistiidae) in the wild. Fish were injected with OTC and tagged with external dart tags within a research fishing area of the Tsitsikamma National Park marine reserve on the southern Cape coast of South Africa. Recaptured fish, injected with OTC, were at liberty for between 711 and 2 102 days. Examination of their otoliths revealed that all deposited one opaque zone each year. The study confirmed the age estimates from previous studies that made use of marginal zone analysis as a validation method.  相似文献   

Although acoustic tracking has been used to study the movement of several species of clawed and spiny lobsters, only recent technological advances have provided sufficiently small transmitters to examine the utility of using acoustic tracking as a means to analyse the movement of relatively small spiny lobsters, such as Jasus lalandii. The effect of the transmitter on the mobility of J. lalandii was tested in aquarium experiments and was shown to have no influence on movement in three separate experiments. Thereafter, adult male rock lobsters (86–98mm carapace length) were tracked in field trials for up to 32 days at Betty's Bay (n = 4) and Hermanus (n = 5) off the Western Cape, South Africa. Tracking J. lalandii in the field using acoustic tags was successful, even in areas with dense kelp beds and rocky outcrops. The signal from the transmitters was readily detectable from the surface and subsequent use of underwater tracking equipment enabled visual confirmation of the position of the rock lobsters. Lobsters moved significantly longer distances (>45m day?1) in the first two days following tagging than during any subsequent time period (<10m day?1). This suggests that transmitter attachment and/or handling altered the movement pattern for the first 72 hours after tagging. During the period of observation, J. lalandii displayed classical nomadic behaviour.  相似文献   

In July 1998, a bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler was deployed at 36m depth in the centre of the Tsitsikamma National Park on the eastern Agulhas Bank, South Africa. The purpose was to investigate transport of chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii paralarvae hatched on the inshore spawning grounds (<60m) and ichthyoplankton spawned within the park. Analysis of the first 12 months of data (July 1998–June 1999) shows that surface flow was mainly eastward (alongshore), with a maximum velocity (u-component) of +115cm s?1 and an average of +24cm s?1. Generally, velocity decreased with depth, with a maximum bottom velocity (u-component) of +65cm s?1 and an average of +10cm s?1. Data from a nearby thermistor array show that the water column was usually isothermal during winter (July–September), with bottom flow in the same direction as the surface layer. In summer (December–March), vertical stratification was most intense, and surface and bottom flows differed in velocity and direction. Potential net monthly displacements calculated for three depths (5m, 23m and 31m) indicate that passive, neutrally buoyant biological material (e.g. squid paralarvae, fish eggs and larvae) would likely be transported eastwards in the surface layer for eight of the 12 months, and would generally exceed distances of 220km month–1. Displacement in the bottom layer was more evenly distributed between east and west, with net monthly (potential) transport typically 70–100km, but reaching a maximum of 200km. Wind-driven coastal upwelling, prevalent during the summer, causes the surface layer of the coastal counter-current to flow offshore for several days, resulting in potential displacement distances of 40km from the coast. These results suggest that squid paralarvae hatched on the inshore spawning grounds are not generally transported towards the 'cold ridge', a prominent semi-permanent oceanographic feature of cold, nutrient-rich upwelled water, where food is abundant, and that fish larvae, whether from the surface or bottom layer, are exported beyond the boundaries of the Tsitsikamma National Park.  相似文献   

As a contribution to South Africa's move towards an ecosystem approach to fisheries management, this study explores the existence of common perceptions about South Africa's pelagic fishery between resource users and scientists. It represents a collaborative research effort of social and natural scientists. A brief overview is given of the southern Benguela upwelling ecosystem and small pelagic fish resources, the fishery, and management of the fishery. Stakeholder knowledge and views were determined by conducting open-ended qualitative local knowledge interviews. Candidate indicators to address five major issues raised in the interviews were selected: length-at-50% maturity, total mortality, exploitation rate, proportion of bycatch, mean length of catch, and centre of gravity of catches. The indicator approach is shown to be a useful tool to manage the South African small pelagic fishery, and can be made compatible with existing management approaches. The foundation of a good adaptive fisheries management system is a data collection system that enables multi-disciplinary analysis and provides a basis on which decisions can be made.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for the automatic determination of micronutrients in seawater based on the TECHNICON Auto Analyzer (AAII) principles are described. The methods are adaptations and modifications of existing photometric methods already described in the literature. Automated methods are presented for the determination of the different forms of nitrogen available to plant life, namely nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and total nitrogen, as well as for phosphate-phosphorus and silicate-silicon. All these methods are in routine use by the Sea Fisheries Research Institute.  相似文献   

During November 1978, Cape cormorants Phalacrocorax capensis at Mercury Island, off South West Africa (Namibia), consumed practically exclusively pelagic gobies Sufflogobius bibarbalus. The mean number of fish per regurgitation was 52 with a mean caudal length of 48 mm and an estimated mean mass of 1.7 g. The estimated mean original mass of stomach contents was 75 g. These Cape cormorants took significantly smaller pelagic gobies than did bank cormorants P. neglectus sampled concurrently at the same locality.  相似文献   

The major processes involved in the supply and removal of dissolved oxygen in the shelf region between 24 and 28°S are discussed in relation to the development of oxygen-deficient conditions. The area subject to this oxygen deficiency varies both seasonally and geographically. It is suggested that both the shallow distribution of rock lobster in this part of the Benguela Current system and the periodically low catch per unit effort may be related to the onset of oxygen deficiency. Preliminary laboratory findings indicate that avoidance of oxygen-deficient areas by rock lobster might not be caused solely by the lack of oxygen per se, but by the co-existence at low oxygen concentrations of toxic reduced compounds such as hydrogen sulphide.  相似文献   

Catches from competitive shore-anglers, inshore boat-based anglers and sightings by spearfishers and divers were used to infer the spatial and seasonal movement patterns of young-of-the-year (<1.2m TL), juvenile (1.2–1.8m TL), sub-adult (1.8–2.4m TL) and adult (>2.4m TL) ragged-tooth sharks Carcharias taurus along the coast of South Africa. Adult sharks inhabited the entire coast between Maputaland in the east and St Helena Bay on the West Coast. The geographical range of sharks at earlier life-history stages decreased with size. The vast majority (93.8%) of young-of-the-year sharks recorded from competitive shore-angling club records were between East London and St Francis Bay on the East Coast, suggesting this region to be the primary nursery area for C. taurus. Estuarine systems, although utilised by young-of-the-year and juvenile C. taurus, do not form an important component of their nursery area in South Africa. Catches of pregnant and post partum females taken during the same time of year and in different areas indicated a biennial reproductive cycle. C. taurus appears to display a high degree of affinity for particular reefs. The reason some reefs are chosen over others, despite having similar physical characteristics, remains unclear. A significant increase in the number of C. taurus caught in competitions held by the Border Rock and Surf Angling Association between 1984 and 2004 suggests an increase in the abundance of C. taurus.  相似文献   

The bulk ore carrier Apollo Sea sank south-west of Dassen Island off western South Africa in June 1994, oiling approximately 10 000 African penguins Spheniscus demersus, most of which were collected from Dassen Island. A total of 4 076 de-oiled penguins was released with flipper bands. From 1994 to 2005, follow-up research using re-sighting and capture-mark-recapture methods indicated that about 73% of the de-oiled penguins observed back at Dassen Island attempted to breed, and were thus successfully restored into the breeding population. For de-oiled breeders, the median interval between their first recorded sighting and first recorded breeding attempt was 11 months, indicating a short-term delay in restoration. At least 45% of the de-oiled breeders were still being re-sighted five years after their release, and a minimum of 4% survived into their ninth year. These results represent the most successful restoration estimates anywhere in the world. The proportion of de-oiled juvenile penguins re-sighted back at Dassen Island and recorded breeding was lower than that of birds in adult plumage. De-oiled non-breeders spent significantly more time along the shore and less time within breeding colonies than de-oiled breeders. The mean proportion of de-oiled breeders that abstained from breeding each year during the study period was greater than expected. There was a negative relationship between breeding and subsequent survival and breeding, suggesting a cost of reproduction for de-oiled birds.  相似文献   

Fishery independent biomass surveys and commercial linefish catch returns were used to elucidate the spatial patterns of carpenter Argyrozona argyrozona distributed along the South African continental shelf. Two distinct areas of abundan ce ere determined, one on the central and the other on the eastern Agulhas Bank. Tagging studies revealed little exchange between them. Nurseries were identified in Algoa Bay on he eastern Agulhas Bank and on the central Agulhas Bank (CAB). Early juveniles (<100mm total length) on the CAB were found offshore in the vicinity of the Alphard Bank. They were found to move inshore with growth and then back offshore as they approached maturity. Juveniles in Algoa Bay dispersed both eastwards and westwards with growth. Otoith readability and growth rates varied between regions, with fish from the Eastern Cape (Port Elizabeth and Port Alfred combined) having the lowest average percentage error (4.82 vs 5.33 and 7.03) and the slowest growth rates. Size-at-50 % mturity (L50) varied regionally, female fish in the Eastern Cape maturing at a smaller size (L50 = 206mm fork length) than in the Tsitsikamma National Park (L50 = 292mm) or the CAB (L50 = 267mm). Mass-at-length varied between regions, with carpenter in the Park having the highest mass-at-length and those in the Eastern Cape having the lowest. Based on the distribution of carpenter, variability in otolith readability, mass-at-length, variation in growth and size-at-maturity, it is concluded that carpenter exist as two separate stocks and should be managed accordingly.  相似文献   

The management of abalone stocks worldwide is complicated by factors such as illegal fishing combined with the difficulties of assessing a sedentary (but not immobile) resource that is often patchily distributed. The South African abalone Haliotis midae fishery is faced with an additional problem in the form of a relatively recent movement of rock lobsters Jasus lalandii into much of the range of the abalone. The lobsters have heavily reduced sea urchin Parechinus angulosus populations, thereby indirectly negatively impacting juvenile abalone which rely on the urchins for shelter. A model is developed for abalone that is an extension of more standard age-structured assessment models because it explicitly takes spatial effects into account, incorporates the ecosystem change effect described above and estimates the magnitude of substantial illegal (‘poached’) catches. The model is simultaneously fitted to catch per unit effort and Fishery-Independent Abalone Survey abundance data, as well as to several years of catch-at-age (cohort-sliced from catch-at-size) data for the various components of the fishery and different spatial strata. It constitutes the first quantitative approach applied to the management of this commercially valuable resource in South Africa and has provided a basis for management advice over recent years by projecting abundance trends under alternative future catch levels.  相似文献   

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