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A second marine mussel is shown to have invaded South Africa's west coast. Molecular techniques, based on intraspecific gene sequence divergences, prove its identity as Semimytilus algosus, a member of the family Mytilidae, native to Chile. The identity of an older introduced population found in Namibia is also confirmed. The present geographic range of S. algosus in South Africa extends some 500 km, from Groenriviersmond in the north to Bloubergstrand in the south. Together with Mytilus galloprovincialis, another previously established invasive mussel, S. algosus has become a dominant intertidal organism on wave-exposed rocky shores across this region. Both species are now much more abundant intertidally than either of the indigenous mussels Aulacomya ater and Choromytilus meridionalis, which have become largely confined to sublittoral and sand-inundated habitats respectively. The two invasive mussels display strong spatial segregation, with M. galloprovincialis dominating the midshore and S. algosus blanketing the lower shore. Through a combination of its small size and high abundance, S. algosus is likely to greatly increase food availability for a range of intertidal predators, many of which cannot consume mussels above a threshold size.  相似文献   

Ecosystem engineers such as mussels may affect strongly both the structure of benthic assemblages and the ecosystem functioning. The black-pygmy mussel Limnoperna securis is an invasive species that is spreading along the Galician coast (NW Spain). Its current distribution overlaps with the distribution of the commercial native mussel species Mytilus galloprovincialis, but only in the inner part of two southern Galician rias. Here, we analysed the assemblages associated with clumps of the two mussel species and evaluated if the invasive species increased complexity of habitat. To measure complexity of clumps we used a new method modified from the “chain and tape” method. Results showed that the identity of the mussel influenced macrofaunal assemblages, but not meiofauna. L. securis increased the complexity of clumps, and such complexity explained a high percentage of variability of macrofauna. The shift in dominance from M. galloprovincialis to L. securis may alter habitat structure and complexity, affecting the macrofaunal assemblages with unpredictable consequences on trophic web relations.  相似文献   

We investigated small–medium (1–300 km) scale variation in the foraging ecology of the African Black Oystercatcher during its breeding season, using traditional diet analysis coupled with carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis. Fieldwork was conducted between January and March 2006 and 2007, on rocky shores on the south–east coast of South Africa at East London, Kenton and Port Elizabeth. Middens of shelled prey left by adults feeding their chicks were collected from five territories and the abundances of the collected prey on the foraging areas were estimated using quadrats. Blood samples from 45 birds (16 females, 10 males and 19 chicks) and tissues from the predominant prey species on the territory of each breeding pair were collected for isotope analysis. The Manly–Chesson selectivity index revealed that adults feed their chicks preferentially with the limpet Scutellastra cochlear and the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, if available. A slight enrichment in the 15N stable-carbon isotope signature was observed towards the west in both prey and oystercatchers. Differences in isotope signatures between males and females from the same breeding pair indicate sex-related differences in the diet. Both had signatures indicating a mixed diet, but with males exhibiting a signature closer to that of limpets and females closer to that of mussels. In the single case where mussels were rare on the feeding territory, the two members of a pair showed carbon signatures which were identical and very similar to that of limpets. These results indicate dietary partitioning between genders in breeding pairs.  相似文献   

The study synthesises current understanding of the predominant physical processes responsible for the seasonality of harmful algal blooms, notably Alexandrium catenella and Dinophysis spp., in the nearshore environment of Saldanha Bay on the west coast of South Africa. Saldanha Bay is one of the few naturally sheltered areas on the South African coastline suitable for in situ shellfish farming and is the major site for the production of black mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in South Africa. Mussel farming started there in 1985 and the present level of production is some 2 700 tons per annum. Since 1994, disruption of harvesting as a result of the presence of harmful algal species has been a regular late-summer phenomenon. Toxic blooms that are ultimately advected into the bay develop on the continental shelf to the north between 32°S and St Helena Bay, a region characterized by favourable conditions for dinoflagellate growth and circulation patterns that facilitate build-up of intense blooms during late summer. Offshore dinoflagellate populations are advected shorewards and polewards in response to relaxation of upwelling at the Namaqua cell to the north. Dinoflagellate blooms are advected south from the southern Namaqua shelf during upwelling relaxation. Under such conditions, the gyre south of Elands Bay moves offshore and a barotropic flow past Cape Columbine is established. Evidence suggests that the near surface component of the flow occurs as a sudden "flood" event. These dinoflagellate-containing shelf waters are in turn advected into Saldanha Bay when upwelling relaxes, when the density gradient between the bay and the shelf drives surface inflow and bottom water outflow. These flows are reversed with the resumption of upwelling over the shelf, resulting in intrusion and entrainment of bottom water and surface outflow. Entrainment dictates that the bay acts as a net importer of bottom water and net exporter of surface waters over a synoptic cycle. This system of exchange between Saldanha Bay and the shelf curtails the duration and severity of toxic episodes in the bay relative to the shelf.  相似文献   

Global warming and ocean acidification influence marine calcifying organisms, particularly those with external shells. Among these, mussels may compensate for environmental changes by phenotypic plasticity, but this may entail trade-offs between shell deposition, growth and reproduction. We assessed main and interactive effects of pH and temperature on four mussel species on the west coast of South Africa (33°48′ S, 18°27′ E) in October 2012 by comparing shell dissolution, shell growth, shell breaking force and condition index of two native species, the ribbed mussel Aulacomya atra and the black mussel Choromytilus meridionalis, and two aliens, the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the bisexual mussel Semimytilus algosus. Live mussels and dead shells were exposed for 42 days to seawater of pH 7.5 or 8.0, at 14 °C or 20 °C. Low pH, high temperature and their combination increased shell dissolution of the two aliens but their growth rates and condition indices remained unchanged. Aulacomya atra also experienced greater shell dissolution at a low pH and high temperature, but grew faster in low-pH treatments. For C. meridionalis, shell dissolution was unaffected by pH or temperature; it also grew faster in low-pH treatments, but had a lower condition index in the higher temperature treatment. Shell strength was not determined by thickness alone. In most respects, all four species proved to be robust to short-term reduction of pH and elevation of temperature, but the native species compensated for greater shell dissolution at low pH by increasing growth rate, whereas the aliens did not, so their invasive success cannot be ascribed to benefits accruing from climate change.  相似文献   

Crabs are important predators of inter‐tidal ecosystems, controlling the abundance and distribution of their prey populations. Often the same crab species occupies several habitats and, although their effects on prey have been quantified across habitats, crabs’ dietary and morphological responses to differing environmental influences have been overlooked. Here, we used the crabs Eriphia verrucosa and Pachygrapsus marmoratus as model species to examine differences in claw morphometry – size and wear – and diet between rocky shore and heterogeneous sand flat habitats. We predicted that, intra‐specifically, crabs from rocky shores would consume more hard‐shelled prey owing to their high availability and consequently, would display chelipeds with the following claw characteristics: a higher degree of claw damage, stronger musculature (higher propel height) and increased mechanical advantage (defined as the ratio of input lever length to output lever length) than crabs in the heterogeneous sand flat habitats. Sampling was performed in heterogeneous sand flat habitats and rocky shores of the Central Portuguese coast. For each crab species, carapace width, diet composition and several claw morphometric measures were recorded, revealing significant intra‐specific differences (using multivariate analysis) between shore types. We found that E. verrucosa and P. marmoratus consumed more hard prey on rocky shore than on sand flat habitats, which resulted in rocky shore crabs having more accentuated dentition wear and larger musculature than their sand flat habitat counterparts. We suggest that the strong response of crab claw morphometry to environmentally induced diet variations is an important mechanism in the successful adaptation of crab species to inhabit differing habitats. A major implication is that the impact of the same species on prey may vary largely with habitat type as a result of predation efficiency varying with claw condition.  相似文献   

The cordgrass Spartina anglica is an introduced species that tends to invade sheltered sand and mudflats, at the upper low marsh level. In Arcachon Bay, a lagoon in South West of France, the cordgrass can also replace Zostera noltii beds. The consequence of cordgrass presence on macrobenthic fauna was estimated and compared to adjacent habitats (bare sands, Z. noltii sea grass beds) during one year. The communities of the three habitats were characterised by low species richness, low abundance and biomass (when Hydrobia ulvae, 90% of abundance, is not considered) and high seasonal stability. The infaunal assemblages were particularly homogeneous between habitats without any characteristic species.Cordgrass eradication experiments were performed and zoobenthic recolonisation was observed the following year. Modifications in benthic fauna were observed on epifauna only.These results highlight the limited structuring effect of habitat heterogeneity at high tidal levels and in soft-bottom sediments where desiccation becomes the dominant factor determining infauna community structure.  相似文献   

Repeat photography was used to illustrate long-term changes occurring in coastal habitats in the Western Cape, South Africa. Historic images were sourced from books and theses, the public and subject specialists, and repeat photographs were then taken from the same perspectives. Visible changes could be categorised into four types: (1) changes in species’ ranges; (2) biological invasions; (3) sea level changes; and (4) direct engineering impacts. In terms of range changes, the images depict a progressive easterly spread of the cold-water kelp Ecklonia maxima and parallel easterly contraction of the warmer-water mussel Perna perna, both evidence for declining water temperatures along the South-West Coast. Since c. 1980 most shores have also become conspicuously invaded by the alien Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, while those on the West Coast have also been visibly invaded by the more-recently introduced Pacific barnacle Balanus glandula. No changes in vertical zonation due to changing sea levels could be detected, despite suitable images being available. Construction along the shore has radically altered the appearance of the shoreline in urban areas. Repeat photography thus proved a useful tool for both detecting and dramatically illustrating historic changes over the past century. These changes have altered substantially both the appearance and ecological attributes of many rocky shores in this region.  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA序列初步探讨贻贝属的系统发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过比较贻贝属5个物种包括中国的两种贻贝的线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列,来初步确定它们的系统发育关系和了解中国沿海两种贻贝的遗传多样性情况.以Perna viridis为外群,采用NJ法和MP法构建分子系统树.系统发育分析表明,5种贻贝(Mytilus californianus, M. corcuscus, M. galloprovincialis, M. edulis, M. trossulus)在系统树上依次进行分叉,呈放射状.M. californianus最为原始,M. corcuscus次之.每一个贻贝物种都形成单系.其中,M. edulis和M. trossulus是非常相似的,M. corcuscus和M. californianus的亲缘关系近.同时发现,我国沿海分布的紫贻贝(M. galloprovincialis)和厚壳贻贝(M. corcuscus)的遗传多样性都较高,但厚壳贻贝的遗传多样性要低于紫贻贝,可能是由于厚壳贻贝过度被渔民开采等导致厚壳贻贝群体大小降低的缘故.这里系统发育分析为将来进行物种进化、迁移和育种方面的比较研究提供理论基础.  相似文献   

A biochemical genetic study of the mussels Perna perna and Choromytilus meridionalis on the west coast of South Africa revealed the presence of an unreported mytilid mussel that had previously been mistaken, because of its shell colour polymorphism, for either P. perna or a hybrid between P. perna and C. meridionalis. The gene products of 19 protein-coding loci in P. perna. C. meridionalis and in the newly recognized mussel were examined by means of horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis. The results showed that there was no allele-frequency overlap between any of these mussel taxa, thus implying little or no genetic relatedness between them. A morphological examination showed that the previously unreported mytilid has a pitted resilial ridge (similar to that of Perna), an anterior adductor muscle (unlike either Perna or Choromytilus), and an undivided posterior foot retractor-muscle scar (unlike Perna). Such features are diagnostic of the genus Mytilus. The South African Mytilus has morphological traits that are more characteristic of M. galloprovincialis of the Mediterranean Sea than of the more cosmopolitan M. edulis. which occurs in the northern and southern Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A large heterozygosity in Mytilus sp. argues against a recent dispersal from the Mediterranean Sea via a small founder population. Rather, the presence of Mytilus sp. in South Africa may represent a relict population of a wider geographic distribution of M. galloprovincialis resulting from Pleistocene cooling. However, the warmer water at lower latitudes could have still prevented dispersal of M. edulis, a species adapted to colder waters.  相似文献   

The analysis of the data obtained during the plankton surveys in Possyet Bay (Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan) in 2000–2001 is presented. The larvae of eight crab species were registered in the plankton: the red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815), the snow (opilio) crab Chionoecetes opilio (Fabricius, 1780), the Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus ursinus (Leach, 1815), the kelp crab Pugettia quadridens (de Haan, 1839), the helmet crab Telmessus cheiragonus (Tilesius, 1815), the Japanese swimming crab Charybdis japonica (A. Milne-Edwards, 1861), the pea crab Pinnixa rathbuni (Sakai, 1934), and the porcelain crab Pachycheles stevensii (Stimpson, 1858). These species belonged to six families: Lithodidae, Atelecyclidae, Majidae, Portunidae, Porcellanidae, and Pinnotheridae. The role of the variability of some of the hydrological factors in the meroplankton larvae development was studied. In May, the crab larvae were found mostly in the open part of the bay. In June, they were transported by the current to the northern part of the bay. In July, they spread uniformly in all the bay areas; however, patchiness was observed. The maximal population density of the crab larvae was registered for July and varied from 6.8 to 23.3 ind. m−3. The crab larvae appeared in the plankton in 2000 and 2001 earlier than for the average season.  相似文献   

The South African coastline has been invaded by numerous alien species. Rare pre-invasion (1980) and post-invasion datasets (2001 and 2012) exist for Marcus Island, a small land-tied island in Saldanha Bay, South Africa. These snapshot datasets of the island’s intertidal invertebrate community were complemented with monitoring across seasons, from 2014 to 2016. Invertebrate communities were compared among the summers of 1980, 2001, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to assess interannual differences, while invertebrates and algae were monitored quarter-annually to assess seasonal changes. In addition, the population dynamics of the alien mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were monitored. Differences in invertebrate communities between consecutive summers were significant but much smaller than changes induced by the arrival of alien species. Invertebrate and seaweed communities differed among years and shore zones but not among seasons, whereas species diversity differed among years, seasons and shore zones, with zones having the strongest influence. The invasion by M. galloprovincialis, and ensuing spatial and temporal variability in its recruitment, emerged as the most important factor influencing community composition, overshadowing interannual and seasonal changes. This work highlights that the impacts of alien species can be distinguished from natural variability by combining long-term monitoring with surveys at finer temporal scales. This is an important step in extending our understanding of the impacts of marine alien species.  相似文献   

The community structure of the decapod crustaceans inhabiting Le Danois Bank (Cantabrian Sea, NE Atlantic Ocean) was studied on two cruises performed in October 2003 and April 2004. Otter and beam-trawls were used to collect this fauna. At depths ranging between 455 and 1048 m, we found distinct decapod assemblages on the bank summit and deeper in the inner basin (between the bank and the continental shelf). The faunal discontinuity between these groups appeared at around 600 m (e.g. between 612 and 642 m in the basis of species replacement). The summit assemblage was characterized by low diversity (in terms of number and relative abundances of species) and by the dominance of hermit crabs (Pagurus alatus, Anapagurus laevis, Pagurus excavatus), the crangonid Pontophilus spinosus and the squat lobster Munida sarsi. Species characterizing the deeper assemblage, which was richer in terms of diversity, were Munida tenuimana, Parapagurus pilosimanus, Pontophilus norvegicus, the crab Geryon trispinosus and a number of bathypelagic shrimps (Sergia robusta, Acanthephyra pelagica and Pasiphaea tarda). Changes in decapod composition characterized by multidimensional scaling analyses were correlated with different variables, e.g. %mud and %organic matter (OM), temperature and salinity close to the bottom. Among those the %OM and %mud in sediments affected decapod distributions the most. The summit of the bank was covered by fine sediments with low proportion of mud (13.9–29.3%) and OM (2.55–3.50%). By contrast, sediment of the inner basin had a higher proportion of OM and mud (64.1–84.2%; 6.26–7.00%, respectively). The low proportion of mud at the summit of Le Danois Bank may explain the absence or scarcity of burrowing species (e.g. the lobster Nephrops norvegicus, the shrimps Calocaris macandreae and Alpheus glaber and the crab Goneplax rhomboides), that are dominant at similar depths (400–500 m) in the upper muddy assemblage on the mainland-continental slope in the Bay of Biscay (44–46°N). The dominance of certain species on the summit of submarine mounts can probably be related to their biology and feeding ecology. For example, pagurids are deposit feeders, even consuming marine snow (e.g. Chl-a identified in guts of Pagurus alatus), and they have low gut fullness (probably indicating a capacity to withstand long periods under starvation), that would favour their adaptability to a rather unpredictable habitat such as Le Danois Bank summit. Regarding prey availability, zooplankton/micronekton and infauna distributed around Le Danois Bank showed different depth-related patterns. Among zooplankton, mesopelagic decapods, mysids, and fishes were absent at the bank summit, while euphausiids exhibited high abundances over the summit. No significant trends with depth were found for infauna abundance, and for instance polychaete densities were similar both at the summit and the inner basin. Therefore, prey availability was lower for summit assemblages regarding zooplankton/micronekton. Patterns in mean size vs. depth were species specific for decapods, and the possible role of the bank summit as a recruitment area was not general for the whole decapod assemblage.  相似文献   

Saldanha Bay, which lies on the south-west coast of South Africa, has undergone major development over the past 30 years, including breakwater and harbour construction, harbour extension, dredging, mining, fishing, fish processing and mussel culture. This study examines whether the benthic macrofaunal communities in the bay have been altered over this period. Twelve stations that had been sampled in the 1960s, prior to harbour construction, were re-sampled in 2001 (40 years later) with a surface dredge. Species abundances were coded from 1 (present) to 5 (abundant) to make the two sets of samples comparable. The benthic communities before harbour development were significantly different from those in 2001 (ANOSIM, p < 0.001). Increases in the abundances of the whelk Nassarius speciosus and the crab Hymenosoma orbiculare were mainly responsible for these differences. Two main benthic communities were recognised in the 1960s and, at that stage, covered large extents of the bay, whereas in 2001 the communities were divided into distinct 'Small Bay' and 'Big Bay' groups, reflecting the division of the bay into two areas by the development of a harbour wall. Although natural fluctuations may account for some of these changes, it is more likely that the considerable anthropogenic activities within Saldanha Bay, which are known to have altered physical conditions, have led to the changes observed in the benthic communities.  相似文献   

On intertidal sandflats spatial patterns of benthic communities are influenced by biogenic habitat structures such as mussel beds or seagrass meadows. These structures represent ecological islands hosting a different and often more diverse and abundant community than surrounding sandflats. However, few studies have been carried out on tube aggregations of the polychaete Lanice conchilega, although its tube tops are conspicuous habitat features on European intertidal coasts with densities reaching several thousand per m2.The aim of this study was to determine differences between benthic communities associated with tube aggregations and tube-free areas, and to investigate the longevity of community patterns around L. conchilega tubes. From 1995 to 2000, the L. conchilega population of an intertidal sandflat off the Eastern Friesian coast was sampled annually. Multivariate analysis showed significant differences between the L. conchilega and reference communities. Species diversity and abundance were higher among tube aggregations. This pattern developed rapidly after L. conchilega colonisation but was also readily destroyed, mainly due to dynamic changes of the L. conchilega population.Five species of benthic macrofauna were exclusively found among L. conchilega tubes, and four species were more abundant in tube aggregations than in reference areas. Only one species, the polychaete Aphelochaeta marioni, was found in lower numbers in dense L. conchilega aggregations.Hence, it is concluded that L. conchilega is a habitat engineer, which alters the composition of the benthic community and contributes to its patchy distribution pattern. However, this pattern is dynamic and ephemeral. Effects of tube aggregations depend on the population dynamic of L. conchilega itself and the species composition in the surrounding sands.  相似文献   

本研究于2020年7月在大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸开展造礁石珊瑚的分布、覆盖率、死亡率、硬珊瑚补充量和物种多样性调查。结果表明:24个站位共发现造礁石珊瑚9科17属44种以及5个未定种,其中裸肋珊瑚科的种类最多,有7属27种,其次为鹿角珊瑚科和滨珊瑚科,均有2属6种;中央列岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚平均覆盖率为12.0%,三门岛沿岸平均覆盖率为12.9%,大鹏半岛沿岸平均覆盖率为5.2%;以坚实滨珊瑚(Porites solida)、翼形蔷薇珊瑚(Montipora peltiformis)、五边角蜂巢珊瑚(Favites pentagona)和多孔同星珊瑚(Plesiastrea versipora)等为优势种;造礁石珊瑚物种多样性较高。与历史数据相比,大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚退化严重,活珊瑚覆盖率锐减,优势种由分支状珊瑚逐步转变为皮壳状或亚团块状珊瑚。此外,本研究构建了近岸造礁石珊瑚生态脆弱性评价体系,并对目前大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚进行了生态脆弱性评价。结果显示,中央列岛、三门岛和大鹏半岛东侧海域造礁石珊瑚处于低或中脆弱状态;较场尾、杨梅坑、西冲和大鹏半岛西侧海域造礁石珊瑚处于高或很高脆弱状态,在环境压力影响下其受损可能性较高。在海水养殖、渔业捕捞、滨海旅游和船舶航行等日益频繁的人类活动下,大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚整体处于中高脆弱状态,建议加强珊瑚礁监测,并采取相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

The Asian green mussel Perna viridis is an invasive Indo-Pacific species recently reported from South African harbours. To verify the invasion, a phylogenetic (and morphological) analysis of green-shelled mussels (n = 39), found in six South African harbours, was conducted using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI). Estimates of genetic distances using the neighbour-joining analysis identified P. viridis only from Durban Harbour. All other green mussels were more than 3.2% divergent from P. viridis and were identified as green-shelled variants of indigenous P. perna. The only reliable morphological differences distinguishing the two species were the poorly developed mantle papillae and the wavy pallial line in P. viridis. The confirmed occurrence of P. viridis in a South African harbour suggests that there is a possible threat of the species becoming established and then spreading onto the open coast and competing with indigenous P. perna.  相似文献   

The intertidal flats of the Cape May, New Jersey shore of Delaware Bay are populated by large numbers of laughing gulls and migrating shorebirds during the spring and early summer. Exclusion of birds from a shallow slough and a sand bar had only minor effects on the infaunal benthic invertebrate assemblage at either site. The Cape May beaches provide a rich source of food in the form of horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) eggs; foraging on this item may be more profitable than probing the sediment for infauna. Gemma gemma, a small, thick-shelled bivalve, composed over 98% of the benthic infauna at both sites in 1980, and this species may be resistant to predation by certain shorebirds, as suggested by Schneider (1978).  相似文献   

Benthic organisms are among the most diverse and abundant in the marine realm, and some species are a key factor in studies related to bioengineering. However, their importance has not been well noted in biogeographic studies. Macrofaunal assemblages associated with subtidal beds of the ribbed mussel (Aulacomya atra) along South America were studied to assess the relationship between their diversity patterns and the proposed biogeographic provinces in the Southeastern Pacific and Southwestern Atlantic Oceans. Samples from ribbed mussel beds were obtained from 10 sites distributed from the Peruvian coast (17°S) to the Argentinean coast (41°S). The sampling included eight beds in the Pacific and two in the Atlantic and the collections were carried out using five 0.04 m2 quadrants per site. Faunal assemblages were assessed through classification analyses using binary and log‐transformed abundance data. Variation in the size and density of mussels, and in the species richness, abundance and structure of their faunal assemblages were tested using a permutational multivariate analysis of variance. Faunal assemblages showed a north–south latitudinal gradient along both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Binary and abundance data showed a difference in the resulting clustering arrangement of Pacific sites between 40°S and 44°S, indicating a pattern of continuity in the species distribution associated with biological substrates. At a regional scale, the distribution of species along the South American coast matched the general provincial pattern shown by prior studies, which show two biogeographic units on the Pacific coast separated by an intermediate (probably transitional) zone and a single province on the Atlantic coast extending up to Northern Argentina. Biological substrates such as ribbed mussel beds play an important ecological role by making a similar habitat type available on a large scale for a variety of invertebrate species. Despite such habitat homogeneity, however, the associated fauna exhibit marked distribution breaks, suggesting strong constraints on dispersal. This therefore suggests that macrofaunal assemblages could possibly be used as biogeographic indicators.  相似文献   

This first survey of fish in the Betty's Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA), on the south coast of South Africa, was conducted using baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVs). A total of 58 deployments recorded 42 species in 20?km2, including reef, kelp and sand habitats in protected and exploited zones, at between 5 and 40?m depth. Chondrichthyans accounted for 28% of diversity. Teleost diversity was dominated by Sparidae, Cheilodactylidae, Sciaenidae and Ariidae. Diversity (H′) was highest in kelp and lowest over sand. Species composition differed among habitat and depths, but protection had no effect. Among four commercial species, only Pachymetopon blochii responded positively to protection. The apparent failure of protection may attest to poor compliance, but an investigation into fish size might show an effect. Many species were detected at the western extreme of their range. Diversity in Betty's Bay was predictably lower than in the more eastward Stilbaai MPA, but also lower than in the westward Table Mountain National Park MPA. Fish diversity did not follow a linear increase eastwards from Cape Point. Betty's Bay includes the most easterly protected kelp forests and contains seven species not recorded in the other two areas, and is therefore an important element in the MPA network.  相似文献   

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