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It is currently not possible to determine the age of individuals of the South-East Atlantic spiny lobsters Jasus lalandii and J. tristani. Use of classical age-structured techniques for investigating population dynamics and resource exploitation potential cannot therefore be considered. Elsewhere, this problem has been dealt with by resorting to population models based on population size structure. A particular formulation of the size-structured approach is presented here. A novel feature of this formulation is the use of a beta probability distribution function as the basic equation for calculating the annual proportions of individuals moving into larger size-classes. Two applications of the model are presented as examples of the usefulness of the approach. The first is an analysis of catch size frequency data for J. tristani to estimate adult natural survivorship. The second is an investigation of the impact of interannual fluctuations in moult increment on the J. lalandii fishery. Neither analysis would have been feasible without the size-structured approach. A lower bound on natural survivorship of J. tristani of 0,90 is obtained, with some indication that the true value may be as large as 0,95. For J. lalandii, the results show that if, on average, a 40 per cent harvest proportion is achieved with a constant catch strategy and relatively large interannual fluctuations in moult increment, the catch will exceed 80 per cent of the available biomass in approximately three years out of 40. This suggests that a strategy which buffers the fishery against these moult-increment effects be considered in future.  相似文献   

The trawl fishery, which targets Cape hake Merluccius spp. and Agulhas sole Austroglossus pectoralis, takes chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii as by-catch. Catch and effort data from the trawl fishery for the period 1978–1996 are used to obtain annual estimates of catch rate (catch per unit effort cpue) for that period. Examination of the cpue trend shows a sharp decline in the early 1980s and, in order to identify factors that could have influenced that decline, the distribution of fishing effort is investigated both temporally and spatially. There is a possible change in the incidence of squid-directed catches over time, but their overall scarcity could have had only a small impact on the annual cpue trend. Further, using distribution of fishing effort to evaluate the effects of possible changes in fishing patterns, rather than changes in resource abundance, on the trend in trawl cpue, it became clear that there had been a contraction of the trawling grounds and changes in fishing patterns in relation to depth over time. Finally, a general linear model (GLM) is developed to quantify the effect on cpue of factors such as vessel characteristic, depth and position of the drag, season and target species, so obtaining a standardized trawl cpue index of chokka abundance. Analysis of that trend reveals a mean 7.7% annual decline for the period investigated, which should be interpreted as a strong sign of resource decline.  相似文献   

The current fisheries management regime in New Zealand involves a system of quota management within which individual quotas are owned by fishermen and are transferable on an open market. The sum of these individual transferable quotas ITQs for a particular species equates to the total allowable catch TAC for that species. The objectives, implementation and consequences of this system are outlined, and its significance for stock assessment for species included in the ITQ system is discussed. A recent need for a TAC reduction in the deep-water fishery for orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus is mentioned in the context of the ITQ system. It is suggested that there is potential for economic benefit to the fishing industry in the Benguela system if an ITQ system were to be introduced locally.  相似文献   

The northern Benguela stock of sardine Sardinops sagax used to be considered one of the major clupeoid stocks of the world; it supported an average annual catch of >700 000 tons throughout the 1960s. The stock has been in a depressed state for more than two decades, as demonstrated by annual catches that averaged around 50 000 tons between 1978 and 1989 and only slightly more in the 1990s. It has experienced fluctuations in abundance of several orders of magnitude during the most recent decade. Population size increased until 1992, when the acoustic estimate of biomass was about 750 000 tons. Catches increased accordingly, averaging 100 000 tons between 1992 and 1995, but from 1992 to 1996 the stock was in decline and the lowest annual catch in the history of the fishery was taken in 1996. Although there was a small increase during the last three years of the decade, the stock remains seriously depleted. Survey-based recruitment indices suggest that the changes in the 1990s were initiated by fluctuations in recruitment, but the decline was almost certainly exacerbated by continued fishing. Poor recruitment and decreasing catch rates between 1993 and 1996 in a number of other key resources suggest that system-wide environmental changes were an important factor in the decline of the sardine stock at that time. Anomalous oceanographic conditions, such as extensive hypoxic shelf waters in 1993/94 and a Benguela Niño in 1995, support this conclusion.  相似文献   

The South African abalone Haliotis midae resource is widely perceived as being under threat of over-exploitation as a result of increased poaching. In this paper, reservations are expressed about using catch per unit effort as the sole index of abundance when assessing this fishery, particularly because of the highly aggregatory behaviour of the species. A fishery-independent survey has been initiated and is designed to provide relative indices of abundance with CVs of about 25% in most of the zones for which Total Allowable Catchs (TACs) are set annually for this fishery. However, it will take several years before this relative index matures to a time-series long enough to provide a usable basis for management. Through a series of simple simulation models, it is shown that calibration of the survey to provide values of biomass in absolute terms would greatly enhance the value of the dataset. The models show that, if sufficient precision (CV 50% or less) could bc achieved in such a calibration exercise, the potential for management benefit is improved substantially, even when using a relatively simple management procedure to set TACs. This improvement results from an enhanced ability to detect resource declines or increases at an early stage, as well as from decreasing the time period until the survey index becomes useful. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates that basic modelling techniques could usefully indicate which forms of adaptive management experiments would improve ability to manage the resource, mainly through estimation of the level of precision that would be required from those experiments. The results of this study are particularly applicable to fishing zones for which there are insufficient other data to perform a standard stock assessment.  相似文献   

Short-lived species are extremely dependent on the seasonal and interannual variability of environmental conditions, and determining their stock status is often difficult. This study investigates the effects of environmental variability and fishing pressure on the stock of octopus Octopus vulgaris in Senegalese waters over a 10-year period from 1996 to 2005. Monthly catches-at-age were estimated based on catch-at-weight data and a polymodal decomposition constrained by a given growth curve. Octopus recruitments and fishing mortalities were then estimated using a catch-at-age analysis performed on a monthly basis. Yield and biomass per recruit were simulated using a Thompson and Bell model and used to generate a diagnostic of the fishery's impacts. Results indicate that the high interannual and seasonal variability of the octopus stock biomass is linked to the spring recruitment event, the annual intensity of which was significantly correlated with the coastal upwelling index and sea surface temperature. Yield per recruit varied seasonally but remained almost unchanged from one year to the next. Even when catches vary strongly according to recruitment, the octopus stock appears to be consistently fully exploited, or slightly overexploited in some years. In this context of environmental variability, usual indicators such as the maximum yield per recruit, and the related fishing mortality and spawning potential ratio, remain useful for fisheries management purposes.  相似文献   

Nephrops norvegicus is an essentially sedentary species of lobster that forms the basis of valuable fisheries in the northwest Atlantic and western Mediterranean. Fishers exploiting a sedentary stock are likely to visit the most profitable (highest catch rate) areas first. Such spatial targeting of fishing effort is likely to have important consequences for stock monitoring and assessment. We used underwater television surveys of Nephrops burrow densities on the Farn Deeps grounds, northeast England, to describe changes in abundance and distribution between the beginning and end of a winter fishing season. Above a threshold of c. 0.6 burrows m–2, overwinter depletion increased with burrow density, consistent with fishing effort being targeted at the highest densities. A simple simulation model showed that this pattern of mortality is an expected consequence of spatially targeted fishing behaviour. The model also predicted that there is decreased spatial variability in density after fishing. An overall decrease in variability was not evident from the survey data, but geostatistical analysis indicated that there was “flattening” of the density profile along a north‐south axis, consistent with the dominant direction of commercial trawling. We concluded that Nephrops fishers are able to find and exploit the highest densities of their target species. A potential consequence is that catch per unit effort (CPUE) data used to monitor trends in this stock potentially could mask declines in stock abundance. CPUE might be more effective if analysed at finer spatial scales, but this is not currently possible. In the absence of these fine scale commercial data, fishery‐independent surveys (e.g., underwater television) are an important source of information on trends in stock abundance.  相似文献   

Indicators of abundance for American lobster (Homarus americanus) based on 8 years of trap catch rates (catch‐per‐unit‐effort, CPUE) were evaluated. Volunteer harvesters recorded count, sex and size of lobsters captured in standard traps on a daily basis during the fishing season in coastal Nova Scotia, Canada. We examined the extent to which standardised CPUEs of prerecruits predict the future catches of legal sizes and explored spatial patterns in the abundance of lobsters of different size and reproductive status. The standardised CPUE of prerecruits was correlated with legal size catches in only one of five areas examined. This area had a strong signal of incoming recruitment. Improving the capacity of prerecruit CPUE for predicting legal size catches several years later most likely lies with model incorporation of variables associated with catchability. The spatial distribution of catch rates showed that the area with the highest historical landings per unit area also had the highest relative abundance of prerecruits. The spatial distribution data point to further areas of research related to recruitment processes in lobster in coastal Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

Fish stocks associated with seamounts may be particularly susceptible to overexploitation. From January to July 2001, the Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO) conducted an experimental fishing survey entitled ‘Palguinea-2001’ on the seamounts of the Sierra Leone Rise. Beryx splendens (commonly called alfonsino) is the main commercial demersal fish associated with this area. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a demersal longline fishery targeting B. splendens on the previously unexploited small Machucambo Seamount over a short time-scale, and also to consider trends in pooled catch rate at another four seamounts. During 110 fishing days at Machucambo, a total catch of 207 tonnes of B. splendens was taken with a fishing effort of 1 309 070 hooks. A spectral analysis and red-noise spectra procedure (REDFIT) algorithm was used to identify the red-noise spectrum from the gaps in the observed time-series of catch per unit effort by weight. Our results show the potential impact of longline fishing pressure on an unexploited ecosystem – after approximately 50 fishing days, the stock appeared to decline substantially, as reflected by a marked drop in catch per unit effort. The apparent rapid decline of the stock might be related to the small size and the virgin state of the Sierra Leone seamounts. The results could be extrapolated to similar small seamounts elsewhere.  相似文献   

An age-structured population model was used to examine the variability of yield created by randomly fluctuating recruitment success in the South African anchovy Engraulis capensis stock. Three different harvesting strategies were examined: (1) constant age-specific pattern of fishing mortality, (2) constant quota with effort limitation and (3) annual quota adjustments by means of an F msy procedure. Variable recruitment was generated by a stochastic stock-recruit relationship, and mean yields, mean spawner biomasses and probability distributions of yield were calculated at each exploitation level after 150 projections from the population structure of anchovy in 1981. Under conditions of constant fishing mortality, the variability of yield increased continuously as the exploitation rate was increased. The maximum average yield (MAY) is the stochastic equivalent of the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of deterministic models, but an attempt to sustain this MAY by a constant quota resulted in a very high risk of stock collapse. An Fmsy policy based on pre-season adult biomass resulted in more variable yields than were obtained at the equivalent constant fishing mortality at age. Stability of yield therefore demanded the acceptance of lower average yields than could be attained in the long term by quota adjustment. It was considered that the South African purse-seine industry could not cope with the wide fluctuations of yield necessary to attain MAY. Specific management policies sufficiently robust to withstand both fluctuating recruitment success and the uncertainties in the parameters of working population models would be required.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that depleted stocks would have recovered during a six-year layoff from fishing, trapping for deep-water spiny lobster Palinurus delagoae and slipper lobster Scyllarides elisabethae off eastern South Africa resumed in 2004 until 2007. A generalised linear modelling approach was used to investigate the effects of year, sampling area, depth, month and trap soak-time on catch and lobster size, and to construct standardised abundance indices. The renewed trapping rapidly reversed partially restored nominal catch rates. Fishing strategy changed from targeting spiny lobsters during the first months of each fishing season to targeting slipper lobsters during later months. Small spiny lobsters were abundant in the southern area, identified as a recruitment hotspot. Spiny lobster abundance and size in this area increased over four years of fishing, but conversely, large adult spiny lobsters predominated in the central and northern areas, where trapping depleted their abundance over time. The adult populations in the central and northern areas are upstream from the recruitment hotspot, and are presumably a source of larvae. Slipper lobster abundance peaked in 2005, remained relatively constant across areas, and increased with depth. Trapping for deep-water lobster is unlikely to be sustainable in its present form. However, the clear gradients in spiny lobster size and abundance by sampling area and depth provide a good framework for spatial management planning.  相似文献   

During 1997, considerable scientific differences arose about the status of the Namibian hake (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) resource, and as to whether the hake Total Allowable Catch (TAC) should be substantially decreased or increased. These differences revolved primarily around whether or not abundance estimates from the swept-area trawl surveys by the Norwegian research vessel Dr Fridtjof Nansen should be considered as reliable measures of biomass in absolute (as distinct from relative) terms. The paper relates the computations underlying the Interim Management Procedure (IMP) approach that was put forward at that time as a basis to resolve this impasse. The anticipated performance, in terms of catch and risk of resource depletion, of a number of simple candidate IMPs for the Namibian hake resource is evaluated. The IMPs depend on two parameters, whose values are to be chosen by decision-makers, and adjust the TAC up or down from one year to the next according to whether trends in recent commercial catch rate and survey indices of abundance are positive or negative. Performances are evaluated across the then current wide range argued for resource abundance and status. Trade-offs in performance across the candidates considered are discussed. One of the candidates was subsequently selected by a joint meeting of scientists, industry and Ministry officials in February 1998 and served as the basis for scientific recommendations for the TAC for the hake resource for the following three years.  相似文献   

Elf Pomatomus saltatrix account for between 28% and 80% of the annually recorded recreational shore-angling catch in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and have been subjected to various management regimes over the past 33 years. Management of the elf fishery was amended in 2005 to reduce fishing mortality and enhance egg production, following an assessment in 1997, which considered the elf stock to be overexploited and in need of rebuilding. A compromise was reached whereby the bag limit was reduced from five to four elf per angler per day, but the closed season was shortened, allowing an extra month of fishing for elf. A total of 33 years of recreational elf catches recorded on the National Marine Linefish System was investigated for any long-term trends and how they related to management of this species. Over 3 million angler-outings from the recreational shore-fishery in KZN were analysed, including more than 1.5 million elf in the catch. Despite the fast growth of elf and the latest management intervention seven years ago, which was based on a rigorous investigation of life-history parameters, the present study showed no evidence of an improvement in catch rate. It could not be determined whether this was due to a reduction in the bag limit, which would naturally reduce catch rates or whether other factors, including the shortened closed season, had been detrimental to elf stocks. Some shortfalls in the management of elf are discussed and possible reasons for the great variability in catches, which complicated the assessment of trends, are explored.  相似文献   

Stock assessments of quota or effort managed fisheries in which the duration of the fishing season is 12 months are invariably delivered well into the subsequent fishing season. As a result, quotas are frequently based on year-old data. This delay is often unavoidable because it may take months to collect, collate and analyse data necessary to assess fishery performance. The South Australian fisheries for blacklip (Haliotis rubra Leach, 1814) and greenlip abalone (H. laevigata Donovan, 1808) have addressed this issue by using provisional data on current stock status to inform application of the harvest strategy decision rules that set the quota for the next year. The primary index of relative abundance for these fisheries is catch per unit effort (CPUE). Our study uses 25 years (1988–2012) of CPUE data to quantify the differences between the provisional and complete-season CPUE estimates at the spatial scales used to assess the fisheries. We demonstrate that, in most cases, there was a strong relationship between the provisional and complete-season CPUE estimates for both species, with little evidence of bias. As the provisional CPUE estimates were a reliable and accurate predictor of the complete-season CPUE estimates, this provides a high degree of confidence in using provisional CPUE estimates to set quotas, thereby overcoming the difficulty of basing decisions on aged data. These findings are likely to be applicable to other fisheries, particularly those where much of the annual catch is obtained (or effort expended) in a short time period at the commencement of the fishing season.  相似文献   

White stumpnose Rhabdosargus globiceps is the main target of the linefishery in Saldanha Bay. Increased fishing pressure over the last three decades, particularly by the recreational sector, has led to concerns regarding sustainability of the local white stumpnose stock. The fishery was exceptionally productive between 2006 and 2008, with an estimated annual catch of 141.2 tonnes (t). Only 3% of boat outings surveyed were commercial boats targeting white stumpnose, yet this sector accounted for 39.3 t (31%) of the average annual catch. The recreational boat sector accounted for most of the catch (70.0 t), and the recreational shore sector the least (31.9 t). Commercial boat catch per unit effort (CPUE; 3.7 fish angler–1 h–1) was more than 10 times that of recreational boats (0.3 fish angler–1 h–1). White stumpnose catch length-frequency differed significantly (p < 0.01) between the fishing sectors, with the commercial sector retaining larger fish (34.7 cm [SD 5.9]) than the recreational boat (33.9 cm [SD 5.9]) and shore (30.4 cm [SD 5.8]) sectors. A decline in commercial CPUE (2000–2015) of approximately 40% and a concomitant severe decline (>95%) in survey data for juvenile white stumpnose CPUE (2007–2016) indicate that the current rate of exploitation is not sustainable. Recovery of the white stumpnose stock will require a decrease in fishing mortality. Possible management regulations include sector-specific effort limitations, extending the ‘no take’ marine protected area, reducing the recreational-sector bag limit to 5 fish person–1 day–1, implementing a commercial-sector bag limit, and increasing the minimum size limit to 30 cm TL.  相似文献   

St Lucia is one of the largest estuarine systems in Africa, and attracts thousands of anglers each year. Catchcard data from the National Marine Linefish System for the years 1986–1999 were analysed to determine catch composition, catch per unit effort (cpue) and seasonality of catches by recreational anglers. Because not all anglers completed catch cards, estimates of total catch were made using additional data on the number of private boat outings, the number of boat trailers at boat slipways and the number of boats recorded entering the campsite gates during 1992 and 1993. In all, 27 fish families, constituting 55 species, were recorded by recreational anglers. Dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus, spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii, perch Acanthopagrus berda, Natal stumpnose Rhabdosargus sarba, springer Elops machnata and mini-kob Johnius dorsalis were the most prominent species caught in terms of numbers and mass. Catch rates expressed numerically (fish angler?1 h?1) peaked during the summer and early winter. However, in terms of mass, catch rates peaked during late winter and spring, when there were increased landings of large dusky kob. Fluctuations in cpue were linked to salinity and estuary mouth conditions (i.e. mouth closure). Despite annual fluctuations in cpue, regression analysis revealed an overall downward trend for the dominant species (dusky kob and spotted grunter) and a gradual increase for stumpnose, perch and springer, but with the exception of stumpnose, these trends were not significant. Socio-economic aspects of the fishery were also investigated by conducting an independent boat-angler survey. The value of the recreational fishery, in terms of accommodation and direct angler expenditure, was estimated to be in the region of R9 million during 1992. Angler attitudes towards fishing regulations were positive and anglers generally had a good knowledge of the regulations for target species. Based on this assessment, a number of suggestions are made regarding the future management of the recreational fishery at St Lucia.  相似文献   

Minimum legal size (MLS) is an important conservation measure in trap fisheries for Homarus americanus. MLS has increased in several management areas in the Canadian Maritimes since 1987. A key conservation objective has been to increase egg production, with predictions of the effects of MLS increase based on egg‐per‐recruit models. We evaluated whether expectations of increases in ovigerous females (OF) were realised when MLS was increased. Data were examined from at‐sea samples of the commercial trap catch from 11 ports from 1986 to 2003. OF indicators were developed based on the OF catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) of different sizes, and on the percentage (PCT) of females that were ovigerous. Because there were within‐season increases in CPUE and PCT, annual indicators were based on regressions of CPUE on day in the season. There was considerable variability in all the time series of OF annual indicators and any effects of smaller MLS increases could not be detected. Increases in OF indicators were evident in areas that undertook the largest MLS increases (6–6.5 mm CL).  相似文献   

Alternative harvesting schemes for the South African anchovy resource are considered. For this preliminary study, strategies in which quotas are simply related to the pre-catch survey estimates of spawning biomass and recruitment are investigated, using a Monte Carlo simulation approach. The schemes evaluated are the strategies of a constant catch, a constant proportion of the recruitment estimate, and a variant on constant escapement. The relationship between modal recruitment and spawning biomass is assumed known, and the values of parameters such as natural mortality and mass-at-age are initially taken to be exact. True recruitment is assumed log-normally distributed about its modal value. The annual survey estimates of recruitment and spawning biomass are generated with typical measurement errors included. The results show the cost (expressed as a loss of potential annual yield) of imperfect survey information, natural recruitment variability, and constraints on year-to-year catch variability. The analysis is extended to integrate the outcome of specific harvesting strategies over the current estimates of the probability distributions for the model parameters, assuming that these are not updated as harvesting is continued. The final results suggest that the mean annual yield of the South African anchovy resource could be increased by about 40 per cent through use of a more flexible harvesting strategy than is the current practice, without at the same time increasing the risk of collapse.  相似文献   

The habitat quality of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the East China Sea has been a subject of concern in the last 10 years due to large fluctuations in annual catches of this stock. For example, the Chinese light-purse seine fishery recorded 84000 tons in 1999 compared to 17000 tons in 2006. The fluctuations have been attributed to variability in habitat quality. The habitat suitability Index (HSI) has been widely used to describe fish habitat quality and in fishing ground forecasting. In this paper we use catch data and satellite derived environmental variables to determine habitat suitability indices for Chub mackerel during July to September in the East China Sea. More than 90% of the total catch was found to come from the areas with sea surface temperature of 28.0°–29.4°C, sea surface salinity of 33.6–34.2 psu, chlorophyll-a concentration of 0.15–0.50 mg/m3 and sea surface height anomaly of −0.1–1.1 m. Of the four conventional models of HSI, the Arithmetic Mean Model (AMM) was found to be most suitable according to Akaike Information Criterion analysis. Based on the estimation of AMM in 2004, the monthly HSIs in the waters of 123°–125°E and 27°30′–28°00′ N were more than 0.6 during July to September, which coincides with the catch distribution in the same time period. This implies that AMM can yield a reliable prediction of the Chub mackerel’s habitat in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

佘书生  孙颉 《海洋科学》2017,41(11):119-124
珠江口海域是香港和广东的主要渔场之一,但有关该水域贝类资源的研究并不完善,本文可以为该海区调查位置的贝类资源现状提供参考,对完善该海区贝类的基础研究提供依据。作者于2016年2月和8月,对珠江口香港海域贝类资源进行了底拖调查,所采集软体动物隶属3纲、16目、26科,33属;2月份(枯水期)和8月份(丰水期)分别采集到贝类28种和39种。枯水期优势种为棒锥螺Turritella terebra、浅缝骨螺Murex trapa及波纹巴非蛤Paphia undulata,约占总个体数的86.9%;丰水期优势种是棒锥螺Turritella terebra、浅缝骨螺Murex trapa和牡蛎Ostrea sp.,约占总个体数的85.3%。多样性指数范围为0.9179~1.064。调查发现,8月份贝类的物种数量和生物量明显多于2月份,棒椎螺为该水域明显的优势种。  相似文献   

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