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The South African abalone Haliotis midae resource is widely perceived as being under threat of over-exploitation as a result of increased poaching. In this paper, reservations are expressed about using catch per unit effort as the sole index of abundance when assessing this fishery, particularly because of the highly aggregatory behaviour of the species. A fishery-independent survey has been initiated and is designed to provide relative indices of abundance with CVs of about 25% in most of the zones for which Total Allowable Catchs (TACs) are set annually for this fishery. However, it will take several years before this relative index matures to a time-series long enough to provide a usable basis for management. Through a series of simple simulation models, it is shown that calibration of the survey to provide values of biomass in absolute terms would greatly enhance the value of the dataset. The models show that, if sufficient precision (CV 50% or less) could bc achieved in such a calibration exercise, the potential for management benefit is improved substantially, even when using a relatively simple management procedure to set TACs. This improvement results from an enhanced ability to detect resource declines or increases at an early stage, as well as from decreasing the time period until the survey index becomes useful. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates that basic modelling techniques could usefully indicate which forms of adaptive management experiments would improve ability to manage the resource, mainly through estimation of the level of precision that would be required from those experiments. The results of this study are particularly applicable to fishing zones for which there are insufficient other data to perform a standard stock assessment.  相似文献   

The mean effective fishing area (EFA) of a Japanese-type crab trap fishing for Geryon maritae on the northern South West African red-crab grounds was calibrated as 2 160 m2. The commercial fishery uses traps covered with 90-mm mesh. In order to be able to use the density results obtained by this survey from traps covered with 60-mm mesh, a preliminary mesh selectivity study was carried out. The carapace width at 50-per-cent retention for 90-mm mesh was estimated as 72 mm. Based on the EFA results, it seems that most commercial fishing takes place in areas of crab density varying between 46 and 231 crabs·ha?1, but that densities can reach ~510 crabs·ha?1. It is suggested that crab traps would fish more efficiently on the northern South West African crab grounds if longlines were set across the depth contours rather than in a longshore direction.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for the automatic determination of micronutrients in seawater based on the TECHNICON Auto Analyzer (AAII) principles are described. The methods are adaptations and modifications of existing photometric methods already described in the literature. Automated methods are presented for the determination of the different forms of nitrogen available to plant life, namely nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and total nitrogen, as well as for phosphate-phosphorus and silicate-silicon. All these methods are in routine use by the Sea Fisheries Research Institute.  相似文献   

On 23 June 2000, the bulk ore carrier MV Treasure sank off western South Africa between Dassen and Robben islands, which individually currently support the largest and 3rd largest colonies of African penguins Spheniscus demersus. Subsequently, more than 19 000 penguins were oiled, almost twice the previous highest number of seabirds oiled during a single event in southern Africa (10 000 penguins after the sinking of the Apollo Sea in June 1994). About 19 000 oiled penguins were collected for cleaning and care and about 150 oiled adults died in the wild. Some 19 500 unoiled penguins were caught at Dassen and Robben islands and relocated to Port Elizabeth, 800 km to the east, to remove them from waters affected by the oil. Of all penguins caught, which amounted to 20% of the total species population, less than 2 000 died within the first month, considerably less than in the Apollo Sea spill. This can be attributed to improved transport of penguins and the rapid arrival at rescue centres of experts able to administer emergency care. However, resources were severely extended and mortality would probably have been considerably higher had large numbers of birds not been removed from the area affected by the oil. Many relocated birds returned to their home islands within a month of being released, but considerable disruption of pair bonds is expected to result from mortality, different periods in captivity and disruption of moult cycles. This is likely to result in decreased breeding success. Recruitment to colonies will also be reduced by substantial loss of chicks and eggs. Although more than 3 000 orphaned chicks were collected for captive rearing, an estimated 4 000 died at the islands before they could be rescued. Up to 20% of bank cormorants Phalacrocorax neglectus at Robben Island, the 3rd largest colony of the species in South Africa, died. There was low success in catching oiled cormorants and in saving those that were caught. Of 53 grown birds of four species of cormorant that were oiled and caught, only 17 survived. Captive rearing of bank cormorant chicks, which it was feared may have been orphaned, proved more successful. Spilt oil had minor impact on gulls, terns and shorebirds in the region.  相似文献   

The Namibian linefishery is a multisector fishery, with recreational and commercial sectors targeting overlapping species. Prior to 1990, catch data were recorded for the boat sector, but little research was done on the population dynamics of any of the species. Hence, none of the stocks were assessed owing to the lack of parameter estimates for fisheries modelling. Current management regulations for the Namibian linefishery are therefore not based on scientific investigations but, for historical reasons, were adapted from South African legislation for similar species. From 1994, linefish research in Namibia focused on the life history and population dynamics of silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus and West Coast steenbras Lithognathus aureti, important species in both commercial and recreational sectors. A roving-roving creel survey was used to determine effort and catches of recreational shore-anglers. Both species were assessed using yield-per-recruit models. Based on the results, reduced daily bag limits and the implementation of size limits for the recreational sector were proposed. For the commercial sector, the introduction of a total allowable catch would seem to be the best option. Results from an economic survey indicated that the recreational sector earns six times more for the country annually than the commercial sector.  相似文献   

G.F. Birch 《Marine Geology》1977,23(4):305-337
A combination of climatic and oceanic factors has resulted in slow sedimentation rates on the continental shelf off the west coast of South Africa since Tertiary times. This has enabled a study to be made of the residual Late Tertiary, relict Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.Sediments on the continental shelf form rough belts parallel to the coast. Most of the coarse sediment is confined to the littoral zone and Holocene mud is concentrated at the base of a rocky nearshore platform. A veneer of Quaternary quartzitic sand seawards of the Recent mud belt wedges out onto a Tertiary erosion surface on the mid shelf. Residual glauconite and phosphorite sands derived by erosion during Tertiary sea-level fluctuations cover large parts of the mid shelf in the south. Most of the slope and parts of the outer shelf in the north are draped by Recent foraminiferal and coccolithophorid debris.  相似文献   

The ecology of the family Pinnidae was studied by sampling three pinnid species from 36 sampling sites across four different microhabitats in the Gulf of Thailand. The species spatial distributions were mostly uniform, with some populations having random distributions. Species abundances differed between sandy and coral habitats according to non-metric multi-dimension scaling analyses. Although the Gulf of Thailand is a relatively small geographic area, habitats are varied enough to provide variable shell densities. Small islands are important distribution areas, and coral reefs provide both direct and indirect shelter which support high abundances, densities and increased shell size. The highest density was recorded in sand beds within coral reefs. Low density and small shell size in sand beaches might be related to high mortality in shallow water or to adaptations for survival in shallow waters. A clear correlation between sediment composition and species abundance was found in Pinna atropurpurea; abundance increased with the sand content of the sediment. For P. deltodes, abundance increased as the rock fraction of the sediment increased. These results suggest that adaptations in Pinnidae, such as shell size, shell morphology, and the exposure of the shell above the sediment-water interface, are responses for survival in different habitats.  相似文献   

A subtidal marine ichthyofaunal survey was carried out on shallow reefs (1–30m deep) in the Pondoland region between the Mtamvuna River and Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The purpose of this survey was to provide the baseline data required for the zonation of a large marine protected area proposed for the region. Survey work was carried out in May and June during 2002 and 2003. A seafloor map based on earlier seismic-reflection profiling data, coupled with fishers' co-ordinates of known reefs in the area, was used to plan the survey. An underwater visual census (UVC), using the point-count method, assessed fish diversity, relative abundance and size structure. During the UVC, a total of 261 point fish-counts, covering an area of 14 288m2, was completed. A total of 138 fish species from 49 different families was identified and a relatively high proportion of endemic species (26.6%) were recorded. As a result of the turbid conditions encountered south of Mbotyi, numbers and diversity of fish species observed declined with increasing latitude. Endemic sparid linefish species, which are overe-xploited in other areas, were particularly abundant in this region, and a number of new range distributions of various species were recorded during the survey. The results of this survey contributed towards the zonation of the Pondoland Marine Protected Area, which was proclaimed in June 2004.  相似文献   

Two new species of Naticidae ( Mollusca, Gastropoda) collected from the coast of China are described: Cryptonaitca huanghaien- s/s sp. nov. and Sinum vittatum sp. nov. The morphological characteristics between the new species were described and the related information was provided. The similarities and differences between the new species and related species were also compared and discussed. The new species Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis differed from Cryptonaitca hirasei and Cryptonaitca andoi in outer shape, operculum and radula. The new species Sinum vittatum is similar to Sinumjaponicum (Lischke, 1869), but the shell of the former is flat-elliptical in shape, spire very small, slightly convex. While the latter is flat-globular in shape, apex light brown in color, without a brown band on the body whorl. The comparison results revealed that Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis and Sinum vittatum were two new species from the coast of China. Specimens studied were obtained from collections in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The biomass and productivity of phytoplankton populations inshore on the west coast of South Africa were investigated towards the end of the upwelling season, a period when high-biomass dinoflagellate blooms are common. Productivity was estimated from natural fluorescence measurements (PNF ), using photosynthesis (P) v. irradiance (E) relationships (PE ) and by means of the in situ 14C-method (PC ) A linear regression of PNF productivity against PC and PE productivities yielded a slope of 0.911 and an r 2 of 0.83 (n = 41). Physical and biological variability was high inshore, reflecting alternating periods of upwelling and quiescence. Mean chlorophyll inshore (within a 12 m water column) ranged from 0.7 to 57.8 (mean = 8.9) mg·m&minus3, mean PNF productivity ranged from 8.4 to 51.0 (mean = 24.6) mgC·m?3·h?1 and daily integral PNF productivity from 0.8 to 4.8 (mean = 2.3) gC·m?2·day?l. Transects sampled during active and relaxation phases of upwelling had different chlorophyll distributions. High chlorophyll concentrations (sometimes >50 mg·m?3) were associated with surface blooms within the region of the upwelling front. Estimates of daily water-column PNF productivity within these frontal blooms ranged from 4.0 to 5.6 gC·m?2·day?1. With relaxation of wind stress, blooms dominated by dinoflagellates flooded shorewards and often formed red tides. Chlorophyll concentrations of > 175 mg·m?3 and productivity rates > 500 mgC·m?3·h?1 and 12 gC·m?2·day?1 were measured during a particularly intense red tide. Offshore, the water column was highly stratified with a well-defined subsurface chlorophyll maximum layer within the pycnocline region. Estimates of daily water-column PNF productivity ranged from 2.4 to 4.0 gC·m?2·day?1 offshore. The high productivity of shelf waters on the West Coast in late summer can be ascribed largely to dinoflagellate populations and their success in both upwelling systems and stratified conditions.  相似文献   

The diets of six species of catsharks (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) caught between Walvis Bay and Cape Agulhas at depths between 50 and 1 016 m were analysed. The most common prey items were teleosts and crustaceans. Lanternfish (Myctophidae) were common in the diets of Apristurus microps, A. saldanha, Apristurus spp. and Holohalaelurus regani, whereas the Cape anchovy Engraulis capensis was preyed on extensively by Scyliorhinus capensis. The most common crustaceans in the diet were Parapagurus spp., Mursia cristimanus and Euphausia lucens. Cephalopods were uncommon prey items, except in A. microps, A. saldanha, Apristurus spp. and H. regani.  相似文献   

Global warming and ocean acidification influence marine calcifying organisms, particularly those with external shells. Among these, mussels may compensate for environmental changes by phenotypic plasticity, but this may entail trade-offs between shell deposition, growth and reproduction. We assessed main and interactive effects of pH and temperature on four mussel species on the west coast of South Africa (33°48′ S, 18°27′ E) in October 2012 by comparing shell dissolution, shell growth, shell breaking force and condition index of two native species, the ribbed mussel Aulacomya atra and the black mussel Choromytilus meridionalis, and two aliens, the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the bisexual mussel Semimytilus algosus. Live mussels and dead shells were exposed for 42 days to seawater of pH 7.5 or 8.0, at 14 °C or 20 °C. Low pH, high temperature and their combination increased shell dissolution of the two aliens but their growth rates and condition indices remained unchanged. Aulacomya atra also experienced greater shell dissolution at a low pH and high temperature, but grew faster in low-pH treatments. For C. meridionalis, shell dissolution was unaffected by pH or temperature; it also grew faster in low-pH treatments, but had a lower condition index in the higher temperature treatment. Shell strength was not determined by thickness alone. In most respects, all four species proved to be robust to short-term reduction of pH and elevation of temperature, but the native species compensated for greater shell dissolution at low pH by increasing growth rate, whereas the aliens did not, so their invasive success cannot be ascribed to benefits accruing from climate change.  相似文献   

The fauna and flora of two sublittoral communities situated in close proximity on the west coast of South Africa are described and shown to be radically different, despite the fact that both experience similar physical conditions. One of these communities, at Marcus Island, has prolific beds of the black mussel Choromytilus meridionalis (35 954 g wet weight·m?2) accompanied by a large number of other species, notably sea urchins, holothurians, brittle stars, whelks and barnacles. In contrast, the other site, Malgas Island, is dominated by a large population of rock lobsters Jasus lalandii together with a dense seaweed flora (3 866 and 4 402 g wet weight·m?2 respectively). The numbers of species are similar at both sites (102 at Malgas Island and 107 at Marcus Island) but only 34 per cent are common to both localities. Although preliminary research indicates that the two sites have fairly similar physical conditions and bottom topography, they maintained their contrasting communities for the whole research period (1983–1986) and have probably done so for at least nine years, suggesting that they represent two stable alternative states of the same ecosystem. In the absence of rock lobsters at Marcus Island, wave action and inter/intraspecific competition are the main forces structuring the benthic community. Stability is maintained here by the resilience and rapid recovery of the mussel population after disturbance by storms. Where rock lobsters are abundant, as at Malgas Island, intense predation pressure is the main force controlling the structure of the benthos, and it is continually maintained because the rock lobsters are resistant to the effect of storms. Therefore, the presence or absence of high densities of rock lobsters is fundamental to the maintenance of these two contrasting communities.  相似文献   

Six species of skates were trawled commonly on the continental shelf off the Southern Cape during routine surveys of demersal fish between 1986 and 1990. Raja miraletus is a small skate found principally in shallow (<50 m) water that feeds mainly on small crustaceans, such as mysids and macrurans. The large Raja alba occurs over most of the continental shelf, is a piscivore throughout its life and preys heavily on flatfish, especially Cynoglossus zanzibarensis. R. cf. clavata is ubiquitous on the shelf but most abundant between 50 and 150 m deep. Feeding predominantly on crustaceans, this skate switches from carids, penaeids and mysids when small to brachyurans and small benthic fish when larger. R. pullopunctata is found over a similar depth range but attains a much larger size. It eats small mysids and macrurans when small, but brachyurans and fish become more important in the diet with increasing size of the predator. R. wallacei is most commonly taken at depths of 80–>200 m, feeds initially on small crustaceans, but switches to fish, including eels, as it grows. The small Cruriraja parcomaculata is found at the edge of the continental shelf and over the upper slope; it preys on small crustaceans, including mysids, isopods and macrurans. The distribution pattern of the skates and their prey suggest overlap in prey taken, the overlap being greatest in those species which feed on crustaceans. The large biomass of skates in the area suggests that they are an important component of the demersal faunal assemblage of the continental shelf there, and also that they may have a significant impact on the benthic fauna.  相似文献   

利用荧光标记扩增片段长度多态性(fAFLP)技术对文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)、青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)、菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)和硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria)4种帘蛤科贝类的群体遗传多样性和种间关系进行了研究。选择EcoRⅠ/MseⅠ进行酶切,使用6个E 3/M 3引物组合进行扩增,共获得1 096个位点,多态位点比率95.1%,片段长度50~456 bp。其中,文蛤、青蛤、菲律宾蛤仔和硬壳蛤分别得到681,715,702和694个位点,相应的多态位点比率为76.8%,81.7%,83.0%和75.1%,得到17个种特异性位点,可作为4物种特征标记。分析了群体遗传相似系数和遗传多样性指数以及种间遗传相似系数。结果表明,硬壳蛤群体遗传相似系数最高(0.670 9),遗传多样性指数最低(0.236 0);菲律宾蛤仔群体遗传相似系数最低(0.592 5),遗传多样性指数最高(0.261 8);根据遗传相似系数采用UPGMA法构建了4物种32个体的聚类图,表明文蛤与菲律宾蛤仔遗传关系最近,青蛤与其他3物种遗传关系较远。  相似文献   

Marine bioregional planning requires a meaningful classification and spatial delineation of the ocean environment using biological and physical characteristics. The relative inaccessibility of much of the ocean and the paucity of directly measured data spanning entire planning regions mean that surrogate data, such as satellite imagery, are frequently used to develop spatial classifications. However, due to a lack of appropriate biological data, these classifications often rely on abiotic variables, which act as surrogates for biodiversity. The aim of this study was to produce a fine-scale bioregional classification, using multivariate clustering, for the inshore and offshore marine environment off the east coast of South Africa, adjacent to the province of KwaZulu-Natal and out to the boundary of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), 200 nautical miles offshore. We used remotely sensed data of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a and turbidity, together with interpolated bathymetry and continental-slope data, as well as additional inshore data on sediments, seabed oxygen and bottom temperature. A multivariate k-means analysis was used to produce a fine-scale marine bioregionalisation, with three bioregions subdivided into 12 biozones. The offshore classification was primarily a pelagic bioregionalisation, whereas the inshore classification (on the continental shelf) was a coupled benthopelagic bioregionalisation, owing to the availability of benthic data for this area. The resulting classification was used as a base layer for a systematic conservation plan developed for the province, and provided the methods for subsequent planning conducted for the entire South African EEZ. Validation of the classification is currently being conducted in marine research programmes that are sampling benthic biota and habitats in a sampling design stratified according to the biozones delineated in this study.  相似文献   

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