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Biological invasions continue to increase around the world, with impacts on many coastal marine systems. Here we review the South African marine invasion literature which, despite the field being relatively new, has grown to have significant presence in both the local and international arenas. Of the 79 papers reviewed, 70% focused on the establishment and spread of alien species, with modes of transport and introduction largely overlooked. An emphasis was also apparent towards field studies, in particular survey work, with few experimental studies. The overwhelming majority of papers focused on a single species, the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, reflecting the scale of this invasion and the tractable nature of rocky shores as study systems. With the exception of this one species, the impacts of marine alien species have rarely been quantified. We suggest that future research extends the taxonomic coverage of present work and develops a better understanding of the mechanisms of introduction, establishment and spread of marine alien species. Through an experimental approach, the drivers of altered ecological patterns and processes resulting from invasions should be addressed, providing insight into associated impacts. This approach will maintain the local applicability and international relevance of South African marine invasion research.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering many environmental parameters of coastal waters and open oceans, leading to substantial present-day and projected changes in the distribution, abundance and phenology of marine species. Attempts to assess how each species might respond to climate change can be data-, resource- and time-intensive. Moreover, in many regions of the world, including South Africa, species may be of vital socioeconomic or ecological importance though critical gaps may exist in our basic biological or ecological knowledge of the species. Here, we adapt and apply a trait-based sensitivity assessment for the key marine species in the southern Benguela system to estimate their potential relative sensitivity to the impacts of climate change. For our analysis, 40 priority species were selected based on their socioeconomic, ecological and/or recreational importance in the system. An extensive literature review and consultation with experts was undertaken concerning each species to gather information on their life history, habitat use and potential stressors. Fourteen attributes were used to estimate the selected species’ sensitivity and capacity to respond to climate change. A score ranging from low to high sensitivity was given for each attribute, based on the available information. Similarly, a score was assigned to the type and quality of information used to score each particular attribute, allowing an assessment of data-quality inputs for each species. The analysis identified the white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus, soupfin shark Galeorhinus galeus, St Joseph Callorhinchus capensis and abalone Haliotis midae as potentially the most sensitive species to climate-change impacts in the southern Benguela system. There were data gaps for larval dispersal and settlement and metamorphosis cues for most of the evaluated species. Our results can be used by resource managers to determine the type of monitoring, intervention and planning that may be required to best respond to climate change, given the limited resources and significant knowledge gaps in many cases.  相似文献   

Following the legal recognition of subsistence fishers in 1998 through the promulgation of the Marine Living Resources Act, a Subsistence Fisheries Task Group (SFTG) was appointed by national government to provide recommendations on the management of subsistence fishing in South Africa. To achieve effective management, the SFTG recognized that fishers' needs, perceptions and concerns must be understood and incorporated into future management strategies. As a result, information from fishers was gathered through a five-month research programme that included questionnaire surveys, focus-group meetings, a "roadshow" and a national workshop. Research findings indicated that the fishers' responses centred on four key themes related to (1) the criteria for defining a subsistence fisher, (2) current management practices, (3) resource use and (4) livelihood strategies. Feedback from fishers revealed several issues that have led to uncertainty and dissatisfaction among informal and subsistence fishers. However, these perceptions need to be contextualized within the historical circumstances of fisheries management in South Africa, and it must be recognized that attitudes will only change when management approaches embrace the needs, perceptions and concerns of the users. The information outlined in this paper was instrumental in guiding the formulation of the SFTG recommendations regarding the definition of subsistence fishers and their future management in South Africa.  相似文献   

This article summarizes briefly the principal conclusions from papers presented in this special issue on marine spatial planning. It identifies potential economic, ecological, and administrative benefits (and costs) that might be realized from the implementation of MSP. Finally, the article summarize lessons learned and identifies future challenges and directions for MSP, including the development of international guidelines for its implementation.  相似文献   

The nature of participation by fishing organizations in fisheries management in the Northeast US is changing. Evidence of this is the number of groups that are actively seeking opportunities for group governance of marine resources. This article explores emerging collaborative or co-management arrangements in this region (a process whereby decision-making is shared between federal/council level and fishery stakeholder groups) and the shift towards an ecosystem-based approach to the management of marine fisheries.This research suggests that it is an opportune time for the development of a regional policy in the Northeast that provides an enabling environment in support of decentralized governance of federally managed marine fisheries. It also suggests that these initiatives can play a key role in operationalizing ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

Contemporary fish provisioning, in the era of globalization, is linking distant locations through the catchments and consumption of fish, and as more and more fish stocks are coming under threat there are unprecedented challenges emerging for environmental governance. The conventional nation-state-based regulatory arrangements of the past are becoming inadequate and in response alternative arrangements emerge. This article will compare two of these innovative fish governance arrangements addressing problems of sustainability, notably the Marine Stewardship Council and the WTO. This comparison provides support for the claim that environmental governance of global fish provision puts the traditional notions of ownership and sovereignty under pressure, while simple alternative governance arrangements are not (yet) available.  相似文献   

The South African demersal fishery can look to the future with confidence, despite the high-capital need to replace an ageing fleet. Predictability is absolutely necessary in the fishery, and to ensure this, care needs to be taken that information is accurate, that the most appropriate exploitation strategy is being followed, that regulatory measures are being adhered to and that the entrepreneur has an exploitation right of reasonable tenure.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification(OA)affects marine biodiversity and alters the structure and function of marine populations,communities,and ecosystems.Recently,effects of OA on the behavioral responses of marine animals have been given with much attention.While many of previous studies focuses on marine fish.Evidence suggests that marine invertebrate behaviors were also be affected.In this review,we discussed the effects of CO2-driven OA on the most common behaviors studied in marine invertebrates,including settlement and habitat selection,feeding,anti-predatory,and swimming behaviors,and explored the related mechanisms behind behaviors.This review summarizes how OA affects marine invertebrate behavior,and provides new insights and highlights novel areas for future research.  相似文献   

面向海域管理的海洋资源资产负债表编制框架研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
编制海洋资源资产负债表是海洋生态文明建设的重要举措,然而目前对海洋资源资产负债表的研究相对薄弱,存在关键概念缺乏科学定义、核算方法可行性不足、报表体系设计不完善等问题。本文基于"生态管海、生态用海"的理念,针对现有问题探讨了海洋资源资产负债表编制框架:首先,根据自然资源资产负债表编制的目的和要求,界定了海洋资源资产负债表编制过程中的关键概念,并基于此,进一步考虑海洋资源属性、开发利用特点和当前海域管理重点任务确定了海洋资源资产的核算范围,包括海洋生物资源资产、海洋空间资源资产与海洋矿产资源资产;其次,针对不同海洋资源的特性,提出了具有较高可行性的海洋资源资产实物量和价值量核算方法;再次,根据不同海洋资源的价值特点,确认了资源过度耗减、环境破坏与生态损害三种负债形式并提出了相应的核算方法;最后,基于以上研究,形成了较为完善的海洋资源资产负债表报表体系,以期为海洋资源精细化管理和科学配置提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

A relational database that contained published information on the diving behavior and/or movement patterns of marine mammals was compiled to facilitate a modeling effort of the Effects of Sound on the Marine Environment (ESME) program. A total of 448 references from reports, books, and peer-reviewed journal articles were obtained. The metadata describing each animal studied, location of the study, and equipment used were entered into the database as well as empirical data describing the diving behavior and movement patterns of each animal. In total, the database contained 1815 entries from 51 different marine mammal species or subspecies. The majority of animals were seals and sea lions with 1560 entries from 29 individual species. More than half the number of animals studied were from high latitude regions (e.g., Arctic and Antarctic). Other problem areas identified were: 1) Data reduction in summaries, 2) inability to easily summarize qualitative and quantitative data, and 3) lack of standardization in data reporting. A solution is to create a common access data archive where researchers contribute raw published or unpublished geospatially referenced data sets. This would improve access to original data sets with large volumes of data, which, overall, enhances the power to develop robust behavioral or ecological models that could help define critical habitats of marine mammals.  相似文献   

The integration of the South African fisheries into the global economy has operated as a powerful constraint on post-apartheid fisheries reform. The shedding of South Africa's international pariah status and currency depreciation enhanced access to and competitiveness on global markets, sparking a demersal-led export boom, which has favoured incumbent producers. Increased exports have also allowed the post-apartheid state and nascent black capital to maximise their returns from the fisheries through cost recovery and share purchases. The protection and promotion of the fisheries’ “international competitiveness”, inter alia sought through “sustainable fishery” certification of the hake industry with the Maritime Stewardship Council (MSC), has in turn provided a cover-all for the refusal of populist redistribution demands and special treatment for black small capital.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management (EBM) has recently received considerable attention. However, examples of empirical approaches to marine EBM are scarce. Therefore, empirical information on the presence of EBM elements within existing policies and the way they may provide settings and lessons for EBM implementation is timely. This study analyses stakeholders’ perceptions on the existence of EBM principles in current marine management practices and policies, and how they determine perceptions for success and satisfaction regarding coastal management within selected case studies drawn from four developing countries in the Southern Cone of South America. Patterns of response across study sites show that although EBM principles as such are not explicitly included in management/conservation plans, there are policies (mainly local), which generate conditions for more explicit inclusion of them. These are based on participatory bottom-up planning, place-based management and consensus reaching: all elements included within the theoretical literature on EBM implementation.  相似文献   

Understanding long-term variability of pelagic fish populations is important in developing forecasting strategies for fisheries management and planning. However, many current fisheries models have only short-term datasets available, whereas those of suitable duration often lack reliability. As resources are placed under increasing pressure, all available information should be used to assist management. Two simple rule-based deterministic modelling approaches are described, which use semi-quantitative and qualitative rules to relate recruitment success of South African anchovy Engraulis capensis to physical and biological indices. The first model relates recruitment success to indices of wind and sea surface temperature by way of a rule-based decision support system. In the second model, significant environmental and biological factors were identified and related to anchovy recruitment by way of an expert system approach. These two approaches are evaluated and compared. It is suggested that these types of models, when satisfactorily validated, have great potential in supporting the future management of the South African anchovy fishery in the dynamic environment of the Benguela Current.  相似文献   

Capacity building in the marine sector is a priority for Pacific Island nations, which face major challenges in the sustainable management of their marine resources under UNCLOS III and the various Conventions and Agreements stemming from UNCED. The University of the South Pacific (USP), with its 12 Pacific Island members (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu) has taken up this challenge through the establishment of its Marine Studies Programme (MSP) in 1993. The MSP is one of the four focal areas identified in USP's 1998 Strategic Plan. The breadth of MSP's activities is substantial, ranging from awareness raising at the village level to sophisticated post-graduate research in marine science. The substantial regional and international cooperation, research and training involved in these endeavours require USP to respond to education, training and research needs at many levels. As USP services more than 23 million square kilometres of ocean space and less than 1.7 million people, only a small percentage of this population have access to face-to-face teaching. USP's success to date is a measure of staff dedication, innovation and the confidence of the university, its members, and its donor partners. Capacity building in the marine sector will remain a high priority for many years to come, and MSP must continue to play a leading role.  相似文献   

实现海洋渔业资源的可持续开发和利用已成为全球海洋渔业资源管理的重心。预警原则作为一种新颖的环境资源管理手段,其对海洋渔业资源养护的有效性已为一些国际协定和一些国家的国内立法所确认。目前中国海洋渔业资源管理实践和相关法规并没有明确采用预警原则。因而,针对中国近海渔业资源养护不利的现状,中国有必要增订相关立法,将预警原则规定为中国海洋渔业资源管理的基本原则,并根据中国各海域的具体情况,有针对性的适用预警原则,以顺应全球海洋渔业资源养护的大趋势。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(3-4):209-222
The Archipelago of San Andres, Old Providence, and Santa Catalina, Colombia, in the Western Caribbean—a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve since November 2000—relies heavily on its coastal and marine resources, which are important for fisheries, tourism, as habitats, and for their traditional cultural value. However, as economic and subsistence importance has increased so have incidences of conflict over resource use and threats to ecosystem health. One of the main conflicts relates to traditional resource use as practiced by native islanders alongside new types of uses, methods, and exploitation, particularly with regards to industrial fishing. This conflict is exacerbated by historically centralized marine management processes linked primarily to economic development, which have excluded native islanders from planning and decision-making, failed to recognize their fishing rights, and lacked respect for the inherent sociocultural importance of traditional knowledge. In acknowledgment of the need to involve stakeholders in resource management planning, the local representative of Colombia's National Environment System (SINA), CORALINA, has embraced an alternative approach to historical top-down schemes. The approach is characterized by: (1) recovering traditional best management practices in coastal and marine management and integrating them with appropriate new methods; (2) involving stakeholders, especially native islanders, as equal partners in planning and implementation processes; (3) building local, national, and international coalitions and partnerships; (4) strengthening the capacity of local institutions; and (5) creating new capacity through formal and informal educational initiatives. At the heart of this approach is participation and equity for all, as exemplified in the planning process for the archipelago's Seaflower Marine Protected Area (MPA).  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(6-7):503-521
Marine pollution does not recognise maritime boundaries. Consequently, protection of the marine environment from pollution must involve an international cooperative effort, with near neighbours, in particular, working together to protect coastal and ocean areas close to their political boundaries. This paper describes a regional approach adopted from 1988 to 1994 in the South Pacific Region to address marine pollution problems. Some 25 countries and territories lie within the region. Apart from Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, the countries of the region consist basically of a large number of small islands separated by substantial stretches of ocean. Growing populations and demands for better living standards are exerting increasing pressures on coastal and marine resources, leading in some cases to significant marine pollution. The Region has limited financial and technical resources to address such problems and countries have therefore determined to assess and control them through a concerted regional approach. This paper reviews aspects of this effort, outlining the methods adopted, describing the outcomes and discussing the problems and lessons learned.  相似文献   

International conservation efforts and cooperation are increasingly necessary, particularly at an ecoregion level, for the achievement of international targets for protecting biodiversity and degradation of ecosystems. Whereas more than 11 percent of land is protected, less than 1 percent of marine space is similarly protected. Transboundary networks of marine protected areas and transboundary marine protected areas (TBMPAs) are an essential form of cooperation for meeting these international targets. This paper explores the diplomatic and political options for regional and sub-regional cooperation between Tanzania, Mozambique, and South Africa, for the establishment of transboundary conservation mechanisms in the Eastern African Marine Ecoregion (EAME). Five options for the establishment and management of these mechanisms are presented, together with actions to be taken to facilitate cooperation. The paper deal with a proposed strategy for the implementation of transboundary conservation mechanisms, focusing on TBMPAs, between the three countries at a biogeographical/sub-regional level, supported by lessons learnt in other transboundary marine conservation experiences. The paper concludes that although political will may exist among States sharing borders to establish TBMPAs, the complexity of dealing with sub-regional realities is a difficult obstacle to overcome in a single step. The situation at each border must be taken into account in order that different multi-scale and multivariate solutions, supported by a common baseline will ultimately converge in a common trilateral framework. Finally, a two-step approach seems to be in course with the declaration (October 2009) of a TBMPA linking Ponta do Ouro in Mozambique to iSimangaliso Wetland Park in South Africa, following one of the options formerly presented.  相似文献   

Contemporary government rules for fisheries resources management in developing countries have been challenged for their inadequacy. The search for modern management models for coastal and marine resources could be usefully informed by wealth of traditional knowledge that enabled communities to sustainably live with their environment for centuries or millennia. Local taboos, defined as implicit or explicit social rules prohibiting certain actions, have played an important part in many traditional approaches to resource use. A mixed methods approach was used to investigate how local taboos play a role in the management of fisheries resources in some rural and urban coastal communities of Tanzania. Focus group discussions, key informant interviews, participant observations and questionnaire surveys were used to gather primary data. Data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study identified a number of potential local taboos in the management of fisheries resources and their habitats in coastal Tanzania. While these taboos showed some potential for applications in modern management approaches, a majority of fishers indicated non-compliance to most of them, especially in urban areas. A number of reasons are revealed to have attributed to the non-compliance of these taboos. These findings suggest the prospect for judicious integration of traditional practices with modern strategies, to enhance compliance. More studies on traditional knowledge that has a role in fisheries resources management are recommended, as are biophysical assessments in conjunction with traditional practices to reveal their scientific benefits. Successful community-based fisheries resources management in Tanzania will draw on modern and traditional perspectives.  相似文献   

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