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Abstract. The short-term effect of elevated water temperatures (Δ t = 5–10°C after passing through the cooling circuit of an electricity generating plant) on plankton in a warm temperate estuary. South Africa, was investigated. Phytoplankton entrained on the flood tide was more severely affected than that entrained on the ebb, but chlorination of cooling water was probably a major factor affecting phytoplankton assemblages. Abundance of zooplankton of marine origin was significantly reduced after passing through the cooling circuit. The effect of thermal stress on the curyhalinc zooplankton was not clear, as the origin of the water canal to the generators is located at the extreme seaward limit of spatial distribution of cstuarinc plankton at low tide. Estuarinc species of zooplankton were therefore infrequently sampled and in low numbers only. Other factors which increase mortality are discussed.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses were performed on the Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi. The contents were identified to species level and the dietary importance of each component assessed by employing unrelated quantifying methods, which were subsequently combined to determine an index of relative importance (IRI). The index was determined on a seasonal basis as well as for individual sampling stations. The aquatic macrophyte Zostera capensis was the single most abundant item and, together with filamentous algae, constituted the major proportion (IRI = 7 314) of the diet. Crustacea were the next most abundant (IRI = 6 534), followed by Mollusca (IRI = 160). Stomach contents from the sampling stations in the lower reaches were dominated by aquatic macrophytes and algae, whereas those from the middle and upper reaches had a higher incidence of Crustacea. Mollusca in the diet were uniformly distributed throughout the estuary. There was considerable flexibility in the feeding pattern of R. holubi.  相似文献   

Coral mortality may result in macroalgal proliferation or a phase shift into an alga-dominated state. Subtidal, high-latitude western Indian Ocean coral communities at Sodwana Bay on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa, have experienced some mortality because of warm-water anomalies, storms and other causes, but the response of the macroalgae is unknown. We investigated the abundance and diversity of benthic algae on different hard natural substrata (dead digitate, brain and plate corals and beach rock) on Two-Mile Reef, Sodwana Bay. We also compared algal communities colonising ceramic, marble and pretreated ceramic tiles placed on the reef for six months. We identified 95 algae (14 Chlorophyta, 11 Phaeophyceae, 69 Rhodophyta and one cyanobacterium). Assemblages on natural and artificial substrata were dominated by the brown alga Lobophora variegata (Lamouroux) Womersley ex Oliveira and non-geniculate corallines (Rhodophyta, Corallinaceae). Cluster and ordination analyses revealed that the algae showed no affinity for particular substrata, whether natural or artificial. Algal cover was occasionally higher on rougher tiles and crustose corallines were significantly more abundant on marble than ceramic tiles. Two-Mile Reef had 23.1% dead and 48.4% live scleractinian coral cover, where dead corals were colonised indiscriminately by many small algal species, but there was no evidence of algal proliferation. The results provide a baseline for monitoring this high-latitude reef system.  相似文献   

The relatively wide KwaZulu-Natal Bight between St Lucia and Durban on the north-east shelf of South Africa is characterised by several circulation features driven by the Agulhas Current, wind and coastal inputs. A large multidisciplinary programme investigated the sources and relative influences of nutrients on the shelf. Within this, and to address a critical knowledge gap, this study describes macrobenthic (<1 mm) composition and frequency from 16 stations, assigned amongst four oceanographic focus areas. The areas were predetermined across the disciplines to represent upwelling, outwelling and a semi-persistent eddy, with nutrients and primary productivity being measured at each. Environmental variables such as sediment distribution, sediment TOC and bottom water physico-chemistry were determined at a significantly larger spatial scale. Our study postulated that oceanographic focus areas support significantly different macrobenthic assemblages, and that composition and relative distribution is due to measurable habitat attributes at each. Macrofauna were relatively abundant and particularly rich at >1 000 taxa. Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Sipuncula and Cnidaria (>50 taxa each) were the dominant macrobenthic groups in the bight. Annelida were dominated by the polychaete families Spionidae, Terrebelidae and Cirratullidae, which were generally associated with outwelling and a mud depocentre off the Thukela River. Two unique and distinctive assemblages were found, one in the Thukela Mouth focus area and another on the midshelf between Thukela and Durban. The latter is influenced by poorly sorted, coarse sand and with probable influences from the Durban Eddy. There assemblages were abundant, rich and specific to this habitat. Correlation, PERMANOVA and CAP analyses showed assemblage fidelity to the focus areas. Medium sand, fine sand, mud and the variance of overall sediment type were the habitat drivers underlying macrofaunal abundance distributions.  相似文献   

Knysna Estuary supports an estimated 30 full-time and 200 part-time subsistence fishers involved in bait collection, mud crab harvesting, and fishing. The mud prawn Upogebia africana dominates the bait-fishery, with estimated catches amounting to about 3% of the standing stock, suggesting sustainable use. Harvest of Marphysa spp. and Gorgonorhynchus dayi is conducted in a destructive manner. Most of the value of fishing lies in the setline catches of spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii and white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus, whereas small species and individuals, particularly Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi, are also caught with handlines. Indications are that the linefishery is also sustainable at present. The subsistence fishery is worth an estimated R0.7-R1.1 million per annum, with full-time fishers earning at least R11 000-R17 000 per annum from the estuary. Currently operating under recreational regulations, the fishery is poorly controlled and fails to reach its full potential. The main threat to the estuary from damaging harvests of bait species, such as Marphysa spp. and G. dayi, should be discouraged through heavy penalisation of buyers and traders. Sales of mud prawn could probably be legalised. If off-take rates are found to be sustainable, sales of certain fish species could be legalised if access to the fishery could be effectively controlled under a co-management arrangement.  相似文献   

The composition of the larval fish assemblage at the mouth of the Kosi Estuary, KwaZulu-Natal, was investigated. Fish larvae were collected from a sample site adjacent to a rocky reef within the estuary, 200 m upstream from the mouth, on six occasions between January 1988 and March 1989. A total of 2 418 fish larvae, representing 60 families and 154 taxa, was collected. The catch was dominated by the families Myctophidae (13,8%), Gobiidae (10,1%), Tripterygiidae (8,2%), Engraulidae (6,4%), Blenniidae (4,7%), Labridae (4,4%), Pempheridae (4,4%), Apogonidae (3,7%), Sparidae (3,6%) and Schindleriidae (2,6%). The most abundant larval species were the engraulid Stolephorus holodon and the tripterygiid Euneapterygius clarkae. The larval assemblage in the estuary reflected the nearshore coral reef fish community and was determined by oceanic and tidal conditions. Larval densities were significantly greater (p < 0,05) on flood tides than on ebb tides. Most larvae (50%) were reef-associated, estuarine-associated species contributing 28% of the total taxa. The presence of oceanic taxa, in particular myctophids, was attributed to shoreward intrusions of Agulhas Current surface water. The Kosi Estuary possibly plays an important role as a retention area and the associated reef functions as a settlement site for recruiting reef fish.  相似文献   

During November 1978, Cape cormorants Phalacrocorax capensis at Mercury Island, off South West Africa (Namibia), consumed practically exclusively pelagic gobies Sufflogobius bibarbalus. The mean number of fish per regurgitation was 52 with a mean caudal length of 48 mm and an estimated mean mass of 1.7 g. The estimated mean original mass of stomach contents was 75 g. These Cape cormorants took significantly smaller pelagic gobies than did bank cormorants P. neglectus sampled concurrently at the same locality.  相似文献   

The tidal basin of the Kosi Bay lagoonal-lacustrine complex is dominated by fish traps that line the intertidal and subtidal environments. These have been considered significant sediment sinks, responsible for transformation of parts of the system from subtidal and intertidal sand-flat settings to mangrove habitats. Mangrove progradation has been attributed to sediment retention within the trap structures. Fish-trap counts since 1942 indicate no significant increase in trap number prior to 1980, but thereafter trap numbers have increased exponentially. Historical GIS analysis indicates a linear growth rate of mangrove areas since 1942, a trend not mirrored in the numbers of fish traps. Modelling of mangrove progradation indicates lateral extension rates per annum much lower than global figures for choked systems elsewhere. Modelling of choking thresholds for the Kosi Bay system yields a minimum date of ~2500 AD. By including sea-level rise within the model, newly formed mangrove communities may either be drowned or remain in step with predicted sea-level rises within the next 150–200 years. The role of fish traps in the conversion of subtidal environments to sedimentary environments dominated by mangroves is negligible, and this shallowing would not be of concern in light of the short-term nature of managerial timescales.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of macrobenthic communities was investigated in three areas in the KwaZulu- Natal Bight, a section of shelf off the east coast of South Africa. Areas were pre-selected on the basis of three known oceanographic features, posited to deliver land- or Agulhas Current-derived nutrients onto the shelf and to drive ecosystem functioning in this region. Replicate sediment samples were collected with a 0.2 m2 van Veen grab, during two surveys (A, B) corresponding with normal periods of high and low rainfall, respectively. A subset of the full station array was selected across the shelf in an arrangement of increasing depths (inner-, mid- and outer shelf) through each feature area to investigate the spatial distribution and feeding modes of macrobenthic taxa. The two periods showed some differences in abundance and numbers of macrobenthic taxa, but were not statistically different. Total macrobenthic abundance from Survey A was 20 215 individuals from 642 taxa, decreasing to 18 000 individuals from 503 taxa during Survey B. Polychaeta and Crustacea were the dominant taxa sampled; abundance of the latter was attributed largely to a proliferation of Paguristes sp.1 at inner-shelf samples in the midbight (Thukela) region during Survey B. Similarity classification distinguished seven sample groups reflecting differences in feature areas and shelf positions under investigation. The Thukela River midshelf community supported the highest macrobenthic abundance, while the midshelf off the southern bight (Durban region) was most species rich. Findings were attributed to the habitat complexity of the midshelf which includes a palaeo-dune cordon at the 60 m isobath. Functionally, the community was dominated by interface- and deposit-feeding fauna, emphasising the importance of trophic plasticity in an environmentally variable and heterogeneous shelf environment.  相似文献   

为研究福建省九龙江口海门岛大型底栖动物的群落结构变化,于2014年11月至2015年8月对海门岛红树林区的大型底栖动物进行4个季度的调查研究,并利用PRIMER软件进行群落物种多样性单变量分析、群落聚类分析(Cluster)、多维尺度排序(MDS)分析和丰度/生物量曲线(ABC)分析.结果表明:九龙江口海门岛红树林区获得大型底栖动物共计112种,年平均生物量为77. 58 g/m2,年平均栖息密度为991. 0 ind/m2. Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、丰富度指数(d)和均匀度指数(J')分别为2. 42、5. 02和0. 70,其中春季生物多样性指数和均匀度指数均最低,与春季生物的繁殖有关.ABC曲线表明该区域有三分之一采样点的大型底栖动物群落受到中等到严重程度的扰动,主要集中在春季站位,这与该季节渔民滩涂养殖作业活动有关. Cluster聚类分析和MDS标序结果表明,在50%的相似性水平群落可分为6组,且不同组间显示季节差异显著.结合历史资料发现,大型底栖动物群落随环境质量的变化已出现了一定的群落演替,物种呈小型化趋势.环境因子与群落分布特征相关性较大,其中最能解释群落丰度和生物量空间分布特征的环境因子为水温、盐度和有机质含量.  相似文献   

The unexpected effect of a synoptic-scale event (passage of a cold front) on the advection of water across the mouth of Small Bay, Saldanha Bay, is recorded. From a current-meter record, it is shown how the strength (> 15m·s?1) and direction (NNE) of the wind relative to the mouth set up a stratified shear flow whereby the out-flowing surface water is replaced by in-flowing bottom water. The potential environmental implications for this type of event are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the composition, abundance and distribution of the larval fish assemblage in the nearshore coastal waters off the St Lucia Estuary mouth, South Africa. Ichthyoplankton samples were collected over a 12 month period from five stations located along a transect up to 2·5 km offshore, and from two stations north and south of the estuary mouth, respectively. In all, 6126 fish larvae, representing 89 families and 186 species, were collected. Larvae in the families Myctophidae and Tripterygiidae comprised 21% and 16% of the total catch, respectively. The most abundant species were an unidentified triplefin, Tripterygiid 1 and the lanternfish Benthosema fibulatum, together which contributed nearly 18% of the total catch. Larvae of marine spawners independent of estuaries dominated the catch both in terms of density (90%) and in terms of number of taxa (89%). Some larvae of estuarine-associated species were present, in addition to a few specimens of estuarine resident species. Overall the dominant environmental variable affecting larval densities was temperature, particularly for Trypterygiid 1 where temperature contributed to 9% of the variance model. Densities of fish larvae peaked in November and December 1990 (late spring and early summer) and were lowest from January to June 1991 (summer, autumn an early winter). Different taxa dominated the catch each month with reef- and shelf-associated species accounting for the peak in August and September 1990, oceanic species in November 1990 and a mixture of the two groups in December. Overall larval densities were significantly higher in bottom samples with a trend of increasing densities offshore for reef and shelf taxa. The larvae of reef and shore taxa were predominantly preflexion larvae, whilst the few estuarine spawner species that were collected were mainly postflexion. Ontogenetic patterns related to depth and distance offshore were evident for the dominant species in each estuarine-association category.The present study has shown that temporal and spatial variations in the larval fish assemblage off St Lucia are related to environmental conditions and ontogenetic behavioural patterns of certain species. The origin of many of the larvae in the assemblages off the coast of St Lucia is probably from both local spawning populations in the shelf waters off KwaZulu-Natal and spawning populations farther north in shelf waters off Mozambique. Additional studies with more detailed oceanographic measurements will further our understanding of the physical processes that supply larvae to the St Lucia region.  相似文献   

长江口大型底栖动物群落的演变过程及原因探讨   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
根据近30年来的长江口大型底栖动物群落的历史资料,以及2009年和2010年的现场调查数据,从长江口底栖动物群落结构变化特征出发,分析了其长期演变的过程和规律,旨在阐明底栖动物群落的演变趋势,识别其重要演变时段。同时结合长江口海域近50~60年来的入海径流量和携沙量变化、营养盐和DO等水质特征变化,分析底栖动物群落的变化原因。分析结果表明,长江口底栖生物群落的变化可大体分为3个阶段,第一阶段是20世纪90年代之前,底栖生物群落无论物种数、生物量都维持相对较高的水平;第二阶段发生在20世纪90年代初至2005年,由于受到气候变化和人类活动的综合影响,底栖生物群落的上述指标都有所降低,表明受到自然和人为因素干扰的加剧;第三阶段是2005年之后至现在,由于长江口水域的各项生态环境保护措施加强,底栖生物群落得到一定程度的恢复。通过对长江口海域各种环境因素的分析表明,底栖生物群落变化受到长江口区域生物因素和非生物因素的共同影响,变化趋势也与环境因素的变化比较吻合。  相似文献   

Recruitment of early life stages into estuaries is an integral part of the life cycle of many marine fish species. Although estuaries are naturally environmentally dynamic, they also are subject to anthropogenic disturbances, including land use and climate change, which may affect recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is an endemic marine-spawning species predominantly associated with freshwater-rich estuaries which serve as nursery areas for postflexion larvae and juveniles. This study assessed the effect of environmental variables on the dynamics of recruitment of R. holubi larvae and juveniles into the Swartkops and Sundays estuaries, South Africa. Over a period of two years, fyke nets were set at each estuary mouth to monitor movement into the estuaries at each tidal phase over a 24 h cycle during two sampling sessions per season. Rhabdosargus holubi larvae recruited into estuaries primarily in summer and autumn and during the ebb tide at night, while juvenile movements showed no pattern. Salinity, turbidity and temperature were significantly important factors affecting R. holubi recruitment, with pH having no significant effect. Turbidity and salinity are affected by rainfall and freshwater abstraction which may thus influence recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is dependent on estuaries, so a combination of future changes in turbidity, salinity and temperature due to predicted climate change may place populations at risk.  相似文献   

The St. Lucia estuarine lake on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, is one of the largest estuarine systems in Africa and of unique importance for the adjacent marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The area regularly experiences periods of drought, resulting in hypersaline conditions in its shallow lakes and the closure of the estuarine mouth. This study aimed to assess the primary production rates of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos throughout an annual cycle of this drought phase. Primary production rates were assessed at representative sites, namely the Mouth, Narrows, South and North Lakes from June 2006 to May 2007. Because of the drought, the salinity gradient from the mouth to the head of the estuary was reversed by comparison to estuarine systems with a steady freshwater inflow and regular marine exchange. In March 2007, during the study, the mouth opened as a result of rough seas, and the marine influence broke the existing reversed gradient, producing a marine salinity throughout the system. Microphytobenthic primary productivity varied between 0 and 34 mg C m−2 h−1 and showed strong correlations with salinity, DIN:DIP ratios and irradiance. Benthic productivity was high across the system after breaching of the mouth. Pelagic primary productivity (between 0 and 180 mg C m−2 h−1), showed a correlation with temperature and irradiance and was highest across the system in February 2007 when the mouth was still closed. There was no significant correlation between production rates and biomass (chl-a) in either the benthic or pelagic habitats. The negative correlation between DIN:DIP ratio and benthic primary productivity indicated that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient. This study shows that salinity, along with seasonally dependent parameters such as temperature and irradiance, correlates with the rate of microalgal production. Hence, in these shallow lakes, the largest primary productivity can occur in either the pelagic or benthic subsystems, depending on prevailing conditions at the time.  相似文献   

近20 a来,受高强度人类活动影响,珠江伶仃洋滩槽已发生远超自然过程的异变,其河口动力结构必然发生响应,影响物质输运过程。本研究利用三维水动力数值模型,探讨了伶仃洋河口小潮期余环流结构的变化特征及原因。结果表明:近20 a来伶仃洋底层余流强度提高,沿深槽上溯时向中滩偏转,易引起泥沙汇聚于此。中滩存在表层向西,底层向东的横向余环流结构,主要由非线性对流项和科氏力项驱动。中滩大规模采砂后引起对流项变化,造成余环流结构东移,表、底层余流增强,可加快表底层物质交换。西槽内存在表层向海、底层向陆的纵向余环流结构,主要由正压和斜压梯度力驱动。受浚深影响,向陆斜压梯度力和非线性对流项均增强,引起表层余流减小22%,而底层增大24%,这将削弱小潮期西槽内水体交换能力,即减慢物质输出,易造成西槽淤积、水环境恶化等影响。研究成果对研究人类活动干扰下的河口余环流结构及物质输运响应具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Four 70-m stations on the continental shelf offshore from the Eel River (northern California) were occupied at roughly four-month intervals between February 1995 and March 1998, and in August 1999. At each of the stations, profiles of excess 234Th were used to quantify sediment bioturbation intensity. In addition, at two of the stations macrofaunal abundance, species composition and functional groupings were quantified. During the study period, the Eel River displayed a range of hydrological conditions, with historically significant floods in January 1995 and January 1997 (return periods of 15 and 40 y, respectively), relatively low flows during the winters of 1995-1996 and 1998-1999 and an El Niño year characterized by moderate, but frequent discharges in 1997-1998. The January 1995 and 1997 floods deposited 3-7 cm of fine-grained, high porosity sediment with high C/N ratios and a terrestrial organic carbon signature at the study sites. The following general questions are addressed herein: (1) how do macrofaunal abundance, species composition and functional groupings vary over time? (2) Does the sediment deposition following the January 1997 flood constitute a major disturbance to the Eel shelf macrobenthos? (3) How does sediment bioturbation intensity vary in time/space and what are the main factors controlling this variation?The Eel shelf macrofauna is strongly dominated by subsurface-deposit feeding polychaetes, with anomalously low abundances of surface-deposit feeders and virtually no suspension feeders among the community dominants. The abundance data revealed a clear seasonal pattern, with peak density (∼4.5 × 104 m−2) in the fall and a factor of two lower density in the late winter/spring (∼2 × 104 m−2). Within this seasonal context there was little evidence for extraordinary mortality caused by the January 1997 flood, in that overall wintertime mortality and the mortality of most community dominants during a year (1995-1996) when there was no flood deposition were comparable to the mortality observed following the January 1997 flood. In contrast, the depth distribution of the macrofauna revealed a distinctive post-flood pattern, whereby a majority (55-70%) of individuals were temporarily found at depths >4 cm. This pattern suggests an active response by the resident fauna to sediment deposition, and supports the idea that the floods did not cause a widespread disturbance. Although there may not be clear evidence for short-term flood effects, the overall species composition and functional groupings do imply that the sedimentary environment (high sediment accumulation rates and abundant terrestrial organic matter) has had a long-term influence on the Eel shelf macrofauna.Model fits to ∼75 profiles of excess 234Th show that in general the data are consistent with a steady-state, biodiffusive model. The resultant mixing intensities ranged from 3 to 325 cm2 y−1, with averages (±standard deviation) of 35 ± 33, 24 ± 19, 37 ± 35, and22 ± 9 cm2 y−1 at stations C70, I70, L70, and O70, respectively. The average biodiffusivity for all stations and times was 29 ± 25 cm2 y−1 (N = 62). Due to the large amount of variability, which is consistent with other continental margin studies, it was not possible to detect significant spatial or temporal variability, although there is a hint of higher mixing intensities during the late summer - early fall, the period of maximal carbon flux to the seabed. Correlations between total macrofaunal abundance and mixing intensity are notably poor, whereas a slightly better correlation (r2 = 0.22) was obtained between the abundance of large animals and bioturbation intensity. By explicitly considering organic carbon flux, or some measure of seabed food resources, and the abundance of larger organisms it may be possible to predict bioturbation intensity better in future studies, although the pervasive small-scale variability detected on the Eel River shelf warrants in-depth theoretical and experimental consideration.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 36 South African fur seals beached over a 20 year period along the south-east coast of South Africa were examined. In all, 15 fish and nine cephalopod prey types were identified. Five species of fish (Merluccius capensis, Trachurus trachurus capensis, Cynoglossus zanzibarensis, Pterogymnus laniarius, Austroglossus pectoralis) and two cephalopods (Loligo vulgaris reynaudii, Octopus sp.) were of major importance in the diet. The proportion of demersal species in the diet is higher than previously reported, suggesting that the seals forage extensively on the sea floor. The most important fish species in the diet was M. capensis, and the most important cephalopod was L. v. reynaudii. Male and female seals showed distinct prey selection, suggesting possible intraspecific resource partitioning. There is no evidence of competition between seals and other top predators.  相似文献   

长江口南北槽分流口洪季水沙变化过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口分流口的水沙变化过程是影响河口三角洲发育的核心环节,对下游河势的稳定起着关键性的作用。本文通过对北槽二、三期工程前后的南北槽分流口河段洪季大潮期间的同步水沙观测数据进行分析,以探讨长江口深水航道工程整治对分流口水沙过程的影响。结果表明:(1)北槽二期工程到三期工程后,分流口洪季以落潮优势流、优势沙为主的格局基本没有发生改变,但南槽优势流、优势沙出现略有变大,而北槽略有变小现象;(2)分流口洪季的水体输移主要受控于欧拉余流的变化,除北槽入口段水体净输移量一直较小外,其他河段在二、三期工程实施期间均有大幅提升,其中斯托克斯余流变化不大,拉格朗日余流与欧拉余流变化相一致,南槽呈波动状上升,北槽先增后减;(3)在二期到三期工程期间,北槽分流比明显减小,入口段落潮流速减小,含沙量较高,水体输移量降低,输沙强度减弱,由此导致二期工程以来北槽入口河段淤积强度加重。  相似文献   

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