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The Lophius vomerinus component of the monkfish resource off Namibia was assessed by means of deterministic length- and age-based models. Steady state length cohort analyses illustrated that, although the model was sensitive to the rate of natural mortality, it was relatively insensitive to changes in terminal fishing mortality. These biases may, however, not be serious provided that estimates of abundance are used to reflect relative changes in the biomass dynamics of the population. The age-structured production model, tuned to trends in General-Linear-Modelling-standardized catch-per-unit-effort data and relative abundance indices calculated from hake (Merluccius spp.) biomass surveys, together with observed commercial and survey catches-at-age, showed similar trends. Both models provided evidence that the monkfish resource was fully to overexploited, with current harvesting levels higher than those concomitant with sustainable yields.  相似文献   

There is global interest in providing scientific advice on optimal harvesting of all commercially exploited fish stocks. Nevertheless, many commercially important stocks lack analytical assessments. Therefore, we evaluate a data-moderate stock assessment method: the stochastic surplus production model in continuous time (SPiCT). The method was applied to two Namibian stocks: (i) the data-rich Cape monkfish Lophius vomerinus, where results are compared to a new data-rich assessment using a state–space assessment model (SAM); and (ii) the data-moderate west coast sole Austroglossus microlepis, which is an important bycatch species in the Cape monkfish fishery, but currently unassessed. The information available to the data-moderate assessment is total commercial catch, commercial catch per unit effort (CPUE), and survey CPUE. SPiCT and SAM gave largely consistent estimates of relative fishing mortality (F/FMSY) and relative exploitable biomass (B/BMSY) for the Cape monkfish stock, although with some discrepancies. Differences in the biomass estimates between the two assessments suggest that further investigation is required to understand the cause, and that some caution is necessary when considering the biomass of the stock. SPiCT shows that the west coast sole may be overexploited, although the confidence bounds were too wide for a firm conclusion. Similarity in the estimates of F/FMSY for Cape monkfish in recent years, using SPiCT relative to SAM, likewise indicates the suitability of SPiCT for managing west coast sole.  相似文献   

The African penguin Spheniscus demersus is endemic to southern Africa and is listed overall as "vulnerable". Over the past century, however, the Namibian population has been severely reduced and is currently listed as "critically endangered". Recent trends at Possession, Halifax, Ichaboe and Mercury islands, which account for 97% of the Namibian population, were examined using counts of moulting adults and active nests at peak breeding. Since 1996, the adult population has decreased at a rate of 2.6% per year. Since 1990, the breeding population has decreased by 3.7% per year. Mercury Island is the only Namibian breeding site where penguin numbers are increasing. Improving the conservation status of the species is critical. Better management strategies need to be identified and implemented.  相似文献   

The validity of abundance estimates from hydroacoustic surveys relies, inter alia, on the ability of the fishing gear on the research vessel to sample non-selectively. This study compares the length frequencies of Cape horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis taken in Namibian waters by the R.V. Welwitchia and commercial midwater trawlers. Results indicate that the length distributions of catches taken by the Welwitchia were significantly different from those from commercial trawlers, with a greater proportion of fish >25 cm being sampled by the latter. Also, the biomass estimated per length-class from hydroacoustic surveys over the period 1994–2000 was compared with those from annual landings of the commercial fishery. The length distribution of horse mackerel in purse-seine catches compares favourably with those from the research vessel. However, comparisons with the midwater trawl catches indicated that the length frequencies obtained from research vessels during the years 1994–1997 underestimated the number of large fish in the population and biased the biomass in those years. From 1998 to 2000 the bias was negligible. The magnitude of the error varied between years, but it remained fairly low. To compensate for this bias, length distribution data from midwater trawlers should be integrated into the acoustic biomass calculation procedure.  相似文献   

The hake resource is the most important commercial fish species in the demersal sector of Namibia's fisheries, both in terms of annual catch and contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The fishery now spans four decades. In the 1960s and 1970s, hake were exploited heavily by mainly foreign fleets, total catches peaking at more than 800 000 tons in 1972. The first control measures, the use of a minimum mesh size of 110 mm and the allocation of quotas to each member country participating in the hake fishery, were implemented by the International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries in 1975. In 1990, the Namibian Government took action to control fishing activities in Namibian waters, and the enactment of its Fisheries Policy (1991) and Sea Fisheries Act of 1992 provided for the control measures to be taken. The conservative management strategy adopted between 1990 and 1993 resulted in gradual increase in hake biomass, but thereafter the stock declined. The hake fishery is currently managed on the basis of a total allowable catch that takes into consideration the rate of increase or decrease in the size of the resource. Since 1990, the demersal trawl fishery has accounted for approximately 90% of the total hake catch. The resource is subjected to both directed fishing and bycatch, the latter taken in directed fisheries for species such as horse mackerel, monkfish and sole.  相似文献   

The Namibian linefishery is a multisector fishery, with recreational and commercial sectors targeting overlapping species. Prior to 1990, catch data were recorded for the boat sector, but little research was done on the population dynamics of any of the species. Hence, none of the stocks were assessed owing to the lack of parameter estimates for fisheries modelling. Current management regulations for the Namibian linefishery are therefore not based on scientific investigations but, for historical reasons, were adapted from South African legislation for similar species. From 1994, linefish research in Namibia focused on the life history and population dynamics of silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus and West Coast steenbras Lithognathus aureti, important species in both commercial and recreational sectors. A roving-roving creel survey was used to determine effort and catches of recreational shore-anglers. Both species were assessed using yield-per-recruit models. Based on the results, reduced daily bag limits and the implementation of size limits for the recreational sector were proposed. For the commercial sector, the introduction of a total allowable catch would seem to be the best option. Results from an economic survey indicated that the recreational sector earns six times more for the country annually than the commercial sector.  相似文献   

Data collected from a longline fishery in the Indian Ocean were used to evaluate the performance of a deterministic habitat-based standardization (detHBS) method for catch per unit effort (CPUE) standardization. The habitat preference indices of the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) were estimated for different depth, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO) classes. The detHBS was applied for standardizing the yellowfin tuna CPUE based on the habitat preference indices of the yellowfin tuna. Nominal CPUE and normalized nominal CPUE were compared with the standardized CPUE and normalized standardized CPUE, respectively, using Wilcoxon tests. The results showed that (1) there was significant difference between nominal CPUE and standardized CPUEs (p < 0.01); (2) there was no significant difference between normalized nominal CPUE and normalized standardized CPUEs estimated using the data set of depth, temperature, and DO (p > 0.01). This study suggests that detHBS effectively improved the precision of CPUE standardization, and the depth data set was the optimum data set in standardizing CPUE.  相似文献   

We report a ten-year study of the abundance and activity of megabenthos on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, northeast Atlantic, together with observations on the occurrence of phytodetritus at the deep-sea floor (4850 m). Using the Southampton Oceanography Centre time-lapse camera system, ‘Bathysnap’, we have recorded a radical change in the abundance and activity of megabenthos between the two periods of study (1991–1994 and 1997–2000). In 1991–1994, the larger megabenthos occurred at an abundance of c. 71.6/ha and were dominated by large holothurians. In addition, there were very substantial populations of smaller megabenthic ophiuroids (c. 4979/ha). Together, the total megabenthos are estimated to track over some 17 cm2/m2/d (exploiting 100% of the surface of the seabed in c. 2.5 years). In 1997–2000, the larger megabenthos increased to an abundance of c. 204/ha and were joined by exceptional numbers of a small holothurian species (Amperima rosea, 6457/ha) and ophiuroids (principally Ophiocten hastatum, 53,539/ha). The total megabenthos population was tracking at an estimnated rate of c. 247 cm2/m2/d (exploiting 100% of seabed in just 6 weeks). Coincident with these increases in the abundance and activity of the megabenthos, there were apparently no mass depositions of aggregated phytodetritus to the seabed in the summers of 1997–1999. Mass occurrences of phytodetritus had been noted during the summer months of the three years previously studied (1991, 1993 and 1994), with covering between 50 and 96% of the sediment surface. There is a statistically significant (p<0.02) negative correlation between maximum extent of this seabed cover of phytodetritus and seabed tracking by megabenthos. Additional studies [Lampitt et al., Progr. Ocean. 50 (2001)], indicate that there were no substantial changes in surface ocean primary productivity, in export flux, or in the composition of the flux that might otherwise account for the apparent absence of observable concentrations of phytodetritus during the summers of 1997–1999. We postulate that the marked increase in megabenthic tracking activity resulted in the removal (via consumption, disaggregation, burial etc.) of the bulk of the incoming phytodetrital flux during these years. A simple conceptual model, based on the apparent phytodetrital fluxes observed in 1991 and 1993, suggests that the megabenthos tracking rates estimated for 1997–1999 are sufficient to account for near-total removal of this flux. However, we are not able to estimate other processes removing phytodetritus (i.e. other elements of the benthos) that may also have increased between 1991–1994 and 1997–1999. Other independent studies [e.g. Ginger et al., Progr. Ocean. 50 (2001)] of flux constituents support the possibility that just a few species of megabenthos (e.g. A. rosea, and O. hastatum) could well have consumed a major proportion of the incoming flux and so substantially modified the composition of the organic matter available to other components of the benthos.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the spatial, diurnal and interannual dynamics of the pelagic component of Namibian hake stocks. Data were derived from trawl surveys conducted on board the R.V. Dr Fridtjof Nansen during the period 1991–1999. In addition to trawl surveys, acoustic methods were applied concurrently to quantify fish biomass off the bottom (above the headline). The pelagic component of hake was variable in both time and space – it was denser in the north and at depths of 200–500 m. Pelagic densities also correlated well with the density of adult fish (≥30 cm) at the bottom, but not with that of young hake (>18 and <30 cm) at the bottom. Pelagic densities were lowest at midday and highest at night, early morning and late afternoon densities being intermediate between the two. Incorporation of acoustic methods allows for at least partial account to be taken of diurnal variation in determining catchability. The fraction of the biomass off the bottom was not the same each year, thus affecting assessment and management advice for the stock, even if the survey results are treated only as relative indices of abundance. More field studies are needed to investigate the size range and species of hake active in vertical migration.  相似文献   

Exploration for orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus in Namibia started in 1994 and within 12 months several aggregations had been discovered, suggesting the existence of a biomass sufficient to support a viable fishery. At that early stage it was realized that few, if any, recognized management procedures existed for newly developing fisheries, especially with the paucity of data such as existed on Namibian orange roughy. The development of the Namibian orange roughy fishery is reviewed to document the management strategies implemented and how the management of the fishery evolved. The first six years of the fishery are described, including the three-year exploration phase, several years of profitable exploitation, and the severe decline in catch rates. Whether the decline is attributable to fishing mortality or to change in the aggregating behaviour of orange roughy, or both, is not clear. Although many aspects of the precautionary approach were followed, a risk analysis applied and a number of innovative management methods implemented (e.g. incentives to promote exploratory fishing, use of Bayesian statistical methods, implementation of a management plan for long-term total allowable catches), the aggregating biomass declined to between 10 and 50% of virgin levels within the six years. The management methods applied are evaluated in the light of the severe decline in catch rate experienced in 1998 and 1999, so that others may learn from the experience.  相似文献   

During 1997, considerable scientific differences arose about the status of the Namibian hake (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) resource, and as to whether the hake Total Allowable Catch (TAC) should be substantially decreased or increased. These differences revolved primarily around whether or not abundance estimates from the swept-area trawl surveys by the Norwegian research vessel Dr Fridtjof Nansen should be considered as reliable measures of biomass in absolute (as distinct from relative) terms. The paper relates the computations underlying the Interim Management Procedure (IMP) approach that was put forward at that time as a basis to resolve this impasse. The anticipated performance, in terms of catch and risk of resource depletion, of a number of simple candidate IMPs for the Namibian hake resource is evaluated. The IMPs depend on two parameters, whose values are to be chosen by decision-makers, and adjust the TAC up or down from one year to the next according to whether trends in recent commercial catch rate and survey indices of abundance are positive or negative. Performances are evaluated across the then current wide range argued for resource abundance and status. Trade-offs in performance across the candidates considered are discussed. One of the candidates was subsequently selected by a joint meeting of scientists, industry and Ministry officials in February 1998 and served as the basis for scientific recommendations for the TAC for the hake resource for the following three years.  相似文献   

Orange roughy form dense spawning aggregations in specific small areas in deep water on the Namibian shelf between late June and early August each year. The biomass in three such areas, where most commercial fishing occurs (the Johnies, Frankies and Rix Quota Management Areas, or QMAs) has been assessed acoustically each year since 1997. Acoustic estimates of the aggregated portion of the biomass (the only component that can be assessed reliably using acoustics) were obtained for all three QMAs in 1997 and 1998, but only for Frankies in 1999 owing to increased problems with target identification as the biomass declined. The methodology developed for these surveys, including the equipment used, survey design, target identification, data processing and error analysis are described. Some important biases that should be corrected for when estimating absolute abundance of orange roughy acoustically are addressed. Individual sources of error were quantified as well as possible, and input to an error model that simulated the error process and produced probability density functions of absolute biomass, from which the mean absolute biomass and its standard error could be computed for each survey, effectively correcting for identified sources of bias and quantifying the overall uncertainty. The correction factors ranged from 1.58 to 1.71 and the CVs increased by factors of 1.2–2.1. Target strength uncertainty and negative bias attributable to the dead zone close to the bottom were considered to be the most serious errors. The acoustic estimates indicate a substantial decline in orange roughy biomass in all three QMAs since 1997, in accord with indices from contemporaneous swept-area surveys and the catch rate of the commercial fleet. Acoustic estimates have already been used extensively to manage the resource and are likely to remain important in the future.  相似文献   

Literature on trophic relationships in the Benguela ecosystem has stressed the importance of cephalopods as prey of groundfish. The groundfish community of the shelf and upper slope of southern Africa is dominated by the Cape hakes, and the results presented (1984–1991) confirm that both species of hake are important predators of cephalopods, especially taking into consideration the abundance of hake in the ecosystem. However, geographic, seasonal and species variability are evident in the patterns observed. The main prey species are Sepia spp. (predominantly Sepia australis), Loligo vulgaris reynaudii, Todaropsis eblanae and Lycoteuthis ?diadema. The last-named is an important food organism for fish. Its systematic status needs revision, however. Qualitative results of studies of cephalopod predation are also provided for kingklip and monkfish.  相似文献   

The Japanese Pacific walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) stock is the largest stock of this species in Japanese waters. It is a key component of the Oyashio ecosystem. In southern Hokkaido waters, these fish spawn mainly during January and February near the mouth of Funka Bay (FB), and most eggs and larvae are transported into FB. During midsummer juvenile pollock migrate along the southern coast of Hokkaido to a nursery ground on the continental shelf off eastern Hokkaido (Doto area). However, some eggs and larvae are transported southward to the Tohoku region (TR). Transport depends largely on the Oyashio, which generally flows southward along the eastern coasts of Hokkaido and Tohoku. Thus, this stock has two different recruitment routes: FB–Doto and FB–TR. In the 1980s, when the southward flow of the Oyashio was strong, the number of age-2 pollock estimated from a virtual population analysis (VPA) indicated that recruitment to the entire stock remained at a medium level. In the 1990s, when the Oyashio weakened, strong year-classes occurred in 1991, 1994, and 1995, but not in the latter half of the 1990s. Juvenile catches in the TR by commercial fisheries, which can be taken as indices of recruitment level via FB–TR, were high during the 1980s and decreased in the 1990s. Although there was no significant difference in the average number of recruits between the 1980s and the 1990s as estimated from a VPA, the recruitment patterns differed between the two decades. Here, we propose that recruitment routes of this stock shifted in response to environmental changes.  相似文献   

In this study demersal survey data for the period 1990–1999 are used to investigate the average distribution of the Cape hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus off Namibia in terms of density and mean length. Further, biomass estimates are compared on the basis of depth and density stratification. The main distribution of M. capensis was north of 27°S and that of M. paradoxus south of 24°S. M. paradoxus was deeper than M. capensis. For both species, average length increased with depth. M. paradoxus expanded its range to the north through the 1990s as its population size (off South Africa and Namibia) increased. In Namibian waters, small M. paradoxus were found only south of 25°S. Mean length of M. capensis increased north of 21°S, largely as a result of decreased numbers of small fish in shallower water. Abundance estimates stratified by depth were no different from those post-stratified on similar densities.  相似文献   

Bayesian methods are useful in fisheries stock assessment because they provide a conceptually elegant and statistically rigorous approach to making decisions under uncertainty. The application of Bayesian stock assessment methods in the management of Namibian orange roughy Hoplosthethus atlanticus within the 200 mile EEZ of Namibia is reviewed. Time-series of relative abundance are short and their reliability in indicating abundance trends is uncertain. The development of informative prior probability density functions (pdfs) for the constants of proportionality (q) for hydro-acoustic, commercial trawl swept area, and research trawl swept area indices produced statistically consistent prior estimates of absolute abundance for each of the three grounds where more than one index of abundance was available. The posterior pdfs for stock assessment model parameters were used to account for uncertainty in evaluations of the potential consequences of alternative harvesting policies under a stock reduction model in which catch removals were assumed to account for any declines. It appears that all orange roughy stocks off Namibia have been depleted below the limit reference point (50% of long-term unfished biomass). However, the stock reduction model could not easily account for the large declines in indices on the four fishing grounds over the period from 1995 until 1999 when the informative priors for q were applied. In the 2000 stock assessment, the Bayesian procedure was updated to account formally for uncertainty in model structures that could explain the decline in abundance. The possibility of very low stock abundance could still not be discounted when these uncertainties were accounted for. Although this most recent methodology applies more statistical rigour, its complexity has hindered its acceptance in Namibia. However, if it is worth quantifying risks and uncertainties in future stock assessments for the provision of precautionary management advice, it is proposed that the assessment protocols adopted be probabilistic to account for uncertainty in model parameters, that careful attention be given to subjective judgements about their inputs and the representation of uncertainty within them, and that, where appropriate, alternative hypotheses about stock abundance and mechanisms for catchability and stock decline be taken into account.  相似文献   

Trends in the population of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus were estimated from counts of pups on aerial photographs of colonies taken between 1972 and 2004 to determine trends in the overall population and subpopulations. Incomplete coverage resulted in missing data in some years. Various methods of determining proxy values for missing data were assessed, and it was concluded that different methods were applicable to Namibian and South African colonies. This reflected variation in trends of pup counts between the countries, which was associated with differences in productivity between the southern and northern Benguela ecosystems. In Namibia, temporal changes in pup numbers were non-linear in some years and there was correspondence in fluctuations at most colonies. This appeared to be on account of an effect of periodic, wide-scale prey shortages that reduced birth rates. There was a northward shift in the distribution of seals in the northern Benguela system. In South Africa, pup counts were much less variable between years, probably on account of a relative stability of food supply. A linear approach was therefore suitable for determining proxy values for missing data at South African colonies. Pup counts suggest that there has been little change in the overall population of the Cape fur seals since 1993, when it was estimated at about two million animals.  相似文献   

During the period April 1991–March 1996, 10 entangled Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella, 28 entangled Subantarctic fur seals A. tropicalis and one entangled southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina were observed at Marion Island, Southern Ocean. Entanglement of fur seals was estimated at between 0.01 and 0.15% of the combined population of both species.  相似文献   

An assessment of catch and effort in the Eastern Cape shore and skiboat linefisheries was undertaken between 1994 and 1996 by means of roving creel and access point surveys. Catch-and-effort data were obtained from direct observation of 3 273 shore-fishers, 172 recreational and 223 commercial skiboat outings. Total effort in the region was high at 903 186 fisher-days year?1 in the shore fishery and 64 266 and 24 357 fisher-days year?1 in the commercial and recreational skiboat sectors respectively. The fisheries are multispecies in nature. The shore fishery consisted of 66 species, the recreational skiboat fishery 44 species and the commercial skiboat fishery 48 species. Just 10 species accounted for 75, 83 and 90% of the catch of the shore, recreational and commercial skiboat fishery respectively. The average catch per unit effort (cpue) was low in all sectors, 1.15 kg fisher?1 day?1 in the shorefishery, 9.4 kg fisher?1 day?1 in the recreational skiboat fishery and 21.5 kg fisher?1 day?1 in the commercial skiboat fishery. Catch data showed that professional and club anglers are more successful fishers. Comparisons with historic records for Port Elizabeth revealed that the cpue in the shore fishery had declined markedly, whereas the total effort increase was negligible (0.1%). In addition, the species composition of the fishery has changed.  相似文献   

The most important Namibian linefish species, the silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus, is currently heavily exploited, and in order to ensure its survival catch restrictions are being introduced. However, kob are exploit ed oth by recreational anglers and by commercial vessels, and it is important to examine the economics of these fisheries in order to determine where catch restrictions will do the least harm to the economy. Data from a survey of commercial fishing vessels are compared with results from earlier surveys of recreational anglers to determine economic values and impacts from both fisheries. The economic benefits are shown to be greatest in recreational angling, less in commercial fishing by large vessels and least in commercial skiboat fishing. This sudy also shows that catch restrictions would do less harm to the economy if applied to the commercial linefishing sector rather than to recreational angling.  相似文献   

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