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The role of coastal lagoons and estuaries as sources or sinks of inorganic carbon in upwelling areas has not been fully understood. During the months of May–July, 2005, we studied the dissolved inorganic carbon system in a coastal lagoon of northwestern Mexico during the strongest period of upwelling events. Along the bay, different scenarios were observed for the distributions of pH, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) as a result of different combinations of upwelling intensity and tidal amplitude. DIC concentrations in the outer part of the bay were controlled by mixing processes. At the inner part of the bay DIC was as low as 1800 μmol kg−1, most likely due to high water residence times and seagrass CO2 uptake. It is estimated that 85% of San Quintín Bay, at the oceanic end, acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the inflow of CO2-rich upwelled waters from the neighboring ocean with high positive fluxes higher than 30 mmol C m−2 d−1. In contrast, there was a net uptake of CO2 and HCO3 by the seagrass bed Zostera marina in the inner part of the bay, so the pCO2 in this zone was below the equilibrium value and slightly negative CO2 fluxes of −6 mmol C m−2 d−1. Our positive NEP and ΔDIC values indicate that Bahía San Quintín was a net autotrophic system during the upwelling season during 2005.  相似文献   

Feeding guilds and spatial, seasonal and ontogenetic changes in the diets of 24 fish species in a tropical bay in Southeastern Brazil were examined. The hypotheses tested were that groups of species form specific trophic guilds and that the feeding partitioning differs along the niche dimensions. Five trophic guilds (Polychaeta, Copepoda, Teleostei, Teleostei/Crustacea and Polychaeta/Crustacea) and two species with specialised feeding, one teleost (Aspistor luniscutis) and one bivalvia (Sphoeroides testudineus), were found. Polychaeta was the most important resource for nine fish species, followed by Copepoda (6 spp.), Teleostei (5 spp.) and Caprelidae Amphipoda (3 spp.). Polychaeta was the most used resource for species in the inner bay zone, and Crustaceans in the outer bay zone. We detected a predominance of Polychaeta between the spring and autumn, whereas crustaceans were consumed at a greater rate in the winter. The most conspicuous changes in diet occurred along the spatial and seasonal dimensions, rather than the size dimensions. The hypotheses tested were accepted. Identifying and incorporating information about the bay food web is a first step towards developing management strategies that are sensitive to this particular ecosystem.  相似文献   

This study investigates the local social and fisheries impact of formal fisheries policies in Bahía de Kino, one of the most important fishing villages in terms of extraction of benthic resources in the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico. The paper focuses on cross-scale institutional interactions, describing how existing formal policies are functioning on the ground, how these policies interact with local arrangements, and how this interaction may affect the incentives of different actors towards sustainable fisheries. Besides providing lessons on how the performance of a local fishery could be improved, this paper addresses the question of whether the formal institutional structure of Mexican fishing regulations is effective in promoting responsible behavior by small-scale fishery stakeholders. It is argued that the design of the most widely used management tool to regulate access to marine resources throughout Mexico -the permit (licensing) system- provides the wrong incentives for sustainable-use. Granting secure rights to resources to those actively involved in the fishery is a necessary step for promoting sustainable fishing practices.  相似文献   

在封闭循环水高密度养殖条件下(平均密度14.1 kg/m2±0.51 kg/m2), 设置4 个流速梯度(200, 400,600, 800 L/h,分别以A~D 组表示), 挑选相近体质量(200.3g±7.6 g)的大菱鲆进行42 d 养殖试验, 每个梯度设置3 个重复, 每个重复55 尾鱼, 研究流速对封闭循环水养殖大菱鲆生长、摄食以及水质氮素的影响。试验结果表明: (1) 大菱鲆(Scophthatmus maximus L)特定生长率、增质量率、摄食量随流速增大先快速上升后缓升趋稳, 饲料系数则相反。B、C、D 3 组特定生长率、摄食量分别显著高于A 组30.77%~52.31%、17.30%~22.05%; 饲料系数则显著低于A 组13.83%~22.34%; (2) 养殖水体中总氨氮、非离子氨及亚硝酸氮浓度随流速的增大先快速下降后缓降趋稳。B、C、D 3 组水质总氨氮氨浓度均显著低于A 组53.70%~79.07%; (3) 根据流速对特定生长率、水体总氨氮二者的影响, 得出养殖的生态适宜流速为625 L/h。再结合流速对水循环动力的影响, 得出养殖的生态经济适宜流速为480 L/h。  相似文献   

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