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Analysis of 326 stomachs of the kahawai, Arripis trutta (Bloch and Schneider), from Wellington Harbour showed that the fish is a voracious carnivore which feeds mainly on fishes and to a lesser extent on planktonic crustaceans. The kahawai is principally a pelagic feeder, but occasionally takes food from the sea bottom; it appears to feed on those fishes which are locally most abundant, and follows shoals of small fish on which it preys. Small kahawai below 100 mm in length eat mainly copepods.  相似文献   

To describe demersal communities off the west coast of South Africa, collections of all species of fish, cephalopods and crustaceans made during four cruises in the area during January and July have been analysed. Hierarchical classification methods were employed to determine species and sample associations. The results showed that the species could be split into two main groups, the first containing Merluccius paradoxus (the dominant species both in abundance and frequency of occurrence) and other species normally found in deep (> 380 m) water. The second group is represented by species that live on the continental shelf, M. capensis being the most abundant. The boundary separating the deep-sea community from that of the shelf follows approximately the 385-m isobath. Seasonal variations in the number of main associations as well as in their spatial location are documented.  相似文献   

The benthic fish community off Namibia (between the Cunene River and Walvis Bay) in 50–650 m of water was studied during three bottom trawl surveys. The community was investigated on the basis of distribution, abundance and diet of 51 species, constituting 95 per cent of the demersal fish biomass. Dietary studies revealed the existence of three major trophic groups, one containing species that prey on pelagic and nektonic organisms, a second dominated by predators that feed on benthic polychaetes and copepods and a third group containing predators of benthic crabs, demersal shrimps and fish. Well differentiated from these groups are a few species that prey mainly on jellyfish and ophiuroids. Because for most of the species, their trophic level changes with growth, they were divided into size classes which are analysed independently. To describe interactions between the size classes, a similarity index combining diet affinity with spatial coincidence was applied. Cluster analysis showed that, for Merluccius capensis, Raja straeleni, R. clavata and Trachurus trachurus, there is a large difference in both geographic distribution and dietary preference between the size classes. For species such as Hoplostethus atlanticus, Austroglossus microlepis and Coelorinchus flabellispinis, the different size classes seem to share the same ecological niche. Variation in the number of species and the parameters mean abundance and niche width are described to enhance knowledge of the general structure of the community.  相似文献   

In 2004, we surveyed demersal fishes and habitats on the continental shelf off central California (65–110 m depth) using the occupied submersible Delta. Our objectives were to estimate the relative abundance of habitats and to examine demersal fish species composition, diversity, density, and sizes relative to these habitats. A total of 112 transects were completed covering 32 km of seafloor. A higher density of fishes was estimated in boulder and cobble habitats than in mud and brachiopod beds. More than 80% of the fishes were small, measuring 20 cm or less in total length. Species with small maximum size (primarily pygmy rockfish, Sebastes wilsoni, and blackeye gobies, Rhinogobiops nicholsii) accounted for nearly half (49%) of the total number of 12,441 fishes. Most fishes were immature, with only 4 of 20 harvested species having more than 50% of the individuals larger than the size at first maturity. Our study area on the continental shelf may be an ontogenetic transition zone for immature fishes before they move to their adult habitat on the slope. Alternatively, historical fishing pressure may have contributed to the lack of large, mature fishes in the survey area. Understanding the importance of these habitats to fishes at various life stages will improve our ability to assess these deepwater fish stocks and effectively manage these living resources on an ecosystem basis.  相似文献   

Demersal fish communities were studied on the lower continental shelf and the upper continental slope along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. Species composition, number and weight of each species were examined based on otter trawl samples at 45 stations. Mean density and biomass of demersal fishes were 131 ha–1 and 21 kg ha–1, respectively. The ten most abundant species comprised of about 95% of total number and weight of overall catch indicating simple species composition. Gadiform fishesTheragra chalcogramma, Gadus macrocephalus andPhysiculus maximowiczi were the most important species by number, weight and frequency of occurrences, and three main community types represented by the three key species were recognized.Theragra-dominant community showed higher density and biomass, and lower diversity thanPhysiculus-dominant community did. Species diversity of demersal fish community was negatively correlated to density and biomass. Density and biomass of demersal fish community were high on the uppermost slope, and the high abundance resulted from low-diversity communities dominated byT. chalcogramma andG. macrocephalus.  相似文献   

The diet of slope dwelling macrourid fishes in the eastern North Pacific is poorly known. We collected several hundred stomach samples to investigate the feeding habits of Coryphaenoides acrolepis and Albatrossia pectoralis, the two dominant slope dwelling macrourids off the continental United States. Coryphaenoides acrolepis exhibited a pronounced ontogenetic shift in diet. Specimens <15 cm pre-anal fin length (PAF) consumed primarily polychaetes, amphipods, cumaceans and mysids, while larger individuals consumed increasingly larger, more pelagic prey such as fish, squid, and large crustaceans. Scavenging was also very important to specimens >15 cm with scavenged food constituting approximately 20% of the weight of total prey and occurring in approximately 20% of fish 21–29 cm. Albatrossia pectoralis consumed primarily midwater fish and squid, and we believe that it feeds in the water column. There were significant differences between the diets of A. pectoralis and C. acrolepis suggesting some degree of niche separation between macrourid species on the continental slope of the eastern North Pacific. Both species are at the top of the food web on the upper continental slope and, because of their abundance, may exert significant pressures on their prey populations.  相似文献   

Benthic megafaunal and demersal fish assemblages were sampled in three areas off Chile during the German–Chilean Expedition PUCK (SO-156) onboard the R/V Sonne from March to May 2001, at depths ranging from 120 to 2201 m. These samples, taken with an Agassiz trawl, are among the deepest ever taken in Chilean waters. A total of 147 species were recorded, mainly decapod crustaceans (Galatheidae, Pandalidae, Crangonidae), gastropods (Trochidae, Muricidae, Volutidae), ophiuroids (Asteronychidae, Gorgonocephalidae, Ophiolepididae, Ophiurinae), asteroids (Pterasteridae, Solasteridae, Goniopectinidae), polychaetes (Onuphidae, Aphroditidae, Maldanidae), and demersal fish (Macrouridae, Ipnopidae, Squalidae). Species richness and rarefaction analyses suggest that the fauna was undersampled. From the 147 species identified in this study, 36 species (24.5%) occurred only once and another 24 species occurred only twice (16.3%). Depth and dissolved oxygen levels were found to be the main factors influencing megafaunal changes along the continental shelf and in bathyal areas, as indicated by principal component and Pearson's correlation analyses. Some species appear to be limited to distinct areas in the upper and lower bathyal zones, whereas other species have a wider range, extending from the continental shelf to lower bathyal zones. Biogeographic relations exist with the Pacific, South Atlantic, and Southern Oceans, but the latter seem to be weaker than would be expected considering the connection by Antarctic intermediate water.  相似文献   

Plesionika carinata is endemic in the West African tropical biogeographical realm and is distributed from the western Sahara coast (23°35′ N) to southern Namibia (29° S). A total of 263 individuals with a total carapace length of 31 to 71 mm have been studied. P. carinata juveniles are pelagic and occur over depths from 340 to 2000 m or more, mainly over the lower part of the continental slope in summer and over the upper part of the continental slope in autumn. Adults are mainly benthic and occur on the edge of the shelf and the upper part of the continental slope (at depths of 300 to 880 m). Ovigerous females have 750 to 3330 eggs 0.45–0.5 × 0.5–0.65 mm in size on pleopods. Plesionika carinata feeds on abundant micronectonic and macroplanktonic crustaceans (euphausiids and pelagic shrimps) at earlier pelagic stages; it is detritophagous/necrophagous and predatory near the bottom when adult.  相似文献   

The diets of eight demersal fish species from the upper continental slope (c. 24CM‐50 m) were determined from samples taken during late January and early February 2004, off the Wairarapa coast, North Island, New Zealand. Diets were from a combination of benthopelagic and benthic sources, with most species exhibiting ontogenetic shifts in diet, in that larger‐bodied food (fish and/or natant decapod prawns) was more important in the diets of larger fish. Javelinfish (Lepidorhynchus denticulatus), silver roughy (Hoplostethus mediterraneus), and capro dory (Capromimus abbreviatus) had predominantly benthopelagic diets, whereas the diets of sea perch (Helicolenus percoides), Bollons’ rattail (Caelorinchus bollonsi), two‐banded rattail (C. biclinozonalis), and silverside (Argentina elongata) were predominantly benthic, with the crab Carcinoplax victoriensis an important food item. The diet of Oliver's rattail (C. oliverianus) was a mix of benthopelagic and benthic organisms. Generally, levels of dietary overlap between the eight species were low. Overall, the diets of these fish probably reflect regional and seasonal levels of food availability. Notes on food observed in the stomachs of a further 18 species, for which there were fewer than 10 stomach samples per species are also provided.  相似文献   

The food and feeding habits of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae), southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), javelin fish (Lepi‐dorhynchus denticulatus), ling (Genypterus blacodes), smooth rattail (Coelorinchus aspercephalus), silverside (Argentina elongata), and small‐scaled notothenid (Notothenia microlepidota) sampled from the Campbell Plateau in 1979 were examined. The importance of prey items in the diet has been assessed by an ‘index of relative importance’, which combines measurements of frequency of occurrence, number, and weight of prey. Hoki, southern blue whiting, and javelin fish are pelagic feeders. Hoki preyed largely on natant decapod crustaceans, amphipods, and myctophid and photichthyid fishes. The main prey of southern blue whiting were amphipods, natant decapods, and euphausiids. Javelin fish fed on natant decapods, amphipods, and small squid. Seasonal and regional differences in feeding, and dietary changes with length of fish were evident. Ling, smooth rattail, silverside, and small‐scaled notothenid are predominantly benthic feeders. Ling preyed on natant decapods, macrourid fishes, and small hoki. The diet of rattail comprised natant decapod crustaceans, opal fishes (Hemerocoetes spp.), and poly‐chaetes. Silverside fed almost solely on salps. Salps, amphipods, brachyuran crustaceans, and opal fishes were the main prey of small‐scaled notothenid.  相似文献   

During intensive biannual demersal fish-sampling cruises since January 1983 over the South African west coast shelf region (Orange River to Cape Agulhas, coast to 500-m isobath), feeding studies on both species of Cape hake (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) were undertaken. These studies were of two forms, random sampling of the dietary preference and constituents of the hake caught during daylight only and intensive sampling of stomachs with food throughout a 28-hour cycle. From the index of relative importance, crustaceans were shown to be most important in the majority of length classes of hake studied, with mesopelagics (fish and cephalopods) and other hake also important. Differences by hake species, by predator size, by geographical location and by season were evident. The Cape hakes, which constitute some three-quarters of the demersal fish biomass in the area, are deduced to play a major role in the marine faunal environment, both as predators and prey, and some base-line figures of the quantities of different food items consumed by the resource are presented. Hake are largely opportunistic feeders and it is concluded that they can adapt to perturbations in the availability of prey, whether they be triggered by environmental cause or by, for example, purse-seining of particularly mesopelagic fish.  相似文献   

Larval fish community structure was studied in the northeastern Aegean Sea (NEA) over an area influenced by the advection of Black Sea water (BSW). Sampling was carried out in early summer during a period of 4 years (2003–2006). Taxonomic composition and abundance presented high variability in space that remained relatively constant among years. Tow depth and indicators of trophic conditions in the upper water column (i.e., zooplankton displacement volume, fluorescence) explained significantly the structure of larval assemblages during all surveys. The northern continental shelf (Thracian and Strymonikos shelf), where a large amount of enriched, low salinity BSW is retained, was dominated by larvae of epipelagic species, mainly anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus). Interannual changes in horizontal extension of the BSW seemed to match closely observed changes in the distribution of anchovy larvae. Mesopelagic fish larvae were particularly abundant beyond the continental shelf (over the North Aegean Trough) where a strong frontal structure is created between the low salinity waters of BSW origin and the high salinity waters of the Aegean Sea. Larvae of certain mesopelagic species (e.g., Ceratoscopelus maderensis) may occasionally be transported inshore when the prevailing current meanders towards the coast or feeds anticyclonic gyres over the continental shelf.  相似文献   

Coastal and estuarine systems provide nursery grounds for many marine fish species. Their productivity has been correlated with terrigeneous inputs entering the coastal–estuarine benthic food web, thereby favouring the establishment of fish juveniles. Studies in these ecosystems often describe the nursery as a single large habitat without verifying nor considering the presence of contiguous habitats. Our study aimed at identifying different habitats based on macrozoobenthic communities and morpho-sedimentary characteristics and assessing the trophic interactions between fish juveniles and their benthic preys within these habitats. It included 43 sampling sites covering 5 habitats in which we described taxonomically and quantitatively the invertebrates and fish communities with stable isotopes and gut contents. It suggested that the benthic common sole Solea solea displayed feeding plasticity at the population level, separating the juveniles (G0) from the older fish (G1) into different “feeding sub-populations”. Size-based feeding plasticity was also observable in the spatial occupancy of that species in the studied bay. The demersal pouting, Trisopterus luscus, equally used the different habitats but displayed low feeding plasticity across and inside each habitat. Stable isotopes proved to be powerful tools to study the spatial distribution of trophic interactions in complex ecosystems like the bay of Vilaine and to define optimal habitats for fish that use the coastal–estuarine ecosystem as nursery grounds.  相似文献   


Rough and smooth skates (Dipturus nasutus (Banks 1841) and/), innominatus (Garrick &; Paul 1974)) were aged by counting growth bands on X‐rays of thick sections of vertebral centra. Band counts were imprecise, but there was no between‐reader bias. Age estimates were not validated. The oldest rough skate was 9 years old, but few were more than 6 years old. Females may live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was Lr = 91.3 (1 ‐ e?0.16[t + 1.20]). Half the males matured by c. 52 cm pelvic length (PL) and 4 years, and females by 59 cm PL and 6 years. The oldest smooth skate in the sample was 24 years, but longevity probably exceeds that. Females appear to live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was: Lt = 150.5 (1 ‐ e?0.095[t + 1.06]). Half the males matured by c. 93 cm PL and 8 years, and females by 112 cm PL and 13 years. Smooth skate are late maturing and long‐lived relative to other skates, whereas rough skate are early maturing with a moderate life span.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(6):705-720
The importance of habitat to fisheries production on Australia's southeast continental shelf is part of a five-year study of ecosystem functioning and its implications for a sustainable fishery. Benthic habitats from 40 m to ∼200 m were studied, based on identification of suitable sites from local fishers' information. Results presented here concentrate on data from a single mesohabitat at 40–60 m depth collected over two days. Macrohabitats within this mesohabitat were discriminated as soft, hard and rough from visual inspection of acoustic echograms. Subsequent analysis of the return echoes using roughness and hardness indices did not significantly improve real-time visual discriminations. Macrohabitats were sampled with an underwater video camera, sediment sampler, benthic sled, demersal trawl, gillnets and fish traps to relate the acoustic classifications to biological habitats. There were distinct differences in the benthic and fish communities between macrohabitats discriminated by acoustics. We concluded that discrimination of habitats from visual inspection of echograms, plus limited verification with physical sampling, could provide sufficient information for spatial management. However, successful management of individual species, the fish community and the ecosystem requires an understanding of the association of fishes with habitat at the macrohabitat and mesohabitat level, and its variability through time.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected at stations along cross-shelf transects in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, during two cruises in 1984 and 1985. Station depths ranged from 11 to 285 m. Sediment chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0·06 to 1·87 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·55), or 2·6–62·0 mg m2. Areal sediment chlorophyll a exceeded water column chlorophyll a a at 16 of 17 stations, especially at inshore and mid-shelf stations. Sediment ATP concentrations ranged from 0 to 0·67 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·28). Values for both biomass indicators were lowest in the depth range including the shelf break (50–99 m). Organic carbon contents of the sediments were uniformly low across the shelf, averaging 0·159% by weight. Photography of the sediments revealed extensive patches of microalgae on the sediment surface.Our data suggest that viable benthic microalgae occur across the North Carolina continental shelf. The distribution of benthic macroflora on the North Carolina shelf indicates that sufficient light and nutrients are available to support primary production out to the shelf break. Frequent storm-induced perturbations do not favour settling of phytoplankton, an alternative explanation for the presence of microalgal pigments in the sediments. Therefore, we propose that a distinct, productive benthic microflora exists across the North Carolina continental shelf.  相似文献   

The composition of the demersal nekton assemblage inhabiting the Mediterranean shelf-break of west-central Italy was examined to investigate the diel variation in species composition and abundance. Fish were obtained during four 24-h sampling periods that represented the four annual seasons. Thirty-two hauls (eight in each season) were conducted in a shelf-break area at 140–160 m depth. The density of fish, crustaceans, and decapods exhibited differences on short- and long-term time scales: multidimensional scaling suggested that season and light intensity may be important factors influencing fish assemblage composition.At the diel scale two main assemblages separating nocturnal and diurnal hauls were identified. The typical assemblage structure of shelf-break bottoms was represented during daylight by species such as Merluccius merluccius, Capros aper, Serranus hepatus, Macroramphosus scolopax and Trisopterus minutus capelanus. At night, the assemblage showed a drastic change due to the increase of small nektobenthic species, Argentina sphyraena and Glossanodon leioglossus, together with cave-dwelling fish (Gnathophis mystax, Chlopsis bicolor, Nettastoma melanurum) and nektobenthic crustaceans (i.e., Parapenaeus longirostris and Solenocera membranacea).The above-mentioned differences in species composition may be related to changes in vertical distribution for trophic needs (M. merluccius) and/or in the shoal structure (A. sphyraena and G. leioglossus). The lack of data on the pattern of trawl catchability of Mediterranean species during the day may lead to an inaccurate estimation of species abundance when only diurnal trawl survey data are used.  相似文献   

Diet analysis can provide an insight into the structure and function of an ecosystem, and can be used in ecosystem-based frameworks to inform management and conservation decisions. Diet composition of rough skate (Zearaja nausta) from the south east coast of New Zealand, was investigated for the first time. We examined 35 stomachs from three trawls between March and June 2017. Prey importance was assessed by a prey specific index of relative importance (PSIRI). This population of rough skates (n?=?32) was found to be specialised feeders, primarily preying on one species, Nectocarcinus antarcticus. This study provides the first insight into rough skate trophic interactions in the surrounding marine community.  相似文献   

Spatial and size/age distributions of seven teleost species are described from a series of five annual trawling surveys made over the continental shelf and upper slope (20–500 m) of the South African south coast between Cape Agulhas and Port Alfred. The catch was quantified and scaled up to an estimate of an annual biomass index for each of the principal species. The fish studied were the two species of Cape hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, kingklip Genypterus capensis, Agulhas sole Austroglossus pectoralis, Cape horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis, monk Lophius vomerinus and panga Pterogymnus laniarius. Each showed varying patterns of biomass fluctuation annually, although the surveys constituted too short a data series to reveal significant trends. Nevertheless, declines in abundance of panga and kingklip supported data collected from other sources over a longer period. Interpretation of the data is tempered by a realization that species which are patchily distributed or less vulnerable to the sampling gear may have been inadequately sampled. The information can be used for more-effective management of the multi-species demersal trawl fishery of the region.  相似文献   

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