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The Moon-based Ultraviolet Telescope(MUVT) is one of the payloads on the Chang'e-3(CE-3) lunar lander. Because of the advantages of having no atmospheric disturbances and the slow rotation of the Moon, we can make long-term continuous observations of a series of important celestial objects in the near ultraviolet band(245~340 nm), and perform a sky survey of selected areas, which cannot be completed on Earth. We can find characteristic changes in celestial brightness with time by analyzing image data from the MUVT, and deduce the radiation mechanism and physical properties of these celestial objects after comparing with a physical model. In order to explain the scientific purposes of MUVT, this article analyzes the preprocessing of MUVT image data and makes a preliminary evaluation of data quality. The results demonstrate that the methods used for data collection and preprocessing are effective, and the Level 2A and 2B image data satisfy the requirements of follow-up scientific researches.  相似文献   

To improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of the Moon,one of the payloads onboard the Chang'e-3(CE-3) rover is Lunar Penetrating Radar(LPR). This investigation is the first attempt to explore the lunar subsurface structure by using ground penetrating radar with high resolution. We have probed the subsurface to a depth of several hundred meters using LPR. In-orbit testing, data processing and the preliminary results are presented. These observations have revealed the configuration of regolith where the thickness of regolith varies from about 4 m to 6 m.In addition, one layer of lunar rock, which is about 330 m deep and might have been accumulated during the depositional hiatus of mare basalts, was detected.  相似文献   

The Active Particle-induced X-ray Spectrometer(APXS) is an important payload mounted on the Yutu rover, which is part of the Chang'e-3 mission. The scientific objective of APXS is to perform in-situ analysis of the chemical composition of lunar soil and rock samples. The radioactive sources,55 Fe and109Cd, decay and produce α-particles and X-rays. When X-rays and α-particles interact with atoms in the surface material, they knock electrons out of their orbits, which release energy by emitting X-rays that can be measured by a silicon drift detector(SDD). The elements and their concentrations can be determined by analyzing their peak energies and intensities. APXS has analyzed both the calibration target and lunar soil once during the first lunar day and again during the second lunar day. The total detection time lasted about 266 min and more than 2000 frames of data records have been acquired. APXS has three operating modes: calibration mode, distance sensing mode and detection mode. In detection mode, work distance can be calculated from the X-ray counting rate collected by SDD. Correction for the effect of temperature has been performed to convert the channel number for each spectrum to X-ray energy. Dead time correction is used to eliminate the systematic error in quantifying the activity of an X-ray pulse in a sample and derive the real count rate. We report APXS data and initial results during the first and second lunar days for the Yutu rover. In this study, we analyze the data from the calibration target and lunar soil on the first lunar day. Seven major elements, including Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti and Fe, have been identified. Comparing the peak areas and ratios of calibration basalt and lunar soil the landing site was found to be depleted in K, and have lower Mg and Al but higher Ca, Ti, and Fe. In the future,we will obtain the elemental concentrations of lunar soil at the Chang'e-3 landing site using APXS data.  相似文献   

Some of the first observations obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrograph (S082A) during the first Skylab mission are presented and compared with magnetograms and other ground-based data. The instrument is a slitless objective-type grating spectrograph covering 170–630 Å and described in Solar Phys. 27, 251 (1972). Chromospheric network, loop prominences, active regions, a flare, limb brightening, XUV bright points, and coronal holes are among the phenomena shown and discussed.  相似文献   

Eit Observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Sun   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board the SOHO spacecraft has been operational since 2 January 1996. EIT observes the Sun over a 45 x 45 arc min field of view in four emission line groups: Feix, x, Fexii, Fexv, and Heii. A post-launch determination of the instrument flatfield, the instrument scattering function, and the instrument aging were necessary for the reduction and analysis of the data. The observed structures and their evolution in each of the four EUV bandpasses are characteristic of the peak emission temperature of the line(s) chosen for that bandpass. Reports on the initial results of a variety of analysis projects demonstrate the range of investigations now underway: EIT provides new observations of the corona in the temperature range of 1 to 2 MK. Temperature studies of the large-scale coronal features extend previous coronagraph work with low-noise temperature maps. Temperatures of radial, extended, plume-like structures in both the polar coronal hole and in a low latitude decaying active region were found to be cooler than the surrounding material. Active region loops were investigated in detail and found to be isothermal for the low loops but hottest at the loop tops for the large loops. Variability of solar EUV structures, as observed in the EIT time sequences, is pervasive and leads to a re-evaluation of the meaning of the term ‘quiet Sun’. Intensity fluctuations in a high cadence sequence of coronal and chromospheric images correspond to a Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum. This can be interpreted in terms of a mixed stochastic or periodic driving of the transition region and the base of the corona. No signature of the photospheric and chromospheric waves is found in spatially averaged power spectra, indicating that these waves do not propagate to the upper atmosphere or are channeled through narrow local magnetic structures covering a small fraction of the solar surface. Polar coronal hole observing campaigns have identified an outflow process with the discovery of transient Fexii jets. Coronal mass ejection observing campaigns have identified the beginning of a CME in an Fexii sequence with a near simultaneous filament eruption (seen in absorption), formation of a coronal void and the initiation of a bright outward-moving shell as well as the coronal manifestation of a ‘Moreton wave’. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1004902913117  相似文献   

Lunar Penetrating Radar(LPR) onboard the rover that is part of the Chang'e-3(CE-3) mission was firstly utilized to obtain in situ measurements about geological structure on the lunar surface and the thickness of the lunar regolith, which are key elements for studying the evolutional history of lunar crust. Because penetration depth and resolution of LPR are related to the scientific objectives of this mission,a series of ground-based experiments using LPR was carried out, and results of the experimental data were obtained in a glacial area located in the northwest region of China. The results show that the penetration depth of the first channel antenna used for LPR is over 79 m with a resolution of 2.8 m, and that for the second channel antenna is over 50.8 m with a resolution of 17.1 cm.  相似文献   

The Chang'e-3 Visible and Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer(VNIS) is one of the four payloads on the Yutu rover. After traversing the landing site during the first two lunar days, four different areas are detected, and Level 2A and 2B radiance data have been released to the scientific community. The released data have been processed by dark current subtraction, correction for the effect of temperature,radiometric calibration and geometric calibration. We emphasize approaches for reflectance analysis and mineral identification for in-situ analysis with VNIS. Then the preliminary spectral and mineralogical results from the landing site are derived. After comparing spectral data from VNIS with data collected by the M3 instrument and samples of mare that were returned from the Apollo program, all the reflectance data have been found to have similar absorption features near 1000 nm except lunar sample71061. In addition, there is also a weak absorption feature between 1750~2400 nm on VNIS, but the slopes of VNIS and M3 reflectance at longer wavelengths are lower than data taken from samples of lunar mare. Spectral parameters such as Band Centers and Integrated Band Depth Ratios are used to analyze mineralogical features. The results show that detection points E and N205 are mixtures of high-Ca pyroxene and olivine,and the composition of olivineat point N205 is higher than that at point E, but the compositions of detection points S3 and N203 are mainly olivine-rich. Since there are no obvious absorption features near 1250 nm, plagioclase is not directly identified at the landing site.  相似文献   

After 2 years of operation onboard the Spanish satellite MINISAT, EURDhas achieved an unprecedented success in the observation of the terrestrialnightglow in the EUV, covering a range of 350-1100 Å EURD hasprovided a total of more than 543 hours ofintegration in the long wavelength spectrometer and more than898 hours in the short wavelength one, allowing the achievement of the most detailed atlas of the terrestrial EUV nightglow ever obtained. We present here the spectra obtained, together with the identification of the lines, some of themdetected for the first time in the nightglow. These spectrarepresent an improvement in sensitivity of several orders of magnitude with respect to previous observations. It has beenpossible, for the first time, to identify the complete Lymanseries of atomic hydrogen, resolving up to Lyman-. It hasalso been possible to identify the helium Lyman- line at 537 Å andto detect other lines of the blended Lyman series of helium, at 515 and522 Å. The spectra clearly show the presenceof the OII lines at 617, 644, 673, and 718 Å, previouslyobserved in the dayglow but seen here for the first time in thenightglow. In addition to the recombination continuum of the atomicoxygen at 911 Å, two features of OI have been detected in thenightglow: the 3s 3Do transition at 989 Å, previouslyobserved by Chakrabarti (1984) and the 2p34s3So transition at 1040 Å, partially overlapped with Lyman , but clearly distinguishable from it. This feature has been seen for the first timein the terrestrial nightglow. The radiative recombination continuum of atomic oxygen at 911 Å, that wasabsent in the observations of the first year of operation of EURD,is now clearly visible. The reasons of the absence of the OIfeature during the first year of operation are still unknown.Anderson et al. (1976) also noticed a strong variation with time of this 911 Å emission.  相似文献   

We report on observations of the solar luminosity variations in the Fexii line (195 Å) over the period 1996–1999, which corresponds to the minimum and rising phase of the current 23rd solar cycle. The relatively or rather high temporal cadence and spatial resolution of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) allowed a nearly continuous measurement of intensity of different structures on the Sun. We find that a significant contribution to the longitudinal asymmetry, and thus to the 27-day variability of the solar EUV radiation, is produced by the numerous intermediate brightness elements that are globally distributed over large areas (up to about of the whole surface of the Sun). When activity is low, this component even becomes dominant over the contribution from localized active regions and bright points. This suggests that weak magnetic field areas outside active regions constitute an important factor through which solar activity modulates the solar EUV luminosity.  相似文献   

Thomas N. Woods 《Solar physics》2014,289(9):3391-3401
The solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) have revealed interesting characteristics of warm coronal emissions, such as Fe xvi 335 Å emission, which peak soon after the hot coronal X-ray emissions peak during a flare and then sometimes peak for a second time hours after the X-ray flare peak. This flare type, with two warm coronal emission peaks but only one X-ray peak, has been named the EUV late phase (Woods et al., Astrophys. J. 739, 59, 2011). These flares have the distinct properties of i) having a complex magnetic-field structure with two initial sets of coronal loops, with one upper set overlaying a lower set, ii) having an eruptive flare initiated in the lower set and disturbing both loop sets, iii) having the hot coronal emissions emitted only from the lower set in conjunction with the X-ray peak, and iv) having the first peak of the warm coronal emissions associated with the lower set and its second peak emitted from the upper set many minutes to hours after the first peak and without a second X-ray enhancement. The disturbance of the coronal loops by the eruption is at about the same time, but the relaxation and cooling down of the heated coronal loops during the post-flare reconnections have different time scales with the longer, upper loops being significantly delayed from the lower loops. The difference in these cooling time scales is related to the difference between the two peak times of the warm coronal emission and is also apparent in the decay profile of the X-ray emissions having two distinct decays, with the first decay slope being steeper (faster) and the delayed decay slope being smaller (slower) during the time of the warm-coronal-emission second peak. The frequency and relationship of the EUV late-phase decay times between the Fe xvi 335 Å two flare peaks and X-ray decay slopes are examined using three years of SDO/EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) data, and the X-ray dual-decay character is then exploited to estimate the frequency of EUV late-phase flares during the past four solar cycles. This study indicates that the frequency of EUV late-phase flares peaks before and after each solar-cycle minimum.  相似文献   

An accurate determination of the landing trajectory of Chang'e-3(CE-3)is significant for verifying orbital control strategy, optimizing orbital planning, accurately determining the landing site of CE-3 and analyzing the geological background of the landing site. Due to complexities involved in the landing process, there are some differences between the planned trajectory and the actual trajectory of CE-3. The landing camera on CE-3 recorded a sequence of the landing process with a frequency of 10 frames per second. These images recorded by the landing camera and high-resolution images of the lunar surface are utilized to calculate the position of the probe, so as to reconstruct its precise trajectory. This paper proposes using the method of trajectory reconstruction by Single Image Space Resection to make a detailed study of the hovering stage at a height of 100 m above the lunar surface. Analysis of the data shows that the closer CE-3 came to the lunar surface, the higher the spatial resolution of images that were acquired became, and the more accurately the horizontal and vertical position of CE-3 could be determined. The horizontal and vertical accuracies were7.09 m and 4.27 m respectively during the hovering stage at a height of 100.02 m. The reconstructed trajectory can reflect the change in CE-3's position during the powered descent process. A slight movement in CE-3 during the hovering stage is also clearly demonstrated. These results will provide a basis for analysis of orbit control strategy,and it will be conducive to adjustment and optimization of orbit control strategy in follow-up missions.  相似文献   

Keenan  F.P.  Aggarwal  K.M.  Katsiyannis  A.C.  Reid  R.H.G. 《Solar physics》2003,217(2):225-233
New R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Caxv are used to derive theoretical electron density diagnostic emission line intensity ratios involving 2s 22p 2–2s2p 3 transitions, specifically R 1=I(208.70 Å)/I(200.98 Å), R 2=I(181.91 Å)/I(200.98 Å), and R 3=I(215.38 Å)/I(200.98 Å), for a range of electron temperatures (T e=106.4–106.8 K) and densities (N e=109–1013 cm–3) appropriate to solar coronal plasmas. Electron densities deduced from the observed values of R 1, R 2, and R 3 for several solar flares, measured from spectra obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A spectrograph on board Skylab, are found to be consistent. In addition, the derived electron densities are in excellent agreement with those determined from line ratios in Caxvi, which is formed at a similar electron temperature to Caxv. These results provide some experimental verification for the accuracy of the line ratio calculations, and hence the atomic data on which they are based. A set of eight theoretical Caxv line ratios involving 2s 22p 2–2s2p 3 transitions in the wavelength range 140–216 Å are also found to be in good agreement with those measured from spectra of the TEXT tokamak plasma, for which the electron temperature and density have been independently determined. This provides additional support for the accuracy of the theoretical line ratios and atomic data.  相似文献   

A search for microflare activity in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) quiet Sun using the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft has not resulted in the identification of microflare activity, but has resulted in the identification of a hitherto unknown phenomenon: enhancements of a factor of 2–3 in the flux of transition region lines at network junctions. A total of some 6 hours of observation of 5 different target areas showed this ‘blinker’ activity at each area, with durations ranging from 1 to 30 min and averaging 13 min, and thermal energy content of order 10-6 that of a ‘standard’ flare. Assuming that the observations are of typical quiet Sun, and projecting these data to predict a distribution of these events over the entire Sun, the total thermal energy content of these ‘blinkers’ is insignificant when compared to the energy required to heat the corona. The nature of these events and their significance are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Solar five-minute oscillations have been detected in the power spectra of two six-day time intervals from soft X-ray measurements of the Sun observed as a star using the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ESP) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE). The frequencies of the largest amplitude peaks were found to match the known low-degree (?=0?–?3) modes of global acoustic oscillations within 3.7 μHz and can be explained by a leakage of the global modes into the corona. Due to the strong variability of the solar atmosphere between the photosphere and the corona, the frequencies and amplitudes of the coronal oscillations are likely to vary with time. We investigated the variations in the power spectra for individual days and their association with changes of solar activity, e.g. with the mean level of the EUV irradiance, and its short-term variations caused by evolving active regions. Our analysis of samples of one-day oscillation power spectra for a 49-day period of low and intermediate solar activity showed little correlation with the mean EUV irradiance and the short-term variability of the irradiance. We suggest that some other changes in the solar atmosphere, e.g., magnetic fields and/or inter-network configuration may affect the mode leakage to the corona.  相似文献   

We present observations of five active regions made by the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). CDS observes the Sun in the extreme ultraviolet range 150–780 Å. Examples of active region loops seen in spectral lines emitted at various temperatures are shown. Several classes of loops are identified: those that are seen in all temperatures up to 2 x 106 K; loops seen at 106 K but not reaching 1.6 x 106 K; those at temperatures 2– 4 x 10-5 K and occasionally at 6 x 10-5 K but not reaching 106 K. An increasing loop size with temperature and the relationship between the cool and hot structures is discussed. CDS observations reveal the existence of loops and other unresolved structures in active regions, at temperatures between 1.5– 4 x 10-5 K, which do not have counterparts in lines emitted above 8 x 10-5 K. Bright compact sources only seen in the transition region lines are investigated. These sources can have lifetimes of up to several days and are located in the vicinity of sunspots. We study the variability of active region sources on time scales from 30 sec to several days. We find oscillatory behaviour of Hei and Ov line intensities in an active region on time scales of 5–10 min.  相似文献   

A large number of terrestrial planets in the classical habitable zone of stars of different spectral types have already been discovered and many are expected to be discovered in the near future. However, owing to the lack of knowledge on the atmospheric properties, the ambient environment of such planets are unknown. It is known that sufficient amount of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from the star can drive hydrodynamic outflow of hydrogen that may drag heavier species from the atmosphere of the planet. If the rate of mass loss is sufficiently high, then substantial amount of volatiles would escape causing the planet to become uninhabitable. Considering energy-limited hydrodynamical mass loss with an escape rate that causes oxygen to escape alongwith hydrogen, an upper limit for the ratio between the EUV and the bolometric luminosities of stars which constrains the habitability of planets around them is presented here. Application of the limit to planet-hosting stars with known EUV luminosities implies that many M-type of stars should not have habitable planets around them.  相似文献   

A Combined Atmospheric Photochemistry and Ion Tracing code (CAPIT) has been developed to explore ion loss into space at Mars. The CAPIT code includes the major photochemical reactions of Mars’ ionosphere, ion tracing in the presence of magnetic fields, and plasma wave heating of ions. In particular, we examine whether O+ escape from the day-side ionosphere is limited by ion production (UV input) or by external energy input to the ions. To verify the code, it is demonstrated that the CAPIT solutions reproduce the Viking 1 Lander’s ion density and temperature profiles. Using Viking 1 Lander conditions as a baseline, ion outflow rates are examined as function of solar wind energy input via plasma waves and UV ionization rates. The O+ outflow rates predicted by the simulation are comparable to the outflow rates estimated by observation. The results indicate that plasma waves are a viable source of energy to O+ ions and suggest that present-day O+ outflow rates at Mars are source limited by photochemical production (UV input) during periods of strong energy input (plasma wave activity), but otherwise regulated by both UV input and energy input. These results imply that ion heating by plasma waves can influence the present-day loss of O+.  相似文献   

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