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Using γ-ray data detected by Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and multi-wave band data for 35 TeV blazars sample, we have studied the possible correlations between different broad band spectral indices ( $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ , $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm{ir.o}}$ , $\alpha_{\rm ir.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm ir.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm o.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ ) in all states (average/high/low). Our results are as follows: (1) For our TeV blazars sample, the strong positive correlations were found between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm r.\gamma}$ in all states (average/high/low); (2) For our TeV blazars sample, the strong anti-correlations were found between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm ir.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\mathrm{ir.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm ir.x}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ in all states (average/high/low). The results suggest that the synchrotron self-Compton radiation (SSC) is the main mechanism of high energy γ-ray emission and the inverse Compton scattering of circum-nuclear dust is likely to be a important complementary mechanism for TeV blazars. Our results also show that the possible correlations vary from state to state in the same pair of indices, Which suggest that there may exist differences in the emitting process and in the location of the emitting region for different states.  相似文献   

A linear analysis of the asymmetries in Stokes profiles of magnetic lines is performed. The asymmetries in the linear and circular polarization profiles are characterized by suitable quantities, \(\delta \tilde Q\) and \(\delta \tilde V\) , strictly related to observed profiles. The response functions of \(\delta \tilde Q\) and \(\delta \tilde V\) to velocity fields are introduced and computed for various configurations of the magnetic field vector in a Milne-Eddington atmosphere. Some conclusions are drawn as to the importance of the asymmetries in Stokes profiles for recovering the velocity gradients from observations.  相似文献   

Multi-colourWBVR photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary AS Cam have been carried out and the photometric elements, absolute dimensions, and the angular velocity of a periastron motion ( \(\mathop \omega \limits^ \cdot _{obs}\) ) are determined. The obtained value of \(\mathop \omega \limits^ \cdot _{obs}\) is almost three times smaller than that theoretically predicted.  相似文献   

We present our photometric observations of an early B supergiant with an infrared excess, the protoplanetary object LSIV-12°111, and the previously suspected variable star NSV 24971. We confirm its photometric variability. During two observing seasons (2000–2001), the star exhibited rapid irregular light variations with amplitudes $\Delta V \sim 0\mathop .\limits^m 3$ , $\Delta B \sim 0\mathop .\limits^m 3$ , and $\Delta U \sim 0\mathop .\limits^m 4$ and a time scale of ~1d. There is no correlation between the colors and magnitudes of the star. The variability patterns of LSIV-12°111 and two other hot post-AGB stars, V886 Her and V1853 Cyg, are shown to be similar.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of two satellites with masses $\mu _s$ and $\mu '_s$ orbiting a massive central planet in a common plane, near a first order mean motion resonance $m+1{:}m$ (m integer). We consider only the resonant terms of first order in eccentricity in the disturbing potential of the satellites, plus the secular terms causing the orbital apsidal precessions. We obtain a two-degrees-of-freedom system, associated with the two critical resonant angles $\phi = (m+1)\lambda ' -m\lambda - \varpi $ and $\phi '= (m+1)\lambda ' -m\lambda - \varpi '$ , where $\lambda $ and $\varpi $ are the mean longitude and longitude of periapsis of $\mu _s$ , respectively, and where the primed quantities apply to $\mu '_s$ . We consider the special case where $\mu _s \rightarrow 0$ (restricted problem). The symmetry between the two angles $\phi $ and $\phi '$ is then broken, leading to two different kinds of resonances, classically referred to as corotation eccentric resonance (CER) and Lindblad eccentric Resonance (LER), respectively. We write the four reduced equations of motion near the CER and LER, that form what we call the CoraLin model. This model depends upon only two dimensionless parameters that control the dynamics of the system: the distance $D$ between the CER and LER, and a forcing parameter $\epsilon _L$ that includes both the mass and the orbital eccentricity of the disturbing satellite. Three regimes are found: for $D=0$ the system is integrable, for $D$ of order unity, it exhibits prominent chaotic regions, while for $D$ large compared to 2, the behavior of the system is regular and can be qualitatively described using simple adiabatic invariant arguments. We apply this model to three recently discovered small Saturnian satellites dynamically linked to Mimas through first order mean motion resonances: Aegaeon, Methone and Anthe. Poincaré surfaces of section reveal the dynamical structure of each orbit, and their proximity to chaotic regions. This work may be useful to explore various scenarii of resonant capture for those satellites.  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the eclipsing variable β Per, were obtained inUBV standard system, and new elements for the primary minimum were determined as $$J.D. = 2445641.5135,O - C = 0_.^d 0.009.$$ The light curves of the system were analysed using Fourier techniques in the frequency-domain. The fractional radii of both components are $$r_1 = 0.217 \pm 0.002,r_2 = 0.233 \pm 0.002andi = 85.5 \pm 0.5.$$ Absolute elements were derived and the effective temperatures are $$T_1 = 11800K,T_2 = 5140K.$$   相似文献   

We present photoelectric and photographic observations of the supergiant HD 179821 with a large infrared excess, a candidate for protoplanetary objects. Over, ten years of our UBV observations, the star exhibited semiregular light variations with amplitudes $\Delta V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 10$ , $\Delta B = 0\mathop .\limits^m 15$ , and $\Delta U = 0\mathop .\limits^m 25$ , as well as systematic color and light variations. From 1990 until 1996, the yearly mean U-B and B-V color indices decreased by 0.25 and 0.15, respectively. After 1996, the motion of the star in the two-color (B-V)-(U-B) diagram upward and to the left slowed down. The color excess that we derived from our observations, by assuming that the star’s spectral type was F3 I in the 1990s, is E(B-V)=1.0. The photographic observations of HD 179821 from 1899 until 1989 show that its brightness m pg generally increased while significantly fluctuating. An analysis of the observational data suggests that HD 179821 is most likely a post-AGB star of intermediate or low mass.  相似文献   

The new analysis of radar observations of inner planets for the time span 1964–1989 is described. The residuals show that Mercury topography is an important source of systematic errors which have not been taken into account up to now. The longitudinal and latitudinal variations of heights of Mercury surface were found and an approximate map of equatorial zone |?|≤120° was constructed. Including three values characterizing global nonsphericity of Mercury surface into the set of parameters under determination allowed to improve essentially all estimates. In particular, the variability of the gravitational constantG was evaluated: $$\dot G/G = (0.47 \pm 0.47) \times 10^{ - 11} yr^{ - 1} $$ . The correction to Mercury perihelion motion: $$\Delta \dot \pi = - 0''.017 \pm 0''.052 cy^{ - 1} $$ and linear combination of the parameters of PPN formalism: $$\upsilon = (2 + 2\gamma - \beta )/3 = 0.9995 \pm 0.0013$$ were determined; they are in a good agreement with General Relativity predictions. The obtained values Δ.π and ν correspond to the negligible solar oblateness, the estimate of solar quadrupole moment being: $$J_2 = ( - 0.13 \pm 0.41) \times 10^{ - 6} $$ .  相似文献   

The quintessence dark energy model with a kinetic coupling to gravity within the Palatini formalism is studied in this paper. Two different coupling forms: $\hat{R}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial_{\mu}\phi$ and $\hat {R}_{\mu\nu}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial^{\nu}\phi$ are analyzed, respectively. We find that both the model with the $\hat{R}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial_{\mu}\phi$ coupling and the one with the $\hat{R}_{\mu\nu}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial^{\nu}\phi$ coupling can realize the phantom divide line crossing from phantom to quintessence at late time for its effective equation-of-state. Furthermore, the former can behave like phantom. These features are different from those found in the $\hat {R}\phi^{2}$ coupling case.  相似文献   

We obtain an approximate solution $\tilde{E}=\tilde{E}(e,M)$ of Kepler’s equation $E-e\sin (E)=M$ for any $e\in [0,1)$ and $M\in [0,\pi ]$ . Our solution is guaranteed, via Smale’s $\alpha $ -theory, to converge to the actual solution $E$ through Newton’s method at quadratic speed, i.e. the $n$ -th iteration produces a value $E_n$ such that $|E_n-E|\le (\frac{1}{2})^{2^n-1}|\tilde{E}-E|$ . The formula provided for $\tilde{E}$ is a piecewise rational function with conditions defined by polynomial inequalities, except for a small region near $e=1$ and $M=0$ , where a single cubic root is used. We also show that the root operation is unavoidable, by proving that no approximate solution can be computed in the entire region $[0,1)\times [0,\pi ]$ if only rational functions are allowed in each branch.  相似文献   

In the now classical Lindblad-Lin density-wave theory, the linearization of the collisionless Boltzmann equation is made by assuming the potential functionU expressed in the formU=U 0 + \(\tilde U\) +... WhereU 0 is the background axisymmetric potential and \(\tilde U<< U_0 \) . Then the corresponding density distribution is \(\rho = \rho _0 + \tilde \rho (\tilde \rho<< \rho _0 )\) and the linearized equation connecting \(\tilde U\) and the component \(\tilde f\) of the distribution function is given by $$\frac{{\partial \tilde f}}{{\partial t}} + \upsilon \frac{{\partial \tilde f}}{{\partial x}} - \frac{{\partial U_0 }}{{\partial x}} \cdot \frac{{\partial \tilde f}}{{\partial \upsilon }} = \frac{{\partial \tilde U}}{{\partial x}}\frac{{\partial f_0 }}{{\partial \upsilon }}.$$ One looks for spiral self-consistent solutions which also satisfy Poisson's equation $$\nabla ^2 \tilde U = 4\pi G\tilde \rho = 4\pi G\int {\tilde f d\upsilon .} $$ Lin and Shu (1964) have shown that such solutions exist in special cases. In the present work, we adopt anopposite proceeding. Poisson's equation contains two unknown quantities \(\tilde U\) and \(\tilde \rho \) . It could be completelysolved if a second independent equation connecting \(\tilde U\) and \(\tilde \rho \) was known. Such an equation is hopelesslyobtained by direct observational means; the only way is to postulate it in a mathematical form. In a previouswork, Louise (1981) has shown that Poisson's equation accounted for distances of planets in the solar system(following to the Titius-Bode's law revised by Balsano and Hughes (1979)) if the following relation wasassumed $$\rho ^2 = k\frac{{\tilde U}}{{r^2 }} (k = cte).$$ We now postulate again this relation in order to solve Poisson's equation. Then, $$\nabla ^2 \tilde U - \frac{{\alpha ^2 }}{{r^2 }}\tilde U = 0, (\alpha ^2 = 4\pi Gk).$$ The solution is found in a classical way to be of the form $$\tilde U = cte J_v (pr)e^{ - pz} e^{jn\theta } $$ wheren = integer,p =cte andJ v (pr) = Bessel function with indexv (v 2 =n 2 + α2). By use of the Hankel function instead ofJ v (pr) for large values ofr, the spiral structure is found to be given by $$\tilde U = cte e^{ - pz} e^{j[\Phi _v (r) + n\theta ]} , \Phi _v (r) = pr - \pi /2(v + \tfrac{1}{2}).$$ For small values ofr, \(\tilde U\) = 0: the center of a galaxy is not affected by the density wave which is onlyresponsible of the spiral structure. For various values ofp,n andv, other forms of galaxies can be taken into account: Ring, barred and spiral-barred shapes etc. In order to generalize previous calculations, we further postulateρ 0 =kU 0/r 2, leading to Poisson'sequation which accounts for the disc population $$\nabla ^2 U_0 - \frac{{\alpha ^2 }}{{r^2 }}U_0 = 0.$$ AsU 0 is assumed axisymmetrical, the obvious solution is of the form $$U_0 = \frac{{cte}}{{r^v }}e^{ - pz} , \rho _0 = \frac{{cte}}{{r^{2 + v} }}e^{ - pz} .$$ Finally, Poisson's equation is completely solvable under the assumptionρ =k(U/r 2. The general solution,valid for both disc and spiral arm populations, becomes $$U = cte e^{ - pz} \left\{ {r^{ - v} + } \right.\left. {cte e^{j[\Phi _v (r) + n\theta ]} } \right\},$$ The density distribution along the O z axis is supported by Burstein's (1979) observations.  相似文献   

The number of equivalence classes of central configurations of $n \le 4$ bodies of positive mass is known to be finite, but it remains to be shown if this is true for $n \ge 5$ . By allowing one mass to be negative, Gareth Roberts constructed a continuum of inequivalent planar central configurations of $n = 5$ bodies. We reinterpret Roberts’ example and generalize the construction of his continuum to produce a family of continua of central configurations, each with a single negative mass. These new continua exist in even dimensional spaces $\mathbb R ^k$ for $k \ge 4$ .  相似文献   

The restricted three-body problem (R3BP) possesses the property that some classes of doubly asymptotic (i.e., homoclinic or heteroclinic) orbits are limit members of families of periodic orbits, this phenomenon has been known as the “blue sky catastrophe” termination principle. A similar case occurs in the restricted four body problem for the collinear equilibrium point $L_{2}$ L 2 . In the restricted four body problem with primaries in a triangle relative equilibrium, we show that the same phenomenon observed in the R3BP occurs. We prove that there exists a critical value of the mass parameter $\mu _{b}$ μ b such that for $\mu =\mu _{b}$ μ = μ b a Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcation takes place. Moreover we show that for $\mu >\mu _{b}$ μ > μ b the stable and unstable manifolds of $L_{2}$ L 2 intersect transversally and the spectrum corresponds to a complex saddle. This proves that Henrard’s theorem applies at least for $\mu $ μ close to $\mu _{b}$ μ b . In particular there exists a family of periodic orbits having the homoclinic orbit as a limit.  相似文献   

A statistical study is carried out on the photospheric magnetic nonpotentiality in solar active regions and its relationship with associated flares. We select 2173 photospheric vector magnetograms from 1106 active regions observed by the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope at Huairou Solar Observing Station, National Astronomical Observatories of China, in the period of 1988??C?2008, which covers most of the 22nd and 23rd solar cycles. We have computed the mean planar magnetic shear angle ( $\overline{\Delta\phi}$ ), mean shear angle of the vector magnetic field ( $\overline{\Delta\psi}$ ), mean absolute vertical current density ( $\overline{|J_{z}|}$ ), mean absolute current helicity density ( $\overline{|h_{\mathrm{c}}|}$ ), absolute twist parameter (|?? av|), mean free magnetic energy density ( $\overline{\rho_{\mathrm{free}}}$ ), effective distance of the longitudinal magnetic field (d E), and modified effective distance (d Em) of each photospheric vector magnetogram. Parameters $\overline{|h_{\mathrm{c}}|}$ , $\overline{\rho_{\mathrm{free}}}$ , and d Em show higher correlations with the evolution of the solar cycle. The Pearson linear correlation coefficients between these three parameters and the yearly mean sunspot number are all larger than 0.59. Parameters $\overline {\Delta\phi}$ , $\overline{\Delta\psi}$ , $\overline{|J_{z}|}$ , |?? av|, and d E show only weak correlations with the solar cycle, though the nonpotentiality and the complexity of active regions are greater in the activity maximum periods than in the minimum periods. All of the eight parameters show positive correlations with the flare productivity of active regions, and the combination of different nonpotentiality parameters may be effective in predicting the flaring probability of active regions.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility that the observed cosmic-ray protons are of primary extragalactic origin. The present \(\bar p\) data are consistent with a primary extragalactic component having \(\bar p\) /p?3.2±0.7 x 10-4 independent of energy. Following the suggestion that most extragalactic cosmic rays are from active galaxies, we propose that most of the observed \(\bar p\) 's are alos from the same sites. This would imply the possibility of destroying the corresponding \(\bar \alpha \) 'sat the source, thus leading to a flux ratio \(\bar \alpha \) /α< \(\bar p\) /p. We further predict an estimate for \(\bar \alpha \) α~10-5, within the range of future cosmic-ray detectors. the cosmological implications of this proposal are discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results of polarimetric observations of the icymoons of Uranus (Ariel, Titania, Oberon, and Umbriel) performed at the 6-m BTA telescope of the SAO RAS with the SCORPIO-2 focal reducer within the phase angle range of $0_.^ \circ 06 - 2_.^ \circ 37$ . The parameters of the negative polarization branch (referred to the scattering plane) are obtained in the V filter: for Ariel the maximum branch depth of P min ≈ ?1.4% is reached at the phase angle of α min ≈ 1°; for Titania P min ≈ ?1.2%, $\alpha _{\min } \approx 1_.^ \circ 4$ ; for Oberon P min ≈ ?1.1%, $\alpha _{\min } \approx 1_.^ \circ 8$ . For Umbriel the polarization minimum was not reached: for the last measurement point at $\alpha _{\min } \approx 2_.^ \circ 4$ , polarization amounts to ?1.7%. The declining P min and shifting αmin towards larger phase angles correlate with a decrease of the geometric albedo of the Uranian moons. There is no longitudinal dependence of polarization for the moons within the observational errors which indicates a similarity in the physical properties of the leading and trailing hemispheres. The phase-angle dependences of polarization for the major moons of Uranus are quite close to those observed in the group of small trans-Neptunian objects (Ixion, Huya, Varuna, 1999 DE9, etc.), which are characterized by a large gradient of negative polarization, about ?1% per degree in the phase-angle range of $0_.^ \circ 1 - 1^ \circ$ .  相似文献   

We study the secular dynamics of lunar orbiters, in the framework of high-degree gravity models. To achieve a global view of the dynamics, we apply a frequency analysis (FA) technique which is based on Prony’s method. This allows for an extensive exploration of the eccentricity ( $e$ )—inclination ( $i$ ) space, based on short-term integrations ( $\sim $ 8 months) over relatively high-resolution grids of initial conditions. Different gravity models are considered: 3rd, 7th and 10th degree in the spherical harmonics expansion, with the main perturbations from the Earth being added. Since the dynamics is mostly regular, each orbit is characterised by a few parameters, whose values are given by the spectral decomposition of the orbital elements time series. The resulting frequency and amplitude maps in ( $e_0,i_0$ ) are used to identify the dominant perturbations and deduce the “minimum complexity” model necessary to capture the essential features of the long-term dynamics. We find that the 7th degree zonal harmonic ( $J_7$ term) is of profound importance at low altitudes as, depending on the initial secular phases, it can lead to collision with the Moon’s surface within a few months. The 3rd-degree non-axisymmetric terms are enough to describe the deviations from the 1 degree-of-freedom zonal problem; their main effect is to modify the equilibrium value of the argument of periselenium, $\omega $ , with respect to the “frozen” solution ( $\omega =\pm 90^{\circ }, \forall \Omega $ , where $\Omega $ is the nodal longitude). Finally, we show that using FA on a fine grid of initial conditions, set around a suitably chosen ‘first guess’, one can compute an accurate approximation of the initial conditions of a periodic orbit.  相似文献   

The planar problem of three bodies is described by means of Murnaghan's symmetric variables (the sidesa j of the triangle and an ignorable angle), which directly allow for the elimination of the nodes. Then Lemaitre's regularized variables \(\alpha _j = \sqrt {(\alpha ^2 - \alpha _j )}\) , where \(\alpha ^2 = \tfrac{1}{2}(a_1 + a_2 + a_3 )\) , as well as their canonically conjugated momenta are introduced. By finally applying McGehee's scaling transformation \(\alpha _j = r^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2}} \tilde \alpha _j\) , wherer 2 is the moment of inertia a system of 7 differential equations (with 2 first integrals) for the 5-dimensional triple collision manifold \(T\) is obtained. Moreover, the zero angular momentum solutions form a 4-dimensional invariant submanifold \(N \subset T\) represented by 6 differential equations with polynomial right-hand sides. The manifold \(N\) is of the topological typeS 2×S 2 with 12 points removed, and it contains all 5 restpoint (each one in 8 copies). The flow on \(T\) is gradient-like with a Lyapounov function stationary in the 40 restpoints. These variables are well suited for numerical studies of planar triple collision.  相似文献   

New photoelectric UBVRI observations of the eclipsing variable V 1016 Ori have been obtained with the AZT-11 telescope at Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and with the Zeiss-600 telescope at Mount Maidanak Observatory. Light curves are constructed from the new observations and from published and archival data. We use a total of 340, 348, 386, 185, and 62 magnitude estimates in the bands from U to I, respectively. An analysis of these data has yielded the following results. The photometric elements were refined; their new values are $Min I = JDH 2441966.820 + 65\mathop .\limits^d 4331E$ . The UBVRI magnitudes outside eclipse were found to be $5\mathop .\limits^m 95$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 77$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 75$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 68$ , and $6\mathop .\limits^m 16$ , respectively. No phase effect was detected. We obtained two light-curve solutions: (1) assuming that the giant star was in front of the small one during eclipse, we determined the stellar radii, r s=0.0141 and r g=0.0228 (in fractions of the semimajor axis of the orbit); and (2) assuming that the small star was in front of the giant one, we derived r g=0.0186 and r s=0.0180 for the V band. The brightness of the primary star in the bands from U to I is L 1=0.96, 0.92, 0.90, 0.89, and 0.88, the orbital inclination is $i = 87^\circ .1$ , and the maximum eclipse phase is α0= 0.66. In both cases, we accepted the U hypothesis, assumed the orbit to be elliptical, and took into account the flux from the star Θ1 Ori E that fell within the photometer aperture. The first solution leads to a discrepancy between the primary radius determined by solving the light curve and the radial-velocity curve and its value estimated from the luminosity and temperature. This discrepancy is eliminated in the second solution, and it turns out that, by all parameters, the primary corresponds to a normal zero-age main-sequence star.  相似文献   

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