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Dave Craw 《Ore Geology Reviews》2010,37(3-4):224-235
The giant gold placer system on the Otago Schist of southern New Zealand was derived from Mesozoic orogenic gold deposits in the underlying schist basement. The core of the schist basement was exhumed in the middle Cretaceous, coeval with the accumulation of the oldest preserved nonmarine sedimentary rocks in the area (ca 112 Ma). Those sedimentary rocks contain quartz clasts, with distinctive ductile deformation textures, that were derived from structural zones in, or adjacent to, major orogenic gold deposits. Quartz textures in these structural zones are readily distinguishable from the rest of the schist belt, and hence provide a fingerprint for erosion of gold. The earliest sedimentary rocks on the margins of the gold-bearing schist belt are immature, and were derived from unoxidised outcrops in areas of high relief. Gold was not liberated from unoxidised basement rocks during erosion, and was removed from the system without placer concentration. Placer concentration did not begin until about 20 million years later, when oxidative alteration of gold deposits had facilitated gold grain size enhancement from micron scale (primary) to millimetre scale (secondary). Subsequent erosion and recycling of gold in the early Cenozoic, and again in the late Cenozoic, caused additional concentration of gold in progressively younger deposits. The Klondike giant placer goldfield of Canada had a similar geological history to the Otago placer field, and Klondike placer accumulation occurred in the late Cenozoic, at least 70 million years after Mesozoic exhumation of orogenic gold. The giant placer deposit on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada in California occurs in Eocene and younger sedimentary rocks, at least 40 million years younger than the timing of major exhumation of the source rocks. Circum-Pacific giant gold placers formed under entirely different tectonic regimes from the emplacement of their source orogenic deposits, and these giant placer deposits do not form in foreland basins associated with convergent orogens. Formation of giant placers requires less active erosion and more subdued topography than the collisional orogenic activity that accompanied emplacement of source gold deposits in basement rocks, as well as oxidative alteration of the primary deposits to liberate gold from sulfide minerals and enhance secondary gold grain size.  相似文献   

The beaches of Palliser Bay, exposed to oceanic waves from the south, are composed of mixed sand and gravel derived from mountain ranges of greywacke and argillite that rise above both sides of the bay. Beach gravel tracer experiments, each using up to 75 tonnes of limestone pebbles, were conducted at three sites. Increase in the roundness of these tracer pebbles at each site during the year of observation was compared with the increase in roundness and rate of weight loss of limestone and greywacke pebbles in a laboratory tumbler. The comparison enabled estimation of the rate of attrition of the natural beach pebbles. A weight loss of 41% per year was found for pebbles at the most exposed site and 15 and 7% at the other two sites.  相似文献   

Numerous auriferous fluvial quartz pebble conglomerates (QPCs) are present within the Late Cretaceous–Recent sedimentary sequence in southern New Zealand. The QPCs formed in low-relief settings before, during, and after regional marine transgression, in alluvial fan and a variety of fluvial and near-shore depositional settings: In particular, during slow thermal subsidence associated with Late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic rifting, and during the early stages of orogenic uplift following mid Cenozoic marine regression. QPC maturity characteristics are complex and vary with sediment transport and recycling history, stratigraphic proximity to the transgressive Waipounamu Erosion Surface, and the amount of first-cycle detritus incorporated during recycling. For pre-marine QPCs, the amount of first cycle detritus varies with tectonic intensity and proximity of the depositional setting to remnant Cretaceous topography. For post-marine QPCs, it varies with tectonic intensity and proximity to Late Cenozoic uplift of basement ranges.QPCs do not form during a single bedrock erosion–sediment deposition cycle: Non-oxidised and/or oxidized groundwater alteration (kaolinisation) of labile minerals in immature sediment and the upper part of underlying basement, and repeated sedimentary recycling, are fundamental processes of QPC formation regardless of the tectonic or sedimentary settings. Altered immature rock disaggregates easily upon erosion, and alteration clays are winnowed to leave quartz-rich residues containing resistant heavy minerals such as zircon and gold. Detrital sulfide survives recycling if deposition and burial in saturated sediments are rapid. QPCs result only if sediment recycling is not accompanied by excessive erosion of fresh basement rock. Uplift of many parts of the Otago Schist belt since late Miocene has raised rocks above the water table, increased erosion rates, and inhibited groundwater alteration and QPC formation. QPC formation is still occurring in Southland, where the water table is high, sediments are saturated and undergoing alteration, and uplift and erosion rates, topography, and fluvial gradients are all low. The QPCs accumulate as residual gravel on the valley floors of low-competence streams that are slowly incising pervasively altered dominantly late Miocene–Pliocene immature conglomerates.QPCs formation essentially represents physical and chemical lagging of precursor strata. Accumulation of detrital gold and other heavy minerals is an inevitable consequence, and most QPCs contain some gold. Three types of significant gold placer have developed in the QPCs. Type 1 placers are essentially eluvial and/or colluvial in origin and form without significant fluvial transport, by residual accumulation in low-competence valleys during low-rate uplift, fluvial incision and QPC formation. Type 2 placers have formed during significant fluvial transport and subsequent fluvial incision, mainly in higher energy proximal and medial reaches of larger pre-marine (Eocene) and post-marine fluvial systems. Type 3 placers formed by wave-base and marine current winnowing in the shallow shelf setting during low-rate regional marine transgression, especially in the Eocene.  相似文献   

A rare collection of centimetre-scale proximal gold nuggets has been examined in the context of the Late Pleistocene to Holocene eluvial and colluvial sediments in which they occur, in a range of environments from arid temperate to periglacial. Liberation of supergene nuggets from their basement source in fault zones occurred progressively by physical erosion as the host basement rocks were uplifted between middle Miocene and Holocene. The host sediments are made up of poorly sorted angular greenschist facies schist debris. Some nuggets were recycled through several generations of these colluvial deposits, and additional nuggets were liberated to younger sediments during this time. The nuggets did not migrate laterally more than a few tens of metres during this repeated recycling, and were passively elevated vertically with the rising basement on to the crest and slopes of a 1600 m high mountain range. The most recently liberated nuggets retain almost all the morphological features of their supergene origin, including coarse (cm scale) crystal shapes, delicate crystalline internal structure, and imprints of oxidised pyrite crystals. Minor transport in colluvium has caused some abrasion and rounding of gold crystals. Repeated recycling progressively obscured the crystal shapes, although relict crystals are still recognisable on parts of most nuggets. Differential timing of liberation from basement has resulted in a wide range of rounding effects in groups of closely-coexisting nuggets. Variably crystalline gold overgrowths (micron scale) coat abraded surfaces of all or part of most nuggets, commonly intergrown with authigenic smectite clay minerals. These overgrowths developed from alkaline groundwater (pH 7–9) that had undergone extensive chemical interaction with labile minerals in the host colluvium. Abrasion during recycling removed some of the overgrowths, but this was replaced in the new sedimentary hosts. Physical and chemical processes affecting nuggets in these sediments have similarly affected eluvial and colluvial nuggets in a wide range of settings around the world, including Yukon (Canada), California (USA) and arid parts of Australia.  相似文献   

Auriferous quartz pebble conglomerates (QPC) formed during Tertiary sedimentary recycling in the Waimumu district, Southland, New Zealand. These sediments contain fine-grained gold of detrital origin with abundant surface textures and gold-forms associated with authigenic gold remobilisation. Most authigenic gold contains no detectable silver and occurs as overgrowths on detrital Au–Ag and Au–Ag–Hg alloys that contain up to 13 wt.% Ag, and 9 wt.% Hg. Fine-grained Au–Ag and Au–Ag–Hg alloys are compositionally heterogeneous, exhibiting both well-defined silver-depleted and silver-enriched rims. Rare coarse Au–Ag alloy is intergrown with quartz and is homogenous. Discrete grains of authigenic, porous, sheet-like gold occur in carbonaceous mudstone within a QPC sequence. Some QPC contain abundant sulphide minerals. Some of these sulphides (pyrite and arsenopyrite) are of long-distance detrital origin, presumably from the Otago Schist, whereas the bulk of the sulphide suite is marcasite of variably transported diagenetic origin, derived from the erosion of QPC and underlying Tertiary sediments. There has also been authigenic deposition of sulphide minerals in the QPC themselves. These diagenetic sulphides include framboidal and anhedral marcasite, and framboidal and euhedral pyrite. Sulphur isotope data for the sulphide minerals range from − 45‰ to + 18‰ (relative to VCDT). Sulphur isotope data for euhedral detrital pyrite and arsenopyrite range from − 9‰ to − 1‰ and are most likely derived from the Otago Schist to the north. Both framboidal and anhedral marcasite have lower values (< − 20‰) reflecting microbial sulphate reduction as a source for the precursor hydrogen sulphide. Anhedral marcasite contains elevated concentrations of Ni, Co, As and Cr, commonly with compositional banding of these metals.Both the gold and diagenetic sulphides from the Belle-Brook QPC are compositionally similar to gold and sulphides from Archaean QPC. Porous, sheet-like authigenic gold is morphologically similar to gold associated with carbonaceous material in the Witwatersrand. In addition, Southland marcasite textures resemble the rounded and banded pyrite in Witwatersrand QPC placers. There is abundant evidence from these Tertiary QPC in southern New Zealand for sedimentary transport of sulphide minerals and post-depositional sulphide mineralisation in the surficial environment despite an oxygen-rich atmosphere. These young deposits thus provide an example of authigenic gold and sulphide textures formed during diagenesis in unmetamorphosed placers. Many of these textures are similar to those commonly ascribed to metamorphic processes in Archaean auriferous QPC.  相似文献   

Placer gold mining inevitably produces highly turbid processing waters. Five historic paleoplacer mining sites in Central Otago, New Zealand, provided 24 samples which were used in laboratory-based settling experiments. Turbidity was examined in the context of stratigraphy of paleoplacer deposits, their environments of formation, and the groundwater processes that affected the deposits as well as the underlying bedrock. Settling rates were characterised by measuring turbidity levels over time (up to 40 days) using turbidimeter and Coulter counter methods. High clay mineral (mostly kaolinite) contents of the materials were confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Grain size distributions of suspended materials were very comparable across all samples with majority of particles falling between <1.2 and 2.5 μm. The levels of turbidity produced by the auriferous sediments were partly controlled by the level of sorting and winnowing that the sediments were subjected to during transport and deposition. Debris flow material generated high turbidity [initial levels of 120–420 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU)] which settled slowly, as did eolian siltstone (1,600 NTU). Fluvial sediments generally generated lower turbidity which settled more rapidly, on the scale of hours to days. It was found that cementation of the sediment can reduce turbidity generation by limiting disaggregation of the clay minerals. On the other hand, the presence of altered lithic clasts within the sediments contributes to higher turbidity production. There was poor correlation between the level of bedrock alteration, as indicated by Chemical Index of Alteration, and the resulting turbidity. Settling rates were more rapid in experiments conducted in saline solution, as opposed to stream water, due to floc formation.  相似文献   

The Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene Gore Lignite Measures of Eastern Southland accumulated in humid temperature to subtropical wet forest swamps in a coastal delta-plain paleoenvironment. The lignites have relatively low ash and low sulphur contents. They are xylitic, contain abundant resinite and range from poorly to strongly gelified. Petrographically, they are relatively uniform and dominated by humic macerals.The Eastern Southland Lignite Field can be divided into a southern (lower-rank) and a northern (higher-rank) area. The lower-rank lignites have bed moisture contents of 55–61% whereas the higher-rank lignites have bed moistures of 42–46%. In both areas the lignite seams are within 200 m of the surface but are probably separated by faults and have undergone separate burial and tectonic histories. Burial depths are believed to range from 250 m for lower-rank to 1100 m for higher-rank lignites. The rank increase from south to north is largely the result of compaction-induced reduction in porosity and consequent dewatering and is not accompanied by any notable increase in gelification. For these lignites, there is a linear relationship between bed moisture and fixed carbon but a significant shift away from the linear relationship between volatile matter and specific energy and bed moisture. Also, the higher-rank northern lignites have higher H:C and lower O:C atomic ratios than the southern lower-rank lignites. These geochemical changes are heat- and depth-related and represent changes in functional group composition that are independent of observed gelification.  相似文献   

Electronprobe microanalyses were made of enargite and luzonite from various localities. It was shown that enargite can contain as much as 6 wt.% antimony. Complete solid solution was observed between the tetragonal phases luzonite and famatinite. The compositions of enargite and of luzonite-famatinite solid solution were found to be very variable even within one polished section.
Zusammenfassung Anhand quantitativer Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalysen von Material verschiedener Lagerstätten wurde festgestellt, daß Enargit bis zu 6 Gew.% Antimon enthalten kann. Zwischen den tetragonalen Phasen Luzonit und Famatinit wurde völlige Mischbarkeit beobachtet. Es wurde gefunden, daß die Zusammensetzung von Enargit und Luzonit-Famatinit selbst im Bereich eines Anschliffes stark schwanken kann.

Temporary address (1968/69): Department of Mineral Technology, Imperial College, London S. W. 7, England.  相似文献   

The Oligocene Balleny Group of Chalky Island, southwestern Fiordland, comprises a typical continental margin sequence 900 m in thickness. Thin nearshore traction deposited sediments at the base are overlain by submarine canyon and fan lithofacies that were deposited by the full range of subaqueous mass-transport processes. A steep-walled channel within Balleny Group is interpreted as a fossil proximal fan-channel. The sedimentary fill of the channel is texturally similar to sediments moving by slump-creep in Recent submarine canyons and fan-valleys. The field data presented indicate (1) that a small canyon complex at Sealers Bay was initially cut by subaqueous debris-flows derived from an adjacent cliffed continental coast; (2) that transport within the upper parts of the canyon and fanchannel complex was primarily by inertia-flow and slump-creep; and (3) that these more proximal types of mass-transport gave way gradationally and successively to fluxoturbidity and turbidity currents at locations further down-slope, with consequent deposition of sediment in more distal fan-channel and fan-surface environments as fluxoturbidites and turbidites, with lesser contributions from inertia-flows.  相似文献   

R. M. CARTER 《Sedimentology》1975,22(2):275-288
During work on a dam construction site in South Island, New Zealand, outflowing ground water resulted in extensive local mass-transport of the sands being excavated. A series of small scale sand fans was built up, probably mainly by laminar mass-flow processes. The surfaces of the fans were made up of a series of complexly interdigitating sand-fingers that are inferred to have been emplaced by viscous plug-flow. Other sedimentary processes associated with the building and synsedimentary destruction of the fans included rapid grain-flow, liquefaction and progressive slumping. Although small in scale, the Mararoa mass-flow fans may be a close analogue for some of the many‘fluxoturbidite’ or‘proximal flysch’ facies described in the sedimentological literature, and their geologic implications are therefore briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an ontogenic model for the formation of morphological types of growth and dissolution of cubic diamonds of variety II by Yu.L. Orlov from placers of the Anabar diamondiferous region. The following ontogenic domains of crystals and corresponding evolutionary stages of growth accompanying a general decrease in supersaturation in the crystallization medium were distinguished: microblock mosaic cuboids with defects produced by the mechanism of rotational plastic deformation–cuboids with linear translation deformations–cuboids and antiskeletal growth forms of cuboids composed of octahedral growth layers–pseudocubic growth forms of a flat-faced octahedron. The crystal morphological evolution of cuboids during the bulk dissolution of individuals in fluid-bearing melt transporting them to the surface was traced. The investigation of transitional forms of cuboid diamond dissolution showed that the final form of diamond dissolution is a rounded tetrahexahedroid independent of the combination of cuboid faces with subordinate faces of octahedron, rhombododecahedron, and tetrahexahedron observed on resorbed crystals of cubic habit. It was found that the final stages of cuboid dissolution produced disk-shaped microrelief features on the diamond surface in the form of randomly distributed ideal rounded etch pits resulting from interaction with microscopic cavitation gas bubbles released during the decompression of ascending kimberlite melt.  相似文献   

Sulfide minerals commonly occur in sediments and basement rocks in southern New Zealand, as authigenic precipitates from groundwater below the oxygenated surface zone. There are two principal potential sources for sulfur in the groundwater system: weathering of sulfide minerals in the metamorphic basement and rainwater-derived marine aerosols. We present data for these two key sulfur sources: metamorphic sulfide and associated hydrothermal Au-bearing veins within the Otago Schist (average δ34S = −1.8 ± 2.4‰), and an inland saline lake (S derived entirely from rainwater, δ34S = 21.4 ± 0.8‰). We use these two end member δ34S values to estimate the contributions of these sources of sulfur in authigenic groundwater sulfide minerals and in waters derived from oxidation of these sulfide minerals, across a range of environments. We show that authigenic groundwater pyrite along joints in the Otago schist is derived primarily from metamorphic basement sulfur. In contrast, authigenic groundwater pyrite cementing Miocene-Recent aquifers shows a substantial marine aerosol component, and represents a distinct hydrogeological system. We suggest that marine aerosols represent a significant flux to the terrestrial sulfur cycle that has been present through the groundwater system in Otago over the past 20 million years.  相似文献   

Many alluvial placer deposits around the world occur in river systems that have been affected by tectonic events, causing drainage reorientation and severance of links between placers and their sources. This study documents tectonic rejuvenation of topography in the Otago giant placer goldfield, New Zealand, which has resulted in numerous river capture and drainage reorientation events. These events have induced changes to gold transport directions and numerous stages of separation of detrital gold from primary sources. Goldfield-wide reconstructions of drainage patterns through time are as yet only possible for Miocene–Recent, and numerous earlier drainage changes back to Cretaceous primary orogenic mineralisation are probable. Variations in basement lithologies permit auriferous gravel provenance determinations, facilitating paleodrainage pattern reconstruction and documentation of river capture events. River capture events and timing of these events for gold-bearing paleodrainages have also been documented using genetic divergences of populations of freshwater galaxiid fish that were isolated by drainage reorientation. Gold-bearing quartz pebble conglomerates had a southeastward drainage in the Miocene. This was disrupted in the Pliocene by mountain range uplift and gold placer recycling, with deposition of lithic conglomerates containing only minor gold placers. The most dramatic changes in gold transport directions occurred through the Quaternary, as antiformal ranges grew across the pre-existing drainages. Miocene and Pliocene placers were recycled with numerous local (1–10 km scale) changes in river directions and numerous capture events. Large axial rivers were segmented into a more complex drainage pattern, and on-going river capture resulted in growth of the main Clutha River catchment at the expense of neighbouring catchments. The most productive placers developed in the Clutha River in late Quaternary when increased discharge from captured mountain catchments enhanced gold transport and concentration. Similar river drainage reorientation has occurred in other placer fields around the world, but the lack of preserved evidence inhibits documentation of most such changes.  相似文献   

The Longwoods Complex of Southland, New Zealand is part of an extensive terrane consisting of intrusives, volcanics, and sediments, which outcrops in the southern and north-western portions of the South Island. This terrane represents a volcanic arc which was active from Permian to Jurassic times (Grindley, 1958; Challis, 1968, 1969; Coombs et al., 1976). Between Pahia Point and Oraka Point on the southern coast of the South Island a section across the Longwoods Complex is well exposed and intrusives ranging in composition from ultrabasic cumulate rock, high-Al gabbro and gabbroic diorite to quartz diorite and granite outcrop. Two models have been considered for the origin of the rocks of the Pahia Point-Oraka Point section: (a) the rocks constitute one suite, the members of which are related by a crystal fractionation process; (b) the rocks constitute two suites which are not directly related. The ultrabasic rocks, and quartz diorites are complementary and are derived from a high-Al gabbro parent by crystal fractionation involving pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase and hornblende, but considerations of viscosity and the geochemistry of the granite preclude derivation of the high-Si rocks by continuation of the crystal fractionation model. Furthermore, the quartz-diorites are of two types: xenolith bearing foliated quartz-diorites and xenolith deficient unfoliated types. The latter rock type appears to group with the gabbros on variation diagrams and partitioning of Ti between mica and amphibole supports the view that two distinct suites of rocks are involved: (a) a suite derived by fractional crystallization from a high-Al gabbro parent and consisting of cumulate ultramafic rocks, high-Al gabbro, gabbroic diorite and quartz-diorite; (b) a suite of foliated quartz diorites, formed by partial melting of lower crustal igneous rocks. The xenoliths in the foliated quartz-diorites represent modified residue left after partial melting. Melt and residue have unmixed to varying degrees during diapiric rise and a range of compositions has resulted. The association of the two suites is tectonic. Gabbroic melts are generated in the lithosphere during plate subduction beneath a continental margin and rise of these melts into the lower continental crust results in partial melting and generation of quartz-diorite magmas.  相似文献   

Gold nuggets (centimetre scale) have formed in a supergene alteration zone on hydrothermal gold deposits, and occur intergrown with quartz and iron oxyhydroxide pseudomorphs after sulphide minerals, and along fractures in quartz and host rocks. The supergene alteration was driven by groundwater-driven water-rock interaction near to a regional unconformity beneath fluvial sediments, and involved clay alteration and oxidation that extended up to 50 m below the unconformity. Oxidation of pyrite and arsenopyrite produced temporary thiosulphate ligands that mobilised microparticulate gold encapsulated in the sulphide minerals. The nuggets have some crystalline form, and internally they consist of anhedral grains, elongated gold plates, and intimate intergrowths of gold and iron oxyhydroxide. Nugget surfaces have further micron scale overgrowths of microparticulate gold, gold plates, and gold crystals. Nuggets were eroded and recycled into nearby proximal Miocene quartz pebble conglomerates, where they concentrated in placers near the basal unconformity. Later recycling transferred gold into Pleistocene fluvial channels. Gold dissolution and redeposition as plates and crystals occurred on the exterior surfaces of placer gold particles, with little change in mass. All groundwater maintained high pH throughout the geological history because there was sufficient calcite in the basement rocks to neutralise any acid generated by pyrite oxidation. Hence, gold mobility in sediments was driven by thiosulphate complexes as for the in situ nuggets, albeit with lower dissolved sulphur concentrations. Despite aridification of the climate in the late Cenozoic, with resulting localised high dissolved chloride concentrations, chloride complexation did not contribute to gold mobility.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study was carried out in order to determine the radioelement and rare earth element (REE) concentrations in beach placer deposits at selected locations along the eastern coast of Andhra Pradesh in India. This was done to evaluate the economic value of these deposits. The findings of this study suggest that high Th and low K concentrations delineate the prospective regions having REE deposits. The beach placers, in general, can be characterized by high thorium and moderate uranium concentrations. The concentrations of REEs vary in the following order: Ce > La> Nd > Pr > Sm > Gd > Dy. Rapid in situ thorium prospectivity coupled with laboratory-based techniques like ICP-MS, as proposed in this study, would help in the identification of prospective REE sources along the coastal placers. The development of indigenous resources of light rare earth elements (LREEs), medium rare earth elements (MREEs), and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) would decrease the dependence on imports, which have a strategic hold on the production and supply of the REEs, globally.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the behavior of fine gold particles (0.25–0.1 mm) and gold dust (<0.1 mm) during the formation of alluvial placers in denudation areas in southern West Siberia. Native gold particles with a low settling velocity, <5–10 cm/s, such as dust (<0.1 mm) and fine flat particles, are transported with a river stream beyond denudation areas. This easily migrating gold participates in the formation of lithochemical flows, which are an important indicator of gold mineralization. It occurs in the upper beds of alluvial section. Heavier fine gold particles are partly retained at the site of river activity, and the rest are partly redeposited in cooler parts of placers, being graded according to their settling velocity, as evidenced from the direct relationship between the flatness and size of gold particles. Fine gold particles do not form large accumulations in alluvial autochthonous placers. The main typomorphic features of fine gold particles and gold dust are their abundance in ore sources, compositional similarity to larger gold fractions, and high migration ability. In contrast to morphological features of gold, these ones remain stable during the river drift.  相似文献   

A Permian magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposit cluster occurs in the Kalatongke district in the Southern Chinese Altai Orogenic Belt, western China. These deposits are associated with the mafic units of the Y1, Y2, Y3, Y9 and G21 mafic-intermediate complexes. In this paper we report the first zircon U-Pb ages for the Y3 and G21 intrusions, which are 283.3 ± 1.3 Ma and 281.1 ± 1.5 Ma, respectively. Our new age data confirm that the sulfide-bearing mafic units of the Y1, Y2 (connected with Y1 at depth), Y3, Y9 and G21 intrusions all formed in Early Permian between ∼281 and ∼287 Ma. New and existing petrological-geochemical data show some important regular variations between these deposits. The host lithologies change from olivine-bearing rocks for the Y1-Y2-Y9 deposits to olivine-free rocks such as norite for the Y3 deposit and leucogabbro for the G21 deposit. The olivine Fo contents of the Y1 deposit are up to 82 mol%, which are slightly higher than those of the Y2 deposit (up to 81 mol%) and the Y9 deposit (up to 79 mol%). The average plagioclase An contents of the olivine-bearing Y1-Y2-Y9 deposits are higher than those of the olivine-free Y3-G21 deposits. Among the three deposits (Y1, Y2 and Y3) that occur closely along the same structural lineament, the Ni/Cu ratios of bulk sulfides decrease from the olivine-bearing deposits (Y1 and Y2) to the olivine-free deposit (Y3). The PGE tenors of these deposits (Y1, Y2 and Y3) and the nearby coeval deposits (Y9 and G21) are extremely low, indicating that their parental magmas are severely depleted in PGEs. The variations of PGE tenors within a single deposit as well as among the different deposits are mainly due to variable R factors. The host rocks of these deposits are all characterized by elevated initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7045 to 0.7047, positive εNd values from 4.95 to 6.86, positive εHf values of zircon from 9 to 16, and elevated δ18O values of zircon from 6.15 to 6.7‰. The isotope data indicate that the parental magmas for these deposits experienced up to ∼15 wt% crustal contamination. The δ34S values of the sulfide minerals from these deposits are from −3.1‰ to 0.4‰, with a peak at −2.2‰, indicating the involvement of crustal sulfur. The isotope data and mineral chemistry together indicate that both olivine fractional crystallization and addition of crustal sulfur played a role in triggering sulfide saturation in the parental magmas for these deposits. Based on higher Ni/Cu ratios of sulfide mineralization in the olivine-bearing intrusions (Y1, Y2, Y9) than in the coeval olivine-free intrusions (Y3, G21), we recommend that Ni exploration in the region focus on the olivine-bearing intrusions that were emplaced in the Early Permian.  相似文献   

Gold paleoplacers become progressively more affected by diagenetic processes with age and burial. Mesozoic paleoplacer deposits in southern New Zealand display intermediate stages of diagenetic transformation compared to little-affected Late Cenozoic paleoplacers and strongly-affected Paleozoic and Precambrian paleoplacers. The Mesozoic (Cretaceous) diagenesis resulted in near-pervasive alteration, cementation and lithification of the paleoplacer. Lithic clasts and matrix have been extensively altered to illite, ferrous iron-bearing smectite-vermiculite, and kaolinite, and the cement consists mainly of clays and calcite. Diagenetic pyrite, marcasite, vivianite, and Mn oxide also contributed to cementation. Alteration occurred under near-surface (<500 m depth) conditions with groundwater that had circumneutral pH, high alkalinity, and elevated dissolved K, Mg and Ca. Detrital albite remained unaffected by alteration. Detrital gold has been variably dissolved and redeposited, with widespread formation of gold overgrowths on the 1–10 μm scales, with 1–3 wt% Ag. Gold mobility was driven by reduced sulphur complexes in the low redox, high pH diagenetic environment. The overgrowth gold locally contributed to cementation of fine clastic grains, and has intergrown with diagenetic clays and Mn oxide. Post-diagenetic oxidation of the paleoplacer deposit has transformed much of the pyrite to ferric oxyhydroxide and deposited some ferric oxyhydroxide coatings on gold. These oxidation processes have had only minor effects on gold mobility and textures. Hence, the low redox conditions of diagenetic gold mobility were distinctly different from those typically associated with oxidation-related supergene gold mobility. Diagenesis can affect economics of paleoplacer mining by hindering rock disaggregation during processing, coating gold particles with secondary minerals, and increasing the clay content of the deposit, all of which can lower the efficiency of gold recovery.  相似文献   

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