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At the end of the workshop the contributors bounced some ideas aroundand shared their thoughts about maximizing the advancement thata study of Sakurai's Object can provide. In particular it was resolvedto set up a web site http://astro.uibk.ac.at/sakurai, witha finding chart and a record of data obtained, and to maintain theoriginal workshop web site at http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/sakurai. Observers and theoreticians are urged to consult,and to contribute to, this resource.  相似文献   

Many papers are devoted to the prediction of radiation conditions on board of a spacecraft (Pichkhadze et al., 2004; Khamidullina et al., 2008; 2012), and a number of software systems for corresponding calculations have been developed: the US information system CREME96 (https://creme.isde.vander-bilt.edu/); European SPENVIS (http://www.spenvis.oma.be/intro.php); Russian SEREIS (Kuznetsov et al., 2001; Model’ kosmosa, 2007) and COSRAD (http://cosrad.sinp.msu.ru/manual.html; Kuznetsov et al., 2011) based on the models of the radiation environment in near-Earth space (Bashkirov et al., 1998; Nymmik, 2004; Model’ kosmosa, 2007; Kuznetsov et al., 2011). In this paper we propose a simple calculation algorithm of short-term (for a few days) forecasting of dynamics of the radiation dose on the International Space Station (ISS) in radiation environment undisturbed by solar proton events. This algorithm does not use radiation environment models and detailed ballistic calculations, while it uses data of the onboard radiation monitoring system (RMS) and empirical relations, obtained for ISS orbital motion.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach to quality control during the processing of astronomical data. Quality control in the Astro-WISE Information System is integral to all aspects of data handing and provides transparent access to quality estimators for all stages of data reduction from the raw image to the final catalog. The implementation of quality control mechanisms relies on the core features in this Astro-WISE Environment (AWE): an object-oriented framework, full data lineage, and both forward and backward chaining. Quality control information can be accessed via the command-line awe-prompt and the web-based Quality-WISE service. The quality control system is described and qualified using archive data from the 8-CCD Wide Field Imager (WFI) instrument (http://www.eso.org/lasilla/instruments/wfi/) on the 2.2-m MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla and (pre-)survey data from the 32-CCD OmegaCAM instrument (http://www.astro-wise.org/~omegacam/) on the VST telescope at Paranal.  相似文献   

The available evidence regarding the disposition and chronology of Pliocene–Pleistocene fluvial terraces, coastal rock flats, raised beaches and lacustrine sediments adjoining the Anti-Atlas coastline of Morocco has been reviewed and supplemented by additional information from our own field reconnaissance. It is thus suggested that the study region has experienced uplift by  130 m since the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum ( 3.1 Ma), by  90 m since the latest Pliocene ( 2 Ma), and by  45 m since the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution ( 0.9 Ma). Each of these phases of uplift correlates with a phase of global climate change known independently, and it is thus inferred that the observed uplift is being driven by climate through mechanisms such as erosional isostasy and the associated induced lower-crustal flow. Numerical modelling of the observed uplift history indicates that the mobile lower-crustal layer in the study region is  9 km thick, with a temperature at its base of  500 °C. The base of this mobile layer is inferred to be at  24 km depth, the deepest crust consisting of a layer of mafic underplating that does not flow under ambient conditions. The principal landform in the study region, the coastal rock platform at  60 m a.s.l., thus formed during a succession of interglacial marine highstands in the late Early Pleistocene when uplift rates were low. Although control on the ages of young sediments and landforms is currently extremely limited, being dependent on regional correlation schemes rather than on absolute dating, the study region fits the pattern, emerging worldwide, that climate change is driving the systematic growth of topographic relief evident during the Late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Recent numerical simulations of MHD turbulence, under very different driving conditions, and by several different investigators, all indicate a sensitivity of the rms fluctuations to the ratio of the microscopic viscosity to resistivity. This dimensionless quantity is known as the magnetic Prandtl number Pm. In general, standard astrophysical accretion disks are characterized by Pm  1 throughout their radial extent, while low luminosity accretors (e.g. Sag A*) have Pm  1. Here, we show that standard α models of black hole accretion disks have a transition radius, measured in tens of Schwarzschild radii, at which the flow goes from Pm  1 to Pm  1. Moreover, this transition may well be dynamically unstable, leading to a sort of two-phase “Prandtl number medium” We advance the idea that this is the physical reason underlying the change in the accretion properties of the inner regions of Keplerian disks, leading to a truncation of the cool disk (Pm  1) and the onset of hot, low density gas flow (Pm  1).  相似文献   

Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting is a well-developed astrophysical tool that has recently been applied to high-redshift Lyα-emitting galaxies. If rest-frame ultraviolet through near-infrared photometry is available, it allows the simultaneous determination of the star formation history and dust extinction of a galaxy. Lyα-emitter SED fitting results from the literature find star formation rates 3 M yr−1, stellar masses 109 M for the general population but 1010 M for the subset detected by IRAC, and very low dust extinction, AV  0.3, although a couple of outlying analyses prefer significantly more dust and higher intrinsic star formation rates. A checklist of 14 critical choices that must be made when performing SED fitting is discussed.  相似文献   

Unspiked K–Ar dating makes the age of the Çakmaközü basalt in eastern Turkey 1818 ± 39 ka (± 2σ). This basalt overlies a staircase of four terraces of the River Murat, a Euphrates tributary, each separated vertically by  20 m. We deduce from the relationship with the basalt that these fluvial deposits aggraded during successive  40 ka climate cycles around the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary (probably MIS 72-66). The incision and rock uplift at  0.5 mm a− 1, thus indicated, are roughly consistent with the  500 m of entrenchment of this  1.8 Ma Murat palaeo-valley into a former lake basin since the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum. We infer that the  130 m of incision in this locality since  1.8 Ma dramatically underestimates the associated rock uplift, estimated as  600 m. The  1100 m of rock uplift and  800 m of surface uplift thus estimated since the Mid-Pliocene indicate (assuming Airy isostatic equilibrium)  5 km of thickening of the continental crust, from  37 km to the present 42 km. Eastern Anatolia was thus at a much lower altitude in the Mid-Pliocene than at present, consistent with the low-relief lacustrine palaeo-environment. We infer that the subsequent development of topography and excess crustal thickness are being caused by coupling between surface processes and induced flow in the lower crust: climate change following the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum resulted in faster erosion that has drawn mobile lower crust beneath the study region.  相似文献   

A set of 13 new unspiked K–Ar dates has been obtained for the Quaternary basaltic volcanism in the Kula area of western Turkey, providing improved age control for the fluvial deposits of the Gediz River that underlie these basalt flows. This dating is able, for the first time, to resolve different ages for the oldest basalts, assigned to category β2, that cap the earliest Gediz deposits recognised in this area, at altitudes of 140 to 210 m above present river level. In particular, the β2 basalt capping the Sarnıç Plateau is dated to 1215 ± 16 ka (± 2σ), suggesting that the youngest underlying fluvial deposits, 185 m above present river level, are no younger than marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 38. In contrast, the β2 basalt capping the adjacent Burgaz Plateau is dated to 1014 ± 23 ka, suggesting that the youngest underlying fluvial deposits, 140 m above present river level, date from MIS 28. The staircase of 11 high Gediz terraces capping the latter plateau is thus dated to MIS 48-28, assuming they represent consecutive 40 ka Milankovitch cycles, although it is possible that as many as two cycles are missing from this sequence such that the highest terrace is correspondingly older. Basalt flows assigned to the β3 category, capping Gediz terraces 35 and 25 m above the present river level, have been dated to 236 ± 6 ka and 180 ± 5 ka, indicating incision rates of 0.15 mm a− 1, similar to the time-averaged rates since the eruptions of the β2 basalts. The youngest basalts, assigned to category β4, are Late Holocene; our K–Ar results for them range from zero age to a maximum of 7 ± 2 ka.This fluvial incision is interpreted using numerical modelling as a consequence of uplift caused by a regional-scale increase in spatial average erosion rates to 0.1 mm a− 1, starting at 3100 ka, caused by climate deterioration, since when a total of 410 m of uplift has occurred. Parameters deduced on this basis from the observed disposition of the Early Pleistocene Gediz terraces include the local effective viscosity of the lower crust, which is 2 × 1018 Pa s, the Moho temperature of 660 °C, and the depth of the base of the brittle upper crust, which is 13 km. The thin lithosphere in this area results in high heat flow, causing this relatively shallow base of the brittle upper crust and the associated relatively thick lower-crustal layer, situated between depths of 13 and 30 km. It estimated that around 900 ka, at the start of the 100 ka Milankovitch forcing, the spatial average erosion rate increased slightly, to 0.12 mm a− 1; the associated relatively sluggish variations in uplift rates are as expected given the relatively thick lower-crustal layer.This modelling indicates that the growth of topography since the Pliocene in this study region has not involved a steady state. The landscape was significantly perturbed by the Middle Pliocene increase in erosion rates, and has subsequently adjusted towards—but not reached—a new steady state consistent with these increased erosion rates. It would not be possible to constrain what has been occurring from the Middle to Late Pleistocene or even the Early Pleistocene uplift response alone; information regarding the starting conditions is also essential, this being available in this region from the older geological record of stacked fluvial and lacustrine deposition. This result has major implications for the rigorous modelling of uplift histories in regions of rapid erosion, where preservation of information to constrain the starting conditions is unlikely.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of atmospheric gravity waves on the vertical and horizontal structure of the ionosphere of Jupiter. The presented non-linear, two-dimensional model of the jovian ionosphere allows for spatially and temporally varying neutral wind and temperature fields and tracks the time evolution of six ionospheric species, , and . An analytical approach is used to validate the model results for linear, small-amplitude waves and to elucidate the mechanisms that leads to perturbations in the density of the main ion species, H+ and . We demonstrate that the long-lived H+ ions are perturbed directly by wave dynamics whereas short-lived ions such as are perturbed by chemical interactions with other perturbed ion species. The model is then applied using larger gravity wave amplitudes consistent with observations. Atmospheric gravity waves propagating at high altitudes create layers of enhanced electron density similar to the system of layers observed during the J0-ingress radio occultation of the Galileo spacecraft. Our best fit to the J0-ingress observation is achieved using an 82 min period forcing wave with horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 500 km and 60 km respectively, and peaks at 510 km above the 1 bar pressure level. We further investigate the effects of the wave-induced ion flux on the background ionospheric structure and demonstrate that in the presence of a gravity wave the background density profiles of the H+ and ions are significantly modified. We also find that the column density of has variations that can exceed 10% as the wave propagates.  相似文献   

We present the modelling of new indicators for old and intermediate age stellar populations based on the absorption features of Mg λ  5175 Å, Fe λ  4383 Å, and Hβ λ  5270, 4860 Å. Spectral models of stellar populations are convolved with the responses of the tunable filters of OSIRIS-GTC to provide photometric indexes with great abilities to separate age and metallicity effects. The new indexes allow us to obtain 2D maps of these features on the basis of a photometric approach and are built up to unreveal most relevant stellar population parameters.  相似文献   

The NEtlander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment (NEIGE) of the Netlander mission to Mars will measure Doppler shifts affecting the radio links between ground stations and an orbiter. The experiment has two complementary scientific objectives which are the monitoring of the structure and dynamics of the ionosphere of Mars and the precise determination of Mars orientation parameters. The horizontal variation of the Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere will be derived from the so-called “geometric-free” combination of the Doppler shifts which affect radio links at two frequencies (in the UHF and S bands) between the Netlander microstations on the Mars surface and the data-relay orbiter. We describe a new method for retrieving the horizontal profile of the absolute value of the TEC. Simulations have allowed to evaluate the precision in the determination of the TEC using this method. We show that the daytime TEC can be retrieved with a precision of for a nominal accuracy of on the orbital pseudo-velocity, which represents a relative precision of a few percent. A preliminary analysis of the sensitivity of the TEC to the physical parameters which control the ionosphere has been performed. For this purpose, we have used a new one-dimensional ionospheric model based on the solution of coupled kinetic, fluid and MHD equations. This model describes the suprathermal electron component, the thermal plasma component as well as the induced horizontal magnetic field. The code which provides the vertical electron density profile has been used to study the variation of the TEC with the solar zenith angle and with the induced magnetic field at the top of the ionosphere. In particular, we show that NEIGE will allow to diagnose the penetration into the daytime ionosphere of an induced magnetic field.  相似文献   

We describe the GOCK-2005 catalog (Geosynchronous Objects Catalog: Kyiv) which contains the topocentric equatorial coordinates and orbital elements of geosynchronous satellites obtained by the photographic technique at the Main Astronomical Observatory NASU in 2002 (http://www.mao.kiev.ua/ast/astron.htm). On the whole, there are 176 observations of 57 objects, among which 20 objects were identified from 98 observations.  相似文献   

Influence of upper air conditions on the Patagonia icefields   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Upper-air conditions archived in the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis have been used to investigate changes in precipitation and snowfall over the Patagonia icefields during 1960–99. Apparently, whereas total precipitation has not changed, warming has caused a decrease in the amount falling as snow. Precipitation at a site is taken to be proportional to the product of the relative humidity and the component of the wind in a particular critical direction, both at 850 hPa ( 1400 m) at a point over the ocean to the west of the icefields; whether it falls as rain or snow is assumed to depend on whether the temperature at the elevation of the site is above or below + 2 °C. The critical direction is assumed to be 270°, which is perpendicular to the north–south trending Andes and is also the prevailing wind direction in this zone of strong westerlies. Because of the scarcity of precipitation records on or near the icefields, the constant of proportionality cannot be determined, so the investigation is limited to examining relative changes in those upper air variables. Warming at 850 hPa has been 0.5 °C over the 40 years, both winter and summer, with the effects that it has: (1) shifted from snow to rain 5% of the precipitation, the total of which has changed little, and (2) increased annual melt in the ablation areas by 0.5 m w.e. The icefields have been losing mass since at least 1870, so this 40-year trend represents only an acceleration of the longer-term trend of adjusting to climate change since the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Meteoric ions in the atmosphere of Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have designed and implemented a novel way to process wide-field astronomical data within a distributed environment of hardware resources and humanpower. The system is characterized by integration of archiving, calibration, and post-calibration analysis of data from raw, through intermediate, to final data products. It is a true integration thanks to complete linking of data lineage from the final catalogs back to the raw data. This paper describes the pipeline processing of optical wide-field astronomical data from the WFI (http://www.eso.org/lasilla/instruments/wfi/) and OmegaCAM (http://www.astro-wise.org/~omegacam/) instruments using the Astro-WISE information system (the Astro-WISE Environment or simply AWE). This information system is an environment of hardware resources and humanpower distributed over Europe. AWE is characterized by integration of archiving, data calibration, post-calibration analysis, and archiving of raw, intermediate, and final data products. The true integration enables a complete data processing cycle from the raw data up to the publication of science-ready catalogs. The advantages of this system for very large datasets are in the areas of: survey operations management, quality control, calibration analyses, and massive processing.  相似文献   

New estimates for Io eruption temperatures: Implications for the interior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The initial interpretation of Galileo data from Jupiter's moon, Io, suggested eruption temperatures . Tidal heating models have difficulties explaining Io's prodigious heat flow if the mantle is , although we suggest that temperatures up to may be possible. In general, Io eruption temperatures have been overestimated because the incorrect thermal model has been applied. Much of the thermal emission from high-temperature hot spots comes from lava fountains but lava flow models were utilized. We apply a new lava fountain model to the highest reported eruption temperature, the SSI observation of the 1997 eruption at Pillan. This resets the lower temperature limit for the eruption from 1600 to . Additionally, viscous heating of the magma may have increased eruption temperature by as a result of the strong compressive stresses in the ionian lithosphere. While further work is needed, it appears that the discrepancy between observations and interior models is largely resolved.  相似文献   

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