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Strontium and oxygen isotope measurements on the alkali basalt-trachyte-phonolite suite of St. Helena show that some of the late-fractionated rocks are enriched in 87Sr and depleted in 18O relative to the older basalts. The data rule out both the formation of the late-fractionated rocks by the partial melting of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust and the contamination of the volcanic rocks by oceanic sediment. It also appears to be incompatible with models based either on the melting of previously fractionated and crystallized liquids in the volcanic pile, or the long-term fractionation of lavas over several millions of years in a sub-volcanic magma chamber.It is concluded that hydrothermal interaction with meteoric water is the most important cause of the 18O depletion. If the interaction occurred at widely differing temperatures, and involved meteoric and seawaters, it might conceivably have caused both the oxygen and strontium isotope heterogeneities.  相似文献   

A gravity survey of Ascension Island was carried out in 1964, a total of 210 stations being occupied. The results suggest that magma has reached the surface via three distinct conduits, the easternmost of which has been associated with extrusion of trachytic lavas. A regional decrease in gravity from west to east across the island is probably due to the proximity to the east of the crest of the Mid Atlantic Ridge, underlain by low density mantle.  相似文献   

最新地震资料显示,琼东南盆地深水区长昌凹陷内部分布着多个火成岩侵入体,单个侵入体的面积可超过300 km2,高(厚)度约为10 km.本文基于有限元方法的二维剖面地温场模拟,分析了研究区位于同一条地震测线上的三个不同规模侵入体对温度场的影响,并结合热史恢复方法及Easy%Ro模型,定量评价了侵入体对距其2 km及5 km处人工井崖城组烃源岩有机质成熟度Ro的影响.结果表明,凹陷内火成岩侵入体对温度场有显著影响的时限不超过1 Ma,5 Ma以后影响非常微弱,10 Ma以后侵入体温度与围岩温度基本一致;侵入体对烃源岩有机质成熟度的影响随侵入体的规模、距侵入体的距离不同而不同,规模最大侵入体对距其2 km处崖城组烃源岩成熟度Ro的影响可达1.6%,而对距其5 km处的烃源岩成熟度影响较小.  相似文献   

The NE-trended Mesozoic granodioritic intrusions are spatially and temporally associated with the copper multi-metal mineralization in southeastern Hunan Province, South China. U-Pb dating result of single-grained zircons of four samples respectively from Shuikoushan, Baoshan, western Tongshanling and eastern Tongshanling intrusions reveals that their crystallization age spans a range from 172 Ma to 181 Ma, which also represents the oldest age of the regional copper multi-metal mineralization. Some of the zircon grains give an upper intercept age of about 1753 Ma and 207Pb/206Pb apparent age of (1752 ± 4) Ma, implying the involvement of the pre-Cambrian metamorphic (possible Middle Proterozoic) basement in their genesis. The presence of such a kind of zircon grains in these granodiorites indicates either that the parental magmas were assimilated by basement rocks during magma ascent or that lower/middle crustal rocks were one of the important components during the melting process.  相似文献   

Surface pelagic tar concentrations in the equatorial South Atlantic Ocean were low (< 0.001 to 14.6 mg m?2). With one exception, concentrations were less than 0.5 mg m?2. The tars were characterized by gravimetry, carbon isotopic composition, molecular compositions (gas chromatographically), sulphur content, total fluorescence spectra, and biological marker fingerprints. Most tars exhibited significant amounts of degradation. A total fluorescence technique was used to group the tars into two basic types. One type occurred at low concentrations and appeared to be due to chronic long-term oil pollution in the South Atlantic Ocean. The second group occurred at much higher concentrations and was associated with more coastal-influenced waters. Biological marker (triterpanes and steranes) fingerprints confirmed the fluorescence groupings. Carbon isotopic composition and pristane/phytane ratios exhibited few geographical trends.  相似文献   

The on- and off-site effects of soil erosion in many environments are well known, but there is still limited understanding of the soil loss fluxes in downstream direction due, among other factors, to scarce and poor quality. A four year study to (i) evaluate water and sediment fluxes at different spatio-temporal scales and (ii) interpret the results in terms of processes involved and the controlling factors, was conducted in Thukela basin, South Africa. Five hierarchically nested catchments; namely microcatchment (0.23 km2), subcatchment (1.20 km2), catchment (9.75 km2), sub-basin (253 km2) and basin (29,038 km2), were used in addition to fifteen (1 m2) microplots and ten (10 m2) plots on five locations within the microcatchment. The results showed 19% decrease of unit-area runoff (q) from 3.1 L m−2 day−1 at microplot to 2.5 L m−2 day−1 at plot scale followed by steeper (56%) decrease at microcatchment scale. The q decreased in downstream direction to very low level (q ≤ 0.26 L m−2 day−1). The changes in q were accompanied by initial 1% increase of soil loss (SL) from 18.8 g m−2 day−1 at microplot to 19.1 g m−2 day−1 at plot scale. The SL also decreased sharply (by 39 fold) to 0.50 g m−2 day−1 at microcatchment scale, followed by further decrease in downstream direction. The decrease of q with spatial scale was attributed to infiltration losses, while initial increase of SL signified greater competence of sheet than splash erosion. The decrease of SL beyond the plot scale was attributed to redistribution of the soil on the hillslope and deposition on the stream channel upstream of the microcatchment outlet. Therefore, erosion control strategies focussing on the recovery of vegetation on the slope and stabilisation of gullies are recommended.  相似文献   

Miniature sorted patterned ground features (nets and stripes) occur at an elevation of ca. 35 m in the L'Antioja valley, East Falkland. The features have developed following recent soil erosion and display many of the characteristics associated with the operation of frost-related processes in regolith materials. The patterns are currently active and indicate that in cool oceanic climates the distribution of frost-sorted patterns is controlled by the presence of bare ground on suitable regolith rather than by altitude.  相似文献   

New Sr and Pb isotope data are presented for a selection of lavas and associated coarse-grained blocks from Ascension Island. K-Ar dates for the lavas range up to1.5±0.2Ma. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios are consistent with earlier measurements and for most rocks are ca. 0.7029, but range up to 0.7135 in the case of the most evolved lavas and blocks. Pb isotope data are also consistent with earlier measurements, but the Pb in two gabbroic blocks is less radiogenic than Pb in the other rocks. It is suggested that these gabbroic blocks crystallized from a magma of tholeiitic composition whose source was similar to that of mid-oceanic ridge basalt whereas the lavas and other blocks crystallized from mildly alkaline magmas derived from a source further from the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The high87Sr/86Sr ratios result from contamination of the most silicic magma by radiogenic Sr from pelagic sediments. These data and their interpretation are consistent with the petrological and geochemical observations that the granite blocks are the coarse-grained equivalents of the volcanic suite [11] and not fragments of relict continental material [2,3].  相似文献   

Natural marokite (CaMn2O4) has been studied at high pressures and temperatures using a diamond-anvil press coupled with laser heating in the pressure range 100–250 kbar. A mixture of marokite, CaMnO3 (perovskite) and MnO (rocksalt) has been observed in all runs in the above pressure range by X-ray diffraction study of the quenched samples. It was interpreted that marokite disproportionates into the mixture CaMnO3 (perovskite) + MnO (rocksalt) at pressures below 100 kbar. A general comparison of the molar volume for all known compounds having the marokite-related structures (including CaFe2O4 and CaTi2O4) with those for a mixture of perovskite plus rocksalt structures suggested that the mixture is more stable than the marokite-related structures at high pressures, as confirmed by the present experimental result. The CaFe2O4-modification of common nepheline (NaAlSiO4) is also suggested to be unstable relative to the component oxides of α-NaAlO2 + SiO2 (stishovite) at high pressures.  相似文献   

From Middle-Upper Jurassic volcanics at the western margin of the Maranha?o Basin (6.4°S, 47.4°W) 15 sites (121 samples) have a mean magnetization directionD = 3.9°,I = ?17.9° withα95 = 9.3°,k = 17.9 after AF cleaning (all sites have normal polarity). This yields a pole (named SAJ2) at 85.3°N, 82.5°E (A95 = 6.9°) which is near to the other known Middle Jurassic South American pole. For 21 sites (190 samples) from Lower Cretaceous basalt intrusions from the eastern part of the Maranha?o Basin (6.5°S, 42°W) the mean direction isD = 174.7°,I = +6.0° withα95 = 2.8°,k = 122 (all sites have reversed polarity) yielding a pole (SAK9) at 83.6°N, 261°E (A95 = 1.9°) in agreement with other Lower Cretaceous pole positions for South America. Comparing Mesozoic pole positions for South America and Africa in the pre-drift configuration after Bullard et al. [13] one finds a significant difference (with more than 95% probability) for the Lower Cretaceous and Middle Jurassic poles and also a probable difference for the mean Triassic poles indicating a small but probably stationary separation of the two continents from the predrift position in the Mesozoic until Lower Cretaceous time which may be due to an early rifting event.  相似文献   

We evaluated benthic habitat quality along a presumed contamination gradient in the Mar del Plata port (Southwestern Atlantic) by coupling biological and chemical proxies in a multidisciplinary approach. Organic matter and photosynthetic pigment contents were higher in silty-clay bottoms of the inner port sites. Levels of all fecal steroids decreased from the inner sites to the port inlet. High concentrations of coprostanol in the inner sites seemed to derive from a permanent population of sea lions rather than from sewage outfalls due to coprostanol/epicoprostanol ratio (IV) values <2.5. PAHs levels were also higher in the inner sector, related to both biomass combustion and petroleum combustion associated to local marine traffic. High disturbance and low ecological status were reflected in low benthic diversity and high AMBI values in the inner sites.  相似文献   

Although reef corals worldwide have sustained epizootics in recent years, no coral diseases have been observed in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean until now. Here we present an overview of the main types of diseases and their incidence in the largest and richest coral reefs in the South Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil). Qualitative observations since the 1980s and regular monitoring since 2001 indicate that coral diseases intensified only recently (2005–2007). Based on estimates of disease prevalence and progression rate, as well as on the growth rate of a major reef-building coral species (the Brazilian-endemic Mussismilia braziliensis), we predict that eastern Brazilian reefs will suffer a massive coral cover decline in the next 50 years, and that M. braziliensis will be nearly extinct in less than a century if the current rate of mortality due to disease is not reversed.  相似文献   

A spatial and temporal study on data collected along the longitudinal gradient of the Principal Channel of Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina, was carried out during 1992–1993. At nine stations, phytoplankton abundance, chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration, inorganic nutrient levels, Secchi disk depth, euphotic depth:mixing depth ratio (Zeu:Zm), salinity and temperature were recorded. Phytoplankton abundance, Chl-a concentration and nutrient levels decreased towards the outer zone of the estuary. The inner zone (stations 1 and 2), which was characterized by high turbidity, high nutrient concentrations and high Zeu:Zm (>0.16, [critical mixing ratio]), registered the highest phytoplankton abundance and Chl-a concentrations. Temporal variability of data was also noteworthy in this zone. The highest biomass values thus corresponded to June, July, August and the beginning of spring (18 μg Chl-a L−1 and 9×106 cells L−1) concomitantly with a diatom bloom. In the middle zone (stations 3–6), a strong phytoplankton biomass decrease was observed and it coincided with both deep-mixed depths and low Zeu:Zm (<0.16). The outer zone (stations 7–9), which was characterized by low phytoplankton biomass values and low nutrient levels all along the year, was the area mostly influenced by waters from the adjacent continental shelf. In view of the above, it can be concluded that the most important primary production in the Bahía Blanca would be produced in the shallow inner zone during winter, being the spatial reach of the phytoplankton biomass principally limited to estuarine waters. Presumably, less than 5% of such biomass may reach the coastal area of the estuary.  相似文献   

This paper studies the coherent modes of multi‐scale variability of precipitation over the headwater catchments in the Pearl River basin in South China. Long‐term (1952–2000) daily precipitation data spatially averaged for 16 catchments in the basin are studied. Wavelet transform analysis is performed to capture the fluctuation embedded in the time series at different temporal timescales ranging from 6 days to 8.4 years. The catchment clusters of the coherent modes are delineated using the principal component analysis on the wavelet spectra of precipitation. The results suggest that as much as 98% of the precipitation variability is explained by only two coherent modes: high small‐scale mode and high seasonal mode. The results also indicate that a large majority of the catchments (i.e., 15 out of 16) exhibit consistent mode feature on multi‐scale variability throughout three sub‐periods studied (1952–1968, 1969–1984, and 1985–2000). The underlying effects of the coherent modes on the regional flood and drought tendency are also discussed.  相似文献   

While the existence of relatively fresh groundwater sequestered within permeable, porous sediments beneath the Atlantic continental shelf of North and South America has been known for some time, these waters have never been assessed as a potential resource. This fresh water was likely emplaced during Pleistocene sea-level low stands when the shelf was exposed to meteoric recharge and by elevated recharge in areas overrun by the Laurentide ice sheet at high latitudes. To test this hypothesis, we present results from a high-resolution paleohydrologic model of groundwater flow, heat and solute transport, ice sheet loading, and sea level fluctuations for the continental shelf from New Jersey to Maine over the last 2 million years. Our analysis suggests that the presence of fresh to brackish water within shallow Miocene sands more than 100 km offshore of New Jersey was facilitated by discharge of submarine springs along Baltimore and Hudson Canyons where these shallow aquifers crop out. Recharge rates four times modern levels were computed for portions of New England's continental shelf that were overrun by the Laurentide ice sheet during the last glacial maximum. We estimate the volume of emplaced Pleistocene continental shelf fresh water (less than 1 ppt) to be 1300 km3 in New England. We also present estimates of continental shelf fresh water resources for the U.S. Atlantic eastern seaboard (104 km3) and passive margins globally (3 × 105 km3). The simulation results support the hypothesis that offshore fresh water is a potentially valuable, albeit nonrenewable resource for coastal megacities faced with growing water shortages.  相似文献   

Human activities are exposing freshwater ecosystems to a wide range of stressors, whose direct and indirect effects can be alleviated or exacerbated through interactive effects with dynamic environmental drivers. This study used long-term data from two Neotropical lacustrine freshwater systems (Batata Lake, an Amazonian floodplain lake and Imboassica lagoon, an Atlantic coastal lagoon) subjected to different kinds of environmental fluctuations (i.e., flood pulse and sandbar opening) and anthropogenic impacts (i.e., siltation and eutrophication). Our objective was to determine whether the effects of human perturbations are contingent on modifications of important biotic and abiotic characteristics through environmental variability. For both ecosystems, environmental variability consistently interacted with anthropogenic perturbations to alter most of the variables analyzed, such as nutrient dynamics, chlorophyll-a concentration, zooplankton and benthic invertebrate species richness, and temporal community stability, which indicates that interactive effects between environmental variability and anthropogenic perturbations may impact a myriad of ecosystem properties. Furthermore, the nature of these interactive effects was highly dependent on the variable considered and on the ecosystem analyzed. For example, at Imboassica lagoon, sandbar openings interacted synergistically with trophic state to increase the phosphorus concentration in the water column. At Batata Lake, flooding generally alleviated the negative effects of siltation on species richness by both diluting inorganic suspended material concentration and by promoting local recruitment from the regional species pool. Such results indicate that our ability to understand and predict the outcome of anthropogenic impacts on inland aquatic systems can be hampered if we consider human stressors as “static” phenomena disconnected from dynamic interactions with major local environmental drivers.  相似文献   

1518年6月22日韩国首尔以西海域——南黄海发生大震。地震波及朝鲜半岛全境,并在韩国首尔等沿海地区造成破坏,首尔的烈度为Ⅷ度,余震持续一个多月。地震还影响到中国东部地区。震级定为M7?级。此次地震可能与朝鲜半岛西缘断裂带(南黄海东缘断裂带)的活动有关。震中定于该断裂带附近(36.5°N,125.2°E)。  相似文献   

Cavernous weathering (tafoni development) occurs on coastal slopes in greenschist bedrock at elevations up to 40 m above sea level. The freshly weathered surfaces of the cavern interiors are irregular in morphology, discordant to major rock structure, formed by substantially weakened rock and associated with granular weathering debris. The weathering debris contains soluble elements in proportions similar to those present in seawater, and the penetration of elements associated with sea salts into the weathering surface to estimated depths of at least 0·1–0·2 m is indicated by the presence of chlorine. Scanning electron microscopy and microprobe analyses suggest that rock breakdown occurs principally through limited chemical weathering at grain boundaries. The mechanism for the emplacement of marine salts within sheltered rock surfaces in the tafoni is postulated to be a combination of dry deposition under turbulent atmospheric conditions and wetting by coastal fog.  相似文献   

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