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Although the oldest volcanic rocks exposed at Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) are older than 300 ka, most of the island is covered by the 45–50 ka Green Tuff ignimbrite, thought to be related to the Cinque Denti caldera, and younger lavas and scoria cones. Pre-50 ka rocks (predominantly rheomorphic ignimbrites) are exposed at isolated sea cliffs, and their stratigraphy and chronology are not completely resolved. Based on volcanic stratigraphy and K/Ar dating, it has been proposed that the older La Vecchia caldera is related to ignimbrite Q (114 ka), and that ignimbrites F, D, and Z (106, 94, and 79 ka, respectively) were erupted after caldera formation. We report here the paleomagnetic directions obtained from 23 sites in ignimbrite P (133 ka) and four younger ignimbrites, and from an uncorrelated (and loosely dated) welded lithic breccia thought to record a caldera-forming eruption. The paleosecular variation of the geomagnetic field recorded by ignimbrites is used as correlative tool, with an estimated time resolution in the order of 100 years. We find that ignimbrites D and Z correspond, in good agreement with recent Ar/Ar ages constraining the D/Z eruption to 87 ka. The welded lithic breccia correlates with a thinner breccia lying just below ignimbrite P at another locality, implying that collapse of the La Vecchia caldera took place at ~130–160 ka. This caldera was subsequently buried by ignimbrites P, Q, F, and D/Z. Paleomagnetic data also show that the northern caldera margin underwent a ~10° west–northwest (outwards) tilting after emplacement of ignimbrite P, possibly recording magma resurgence in the crust.  相似文献   

Ignimbrite deposits are present at Pantelleria and Eolian Islands. Purpose of this note is just to signal them.  相似文献   

Six silicic eruptive cycles have been recognized in the last 50 ka at Pantelleria. The products of each cycle exhibit a compositional variation from pantellerite to less peralkaline rhyolite or to trachyte. The relationships between the range of chemical variation, the erupted volume and the time of eruptions, allow us to estimate an average differentiation rate of 5% crystal fractionation per 1000 years and a constant long-term rate of magma discharge of 0.1 km3 per 1000 years. Pressure increase in the magma chamber caused by the addition of new magma, accumulation of highly-differentiated, volatile-rich magma in the roof zone and a concomitant build-up of a vapour phase, is postulated as a possible triggering mechanism for eruptions.  相似文献   

Occurrence and field relations of an extensive ignimbrite sheet near Afyon in Central Anatolia are described. These rhyolitic ignimbrites are part of the important Neogene volcanic activity in Turkey and belong to the alignment of volcanic complexes along the inner border of the Taurian ranges. In close stratigraphical connection and in the same tectonic position as the rhyolites there occurs an assemblage of high-potassic, intermediate to basic volcanic rocks (alkali trachytes, mela-trachytes, latites and leucite-bearing rocks). Petrological and magmatological considerations led to the conclusion that the rhyolites and the potassic series, in spite of the close geological connection, are not related by processes of magmatic differentiation. Arguments in favour of an anatectic origin of the rhyolitic melt are presented. The occurrence of garnet and allanite as accessory minerals and as inclusions in the salic minerals of the ignimbrite are interpreted as relictic witnesses of a sialic parent rock. However, the trace elements, especially high Rb connected with low Sr, Ba and Zr and K/Rb ratios below 100 give a pattern generally explained by strong fractionation processes.  相似文献   

All the textural and structural characteristics of the alkaline ignimbrites of Northern Latium have been studied in detail. The study clearly indicates that these «ignimbrites» are the products of differential gas exolution from gas-oversaturated melts during and after their moving on the surface. It was also found that the processes of differential gas expansion, depending on the initial melt viscosity, mechanical stresses, etc., result in the whole series of features recognised as typical of ignimbrites. A careful re-examination of the «classic» Italian acid calc-alkaline ignimbrites, and a critical review of analogous materials known from the international literature allowed the Authors to extend the genetic trend of the alkaline ignimbrites of Latium to all deposits having ignimbritic character, and to rearrange their broad range of variability into a comprehensive genetic picture.  相似文献   

Two basaltic fragments dredged from a volcanic seamount in the Sicilian continental slope of the Strait of Sicily show petrochemical features typical of within plate alkalibasaltic lavas and K/Ar age of about 10 m.y. The data represent the first volcanic evidence of Upper Miocene tensional tectonics in this sector of the African plate.  相似文献   

We report on the paleomagnetism of ten sites in the products of the most recent silicic eruptive cycle of Pantelleria, Strait of Sicily. Previously radiometrically dated at 5–10 ka, our comparison with proxies for geomagnetic field directions allows us to narrow considerably the time window during which these eruptions occurred. The strongly peralkaline composition causes the magmas to have low viscosities, locally resulting in strong agglutination of proximal fall deposits. This allows successful extraction of paleomagnetic directions from the explosive phases of eruptions. One of our sites was located in the Serra della Fastuca fall deposit, produced by the first explosive event of the eruptive cycle. The other nine sites were located in the most recent explosive (pumice fall and agglutinate from Cuddia del Gallo and Cuddia Randazzo) and effusive (Khaggiar lava) products. The (very similar) paleomagnetic directions gathered from eight internally consistent sites were compared to reference geomagnetic field directions of the last 5–10 ka. Directions from Cuddia del Gallo agglutinate and Khaggiar flows translate into 5.9- to 6.2-ka ages, whereas the Fastuca pumices yield a slightly older age of 6.2–6.8 ka. Hence, the most recent silicic eruptive cycle lasted at most a millennium and as little as a few centuries around 6.0 ka. Paleomagnetically inferred ages are in good agreement with published (and calibrated by us) 14C dates from paleosols/charcoals sampled below the studied volcanic units, whereas K/Ar data are more scattered and yield ∼30% older ages. Our data show that the time elapsed since the most recent silicic eruptions at Pantelleria is comparable to the quiescence period separating the two latest volcanic cycles.  相似文献   

The island of Pantelleria is an active volcano located in the Sicily Channel (southern Italy), occurring in the middle of a continental rift system.Since the 1980's the island has been periodically surveyed by means of geodetic and geophysical methods to monitor the regional and local volcanic dynamics. Also, high-precision gravity measurements were started in 1990.The present paper is an analysis of the time-space gravity changes. Gravity measurements were carried out on a network presently formed by twenty stations. The gravity network was fully surveyed in June 1990 and June 1995 and partially surveyed in September 1993. Two absolute gravity stations were established in 1993 to provide a reference system and to check for long-term variations.The areal distribution of the gravity changes during the 1990–1995 time interval, obtained in the thirteen stations of the 1990 network, is strongly similar to the Bouguer anomaly field and to the large-scale features of the basement of the island. Otherwise, gravity changes are directly correlated with the Bouguer anomaly and inversely correlated with the altimetric variations. Comparison with the geological setting suggests that the present activity may be ascribed to the influence of the geodynamics of the Sicily Channel.  相似文献   

The strongly peralkaline Green Tuff, Pantelleria, is an example of a thin, densely welded air-fall tuff which mantles an area of at least 85 km2. Offshore the tuff is correlated with the Y-6 ash layer in the central Mediterranean Sea, and the total volume of the eruption is estimated at 7 km3 D.R.E. New petrological data suggests that the tuff was erupted from a zoned magma chamber containing a cooler, more fractionated upper zone relative to be bulk of the magma. Analysis of the distribution of accessory lithic fragments in terms of existing models of eruption dynamics indicates emplacement by a plinian-type eruption. It is shown that, due to the low viscosity of pantelleritic ejecta, dense welding can occur at moderate tephra accumulation rates and a rate of the order of 1 cm/minute is suggested for the Green Tuff; this yields an estimate for the eruption duration of rather less than one day. It is predicted that welded tuff should be formed during large plinian eruptions of pantelleritic magma, and therefore that welded airfall tuffs should be common in areas of peralkaline volcanism.  相似文献   

Pantelleria Island, located in the Sicily Channel Rift Zone (Italy), is the type locality for the peralkaline rhyolitic rocks called pantellerites. In the last 50 ka, after the large Green Tuff caldera-forming eruption, volcanic activity at Pantelleria has consisted of effusive and explosive eruptions mostly vented inside and along the rim of the caldera and producing silicic lava flows, lava domes and poorly dispersed pantelleritic pumice fall deposits. Basaltic cinder cones and lava flows are only present outside the caldera in the NW sector of the island. The most recent basaltic (Cuddie Rosse, ~ 20 ka) and pantelleritic (Cuddia Randazzo and Cuddia del Gallo, ~ 6 ka) pyroclastic products were sampled to investigate magmatic volatile contents through the study of melt inclusions.The melt inclusions in pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts of Cuddie Rosse scoriae have an alkali basalt composition. The dissolved volatiles comprise 0.9–1.6 wt.% H2O, several hundred ppm of CO2, 1600–2000 ppm of sulphur and 500–900 ppm of chlorine. The water–carbon dioxide couple gives a confining pressure ~ 2 kbar prior to the eruption. This result indicates that episodes of magma ponding and crystallization occurred in the upper crust prior to eruption. The melt inclusions in feldspar, fayalite and aenigmatite phenocrysts of Cuddia del Gallo and Cuddia Randazzo pumice have a pantelleritic composition (Agpaitic Indices 1.3–2.1), up to 4.4 wt.% H2O, 8700 ppm Cl, 6000 ppm F, and CO2 below the detection limit. Sulphur averaging 420 ppm has been measured in Cuddia Randazzo melt inclusions. These data indicate relatively high volatile contents for these low-energy Strombolian-type eruptions. Melt inclusions in Cuddia del Gallo pumice show the most evolved composition (Agpaitic Indices 2–2.1) and the highest volatile content, in agreement with fluid saturation conditions in the magma chamber prior to the eruption. This implies a confining pressure of ~ 1 kbar for the top of the pantelleritic reservoir. The composition of melt inclusions and mineralogical assemblage of Cuddia Randazzo pumice indicate that it has a lower evolutionary degree (Agpaitic Indices 1.3–1.8) and lower pre-eruptive Cl and H2O contents than Cuddia del Gallo pumice. An increase in pressure due to the exsolution of volatiles in the upper part of the pantelleritic reservoir may have triggered the Cuddia del Gallo explosive eruption. Evidence of widespread pre-eruptive mingling between trachytes and pantellerites suggests that the intrusion of trachytic magma into the pantelleritic reservoir likely played a major role in destabilizing the magma system just prior to the Cuddia Randazzo event.  相似文献   

In Anatolia (Turkey), extensive calc-alkaline volcanism has developed along discontinuous provinces from Neogene to Quaternary times as a consequence of plate convergence and continental collision. In the Nevsehir plateau, which is located in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, volcanism consists of numerous monogenetic centres, several large stratovolcanoes and an extensive, mainly Neogene, rhyolitic ignimbrite field. Vent and caldera locations for the Neogene ignimbrites were not well known based on previous studies.In the Neogene ignimbrite sequence of the Nevsehir plateau, we have identified an old group of ignimbrites (Kavak ignimbrites) followed by five major ignimbrite units (Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) and two smaller, less extensive ones (Tahar, Sofular). Other ignimbrite units at the margin of the plateau occur as outliers of larger ignimbrites whose main distributions are beyond the plateau. Excellent exposure and physical continuity of the units over large areas have allowed establishment of the stratigraphic succession of the ignimbrites as, from bottom to top: Kavak, Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Tahar, Gördeles, Sofular, Kizilkaya. Our stratigraphic scheme refines previous ones by the identification of the Zelve ignimbrite and the correlation of the previously defined ‘Akköy’ ignimbrite with the Sarimaden Tepe ignimbrite. Correlations of distant ignimbrite remnants have been achieved by using a combination a field criteria: (1) sedimentological characterisitics; (2) phenocryst assemblage; (3) pumice vesiculation texture; (4) presence and characteristics of associated plinian fallout deposits; and (5) lithic types. The correlations significantly enlarge the estimates of the original extent and volume of most ignimbrites: volumes range between 80 km3 and 300 km3 for the major ignimbrites, corresponding to 2500–10,000 km3 in areal extent.The major ignimbrites of the Nevsehir plateau have an inferred source area in the Derinkuyu tectonic basin which extends mainly between Nevsehir and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. The Kavak ignimbrites and the Zelve ignimbrite have inferred sources located between Nevsehir and Derinkuyu, coincident with a negative gravity anomaly. The younger ignimbrites (Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) have inferred sources clustered to the south between the Erdas Dag and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. We found evidence of collapse structures on the northern and southern flanks of the Erdas Dag volcanic massif, and of a large updoming structure in the Sahinkalesi Tepe massif. The present-day Derinkuyu tectonic basin is mostly covered with Quaternary sediments and volcanics. The fault system which bounds the basin to the east provides evidence that the ignimbrite volcanism and inferred caldera formation took place in a locally extensional environment while the basin was already subsiding. Drilling and geophysical prospecting are necessary to decipher in detail the presently unknown internal structure of the basin and the inferred, probably coalesced or nested, calderas within it.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Volcanology - The hydrothermal gold-alunite deposits of Rodalquilar are confined to a complex of very strongly altered rocks, the bulk of which is thought to be of ignimbritic origin,...  相似文献   

The serial character of the acid rocks of Pantelleria cannot be determined by means of the usual methods. The author presents new diagrams which permit the distinction of magmas deriving from the upper mantle from those of crustal origin. It is shown that the acid magmas of Pantelleria form an independent group. Their probable formation is ascribed to contact-anatexis in combination with gaseous transfer of pneumatophilic elements.  相似文献   

Correct diagnostics of rocks requires the 3D study of the structure of their basis, since a splinter-like basis structure may occur only in a single observed section of a specimen of a rock that has a more complex structure of the plane-parallel or linear type. Ignimbrites differ from lavas with a similar silica content primarily in the presence of fiamme, a smooth outline of the phenocrysts, and their constant cataclasis; they differ from pyroclastic lavas by having broken-down phenocrysts enclosed in an undisturbed groundmass with smooth and undulating outlines of the volcanic particles and by the presence of fiamme showing a regular pattern of evolving composition. The study of the morphological and material features of all components of ignimbrites in their relationships with the silica content of the melt and the attitude of the ignimbrite geologic bodies they compose corroborates the hypothesis that ignimbrites are generated by the complex evolution of a gas-saturated melt of the emulsified type rather than by baking (welding) of ash-fall particles.  相似文献   

Cimino Volcano, in Northern Latium, is one of the most characteristic centers of the early Quaternary acid post-orogenetic volcanism in Central Italy. Three stages in the volcanic activity are distinguished: extrusion of several lava domes; ignimbrite cruptions; effusion of more or less differentiated lava flows. Ignimbrites, that form a shield of over 300 sq. km, show characters of welding variable with the distance from the source area and, in a single section, with the level in the sheet. Most part of the Cimino volcanics (domes and ignimbrites) have a quartzlatite composition. The olivine-trachyte (selagite) inclusions in the domes and ignimbrites, and the dark quartz-latite to olivine-trachyte lava flows, could be the products of a pneumatolitic differentiation in the various stages of the magmatic cycle.  相似文献   

—The aeromagnetic data of the island of Crete were inverted to produce Curie point estimates. The data were high-pass filtered to remove components arising from topography and magnetic core fields which were not adequately modeled by IGRF. The depth to the centroid, z 0?, of the deepest distribution of the magnetic dipoles, was obtained by computing a least-squares fit to the lowest-fre quency segment of the azimuthally averaged log power spectrum. The depth to the top of the deepest crustal block was computed as the depth, z t ?, to the centroid of the second deepest distribution, using the second lowest-frequency segment of the spectrum. The depth to the bottom of the deepest dipoles, the inferred Curie point depth, is then z b = 2z 0?z t ?. The Curie depth estimates range between 24 and 28 km. This is in accordance with the depths inferred by extrapolating heat-flow values measured in boreholes.  相似文献   

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