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By enhancing the stock of piscivorous fish in a whole-lake experiment in Gräfenhain (Germany) since 1981 to such an extent that almost all planktivorous fish were exterminated, we examined the concept of “over-biomanipulation”. This hypothesis predicts that (a) extremely strong piscivory will allow uncontrolled development of large invertebrate predators and (b) these invertebrates can exert the same strong predation pressure on large herbivorous zooplankton as planktivorous fish. The hypothesis is tested the first time by a cross-comparison of the long-term response of the plankton community structure in the experimental lake (Piscivore L.) with (1) the intermediate response in the same lake and with (2) that of the long-term state in a nearby reference lake (Planktivore L.) densely inhabited by planktivorous fish (Leucaspius delineatus, a small cyprinid). The intermediate (1989–1992) response in Piscivore L. revealed a strong increase of the abundance of the invertebrate predator Chaoborus flavicans. Large daphnids were able to coexist with C. flavicans so that edible phytoplankton were suppressed and water transparency increased.As part (a) of the hypothesis predicts, the long-term response in Piscivore L. was characterized by the immigration of the larger predator Chaoborus obscuripes which displaced the smaller C. flavicans completely. The results support also part (b) of the hypothesis of “over-biomanipulation”: C. obscuripes-dominated Piscivore L. showed not much difference in biomasses of daphnids and total and edible phytoplankton as well as Secchi depth compared with fish-dominated Planktivore Lake. On the other hand, C. obscuripes-dominated Piscivore L. was characterized by distinctly lower biomass of daphnids, mean body volume of all crustaceans and Secchi depth as well as by higher biomass of edible phytoplankton compared with C. flavicans-dominated Piscivore Lake. We conclude that long-lasting success of biomanipulation cannot be achieved by extremely high piscivory leading to the almost complete extermination of planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

The use of a hand-held thermal camera during the 2002–2003 Stromboli effusive eruption proved essential in tracking the development of flow field structures and in measuring related eruption parameters, such as the number of active vents and flow lengths. The steep underlying slope on which the flow field was emplaced resulted in a characteristic flow field morphology. This comprised a proximal shield, where flow stacking and inflation caused piling up of lava on the relatively flat ground of the vent zone, that fed a medial–distal lava flow field. This zone was characterized by the formation of lava tubes and tumuli forming a complex network of tumuli and flows linked by tubes. Most of the flow field was emplaced on extremely steep slopes and this had two effects. It caused flows to slide, as well as flow, and flow fronts to fail frequently, persistent flow front crumbling resulted in the production of an extensive debris field. Channel-fed flows were also characterized by development of excavated debris levees in this zone (Calvari et al. 2005). Collapse of lava flow fronts and inflation of the upper proximal lava shield made volume calculation very difficult. Comparison of the final field volume with that expecta by integrating the lava effusion rates through time suggests a loss of ~70% erupted lava by flow front crumbling and accumulation as debris flows below sea level. Derived relationships between effusion rate, flow length, and number of active vents showed systematic and correlated variations with time where spreading of volume between numerous flows caused an otherwise good correlation between effusion rate, flow length to break down. Observations collected during this eruption are useful in helping to understand lava flow processes on steep slopes, as well as in interpreting old lava–debris sequences found in other steep-sided volcanoes subject to effusive activity.  相似文献   

An open channel lava flow on Mt. Etna (Sicily) was observed during May 30–31, 2001. Data collected using a forward looking infrared (FLIR) thermal camera and a Minolta-Land Cyclops 300 thermal infrared thermometer showed that the bulk volume flux of lava flowing in the channel varied greatly over time. Cyclic changes in the channel's volumetric flow rate occurred over several hours, with cycle durations of 113–190 min, and discharges peaking at 0.7 m3 s−1 and waning to 0.1 m3 s−1. Each cycle was characterized by a relatively short, high-volume flux phase during which a pulse of lava, with a well-defined flow front, would propagate down-channel, followed by a period of waning flow during which volume flux lowered. Pulses involved lava moving at relatively high velocities (up to 0.29 m s−1) and were related to some change in the flow conditions occurring up-channel, possibly at the vent. They implied either a change in the dense rock effusion rate at the source vent and/or cyclic-variation in the vesicle content of the lava changing its bulk volume flux. Pulses would generally overspill the channel to emplace pāhoehoe overflows. During periods of waning flow, velocities fell to 0.05 m s–1. Blockages forming during such phases caused lava to back up. Occasionally backup resulted in overflows of slow moving ‘a‘ā that would advance a few tens of meters down the levee flank. Compound levees were thus a symptom of unsteady flow, where overflow levees were emplaced as relatively fast moving pāhoehoe sheets during pulses, and as slow-moving ‘a‘ā units during backup. Small, localized fluctuations in channel volume flux also occurred on timescales of minutes. Volumes of lava backed up behind blockages that formed at constrictions in the channel. Blockage collapse and/or enhanced flow under/around the blockage would then feed short-lived, wave-like, down-channel surges. Real fluctuations in channel volume flux, due to pulses and surges, can lead to significant errors in effusion rate calculations. Editorial responsibility: A. Woods  相似文献   

The ca. 8800 14C yrs BP Sulphur Creek lava flowed eastward 12 km from the Schriebers Meadow cinder cone into the Baker River valley, on the southeast flank of Mount Baker volcano. The compositionally-zoned basaltic to basaltic andesite lava entered, crossed and partially filled the 2-km-wide and > 100-m-deep early Holocene remnant of Glacial Lake Baker. The valley is now submerged beneath a reservoir, but seasonal drawdown permits study of the distal entrant lava. As a lava volume that may have been as much as 180 × 106 m3 entered the lake, the flow invaded the lacustrine sequence and extended to the opposite (east) side of the drowned Baker River valley. The volume and mobility of the lava can be attributed to a high flux rate, a prolonged eruption, or both. Basalt exposed below the former level of the remnant glacial lake is glassy or microcrystalline and sparsely vesicular, with pervasive hackly or blocky fractures. Together with pseudopillow fractures, these features reflect fracturing normal to penetrative thermal fronts and quenching by water. A fine-grained hyaloclastite facies was probably formed during quench fragmentation or isolated magma-water explosions. Although the structures closely resemble those developed in lava-ice contact environments, establishing the depositional environment for lava exhibiting similar intense fracturing should be confirmed by geologic evidence rather than by internal structure alone. The lava also invaded the lacustrine sequence, forming varieties of peperite, including sills that are conformable within the invaded strata and resemble volcaniclastic breccias. The peperite is generally fragmental and clast- or matrix-supported; fine-grained and rounded fluidal margins occur locally. The lava formed a thickened subaqueous plug that, as the lake drained in the mid-Holocene, was exposed to erosion. The Baker River then cut a 52-m-deep gorge through the shattered, highly erodible basalt.  相似文献   

Crust formation on basaltic lava flows dictates conditions of both flow cooling and emplacement. For this reason, flow histories are dramatically different depending on whether lava is transported through enclosed lava tubes or through open channels. Recent analog experiments in straight uniform channels (Griffiths et al. J Fluid Mech 496:33–62, 2003) have demonstrated that tube flow, dictated by a stationary surface crust, can be distinguished from a mobile crust regime, where a central solid crust is separated from channel walls by crust-free shear zones, by a simple dimensionless parameter ϑ, such that ϑ<25 produces tube flow and ϑ>25 describes the mobile crust regime. ϑ combines a previously determined parameter ψ, which describes the balance between the formation rate of surface solid and the shear strain that disrupts the solid crust, with the effects of thermal convection (described by the Rayleigh number Ra).Here we explore ways in which ϑ can be used to describe the behavior of basaltic lava channels. To do this we have extended the experimental approach to examine the effects of channel irregularities (expansions, contractions, sinuosity, and bottom roughness) on crust formation and disruption. We find that such changes affect local flow behavior and can thus change channel values of ϑ. For example, gradual widening of a channel results in a decrease in flow velocity that causes a decrease in ϑ and may allow a down-flow transition from the mobile crust to the tube regime. In contrast, narrowing of the channel causes an increase in flow velocity (increasing ϑ), thus inhibiting tube formation.We also quantify the fraction of surface covered by crust in the mobile crust regime. In shallow channels, variations in crust width (d c) with channel width (W) are predicted to follow d cW 5/3. Analysis of channelized lava flows in Hawaii shows crustal coverage consistent with this theoretical result along gradually widening or narrowing channel reaches. An additional control on crustal coverage in both laboratory and basaltic flows is disruption of surface crust because of flow acceleration through constrictions, around bends, and over breaks in slope. Crustal breakage increases local rates of cooling and may cause local blockage of the channel, if crusts rotate and jam in narrow channel reaches. Together these observations illustrate the importance of both flow conditions and channel geometry on surface crust development and thus, by extension, on rates and mechanisms of flow cooling. Moreover, we note that this type of analysis could be easily extended through combined use of FLIR and LiDAR imaging to measure crustal coverage and channel geometry directly.Editorial responsibility: A. Harris  相似文献   

Seasonal Occurrence of Species of Saprolegniales and Leptomitales in Lake Aue and the River Fulda in Kassel (Hesse) with Special Consideration of Fish Pathogenic Species In this study, we examined the occurrence of species of aquatic Oomycetes of Saprolegniales und Leptomitales in Lake Aue and the river Fulda in Kassel (Hesse, Germany) with special consideration of fish pathogenic species. We monthly collected water samples of both water bodies from July 2003 to June 2004. The baiting method was used to gain an insight into the specific seasonal occurrence of aquatic Oomycetes. Some species show a seasonal periodicity. Nine of 11 species of Saprolegniales isolated from the two water bodies, and Leptomitus lacteus (Roth) C. Agardh, one of the two species of Leptomitales, were already documented on fish according to references. Additionally, 7 of 10 species could according to references already be detected on fish species present in the two water bodies. Simultaneous measurements of limnological‐chemical parameters were done during the sampling of water for the isolation of aquatic Oomycetes. The results of some measurements, concerning the river Fulda, were additionally compared with the predetermined guideline values and limit values of water bodies of fish of the “Cyprinid region”.  相似文献   

The Permian–Triassic high pressure metamorphism and potassic magmatism in central Korea attest to the extension of the Dabie‐Sulu collision belt in central‐eastern China towards the Korean Peninsula and possibly the Japanese Islands. We present major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data for a ca. 230 Ma monzodiorite pluton emplaced in the Goesan area, central Okcheon belt, Korea. This pluton shows geochemical features comparable with those of the coeval monzonite–syenite–gabbro–mangerite suite documented recently in the Gyeonggi massif. The metaluminous and alkali–calcic signatures of the Goesan intrusives correspond to the Caledonian‐type post‐orogenic granitoids. The K2O/Na2O ratios of all analyzed samples are greater than 1, and are not correlative with their SiO2 contents. The enrichment of both large‐ion‐lithophile elements and highly compatible elements in the Goesan pluton is probably indicative of metasomatized mantle origin. The elemental fractionation in the source region must have occurred in the distant past, possibly the Paleoproterozoic, to generate significantly negative εNd(t) values (< –16). Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element patterns as well as Rb/Sr and Ba/Rb ranges suggest that the source consists of amphibole‐bearing rocks. Progressive decreases in negative Eu anomaly and Ba, Sr, Ni, Cr and V contents with increasing SiO2 contents reflect an important role of plagioclase, biotite and hornblende for the fractionation process. Zr is undersaturated in the potassic, metaluminous melt. The initial Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the samples are correlated with their SiO2 contents, substantiating a role of crustal assimilation during the magmatic differentiation. The Sr–Nd elemental and isotopic modeling suggests that the Goesan pluton was initially slightly heterogeneous in its isotopic composition, and underwent concurrent assimilation and fractional crystallization. The occurrence of the Goesan pluton provides further evidence corroborating the amalgamation of allochthonous terranes within the Okcheon belt during the Permian–Triassic collisional orogeny.  相似文献   

In situ phosphatase, esterase, lipase, and β‐glucuronidase activities were investigated in filamentous scum bacteria by ELF (enzyme labeled fluorescence)‐technology. Microthrix parvicella exhibited significant activities for all four enzymes with lipase activity being the highest. In situ activities were considerably higher in activated sludge as compared to scum indicating M. parvicella growth to occur mainly in the sludge fraction. “Nocardioform actinomycetes” showed significant activities for phosphatase, esterase, and β‐glucuronidase, lipase activity was only moderate. Activities revealed to be similar for activated sludge and scum. As population densities of enzyme‐active actinomycetes were noticeably higher in scum they presumably find good growth conditions in the scum layer. Enzyme activities in Nostocoida limicola morphotypes were only low with no lipase activity being detected. Due to their phylogenetic diversity activity assignment should be combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Numerous type 0041/0675 and type 1851 filaments showed all but lipase activity. However, some of their attached bacteria revealed to be lipase‐active. Only a few morphotype 0092 filaments revealed phosphatase, esterase, and β‐glucuronidase activity. ELF investigations proved suitable for monitoring in situ filamentous activity. Present imponderabilities of Eikelboom morphotype phylogenetic affiliation are discussed.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments designed to model lava flow processes, liquid polyethylene glycol wax is forced through either a small hole or a long narrow slit onto the base of a tank of cold water, where it spreads laterally while cooling and solidifying at its surface. We observe the surface structure of the flow, and its dependence on the flow rate, thermal conditions and basal roughness. In each case, solidification of a crust during spreading gives rise to a number of different surface morphologies, each of which forms under a restricted range of conditions. The dominant morphologies, referred to as “pillows”, “rifts”, transverse folds, and marginal levees, correspond to features observed on natural lava flows. Results for radial spreading over a rough base and for spreading in two directions from the line source over both smooth and rough bases complement those reported earlier for radial spreading of solidifying wax from a point source on a smooth base. Together they indicate a robust dependence of morphology on the distance from the vent at which solid crust begins to form. This distance is, in turn, determined by the extrusion rate, the rheology of the liquid wax (or magma), the reduced gravity, the magnitude of the surface heat flux, and the amount of cooling required to solidify the flow surface. The results also indicate factors influencing the distribution of crust and its deformation, and may provide a means by which observations of surface morphology can be used to place constraints on the emplacement conditions of lava flows.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary foraminifera assemblages have been examined in two sediment cores (MD179‐3296 and MD179‐3317) from cold seep areas in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, off Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture. Foraminifera assemblages in core MD179‐3296, which was located at the center of a pockmark on the Umitake Spur, show no evidence of methane flux and, especially in its upper portion, share the same paleo‐environmental history as other free gas hydrate areas of the Japan Sea. In comparison, in the core MD179‐3317 at the center of a pockmark at Joetsu Knoll, foraminiferal distributions were strongly affected by methane activities and, in the main part of the core, were deposited under local conditions. Three horizons were identified in this core, which are characterized by the high abundance value of Thalmannammina parkerae and might be related to methane flux due to sea level fall especially through late marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 and MIS 2.  相似文献   

The Hakusan volcano, central Japan, is located in a region where two subducting plates (the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate) overlap near the junction of four plates adjacent to the Japanese Islands (the Pacific Plate, the Philippine Sea Plate, the Eurasia Plate, and the North American Plate). The Hakusan volcano consists of products from four major volcanic episodes: Kagamuro, Ko‐hakusan, and Shin‐Hakusan I and II. To date the eruption events of the Hakusan volcano we applied thermoluminescence and fission track methods. 238U(234U)–230Th disequilibrium and 206Pb/238U methods were applied to date the zircon crystallization ages for estimating the magma residence time before the eruptions. The eruption ages we obtained are ca 250 ka for Kagamuro, ca 100 ka and ca 60 ka for Ko‐Hakusan, ca 50 ka for Shin‐Hakusan I, and <10 ka for Shin‐Hakusan II. They are concordant with previous reports based on K–Ar dating. Some of the pyroclastic rocks, possibly originating from Shin‐Hakusan II activities, are dated to be ca 36 ka or 50 ka, and belong to the Shin‐Hakusan I activity. The zircon crystallization ages show several clusters prior to eruption. The magma residence time was estimated for each volcanic activity by comparing the major crystallization events and eruption ages, and we found a gradual decrease from ca. 500 ky for the Kagamuro activity to ca. 5 ky for the Shin‐Hakusan II activity. This decrease in residence time may be responsible for the decrease in volume of erupted material estimated from the current topography of the region. The scale of volcanic activity, which was deduced from the number of crystallized zircons, is more or less constant throughout the Hakusan volcanic activity. Therefore, the decrease in magma residence time is most likely the result of stress field change.  相似文献   

Periodic variations in magma discharge rate and ground deformation have been commonly observed during lava dome eruptions. We performed a stability analysis of a conduit flow model by Barmin et al. [Barmin, A., Melnik, O., Sparks, R.S.J., 2002. Periodic behavior in lava dome eruptions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 199 (1-2), 173–184], in which the periodic variations in magma flow rate and chamber pressure are reproduced as a result of the temporal and spatial changes of the magma viscosity controlled by the kinetics of crystallization. The model is reduced to a dynamical system where the time derivatives of the magma flow rate (dQ/dt) and the chamber pressure (dP/dt) are functions of Q and P evaluated at a shifted time  t?. Here, the time delay t? represents the time for the viscosity of fluid particle to increase in a conduit. The dynamical system with time delay is approximated by a simple two-dimensional dynamical system of Q and P where t? is given as a parameter. The results of our linear stability analyses for these dynamical systems indicate that the transition from steady to periodic flow depends on nonlinearities in the steady state relation between Q and P. The steady state relation shows a sigmoidal curve in Q − P phase plane; its slope has negative values at intermediate flow rates. The steady state solutions become unstable, and hence P and Q oscillate periodically, when the negative slope of the steady state relation ([dP/dQ]S) exceeds a critical value; that is [dP/dQ]S < − t?γ/(2Vch), where Vch is the chamber volume and γ is an elastic constant which is related to the rigidity of chamber wall. We also found that the period and the pattern of oscillation of the conduit flow primarily depend on a quantity defined by LVch/r4, where L is the conduit length and r is the conduit radius.  相似文献   

A laboratory flow past a groyne with complex hydrodynamics was investigated using surface Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) technique for detecting chaotic features in fluvial mixing processes. In the reconstructed velocity field particles were deployed and tracked numerically in a Lagrangian way. Calculating some appropriate parameters (e.g. flushing times, finite-size Lyapunov exponent) originating from chaos theory, we are able to give a more detailed picture on surface mixing driven by aperiodic flows than traditional approaches, including the separation of sub-regions characterized by sharply different mixing efficiency.  相似文献   

Yasuhiko Ohara 《Island Arc》2016,25(3):193-208
The Godzilla Megamullion is the largest known oceanic core complex (OCC) on the Earth, located in the Parece Vela Basin in the Philippine Sea. In this article, the history of Godzilla Megamullion study is reviewed for the first time, dividing it into three major phases: (i) the early studies done before Japan's extended continental shelf survey program; (ii) the studies during Japan's extended continental shelf survey program that discovered the OCC; and (iii) the studies by the post‐discovery cruises. The early studies included an interpretation of US nautical chart of the southwestern Pacific and the site surveys for Deep Sea Drilling Project cruises (DSDP Legs 6, 31 and 59). The early studies recognized the presence of the Parece Vela Rift, the extinct spreading axis of the Parece Vela Basin, and established the currently accepted model that the Philippine Sea evolved with eastward progression of backarc spreading and arc migration. The modern understanding of the Parece Vela Basin comes from Japan's extended continental shelf survey program. The program revealed the ultramafic petrology as well as a two‐stage evolution model of the basin. Following these results, the discovery of the Godzilla Megamullion was made in 2001. The studies by the post‐discovery cruises further revealed important characteristics of the OCC, such as the presence of abundant plagioclase‐bearing peridotite and the systematic temporal changes in both deformation microstructures and composition of plagioclase and amphibole in gabbroic mylonites and ultramylonites. Zircon U–Pb ages of gabboric and leucocratic rocks indicate that the terminal phase of Parece Vela Basin spreading was with a significant decline in spreading rate and asymmetry accompanying formation of the Godzilla Megamullion. The estimated denudation rate of the OCC was approximately 2.5 cm/yr; significantly slower than the previous estimate based on poorly constrained magnetic data.  相似文献   

The origin of active faults in the Inner zone of the western part of Southwest Japan was explained by a decrease of the minimum principal stress and reactivation of ancient geologic structures. Although the E–W maximum principal stress in Southwest Japan due to the collision of the Southwest and Northeast Japan arcs along the Itoigawa–Shizuoka Tectonic Line is assumed to decrease westward, the density of active strike‐slip faults increases in the western margin of the Southwest Japan Arc (western Chugoku and northern Kyushu) where the subducting Philippine Sea Plate dips steeply. The E–W maximum compressional stress is predominant throughout Southwest Japan, while the N–S minimum principal stress that is presumably caused by coupling between Southwest Japan arc and Philippine Sea Plate decreases due to the weak plate coupling as the plate inclination increases under the western margin of Southwest Japan. The increase of the fault density in the western margin of the arc is attributed to a decrease of the minimum principal stress and consequent increase of shear stress. Low slip rates of the active faults in this region support the view that the westward increase of fault density is not a response to increasing maximum stress. These faults of onshore and offshore lie in three distinct domains defined on the basis of fault strike. They are defined domains I, II, and III which are composed of active faults striking ENE–WSW, NW–SE, and NE–SW, respectively. Faulting in domains I, II, and III is related to Miocene rift basins, Eocene normal faults, and Mesozoic strike‐slip faults, respectively. Although these active faults are strike‐slip faults due to E–W maximum stress, it is unclear whether their fault planes are the same as those of pre‐Quaternary dip‐slip faults.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the erosion, transport, and deposition processes associated with an overbank deposit formed by the flooding of the Abu River on July 28, 2013, in Yamaguchi City, Japan. At the study site, river flows overtopped the levee revetment upstream of a meander bend cutting it off and flowing back into the main channel downstream. In this sequential process, it deposited large amounts of sediments, ranging from mud to cobbles, on the floodplain. The surface of paddy fields adjacent to a railway line, located at the center of the affected floodplain, was severely eroded by the flood flows. Overbank deposits composed of both upstream finer sediments and eroded coarser terrestrial sediments are laid down in the affected area. Large amounts of pebbles and cobbles originating from the eroded terrestrial area formed a gravelly pile on top of the sand and gravel sediments derived from the river. This finding indicates that sands and gravels were deposited prior to the formation of the gravelly pile, probably before and during peak flood flows. An inverse grading structure is evident in the lower to middle part of these comparatively thick deposits, most likely due to differences in transport pattern between entrained terrestrial gravels and upstream finer sediments.  相似文献   

We describe the detailed sedimentary characteristics of a tsunami deposit associated with the 2011 Tohoku‐oki tsunami in Hasunuma, a site on the Kujukuri coastal plain, Japan. The thick tsunami deposit was limited to within 350 m from the coastline whereas the inundation area extended about 1 km from the coastline. The tsunami deposit was sampled by excavation at 29 locations along three transects and studied using peels, soft‐X imaging and grain‐size analysis. The deposit covers the pre‐existing soil and reached a maximum measured thickness of 35 cm. It consists mainly of well‐sorted medium to fine sand. On the basis of sedimentary structures and changes in grain size, we divided the tsunami deposit into several sedimentary units, which may correspond to multiple inundation flows. The numbers of units and their sedimentary features vary among the three transects, despite the similar topography. This variation implies a considerable influence of local effects such as elevation, vegetation, microtopography, and distance from footpaths, on the tsunami‐related sedimentation.  相似文献   

The “fluid-flow tomography”, an advanced technique for geoelectrical survey based on the conventional mise-à-la-masse measurement, has been developed by Exploration Geophysics Laboratory at the Kyushu University. This technique is proposed to monitor fluid-flow behavior during water injection and production in a geothermal field. However data processing of this technique is very costly. In this light, this paper will discuss the solution to cost reduction by applying a neural network in the data processing. A case study in the Takigami geothermal field in Japan will be used to illustrate this. The achieved neural network in this case study is three-layered and feed-forward. The most successful learning algorithm in this network is the Resilient Propagation (RPROP). Consequently, the study advances the pragmatism of the “fluid-flow tomography” technique which can be widely used for geothermal fields. Accuracy of the solution is then verified by using root mean square (RMS) misfit error as an indicator.  相似文献   

Recent field prospecting in the Cretaceous sequences of the lower Narmada valley has led to the discovery of three isolated archosaur teeth from the upper part of marine Cretaceous rocks of the Bagh Group. The specimens were recovered by surface prospecting from an oyster‐bearing green sandstone bed occurring at the top of the Coralline Limestone (Coniacian) from a site near Phutibawri village, Dhar District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Of the three teeth recovered from this horizon, two are identified with abelisaurid dinosaurs and the third one with an indeterminate crocodile. The abelisaurid teeth conform to the premaxillary and maxillary tooth morphology of Majungasaurus and Indosuchus. Earlier reports of abelisaurid dinosaurs from India are from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Lameta Group of Jabalpur, Pisdura (Central India) and Balasinor (Western India) and Upper Cretaceous (Late Maastrichtian) Kallamedu Formation (South India). As no associated age diagnostic fossils are found, the specimens described here are considered to represent pre‐Late to Late Maastrichtian age based on the known ages of the underlying and overlying formations. The new finds, therefore, document stratigraphically the oldest occurrence of abelisaurid dinosaurs known from the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

We examined the geochemical characteristics and temporal changes of deposits associated with the 2011 Tohoku‐oki tsunami. Stable carbon isotope ratios, biomarkers, and water‐leachable ions were measured in a sandy tsunami deposit and associated soils sampled at Hasunuma, Kujukuri coastal plain, Japan, in 2011 and 2014. At this site, the 2011 tsunami formed a 10–30 cm ‐thick layer of very fine to medium sand. The tsunami deposit was organic‐poor, and no samples contained any detectable biomarkers of either terrigenous or marine origin. In the underlying soil, we identified hydrocarbons and sterols derived from terrestrial plants, but detected no biomarkers of marine origin. In the samples collected in 2011, concentrations of tsunami‐derived water‐leachable ions were highest in the soil immediately beneath the tsunami deposit and then decreased gradually with depth. Because of its finer texture and higher organic content, the soil has a higher water‐holding capacity than the sandy tsunami deposit. This distribution suggests that ions derived from the tsunami quickly penetrated the sand layer and became concentrated in the underlying soil. In the samples collected in 2014, concentrations of water‐leachable ions were very low in both soil and sand. We attribute the decrease in ion concentrations to post‐tsunami rainfall, seepage, and seasonal changes in groundwater level. Although water‐leachable ions derived from seawater were concentrated in the soil beneath the tsunami deposit following the tsunami inundation, they were not retained for more than a few years. To elucidate the behavior of geochemical characteristics associated with tsunamis, further research on organic‐rich muddy deposits (muddy tsunami deposits and soils beneath sandy tsunami deposits) as well as sandy tsunami deposits is required.  相似文献   

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