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地基光学天文望远镜是人类探索与研究宇宙的重要手段, 对已有地基光学台址的光学观测环境进行监测分析, 可以为后期设备针对性改造以及观测者调整观测策略提供参考依据, 对提升地基光学设备的观测效能具有重要的意义. 吉林天文观测基地(简称``基地'')隶属于中国科学院国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站, 位于吉林省吉林市大绥河镇小绥河村南沟约5 km处(东经126.3circ, 北纬43.8circ, 海拔高度313m). 基地大气视宁度均值范围约为1.3$''$--1.4$''$、天顶附近V波段的天光背景亮度为20.64magcdotarcsec-2、年晴夜数最高可达270余天, 具有良好的天文观测条件. 吉林天文观测基地于2016年投入运行, 现有1.2m光电望远镜、迷你光电阵列望远镜、大视场光电望远镜阵列、新型多功能阵列结构光电探测平台等多台(套)光电望远镜设备. 利用上述设备, 主要围绕空间目标探测与识别、精密轨道确定、光电探测新方法以及变源天体的多色测光等开展相关研究工作, 与多家国内高校及科研院所保持着良好的合作关系.  相似文献   

高能伽马射线探测是研究极端天体物理的主要途径之一.空间高能伽马射线探测具有覆盖波段宽、时间连续性好、能量分辨率高等突出优势.在成功研发并运行我国首颗天文卫星—“悟空”号(DArk Matter Particle Explorer, DAMPE)的基础上,紫金山天文台联合国内的多家单位提议研制甚大面积伽马射线空间望远镜(Very Large Area gamma-ray Space Telescope, VLAST),该望远镜在GeV–TeV能段接受度高达10 m2·sr,并具有强的MeV–GeV波段探测能力,其综合性能预期比费米卫星的大面积伽马望远镜(Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope))提升10倍之上.重点介绍了VLAST的主要科学目标,探测器的初步配置及预期性能指标.  相似文献   

Phi 1650mm口径反射镜是某套大口径精密光学元件检测装置中的定标校正模块, 用于对检测光路中的缩焦透镜等光学部件进行定标. 反射镜口径越大, 由于自身重力引起的变形问题越严重, 面型精度受到的影响也越大. 对于Phi 1650mm口径反射镜, 系统要求的技术指标是面型误差的均方根(Root Mean Square, RMS)小于1/70波长(波长为lk 632.8nm). 针对这块光轴始终处于水平状态的大口径反射镜, 提出了坦克链支撑方案, 并与传统的钢带支撑做对比. 对坦克链支撑方案进行有限元分析, 逐步确定了坦克链节数和中心距, 根据标准选取了型号C2162H的双节距大滚子坦克链. 基于赫兹接触理论, 对坦克链滚子与反射镜的边缘非线性接触进行了模型简化. 经过Zernike多项式拟合后, RMS为2.58nm, 满足设计要求. 坦克链支撑结构简单、成像质量好, 同时降低了反射镜的倾覆风险, 可靠性高.  相似文献   

以Fermi/LAT (Large Area Telescope) 12yr观测的第4期源表的第3次修订版(The 4th Fermi Gamma-ray LAT-Data Release 3, 4FGL-DR3)中的blazar为样本, 研究了blazar不同子类的逆康普顿峰频($lgnu_p^IC$)与y-ray光子谱指数(Γ)之间关系. 结果表明: 所有blazar子类样本的$lgnu_p^IC$与Γ都有强的负相关关系, 即y-ray光子谱指数对blazar的逆康普顿能谱有强的主导作用, 并且可用二者之间的关系快速地估计逆康普顿峰频; 不同blazar子类样本的逆康普顿部分的能谱分布应该有不同的谱结构函数, 因此, 对于不同的样本, 应该采用不同的函数拟合其能谱分布.  相似文献   

基于新疆天文台南山25m射电望远镜, 设计了工作在1.25GHz的4 × 4矩形排布16阵元微带天线馈源阵列, 阵元间距为0.7倍波长, 2 × 2子阵合成一个波束, 可实现偏轴扫描一个波束宽度, 瞬时可形成9个波束. 经阵列样机加工后的实验室测试, 得到阵列各端口回波损耗均在-10dB以下, 阵元间耦合度均在-30dB以下, 独立阵元、2 × 2子阵和4 × 4全阵均匀赋权合成后波束增益分别为3.64、14.7和18.5dBi. 通过在不同扫描方式下选择对应阵元按照共轭匹配法进行赋权, 并将馈源阵列的实测结果导入仿真软件模拟25m反射面下的各项性能, 最终得到天线增益在30dBi左右, 旁瓣电平在-20dB以下, 轴向波束的波束宽度为0.61°, 波束扫描角度为1.6°. 上述实测数据与仿真结果的差异, 与阵列加工以及幅相调整和测试平台精度有关, 相关工作为相控阵接收机前端馈源阵列设计及实测积累了经验, 对未来更多阵元数量的阵列设计及性能验证具备较好的指导意义.  相似文献   

在天文观测中,射频干扰会造成假谱,降低数据的可靠性和有效性.射频干扰消减旨在减少干扰信号对射电天文观测的影响,包含器件方面的技术革新和数据处理领域的方法研究.针对德令哈13.7 m望远镜接收机中频部分引入的射频干扰,通过优化中频器件的抗射频干扰能力,提高了接收机的整体抗射频干扰能力,以主动消除方法来减少射频干扰耦合到接收机内部.分析了接收机干扰的传输路径,提出了器件射频干扰的直接耦合系数和器件射频干扰的系统耦合系数的概念,为定位干扰敏感器件并量化干扰引入比重提供了基础.经过抗射频干扰优化后,接收机抗干扰能力改善30 dB左右,望远镜的天文观测效率提高10%以上.  相似文献   

李强  沈忙作 《天文学报》2007,48(1):113-120
基于相位差方法的天文目标高分辨率成像,是利用在焦面和离焦位置上同时采集的一对或者多对短曝光图像,对目标和大气湍流引入的波前相位分布进行估计.在计算机模拟望远镜成像系统和相位差方法图像采集过程的基础上,利用信号估计和最优化理论,确定了高斯噪声模型下的目标函数,采用适合于大规模无约束优化的有限内存拟牛顿法对图像恢复问题进行了数值求解.恢复结果表明,基于相位差方法的高分辨成像技术,可以有效地克服大气湍流的影响,解决天文扩展目标的图像恢复问题.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种称作三位调制的望远镜副镜调制新方法。在用望远镜作L和M波段的红外天文观测时,采用这种新调制方法,在一定条件下可以替代望远镜所做的双束转换运动而获得令人满意的结果。对于控制功能不是很强的望远镜,或者进行一些不允许望远镜摆动的特殊观测(如红外偏振测量),这种方法极为有用。本文介绍了这种新调制方法原理和电路,并且使用1.2米红外望远镜比较了用这种新调制方法和用通常的副镜二位调制方法对一组红外标准星的测量结果:在J和K波段;两种方法的结果大体相同,在L波段,新调制方法显示出明显的优越性。  相似文献   

天文观测科学实践中心是一个以天文观测为核心的网络实践体验中心,以网站的形式向公众提供服务。网站建设使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript和JSP/JaveBean等技术;基于B/S结构实现望远镜远程控制;采用Windows Media技术实现视频发布。建成的网站为用户提供了全新的天文观测实践体验机会,达到了传播天文知识的目的。  相似文献   

The science enabled by the deep and high-cadence survey that will be performed by the Vera Rubin Observatory has led to an increase of survey and follow-up capabilities around the world. The infrared, has however, not match this growth due to the challenges caused by the atmospheric and the cost of large detector arrays. In this paper, we present solutions to resolve these challenges and a path toward an Antarctic observatory capable matching the volumetric speed of the Vera Rubin Observatory survey in the infrared k-band. We will detail the current state of infrared survey telescopes, demonstrate the benefits of Antarctic high-plateau for such observations, and show some of the development made in detector technologies to make large detector arrays a reality for such application.  相似文献   

ROTSE‐III is a homogeneous worldwide array of 4 robotic telescopes. They were designed to provide optical observations of γ ‐ray burst (GRB) afterglows as close as possible to the start of γ ‐ray emission. ROTSE‐III is fulfilling its potential for GRB science, and provides optical observations for a variety of astrophysical sources in the interim between GRB events. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera (CTK) is a new CCD imager which is operated at the University Observatory Jena since begin of 2006. This article describes the main characteristics of the new camera. The properties of the CCD detector, the CTK image quality, as well as its detection limits for all filters are presented (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera (CTK‐II) and the Refraktor‐Teleskop‐Kamera (RTK) are two CCD‐imagers which are operated at the 25 cm Cassegrain and 20cm refractor auxiliary telescopes of the University Observatory Jena. This article describes the main characteristics of these instruments. The properties of the CCD‐detectors, the astrometry, the image quality, and the detection limits of both CCD‐cameras, as well as some results of ongoing observing projects, carried out with these instruments, are presented. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A performance study of several CCD cameras of the Chinese Joint Laboratory of Optical Astronomy (CJLOA) is presented. The main results are: 1) We propose a modified classical method to analyse the linearity of CCD cameras. This method is more sensitive and accurate as well as more intuitive, especially in measuring around the 0.1%-0.2% range of nonlinearity. 2) To illustrate the advantage of the method, the linearity performance of the CCD cameras at CJLOA has been measured and analysed. 3) For the CCD systems tested, there is no unique formula to represent the correlation over the entire CCD frame between the deviation from linearity and the pixel value, i.e., different pixel has different correction even though their pixel values are the same. 4) For the BFOSC (BAO Faint Object Spectrograph Camera) Loral CCD camera and the Tek CCD camera at the 1.56-m reflector, blooming (bleeding) happens long before saturation, and we suspect whether it could have resulted from the charge transfer efficiency (CTE) n  相似文献   

The Schmidt‐Teleskop‐Kamera (STK) is a new CCD‐imager, which is operated since begin of 2009 at the University Observatory Jena. This article describes the main characteristics of the new camera. The properties of the STK detector, the astrometry and image quality of the STK, as well as its detection limits at the 0.9 m telescope of the University Observatory Jena are presented (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

γ-ray is a unique probe for extreme events in the universe. Detecting the γ-ray provides an important opportunity to understand the composition of universe, the evolution of stars, the origin of cosmic rays, etc. γ-ray astronomy involves in various frontier scientific issues, and the observed energy spectrum spans over a wide range from a few hundreds of keV to a few hundreds of TeV. Different γ-ray telescopes are in need for different scientific goals and spectral bands. In this work, 5 kinds of space- and ground-based γ-ray observing techniques were summarized, including the Coded-aperture telescopes, Compton telescopes, Pair-production telescopes, Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes, and Extensive Air Shower Arrays. The progress in γ-ray astronomy in the past 70 years, motivated by the observation capability, was reviewed. Great achievements have been made in the high-energy domain and very-high-energy domain, while because of the limited missions conducted, as well as a lower sensitivity comparing with other domains, discoveries in low- and medium-energy are few, and due to the high observation difficulty, as well as the late start, relevant scientific yields in ultra- and extremely-high energy are limited. Moreover, the future planned missions and capabilities of the γ-ray telescopes and their possible scientific outputs were discussed. Among these missions, low- and medium-energy space telescopes e-ASTROGAM (enhanced-ASTROGAM), AMEGO (All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory), and very-high-energy ground-based arrays LHAASO (Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory) and CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) greatly improve sensitivity than their corresponding last generation, thus expect very likely to further expand our knowledge on the γ-universe.  相似文献   

介绍将用于中国第一颗月球探测卫星主载荷之一的伽玛射线谱仪的结构设计, Monte Carlo模拟结果和原理样机性能测试结果等.该探测器采用CsI(T1)晶体作为闪烁体和反符合技术抑制本底,可探测的射线能量范围为0.3-9.0 MeV,仪器能量分辨率是9.0%(662 keV).  相似文献   

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