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中子星可以通过重子物质和暗物质的相互作用吸积暗物质,且在一定条件下, 中子星吸积的暗物质粒子可以引发自引力塌缩形成小型黑洞, 生成的黑洞可能会进一步吞噬中子星.依据文献已有模型, 基于以上物理过程给出了在暗物质粒子不同质量下对暗物质粒子--中子的散射截面的限制.使用弱相互作用大质量粒子(Weakly Interacting Massive Particle, WIMP)模型, 并考虑暗物质粒子是玻色子的情形, 讨论了暗物质粒子有无自相互作用以及有无湮灭等条件下对限制暗物质参数的影响.既考虑了已发现的两个中子星系统来给出对暗物质参数空间的限制,也考虑了两个可能存在的年老中子星来预测未来观测可能对暗物质参数空间的限制.对于考虑玻色--爱因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einstein Condensate, BEC)的玻色子暗物质, 在无自相互作用或有弱自相互作用, 无湮灭或有很小湮灭截面的条件下,中子星给出的间接观测对暗物质粒子-中子散射截面的限制的强度比XENON1T直接探测实验来得更强.未来, 如果在银心附近能观测到年老中子星, 其观测结果可以提升模型给出的对暗物质粒子--中子散射截面的限制, 从而帮助人们进一步理解暗物质.  相似文献   

<正>当前对宇宙的主要观测都指向物质成分为冷暗物质主导的~CDM宇宙学.在冷暗物质的宇宙中,原初的微小扰动在引力作用下增长为位力化的团块,称为暗物质晕.小质量暗晕最先形成,它们之间的相互并合形成了更大质量的暗晕.并合之后,前身暗晕在当前载晕中会以自束缚的子结构形式存活很长时间,称为子晕.在数值模拟中我们可以对子晕的形成和演化进行详细的研究.这种研究为星系形成演化模型提供了基础,同时也影响了我们观测上探测暗物质的方式.  相似文献   

带有暗能量、具有标度不变的绝热原初扰动功率谱的冷暗物质宇宙学模型被视为标准冷暗物质宇宙学模型(ΛCDM模型)。弱相互作用重粒子(WIMPs)成为暗物质的强劲候选者。很多标准模型的扩展模型可以很自然地构造出弱相互作用的大质量粒子。暗物质剩余丰度的标准计算表明,WIMP粒子自然满足?_(DM)h~2≈0.11的天文观测。WIMP粒子的质量较大,运动速度相对缓慢,容易聚集成团,基于WIMPs暗物质模型的数值模拟结果符合对宇宙大尺度结构的观测结果。就实验而言,目前关于暗物质的加速器或非加速器的直接/间接探测,很多都是针对WIMP粒子设计的。因此,基于WIMPs的冷暗物质模型受到了广泛重视。但ΛCDM宇宙学模型描述Mpc以下的小尺度结构时,遇到了比较严重的问题。为了缓解小尺度上出现的问题,提出不同的暗物质模型,但目前并没有确切证据足以排除冷暗物质模型。介绍了基于WIMPs的暗物质模型的研究进展,如WIMPs奇迹、数值模拟、小尺度问题、直接/间接探测,并分析了关于暗物质"冷"、"热"、"温"的区分依据,以及阐述了该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

具有光度函数谱指数陡于-2的背景光源(如类星体、seyfert星系核等)将会由于宇宙中的致密天体引力透镜效应的增亮而优先进入观测样本。而目前观测中并未明显展示出这一特征,从而暗示:宇宙中能引起类星体透镜增亮效应的天体(M>0.01M)其密度是很低的,达些致密天体不足以构成暗物质的主要候选者而使宇宙封闭。  相似文献   

天文学正处在一个黄金时期。在过去的半个世纪里,天文学家借助口径不断扩大、设计愈发精密的新一代望远镜和其他设备,做出了许多重大发现:类星体、黑洞、引力透镜弧、系外行星、伽玛射线暴、宇宙微波背景、暗物质和暗能量部位列其中。近二十年来,随着天文观测卫星和8—10米口径陆基望远镜的投入使用,我们对宇宙的认识又有了一幅新的图景:这是一个由我们还不甚了解的暗物质和神秘的真空能(即“暗能量”,其特征是能置密度不变)所主导的宇宙。随着认识的进步,全新的、也更加基础性的问题摆在了科学家面前。  相似文献   

本文力求给出近年来在星系形成理论研究中对了解从原初扰动起源到重子物质与暗物质分离过程所取得的各项重要进展的线索,并指示冷暗物质模型结合星系有偏袒形成的概念,可使关于宇宙不同尺度结构的大量观测事实得到合理的解释。第一部分介绍与扰动起源、谱形和增长等有关的问题,着重说明宇宙暴胀概念和非重子暗物质的存在所起的关键作用,指出不仅重子暗物质为主的,而且热的非重子暗物质为主的模型存在严重的困难。  相似文献   

一百年莉 一百年以前,我们对天文学的认识完全不能和今天相比。当时人们并不知道宇宙大爆炸、宇宙膨胀,也不知道宇宙的年龄、宇宙的尺度。正如宇宙微波背景辐射那样,当时人们对于宇宙膨胀和暗能量这些概念是完全想象不到的。我们对银河系外的星系知之甚少,对星系团和暗物质则完全不了解。而对于活动星系核、黑洞和喷流(图1),我们也是一无所知。我们甚至都还没观测到中性氢或巨分子云(图2)。  相似文献   

神秘而不可见的物质维系着宇宙,使我们生存的世界免于分崩离析,但它们到底是什么? 宇宙并不遵循“所见即所得”的原则。事实上,我们所看到的物质——恒星、气体和尘埃——仅仅占据了宇宙物质质量的10%左右。这些可见的普通物质由质子、中子和电子组成。科学家们把它们称为“重子物质”,因为质子和中子在亚原子粒子中被称为“重子”。宇宙物质的其余90%则是“暗物质”,它们包围着宇宙中的每一个星系。  相似文献   

正在现代的天体物理观测中,有许多天文现象包括星系旋转曲线、星系团的质量测量、宇宙微波背景辐射的角功率谱等,难以用现有模型进行解释.它们跨越多个尺度—小至星系尺度,大至整个宇宙尺度,需要在模型中额外引入一定的质量才能令观测现象得到很好的解释,而提供这些质量的"物质"却难以用通常的电磁波或中微子手段探测到.这部分物质被称为"暗物质".根据现有的观测结果,它们应具有正常的引力相互作用,没有强相互作用和电磁相互作用,寿命很长(显著长于宇宙的寿命).对暗物  相似文献   

有了暗物质湮灭的帮助,宇宙最早期的一些恒星可以长到远超它们本该的大小。很久很久以前,宇宙和今天的样子截然不同。那时大爆炸仍记忆犹新,第一代恒星正在形成并开始发光,当时的宇宙比现在要小得多。在这个稠密的环境中,被称为暗物质的神秘物质在初生的星系中乱窜。科学家认为,在这样一个环境中,会形成一种新的恒星:暗物质星。  相似文献   

We use the results of the SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey, a submillimetre (submm) survey of galaxies in the nearby Universe, to investigate the relationship between the far-infrared (FIR)–submm and radio emission of galaxies at both low and high redshift. At low redshift we show that the correlation between radio and FIR emission is much stronger than the correlation between radio and submm emission, which is evidence that massive stars are the source of both the FIR and radio emission. At high redshift we show that the submm sources detected by SCUBA are brighter sources of radio emission than are predicted from the properties of galaxies in the local Universe. We discuss possible reasons for the cosmic evolution of the relationship between radio and FIR emission.  相似文献   

A special class of type Ia supernovae that is not subject to ordinary and additional intragalactic gray absorption and chemical evolution has been identified. Analysis of the Hubble diagrams constructed for these supernovae confirms the accelerated expansion of the Universe irrespective of the chemical evolution and possible gray absorption in galaxies.  相似文献   

What can we learn from the somewhat arduous study of old stellar populations in nearby galaxies? Unless the nearby universe is subtly anomalous, it should contain a relatively normal selection of galaxies whose histories are representative of field galaxies in general throughout the Universe. We can therefore take advantage of our ability to resolve local galaxies into individual stars to directly, and accurately, measure star formation histories. The star formation histories are determined from numerical models, based on stellar evolution tracks, of colour-magnitude diagrams. The most accurate information on star formation rates extending back to the earliest epoches can be obtained from the structure of the main sequence. However, the oldest main sequence turnoffs are very faint, and it is often necessary to use the brighter, more evolved, populations to infer the star formation history at older times. A complete star formation history can be compared with the spectroscopic properties of galaxies seen over a large range of lookback times in redshift surveys. There is considerable evidence that the faint blue galaxies seen in large numbers in cosmological surveys are the progenitors of the late-type irregular galaxies seen in copious numbers in the Local Group, and beyond. We consider how the `Madau-diagram', the star formation history of the Universe, would look if the Local Group were to be considered representative of the Universe as a whole.  相似文献   

Recognition/Classification of galaxies is an important issue in the large-scale study of the Universe; it is not a simple task. According to estimates computed from the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), astronomers predict that the universe may potentially contain over 100 billion galaxies. Several techniques have been reported for the classification of galaxies. Parallel developments in the field of neural networks have come to a stage that they can participate well in the recognition of objects. Recently, the Pulse-Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) has been shown to be useful for image pre-processing. In this paper, we present a novel way to identify optical galaxies by presenting the images of the galaxies to a hierarchical neural network involving two PCNNs. The image is presented to the network to generate binary barcodes (one per iteration) of the galaxies; the barcodes are unique to the input galactic image. In the current study, we exploit this property to identify optical galaxies by comparing the signatures (binary barcode) from a corresponding database. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have investigated the apparent variation of the surface brightness distribution of disc galaxies with distance within three different samples 1) a diameter limited sample of ESO catalogue galaxies in the direction of the cluster A3574 in Centaurus, 2) all ESO catalogue disc galaxies with redshifts, and 3) a sample of fainter galaxies from our surveys of the Fornax Cluster area. In each case we find, as predicted for a sample dominated by surface brightness selection effects, that the distribution narrows with distance. Both high and low surface brightness galaxies are underrepresented in galaxy catalogues. Not because they are rare, but because the volume over which they are sampled is considerably smaller than that of their normal surface brightness counterparts. The question of how many galaxies there are in the Universe remains un-answered. In addition, since selection is byapparent surface brightness, the most distant sample (where cosmological dimming becomes important) contains galaxies of higher intrinsic surface brightness than do the nearby samples, again confirming a previous theoretical prediction. The galaxies we observe in the distant Universe are very different to those we observe close by because of observational selection.  相似文献   

We exploit the gravitational potential of massive cluster lenses to probe the emission-line properties of six   z = 1  galaxies which appear as highly magnified luminous arcs. Using the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) integral field spectrograph together with detailed cluster lens models, we reconstruct the intrinsic morphologies and two-dimensional velocity fields in these galaxies on scales corresponds to ∼0.5 kpc (unlensed) at   z = 1  . Four of the galaxies have stable disc-like kinematics, whilst the other two resemble interacting or starburst galaxies. These galaxies lie close to the mean rest-frame I -band Tully–Fisher relation for nearby spirals suggesting a clear preference for hierarchical growth of structure. In the rest-frame B band, the observations suggest  0.5 ± 0.3 mag  of brightening, consistent with increased star-formation activity at   z = 1  . However, the galaxies with stable disc kinematics have more slowly rising rotation curves than expected from galaxies with similar surface brightness in the local Universe. We suggest that this may arise because the distant galaxies have lower bulge masses than their local counterparts. Whilst this study is based on only six galaxies, the gain in flux and in spatial resolution achieved via gravitational magnification provides a much more detailed view of the high-redshift Universe than that possible with conventional surveys.  相似文献   

金属丰度是表征星系特征的重要参量,对于理解星系的形成与演化具有重要意义。随着观测设备的不断完善与发展,已经获得越来越多的星系(包括近邻星系、中等红移及高红移星系)金属丰度的观测资料。在光致电离模型方面也取得了很大进展.这些对于理解星系中金属及恒星成分的累积历史有非常重要的作用。有多种方法可以用来估计星系的金属丰度(主要是星际介质中气相的O丰度),介绍和评述了估计星系的O丰度的多种方法,包括电子温度的方法、R23方法以及其他一些“强线”比值的方法,并给出了相应的解析公式,同时介绍了电离星云的物理本质及由光致电离模型估计星系金属丰度的方法,还给出了估计星系的C和N元素丰度的方法。  相似文献   

The smallest dwarf galaxies are the most straight forward objects in which to study star formation processes on a galactic scale. They are typically single cell star forming entities, and as small potentials in orbit around a much larger one they are unlikely to accrete much (if any) extraneous matter during their lifetime (either intergalactic gas, or galaxies) because they will typically lose the competition with the much larger galaxy. We can utilise observations of stars of a range of ages to measure star formation and enrichment histories back to the earliest epochs. The most ancient objects we have ever observed in the Universe are stars found in and around our Galaxy. Their proximity allows us to extract from their properties detailed information about the time in the early Universe into which they were born. A currently fashionable conjecture is that the earliest star formation in the Universe occurred in the smallest dwarf galaxy sized objects. Here I will review some recent observational highlights in the study of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group and the implications for understanding galaxy formation and evolution. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The existence of intergalactic dust has been proved by the following observational facts: the decrease of the numbers of distant galaxies and clusters of galaxies behind the central regions of near clusters of galaxies; the different distributions of RR Lyrae stars and galaxies near ι Microscopii (Hoffmeister's cloud); the dependence of colour excesses of galaxies on supergalactic coordinates as well as on the surface density of bright galaxies; the colour index vs redshift correlation of quasistellar objects. The densities of intergalactic dust are estimated to be between 5×10?30 g cm?3 (near the centers of clusters of galaxies) and 2×10?34 g cm?3 (in general intergalactic space). The grains may be formed either in the early phases of the Universe (25相似文献   

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