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研究了Blazar天体3C 66A光学波段的准周期光变行为.收集了3C 66A光学V波段将近18 yr (2003—2021年)的测光数据,观测数据主要来源是:上海天文台(ShAO)、 AAVSO (The American Association of Variable Star Observers)数据库、Steward天文台.使用了Jurkevich和Lomb-Scargle两种方法分析了光变数据.Jurkevich方法得到了(850±90) d (~2.3 yr)和(1150±140) d (~3.2 yr)的光变周期,而Lomb-Scargle方法在充分考虑了“红噪声”效应之后同样得到了(869±70) d和(1111±90) d的光变周期,它们的置信水平分别为>99%和> 95%.通过与之前的研究结果比较,发现~2.3 yr的光变周期在3C 66A的历史光变数据中是一个稳定的周期,而~3.2 yr的周期则是不稳定的.  相似文献   

4C 38.41是一颗红移为1.813、可分类为平谱射电类星体的耀变体,使用一台85 cm望远镜在2018年2月22日至26日期间对其进行了光学V和R波段测光观测,得到两个波段的准同时数据.基于这些数据分析了该源在不同光变时标下的光变特性.结果表明:这颗源在观测期间处于较弱的活动状态, V和R波段星等(V, R)总变化均约为0.20等.在天内时标下,其中3晚探测到了该源的天内光变,另有一晚可能存在天内光变.此外,通过色指数和时延分析发现4C 38.41在不同时标下都展现越亮越红行为,与大多数平谱射电类星体类似,但在最后一晚4C 38.41在颜色-星等图上呈现出v字形,即首先展现越亮越红行为,然后转变为越亮越蓝行为,这可能是由该源的辐射在吸积盘主导和喷流主导之间的转换造成的.此外在第2晚探测到了V、R波段之间的时延,这是首次在高红移耀变体中探测到不同光学波段光变之间的时延,可以用随机同步辐射小结构模型来解释.  相似文献   

光变是Blazar最显著的观测特征之一,有的光变呈准周期性. Blazar周期光变可能为其中心黑洞和吸积盘等内部物理结构提供重要信息.因此,周期分析对于讨论Blazar的光变有重要意义.结合经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition, EMD)和自回归(Auto-regressive, AR)模型谱估计方法的优点,提出了一种基于EMD-AR谱的组合光变周期分析新方法.先对观测数据进行EMD分解,得到各阶模态分量,并计算其与原始光变曲线的相关系数,再取相关度高的分量求和后估算AR谱,最后将此功率谱的周期分析方法用于天体的光变数据分析.讨论了EMD-AR谱方法的原理和应用步骤,并用此方法对类星体3C 273在1887—2016年的观测数据进行了分析,得到3C 273的长时标周期分别为:21.23、13.51、11.02、5.51、4.69、3.79、2.76 yr,与文献中常用方法的分析结果有很好的一致性;短时标周期分别为:(30±1)、(15±0.3)、(7.5±0.2)、(10±0.1)、(5±0.6)、(6±0.4)和(3±0.5) min,此结果未见相关...  相似文献   

从相关文献中获得Fermi耀变体(blazar)的射电(R)1.4 GHz、光学(O)4.68×10~(14)Hz、X-ray(X)1 ke V和γ-ray(γ)1 Ge V辐射流量密度,计算了上述波段两两之间的6个有效谱指数α_(RO)、α_(RX)、α_(Rγ)、α_(OX)、α_(Oγ)、α_(Xγ).研究了blazar总样本及其子类FSRQ(Flat Spectral Radio Quasar),蝎虎天体(BL Lac)含高同步峰频BL Lac(HBL)和低同步峰频BL Lac(LBL)样本的任意两个有效谱指数之间的关系.结果表明:(1)除HBL样本及α_(OX)与α_(Rγ)之间关系外,两两有效谱指数之间均存在较强的相关,这种相关可用4个波段能谱分布的结构关系得到解释;(2)在有效谱指数相关的散点图中,FSRQ与LBL分布在相同的区域,但HBL与FSRQ(LBL)分布在不同的区域;(3)在不同的有效谱指数相关散点图中,HBL与FSRQ(LBL)分布的分离程度(区分度)不相同,这种区分度与决定2个有效谱指数的频率有关.  相似文献   

3C 345和3C 273的光变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用结构函数法,对两个经典的blazar 3C 273和3C 345的22 GHz、37 GHz和光学波段的数据进行了周期分析.结果显示,3C 273的周期性比较明显,22 GHz经分析存在7.0年和14.7年的周期,37 GHz存在7.2年和14.5年的周期,同时它的光学波段可能存在0.7年和8.7年的周期.3C 345的37 GHz存在比较明显的8.8年的周期,22 GHz和光学波段分别存在不太明显的9.3年和10.2年的周期.  相似文献   

3C273的光学光变周期   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收录了类星体3C273约110年的光学资料,并在此基础上讨论了光变周期性.当用两种不同方法(Jurkevich方法及DCF(离散相关系数)法)分析时,发现光变曲线中存在周期为2.0年、(13.65±0.20)及(22.5±2.0)年的周期性.同时也讨论了这种周期的可能机制.  相似文献   

王洪涛  潘艳平 《天文学报》2012,53(4):265-273
OJ 287是存在着剧烈活动的低峰频BL Lac天体,其低频段的能谱与另两个TeV BL Lac天体(0716+714和BL Lacertae)在低频段的能谱很相似,但是切仑科夫望远镜却没能探测到它的TeV射线.利用这3个天体的观测数据,比较它们在22 GHz、37 GHz和B波段的最小光变周期及延迟的异同,进一步寻找没有观测到OJ 287的TeV伽马射线的可能原因.分析结果显示:(1)最小光变周期方面,OJ 287在37 GHz和B波段的周期偏小,在22 GHz,OJ 287与0716+714的结果相当,但与BL Lacertae相比要小很多,OJ 287的周期更短表明其活动性更强,却没有探测到来自OJ 287的TeV伽马射线,这表明OJ 287在TeV波段的辐射与这3个低能波段最小光变周期之间可能没有联系;(2)延迟方面,OJ 287在B波段相对于37 GHz的延迟要长于0716+714,短于BL Lacertae;在37 GHz相对于22 GHz的延迟要短于0716+714,而BL Lacertae在37 GHz相对于22 GHz的时延为负值,表明22 GHz要超前于37 GHz.通过对延迟的比较分析,并没有发现OJ 287与0716+714和BL Lacertae之间存在明显的差异;从能谱来看,很可能是由于OJ 287在TeV波段的能谱较陡造成切仑科夫望远镜没有探测到来自OJ 287的伽马辐射,但TeV能段较陡的能谱对低能段光变的影响目前还不是很清楚.  相似文献   

本文综述了活动星系核,特别是blazar天体的研究现状,对blazar天体的多波段与多波段能谱特性研究进行了较为详细的评述。主要的研究工作包括以下内容:(一)γ噪blazar天体的短时标光变研究,通过对16个γ噪blazar天体(其中包括全部已证认和观测到VHEγ射线爆发的可能甚高能γ射线源)自1998年的光学观测及光变分析研究表明,短时标光变(小时量级)是GeV γ噪blazar天体的普遍特性,光变幅度通常可达0.6mag/h,对PKS 1510-089类星体的观测发现在一个小时内对象变暗2个星等,对如此激烈的光变变暗目前的理论还不能很好的解释,但它同样反映了辐射区域的内部结构;而对TBLs的监测表明,其光学波段的短时标光变没有其他对象激烈,出现的频度和振幅变化都较小;(二)在研究γ噪blazar天体光变时,研究了寄主星系对光变的影响,得到了1ES 2344 514的光变与PSF的FWHM的关联,表明随着大气视宁度的下降(即FWHM变大),对象变暗,即由于寄主星系的影响从而导致假光变的产生;(三)引进两个多波段复合谱指数,αXOX=αOX-αX及αoro=αor-αo。对样本的统计研究表明,RBLs是能谱特性界于XBLs和OVVs之间的一类中间态,所得结果支持了Sambruna et al.(1996)大样本多波段能谱分布特性的统计研究结果;(四)对地面探测器对blazar天体甚高能波段的观测做了较为详细的了解,由于blazar天体在全波段上都观测到光变,所以这类对象是多波段观测研究最完全的。地面望远镜对小时量级的光变很敏感,所以,对低流量源的直到10TeV或更高能谱的测量是多波段研究的重要扩展,特别是,如果γ射线的幅射是通过康谱顿散射提升低能同步辐射光子产生的,即SSC模型产生,那么,VHEγ射线的观测和低能同步辐射的观测就可能估计喷流内的磁场强度、Doppler因子等。对我们今后的光学波段的观测工作提出了新的课题。  相似文献   

耀变体在多个波段的微光变和能谱变化多年来是中外天文观测研究的热点课题.耀变体的微光变于20世纪60年代被发现,20世纪80年代以来发现很多源的微光变具有不同的特性,目前对其物理机制的认识和理论、模型的研究还处于发展阶段.该文总结了7个目前观测最多的耀变体(3C 66A,3C 279,3C 454.3,AO 0235+164,BL Lac,OJ 287,S5 0716+714)在光学波段的微光变和能谱变化的观测历史和最新进展,并对其理论模型作了简单介绍.  相似文献   

利用欧文斯谷射电天文台(Owens Valley Radio Observatory, OVRO) 15 GHz的观测数据,通过Jurkevich理论分析了78个耀变体样本的光变曲线,结果表明,射电源显示了显著的光变周期,范围为0.83–2.55 yr.另外,通过估算射电源光变的调制指数,发现蝎虎天体的调制指数较平谱射电类星体有更大的高斯分布峰值.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of quasar variability from data collected during a photometric monitoring of 50 objects carried out at CNPq/Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísicá, Brazil, between 1993 March and 1996 July. A distinctive feature of this survey is its photometric accuracy, ∼0.02  V  mag, achieved through differential photometry with CCD detectors, which allows the detection of faint levels of variability. We find that the relative variability, δ σ L , observed in the V band is anticorrelated with both luminosity and redshift, although we have no means of discovering the dominant relation, given the strong coupling between luminosity and redshift for the objects in our sample. We introduce a model for the dependence of quasar variability on frequency that is consistent with multiwavelength observations of the nuclear variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151. We show that correcting the observed variability for this effect slightly increases the significance of the trends of variability with luminosity and redshift. Assuming that variability depends only on the luminosity, we show that the corrected variability is anticorrelated with luminosity and is in good agreement with predictions of a simple Poissonian model. The energy derived for the hypothetical pulses, ∼1050 erg, agrees well with those obtained in other studies. We also find that the radio-loud objects in our sample tend to be more variable than the radio-quiet ones, for all luminosities and redshifts.  相似文献   

We present optical (∼3200 to ∼9000 Å) off-nuclear spectra of 26 powerful active galaxies in the redshift range 0.1≤ z ≤0.3, obtained with the Mayall and William Herschel 4-m class telescopes. The sample consists of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars (all with −23≥ M V ≥−26) and radio galaxies of Fanaroff–Riley Type II (with extended radio luminosities and spectral indices comparable to those of the radio-loud quasars). The spectra were all taken approximately 5 arcsec off-nucleus, with offsets carefully selected so as to maximize the amount of galaxy light falling into the slit, whilst simultaneously minimizing the amount of scattered nuclear light. The majority of the resulting spectra appear to be dominated by the integrated stellar continuum of the underlying galaxies rather than by light from the non-stellar processes occurring in the active nuclei, and in many cases a 4000-Å break feature can be identified. The individual spectra are described in detail, and the importance of the various spectral components is discussed. Stellar population synthesis modelling of the spectra will follow in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

A sample of 47 faint Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources selected from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) has been imaged in the optical and near-infrared, resulting in an identification fraction of 87 per cent. The R  −  I R  −  K colours of the faint optical counterparts are as expected for passively evolving elliptical galaxies, assuming that they follow the R -band Hubble diagram as determined for radio-bright GPS galaxies. We find evidence that the radio spectral properties of the GPS quasars are different from those of GPS galaxies. The observed distribution of radio spectral peak frequencies for GPS sources optically identified with bright stellar objects (presumably quasars) is shifted compared with GPS sources identified with faint or extended optical objects (presumably galaxies), in the sense that a GPS quasar is likely to have a higher peak frequency than a GPS galaxy. This means that the true peak frequency distribution is different for the GPS galaxies and quasars, because the sample selection effects are independent of optical identification. The correlation between peak frequency and redshift that has been suggested for bright sources has not been found in this sample; no correlation exists between R magnitude (and therefore redshift) and peak frequency for the GPS galaxies. We therefore believe that the claimed correlation is actually caused by the dependence of the peak frequency on optical host, because the GPS galaxies are generally at lower redshifts than the quasars. The difference in the peak frequency distributions of the GPS galaxies and quasars is further evidence against the hypothesis that they form a single class of object.  相似文献   

This paper is third in a series, studying the optical properties of a sample of Seyfert galaxies. Here we present a homoge neous set of global (ellipticity, position angle, inclination, and total magnitude) and isophotal (semi‐major axis and colour indices at 24V mag arcsec–2) parameters of the galaxy sample. We find the following median corrected isophotal colour indices: (BIC)(0)24 = 1.9 mag arcsec–2 and (VIC)(0)24 = 1.1 mag arcsec–2. A set of bar parameters (ellipticity, position angle, semi‐major axis corresponding to the ellipticity maximum in the bar region, and length) are also reported; deprojection has been applied to the bar ellipticity, length, and relative length in terms of galaxy isophotal semi‐major axis. Regarding bar length estimation, we use a method, based on the relation between the behaviour of the profiles and orbit analysis. The so estimated bar length tightly correlates with the semi‐major axis, corresponding to the ellipticity maximum with a median ratio of the former to the latter of 1.22. The median of the deprojected bar ellipticity, length, and relative length are 0.39, 5.44 kpc, and 0.44, respectively. There is a correlation between the deprojected bar length and the corrected isophotal semi‐major axis at 24V mag arcsec–2. Three of the 17 large‐scale bars appear strong, based on the deprojected bar ellipticity as a first‐order approximation of bar strength. The deprojected relative bar length does not appear to correlate with the bar ellipticity (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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