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动力学过程和恒星演化及二者的互相影响都会对球状星团的演化产生重要影响.由于金属丰度会影响恒星的演化轨迹,与之相伴随的恒星质量损失率的变化也会对球状星团的动力学过程造成影响.通过一系列N体模拟研究金属丰度对球状星团的质量损失率、半径等的影响,并分析其原因,同时研究了大质量恒星以及星团初始数密度分布的影响.模拟中采用的球状星团模型初始成员星数目N=50000,运行于类银河系的引力势中并考虑成员星的演化.结果显示,由于低金属丰度恒星拥有较快的演化时标,所以贫金属球状星团在早期会拥有较高的质量损失,但与此同时它们的核塌缩时间会比后者显著推迟,因此在核塌缩之后其质量损失会被富金属星团反超.另外由于大质量恒星演化导致的质量损失较大,所以大质量星的存在会使金属丰度更加显著地影响球状星团早期的扩张以及随后的核塌缩过程,同时星团的初始数密度分布也对该效应有着不可忽视的影响.  相似文献   

贫金属星重元素平均丰度的金属丰度分区研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将「Fe/H」从-3.0到0.0等分成10个区间,利用三种中子俘获过程的典型元素的观测丰度平均值,研究各核合成过程在各区间对重元素丰度的平均贡献,以及其它重元素的平均丰度,并与观测平均丰度进行比较,结果表明,在「Fe/H」〉-2.2范围内,各重元素核合成过程产生的重元素平均丰度分布与太阳系相似,但不同核合成过程的平均贡献献比例与太阳系不相同。  相似文献   

本文根据球状星团所特有的金属丰度特征,利用星族综合方法,探讨了球状星团诸恒星的形成史。研究表明,这些恒星不可能通过恒星形成率和初始质量函数均不随时间变化的单一恒星形成模式产生。原初云通过恒星演化而得到金属丰度污染的过程和多数恒星的形成过程必须分为两个不同的阶段。 球状星团得到金属丰度污染的过程中,若恒星形成具有通常的初始质量函数,则其恒星形成率必须较低,且初始质量函数不能太陡,从而使污染过程中只形成数量较少的低质量恒星,以保证单个球状星团内金属丰度的均匀性。另一种可能性是污染阶段有非常特殊的初始质量函数,只形成大质量的恒星,从而除提供适量污染外不留下任何痕迹。 多数恒星应是在原初云不同部位得到适当污染后通过局域的短暂的爆发性恒星形成(星暴过程)产生。本文进一步探讨了在Fan和Rees球状星团形成模型的框架下,两相介质中温云块相互碰撞造成星暴过程的可能性。  相似文献   

将[Fe/H]从-3.0到0.0等分成10个区间,利用三种中子俘获过程的典型元素的观测丰度平均值,研究各核合成过程在各区间对重元素丰度的平均贡献,以及其它重元素的平均丰度,并与观测平均丰度进行比较.结果表明,在[Fe/H]>-2.2范围内,各重元素核合成过程产生的重元素平均丰度分布与太阳系相似,但不同核合成过程的平均贡献比例与太阳系不相同.  相似文献   

疏散星团是探究银河系结构与演化的良好示踪体,一直以来颇受关注.之前关于疏散星团的研究中,仅有一小部分疏散星团有金属丰度参数,而且,金属丰度的测量,是基于不同质量的观测数据,采用了不同的方法.收集了一个年龄大于2 Gyr的老年疏散星团样本,通过整理这些星团成员星的金属丰度数据,一方面,以星团NGC 2682为例,对比了不同光谱巡天项目给出的星团成员星金属丰度的系统差异;另一方面,计算了星团成员星金属丰度的平均值和中位值,作为该疏散星团的金属丰度推荐值.此外,还利用该样本探究了银盘径向金属丰度梯度随时间的演化,结果表明,早期银盘有着更加陡峭的径向金属丰度梯度,随着演化时间的增加,银盘径向金属丰度梯度逐渐趋于平缓,为银盘化学演化模型提供了更加严格的观测约束.  相似文献   

HD 140283是一颗近邻极贫金属亚巨星,形成于宇宙大爆炸初期,被认为是迄今为止最古老的恒星之一,同时它也是一颗典型的弱r-过程星,对它的研究有助于深入理解宇宙早期演化、丰富元素核合成理论.将HD 140283从C到Zn的观测丰度与单个超新星(SN)事件元素理论产量进行拟合,得出HD 140283可能诞生于前身星质量为22.5 M⊙(下标"⊙"代表太阳)的超新星爆发污染的星云.基于同样的方法,研究了另外5颗典型弱r-过程星,分别得出了污染产生这些恒星的气体云的超新星前身星质量,进一步推测了弱r-过程可能发生的天体物理环境.  相似文献   

银河系中球状星团的空间运动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
球状星团是银河系中最古老的天体类型之一,其累积光度很大,是银晕中重要的示踪天体。已以发现的银河系球状星团有140多个,其中120个银心距R〈40Kpc的星团已被准确地测定了视向速度。根据结数据以及球状星团金属度的统计分析,可以把球状星团次系再进一步分成某些不同的族群。目前已经测定过绝对自行的球状星团只有38个,尽管这些自行的精度比视向速度和距离的精度差很多,然而,由此可以得出三维的空间速度,在统计  相似文献   

王家骥  陈力  陈鼎 《天文学报》2005,46(2):207-215
利用上海天文台相隔29年的两期天体测量底片,测量了球状星团M79的绝对自行,采用Harris给出的这个星团离开太阳的距离和视向速度数据,计算了星团当前的空间运动速度;根据银河系引力势模型,进一步计算了该星团在银河系中的轨道参数,还对利用自行数据所作的球状星团运动学研究的不确定性作了讨论。  相似文献   

We examine 14 plates of the globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272) taken with the 40 cm refractor at the Sheshan station of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. The plates span over a period of about 77 years. The positions and absolute proper motions of eight stars in the Hipparcos Catalogue and of 49 stars in the Tycho-2 Catalogue are used as the reference frame. The astrometric reduction is made with the central overlapping principle. The absolute proper motions of 534 stars in a region of about 100' × 100' around the cluster are measured. With the new proper motion data the membership probabilities of the stars are determined. The average absolute proper motion obtained for the cluster is -0.06@0.30 mas yr-1 in R.A. and -2.6@0.30 mas yr-1 in Decl. By combining this result with the known distance and radial velocity of the cluster, we also obtained the Galactic orbit of M3 for a chosen three-component Galactic potential.  相似文献   

We present N -body simulations (including an initial mass function) of globular clusters in the Galaxy in order to study effects of the tidal field systematically on the properties of the outer parts of globular clusters. Using nbody6 , which correctly takes into account the two-body relaxation, we investigate the development of tidal tails of globular clusters in the Galactic tidal field. For simplicity, we have employed only the spherical components (bulge and halo) of the Galaxy, and ignored the effects of stellar evolution which could have been important in the very early phase of the cluster evolution. The total number of stars in our simulations is about 20 000, which is much smaller than the realistic number of stars. All simulations had been done for several orbital periods in order to understand the development of the tidal tails. In our scaled-down models, the relaxation time is sufficiently short to show the mass segregation effect, but we did not go far enough to see the core collapse, and the fraction of stars lost from the cluster at the end of the simulations is only ∼10 per cent. The radial distribution of extra-tidal stars can be described by a power law with a slope around −3 in surface density. The directions of tidal tails are determined by the orbits and locations of the clusters. We find that the length of tidal tails increases towards the apogalacticon and decreases towards the perigalacticon. This is an anti-correlation with the strength of the tidal field, caused by the fact that the time-scale for the stars to respond to the potential is similar to the orbital time-scale of the cluster. The escape of stars in the tidal tails towards the pericentre could be another reason for the decrease of the length of tidal tails. We find that the rotational angular velocity of tidally induced clusters shows quite different behaviour from that of initially rotating clusters.  相似文献   

Abell 85 is a cD galaxy cluster in the southern hemisphere and has a redshift of 0.055. Based on the spectra of 242 member galaxies provided by the Sloan spectral survey data, using the stellar population constituents and star formation history of these member galaxies obtained from the population synthesis software STARLIGHT, we study the regularities of the variations of star formation properties of galaxies (such as the ages, metal abundances and star formation rates of the characteristic stellar populations) with the local surface density of galaxies. As revealed by the results, the galaxies situated in the highdensity environments of the central region of the cluster possess higher population ages and metal abundances, and their rates of star formation are rather low, the recent activities of star formation are obviously suppressed. Besides, the correlations of the galaxy metal abundance and speci?c star formation rate with the stellar mass are asserted.  相似文献   

由于空间大地观测数据传输耗时及处理过程复杂, 导致极移测量值的获取存在时延, 无法满足对高精度的极移预报值有重大需求的应用领域. 针对极移复杂的时变特性, 提出一种基于奇异谱分析(singular spectrum analysis, SSA)的预报方法. 首先用SSA分离提取极移时序中的高频组分与低频组分; 其次建立最小二乘(least square, LS)外推与自回归(AutoreGressive, AR)模型对极移高频和低频组分进行组合预报. 结果表明, SSA方法能够准确地分离和提取极移低频和高频组分, 对低频和高频组分组合预报可以显著改善极移的中长期(30--365d)预报精度, 与国际地球自转和参考系服务局(International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, IERS)提供的A公报中的极移预报值相比, SSA方法对极移PMX分量(本初子午线方向)和PMY分量(西90$^\circ$子午线方向)的中长期预报精度改进最高分别可达45.97%和62.44%. 研究结果验证了SSA方法对极移中长期预报改进的有效性.  相似文献   

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