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Information concerning a total number of 13700 instrumentally recorded earthquakes is used to study the geographical and the vertical distribution of the Earth's seismicity. From these earthquakes, which form four complete samples of data (M 7.0, 1894–1992; M 6.5, 1930–1992; M 6.0, 1953–1992; M 5.5, 1966–1992), 11511 are shallow (h 60 km), 2085 are of intermediate focal depth (61 h 300 km) and 564 are deep focus earthquakes (301 h 720 km). The parameters a and b of the frequency-magnitude relationship were calculated in a grid of equally spaced points at 1° by using the data of earthquakes located inside circles centered at each point. The radius of the circles increased from 30 km with a step of 10 km until the information for the earthquakes located inside the circle fulfil three criteria which concern the size of the sample used to compute these parameters at each point of the grid. The results are given in a qualitative way (epicenter maps) as well as in a quantitative way (mean return periods).  相似文献   

The regional variation of the seismic velocity-ratio () over a 200 km long traverse has been studied by means of microearthquake surveys. The Wadati-plot method is used with a minimum of four P and S arrivals for each of 49 earthquakes. The area as a whole is found to be characterized by a value of 1.74–1.76 for earthquakes of depth 12–40 km, except in a 50 km long section near Wellington, where is low at 1.60. This low has been attributed to the fault zones in the region. A small change of is observed between the upper crust (5 km) and lower crust (12 km), but there is no change of between the lower crust and uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

An earthquake catalogue covering the period1716–2000, comprising 2430 events, has beencompiled for the region lying between3°W-9°E and 31°N-38°N. It results fromraw data of IGN, ISC, USGS and Algeriansources, enabling an input consisting oforigin time H, geographical coordinates(longitude and latitude) and at least one of thefollowing parameters: surface wavemagnitude Ms, body wave magnitude Mb,epicentral intensities Io. Empiricalrelations permit transformations of Mb andMs into Io. The output consists in H,, , Ms, Mb, Io, and focal depth h whichis fixed to 10 km. The number ofevents falls to 1458 characterised by Ms 3.3 and Mb 3.6, or Io III. The fixed depth is suggested by thebest documented Algerian macroseismic mapsthat also lead to an empirical intensityattenuation law. A first application ofthis catalogue allows the drawing up of anupdated Seismicity and a MaximalCalculated Intensities (MCI) Maps ofAlgeria. The MCI map is obtained by usingthe empirical attenuation law: theintensities inferred by the whole eventsconstituting the catalogue are computed atnodes of a 5×5-km grid covering the area ofstudy. The corresponding maximum value isassigned to each node. The MCI map producedthat way gives precise spatial informationin comparison with Maximum ObservedIntensities (MOI) maps obtained in previousmacroseismic studies. This document may beuseful in mapping the seismic hazard inNorthern Algeria, without attachingprobabilities to ground-motionparameters.  相似文献   

We review earthquake distributions associated with hydrocarbon fields in the context of pore pressure diffusion models, poroelastic stress transfer and isostasy theory. These three mechanisms trigger or induce seismic instabilities at both local scale (D5 km) and at regional scale (D20 km). The modeled changes in stress are small (1 MPa), whatever the tectonic setting. Each mechanism corresponds to different production processes. (1) Local hydraulic fracturing due to fluid injection induces seismic-slip on cracks (M L3) within the injected reservoir through decreasing the effective stress. (2) Pure fluid withdrawal causes pore pressure to decrease within the reservoir. It triggers adjustments of the geological structure to perturbations related to the reservoir response to depletion. Poroelastic mechanisms transfer this stress change from the reservoir to the surrounding levels whereM L5 seismic instabilities occur either above or below the reservoir. (3) Massive hydrocarbon recovery induces crustal readjustments due to the removal of load from the upper crust. It can induce larger earthquakes (M L6) at greater distance from the hydrocarbon fields than the two other mechanisms.Due to the mechanical properties of the shallow rock matrices involved, seismic slip triggered either by mechanism (1) or (2), is a second-order process of the main elastoplastic deformation. for a minimum of 80% of commercially productive basins, most of the local deformation is reported as aseismic, i.e., there is no evidence forM L3 earthquakes. Nevertheless, the induced stresses vary as a function of time in a manner that depends on the hydraulic diffusivity (i.e., permeability) of the reservoir and surrounding rocks. Because small earthquakes (M L3) indicate changes in stress and pore pressure, monitoring of seismicity is a means of assessingin situ reservoir behavior.The less constrained seismic response to hydrocarbon recovery is the possible connection between local fluid manipulations, triggered earthquakes and major regional earthquakes. Positive feedback mechanisms suggest that the region of seismic hazard changes is much larger than the area where hydrocarbons are extracted. These observations and models testify that fluid movement and pore pressure changes (increase or decrease) play important roles in the mechanics of earthquakes and in the triggering of natural earthquakes.  相似文献   

A sequence of moderate shallow earthquakes (3.5M L5.3) was located within the Vercors massif (France) in the period 1961–1984. This subalpine massif has been a low seismic area for at least 5 centuries. During the period 1962–1963, 12 shallow earthquakes occurred in the neighborhood (10 km) of the Monteynard reservoir, 30 km south of the city of Grenoble. The latest fourM L4.0 earthquakes occurred in 1979–1984 either at larger distance (35 km) or greater depth (10 km) from the reservoir. Two triggering mechanisms are suggested for this sequence: (i) the direct effect of elastic loading through either increased shear stress or strength reducing by increased pore pressure at depth; (ii) the pore pressure diffusion induced by poroelastic stress change due to the reservoir filling.The weekly water levels, local balanced geological cross sections, and focal mechanisms argue for two types of mechanical connection between the earthquake sequence and the filling cycles of the Monteynard reservoir. The seismic sequence started with the 1962–1963 shallow earthquakes that occurred during the first filling of the reservoir and are typical of the direct effect of elastic loading. The 1979 deeper earthquake is located at a 10 km depth below the reservoir. This event occurred 16 years after the initial reservoir impoundment, but one month after the previous 1963 maximum water level was exceeded. Moreover the yearly reservoir level increased gradually in the period 1962–1979 and has decreased since 1980. Accordingly we suggest that the gradual diffusion of water from reservoir to hypocentral depths decreases the strength of the rock matrices through increased pore pressure. The transition between the two types of seismic response is supported by the analysis ofM L3.5 earthquakes which all occurred in the period 1964–1971, ranging between 10 and 30 km distance from the reservoir. The three other delayed earthquakes of the 1961–1984 seismic sequence (M L4 during the 1979–1984 period) are all located 35 km away from the reservoir. Based on the seismic activity, the estimates for the hydraulic diffusivities range between 0.2–10 m2/s, except for the first event that occurred 30 km north of the reservoir, the filling just started. The lack ofin situ measurements of crustal hydrological properties in the area, shared by most of the Reservoir-Induced-Seismicity cases, prevents us from obtaining absolute evidence for the triggering processes. These observations and conceptual models attest that previous recurrence times for moderate natural shocks (4.5M L5.5) estimated within this area using historical data, could be modified by 0.1–1 MPa stress changes. These small changes in deviatoric stress suggest that the upper crust is in this area nearly everywhere at a state of stress near failure. Although the paucity of both number and size of earthquakes in the French subalpine massif shows that aseismic displacements prevail, our study demonstrates that triggered earthquakes are important tools for assessing local seismic risk through mapping fault zones and identifying their possible seismic behavior.  相似文献   

Reservoir induced earthquakes began to occur in the vicinity of Shivajisagar Lake formed by Koyna Dam in Maharashtra state, western India, soon after its filling started in 1962. Induced earthquakes have continued to occur for the past 34 years in the vicinity of this reservoir, and so far a total of 10 earthquakes of M 5.0, over 100 of M 4 and about 100,000 of M 0.0 have occurred. Every year, following the rainy season, the water level in the reservoir rises and induced earthquakes occur. Seismic activity during 1967–68 was most intense when globally, the largest reservoir induced earthquake occurred on 10 December, 1967. Other years of intense seismic activity are 1973 and 1980. During 1986 another reservoir, Warna, some 20 km south of Koyna, began to be filled. The recent burst of seismic activity in Koyna-Warna region began in August, 1993, and was monitored with a close network of digital and analog seismographs. During August, 1993–December, 1995, 1,272 shocks of magnitude 2 were located, including two earthquakes of M 5.0 and M 5.4 on 8 December, 1993 and 1 February, 1994, respectively. Two parallel epicentral trends in NNE-SSW direction, one passing through Koyna and the other through Warna reservoir are delineated. The 1993 increase in seismicity has followed a loading of 44.15 m in Warna reservoir during 11 June 11, 1993 through August 4, 1993, with a maximum rate of filling being 16 m/week. The larger shocks have been found to be preceded by a precursory nucleation process.  相似文献   

The global distribution of the ground-level temperature variance and its long-term variations have been investigated on the basis of the monthly mean temperature anomalies, obtained from ground-based and sea-borne meteorological observations from 1896 to 1990. Particular characteristics of the large-scale structure of the temperature variance have been found. There are three pronounced maxima in the global distribution of the temperature variance: in Central Siberia (60°75°N and 70° 120°E), North America (60°75°N and –170°–120°E) and the Antarctica (50°65°S and –60°10°E, where and are the geographic latitude and longitude, respectively) and there are two minima: over the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean areas. The minimum over the Pacific is not as pronounced, as over the Atlantic. The spatial pattern of the ground-level temperature variance is, on the whole, stable, the positions of the zones of extrema remaining practically unchanged over a long time interval. These results indirectly corroborate the mechanism of solar impact on the properties of the low atmosphere by the modulation of the flux of galactic cosmic rays. The mechanism accounts for the spatial distribution of the temperature variance as a result of combined effect of solar activity and ocean. Long-term variations of the Siberian maximum of the ground-level temperature variance agree with the changing duration of the sunspot cycle, in contrast to the North American maximum.  相似文献   

Summary The Earth's crust and mantle structure in the region Crimea are investigated on the surface waves observations. For this investigation the long-period seismographs have been installed for the triangle of the seismic stations Simferopol, Alushta, Theodosiya. The phase velocities dispersion has been determined on the base of surface waves for the 8 earthquakes. The observed dispersion curves agree with the theoretical ones for the Earth's model with the crust's thickness of 36–40 km and with (in the mantle) the low velocity layer (V s =4.3 km/sec at the depth of about 120 km). . , , . 8 . 36–40 . (V s=4.3 /) 120 .Presented to the IASPEI General Assembly, Madrid, 1969.  相似文献   

nma nu SS u nmau u nau a¶rt;a ¶rt;u nma u u a au 11-mu ua. u ¶rt; nm ¶rt; n. a¶rt;am nuu nu SS u.  相似文献   

New equations and techniques for dealing with drop breakups are developed and applied to the modelling of the evolution of raindrop spectra in rainshafts. Breakup experiments byMcTaggart-Cowan andList (1975) served as data base.No matter what the original size distribution, the spectrum evolution will always lead to a Marshall-Palmer type equilibrium di tributionN=N 0e–D, with =constant andN 0 proportional to the rainfall rateR. (D stands for raindrop diameter.) ForR29 mm h–1 and an original Marshall-Palmer distribution, the required fall height to reach equilibrium is 2 km.The equilibrium distributions are characterized by linear relationships betweenR, the radar reflectivity factorZ, the liquid water content LWC and theN 0 of the Marshall-Palmer distribution. Possible explanations for the discrepancy with observations are given.The fact that the all-water processes cannot produce drops withD2.5 mm (as confirmed by observations) leads to the conclusion that observed large raindrops withD5 mm represent melted hailstones and have not yet reached an equilibrium distribution. These latter conclusions were reached within the original assumption of videspread, steady state precipitation.  相似文献   

Summary Results on electrical conductivity, chemical analysis and age of the rock samples from the Indian Subcontinent are presented. The old Precambrian Indian rocks tend to be less conductive than characteristic rocks of crustal and upper mantle structures.
nuam mam uu mnm¶rt;mu, uu aaua u n¶rt;u u uu n¶rt; u ¶rt;uu. ma nauu n¶rt; u ¶rt;uu naam mn¶rt;m aamumuu n¶rt; u amuu.

Summary The dependence between Pn-wave velocities and the surface heat flow, temperature at the core-mantl boundary and thickness of the Earth's crust for continents (Europe, Asia, North America and Australia) was investigated statistically in connection with the problem of lateral inhomogeneities in the upper mantle. The relations obtained were compared with those determined under laboratory conditions. The conclusion is that temperature and pressure effects may provide additional explanations of the regional variations of Pn-wave velocities observed in most continents.
auum ¶rt;auu mu n¶rt; a nmu uua(Pn ), nm mn nm, mnam a u m mum a u¶rt;aa u n uuuma ¶rt;¶rt;m mu Pn. nua ¶rt;a mama aam u¶rt;au nu m n¶rt; amuu u u ¶rt;au u mnam a¶rt;um mmmuu mamau n¶rt;aa am. am ¶rt;, m ua uu m Pn- ¶rt; amu muma n¶rt;m auu m¶rt;uauu u a nmu muua.

Summary The ionospheric effects of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) sector boundary crossings are studied for the winters of 1963–69. They are considerably stronger for proton than for non-proton sector boundaries. There are two different types of effects. The geomagnetic type is a disturbance, observed in geomagnetic activity, the night-time ionosphere and the day-time F2 region near the geomagnetic equator. The effect in the ionosphere is interpreted in terms of the IMF sector boundary crossing related changes in geomagnetic activity. The tropospheric type is aquietening, observed in tropospheric vorticity and in the day-time mid-and low-latitude ionosphere (except the geomagnetic equator region). The mechanism of this effect remains unexplained.
¶rt;m u m nu mau nam aum n () ¶rt; u 1963–69. u m u ¶rt; nm ¶rt; a mau. mm ¶rt;a m¶rt; muna m. aum m u, a¶rt;a aum amumu, u u ¶rt; F2 amu uuaum ama. mu u m ¶rt;mu uu aum amumu, m a nu mau . n mun m nu, a¶rt; aumu mn u ¶rt; ¶rt;- u uum u (a uu amuaum ama). au m ma um.

u¶rt;m n uu ¶rt;u m n u ma n¶rt;aa, nu m¶rt;u u ¶rt;uau. n nuu uu ¶rt;u m n ¶rt;a¶rt; nu NoNo VI, VII. u au u n m a (x, H), ¶rt;auu an¶rt;u ¶rt;u m ¶rt; m¶rt; nu, u mua m nuu (H), aamuu an¶rt;u m a mua ¶rt;¶rt; uu ¶rt;uua u a. u a ¶rt;u m (x, H) amm ¶rt;uuu (u) a m¶rt; nu. m¶rt; u, auuu aau, om aamuam muau an¶rt;u ¶rt;u m, uu , n m u m nu aamuu a nmu, am ma a¶rt;am aa uu ¶rt;u m. aa u a¶rt;u n nu NoNo VI u VII u umuu ¶rt;a. mua m nu (H) num m ¶rt;u amu aua u anam um, ¶rt;a amu ¶rt;aua u ¶rt;- nma (nu No VII). ma ¶rt; ¶rt; aua, maa numa nm m u numa nm ma¶rt;um, a unaa nuu umnmauu a¶rt;uu ¶rt;uau amu aua.  相似文献   

By comparing seasonal rainfall data from the past 90 years with the occurrence of large (M6) earthquakes along an arid stretch of the San Andreas fault system in southern California, certain correlations have been observed. Most large earthquakes are preceded by a pattern consisting of a few years of below normal precipitation (drought) terminated by one or more consecutive seasons of heavy (above normal) rainfall. While this drought-above normal rainfall cycle can be seen at times other than prior to major earthquakes, it precedes, to varying degrees, all of the twelve M6 events. This new precursor evidence, when combined with other premonitory signals, may offer a helpful diagnostic measure that could be useful in earthquake prediction in arid regions.  相似文献   

nua naam u nuu amamuu un uu mau an () u (), umua nu ¶rt; ¶rt;a¶rt; nu 7 u aua ¶rt;a¶rt; m¶rt;um aa naa u . a ¶rt;a nu amua ¶rt;m un ¶rt; u¶rt;au mmu am aua u a au uu uu mu.  相似文献   

Summary Determination of the gravitational effect of some bodies, the density of which is supposed to be variable in the vertical direction, possibly in the horizontal direction, too.
n¶rt;uaumau ma m m, nmm m um mua uu muma anau.

A comparison of two bivariate extreme value distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are two distinct bivariate extreme value distributions constructed from Gumbel marginals, namely Gumbel mixed (GM) model and Gumbel logistic (GL) model. These two models have completely different structures and their dependence ranges are different. The product-moment correlation coefficient for the former is [0,2/3] and the latter is [0,1]. It is natural to ask which one is more appropriate for representing the joint probabilistic behavior of two correlated Gumbel-distributed variables. This study compares these two models by numerical experiments. The comparison is based on that: (i) if the two distribution models are identical, then the joint probability and the joint return period computed by the GM model should be the same as those by the GL model; and (ii) if a selected distribution is the true distribution from which sample data are drawn, then the probabilities computed by the theoretical model should provide a good fit to empirical ones. Comparison results indicate that in the range of correlation coefficient [0,2/3], both models provide identical joint probabilities and joint return periods, and both indicate a good fit to empirical probabilities; while for (2/3,1), only the Gumbel logistic model can be used.  相似文献   

Summary The complex of phenomena which arise simultaneously with microseismic vibrations embraces the three spheres of the Earth. In the atmosphere there arise infrasound waves, whereas hydroacoustic and microseismic waves propagate in the water and Earth's crust. In several cases the originating of intensive microseisms is connected with the generation of great and rather great magnetic storms. Such a relation was observed between microseismic vibrations recorded by seismic station Perth (Australia) and magnetic storms recorded by the Irkutsk observatory. When the rate of amplitude and period variations reached a definite value: A/t>0.15 and T/t>0.12, the magnetic storms in Irkutsk arised definitely.Directional radiation characteristic of an area of standing sea waves of limited dimensions into water and air are determined. For radiation into water a sharply directed vertical characteristic is valid. For radiation into atmosphere by coherent sources the directional characteristic is sinusoidal: zero radiation in the normal direction to the sea surface and maximum radiation in the plane of the aquatorium.
uu , , . , , . . , () , . : />0.15 />0.15, . . . , , : .

ama nm u nmam nuau aamumuuaum nau muna Pc4 n ¶rt;a u mauu m, a¶rt; a m m anam ¶rt;u amu u¶rt;a umu. n¶rt;a auum nu¶rt;a u anum¶rt; nau u u nuau aamumu mu ¶rt; u m aum amumu, u au uu m¶rt; naam. mam auam mamau amu nau Pc3 u Pi2 n ¶rt;a u mau ¶rt; u u.  相似文献   

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