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正1 Introduction Dangxiongcuo salt lake(Figure 1),which is located in the southwest of Tibet,China,is rich in valuable mineral elements like lithium,potassium,boron,rubidium,caesium  相似文献   

The mineral rock salts present in the Mahai Salt Lake of the Qaidam basin exhibit high solubilities in water. In addition, the multicomponent underground brine exhibits a high salinity and is easily precipitated. In the natural state, brine transport in the brine layer is extremely slow, and the brine is in a relatively stable chemical equilibrium state with the rock salt media. However, during mining, both the seepage and the chemical fields fluctuate significantly, thereby disrupting the equilibrium and leading to variations in the chemical composition and dynamic characteristics of the brine. Therefore, we selected underground brine from the Mahai Salt Lake, collecting a total of 183 brine samples over three stages of mining (i.e., the early stage of underground brine extraction, the initial stage of mining, and the later stage of mining). Using a range of analytical techniques, the chemical dynamics of the underground brine water and its evolution were systematically studied. We found that evaporation and enrichment were the main mechanisms of underground brine evolution in the Mahai Salt Lake, with cation exchange and mineral dissolution/precipitation being key factors in determining the dynamic characteristics and evolution of the brine.  相似文献   

乜贞  卜令忠  郑绵平 《地球学报》2010,31(1):95-101
锂对国民经济和国家安全具有重要意义,是21世纪的能源金属.近10年,中国主要从国外进口碳酸锂产品.中国是一个多盐湖的国家,盐湖锂占锂资源工业总储量的85%.现代第四纪盐湖主要分布在我国西北的青海、西藏、新疆和内蒙古四省区,具有很好的开发前景.经过多年科研后,目前国内已经在西台吉乃尔和扎布耶两个盐湖建立了卤水提锂产业.本文对比研究了这两个盐湖资源状况和地理气候条件,以及由此而决定的盐湖资源开发工艺流程,探讨了其工艺优化方向.并指出这两个盐湖具有锂资源储量大,品位高的优势,但是受盐湖类型或地理气候条件限制,工艺上有待改善.建议继续加强对盐湖开发技术优化和对盐湖提锂产业的扶持.  相似文献   

盐湖卤水锂资源及其开发进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着全球资源与环境问题的日益突出,锂资源的开发和利用受到人们的高度关注.由于盐湖卤水中含有丰富的锂资源,所以对其锂资源的开发利用具有重要意义.本文在全球盐湖卤水锂资源的分布及其水化学分类特征论述的基础上,对目前盐湖卤水锂资源的提取工艺进行了比较分类,对卤水锂资源的开发进展情况进行了综述.指出我国盐湖卤水锂资源的开发利用...  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶盐湖夏季卤水盐田晒制研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
乜贞  郑绵平 《地球学报》2001,22(3):271-275
本文以西藏扎布耶盐湖卤水为研究对象,在夏季的大面积盐田中,记录了天然日晒蒸发过程中的卤水组分演化过程,分析了Li、B、K等组分的集散行为,为该湖卤水的综合利用提供了工业化参考数据.通过实验发现,扎布耶盐湖夏季卤水Li+富集较低,Li+浓度最高达到1.8g/L.Li+的析出较分散,在实验末期,固相Li2CO3析出达到高峰期,但Li2CO3的含量不超过4%.在实验后期,卤水中CO2-3离子的浓度和卤水温度迅速升高,这是导致卤水中Li+快速析出的主要因素.蒸发后期,卤水中K+和B2O3迅速富集,母卤适于提取硼砂和钾石盐或硼钾盐.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction There exist calcium and sulfate ions outside sodium chloride in solution mining for calcium sulfate brine.The calcium and sulfate ions not only affect the purity of the vacuum salt products,but also increase the scaling of vacuum evaporation tanks and brine reusing pipes.Additives have certain impacts on the crystallization dynamics(Randolph et al.,1971).The crystallization  相似文献   

Zabuye Salt Lake in Tibet, China is a carbonate-type salt lake, which has some unique characteristics that make it different from other types of salt lakes. The lake is at the latter period in its evolution and contains liquid and solid resources. Its brine is rich in Li, B, K and other useful minor elements that are of great economic value. We studied the concentration behavior of these elements and the crystallization paths of salts during isothermal evaporation of brine at 15°C and 25°C. The crystallization sequence of the primary salts from the brine at 25°C is halite (NaCl) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3)→ trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → sylvite (KCl), while the sequence is halite (NaCl) → sylvite (KCl) → trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) at 15°C. They are in accordance with the metastable phase diagram of the Na+, K+-Cl?, CO32?, SO42?-H2O quinary system at 25°C, except for Na2CO3·7H2O which is replaced by trona and thermonatrite. In the 25°C experiment, zabuyelite (Li2CO3) was precipitated in the early stage because Li2CO3 is supersaturated in the brine at 25°C, in contrast with that at 15°C, it precipitated in the later stage. Potash was precipitated in the middle and late stages in both experiments, while boron was concentrated in the early and middle stages and precipitated in the late stage.  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊盐湖卤水资源综合开发研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
罗布泊盐湖赋存有丰富的含钾硫酸镁亚型卤水,现已探明仅罗北凹地区段孔隙度储量2.67×109 t(折合KCl),属特大型钾盐卤水矿藏,是生产硫酸钾的理想原料;此外,卤水中含有丰富的钠、镁、锂、硼等资源,综合回收利用价值较大.本文针对罗布泊盐湖卤水资源,在有效利用盐湖钾资源同时,加快其他共生资源的综合开发进程,将新疆罗布泊盐湖资源开发建设推向持续、合理、有效、高值的循环经济发展的道路,为国家西部经济开发做出贡献.  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖晶间卤水运动特征及其动力学分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
根据地下水运动的一般规律,阐述了罗布泊盐湖钙芒硝储卤层及富钾卤水的特性,并讨论了该卤水层的变化特性。在罗布泊干盐湖区采用^14C测年技术、人工放射性同位素技术和化学示踪技术,研究晶间卤水循环速率、卤水渗流方向及渗透流速与实际流速,揭示罗布泊盐湖晶间卤水处于缓慢的流动及交替状态。探讨了新构造活动、古气候变化、地层静压力作用、深部地层水及大气降水补给作用等因素对罗布泊盐湖晶间卤水运动的控制和影响,提出了晶间卤水的运动模式。  相似文献   

正At present,the extraction of lithium from salt lake brine is the new trend of the salt lake industrialization.The saltine lake lithium resources are extremely rich in western china,especially in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau.Brine of salt  相似文献   

通过对察尔汗盐湖Ⅰ、Ⅱ号采区盐田中卤水及固体进行系统采样和分析,发现卤水中的主微量元素在盐田摊晒过程中显示出不同程度的富集,除成盐外,还存在类质同象、母液夹带等现象。其中,铷和铯元素的富集规律与光卤石析出存在一定的关联。XRD和TOF-SIMS分析结果显示,铷与钾呈现出更强的正相关性,与钠呈现出负相关性,表明铷元素与钾元素存在类质同象现象。铯元素与钾元素的类质同象现象则不明显,可能主要通过母液夹带的方式进入盐样中。该研究揭示了卤水中铷和铯元素的富集规律和赋存形式,对盐湖铷和铯资源综合利用开发具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Salt lakes in China distributes in the east part of the salt lake belt of Northern Hemisphere,and they originated under complex morphological and geological background.The QT Plateau and its northern areas belong to active tectonic zone and stable tectonic zone respectively.With elevation varies from more than 5000 m to the lowest of-  相似文献   

大柴旦盐湖卤水演变及环境变化的矿物学记录   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大柴旦盐湖因蕴藏固体和液体硼矿资源成为柴达木盆地诸多盐湖中最早被关注和开发的盐湖之一。然而,对其常年水体底部沉积剖面的相关研究工作却几乎没有开展。报道了该盐湖中央湖底硼矿层以上连续沉积剖面的加速器质谱计(AMS)^14C年代学和矿物学研究结果,首次揭示湖底硼矿层形成于约3600aBP之前,剖面的岩性与矿物组成标示了晚全新世以来该盐湖水化学演化的3个主要阶段,受降水量主控的入湖径流量决定了盐湖水位和卤水水化学的阶段性演化特征,以及各阶段中十年级和百年级的水化学变动。研究结果为探讨柴达木盆地北部晚全新世以来水文气候的演变历史提供了代理记录。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖赋存储量可观的低品位固体钾盐矿, 其主要的开发方式为液化开采。本文对比分析了霍布逊区段盐湖资源大规模开采前(2004年)和开采后(2011年和2019年)典型钻孔岩芯孔隙度、固体钾矿含量、卤水组分变化特征, 评价了钾盐液化开采效率。结果表明: 由于大规模采卤使得大量高矿化度卤水被带出, 而低矿化度水体补给储卤层孔隙并溶解盐层中盐类矿物, 使得储卤层孔隙率有逐渐增大趋势; 卤水中主要组分KCl和NaCl浓度均出现降低现象, 而MgCl2则出现增加趋势, 这主要与补水工程及补给水体中兑卤有关。在这期间, 卤水矿中KCl品位下降幅度要小于固体矿床KCl品位下降幅度, 说明卤水溶解了石盐层中大量固体低品位钾矿, 提升了其KCl品位。本次研究对于优化霍布逊区段固体钾盐液化开采方案具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖水环境质量及主要污染物变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘恋  王国英 《水文》2016,36(3):61-64
对1985~2013年鄱阳湖水环境质量进行分析评价,结果表明:鄱阳湖水质总体呈下降趋势,目前富营养化状况属中营养状态,主要污染物为总磷、氨氮。运用季节性Kendall检验法对主要污染物总磷、氨氮进行变化趋势分析,大部分主要入湖河流控制断面、湖区监测断面以及出湖控制断面湖口,总磷、氨氮呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

The salinity of the salt lake is an important factor to evaluate whether it contains some mineral resources or not, the fault buried in the salt lake could control the abundance of the salinity. Therefore, it is of great geological importance to identify the fault buried in the salt lake. Taking the Gasikule Salt Lake in China for example, the paper established a new method to identify the fault buried in the salt lake based on the multi-source remote sensing data including Landsat TM, SPOT-5 and ASTER data. It includes the acquisition and selection of the multi-source remote sensing data, data preprocessing, lake waterfront extraction, spectrum extraction of brine with different salinity, salinity index construction, salinity separation, analysis of the abnormal salinity and identification of the fault buried in salt lake, temperature inversion of brine and the fault verification. As a result, the study identified an important fault buried in the east of the Gasikule Salt Lake that controls the highest salinity abnormal. Because the level of the salinity is positively correlated to the mineral abundance, the result provides the important reference to identify the water body rich in mineral resources in the salt lake.  相似文献   

正As a natural mineral,Potash Magnesium Sulphate fertilizer has a quite high nutrient utilization rate without affecting soil p H in long time running related to Potassium Sulphate.And to displace Potassium Sulphate with Potash  相似文献   

中国盐湖科学技术研究的若干进展与展望   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
我国拥有得天独厚的盐湖资源,分布于北半球盐湖带欧亚盐湖亚带东部,主要分布在现代降水量500mm/a的范围内。本文对中国盐湖科学技术60年来取得的若干进展进行初步梳理。1.在盐湖沉积与古气候、古环境研究方面:提出了各种盐类矿物的古气候转换指标。柴达木西部-塔里木东部氯化物型-硫酸盐型沉积区为我国第四纪以来干旱成盐中心,历经了6次以上的向外干旱(成盐)扩张期;提出青藏高原第四纪晚期存在5次泛湖高湖面;2.在盐湖成矿与成盐成钾理论研究方面:首编青藏高原湖泊水化学分带图(1/250万),揭示了青藏高原盐湖水化学类型由南往北、由碳酸盐-氯化物型分布规律及其相应成盐成矿专属性;发现几个大型陆相钾盐矿床,提出了高山深盆成盐模式、链式多级中浅盐湖成矿模式、多级湖盆深盆成盐模式、砂砾型含钾卤水成矿模式以及"隔代承袭成钾"等新认识,建立和发展了"陆相成钾"理论认识;发现青海大柴旦湖钠硼解石-柱硼镁石矿床、西藏扎仓茶卡柱硼镁石-库水硼镁石矿床、聂尔错库水硼镁石矿床等新类型镁硼酸盐(锂)矿床,进而提出冷冻稀释成硼理论新认识。3.自主研发出的"反浮选冷结晶工艺"生产氯化钾自控系统,使察尔汗盐湖钾盐达到300万吨/年KCl产量,形成了名牌钾肥产品。成功研发了罗布泊120万吨/年硫酸钾成套技术,建成世界最大的硫酸钾生产装置,2015年产量达160万吨,以上为我国钾肥生产作出了重大贡献。在自主研发的"冬储卤-冷冻-日晒-分离-盐梯度太阳池积热沉锂"创新技术支撑下,在西藏高原海拔4421米的扎布耶盐湖建成了世界海拔最高的锂盐产业,也是我国首条年产5000吨碳酸锂的盐湖提锂基地。4.根据盐水域发育大面积杜氏藻等嗜盐菌藻、盐沼带和盐碱地繁衍多种盐生植物的盐境生态特点,提出"盐湖农业"("盐土农业")农业新概念,发展盐境绿色产业提供新的理念和技术支持。最后,为今后盐类科学发展方向,提出了深绿科技与产业研发方向,随着盐类科学技术的发展,将会促进新的边缘交叉学科盐类学(Salinology)的发展和日臻完善。  相似文献   

根据联合国有关机构发布的公报和世界各国近年来的学术研究情况,整理出了近期水文学科在地表水、地下水、水质、水资源系统、大气~土壤~植被、大陆侵蚀、冰雪、遥感技术和示踪技术等领域的热门研究课题,在一定程度上反映了当前国际上水文学科的研究和发展方向,对国内同行有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The Bonneville Basin is a continental lacustrine system accommodating extensive microbial carbonate deposits corresponding to two distinct phases: the deep Lake Bonneville (30 000 to 11 500 14C bp ) and the shallow Great Salt Lake (since 11 500 14C bp ). A characterization of these microbial deposits and their associated sediments provides insights into their spatio‐temporal distribution patterns. The Bonneville phase preferentially displays vertical distribution of the microbial deposits resulting from high‐amplitude lake level variations. Due to the basin physiography, the microbial deposits were restricted to a narrow shoreline belt following Bonneville lake level variations. Carbonate production was more efficient during intervals of relative lake level stability as recorded by the formation of successive terraces. In contrast, the Great Salt Lake microbial deposits showed a great lateral distribution, linked to the modern flat bottom configuration. A low vertical distribution of the microbial deposits was the result of the shallow water depth combined with a low amplitude of lake level fluctuations. These younger microbial deposits display a higher diversity of fabrics and sizes. They are distributed along an extensive ‘shore to lake’ transect on a flat platform in relation to local and progressive accommodation space changes. Microbial deposits are temporally discontinuous throughout the lake history showing longer hiatuses during the Bonneville phase. The main parameters controlling the rate of carbonate production are related to the interaction between physical (kinetics of the mineral precipitation, lake water temperature and runoff), chemical (Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3? concentrations, Mg/Ca ratio, dilution and depletion) and/or biological (trophic) factors. The contrast in evolution of Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake microbial deposits during their lacustrine history leads to discussions on major chemical and climatic changes during this interval as well as the role of physiography. Furthermore, it provides novel insights into the composition, structure and formation of microbialite‐rich carbonate deposits under freshwater and hypersaline conditions.  相似文献   

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