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正1 Introduction A salt lake is a naturally occurring complex body of water and salt interaction.More than 700 salt lakes are widely distributed in the area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Most of the salt lakes are famous for their abundance of lithium,potassium,magnesium,and boron resources.It is  相似文献   

正1 Introduction The Pingluoba brine,which characterized as high concentration with sodium,potassium,boron,lithium,and rubidium,possess great development value.The main composition of the brine can be summarized to the  相似文献   

正1 Introduction The brines with high concentrations of magnesium and boron resources are widely distributed in the Qaidam Basin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau,China(ZhengTang,1988).Although some works on the ternary system  相似文献   

正At present,the extraction of lithium from salt lake brine is the new trend of the salt lake industrialization.The saltine lake lithium resources are extremely rich in western china,especially in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau.Brine of salt  相似文献   

正1 Introduction With the industrial development of lithium battery,nuclear and aerospace industry,the demands of metal lithium and its compounds are increasing significantly.Lithium is called as the energy of the metal in the new century(Zhang et al.2001).The total reserve of lithium resources around the world7  相似文献   

正Amounts of lithium-containing salt lake brine resources are widely distributed in the four provinces named Qinghai,Tibet,Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang province,especially the salt lakes in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are abundant of  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Tibet has nurmerous salt lakes.Laguocuo is one of the salt lakes,which is located to the sorthern of Ali Plateau,31°59′02″N-32°04′08″N,84°02′03″E-84°12′03″E.Its lake water is rich in potassium,magnesium,lithium,boron,rubidium,cesium and other resources.The study of  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Brines,containing a variety of useful components,such as alkali metal(IA),alkaline earth metal(type IIA),halogen elements(such as VIIA),are naturally occurring complex electrolyte solution.Although rubidium is not the main component of the brine,while in the brine exploiting process,rubidium ion is continuously enriched in the  相似文献   

地球演化历史中海水的pH值发生了明显变化,海水pH值可能是控制海相碳酸盐岩能否形成及其成分演化的重要因素,对了解地球早期白云岩的成因和一些矿产的形成等均有重要指示意义.然而,记录海洋pH值变化的替代性指标非常稀少,常用的主要是碳酸盐(岩)的硼同位素.古老碳酸盐的硼同位素往往受到后期地质作用的影响,δ11B-pH转化过程中需要基于多种假设,硼酸和硼酸根之间的分馏系数(αB)、硼酸表观电离常数(pKB*)以及 δ11BSW的不确定性,使硼同位素分析结果具有多解性、不确定性.亟需多个独立指标对海水pH值进行限制,碳酸盐(岩)锂同位素是一个潜在的替代性指标,Roberts et al.(2018)发现有孔虫碳酸盐壳体的δ7Li与海水pH值呈显著负相关关系,认为6Li和7Li水合离子在进入碳酸盐晶格时要脱去溶剂水,这个过程的去溶能与pH值相关,导致锂离子进入有孔虫方解石壳体的过程中存在显著的同位素分馏.在对蓟县剖面中—新元古代海相碳酸盐岩碳酸盐相的硼、锂同位素进行研究时发现,纯净原始碳酸盐岩的锂同位素组成(4.9‰~13.4‰,平均8.03‰)明显低于现代海洋碳酸盐的锂同位素组成,中元古以来碳酸盐(岩)的锂同位素组成总体呈上升趋势.纯净原始碳酸盐岩的锂同位素组成与硼同位素组成及海水的pH值(δ11Bsw=25‰)呈明显反相关关系;硅质条带白云岩的硼、锂同位素组成也呈明显反相关关系,说明碳酸盐(岩)的锂同位素确实有可能成为一种潜在的pH值替代性指标.若碳酸盐(岩)锂同位素可以对海水pH值施加独立约束,那硼、锂同位素联合研究将对重建古海洋的pH值演化具有重大意义.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Salt lakes are widely distributed in the western of China,especially in the area of Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau.A series of salt lakes in the Qaidam Basin,located in Qinghai Province,China,is famous for their abundance of lithium,potassium and boron resources(Zheng et al,1988;Deng et al,2012).It is well known that the  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Salt Lake,as a kind of chemical resources,has been attracted to many researchers,especially the resources of lithium.As reported,many kinds of brines exist in the world depending on the compositions of the brine.Based on the chemical composition the brines can be classified as the types of chloride,carbonate,sulfate.For different  相似文献   

撒兴昌  高天明  张艳 《地球学报》2023,44(2):341-350
随着新能源产业的快速发展, 全球碳酸锂贸易量逐渐增长, 但其出口集中于少数国家, 这意味着全球碳酸锂供应存在一定的风险。为了深入了解全球碳酸锂贸易格局演变、供应危机传播路径及影响, 本文构建了2000—2021年全球碳酸锂贸易网络和级联失效模型, 概述了主要出口国贸易流向和贸易格局演变过程, 并模拟了不同供应危机来源的雪崩规模、传播路径及其影响。我们得到: (1)20多年来全球碳酸锂贸易集中度逐渐增加, 出口前三位国家保持稳定, 而主要进口大国变化明显, 贸易格局已由南美供应全球转变为南美供应东亚; (2)碳酸锂贸易供应危机的影响范围逐渐扩大, 间接传播逐渐占据主导地位; (3)智利供应危机对中日韩的影响程度逐渐扩大, 但对欧洲的影响时间最长; 阿根廷和中国的雪崩规模在上升、传播次数增加, 而美国则相反。本文将贸易格局演变与危机传播结合, 明确了全球碳酸锂主要贸易国智利、阿根廷、中国、德国等作为供应危机来源的影响程度及其传播路径。以上分析结果将有利于维护全球碳酸锂贸易稳定和主要贸易国采取应对策略缓解供应危机。  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊盐湖卤水资源综合开发研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
罗布泊盐湖赋存有丰富的含钾硫酸镁亚型卤水,现已探明仅罗北凹地区段孔隙度储量2.67×109 t(折合KCl),属特大型钾盐卤水矿藏,是生产硫酸钾的理想原料;此外,卤水中含有丰富的钠、镁、锂、硼等资源,综合回收利用价值较大.本文针对罗布泊盐湖卤水资源,在有效利用盐湖钾资源同时,加快其他共生资源的综合开发进程,将新疆罗布泊盐湖资源开发建设推向持续、合理、有效、高值的循环经济发展的道路,为国家西部经济开发做出贡献.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Salt lakes are widely distributed in the world,and salt lakes in China are mainly located in the area of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet),and the Autonomous Regions of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia.There are more than 700salt lakes,each with an area larger than 1 km2,in the  相似文献   

西藏麻米错盐湖大型锂硼矿盆地水化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余石勇  刘孟  赵元艺  郑绵平 《地质学报》2022,96(6):2195-2205
麻米错盐湖位于西藏阿里地区改则县麻米乡,氯化锂资源量250万t,固体硼矿石资源量3686万t,是西藏大型锂硼矿之一。本研究采集麻米错盆地河水、泉水及湖水等27件样品,分析其总溶解性固体(TDS)、pH值及主要化学成分,通过数理统计分析、Piper阴阳离子三角图和Gibbs等方法对比研究表明,河水径流水化学类型为Ca·Na·Mg HCO3·Cl型,河水支流水化学类型为Ca HCO3、Ca·Mg SO4·HCO3型;泉水化学类型为Mg·Ca HCO3·SO4、Na·Mg HCO3·Cl型;湖水水化学类型为Na Cl。水化学离子组成主要受岩石风化和蒸发结晶作用控制,河水和泉水中主要离子来源于碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩风化。河水中主要离子含量介于雪山融水和泉水之间,且接近泉水含量,表明河水更多依靠泉水补给。盐湖中成矿物质来源于岩石风化和深部水岩反应。麻米错湖水正处于正均衡状态,水位持续上涨会对湖区生态和人民生活生产会产生一定影响,建议开展水位动态监测工作。  相似文献   

According to the compositions of the underground gasfield brines in the west of Sichuan Basin,the phase equilibria in the ternary systems KBr-K2B4O7-H2O and KCl-K2B4O7-H2O at 373 K were studied using the isothermal dissolution equilibrium method.The solubilities of salts and the densities of saturated solutions in these ternary systems were determined.Using the experimental data,phase diagrams and density-composition diagrams were constructed.The two phase diagrams were simple co-saturation type,each having an invariant point,two univariant curves and two crystallization regions.The equilibrium solid phases in the ternary system KBr-K2B4O7-H2O are potassium bromide (KBr) and potassium tetraborate tetrahydrate (K2B4O7·4H2O),and those in the ternary system KCl-K2B4O7-H2O are potassium chloride (KCl) and potassium tetraborate tetrahydrate (K2B4O7·4H2O).Comparisons of the phase diagrams of the two systems at different temperatures show that there is no change in the crystallization phases,but there are changes in the size of the crystallization regions.As temperature increases,the solubility of K2B4O7·4H2O increases rapidly,so the crystallization field of K2B4O7·4H2O becomes smaller.  相似文献   

青藏高原北部白榴碧玄岩年代学及地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨迪  丁林 《地质科学》2013,48(2):449-467
本文在可可西里北部边缘银顶山地区首次发现含橄榄石的高镁高钾质超基性火山岩。火山岩在阿尼玛卿-昆仑-木孜塔格缝合带南侧呈熔岩残丘形式产出,分布面积约为0.2 km2,其形成时代为上新世(5~4 Ma),是岩浆的快速侵位-喷溢的结果。斑晶主要为橄榄石(10%~12%)+白榴石(21%~27%)+霞石(13%~16%)±透辉石(29%~31%),基质主要为透辉石+云母+Fe-Ti氧化物+玻璃,定名为白榴碧玄岩。对3个样品51个点的橄榄石电子探针数据计算显示,橄榄石牌号为Fo74-87Fa13-26,属贵橄榄石,岩石中的橄榄石均不存在扭折带,表明这些橄榄石很可能是岩浆结晶的产物,而非岩浆捕获体。通过计算,银顶山地区橄榄石的结晶温度大约在1 226 ℃~1 234 ℃左右。白榴碧玄岩的化学组分:SiO2<45%,MgO>10%, Na2O+K2O>8%,Mg#(68.84~70.80),而Cr(149×10-6~156×10-6)和Ni(138×10-6~151×10-6),87Sr/86Sr(约0.708 6)和143Nd/144 Nd(约0.512 4),处于EMII源区范围内。初步认为藏北地区上新世超基性火山岩来自于较深的源区,最有可能是软流圈顶部地幔的局部熔融,并受到俯冲地壳物质的交代。  相似文献   

正There are more than 700 salt lakes with area of more than 1km2 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China.In recent years,an oilfield brine was also found in the Nanyishan Section of Qaidam Basin in the Qinghai-Tibet  相似文献   

为了研究祁连山大雪山地区大气PM2.5细粒子中可溶性无机离子组分的变化特征, 于2010年7月至2011年7月在祁连山冰川与生态环境综合观测站附近采集46个大气PM2.5的Telfon滤膜样品, 并应用离子色谱对可溶性离子进行了分析.结果显示: 所测样品的阴、 阳离子中, SO42-、 NO-3、 Ca2+和NH+4的质量浓度分别为1.54μg·m-3、 0.38μg·m-3、 0.73μg·m-3和0.22μg·m-3, 累计约占到水溶性离子总量的88%.可溶性离子浓度呈现出春夏季节明显高于秋冬季节的特征, 夏季的浓度最高, 其次是春季、 冬季和秋季. Cl-、 Ca2+、 Na+和Mg2+之间的相关性极高, SO42-和NO-3与大部分阳离子的相关性都很高, 说明大部分硫酸盐是来自于中亚沙尘源区的自然源, 而并非是通过人类活动造成的一次污染物通过二次反应过程得到的. NH+4仅与SO42-通过相关性检验说明, 该地区NH3主要中和了大气中硫酸并生成(NH4)2SO4.该地区的大气环境主要来源于自然源的影响, 但夏季风期间人为污染排放已经不可忽视, 这也得到HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式的计算验证.  相似文献   

正The Sichuan Basin,with an area of about 20×104 km2,is situated at 102.5°~110°E and 27.67°~32.67°N.The underground brine resources in Sichuan basin are a type of comprehensive liquid mineral resource.Pingluo  相似文献   

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