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Progress and Prospects of Salt Lake Research in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China has unique salt lake resources, and they are distributed in the east of Eurasian salt lake subzone of the Northern Hemisphere Salt Lake Zone, mainly concentrated in the regions with modern mean annual precipitation lower than 500 mm. This paper preliminarily reviews the progress made in salt lake research in China for the past 60 years. In the research of Paleoclimate and paleoenvironment from salt lake sediments, a series of salts have been proposed to be indicators of paleoclimate, and have been well accepted by scholars. The chloride-sulfate depositional regions of the west Qaidam and the east Tarim have been revealed to be the drought center of China since the Quaternary, and more than 6 spreading stages of arid climate(salt forming) have been identified. Five pan-lake periods with highstands have been proved to exist during the late Quaternary on the Tibetan Plateau. In mineral resource prospecting and theories of the forming of salt deposits: the atlas(1:2500000) of hydrochemical zoning of salt lakes on the Tibetan Plateau has been compiled for the first time, revealing the zonal distribution and transition from carbonate type to chloride type from south to north and presenting corresponding mineral assemblages for different type of salt lakes; several large continental salt deposits have been discovered and the theory of continental potash deposition has been developed, including the salt deposition in deep basins surrounded by high mountains, the mineral deposition from multistage evolution through chains of moderate or shallow lakes with multilevels, the origin of potassium rich brines in gravel layers, and the forming of potassium deposits through the inheriting from ancient salt deposits, thus establishing the framework of "Continental Potash Deposition Theory"; several new types of Mg-borate deposits have been discovered, including the ulexite and pinnoite bed in Da Qaidam Lake, Qinghai, the pinnoite and kurnakovite bed in Chagcam Caka, Tibet, the kurnakovite bed in Lake Nyer, and the corresponding model of borate deposition from the cooling and dissolution of boron rich brines was proposed based on principles of geology, physics and chemistry. The anti-floatation-cold crystallization method developed independently has improved the capacity of KCl production to 3 million tons per year for the Qarham, serving the famous brand of potash fertilizer products. One 1.2 million ton K-sulfate production line, the biggest in the world, has been built in Lop Nor, and K-sulfate of about 1.6 million tons was produced in 2015. Supported by the new technology, i.e. brine preparation in winter-cooling-solarization-isolation-lithium deposition from salt gradient solar pond" the highest lithium production base at Zabuye Lake(4421 m), Tibet, has been established, which is the first lithium production base in China that reaches the year production of 5000 tons of lithium carbonate. The concept of Salt lake agriculture(Salt land agriculture) has been established based on the mass growth of Dunaliella and other bacillus-algae and the occurrence of various halophytes in saltmarsh and salt saline-alkali lands, finding a new way to increase arable lands and develop related green industry in salt rich environments. Finally this paper presents some new thoughts for the further research and development on salt science, and the further progress in salt science and technology will facilitate the maturing of the interdisciplinary science "Salinology".  相似文献   

中国盐湖科学技术研究的若干进展与展望   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
我国拥有得天独厚的盐湖资源,分布于北半球盐湖带欧亚盐湖亚带东部,主要分布在现代降水量500mm/a的范围内。本文对中国盐湖科学技术60年来取得的若干进展进行初步梳理。1.在盐湖沉积与古气候、古环境研究方面:提出了各种盐类矿物的古气候转换指标。柴达木西部-塔里木东部氯化物型-硫酸盐型沉积区为我国第四纪以来干旱成盐中心,历经了6次以上的向外干旱(成盐)扩张期;提出青藏高原第四纪晚期存在5次泛湖高湖面;2.在盐湖成矿与成盐成钾理论研究方面:首编青藏高原湖泊水化学分带图(1/250万),揭示了青藏高原盐湖水化学类型由南往北、由碳酸盐-氯化物型分布规律及其相应成盐成矿专属性;发现几个大型陆相钾盐矿床,提出了高山深盆成盐模式、链式多级中浅盐湖成矿模式、多级湖盆深盆成盐模式、砂砾型含钾卤水成矿模式以及"隔代承袭成钾"等新认识,建立和发展了"陆相成钾"理论认识;发现青海大柴旦湖钠硼解石-柱硼镁石矿床、西藏扎仓茶卡柱硼镁石-库水硼镁石矿床、聂尔错库水硼镁石矿床等新类型镁硼酸盐(锂)矿床,进而提出冷冻稀释成硼理论新认识。3.自主研发出的"反浮选冷结晶工艺"生产氯化钾自控系统,使察尔汗盐湖钾盐达到300万吨/年KCl产量,形成了名牌钾肥产品。成功研发了罗布泊120万吨/年硫酸钾成套技术,建成世界最大的硫酸钾生产装置,2015年产量达160万吨,以上为我国钾肥生产作出了重大贡献。在自主研发的"冬储卤-冷冻-日晒-分离-盐梯度太阳池积热沉锂"创新技术支撑下,在西藏高原海拔4421米的扎布耶盐湖建成了世界海拔最高的锂盐产业,也是我国首条年产5000吨碳酸锂的盐湖提锂基地。4.根据盐水域发育大面积杜氏藻等嗜盐菌藻、盐沼带和盐碱地繁衍多种盐生植物的盐境生态特点,提出"盐湖农业"("盐土农业")农业新概念,发展盐境绿色产业提供新的理念和技术支持。最后,为今后盐类科学发展方向,提出了深绿科技与产业研发方向,随着盐类科学技术的发展,将会促进新的边缘交叉学科盐类学(Salinology)的发展和日臻完善。  相似文献   

中国盐湖资源与生态环境   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
郑绵平 《地质学报》2010,84(11):1613-1622
中国盐湖区受干旱-半干旱气候控制,现代盐湖主要分布于年降水量500mm范围内。依据中国盐湖地貌、地质构造条件及物质成分特点,将中国盐湖划分为4个盐湖区,并简述第四纪以来各区由于古气候变化和地质构造活动性不同,而具有各自的盐湖演化特点。由于各区盐湖规模、经济价值和交通技术条件不同,开发利用程度有差异,以吉兰泰盐湖和运城盐湖综合利用和环境保护较好;以察尔汗为代表的钾盐湖开发规模最大。目前中国盐湖区环境还存在很多需要改善的问题,尤其是地处边远的中小型盐湖,采富弃贫、回收率低和单一矿种开采使大量伴生有用组分贫化等。同时,由于气候环境因素也引起盐湖环境的重大变化,在全球变暖的背景下,西北盐湖区,自1987年以来,出现向暖湿转型,湖泊有扩大上升趋势;青藏高原盐湖区则大致从1992年以来,由东往西,相继出现高湖面,显现向暖湿转型;而西北盐湖区仍处于暖干阶段,湖水位下降,盐湖沙化。随着中国全面建设小康和和谐社会的实施,生态环境保护日益受到重视,建议进一步吸取国内外在盐业综合利用、整体开发和环境保护的经验和先进技术,加强盐湖环境变化观察和监测,建设环境友好型的绿色大盐湖产业。  相似文献   

乜贞  卜令忠  郑绵平 《地球学报》2010,31(1):95-101
锂对国民经济和国家安全具有重要意义,是21世纪的能源金属.近10年,中国主要从国外进口碳酸锂产品.中国是一个多盐湖的国家,盐湖锂占锂资源工业总储量的85%.现代第四纪盐湖主要分布在我国西北的青海、西藏、新疆和内蒙古四省区,具有很好的开发前景.经过多年科研后,目前国内已经在西台吉乃尔和扎布耶两个盐湖建立了卤水提锂产业.本文对比研究了这两个盐湖资源状况和地理气候条件,以及由此而决定的盐湖资源开发工艺流程,探讨了其工艺优化方向.并指出这两个盐湖具有锂资源储量大,品位高的优势,但是受盐湖类型或地理气候条件限制,工艺上有待改善.建议继续加强对盐湖开发技术优化和对盐湖提锂产业的扶持.  相似文献   

Potassium-rich halite ores and brines occur in the Charham Salt Lake area in the Chaidam Basin in northwest China. The mean 14.3 g/l of potassium in the brines in the near-surface halite aquifer makes the Charham Salt Lake an important base for production of potassium fertilizer in China. About 30×104 m3/day of brines has been pumped from the current ditches in the Bieletan section in the west of the area, creating a cone of depression in the water table near the ditch system. A two-dimensional mathematic model describing the flow of the brines is established to predict the changes in the water table. The flow domain was discretized into 1,185 triangular elements with 641 nodes. Data of brine production through pumping ditches from November 2002 to August 2003 were used to identify the model. The developed model can be employed to predict the exploitation regimes caused by three proposed exploitation schemes A, B and C. A withdrawal rate of 22.67×104 m3/day of brines is pumped through the current ditch system in scheme A and through the current ditch system plus 16 wells in scheme B. The results of the 5 years predictive simulation for schemes A and B indicate that these rates will cause a normal fall in water table in the pumping period of 9 months and a rise in water table in the recovery period of 3 months in each of the 5 years, with one depression cone near the current ditches in scheme A and two depression cones near the current ditches and the proposed wells in scheme B. In scheme C three more ditch systems are proposed to be excavated in the northeast, northwest and southwest of the Bieletan section and brines are pumped through each of the four ditch systems in turn for 1 year in every 4 years. The predictive simulation results of scheme C suggest that normal changes in the water table will also be expected and a continual increasing or decreasing trend in the water table will not be encountered in a 12-year period of prediction. The water table near each of the four ditch systems will recover sufficiently after a 39-month recovery.  相似文献   

盐湖学的研究与展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郑绵平 《地质论评》2006,52(6):737-746
人类对盐湖的认识与开发利用历史悠久,例如开采盐湖食盐,可追溯至距今4600年前,此阶段称为盐湖研发萌芽阶段。以近代科技理论方法对盐湖研究与开发大致可划分为3个阶段:①大约19世纪末至20世纪初,以物理化学为主导的石盐、碱、硼小规模开发阶段;②20世纪中期至60年代,暂称为传统地质学、生物学和化工研究与中小规模无机盐开发阶段;③20世纪70年代以来现代地质学、生物学、化学和化工等多学科研究以及大规模无机盐、盐生物、疗养一旅游综合利用与深加工阶段。但是,不少问题依然存在,如单学科研究而较少相互融合,盐湖资源“单打一”勘查开发现象还较多,已开发的盐湖环境和资源有不少受到不同程度破坏等。盐湖学提出与建立,既是基于盐湖与盐境综合性自然资源特点和盐湖科学自身研究开发的历程,也是有其国内外科技与经济发展需求的背景。盐湖学是一门新的基础性、综合性应用学科,它注重用多学科综合集成研究盐湖,这有利于全面揭示古今盐湖的成因与演化规律,有利于综合评价和充分发掘盐湖多元资源效益,所以它有别于传统的单学科研究模式。它注重盐湖与其盐体系基础研究与应用工程技术相结合,避免时有发生的两者相互脱节现象,从而形成相互衔接的“一条龙”研究模式,这为发展绿色盐湖产业、盐境保护与盐湖区可持续发展提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

对察尔汗盐湖ISL1A钻孔沉积物样品进行了有机分子地球化学分析, 检测出了丰富的类脂物, 包括正构烷烃、一元正脂肪酸、一元正脂肪醇等, 本文主要讨论正构烷烃类脂物的分布特征。正构烷烃的分布型式表明其来源于低等菌藻类生物和陆生高等植物, 正构烷烃的高碳数部分均有显著的奇偶优势, 高碳数正构烷烃全部以C31 为主峰碳。正构烷烃分布特征表明在110.1~50.1 ka B.P.期间, 察尔汗盐湖地区为草原植被景观。对C27、C29、C31 长链正构烷烃进行了单体碳同位素测定, 利用二元模式估算了C3 和 C4 植物的相对输入贡献, 结果表明, 以C3 植物为主。  相似文献   

Problems of Lithium Isotope Research in Salt Lake Study   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
正Lithium in nature mainly exists in the forms of solid minerals and ionic liquid.More than 150 lithium minerals exist,which are mainly pegmatite mineral including triphane,lithionite and petalite.Liquid lithium mainly  相似文献   

The salinity of the salt lake is an important factor to evaluate whether it contains some mineral resources or not, the fault buried in the salt lake could control the abundance of the salinity. Therefore, it is of great geological importance to identify the fault buried in the salt lake. Taking the Gasikule Salt Lake in China for example, the paper established a new method to identify the fault buried in the salt lake based on the multi-source remote sensing data including Landsat TM, SPOT-5 and ASTER data. It includes the acquisition and selection of the multi-source remote sensing data, data preprocessing, lake waterfront extraction, spectrum extraction of brine with different salinity, salinity index construction, salinity separation, analysis of the abnormal salinity and identification of the fault buried in salt lake, temperature inversion of brine and the fault verification. As a result, the study identified an important fault buried in the east of the Gasikule Salt Lake that controls the highest salinity abnormal. Because the level of the salinity is positively correlated to the mineral abundance, the result provides the important reference to identify the water body rich in mineral resources in the salt lake.  相似文献   

青藏高原盐湖水化学及其矿物组合特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
郑绵平  刘喜方 《地质学报》2010,84(11):1585-1600
青藏高原湖泊的矿化度与其湖泊演化所处的自然环境,特别是与气候条件关系密切,根据取得盐湖数量和卫片解译,本区湖泊矿化度在空间上变化的总趋势是由北、西北向南、东南趋向下降,大体上与现代高原年干燥度(年蒸发量/年降水量)呈同步变化。高原盐湖的pH值既与水化学类型有关,又与湖水矿化度有关,即由碳酸盐型→硫酸钠亚型→硫酸镁亚型→氧化物型,其pH值趋于下降,而湖泊的pH值与矿化度大体呈反相关。根据库尔纳可夫—瓦良什科分类法及作者对碳酸盐型的细分,对青藏高原盐湖水化学进行了全面细致划分,从而取得了清晰的规律性认识:本区盐湖水化学具有南北分带,东西分区的特点。不同的盐湖水化学类型,具有不同的专属性,碳酸盐型代表性成矿组合为硼砂(三方硼砂)或硼砂—扎布耶石,以及碱—芒硝组合;硫酸钠亚型代表性成矿组合为芒硝(无水芒硝)—石盐以及镁硼酸盐(库水硼镁石、柱硼镁石等)—钠硼解石—芒硝;硫酸镁亚型代表性成矿组合为硫酸镁盐(泻利盐、白钠镁矾)—石盐、镁硼酸盐—芒硝、芒硝—软钾镁矾—石盐以及大量石膏;氯化物型代表性成矿组合则为光卤石—水氯镁石—石盐、光卤石—石盐,个别盐湖共生南极石。由此可见,青藏高原各类型盐湖矿物组合基本上具有冷相组合特征,芒硝及与其共生的冷相盐类矿物,可成为研究古气候变化的重要标志物。目前已检出青藏高原盐湖水含有59种元素,其中B与Li、Cs、K、Rb有密切共生关系,其含量随湖水矿化度增长大致呈正相关;B、Li、Cs、K、Rb最高正异常落在羌南碳酸盐型带(Ⅰ2)西段—昂拉陵湖区为中心地区;并与本区中新世火山沉积岩系和地热水B、Li、Cs、Rb等高值区并行不悖。以上有力证明B、Li、Cs等特殊元素物质与深部来源有关。据近期大量地球物理和火山岩岩石地球化学研究,其成因与印度—欧亚陆陆碰撞引起的重熔岩浆作用有密切成因联系。南美科迪勒拉高原硼锂(铯)盐湖即生成于活动大陆边缘,两者均说明全球特定的活动构造带是造成天然水B、Li、Cs(K、Rb)高丰度及其成矿作用的主因。  相似文献   

正1 Introduction The main production of Yabulai salt lake was original salt and recycled salt many years ago.After decade’s production,the sale lake resource is more and more deficient.Glauber's salt and magnesium salt are concentrated in brine now.It could affect the quality of the salt.In recent years,research had done much work to  相似文献   

末次冰期以来,气候变暖导致全球高山地区的冰川环境变化剧烈,冰碛湖稳定性降低导致溃决频率增加,成为中国、尼泊尔、俄罗斯、秘鲁等10多个国家和地区频繁发生的冰川灾害类型之一。冰碛湖溃决诱发形成的洪水和泥石流,由于规模巨大、成灾速度快和波及范围广等特点,造成下游地区的基础设施和生命财产遭受惨重损失。本文通过对国内外冰碛湖溃决事件、溃决诱因、溃决模式和溃决洪水特征4个方面研究现状和发展现状的梳理和分析,总结经验和思路,从而为冰碛湖溃决研究和评价提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

沙坝-潟湖海岸是世界海岸的重要组成部分,也是目前国际陆海相互作用研究的焦点内容。在当前人类活动的干预下,部分沙坝-潟湖海岸亦已出现消亡。基于此,本文从沙坝-潟湖海岸的演化、通道体系的稳定性及其人类活动的影响等方面阐述此类海岸的研究进展及不足,同时指出今后沙坝-潟湖海岸体系的研究应将人类活动因子纳入,并着重对沙坝-潟湖海岸响应人类活动后出现的环境效应进行评估,以为沙坝-潟湖海岸资源可持续利用提供相应对策和理论依据。  相似文献   

正Salt Lake brine pump is one of the key equipment in salt lake brine extraction device.As the salt lake brine is a kind of high concentration solution with a variety of chemical constituents,the flow and agitation of saturated  相似文献   

通过对察尔汗盐湖Ⅰ、Ⅱ号采区盐田中卤水及固体进行系统采样和分析,发现卤水中的主微量元素在盐田摊晒过程中显示出不同程度的富集,除成盐外,还存在类质同象、母液夹带等现象。其中,铷和铯元素的富集规律与光卤石析出存在一定的关联。XRD和TOF-SIMS分析结果显示,铷与钾呈现出更强的正相关性,与钠呈现出负相关性,表明铷元素与钾元素存在类质同象现象。铯元素与钾元素的类质同象现象则不明显,可能主要通过母液夹带的方式进入盐样中。该研究揭示了卤水中铷和铯元素的富集规律和赋存形式,对盐湖铷和铯资源综合利用开发具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

华北南部地区——古生界构造演化及其油气远景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华北南部地区的地质演化与华北其他地区一样,经历了结晶基底形成,中一晚元古代台内裂谷发育、古生代稳定地台沉积和中一新生代活化等发展过程。但本区受秦岭褶皱带构造活动的强列影响。因而具有相对独特的构造演化特征和油气控制条件。早寒武世中期,古秦岭海槽伸展扩张,沉积了一套全区广泛分布的以碳酸盐岩为主夹泥页岩的地层;晚寒武世开始,古秦岭海槽向北俯冲挤压,在本区南部出现一个平行于海槽的大陆边缘隆起;中奥陶世发生  相似文献   

正The research status and the future study prospect of salt lake organisms of Chinese salt lakes were elaborated in this paper.Many saline lakes occur widely in arid and semiarid areas of China,and more than half of the total  相似文献   

The Chinese landmass, as a composite region, consists of multiple small continental blocks, such as Sino-Korea, Yangtze, Tarim, etc., and orogenic belts. Because of its distinctive tectonosedimentary evolution, China’s oil/gas-bearing regions differ remarkably from that elsewhere in the world. For instance, in comparison to the Middle East oil/gas-bearing regions which are characterized by Mesozoic-Cenozoic marine oil/gas-bearing beds, early oil and gas discoveries in China are distributed mainly in Mesozoic-Cenozoic continental sedimentary basins. Generation of oil from terrestrial organic matter, or terrestrial oil generation, and the formation of large oil/gas fields in continental sedimentary basins were previously the major characteristics of petroleum geology of China. However, in the past 20 years, a series of major oil and gas discoveries from marine strata have been made. Marine oil/gas fields in China are mainly distributed in the Tarim, Sichuan, and Ordos basins, which are tectonically stable and covered with Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits. In these basins, hydrocarbon-bearing strata are of old age and the oil/gas fields are commonly deeply-buried. Cumulatively, 995 oil/gas fields have been found so far, making China the fourth largest oil-producing country and the sixth largest gas-producing country in the world. In terms of petroleum and natural gas geology, theories of hydrocarbon generation from continental strata, such as terrestrial oil generation and coal-generated hydrocarbons, etc., have been established. Significant progress has been made in research on the sequence stratigraphy of continental strata, formation mechanisms of ultra-deep clastic reservoirs, and hydrocarbon accumulation in the continental subtle reservoir. Regarding research on the marine petroleum geology of China, with respect to the major characteristics, such as deeply-buried reservoirs, old strata, and multiple phases of transformation, important advances have been made, in areas such as the multiple-elements of hydrocarbon supply, formation of reservoirs jointly controlled by deposition, tectonic activities, and diagenetic fluid-rock reactions, and oil/gas reservoirs formed through superimposed multi-stage hydrocarbon accumulation. As more and more unconventional hydrocarbon resources are discovered, unconventional oil and gas reservoirs are under study by Chinese petroleum geologists, who endeavor to come up with new discoveries on their formation mechanisms.  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶盐湖卤水冬季制卤试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本实验因地制宜,在充分利用西藏高原上独特的冷资源和优越的太阳能资源的前提下,采用天然多级冷冻分离和自然日晒富集相结合的思想指导实验操作。实验中,将扎布耶盐湖卤水天然冷冻后进行固液分离,分离后的余卤再日晒浓缩,然后进行下一级次冷冻分离,总体呈多级螺旋式推进。实验结果表明,Li^ 浓度为0.957g/L的初卤经多级冷冻日晒后,液相中Li^ 浓度可达7.97g/L,比用自然日晒法所获得的最高值2.8g/L高出近2倍,卤水中CO3^2 含量由初卤的20.2%降至11%-14%。该实验成果使下一步大规模工业LiaCO3生产所需的优质原料卤水的制取成为可能,并为完整优化工艺流程的建立提供了科学的实验依据。  相似文献   

我国盐湖钾盐资源现状及提钾工艺技术进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
中国是一个农业大国, 钾肥缺口很大。中国又是一个多盐湖的国家, 盐湖中蕴藏着丰富的钾盐资源, 有望解决中国的缺钾问题。中国已经建立了青海察尔汗和新疆罗布泊两个钾肥生产基地, 但还是远远满足不了国内钾肥需求, 70%需要依赖进口。因此, 有必要继续加强钾盐开发研究, 建立新的钾肥生产基地。通过长期攻关, 我国氯化物型和硫酸盐型盐湖形成了比较成熟的提钾工艺路线, 但是, 碳酸盐型盐湖提钾研究刚刚起步。本文对青海察尔汗盐湖和新疆罗布泊盐湖两大中国钾肥生产基地的资源及生产工艺进行了分析研究, 其成功的开发经验可用来指导我国同类型其他盐湖钾资源的开发; 探讨了开发我国碳酸盐型盐湖钾盐的可行之路, 碳酸盐型盐湖通过技术创新, 可以在盐湖现场获得钾肥产品; 指出我国不同水化学类型的盐湖应采取不同的资源利用工艺路线。  相似文献   

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