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汶川地震中绵阳市梓潼县水库土坝震害调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
5·12汶川特大地震对绵阳市梓潼县170座水库造成了不同程度的破坏和严重的经济损失.依据绵阳市梓潼县水库地震灾害的现场科学考察资料,对绵阳市梓潼县48座高危以上险情水库土坝的震损情况做了初步总结和分析.典型震害现象包括裂缝、渗漏以及泄水建筑物和附属设施的损毁等;以梓潼县3座典型震损水库土坝为例,总结了震损水库的特点和经验教训,给出了一些建设性结论.  相似文献   

Lessons in bridge damage learned from the Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A strong earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China, on May 12, 2008. Shortly after the earthquake, the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center of the Federal Highway Administration, in partnership with the Research Institute of Highways, the Ministry of Communication of China, led a reconnaissance team to conduct a post-earthquake bridge performance investigation of the transportation system in the earthquake affected areas. The U.S.transportation system reconnaissance team visited the area during July 20-24, 2008. This paper presents the findings and lessons learned by the team.  相似文献   

Major cases of the MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake are obtained through field investigations of the epicenter and high-intensity areas, and the relationships among earthquake faults, ground motion and earthquake disasters near fault zones are analyzed.Both strong deformation and ground rupture lead to significant damages of the buildings, indicating that it is necessary to keep safe distance away from active faults and to take other necessary measures.There are two reasons for that the buildings near the surface ...  相似文献   

调查、搜集和研究了汶川地震中被评定为高危以上险情的147座小型水库土坝的地震破坏情况,给出了高危以上险情土坝的地震破坏程度划分为中等破坏、严重破坏和极严重破坏三个等级的原则和标准,以及土坝的地震破坏程度与地震烈度、土坝的宽高比、上游坡比、坝高的经验关系表,可发现:土坝的几何形状对其破坏程度起着重要的作用;对于6~8度地震烈度区,土坝的宽高比越小,或上游坡比越小,或坝体越高,则土坝的破坏程度越严重;对于9度以上地震烈度区,土坝通常发生极严重破坏。依据高危以上险情土坝的地震反应分析结果,给出了土坝地震破坏程度与土坝宽高比、坝高、土坝上游坡比及坝顶加速度放大系数、坝体最大动剪应力的经验关系曲线,发现在相同的地震烈度水平下,土坝的宽高比越小,或上游坡比越小,或坝高越大,且坝顶加速度放大系数越大或坝体最大动剪应力越大,则其地震破坏程度越严重;坝体最大动剪应力超过30kPa的土坝,通常发生严重或极严重破坏,坝体最大动剪应力大于100kPa的土坝,通常发生极严重破坏;土坝离发震断层越远,则其坝顶加速度放大系数越大。本文给出的高危以上险情土坝的地震破坏程度与坝体几何形状的经验关系,可为今后土坝抗震设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

论证了广大坝抗震安全性研究的实践与发展现状。目前大坝在地震作用下的应力与变形分析方法主要有拟静力法和动力响应分析法,并依据大坝混凝土的抗拉强度判断大坝的安全性;各国规范体现的抗震设防弹念和大坝材料的容许应力差别很大。坝址河谷不同高程处地震动状态不尽相同、河谷两恻同一高程处地震动也不一样。混凝土材料的强度与加载速度、应变速率有关;地震时大坝不同部位的应变速率不相同、同一部位的应变速率也随时间变化;混凝土的动态强度既与应变速率有关。也与应变历史等其它因素有关。大坝河谷地震动的输入机理和模型研究、混凝土的动态强度的变化规律探索、大坝抗震安全性评价准则的完善与创新等将有待深入。通过以上内容针对性分析,提出了大坝抗震评价的一些合理建议、方法以及进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

砌体结构在2008汶川大地震中的震害经验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文首先列举了砌体结构在2008汶川大地震中的典型震害现象,通过这些现象分析了此次地震中砌体结构的震害特点,归纳了其震害规律和教训,总结了必须坚持的抗震原则及对今后砌体结构抗震设计的启示,同时,探讨了几个应该注意的重点抗震问题,提出了进一步加强砌体结构抗震性能的建议。文中指出,砌体结构只要坚持正确的抗震理念,加强构造措施,落实抗震规范的设计要求,保证施工质量,就能达到相应的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带地壳精细结构与汶川地震发震机理   总被引:24,自引:16,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
利用2001年1月至2008年6月四川固定地震台网和临时地震台站记录到的大量P波到时资料,反演了龙门山断裂带及周边地区的地壳精细三维P波速度模型. 结果表明,汶川主震以北和以南地区的结构存在较大差异,以北地区的龙门山断裂带具有很强地壳不均匀性,这与该区发生了大量汶川地震的余震相一致. 这些结果有意义地改进了前人对龙门山断裂带仅为不同块体过渡带的认识. 汶川主震震源区下方存在有明显低波速异常体,表明流体可能存在于龙门山断裂带内. 这些流体可能直接影响汶川大震的形成. 本文的成像结果为下地壳流沿龙门山断裂带上浸提供了可靠的地震学证据.  相似文献   

薛艳  刘杰  梅世蓉  宋治平 《地震学报》2009,31(6):606-619
分析了汶川地震前地震活动时空演化特征.结果表明:①汶川地震前38a龙门山断裂带及其附近形成5级地震背景空区,震前6.5a形成ML4.0地震孕震空区,震前1a孕震空区内部及其两端相继发生多次ML4.0—5.0地震,空区缩小;②中国大陆西部及邻区2001年以来处于大震活跃时段,而中国大陆内部地震活动水平非常低,出现非常显著的7级、6级和5级地震平静;③南北地震带7级以上地震在时间上具有准周期特征,空间上存在由南向北迁移的特点,汶川地震的发生符合这一规律;④1998年以来南北地震带中段为7级地震空段,汶川地震就发生该空段内;⑤2003年云南大姚地震后,南北地震带地震活动显著增强,且在中、南段形成4.6级以上地震环形分布,四川及其附近表现为异常平静,同时震群活动显著,且在4.6级地震平静区内形成震群空区,汶川地震就发生震群空区的边缘,震前8个月,震群频度出现高值异常;⑥汶川地震前7个月,青藏块体大范围ML≥4.0地震平静103d,2008年1月13日以后平静区逐渐解体,至汶川地震前4级地震平静区缩小到巴颜喀拉地块,汶川地震就发生在巴颜喀拉地块的东边界带上,汶川地震前3 个多月,孕震空区内部出现NW走向的3级地震条带,与龙门山断裂带斜交.   相似文献   

汶川特大地震汉源烈度异常原因的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
远离震中的汉源县老县城在汶川大地震中遭到了严重震害,是Ⅵ度区内的唯一的Ⅷ度烈度异常区.汉源的地震烈度异常现象引起学术界的广泛关注.在汉源科学考察基础上,介绍了汉源震害情况,收集和整理了汉源县城及附近有关工程场地的强震和土体力学参数资料.通过背后山滑坡体有限元分析结果与汉源附近强震台记录的比较,从传递函数角度分析了背后山滑坡复活对烈度异常的影响,研究了汉源特殊土层结构对地震动的影响.结果表明,背后山滑坡的复活和特殊土层结构的放大作用等场地条件的影响是引起烈度异常的主要原因.所得结论对进一步分析汉源烈度异常的原因具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

板块地震迁移链与汶川地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1956年开始沿印度洋—亚洲和太平洋板块边界的地震迁移触发了2008年5月12日M8.0中国汶川地震。迁移链为东西两条,彼此相向迁移,在缅甸弧附近的中国大陆汇合,并触发地震。迁移持续约50年。与此相类似的迁移发生在1902—1957年,迁移触发了1950年西藏东部M8.5地震和1957年蒙古M8.3地震。预计1956—2008地震迁移可能尚未结束,可能会继续触发大地震。  相似文献   

汶川地震余震序列的地震各向异性   总被引:18,自引:17,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
利用2008年5月12日汶川地震震源区及周边地震台站记录的余震序列资料,使用剪切波分裂系统分析法,分析了汶川地震发震构造龙门山断裂带及周边地区的地壳各向异性特征,推断了地壳最大主压应力方向及空间分布特征.研究结果表明:大致以安县为界,位于龙门山北东段的台站快剪切波的偏振方向为北东向,与断裂带走向一致;而位于龙门山西南段的台站快剪切波的偏振方向为北西向,与断裂带走向垂直;这个特征同样揭示出龙门山断裂带西南段逆冲、北东段带有明显走滑性质的特征.研究还显示,靠近龙门山与鲜水河、安宁河小江断裂交汇区附近的台站快剪切波的偏振方向表现比较离散,这可能是由震源区局部的复杂地质构造引起,与该地区复杂的主压应力方向特点一致.  相似文献   

利用2007年3月至2009年3月四川数字地震台网的宽频带连续波形资料,通过计算地震背景噪声互相关提取台站对间的经验格林函数,在0.1~0.5 Hz频带下测量每天经验格林函数与参考经验格林函数的走时偏移,进而得到各台站对在该时段内的相对地震波速度变化.结果表明,2008年5月12日汶川Ms8.0级地震造成了震源区地震波速度的急剧降低,最大降幅达0.4%;大致以安县为界,余震带西南部地区在汶川主震后波速降即达到最大值,而东北部地区的最大波速降一般出现在主震后的1~4个月,相对地震波速度变化的这种分段特性与地震序列的时空分布特征有较好的对应关系;在震源区外围的四川盆地也观测到了震后波速降低,而川西高原内部则没有出现显著的波速变化.进一步的分析和计算结果表明主震的静态应力变化和强地面运动引起的地表破坏都不能很好地解释震后波速的急剧降低,地震导致的断层区内部结构破坏和周边介质应力状态改变可能是波速变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

Based on raw data from dams damaged in the Wenchuan earthquake, including many that were severely damaged, characteristics and factors that influenced the damage are discussed in this paper. Findings from this study include: severely damaged dams were densely distributed along the seismologic fault; small dams, especially small earth-rock dams, had the most serious damage that was caused by a variety of factors; the most serious damage was caused by seismic waves; damage was aggregated by aftershocks; and the extent of the damage patterns increased with the seismic intensity. Damage patterns varied in different intensity zones and cracking was the most common type of damage. Most of the dams had a good base with relatively high bearing capacity, and the walls of the earth-rock dams were mostly of clay soil. This type of base and body material mitigated some of the damage to dams. Reservoir maintenance and other factors also have a significant impact on the seismic safety of the dam. Finally, some recommendations to reduce seismic damage to dams are proposed.  相似文献   

通过对紫坪铺水库数字遥测地震台网在汶川特大地震中的表现,分析通过特大地震洗礼的紫坪铺地震台网运行的经验和教训,提出遥测地震台网建设时观测仪器设备也应注意自身抗震的问题,并对今后地震台站观测仪器安装提出建议。  相似文献   

For earthquake and tsunami early warning and emergency response,the earthquake epicenter and magnitude should be determined rapidly and correctly.Using high-rate GPS observations,we can readily obtain precise and high resolution displacement time series and the seismic waveforms during the earthquake.In this paper,a new algorithm is proposed for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude with the seismic waveforms derived from high-rate GPS data during the earthquake.A case study of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is conducted from 1 Hz GPS data and the epicenter and magnitude are determined.Compared with the results issued by the China Seismological Bureau,the estimation error of the epicenter and the magnitude is about 12 km and 0.1 magnitude unit,respectively.It has shown that high-rate GPS could be a new tool feasible for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude,independent of or combined with seismometers.  相似文献   

An investigation of girder bridges on National Highway 213 and the Doujiangyan-Wenchuan expressway after the Wenchuan earthquake showed that typical types of damage included: span collapses due to unseating at expansion joints; shear key failure; and damage of the expansion joint due to the slide-induced large relative displacement between the bottom of the girder and the top of the laminated-rubber bearing. This slide, however, can actually act as a form of isolation for the substructure, and as a result, the piers and foundation of most of the bridges on state route 213 suffered minor damage. The exception was the Baihua Bridge, which suffered severe damage. Corresponding seismic design recommendations are presented based on this investigation.  相似文献   

断裂带物质组成、结构及其物理性质是理解断裂变形机制和地震破裂过程的基础和关键,断裂带地震(黏滑)和非地震(蠕滑)滑移行为不仅对了解地震活动性和山脉隆升过程具有重要意义,而且直接为防震减灾提供科学依据.我们以穿过龙门山映秀—北川和灌县—安县断裂带的汶川地震断裂带科学钻探(WFSD)岩心和地表出露的断裂带为研究对象,通过对断裂岩组成、结构、显微构造和钻孔物性测井数据进行分析研究,确定了龙门山逆冲断裂带滑移行为和物性特征,初步探讨了大地震活动性和有关断裂带的隆升作用:(1)映秀—北川断裂带倾向NW,浅部倾角~65°,发育的断裂岩厚约180~280 m,由碎裂岩、假玄武玻璃(地震化石)、断层泥和断层角砾岩组成.断裂带具有高自然伽马、高磁化率值、低电阻率、低波速等物理性质以及对称型破碎结构.断层泥普遍具有摩擦热效应的高磁化率值和石墨化作用特征,是古地震滑动的岩石记录.表明映秀—北川断裂带为经常发生大地震的断裂带,晚新生代以来类似汶川地震的大地震复发周期小于6000—10000年,具有千年复发周期特征.(2)灌县—安县断裂带倾向NW,浅部倾角~38°,发育的断裂岩厚约40~50 m,仅由断层泥和断层角砾岩组成,具有典型的"压溶"结构,表现出蠕滑性质.除压溶作用外,定向富集的层状黏土矿物和微孔隙的发育使断层强度变弱.断裂带具上盘破碎的非对称型破碎结构,除具低磁化率值特征外,其他物性与映秀—北川断裂带一致.(3)根据断裂岩厚度与断层滑移量相关经验公式关系,以及断层产状,粗略估算映秀—北川断裂带自中生代以来累积垂直位移量大于9 km,灌县—安县断裂带累积垂直位移量小于3 km.映秀—北川断裂带长期大地震产生的累积垂直位移量是龙门山隆升的主要贡献.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal rupture process of the 2008 great Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Focal mechanism and dynamic rupture process of the Wenchaun M s8.0 earthquake in Sichuan province on 12 May 2008 were obtained by inverting long period seismic data from the Global Seismic Network (GSN), and characteristics of the co-seismic displacement field near the fault were quantitatively analyzed based on the inverted results to investigate the mechanism causing disaster. A finite fault model with given focal mechanism and vertical components of the long period P-waves from 21 stations with evenly azimuthal coverage were adopted in the inversion. From the inverted results as well as aftershock distribution, the causative fault of the great Wenchuan earthquake was confirmed to be a fault of strike 225°/dip 39°/rake 120°, indicating that the earthquake was mainly a thrust event with right-lateral strike-slip component. The released scalar seismic moment was estimated to be about 9.4×1020-2.0×1021 Nm, yielding moment magnitude of M w7.9–8.1. The great Wenchuan earthquake occurred on a fault more than 300 km long, and had a complicated rupture process of about 90 s duration time. The slip distribution was highly inhomogeneous with the average slip of about 2.4 m. Four slip-patches broke the ground surface. Two of them were underneath the regions of Wenchuan-Yingxiu and Beichuan, respectively, with the first being around the hypocenter (rupture initiation point), where the largest slip was about 7.3 m, and the second being underneath Beichuan and extending to Pingwu, where the largest slip was about 5.6 m. The other two slip-patches had smaller sizes, one having the maximum slip of 1.8 m and lying underneath the north of Kangding, and the other having the maximum slip of 0.7 m and lying underneath the northeast of Qingchuan. Average and maximum stress drops over the whole fault plane were estimated to be 18 MPa and 53 MPa, respectively. In addition, the co-seismic displacement field near the fault was analyzed. The results indicate that the features of the co-seismic displacement field were coincident with those of the intensity distribution in the meizoseismal area, implying that the large-scale, large-amplitude and surface-broken thrust dislocation should be responsible for the serious disaster in the near fault area. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2004CB418404-4) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40574025 and 40874026)  相似文献   

The characteristics of spatio-temporal seismicity evolution before the Wenchuan earthquake are studied. The results mainly involve in the trend abnormal features and its relation to the Wenchuan earthquake. The western Chinese mainland and its adjacent area has been in the seismically active period since 2001, while the seismic activity shows the obvious quiescence of M≥?7.0, M≥?6.0 and M?≥5.0 earthquakes in Chinese mainland. A quiescence area with M?≥7.0 has been formed in the middle of the North-South seismic zone since 1988, and the Wenchuan earthquake occurred just within this area. There are a background seismicity gap of M?≥5.0 earthquakes and a seismogenic gap of ML?≥4.0 earthquakes in the area of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinity prior to the Wenchuan earthquake. The seismic activity obviously strengthened and a doughnut-shape pattern of M?≥4.6 earthquakes is formed in the middle and southern part of the North-South seismic zone after the 2003 Dayao, Yunnan, earthquake. Sichuan and its vicinity in the middle of the doughnut-shape pattern show abnormal quiescence. At the same time, the seismicity of earthquake swarms is significant and shows heterogeneity in the temporal and spatial process. A swarm gap appears in the M4.6 seismically quiet area, and the Wenchuan earthquake occurred just on the margin of the gap. In addition, in the short term before the Wenchuan earthquake, the quiescence of earthquake with ML≥?4.0 appears in Qinghai-Tibet block and a seismic belt of ML?≥3.0 earthquakes, with NW striking and oblique with Longmenshan fault zone, is formed.  相似文献   

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