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新参考系的引入对天体测量学的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于观测、参考架、模型、时间尺度精度的不断提高和完善,国际天球参考系(ICRS)被引入使用,IAU2000年大会决定从2003年起采用新的天球中介极(CIP)、新的天球中介原点(CIO)、新的岁差一章动模型和新的UTI定义等,并定义了新的中介的运动参考架,由此给天体测量学带来很大的影响,天体测量学的内容和实践发生了许多重要的变化。据此,对天体测量学的术语、概念和定义的变化作了描述,并讨论了变化的原因和对天体测量学的影响。新的一套天体测量理论和方法正在变更之中,我们应及时跟上这个领域的发展步伐。  相似文献   

本文根据基本天体测量的主要任务和目前发展趋势的要求,以及低纬子午环配备CCD后的观测精度、效率和极限星等,提出了该仪器长期观测;的目标,包括建立实用的准惯性天球参考架和动力学参考架,为太阳系动力学研究,为银河系结构和运动学研究,为某些天体物理课题研究的需要,提供有用的观测数据,为本地的地震预报和天文地震研究提供参考数据。在甚长基线射电干涉测量技术和空间测量技术迅速发展的时代,地面光学天体测量仍具有  相似文献   

简述了后依巴谷的天体测量工作。首先给出了第二个天体测量卫星Gaia的最新进展、最近提出的JAMSE和OBSS计划的简介,以及包含天体测量内容的SIM PlanetQuest计划的情况; 叙述了多波段天体参考架的建立和维持,特别是依巴谷星表向暗星方向的扩充和数字巡天,以及其他地面观测计划,如双星和聚星、太阳系天体的观测等;介绍了天体测量与天体物理结合的几个研究课题的进展;最后对我国自然科学基金会“十一五”天体测量优先发展的方向与内容提出建议。  相似文献   

空间时代地面光学天体测量的意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从基本天体测量的主要任务出发,介绍了绝对测定和相对测量之间的区别和不同用途,并针对河外射电源参考架和依巴谷参考架的高精度的不足之处,说明了地面光学天体测量的长期性和灵活性等优势正是克服这些不足之处所必须的,但这不应是传统的已有精度下的地面光学天体测量,而应是与空间测量精度可比的要求下的地面测量,两者配合起来,将能促进本学科和相关学科的发展。  相似文献   

本文根据基本天体测量的主要任务和目前发展趋势的要求 ,以及低纬子午环配备CCD后的观测精度、效率和极限星等 ,提出了该仪器长期观测的课题目标 ,包括建立实用的准惯性天球参考架和动力学参考架 ,为太阳系动力学研究 ,为银河系结构和运动学研究 ,为某些天体物理课题研究的需要 ,提供有用的观测数据 ,为本地的地震预报和天文地震研究提供参考数据。在甚长基线射电干涉测量技术和空间测量技术迅速发展的时代 ,地面光学天体测量仍具有其不可取代的优势 ,只要能高精度地测定仪器的各种误差 ,消除仪器重力变形和热变形的影响 ,并尽可能消除由地球大气因素引起的系统误差影响 ,取得与空间测量平均而言可比的观测精度 ,两者相互配合 ,取长补短 ,就能更好地为上述诸多课题目标开展观测和研究 ,促进天体测量学和有关学科的发展 ,文中对这些要求的实现作了必要的叙述。  相似文献   

研制低纬子午环初衷的沿革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了在低纬子午环研制过程中,如何跟踪国内外测量方法和科学技术的发展,调整该仪器的主要课题目标:开始时仅计划在低纬度地区进行天体位置的绝对测定,改善基本星表系统;在1m望远镜试验CCD底片重迭法成功后,打算把该仪器绝对测定的恒星位置与河外天体联系起来,间接地建立准惯性天球参考架;当国外传统子午环配备CCD测微器作相对测量后,提出了在该仪器上配备CCD测微器作绝对测定的方法,用其观测数据直接建立实用的准惯性天球参考架,并为太阳系和银河系研究提供有用数据的总体目标。  相似文献   

这一组文章,从观测原理、各种仪器常数和误差测定方法的叙述到测定精度的估计,系统地论述了在低纬子午环上配备CCD探测器后将能达到的绝对定位精度及其对建立高精度天球参考架的作用。文章(Ⅰ)中简述了充分发挥地面观测优势的途径,低纬子午环配备CCD探测器后的观测方式、星过时刻和天顶距的计算公式,还估算了在小角天体测量中相对位置的测定精度,并且得出,采用了CCD探测器后,降低了对测微器的跟踪精度要求。  相似文献   

本文评述了在建立历表参考架和恒星参考架过程中所面临的问题和困难,回顾了建立河外射电天球参考架的发展历史,并介绍了其目前状况,讨论了河外射电天球参考架在与其他天球参考架连接过程中所遇到的问题及其可能的解决途径。  相似文献   

本文评述了在建立历表参考架和恒星参考架过程中所面临的问题和困难,回顾了建立河外射电天球参考架的发展历史,并介绍了其目前状况,讨论了河外射电天球参考架在与其他天球参考架连接过程中所遇到的问题及其可能的解决途径。  相似文献   

本文叙述了建立准惯性天球参考架应满足的条件,列举了几种地面观测能否满足这些条件的情况。介绍了利用配备CCD探测器的低纬子午环直接测定恒星绝对自行和岁差常数改正的方法,分析了用这种仪器的观测资料建立一个高精度天球参考架的可能性,并将它与空间技术作了比较。  相似文献   

According to the most recent geodetic VLBI data, some of the radio sources that define the fundamental celestial reference frame are astrometrically unstable. In contrast to the stellar proper motions described by a linear function, the apparent proper motions of quasars are more complex. Therefore, they are difficult to approximate by a particular model. Being disregarded, the positional instability of the defining quasars can lead to a bias in the estimates of other parameters from observations, for example, the nutation angle corrections.  相似文献   

In radio astronomy, the Ultra-Long Wavelengths (ULW) regime of longer than 10 m (frequencies below 30 MHz), remains the last virtually unexplored window of the celestial electromagnetic spectrum. The strength of the science case for extending radio astronomy into the ULW window is growing. However, the opaqueness of the Earth’s ionosphere makes ULW observations by ground-based facilities practically impossible. Furthermore, the ULW spectrum is full of anthropogenic radio frequency interference (RFI). The only radical solution for both problems is in placing an ULW astronomy facility in space. We present a concept of a key element of a space-borne ULW array facility, an antenna that addresses radio astronomical specifications. A tripole–type antenna and amplifier are analysed as a solution for ULW implementation. A receiver system with a low power dissipation is discussed as well. The active antenna is optimized to operate at the noise level defined by the celestial emission in the frequency band 1 ? 30 MHz. Field experiments with a prototype tripole antenna enabled estimates of the system noise temperature. They indicated that the proposed concept meets the requirements of a space-borne ULW array facility.  相似文献   

The very low frequency(VLF) regime below 30 MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum has presently been drawing global attention in radio astronomical research due to its potentially significant science outcomes exploring many unknown extragalactic sources,transients,and so on.However,the nontransparency of the Earth's ionosphere,ionospheric distortion and artificial radio frequency interference(RFI) have made it difficult to detect the VLF celestial radio emission with ground-based instruments.A straightforward solution to overcome these problems is a space-based VLF radio telescope,just like the VLF radio instruments onboard the Chang'E-4 spacecraft.But building such a space telescope would be inevitably costly and technically challenging.The alternative approach would be then a ground-based VLF radio telescope.Particularly,in the period of post 2020 when the solar and terrestrial ionospheric activities are expected to be in a 'calm' state,it will provide us a good chance to perform VLF ground-based radio observations.Anticipating such an opportunity,we built an agile VLF radio spectrum explorer co-located with the currently operational Mingantu Spectra Radio Heliograph(MUSER).The instrument includes four antennas operating in the VLF frequency range 1-70 MHz.Along with them,we employ an eight-channel analog and digital receivers to amplify,digitize and process the radio signals received by the antennas.We present in the paper this VLF radio spectrum explorer and the instrument will be useful for celestial studies of VLF radio emissions.  相似文献   

The fluctuation of the angular positions of reference extragalactic radio and optical sources under the influence of the irregular gravitational field of visible Galactic stars is considered. It is shown that these angular fluctuations range from a few up to hundreds of microarcseconds. This leads to a small rotation of the celestial reference frame. The non-diagonal coefficients of the rotation matrix are of the order of a microarcsecond. The temporal variation of these coefficients due to the proper motion of the foreground stars is of the order of one microsecond per 20 years. The celestial reference frame can therefore be considered inertial and homogeneous only to microarcsecond accuracy. Astrometric catalogues with microarcsecond accuracy will be unstable, and must be re-established every 20 years.  相似文献   

在简要阐明参考系、参考架及其历史重大进程的基础上,对几种重要的、最新规范的参考系/参考架(质心天球参考系和地心天球参考系、国际天球参考系、国际地球参考系、太阳系动力学参考系等)的定义、实现和特点作了评述和分析,并对最新规范中与参考系、参考架有关的某些新概念的定义和新模式的应用(自2003年开始贯彻),如:天球中介极(CIP)、天球历书原点(CEO)、地球历书原点(TEO)、地球自转角的新定义、岁差-章动新模式的应用,作了阐述和讨论。  相似文献   

The Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory has played a key role in the development of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) in the southern hemisphere since 1971. This paper describes how the VLBI programme evolved and the instrumentation used. Contributions to high resolution mapping of compact radio sources are described, for both the Southern Hemisphere VLBI Experiment, SHEVE, and for Global networks, where HartRAO has made significant improvements in the N-S resolution. The unique geographical location of the telescope has been used to establish the terrestrial reference frame in the southern hemisphere and to measure tectonic motions over the past nine years. The Observatory has also been a fundamental station in extending the celestial reference frame defined by extragalactic radio sources to the southern hemisphere, and results of these programmes are given.  相似文献   

Jupiter radio emission is known to be the most powerful nonthermal planetary radiation. In recent years specifically space-based observations allow us to permanently cover a large frequency band(from 100 kHz up to 40 MHz combined with ground-based telescopes)of the Jovian spectrum. The Plasma and Wave Science experiment onboard Galileo enables the observation of Jovian kilometric and hectometric emissions; Wind/WAVES and ground-based telescopes (mainly Decametric Array in Nancay, France, and UTR-2 in Kharkov, Ukraine) cover also hectometric and mainly decametric emissions. Specific geometrical configurations between Cassini approaching Jupiter and Wind spacecraft orbiting Earth, with Galileo orbiting Jupiter and Wind, in combination with ground-based observations provide a new approach to perform Jovian radio tomography. The tomography technique is used to analyze ray paths of Jovian radio emission observed in different directions (e.g. solar and anti-solar direction) and for different declination of Earth. The developments of Jovian radio emission tomography in recent years treated refraction effects and its connection to the local magnetic field in the radio source as well as the radio wave propagation through the Io torus and the terrestrial ionosphere. Most recently ground-based multi-site and simultaneous Jupiter decametric radio observations by means of digital spectropolarimeter and waveform receiver provide the basis of a new data analysis treatment. The above addressed topics are without exemption deeply connected to the plasma structures the radio waves are generated in and propagating through. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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