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The paper reports the results of observations of the H2O maser in S255 carried out in 1982–1985 and 1990–2000 on the 22-meter telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. The H2O maser emission extends from ?2 to 14 km/s and is mainly concentrated in three radial-velocity intervals. The velocity of the central group of emission features coincides with that of the molecular cloud, while the two lateral groups (blueshifted and redshifted) are positioned in the spectrum more or less symmetrically relative to the central feature. During the monitoring of S255, two phenomena were observed. First, the integrated flux of the H2O maser emission varied in a cyclic manner with a period of two to four years; this may be connected with activity of the protostar. Second, the fluxes of emission features (or groups of features) were anticorrelated. The emission of the three groups of features noted above dominated in succession. In some time intervals, a triplet spectral structure with anticorrelation between the fluxes of the lateral components and of the central and lateral components was observed. The flux anticorrelation between groups of features and individual features could be due to competition between spatial emission pumping modes in a nonuniform Keplerian disk.  相似文献   

The water-vapor maser emission in the source G10.6-0.4 associated with an active starforming region (OB star cluster) is analyzed. The maser was monitored from 1981–2004 using the 22-meter radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. Statistical processing of the results revealed the presence of structural formations on various scales. The individual H2O maser features may form ordered structures with velocity (V LSR) gradients, localized in separate clusters of maser features. The statistical variations of the V LSR values for the maser components may be due to the accretion of material onto the OB star cluster in G10.6-0.4 together with the rotation of the molecular cloud core. A model with a rotating, nonuniform condensation of accreted material in the vicinity of the stellar cluster is proposed to explain the variations of the velocity centroid of the H2O spectra. The integrated flux variations are explained well by a model in which the central source is an OB star cluster, possibly containing five to six stars. An important role in the evolution of the maser emission, as well as of the source as a whole, may be played by turbulent motions of the gas.  相似文献   

We present the observations of the H2O maser in S140 with the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory in 1992–1999. The H2O maser emission is mainly concentrated in three symmetrically placed narrow radial-velocity intervals. In contrast to our earlier observations (1981–1991), we did not detect emission simultaneously in all three intervals; instead, the emission appeared successively in each. We discuss possible origins for this behavior. To explain the flux variability and radial-velocity drift of the main components, we propose a model with Keplerian orbital motion of clumps (protoplanets) and calculate their orbital parameters.  相似文献   

A catalog of water-vapor maser spectra at 1.35 cm for the sourceW31(2), which is associated with an active star-forming region, is presented. The observations were carried out in 1981–2003 on the 22-m antenna of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory with a spectral resolution of 0.101 km/s. The mean interval between observations was about 1.5 months. The total velocity range in which emission was observed during the monitoring is from ?14 to +14 km/s. The spectrum is strongly variable and contains a large number of emission features. Two strong flares with an interval between their emission maxima (integrated flux) of about 12 years (1985–1986 and 1998–1999) were observed, as well as fast variations on a timescale of 0.5–2 years with amplitudes of up to 600 Jy km/s. No long-period component of the variations was found. A drift of the velocity centroid has been detected; it is well approximated by a third-power polynomial corresponding to a period of about 31–33 years. The two strong flares fall on different phases of this curve: the first (1985–1986) is located near the minimum, while the second (1998–1999) is at the maximum. The observed character of the variability of the emission is well explained by the existing model for the region of G10.6-0.4. The drift of the velocity centroid is probably associated with the nonstationary accretion of material onto an HII region formed by a cluster of OB stars.  相似文献   

The results of spectral monitoring of the maser source W51M carried out in the water-vapor line at 1.35 cm (22GHz) on the 22-m telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory in 1981–1998 are reported and interpreted. Long-term variations of the maser flux with a period of 12–13 years are found. W51M may be a rotating and simultaneously expanding toroidal cloud of gas and dust around a young star with a mass of the order of ~15M , with numerous high-velocity jets of maser condensations flowing out in two broad cones along the polar axis of the torus. A stellar wind with a velocity of about 2000–3000 km/s is responsible for the maser pumping.  相似文献   

The results of observations of the S128 H2O maser carried out from February 1995 to March 2001 on the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory are presented. Two activity cycles of the H2O maser with a period of about 10 years were observed during the total monitoring interval (1981–2001). This may be connected either with cyclic activity of the central star in S128 during its formation or with the influence on the H2O masering region of shocks arising near an ionization front at the interface of two colliding CO clouds. The emission at radial velocities from ?73 to ?70 km/s consists of four emission features. The emission feature at ?71.8 km/s exhibits a flux dependence on linewidth that is typical of an unsaturated maser.  相似文献   

Ashimbaeva  N. T.  Colom  P.  Lekht  E. E.  Pashchenko  M. I.  Rudnitskii  G. M.  Tolmachev  A. M. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(12):1022-1034

Results of observations of the star-forming region S252A in the 1.35-cm H2O and 18-cm OH lines obtained using the 22-m Pushchino (Russia) and Nancay (France) radio telescopes are presented. A catalog of H2O maser spectra for 1995-2019 is presented. The variability of the integrated flux has two components: a cyclic component with a time interval between cycles ~30-35 yrs and a short-period component with a mean period of about 2.6 yrs. This may reflect non-stationary formation of a protostar. It is shown that the medium where the H2O maser emission and thermal OH emission are generated is strongly fragmented, and contains small-scale turbulent motions comparable to the thermal motions of the matter. The observed drift and jumps in the radial velocity of the H2O emission features could be a consequence of complex, non-uniform structure of the maser condensations.


We report the results of monitoring the H2O maser in NGC 7538, which is associated with a star-forming region. The observations were carried out on the 22-meter telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. Two intervals of long-term variability of the integrated flux that reflect the cyclic activity of the maser have been distinguished (1981–1992 and 1993–2003); the data for the earlier activity cycle, 1981–1992, have been analyzed. The period of the long-time-scale variations is about 13–14 years. Flares of individual spectral features and of two groups of features with mean radial velocities of ?60 and ?46.6 km/s have been observed. The flares lasted from 0.3 to 1 year. The emission features observed during the 1984–1985 flare at radial velocities between ?62 and ?58 km/s probably form a spatially compact group of spots (<1015 cm) in NGC 7538 IRS 1. The triplet structure of the spectra can be traced. The observed anticorrelations and correlations of the fluxes of the triplet components suggest that the maser spots may be located either in a protoplanetary disk or in a high-velocity gaseous outflow.  相似文献   

We present the results of a variability study of some H2O maser-emission components of Sgr B2, which is located in an active star-forming region. Our monitoring was conducted in 1982–2004 with the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. We analyze brightness variations for the strongest groups of emission features in the H2O spectra, mainly during periods of maser flaring activity. Each of these groups contains many components, whose radial velocities and fluxes we determined. Most of the components displayed radial-velocity drifts. We detected a correlation between the flux and radial-velocity variations for some of the components. Variability of the emission can be explained in a model in which the maser spots form elongated chains and filaments with radial-velocity gradients. During H2O flares, the flux increases of some maser spots were accompanied by acceleration, while flux decreases were accompanied by deceleration of their motion in the dense circumstellar matter. Spectral groups of emission features are probably spatially compact structures.  相似文献   

The addition of phosphorus to H2O-saturated and initially subaluminous haplogranitic (Qz–Ab–Or) compositions at 200 MPa(H2O) promotes expansion of the liquidus field of quartz, a marked decrease of the solidus temperature, increased solubility limits of H2O in melt at low phosphorus concentrations, and fractionation of melt out of the haplogranite plane (projected along an Or28 isopleth) toward a peralkaline, silica-poor but quartz-saturated minimum composition. The partition coefficient for P2O5 between aqueous vapor and melt with an ASI (aluminum saturation index, mol Al/[mol Na+K])=1 is negligible (0.06), and consequently so are the effects of phosphorus on other melt-vapor relations involving major components. Phosphorus becomes more soluble in vapor, however, as the concentration of a NaPO3 component increases via the fractionation of melt by crystallization of quartz and feldspar. The experimental results here corroborate existing concepts regarding the interaction of phosphorus with alkali aluminosilicate melt: phosphorus has an affinity for alkalis and Al, but not Si. Phosphorus is incorporated into alkali feldspars by the exchange component AlPSi-2. For subaluminous compositions (ASI=1), the distribution coefficient of phosphorus between alkali feldspar and melt, D[P]Af/m, is 0.3. This value increases to D[P]Af/m=1.0 at a melt ASI value of 1.3. The increase in D[P]Af/m with ASI is expected from the fact that excess Al promotes the AlPSi-2 exchange. With this experimental data, the P2O5 content of feldspars and whole rocks can reveal important facets of crystallization and phosphorus geochemistry in subaluminous to peraluminous granitic systems.  相似文献   

An analysis of the H2O maser emission toward the source NGC 7538N, which is associated with an active star-forming region, is reported. The analysis is based on 24 years of monitoring in the 1.35-cm line using the the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory in 1981–2005 with a spectral resolution of 0.101 km/s. Individual spectral components have been isolated, and temporal drifts in their radial velocities found. From time to time, the drifts were accompanied by velocity jumps. This can be explained if there are chains consisting of clumps of material that are elongated in the radial direction toward the star and have a radial-velocity gradient. In 1982–2005, two maser activity cycles were observed, during which the chains were activated. We propose that shocks consecutively cross the chain elements and excite maser emission in them. The longest chain, at a radial velocity of ?58 km/s, has not fewer than 15 links. For a shock velocity of 15 km/s, the chain step is estimated to be ≤1.5 AU. The chains could be located in a circumstellar disk with a width of ≤1015 cm. A structure in the form of a rotating nonuniform vortex with the rotation period of about 1.6 years has also been detected. The translational motion of the vortex may be a consequence of its orbital motion within the protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of two new compounds (H3O)2[(UO2)(SeO4)2(H2O)](H2O)2 (1, orthorhombic, Pnma, a = 14.0328(18), b = 11.6412(13), c = 8.2146(13) Å, V = 134.9(3) Å3) and (H3O)2[(UO2)(SeO4)2(H2O)](H2O) (2, monoclinic, P21/c, a = 7.8670(12), b = 7.5357(7), c = 21.386(3) Å, β = 101.484(12)°, V = 1242.5(3) Å3) have been solved by direct methods and refined to R 1 = 0.076 and 0.080, respectively. The structures of both compounds contain sheet complexes [(UO2)(SeO4)2]2? formed by cornershared [(UO2)O4(H2O)] bipyramids and SeO4 tetrahedrons. The sheets are parallel to the (100) plane in structure 1 and to (?102) in structure 2. The [(UO2)(SeO4)2(H2O)]2? layers are linked by hydrogen bonds via interlayer groups H2O and H3O+. The sheet topologies in structures 1 and 2 are different and correspond to the topologies of octahedral and tetrahedral complexes in rhomboclase (H2O2)+[Fe(SO4)2(H2O)2] and goldichite K[Fe(SO4)2(H2O)2](H2O)2, respectively.  相似文献   

The morphological theory of Hartman and Perdok (1955, 1956) allows to deduce the character of a growth form {hkl} on the basis of structural data alone. Its application to the structure of whewellite leads to the identification of forms {100}, {010}, {021}, {011}, {12 \(\bar 1\) } and {121} which show during the growth a flat surface profile (flat forms F). These forms occur very frequently in the crystals we grew from pure aqueous solutions at supersaturation β≦1,90. Other forms, {001} and {10 \(\bar 1\) }, possibly show a double character (F or S, where S stays for related faces showing a stepped profile during the growth) according to the bonds assumed within some periodic bond chains (PBCs). Alternative ways of bonding water molecules lead to different structures of the same PBC. The different energy corresponding to these structures may explain the complex morphology of both natural and synthetic crystals grown at high β values.  相似文献   

An automatic system for the continuous monitoring of CO2, H2S, SO2 and meteorological parameters in atmosphere has been developed. The system has been tested in the laboratory in order to verify the stability and reliability of each sensor and of the whole system. A field test for a period of one month, at the Solfatara of Pozzuoli has also been carried out. The acquired data during the field test reveal a correlation between the wind speed and the concentrations of CO2, H2S, and SO2 in the atmosphere. With a wind speed of over 4 ms-1 the concentration of the three gases reached constant background values of 600 ppm for CO2 and about 2 ppm vol. for H2S and SO2. The different ratios of H2S/SO2 measured in the fumaroles (~100) and in the atmosphere (1–0.1) clearly indicate that H2S is oxidized to SO2 during the transport.  相似文献   

W75N is one of the first OH masers in which 100% linear polarization has been observed in several spots. Two spots contain Zeeman pairs, corresponding to magnetic fields of 5.2 and 7.7 mG. Another Zeeman pair consisting of two linearly polarized components was tentatively detected in one spot. The linearly polarized spots are σ components for the case when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the line of sight. For these spots, the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the circumstellar disk, though a correction for Galactic Faraday rotation may considerably modify this conclusion.  相似文献   

Results of a study of a strong flare of H2O maser emission in the star-forming region Sgr B2(M) in 2004 are reported. The observations were carried out on the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. The main emission, with its flux density reaching 3800 Jy, was concentrated in a narrow radial-velocity interval (about 3 km/s) and was most likely associated with the compact group r, while the emission at VLSR > 64 km/s came from group q. After 1994, the variations of the H2O maser emission in Sgr B2(M) became cyclic with a mean period of 3 years.  相似文献   

Strong flares of the H2O maser emission in sources associated with active star-forming regions are analyzed. The main characteristics of 13 flares in nine sources selected using special criteria are presented. The observed phenomena are explained as flares in double emission features. The approach of two emission features in the spectrum with increasing flux and their recession with decreasing flux is explained using a model with two physically related clumps of material that are partially superposed in the line of sight. Calculations have shown that, in this type of model, exponential amplification (unsaturated maser emission) in the overlapping parts of the clumps can produce the observed line narrowing with increasing flux. In most cases, the maser spots are inhomogeneous. During the evolution of some flares, the maser condensations may split into separate fragments. A less catastrophic evolutionary path may be an initial stage of formation of chainlike structures, which are fairly widespread in envelopes around ultracompact HII regions.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2006,225(3-4):256-265
SeO42− ions can substitute for sulphate in the gypsum structure. In this work crystals of different Ca(SO4,SeO4)·2H2O solid solutions were precipitated by mixing a CaCl2 solution with solutions containing different ratios of Na2SO4 and Na2SeO4. The compositions of the precipitates were analysed by EDS and the cell parameters were determined by X-ray powder diffraction. Moreover, a comparative study on dehydration behaviour of selenate rich and sulfate rich Ca(SO4,SeO4)·2H2O solid solutions was carried out by thermogravimetry.The experimental results show that the Ca(SO4,SeO4)·2H2O solid solution presents a symmetric miscibility gap for compositions ranging from XCaSO4·2H2O = 0.23 to XCaSO4·2H2O = 0.77. By considering a regular solution model a Guggenheim parameter a0 = 2.238 was calculated. The solid phase activity coefficients obtained with this parameter were used to calculate a Lippmann diagram for the system Ca(SO4,SeO4)·2H2O–H2O.  相似文献   

The results of observations of OH (λ = 18 cm) and H2O (λ = 1.35 cm) masers toward AS 501 obtained with the Nançay Observatory Radio Telescope (France) and the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (Russia), respectively, are presented. Nine cycles of H2O maser activity ranging from 2.8 to 6.0 years were detected, identifying AS 501 as an irregular variable star. Zeeman splitting was found only in the 1612-MHz satellite line at ?59.2 km/s. The splitting is 0.11 km/s, corresponding to a line-of-sight magnetic field strength of 0.48 mG. The field is directed toward the observer. The detected radial-velocity drift of the H2O emission features can be explained in a model with elongated filaments with radial-velocity gradients.  相似文献   

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