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Multilevel piezometers are cost-effective monitoring devices for determining the three-dimensional distribution of solutes in ground water. Construction includes flexible tubing (plastic or Teflon®). Their sampling is subject to a number of'potential biases, particularly: (1) losses of volatile organic solutes via volatilization, (2) sorption onto the flexible tubing of the piezometers, (3) leaching of organics from this tubing, and (4) collection of unrepresentative samples due to inadequate piezometer flushing. It is shown that these biases are minimal or are easily controlled in most situations.
Another source of bias has been recognized. Organic solutes present in ground water above the screened level can penetrate the flexible plastic or Teflon tubing and contaminate the sampled water being drawn through this tubing. Laboratory tests and field results indicate this transmission causes low organic contaminant concentrations to be erroneously attributed to ground water which is free of such contaminants. The transmitted organics apparently desorb from the plastic tubing during flushing of even 40 piezometer volumes.
Recognition of this transmission problem provides for a better interpretation of existing organic contaminant distribution data. Caution is advised when considering the use of these monitoring devices in organic solute contaminant studies.  相似文献   

This study compares the accuracy of two types of water table maps both of which were constructed with the object of optimizing future mapping efforts in similar environments. The. first type of map is based solely on office information, with no field verification. The second type of map is based on careful field mapping using numerous measurement points.
The office-derived maps were based on topography, surface water features, existing reports, maps and data in the files of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey; the data were not field-verified. The field-derived maps used a dense network of 236 piezometers at 176 sites in an area of approximately 170 square miles. The field project was much more expensive and labor-intensive than was the construction of office-derived maps for the same area.
The two methods produce water table maps which agree to an appreciable extent, the greatest agreement being in areas having ground water-fed streams. Differences in water table elevations indicated by the two methods range from negligible to approximately 5 feet. Thus, depending upon the availability of existing information, relatively accurate water table elevations can be delineated in similar sandy unconfined aquifers without time-consuming and expensive field work that drilling and piezometer installation entails.
Preliminary construction of office-derived water table maps enables researchers to use their resources efficiently. In some situations, expensive installation of wells and piezometers for a regional monitoring network may add little accuracy to the regional map. For localized problems, collection of additional field data will always be necessary, but can be guided by the office-derived maps. The authors caution that this technique may only be applicable to sandy, unconfined aquifers in humid climates.  相似文献   

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited is constructing an Underground Research Laboratory (URL) at a depth of 250m in a plutonic rock body near Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba. The facility is being constructed to carry out a variety of in situ geotechnical experiments as part of the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program. A unique feature of the URL, in comparison to other similar facilities such as the Stripa Mine in Sweden, is that it is to be constructed below the ground water table in a previously undisturbed plutonic rock body. One of the main research objectives of the project is to develop and validate comprehensive three-dimensional models of the hydrogeology of the rock mass encompassing the URL site. These models will be used, before excavation of the URL shaft begins, to predict the hydrogeological perturbation that will be created by the excavation of the shaft and the horizontal working levels below the ground water table. As a model-validation exercise, these drawdown predictions will be compared with actual hydrogeological perturbations that will be monitored at the study area over the next several years by an extensive network of instrumented boreholes. Measurements made in an array of boreholes extending to depths of 1,000m on the 4.8 km2 study area have established that the permeability distribution in three major extensive subhorizontal fracture zones controls the movement of ground water within the rock mass. Several types of multiple-interval completion systems have been installed in the boreholes to monitor the three-dimensional, physico-chemical hydrogeological conditions within the fractured rock mass. These include conventional piezometer nests and water-table wells that have been installed in shallow holes (less than 30m deep), and multiple-packer/ multiple-standpipe piezometers and multiple-interval casing systems installed in deeper holes (30 to 1,000m deep). An automated, electronic, piezometric pressure-monitoring system has been designed to collect continuous measurements from 75 isolated hydrogeological monitoring positions within the rock mass. Another 200 positions are being monitored frequently using a variety of techniques. Piezometric data have been collected from this monitoring network to establish baseline conditions prior to any excavation into the rock mass. These data have also been used to determine the steady-state, three-dimensional ground water flow regimes that exist at the URL site under natural conditions.  相似文献   

An impact drive point method is described for emplacing piezometers in a cobble river bottom where this has previously been difficult without the use of drilling rigs. To force the drive point piezometers through coble, the vibrational impact of an air-powered hammer was carried directly to the drive point by the use of an internal drive rod. After insertion to depth, the drive rod was removed from the lower portion of the piezometer and a standpipe was added to extend the piezometer above the river level. Piezometers installed in this way have permitted water quality analysis and dynamic measurement of vertical potentials in cobble sediments ranging in size from 2.5 to >30 cm and the method has been successfully used in the Columbia River, USA, and Töss River, Switzerland. This innovative method provides information on the hydrodynamics of pore water in highly permeable, cobble deposits that are common in high-energy river and lake bottoms. Piezometers installed using the internal drive rod method facilitate the assessment of the temporal and spatial dynamics of recharge and discharge at the ground water/surface water interface and analyses of the ecological connectivity between the hyporheic zone and surface water of rivers and streams. This information will lead to improved management decisions related to our nation's ground water and surface water supplies.  相似文献   

Grout curtains are vertical grout walls installed in the ground. In karst terrains, their construction is primarily connected with dams and reservoirs. Their main role is to increase water tightness and to prevent progressive erosion, blocking possible seepage paths along karst fissures and conduits. In this article, changes in the behaviour of the groundwater level (GWL) and the water temperature in nine deep piezometers, which were caused by the construction of a grout curtain at the ?ale Reservoir on the Cetina River (Croatia), were analysed. The total length of the grout curtain is 3966 m. It spreads 120 m below the dam. The most analysed data are from the period after the dam had been built. Only few data and figures concern the comparison between pre‐ and post‐dam periods. The hourly data of the GWL and the water temperature were analysed for the period between 1 September 2008 at 02:00 h to 31 December 2009 at 23:00 h (11 687 h total) in six deep piezometers (marked in the text and figures as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). For three piezometers (marked in the text and figures as A, B and C), some discontinuous measurements of the GWL and the water temperature were available for analysis. The construction of the grout curtain made strong, sudden and possibly dangerous changes to the characteristics of the aquifer and the circulation of groundwater in the local area. Special attention is paid to analyses of the behaviour of the hourly GWL data measured in the piezometers pairs (two neighbouring piezometers, one inside and the other outside of the grout curtain). During more than 80% of the analysed period, the GWL was higher in the piezometer inside the grout curtain than the one outside of it. The intensity and range of the dynamics of GWL was higher in piezometer outside the grout curtain than the inside ones. After the construction of the grout curtain, the maximum measured hydrostatic pressure on some parts of the grout curtain was approximately 40 m. It changes quickly in both time and direction. The water temperature was found to be similar in all of the measured piezometers, and it varies between 10.2 and 15.7 °C with an average value of 12.7 °C. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A zone of contaminated ground water has been identified in an unconfined sand aquifer adjacent to a pit into which spent pulp liquor was intermittently discharged from 1970 to 1979. A network of multilevel sampling, bundle-type piezometers was installed. Up to seven depthspecific sampling points were incorporated into each piezometer providing a cost-effective means for three-dimensional mapping of hydraulic head and water quality in the unconfined sand aquifer. Ground-water samples retrieved from this network showed an area of contamination 900 m long, 400 m wide, and more than 25 m deep. This plume is dispersed about the ground-water flow lines passing beneath the waste disposal pit, and it terminates at a vigorous ground-water discharge area located 800 m from the pit. The contaminated ground water is characterized by elevated concentrations of sodium (3,000 mg/1), chloride (590 mg/1), alkalinity (2,700 mg/1), total organic carbon (2,000 mg/1), chemical oxygen demand (10,800 mg/1), biological oxygen demand (2,000 mg/1), tannin and lignin (780 mg/1), and lower sulphate (1 mg/1) compared to background ground waters in the area. The apparent rate of sodium migration is more than 50 m/yr and is close to the average linear ground-water velocity. Removal of some organic matter by biological transformation has produced the increased alkalinity in the contaminated ground water and somewhat reduced pH. Tannin and lignin are relatively inert compared to other organic compounds found in the waste liquor. Extremely low sulphate levels occurring in the highly contaminated ground waters indicate the existence of conditions favorable for microbially-mediated sulphate reduction.  相似文献   

Model ground water ages based on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and tritium/helium-3 (3H/3He) data were obtained from two arrays of nested piezometers located on the north limb of an anticline in fractured sedimentary rocks in the Valley and Ridge geologic province of Pennsylvania. The fracture geometry of the gently east plunging fold is very regular and consists predominately of south dipping to subhorizontal to north dipping bedding-plane parting and east striking, steeply dipping axial-plane spaced cleavage. In the area of the piezometer arrays, which trend north-south on the north limb of the fold, north dipping bedding-plane parting is a more dominant fracture set than is steeply south dipping axial-plane cleavage. The dating of ground water from the piezometer arrays reveals that ground water traveling along paths parallel to the dip direction of bedding-plane parting has younger 3H/3He and CFC model ages, or a greater component of young water, than does ground water traveling along paths opposite to the dip direction. In predominantly unmixed samples there is a strong positive correlation between age of the young fraction of water and dissolved sodium concentration. The travel times inferred from the model ages are significantly longer than those previously calculated by a ground water flow model, which assumed isotropically fractured layers parallel to topography. A revised model factors in the directional anisotropy to produce longer travel times. Ground water travel times in the watershed therefore appear to be more influenced by anisotropic fracture geometry than previously realized. This could have significant implications for ground water models in other areas underlain by similarly tilted or folded sedimentary rock, such as elsewhere in the Valley and Ridge or the early Mesozoic basins.  相似文献   

A new concept in recording data from a large network of transducers in the field is described. Each transducer is equipped with an addressable switching unit enabling parallel connection by a single four wire cable and sequential interrogation from a micro-computer controlled data logger. A simple water level transducer suitable for both large stilling wells and piezometers, which returns an audio frequency signal with pulse width proportional to water level, is described. The use of audio frequency signals enables telephone grade circuits to be used and avoids many of the problems associated with direct current signals, whether current or voltage, commonly used at present. A field installation of 30 piezometers, a tipping bucket raingauge, a weir-stage recorder and logger controlled water sampler is described and examples given of the data collected from a single piezometer transect during a major storm event.  相似文献   

A harmonic analysis method was used to determine vertical hydraulic conductivities (Kv) in geologic media between vertically separated piezometers using water level measurements. In this method, each water level time series was filtered and then decomposed using harmonic analysis into a sum of trigonometric components. The phase and amplitude of each harmonic function were calculated. These data were used to estimate Kv values between vertically separated data sets assuming one-dimensional transient flow. The method was applied to water level data collected from nested piezometers at two thick clay-rich till aquitards in Saskatchewan, Canada. At one site, routine water levels were measured in 12 piezometers (installed between 1 and 29 m below ground surface) since installation (1995). At the other site, water levels were measured in seven piezometers (installed between 4 and 53 m below ground surface) since installation (1998-1999). The Kv calculated using harmonic analysis decreased with depth below the water table at both sites, approaching matrix estimates of hydraulic conductivity between 10 and 11 m and between 21 and 43 m below ground surface. These depths reflected the depth of extensive vertical fracturing at the sites and showed that the depth of fracturing may be site specific.  相似文献   

The Geo Flowmeter is manufactured by K.V. Associates of Falmouth, Massachusetts, and is used to determine ground water flow direction and velocity in monitoring wells or open boreholes. It operates by emitting heat pulses and measuring subsequent temperature increases carried by the ground water movement. The meter can be used in wells as small as 2 inches in diameter and only a single well is required for determination of ground water flow direction and rate.
This paper is a case history of the use of the Geo Flowmeter in a complex hydrogeologic setting consisting of a partially above grade landfill located between a navigable waterway and a large storm water impoundment basin. Mounding effects of the landfill, tidal changes in the channel, varying water levels in the impoundment basin and a complex substrate (alternating layers of sand, silt and clay) presented a challenge for ground water interpretation and analysis. The Geo Flowmeter was lowered into existing monitoring wells surrounding the landfill to determine ground water flow direction and rate. Sensitivity of the meter was sufficient to distinguish two separate flow directions in a single well screen. Later investigation involving installation of piezometers, long-term ground water level monitoring and plotting of ground water contours verified initial findings of the meter.
This article presents numerous graphs and pictures to illustrate field use of the instrument and discusses advantages and disadvantages of its use. Actual field data collected is included to provide a basis for evaluating the accuracy of the instrument and identifying situations where it may be used.  相似文献   

Harvey FE  Sibray SS 《Ground water》2001,39(3):408-421
Across the Great Plains irrigation canals are used to transport water to cropland. Many of these canals are unlined, and leakage from them has been the focus of an ongoing legal, economic, and philosophical debate as to whether this lost water should be considered waste or be viewed as a beneficial and reasonable use since it contributes to regional ground water recharge. While historically there has been much speculation about the impact of canal leakage on local ground water, actual data are scarce. This study was launched to investigate the impact of leakage from the Interstate Canal, in the western panhandle of Nebraska, on the hydrology and water quality of the local aquifer using water chemistry and environmental isotopes. Numerous monitoring wells were installed in and around a small wetland area adjacent to the canal, and ground water levels were monitored from June 1992 until January 1995. Using the water level data, the seepage loss from the canal was estimated. In addition, the canal, the monitoring wells, and several nearby stock and irrigation wells were sampled for inorganic and environmental isotope analysis to assess water quality changes, and to determine the extent of recharge resulting from canal leakage. The results of water level monitoring within study wells indicates a rise in local ground water levels occurs seasonally as a result of leakage during periods when the canal is filled. This rise redirects local ground water flow and provides water to nearby wetland ecosystems during the summer months. Chemical and isotopic results were used to delineate canal, surface, and ground water and indicate that leaking canal water recharges both the surface alluvial aquifer and upper portions of the underlying Brule Aquifer. The results of this study indicate that lining the Interstate Canal could lower ground water levels adjacent to the canal, and could adversely impact the local aquifer.  相似文献   


Piezometers and wells installed for water quality monitoring are frequently used to assess the saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) in the surrounding formation. A series of recovery tests was conducted to evaluate how purging, required to obtain representative water quality samples, affected measured values of hydraulic conductivity in 15 newly installed and undeveloped piezometers placed to between 2 and 15 m depth (in oxidized and unoxidized material) in a loamy glacial till (K range from 10?6 to 10?9 m s?1). Piezometers were purged between 9 and 11 times for sampling over a period of five months. The effect of the purgings on piezometer development was evaluated by changes in slope of the water level recovery curves which were used to calculate hydraulic conductivity. The first five purgings following piezometer installation increased K in the 15 piezometers by an average of 34%. The average increase in a value of K after 10 purgings was 44%. Values measured for hydraulic conductivity in a 75 mm diameter auger hole appeared stable after four purgings but piezometers installed in larger diameter boreholes (100 mm to 280 mm) snowed increases in K with up to 10 purgings. The hydraulic conductivity determined for piezometers installed at a 30° angle to the vertical showed greater variability than was observed in the adjacent vertically installed piezometers at the same depth.  相似文献   

Data from an existing network of ground water monitoring wells at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hoe Creek Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Experimental Site indicated that organic contaminants, particularly phenols produced during gasification experiments, were threatening neighboring ground water resources. The existing monitoring well network was sparse and further definition of the extent and direction of contaminant migration was needed. Additionally, water level data, important in determining flow directions, was incomplete. A field program was designed and implemented to locate and define the organic contamination and expand the existing ground water monitoring program. The program utilized field analysis of phenol for contaminant detection and well location, followed by completion using gas-drive ground water samplers/piezometers. Geophysical logging was used to permit optimum placement of the samplers. The geologic aspects of the site posed some interesting problems to the installation of the samplers. The contaminant plume edge was defined in the east, west and south directions during the field program. Further work is needed in the north direction.  相似文献   

W. Heath  Dedi S. 《水文研究》1990,4(1):35-43
The role of the open standpipe Casagrande piezometer for determining soil pore pressures is still important because of its simplicity and reliability in comparison with transducer type instruments. Such factors are especially relevant when instrumentation is used on remote and inaccessible sites. The limitations of Casagrande type systems relate to poor response times, particularly in soils of low permeability, and the complexity of the normal gas bubbling equipment used to monitor and record data from this type of piezometer. The response can be improved, providing the design of the installation is taken into consideration in terms of the piezometer collection area and standpipe sizes. A simple acoustic technique has been developed by Geotechnical Monitoring Ltd, to monitor and record piezometric levels. This is based on measuring the period for the return echo of a high frequency signal; a technique widely used to focus cameras that has been found to be reliable and accurate. However, trials on landslide sites in Indonesia highlighted problems which related more to a lack of development rather than any fundamental problems in the method of monitoring standpipes. This paper describes such problems and how they might be overcome.  相似文献   

This paper describes a drive point system for installing small‐diameter (15 to 25 mm ID) piezometers to depths of several metres in unconsolidated sediments. The system fills the gap between (1) heavy duty drive point systems powered by drilling rig hydraulics or air hammers that are capable of installing large diameter drive points to depths of many tens of metres and (2) manually driven systems that typically install 10 mm ID or smaller tubing to depths of <2 m. Unlike many existing systems, which install piezometers inside an outer casing that is later removed, our system protects the piezometer screen inside the casing and extends it only once the casing is driven to the desired depth. This avoids clogging of the screen during installation and the risk of creating an annulus around the piezometer, which can provide a preferential pathway for water movement. The piezometer has a larger diameter than most manually driven systems, and thus has a higher yield; it also permits use of most commercially available pressure transducers and electrical conductivity sensors. The piezometers have been successfully installed to depths of up to 6 m using an electric hammer. The system overcomes some issues associated with existing systems and provides the advantages of affordability, rapid installation, mechanical assistance and manual portability.  相似文献   

A graphical method was devised for designing contaminant detection monitoring networks in aquifers. The approach eliminates bias in detection efficiency among well pairs, thereby improving the overall efficiency of a ground water monitoring network. In the equidistant configurations derived by the graphical approach, all wells are located the same distance from a landfill, but the distance is measured parallel to ground water flow, Measured perpendicular to ground water flow, there is also an equal spacing between wells in an equidistant network. A simulation model was used to compare an equidistant network to a peripheral monitoring configuration, in which wells were spaced evenly along the downgradient boundaries of a landfill. The equidistant network yielded a 12.4% higher detection efficiency and also facilitated earlier release detection. In practice, the graphical approach that yields equidistant configurations can be used to identify candidate monitoring networks to detect potential releases from landfills.  相似文献   

Site characterization in densely fractured dolomite: comparison of methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the challenges in characterizing fractured-rock aquifers is determining whether the equivalent porous medium approximation is valid at the problem scale. Detailed hydrogeologic characterization completed at a small study site in a densely fractured dolomite has yielded an extensive data set that was used to evaluate the utility of the continuum and discrete-fracture approaches to aquifer characterization. There are two near-vertical sets of fractures at the site; near-horizontal bedding-plane partings constitute a third fracture set. Eighteen boreholes, including five coreholes, were drilled to a depth of approximately 10.6 m. Borehole geophysical logs revealed several laterally extensive horizontal fractures and dissolution zones. Flowmeter and short-interval packer testing identified which of these features were hydraulically important. A monitoring system, consisting of short-interval piezometers and multilevel samplers, was designed to monitor four horizontal fractures and two dissolution zones. The resulting network consisted of >70 sampling points and allowed detailed monitoring of head distributions in three dimensions. Comparison of distributions of hydraulic head and hydraulic conductivity determined by these two approaches suggests that even in a densely fractured-carbonate aquifer, a characterization approach using traditional long-interval monitoring wells is inadequate to characterize ground water movement for the purposes of regulatory monitoring or site remediation. In addition, traditional multiwell pumping tests yield an average or bulk hydraulic conductivity that is not adequate for predicting rapid ground water travel times through the fracture network, and the pumping test response does not appear to be an adequate tool for assessing whether the porous medium approximation is valid.  相似文献   

There is a need to identify measurable characteristics of stream channel morphology that vary predictably throughout stream networks and that influence patterns of hyporheic exchange flow in mountain streams. In this paper we characterize stream longitudinal profiles according to channel unit spacing and the concavity of the water surface profile. We demonstrate that: (1) the spacing between zones of upwelling and downwelling in the beds of mountain streams is closely related to channel unit spacing; (2) the magnitude of the vertical hydraulic gradients (VHGs) driving hyporheic exchange flow increase with increasing water surface concavity, measured at specific points along the longitudinal profile; (3) channel unit spacing and water surface concavity are useful metrics for predicting how patterns in hyporheic exchange vary amongst headwater and mid‐order streams. We use regression models to describe changes in channel unit spacing and concavity in longitudinal profiles for 12 randomly selected stream reaches spanning 62 km2 in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon. Channel unit spacing increased significantly, whereas average water surface concavity (AWSC) decreased significantly with increasing basin area. Piezometer transects installed longitudinally in a subset of stream reaches were used to measure VHG in the hyporheic zone, and to determine the location of upwelling and downwelling zones. Predictions for median pool length and median distance between steps in piezometer reaches bracketed the median distance separating zones of upwelling in the stream bed. VHG in individual piezometers increased with increasing water surface concavity at individual points in the longitudinal profile along piezometer transects. Absolute values of VHG, averaged throughout piezometer transects, increased with increasing AWSC, indicating increased potential for hyporheic exchange flow. These findings suggest that average hyporheic flow path lengths increase—and the potential for hyporheic exchange flow in stream reaches decreases—along the continuum from headwater to mid‐order mountain streams. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A single-hole multilevel sampling piezometer system (MLSPS) has been designed by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) to be installed using drilling systems that continuously core (e.g., Rotosonic) or continuously sample (e.g., hollow-stem auger, Becker hammer) overburden and that have the flexibility of allowing additional coring (diamond drilling) or sampling (hammer drilling) of bedrock. The GSC-MLSPS (under license to Solinst Canada Ltd.) uses a patented GSC dry injection system for accurate emplacement of filter packs and seals. This system permits (a) the use of variable screen lengths; (b) the complete evacuation of piezometers before introduction of new ground water (no bailing); (c) the use of a number of types of hydraulic tests (e.g., slug, withdrawal/recovery, vacuum, pressure-pulse); (d) ground water sampling under a nitrogen atmosphere; (e) dissolved gas sampling; (f) a great deal of flexibility in the use of design materials; and (g) the elimination of bridging and collapse of filter packs and seals.  相似文献   

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