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本文利用2005-2009年的全球网格化Argo数据,分别采用温度判据和密度判据计算了全球大洋混合层深度(Mixed Layer Depth, MLD),讨论了障碍层(Barrier Layer, BL)和补偿层(Compensated Layer, CL)对混合层深度计算的影响,得到了合成的混合层深度,并研究了其时空变化特征. 研究表明:(1)在赤道西太平洋(10°S -5°N,150°E-150°W),孟加拉湾,热带西大西洋(10°N-20°N,30°W-60°W)是障碍层高发区域. 冬季的北太平洋副热带区域(30°N附近)以及东北大西洋(40°N-60°N,0°-30°W)是补偿层发生的区域. (2) 在各个半球的夏季MLD都比较浅,在各个半球的冬季MLD则普遍比较深. 北太平洋和北大西洋的MLD的分布和变化比较相似,印度洋MLD受季风影响显著,呈现半年周期变化. 太平洋和大西洋的MLD 的经向分布大致呈现出"两端深,中间浅"的拱形特点. (3)混合层深度距平场EOF第一模态时间变化为周期的年信号,北太平洋和北大西洋、南大洋(尤其是南极绕流区)都是MLD变化剧烈的海域,第二模态显示全球大洋混合层深度距平存在着一个半年的变化周期.  相似文献   

全球大洋混合层深度的计算及其时空变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2005-2009年的全球网格化Argo数据,分别采用温度判据和密度判据计算了全球大洋混合层深度(Mixed Layer Depth, MLD),讨论了障碍层(Barrier Layer, BL)和补偿层(Compensated Layer, CL)对混合层深度计算的影响,得到了合成的混合层深度,并研究了其时空变化特征. 研究表明:(1)在赤道西太平洋(10°S -5°N,150°E-150°W),孟加拉湾,热带西大西洋(10°N-20°N,30°W-60°W)是障碍层高发区域. 冬季的北太平洋副热带区域(30°N附近)以及东北大西洋(40°N-60°N,0°-30°W)是补偿层发生的区域. (2) 在各个半球的夏季MLD都比较浅,在各个半球的冬季MLD则普遍比较深. 北太平洋和北大西洋的MLD的分布和变化比较相似,印度洋MLD受季风影响显著,呈现半年周期变化. 太平洋和大西洋的MLD 的经向分布大致呈现出"两端深,中间浅"的拱形特点. (3)混合层深度距平场EOF第一模态时间变化为周期的年信号,北太平洋和北大西洋、南大洋(尤其是南极绕流区)都是MLD变化剧烈的海域,第二模态显示全球大洋混合层深度距平存在着一个半年的变化周期.  相似文献   

地磁月均值的长期变化结果表明,1994年台湾海峡7.3级地震前4年,泉州台与仑坪台的X和Z分量均出现异常,X分量呈现负异常,Z分量呈现正异常,异常幅度达20-30nT.另外,地震前一年半,泉州台与通海台的视深比或仑坪台与通海台的视深比(周期为24h)都出现过先降后升的异常变化。  相似文献   

利用1994年9月16日台湾海峡7.3级地震震源机制解及滑动分布模型的资料,计算了由台湾海峡7.3级地震造成的静态库仑应力变化.对余震的分布进行了研究与分析,从震后余震的分布与应力场的情况及历史上这一地区的震源地分布的角度对库仑应力的变化进行了分析.结果显示,基于滑动分布模型正演的静态库仑应力变化在距震中相对较远的区域与余震分布的一致性较好,约90%的余震发生在库仑应力增加的区域;在震中附近计算出的库仑应力变化比较复杂,与余震的分布序列并不完全一致.在距震中较远的区域,库仑应力变化能比较好的反映余震的分布,而在震中附近库仑应力变化与余震分布的对应关系则比较复杂.以闽粤滨海断裂带为接收断层计算了其上的库仑应力变化,结果显示其西南段上的应力增加,促使其活动性增强,认为在闽粤滨海断裂带与NW走向的上杭-东山断裂交汇的南澎岛-东山岛海域发生地震的潜在危险性较大.  相似文献   

本文简要地论述了行星际过程与高纬地磁场扰动的关系,并对高纬极区地磁场变化对行星际过程的响应和地磁变化场的特点进行了分析研究和评述。  相似文献   

断层气日变化及其和固体潮关系的试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究断怪气的日变化,探讨地下浅部气体和固体潮的关系,在怀来后郝窑地热区进行了试验和观测。研究了地下气体H2,CO2Hg等的日变化以及气温、气压、风速等对其影响,探讨地下浅层气体和固体潮的关系,认为H2,Hg等地下气体的和固体潮有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

王东阡  张耀存 《地球物理学报》2012,55(08):2498-2507
本文利用Final Global Data Assimilation System (FNL) 6小时再分析数据集分析了西南低空急流的日变化特征及其影响因子,结果表明:西南低空急流具有明显的日变化特征,在夜间和早晨(02LST,08LST)中国东南大部分地区急流发生频率较高,而在白天和傍晚(14LST,20LST)低空急流发生频率较低.经向地转风分量在一天内基本保持稳定,经向非地转分量在02LST最强,占实际风场强度50%以上,而在14LST和20LST,经向风场近似满足地转平衡.对风场非定常性、风速在流动方向上的非均匀性、流线弯曲和大气斜压性产生的地转偏差的分析结果表明,经向非地转风的日变化主要是由局地变压、水平风场涡度、垂直运动和温度梯度的日变化产生,副热带高压强度和位置的变化、青藏高原大地形加热效应和昼夜间海陆热力性质差异是造成经向非地转风夜间加强的重要原因.在中国东部地区,风速在流动方向的非均匀性虽然有利于非地转风的产生,但其没有明显的日变化,不是经向非地转风在夜间加强的主要原因.  相似文献   

中国东部西南低空急流日变化特征及其机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用Final Global Data Assimilation System (FNL) 6小时再分析数据集分析了西南低空急流的日变化特征及其影响因子,结果表明:西南低空急流具有明显的日变化特征,在夜间和早晨(02LST,08LST)中国东南大部分地区急流发生频率较高,而在白天和傍晚(14LST,20LST)低空急流发生频率较低.经向地转风分量在一天内基本保持稳定,经向非地转分量在02LST最强,占实际风场强度50%以上,而在14LST和20LST,经向风场近似满足地转平衡.对风场非定常性、风速在流动方向上的非均匀性、流线弯曲和大气斜压性产生的地转偏差的分析结果表明,经向非地转风的日变化主要是由局地变压、水平风场涡度、垂直运动和温度梯度的日变化产生,副热带高压强度和位置的变化、青藏高原大地形加热效应和昼夜间海陆热力性质差异是造成经向非地转风夜间加强的重要原因.在中国东部地区,风速在流动方向的非均匀性虽然有利于非地转风的产生,但其没有明显的日变化,不是经向非地转风在夜间加强的主要原因.  相似文献   

日球层等离子体片是出现在日球层电流片附近的等离子体结构,具有离子数密度明显增强、磁场总强度下降、等离子体β增大等特征,是行星际扰动和行星空间天气的重要驱动源,被广泛关注和研究.?日球层等离子体片内可能存在局地电流片、等离子体波动和磁岛,也引起日趋深入的讨论.?本文简要介绍有关日球层等离子体片的一些研究进展,重点关注日球...  相似文献   

采用宽频带P波波形资料,利用全局反演方法,推断了1994年9月16日发生在台湾海峡的一次强烈地震的地震矩张量;并采用随机加权方法进行误差分析.结果表明,这次地震的矩张量解以双力偶成分为主,是断层面为EW走向的正倾错动.震源机制的张应力轴接近水平,SN走向;压应力轴几乎竖直.地震矩值为0.98×1019Nm.震源过程的持续时间仅有4s,震源时间函数显示了均匀的单一破裂事件.通过对台湾东南到吕宋岛以北地震带的震源性质分析,探讨了该地区产生SN向水平拉张应力状态的原因.  相似文献   

Diurnal evolution of the barrier layer (BL) and its local feedback features in the central Taiwan Strait (119.2oE,24.3oN) during summertime monsoon are investigated using in situ moored observations conducted by the Yan-Ping 2 research vessel in late June 2005.During the initiation phase,for the non-solar radiation tends to be trapped in the upper mixed layer,whereas the solar radiation can penetrate deeply through the mixed layer approaching the thermocline,most heat is accumulated inside the BL inducing a...  相似文献   


The generation processes and potential energy sources of internal solitary waves (ISWs) in the southern Taiwan Strait are investigated by driving a high resolution non-hydrostatic numerical model with realistic background conditions. Two main types of ISWs are clarified according to their different energy sources. One is generated by the nonlinear disintegration of remote internal tides emanating from Luzon Strait, and the other type is generated by local tide-topography interaction at the continental slope. The basic properties and evolution processes differ between these two kinds of ISWs. The waves originated from the remote internal tides at Luzon Strait have amplitudes comparable to previous field observations. In contrast, the ISWs generated locally are much weaker than observed waves, even in the presence of a steady offshore background current, which intensifies the generation of onshore ISWs. The ISWs induced by remotely generated M2 internal tides are stronger than those induced by K1 internal tides, and the fraction of internal wave energy transmitted onto the shelf is not significantly influenced by the intensity of remotely generated internal tides.  相似文献   

台湾及台湾海峡地震活动对大陆地区的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据已有和近年来补充调查的资料,阐明了台湾及台湾海峡地震对大陆东南沿海地区影响的差异,并通过对以下问题的分析,探讨了其结果在震害防御与历史地震考证方面的意义:①台湾地区的强震频度较高,间隔时间从几年到数十年,但对大陆沿海地带的最大影响烈度仅为Ⅵ度,最大有感半径达1100km,有感地带的宽度大于500km.这些地震在大陆地区可产生数毫米位移的长周期地面运动;②台湾海峡西侧滨海断裂带发生的强震,其频度不如台湾地区高,却因距离大陆较近,最大影响烈度达Ⅷ——Ⅸ度,最大有感半径大于1000km,有感地带的宽度大于400km;③我国东南沿海地带的震害防御策略,宜在着重考虑滨海断裂带强震影响的同时,还要注意台湾地震对工程结构造成的损伤,以及恐震心理引发的哄动社会效应影响;④大陆地区记载到的1517年5月19日地震事件,宜视为台湾地区的强震影响更为妥切.   相似文献   

Interannual variability of summer coastal upwelling in the Taiwan Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study dealt with the interannual variability of summer coastal upwelling in the Taiwan Strait, based on empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. Three datasets were used for the analysis: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sea surface temperature dataset from 1985 to 2005; hydrographic records at two coastal stations from 1970 to 2001; and cruise measurements in 1988 and 2004. The results indicated that the first mode (85.3%) of the spatial variance showed a persistent front, which was generally aligned northeast–southwestward in the western Taiwan Strait. This front separated colder water on the west side from warmer water on the east side. The eigenvector time series showed that the variability of this front with time was closely correlated with the change in the wind stress anomaly of the alongshore wind component, derived from 17 years of the European remote sensing (ERS) satellite and QuickScat wind dataset from 1992 to 2005. Records of water temperature and salinity anomaly at Pingtan Island (Is.) located in the northwestern Taiwan Strait, and Dongshan Is. located in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, showed that a negative temperature anomaly appeared along with a positive salinity anomaly in some years. This suggested a dominant influence of cold and saline upwelling water at the surface. The years of notable cooling events derived from the station measurements were generally consistent with the time series of the EOF Mode 1. The change in upwelling derived from cruise measurements further confirmed the change shown by the EOF Mode 1 time series. These 1985–2005 results indicated that for the entire western Taiwan Strait summer coastal upwelling was strong in 1987, 1993, and 1998, and that upwelling in the northwest and the southwest Taiwan Strait showed different behavior. A delayed ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) effect was suggested as a major mechanism for the interannual variability of Taiwan Strait coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

In early 2008, cold water in the Taiwan Strait (TWS) was moved sequentially by a cross-strait flow and a southward flow to the Penghu Island, causing a cold-related fish kill disaster. Except for the local wind forcing, the coastal-trapped waves (CTWs), intermittently propagating toward the TWS from north in winter, are an additional factor that could impact the flow patterns by changing cross-strait sea-level gradient during the disaster. In the first stage (January 28–February 7), the reach of a large CTW trough induced an additional northward flow, which formed a cyclone after turning around the Zhangyun Ridge. Then, the cyclone led to an additional cross flow, which enhanced an eastward (offshore) movement of cold water. In the second stage (February 7–14), the arrival of a large CTW crest triggered an additional southward flow, which intensified a southward movement of the cold water. Due to the additional eastward and southward movements caused by the CTWs, the cold water could reach Penghu Island inducing a cold disaster.  相似文献   

台湾海峡地震定点形变的异常分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合定点形变前兆异常的常用判定标准,用多种数学方法处理了厦门台与漳州台1991~1995年水平摆地倾斜资料,发现在9,16海峡地震之前,两个台站的资料都表现出不同程度的年变规律畸变、γ因子异常、一阶差分法异常、滤波法异常等多种地形变前兆指标异常。  相似文献   

As an important channel connecting the East and South China Seas, circulations in the Taiwan Strait are strongly influenced by the East Asian monsoon and the topography of the strait, especially the Taiwan Bank (TWB), which is a remarkable topographic feature located at the southern entrance to the strait. Based on a series of pressure gauges deployed roughly 40 km offshore along the western Strait, subtidal sea-level variability under the combined impact of winter monsoon and topography was studied. The analyses show significant along-strait coherences of subtidal sea levels and their coherences with the large-scale monsoon wind for periods from 2 to 14 days. It is suggested that these fluctuations are mainly forced waves driven by the large-scale winds. In addition to the normal cross-shore wind setup, a sea-level setup in the along-strait direction is confirmed, which is induced by the combined forcing of the fluctuating winter monsoon and the blocking of the TWB. A southward current surge driven by a northerly wind event will cause a rising sea level over the TWB inducing a southward along-shore slope anomaly to the north of the TWB and a reversed slope anomaly to the south. The subtidal current through the channel to the west of the TWB is found to be influenced by the reversed slope anomalies generated via the along-shore setup.  相似文献   

关于在台湾海峡架桥和修筑隧道的问题从1987年至2002年在福省召开过三次"台湾海峡两岸地质地震和架桥与修筑隧道的研讨会",以后陆续出版了相应的论文和论文集,提出了"台湾海峡架桥和修筑隧道的可行性研究",和"台湾海峡隧道工程设计总建议"等[1-4],论述了修建该工程的可行性等问题.提出平潭岛可作为海峡北线的端点,探讨了如何具体建桥和相关工程的问题.近年来地球层析技术的发展,可对台湾海峡隧道工程的工程地质问题,海港的开发和沿海陆地的充分利用等,做出探测台湾海峡地下地层三维成像细结构和地球物理场的空间分布,作为台湾海峡架桥铺路工程基本设计的必要依据.为了让大中小轮船在台湾海峡顺利通航,利用现代的科技研讨台湾海峡两岸连接的最佳方案.为了架成大型的高桥和修建堤坝式的地基,必须用地震层析和应力波等方法探测桥梁和堤坝地基的结构和地层的坚实程度,以便决定桥墩深入海底的深度,和设计坚固而又经济的桥墩与堤坝的基础.参考开采海底石油平台施工和荷兰填海造田的工程经验,以双边海堤与大型高桥及活动的船闸相结合,从平潭岛东至台湾新竹西海岸,在124千米距离上架设4-6段桥梁和5-7段堤坝型的路基,既让大中小船舶照常航行,海洋生物照常游动,又可在其上通车,以缩短两岸距离,适应中国大陆和台湾经济快速发展的需要,争取和平沟通的愿望.由于架桥铺路的工程费用较修筑隧道的投资低得多,在福建近海地带局部填海造地,充分利用海洋资源和建筑深水码头,可得到较大的经济补偿,在现阶段较易实施.本文初步分析了有关的地球层析和工业CT技术的作用问题.  相似文献   

1994年台湾海峡7.3级地震发震断层的地震学证据   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过地震学观测资料的分析和研究,并综合其他作者的研究成果,论证了台湾海峡1994年7.3级地震发震断层的主破裂面走向应为北西向,地震的发生是由分布于该区域的巴士系构造活动所致。  相似文献   

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