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As a rapid and effective ground improvement method is urgently required for the booming land reclamation in China's coastal area, this study proposes a new combined method of electroosmosis, vacuum preloading and surcharge preloading. A new type of electrical prefabricated vertical drain (ePVD) and a new electroosmotic drainage system are suggested to allow the application of the new method. This combined method is then field-tested and compared with the conventional vacuum combined with surcharge preloading method. The monitoring and foundation test results show that the new method induces a settlement 20% larger than that of the conventional vacuum combined with surcharge preloading method in the same treatment period, and saves approximately half of the treatment time compared with the vacuum combined with surcharge preloading method according to the finite element prediction of the settlement. The proposed method also increases the vane shear strength of the soil significantly. The bearing capacity of the ground improved by use of the new proposed method raises 118%. In comparison, there is only a 75% rise when using the vacuum combined with surcharge preloading method during the same reinforcement period. All results indicate that the proposed combined method is effective and suitable for reinforcing the soft clay ground. Besides, the voltage applied between the anode and cathode increases exponentially versus treatment time when the output current of power supplies is kept constant. Most of the voltage potential in electroosmosis is lost at electrodes, leaving smaller than 50% of the voltage to be effectively transmitted into the soil.  相似文献   


Newly dredged fills feature a high moisture content and a high floating mud content. Based on the conventional vacuum preloading (CVP) method, this article presents a new method of air-booster vacuum preloading (AVP) to reinforce newly dredged fills for different air-booster periods (45, 60 and 90?min). Compared with other methods, this new method features no sand cushion and adopts a self-developed air-booster pipe and a water–air separation device. A series of laboratory model tests were performed to explore the effect of the improved AVP method for the enhancement of newly dredged fills. A comparison of variables monitored during reinforcement (vacuum pressure, surface settlement, water discharge and pore-water pressure) and after reinforcement (water content, vane shear strength, SEM and MIP) indicates that the reinforcement effect of the AVP method is superior to that of the CVP method; the former can effectively alleviate the problem of prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) clogging, greatly reducing engineering costs and significantly shortening construction periods.  相似文献   

海岸风沙是海岸带陆-海-气相互作用的突出产物。本文通过福建平潭岛远垱澳海滩风沙全环境要素观测,从海滩风沙垂向分布、滩面风沙起动和搬运等方面,探讨并总结自然海滩潮汐动态作用下的风沙运动过程。主要研究结论为:(1)海滩湿沙表面风沙流绝大部分(98.9%)在离滩面30 cm高度层内运动,不同粒径组沙粒的垂向分布形式不同;(2)潮汐旋回中的海滩起沙风速显著高于同等粒径内陆沙漠地区,其变化过程主要为滩面平均表层湿度与风区长度相互"博弈"的结果;(3)海滩风沙输送量主要受风速、滩面平均表层湿度与风区长度耦合作用,涨落潮不同阶段输沙量变化的主导影响因素不同;(4)"干沙起动+湿沙表面传输"为典型的海滩风沙搬运模式之一,滩面风沙运程较短,总体呈"接力"式特征向海岸前缘沙丘搬运。  相似文献   

Bycatch reduction technologies (BRTs) have been developed to limit the incidental capture of non-target marine species in fishing gear, especially those species of special concern. However, in the absence of enforcement, the proven effectiveness of a BRT alone does not guarantee its adoption by fishermen. Human factors also play a fundamental role. This case study was directed at evaluating the willingness of Sicilian longline fishermen to use relatively large circle hooks (size 16/0) as a BRT for the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta. Fishermen were involved in testing circle hooks with their fishing vessels and their own commercial fishing gear, and their opinions before and after trials at sea were recorded. The present study showed the importance of creating a positive human context for testing a BRT. Findings provided additional confirmation about the usefulness of relatively large circle hooks to reduce the bycatch of loggerhead sea turtles on drifting longlines. Interviews before and after trials at sea indicated that socio-economic and emotional factors are essential for successful uptake of BRTs. Crews of large fishing vessels stated that they would be willing to use circle hooks in months with a high probability of turtle captures (June-September) if an economic incentive was provided and there was also public acknowledgement of their efforts. The fishermen's cooperatives association involved in the project is currently evaluating the creation of a product label identifying the harbors where fishing was performed using circle hooks.  相似文献   

Co-management has gained significant traction in small-scale fisheries as part of the solution for resolving economic inefficiency, unsustainable harvesting and unequal distribution of benefits derived from fisheries, generating some promising results. Most studies, however, present co-management as the sharing of power between resource users and centralised government, and do not explicitly consider the role of a more diverse set of stakeholders, or what roles different stakeholder types are best positioned to perform. This paper contributes to our understanding of stakeholder diversity by determining, through surveys with 133 fishery stakeholders in Solomon Islands, which stakeholder types are perceived as most suited to particular co-management roles, and which stakeholder types should be collaborating to increase fishery stocks. The effect of respondent socio-demographics, on perceived roles, is tested to explore the value of the role typology. Ten dominant roles were identified across seven stakeholder types, including collaboration and raising awareness, which were perceived to be dominantly the domain of auxiliary stakeholders that are not explicitly recognised in the co-management literature, including NGOs and church leaders. Of the socio-demographic variables tested, only site explained some of the variation in stakeholder roles perceived by respondents. The primary value of the typology lies in its potential to be used as a basis for dialogue on strengths and weaknesses of allocated roles for increasing fish stocks in existing co-management systems.  相似文献   

河控型河口盐度混合和层化是控制悬沙输移扩散的重要动力机制。以珠江磨刀门河口为研究对象,基于2017年洪季三船同步大、小潮水文泥沙观测数据,分析河控型河口水体盐度层化结构的时空变化对悬沙分布的影响机制。结果表明:受径潮动力耦合时空变化影响,河口盐度垂向分布表现出时空差异,即受径流主导的M1站(挂锭角),河口盐度在涨落潮周期内垂向混合均匀,受径潮控制的M2站(口门)在整个潮周期内盐度层化结构明显,口门外侧的M3站,潮动力作用较强,盐度垂向分布随涨落潮变化而变化;悬沙空间分布与盐度分布关系密切,盐度混合均匀利于悬沙垂向均匀分布,而盐度层化则使悬沙倾向于滞留在底层水体中,且在盐度层结界面之下出现高悬沙浓度,悬沙浓度垂向分布曲线呈L字型或抛线型,纵向上表现为高浓度悬沙团抑制在盐水楔前端,盐度层化对悬沙的捕集效应明显。通过对比水体标准化分层系数与水流垂向扩散强度系数发现,两者呈现负相关关系,即标准化分层系数愈大,垂向扩散强度愈小,表明水体层化抑制悬沙垂向扩散强度,而且水体层化程度越高,悬沙垂向扩散抑制程度越大,进而促进了河口水体盐度层化对悬沙捕集作用。本研究有助于揭示河口细颗粒泥沙运动机制及河口拦门沙演变机制,并为磨刀门河口拦门沙治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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