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The search for alternative urban development often confronts the despairing conclusion that political conditions in American cities foreclose any real possibilities of change. In this article we challenge that view. We argue that debates about alternative urban development in the U.S. overemphasize urban industrial transition as a process of rupture, whereby strong business-led political regimes displace an old economic order in favor of a new corporate-centered, FIRE-oriented, downtown development model. In contrast, we suggest many cities have experienced post-industrial neoliberalism in more muted fashion, characterized by a condition of political economic stasis, where old industries and political interests persist alongside new economic strategies and developments. A brief discussion of Akron, Ohio, Lexington, Kentucky, and Tacoma, Washington illustrates the dynamics at work in such cities. We argue that stasis and the weakness of the mainstream orthodoxy in some cities provide a context in which alternative economic development might be more viable.  相似文献   

Affecting Geospatial Technologies: Toward a Feminist Politics of Emotion*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Building on earlier contributions to feminist understanding of geospatial technologies (GT), I seek to further develop feminist perspectives on GT along new directions. I argue that an attention to the importance of affect (feelings and emotions) and the performative nature of GT practices offers a distinctive critical edge to feminist work on GT. I emphasize the need for GT practitioners to contest the dominant meanings and uses of GT, and to participate in struggles against the oppressive or violent effects of these technologies. I argue that only when emotions, feelings, values, and ethics become an integral part of our geospatial practices can we hope that the use of GT will lead to a less violent and more just world.  相似文献   

文章基于流空间视角,提出了城市群协同发展双重内涵,从流动性、连通性与互补性3方面剖析了要素空间流动与区域功能协同的内在关联。并选取旧金山湾区为实证案例,梳理国际湾区城市群从单中心走向功能协同、一体化发展的路径及驱动机制。研究认为,要素流驱动下的旧金山湾区经历了从发育到成熟的3个阶段:1)要素流动强化旧金山与奥克兰双城联系,功能互补促进双城共生发展阶段;2)要素南汇促成三足鼎立,要素对流与功能互惠助推多中心联动发展阶段;3)要素分流促成泛网络空间结构,错位互补发展强化区域环流,湾区实现功能协同发展阶段。文章结论可为构建中国区域协调发展机制、推动国际湾区协同发展带来如下启示:应顺应要素流动的客观规律,推进体制机制创新,为要素流动破除障碍;发挥政府引导作用,提升区域软、硬件基础设施的连通性,为要素流动和实现区域优势互补奠定基础;探索区域协商机制,制定功能互补与联动的区域发展战略,引导要素合理分流与高效配置,实现区域功能联动发展。  相似文献   


Although the term “sustainability” did not gain traction until the 1980s, concerns about the consequences of transportation technology started long before. This paper reviews the literature on urban transportation sustainability using three frameworks. First, urban transportation can be unsustainable environmentally, economically, and socially (the three pillars of sustainability). Second, sustainable strategies tend to fall into two paradigms. Sustainable Transport Technology improves current patterns of modes and trips by consuming less resources and generating less waste. Sustainable Travel Behavior and Built Environment takes a more holistic approach that targets more sustainable travel choices, recognizing that changes in the built environment that currently constrains those choices are also essential. Third, the Planner’s Triangle helps explain commonly encountered situations where inherent tradeoffs can impede win-win-win strategies across environmental, economic, and social domains. The paper concludes with future research directions and concluding thoughts about urban transportation and sustainability.  相似文献   

华北平原农业适应气候变化技术集成创新体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
适应气候变化技术的集成创新是应对气候变化的必要途径.以我国重要的商品粮生产基地--华北平原为例,分析了气候变化对华北平原农业的影响,提出华北平原农业适应气候变化的技术集成创新体系,包括:单一目标的农业适应技术集成体系,多目标综合的农业适应技术集成体系,多部门综合的农业适应技术集成体系和因地制宜的分区农业适应技术集成体系等;讨论了适应的不确定性、适应需求的差异性以及适应技术集成创新能力.最后指出,我国应对气候变化亟需开展不同领域适应气候变化技术的集成创新研究,构建不同部门适应气候变化技术的集成创新体系,使各种单项和分散的技术成果得到集成,从而建立完善的适应气候变化技术的集成创新机制.  相似文献   

城市群创新联系网络结构与创新效率研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
盛彦文  苟倩  宋金平 《地理科学》2020,40(11):1831-1839
引入修正引力模型、社会网络分析方法、DEA模型以及Tobit模型,探讨2001—2015年京津冀、长三角、珠三角三大城市群的创新联系网络结构对创新效率的影响。研究表明:① 创新联系格局方面,京津冀城市群呈现以“京津”为核心的放射状发展特征,长三角城市群呈现以“Z”字形为主轴的类钻石型空间格局,珠三角城市群形成了以珠江口两侧城市为核心、其他城市为重要节点的空间格局;② 在创新联系网络结构特征方面,京津冀城市群呈极核式发展,群内创新联系高度依赖于核心城市,长三角和珠三角城市群由单中心驱动转变为多中心驱动,呈均衡发展特征,京津冀和珠三角城市群创新联系网络具有“小世界”网络特征;③ Tobit模型回归结果显示,三大城市群中,城市节点在城市群创新联系网络中的中心位置、中介地位、对结构洞的运用能力和集聚程度对其创新效率的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

San Francisco is now widely considered to be the most important city in the world for the location of new technology start-up firms, especially high valuation “unicorns,” and is increasingly seen as both a locational and metaphorical extension of Silicon Valley. In this paper, I trace some of the political strategies and tensions that have accompanied the city’s prominence in this area, and in particular the distinctive role of technology and venture capital in the political economy of urban development. The paper has four empirical sections. It describes (1) the political machinations surrounding the 2011 and 2015 municipal elections, which saw the election of Ed Lee as Mayor with significant support from individual technology investors such as Ron Conway and Marc Benioff, and accompanied by various “tech-friendly” policy shifts; (2) the foundation of the “tech chamber of commerce” sf.citi as a means of enhancing the policy influence of the tech industry in San Francisco; (3) the introduction of a low taxation regime in the city’s Central Market area that has attracted technology companies such as Twitter as tenants; and (4) the urban policy tensions associated with the evolution of new “sharing economy” firms such as Uber and Airbnb, which have aggressively challenged municipal regulations in the taxi and property rental fields. Throughout these machinations, we can see a reshaping of capital fractions, with venture and angel capital increasingly involved in reengineering the labor, housing, and public transport markets of the city in order to circumvent the accumulation problems that tech investors had suffered in the earlier dot.com failures.  相似文献   

Clare Herrick 《Area》2010,42(1):108-116
As a result of its importance to the discipline's identity and epistemology, the nature of fieldwork and the fieldtrip itself have recently come under close scrutiny in the education and geographical literature. Moreover, not only is their pedagogical importance being debated, but also their future viability at a time of increasing pressure on institutions to minimise potential risk situations in the field, offer value for money to students as well as following the increasingly common and popular trend of long-haul fieldtrips. This paper therefore critically interrogates the role and use of fieldwork within geographical teaching and learning in the light of its changing and increasingly contested status within the discipline in three parts. First, it outlines and reflects upon the current debate surrounding the threat to the primacy of fieldtrips in geography at a time of ongoing upheaval in higher education. Second, through the empirical example of personal experiences teaching on second-year undergraduate urban geography fieldtrips to San Francisco in December 2007 and 2008, the paper engages with the current discussions of the pedagogical importance of fieldtrips. Third, the paper asks, to what extent teaching in 'the field' might foster the 'experiential' or 'active' learning needed to inspire the kind of 'deep learning' approaches that hold the kind of 'transformative' potential envisaged as a key goal of education more broadly. Through exploring these ideas with reference to recent and relevant experience, the paper aims to critically interrogate the role and value of fieldtrips at a time when their potential demise is being cast as a fundamental assault on geography's founding identity and pedagogical traditions. The paper concludes that despite the threats it faces, the pedagogical significance of fieldwork means that it must remain a fundamental tenet of the geographical educational experience.  相似文献   

中国城市人口迁移和创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是城市发展的动力之一。城市创新受多种因素影响,人口是影响城市创新的重要因素,人口迁移的数量和质量会对创新产生深刻的影响。以专利指标测度创新,基于中国34个主要城市人口2003—2012年的人口迁入、迁出数据,使用stata面板模型,分析中国人口迁移对城市创新的影响。结果显示:人口迁移对城市创新有重要的影响,主要表现在省外迁入人口、省内迁出人口以及高学历和多样化人口迁移对城市创新有积极作用,其他人口迁移因素对城市创新影响则不显著,人口迁移对城市创新的影响具有区域性的差异。研究的政策意义表明:中国需要鼓励高层次的人口迁移,以发挥创新的溢出效应,提升城市的创新能力。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):72-92
Different perspectives have been offered to explain ethnic labor market concentrations. In most studies, however, residential places are seldom included in the research framework. Using data from 5% Public Used Microdata Samples in 2000, this case study of the San Francisco Bay Area reveals that the robust growth of the new economy is dramatically segmenting the geography of employment and thereby the spatial division of labor in each ethnic group. Living arrangements, such as central-city residence and living in coethnic-concentrated-PUMAs, increase the chances of niche employment for most racial/ethnic groups, even after controlling for human capital and certain local context factors. However, there is a "substitution" effect between personal socioeconomic status and location factors. This study argues that living arrangements can provide a mechanism through which personal characteristics, social networking, and ethnic recourses interact with macroeconomic trends, and thus carve out local labor market experiences across the urban space.  相似文献   

在分析创新集群的构成与创新机制的基础上,从外部环境、构成主体等4个方面讨论了创新集群与产业集群的区别。以日本创新集群发展为例,分析创新集群的关键创新要素及作用机制,研究发现:在知识经济和经济区域化发展背景下,区域创新集群已成为促进区域产业升级与提升竞争力的核心力量;在创新集群发展中,领先企业的创新主导与示范作用突出,但又通过技术权力以技术锁定、标准控制等各种不同方式实施技术控制,影响中小型企业及其他研发机构发挥创新作用;在技术传播中,技术扩散、技术转移、技术溢出同时存在,在不同主体、不同阶段、不同空间尺度之间的途径与作用效果不同,畅通的技术通道保证了创新的共创共享;社会网络以社会文化、制度基础保障了各成员主体间经济学意义上最经济的创新合作与交流;创新平台构建了多要素、多功能、多层次的创新系统,体现了创新集群的整体创新优势。此外,行业协会也是创新集群形成与发展的重要基础。  相似文献   

多维邻近下浙江城市创新网络演化及其机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王庆喜  胡志学 《地理科学》2021,41(8):1380-1388
以浙江90个县级城市(城区)为对象,基于大数据专利文本挖掘析取城市间合作申请专利数,构建创新网络,采用空间网络模型和负二项回归模型分析2007—2017年浙江城市创新网络的网络结构、时空演化及创新合作强度的影响机制。研究发现:① 浙江城市创新网络规模逐渐扩张,“小世界性”显著,通达性较好,整体呈以杭州湾区为核心的“网络局部化、辐射中心化”特征,等级层次性清晰;② 浙江城市创新合作强度与经济规模、教育水平、政策支持、技术势差、城市行政等级、技术邻近性、边界相邻效应显著正相关且受地理距离约束,认知邻近性和制度邻近性与创新合作间分别呈“U”型和倒“U”型曲线关系,网络效应更多在整体网层面上促进了创新合作。在特定省份县级城市层面探讨了如何加强城市创新网络协同效应,以促进地方城市间的创新联系。  相似文献   

San Francisco, like many cities in the United States and across the world, has an official zero-tolerance policy on graffiti. In this article, we examine the academic literature concerned with graffiti and then present a case study of zero-tolerance abatement policies in San Francisco. Our analysis yields three main findings. First, zero-tolerance policy stimulates an anti-graffiti industry with vested interest in perpetuating an endless war for control of public space. Second, zero tolerance may generate an unintended result—the proliferation of tags and other forms of graffiti that people tend to dislike the most. Third, we find little evidence that the general public shares the same desire for zero tolerance as the San Francisco Government. Ultimately, we believe that more nuanced readings of graffiti allow greater numbers of people to make sensible, local, place-specific policies regarding graffiti.  相似文献   

网络视角下中国十大城市群区域创新模式研究   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
马双  曾刚 《地理科学》2019,39(6):905-911
从地理开放、区域协同和创新能力3个维度构建理论分析框架,基于网络视角刻画2015年中国十大城市群的区域创新特点,并据此划分城市群的区域创新模式。研究表明,中国十大城市群的区域创新模式存在显著差异。长三角、京津冀和珠三角城市群已具有较好基础,海西城市群缺乏高水平的内部协同,长江中游和成渝城市群过度依赖外部联系,北部湾城市群拥有较明显的核心-边缘内部网络结构,哈长、中原和关中城市群各维度评价均不高,区域创新模式最差。  相似文献   

王璐玮  汪涛  张晗 《地理科学》2021,41(9):1556-1568
构建有向的耦合协调度模型,分析生物医药技术、资金、人才在城市间流动的协同水平,依此划分耦合分区。利用均方差-突变级数法和地理加权回归模型,探究2000—2018年间双元创新冷热点演化格局、双元创新驱动因素的时空异质性及其在不同耦合分区内的主导效应。结果发现:① 城市集聚多元创新要素时“脱钩”现象突出,对外配置多元要素时“雁阵效应”明显。根据多元要素协同流动情况,将地域划分为以依附式耦合为主的保守区、以互惠式耦合为主的平衡区和以吸收式耦合为主的明星区;② 渐进式创新具有时空惰性,突破式创新具有时空间歇性,两者相互反哺,存在时空连锁效应。保守区是主要的双元创新冷点区,平衡区内渐进式创新热点呈现出点-轴扩散的空间增长趋势,突破式创新热点在重要节点城市间跳跃分布,明星区内长三角和珠三角城市群的双元创新热点呈圈层式分布;③ 双元创新的驱动因素具有时序不稳定性和空间异质性,不同耦合分区内城市资产对双元创新的时空主导效应差异明显。  相似文献   

孙茜  黄丽 《热带地理》2022,42(5):716-726
利用2005—2018年长三角城市群27个城市风险投资事件和联合专利申请数据,构建风险投资网络和绿色技术创新网络,采用二次指派程序方法探究地理、经济、制度和社会邻近性对风险投资网络和绿色技术创新网络耦合协调发展的影响。结果表明:研究期内,风险投资网络与绿色技术创新网络耦合协调水平不断上升,高协调水平区域在空间上呈“Z”型格局,整体协调水平从内陆城市向沿海城市逐渐提高;4项邻近性指标对2个网络耦合协调发展的影响存在差异:经济邻近性、风险投资网络的社会邻近性和制度邻近性对2个网络耦合协调发展有显著促进作用,绿色技术创新网络的社会邻近性和制度邻近性对2个网络耦合协调发展影响不显著。  相似文献   

基于城市发明专利授权数,利用克里金插值法、空间自相关方法分析了中国城市创新能力的空间分异特征;并运用地理加权回归(GWR)模型探讨了289个地级及以上城市创新能力影响因素的空间异质性,揭示主导因素的空间分异。结果表明:1)中国城市创新能力呈现由东南向西部递减的趋势,创新能力最强的城市主要集中在东南部沿海地区,而以西藏各市及青海、新疆部分城市为主的西部城市创新能力最弱,空间集聚性显著;创新能力高-高集聚的地区为京津冀、长三角、珠三角地区,低-低集聚的地区为西部及东北地区。2)影响因素方面,各自变量的显著性水平较好,显著区域占比由大到小依次为财政投入、人才要素、经济基础、经济外向度、金融环境、信息化水平,除财政投入对城市创新能力具有显著的正相关性之外,其他因素皆同时存在正负相关效应;各自变量指标回归系数区间范围较大,具有明显的空间分异特征。3)主导因素方面,东南部城市创新能力受经济基础影响较大,而东北以及西部城市受金融环境影响较大。中国城市创新能力影响因素存在空间分异,政府及相关部门在制定创新政策时需要考虑不同城市的特点,采取针对性措施,促进中国城市创新健康协调发展。  相似文献   

基于锡尔系数的广东省城市创新能力差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用锡尔系数的方法,以专利授权数为变量,通过GDP和人口数2种不同的比重加权方法对比,对广东省各城市间的城市创新能力进行测算并分析其差异。研究表明:以GDP比重加权的城市创新能力差异呈减小趋势,而以人口数比重加权的创新能力差异呈增大趋势;城市越来越重视城市创新的建设,以创新带动城市发展;人口增长速度与城市创新能力有一定的关联,是造成城市创新能力差异的重要原因。  相似文献   

重化工业集群式创新机制与空间响应研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
林兰 《地理学报》2016,71(8):1400-1415
本文从集群权力分层视角出发,以德国化学工业和汽车、光伏重工产业为研究对象,采用多种空间计量模型分析方法,研究重化工业创新模式及其空间组织形态变化。理论研究结果表明,重化工业分布的弱地理邻近与空间尺度扩大是基于其产业技术特征和创新合作特点的“必然”:由于集群技术权力分层导致其创新外部性发生根本性改变,地理邻近非再必需,创新合作空间尺度由集群向区域层面拓展。德国实证研究分析揭示:重化工业空间布局呈显著弱地理邻近分布效应;其空间集聚形态已非传统意义上的产业集群,而是依托更大空间尺度的产业集聚带;重工与化工产业有着基于对综合性知识和共性技术扩散共同需求的区位指向;其核心企业因对创新合作者的高度选择权而呈现“孤岛效应”布局。研究指出,重视重化工业技术创新垂直扩散能力的培育、建立多生产环节的共性技术联盟、重视大工业区区域创新协同合作将有助于促进中国重化工业创新升级和空间布局优化。  相似文献   

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