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The “subsumption of nature” framework focuses on productivity increases and extractive innovations in nature-based industries. In this article, we argue that it can also be employed beyond that context in order to capture the convoluted dynamics of market environmentalism. To substantiate our argument, we draw on recent fieldwork on “Trees for Global Benefits,” a forestry-based offsetting project in western Uganda. Like industrial tree plantations, this project relies on the subsumption of carbon sequestration to market imperatives in order to guarantee the quality of its carbon credits. The ecological and socioeconomic difficulties this process engenders give rise to unintended consequences and set in motion the disciplining of the carbon offset producers themselves. The application of the subsumption framework to nonindustrial sectors in this way calls attention to the interlinked socioecological dynamics involved in the subsumption of nature, and highlights potential synergies with previous work on the subsumption of labor.  相似文献   

自然保护区是生态旅游最主要的实践场地。在可持续发展的大背景下,全球各地大量的自然保护区开展了生态旅游实践探索,并且取得了丰富的实践经验。生态旅游在自然保护区实践中的主要经验包括:建立生态旅游认证体系,成立促进社区参与的管理机构和构建生态旅游实践标准。本研究中以辽宁省的白石砬子、医巫闾山和海棠山三个国家级自然保护区为例,采用问卷调查、田野调查、访谈等方法对当地居民、游客、景区工作人员、自然保护区工作人员、当地媒体等群体进行调查,获取一手资料。通过综合分析发现,当前生态旅游在自然保护区可持续发展的阻碍因素包括两大方面,第一个方面是普遍性阻碍因素,具体包括:(1)环境教育的缺失;(2)社区参与的不足;(3)游客管理的不规范;(4)自然保护区管理机构与当地政府的矛盾冲突(条块矛盾)。第二个方面的阻碍因素是由于每个自然保护区具体的自然环境、社会文化等不同而引起的千差万别的各个自然保护区生态旅游发展的具体性阻碍因素。针对生态旅游在自然保护区实践面临的阻碍因素,本研究提出了五项措施:(1)正确认识并且尽力满足利益相关者的合理利益诉求;(2)完善自然保护区生态旅游的协调机制体系;(3)增加自然保护区管理机构的社会效益职责;(4)自然保护区生态旅游经营权、监督权分离;(5)加强对自然保护区生态旅游游客的环境教育。  相似文献   

区域可持续发展中的环境伦理问题   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
郑度 《地理研究》2005,24(2):161-168
全世界面临着人口、资源、环境和发展等一系列问题和严重挑战。当前要实施全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,贯穿其中的主线是树立正确的环境伦理意识,协调处理好人与自然的关系,促进区域可持续发展。人类是地球自然界的一部分,只有以全球整体利益为出发点处理环境与发展问题,才有较大的安全性和包容性。应当以尊重自然及其内在价值为基础来规范人类的实践活动,构建新时代的文明发展模式。环境伦理与可持续发展观在形成和社会功能上有密切的联系。要实施可持续发展战略,必须十分重视环境伦理的研究、教育和实践。实现人与自然和谐的可持续发展是政府和社会公众的共同责任。环境伦理在区域可持续发展中涉及的应用领域很广,要重视地球系统科学知识的宣传普及,提高公民和决策者的环境意识与可持续发展的伦理观念。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1596-1615

Work on cyborg urbanization has unveiled the way in which the city is produced through hybridizations of the human and non-human. However, less attention has been given to the ways by which non-human actors entangle each other without human mediation. On the other hand, literature on urban ruination has explored the agency of the non-human in landscape transformation, however few works have established the link between the processes of ruination and urban transformation. In this article, we bridge these two literatures and argue that it is possible to extend the concept of cyborg urbanization to include urban transformation processes that are conducted by non-human actors, namely vegetation.

We explore these missing links through an exploration of the Matinha Gasworks site, located in the Eastern Zone of the city of Lisbon, Portugal, and deactivated in 2001. It is a vacant land, with several ruined derelict constructions of a gasworks. We draw upon archival work, remote sensing techniques, and post-phenomenological fieldwork to explore the 80-year long process of construction and ruination of the Matinha Gasworks site. Our findings highlight the accumulation of distinct temporalities, scales, matters, and subjectivities in the production of the urban.  相似文献   

鲍俊林  高抒 《地理科学》2019,39(4):596-605
海洋盐业是中国海洋经济的重要部分,也是沿海传统产业之一,13世纪以来不断发展演变。将沿海分为北、东、南3个地带,搜集整理与海盐经济相关的多种历史文献及方志资料,运用地理学方法分析评估了海洋盐业百年尺度的动态演化过程,并比较了资源环境与管理政策的驱动作用及其差异。研究表明: 沿海盐业表现为传统煎法长期主导、逐步废煎改晒的过程,不同盐区的演化进程存在显著差异,北部盐区最快,东部次之,南部整体发展缓慢; 海盐生产重心长期位于东部的两淮盐区,19世纪后期向北部盐区快速迁移; 资源环境与生态差异促进了各岸段海盐生产演化分异,垄断性管理政策迟滞了海洋盐业的空间集聚进程,未来沿海开发与海洋盐业的可持续发展将主要依靠基于资源生态约束的管理政策与技术。  相似文献   


This paper presents an exercise developed for use in introductory physical geography. The exercise is divided into three parts, each having specific objectives and methods for attaining these objectives.

I. The nature of the flood hazard. Flooding is discussed as a natural process. A flood hydrograph is used to illustrate the natural and man-made factors which influence the nature and timing of the flood event.

II. The extent of the flood hazard. Flood probabilities, return intervals, stage-susceptible areas are determined by the students enabling them to make quantitative assessments of the extent of the flood hazard.

III. Formulating public policy: a simulation game. Roles representing various segments and interest groups of the community are given to groups of students. The groups then present hazard adjustment recommendations based on the nature and extent of the hazard and their role to a simulated public meeting. The various recommendations are discussed within established rules of order to reach agreement on public policy.  相似文献   


The development of globalisation has ushered in fundamental changes that have led to a break in the relationship between places of production and places of consumption, and sometimes a rejection of global products and corporations at the local level in accordance with neolocalism. The objective of the article is to examine the effect of regional identity on the local impacts of global processes by applying a multilevel analysis of the brewing industry, in which consumers are very sensitive to changes in the beer offered and can influence it, for example by putting pressure on representatives of restaurants. Beginning with extensive research on the international level, the authors point out the various impacts of brewery acquisitions in three Central European countries – Czechia, Poland and Slovakia – that differ regarding the role of beer in the identity of their inhabitants. Thereafter, they focus on two Czech beer brands, the production of which was relocated to other regions after acquisitions. Based on field studies in the regions of the brands’ original production, the authors find that both brands lost popularity among their original customers. They conclude that for Czech customers, the place of production may be an important factor when choosing a beer brand.  相似文献   


Taking up experiments in “civic innovation” as windows into the making of new urban worlds, I attempt in this essay to map out the parameters of a novel framework for municipal rule and account for the conditions underlying its ascendance in San Francisco, CA. I explore how productions of urban space and nature today serve as the means and objects of an emerging mode of government premised on yoking all forms of urban activity to the dictates of innovation. When proponents of civic innovation pursue particular forms of intervention in the built environment to constitute urban subjects as human capital, they imbibe, reproduce, and enact normative notions about the nature of the city as a problem to manage. Though the project of civic innovation is neither complete nor inevitable, the political vision animating it entails the subsumption of urban life as such within a rubric of decision making modeled on the market.  相似文献   

广州河涌的自然社会构建与城市记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王敏  赵美婷  朱竑 《地理学报》2019,74(2):353-365
基于网络文本、访谈和照片评定等数据,本文采用NVivo分析方法对广州河涌案例展开分析,讨论了城市自然的社会建构与城市记忆之间的互动机制。研究发现,城市自然资源的功能随着社会经济条件变化而变化,并通过人的实践与社会系统彼此渗透、共同演化。具体来讲,以广州河涌为例,本文指出河涌的社会建构很大程度上反映了城市职能和物质形态的演变,反映了物质的利用方式及其与城市文化之间的关系;此外,城市居民与河涌的互动是文化生产的一种方式,在这个过程中,河涌是地方文化的物质承载者,也是维系地方感的重要物质载体;最后,河涌是城市居民产生记忆及其身体实践的重要物质场域,通过此类物理的沉淀,城市记忆才得以传承和保存下去。研究立足于物质地理学视角,强调了自然资源的社会建构过程,重新审视了人类与自然资源的互动关系及过程,进而反思城市发展与自然之间的处理方式,从实证角度回应了文化地理学从“唯物主义”到“文化表征”再回到“重返物质主义”这个轮回对“物质”和“文化”这两个核心概念的审视。从现实意义来讲,本文讨论了城市居民与城市自然之间的互动,为营造健康城市以及为城市再生产的发展思路提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   


Urban greening, the improvement or increase of green spaces in cities, has purported environmental, individual, social and cultural benefits. The extent and qualities of urban green spaces, and our opportunities to engage with them, reflect and shape human responses to those spaces. Planning scholars recognise the traditional role and obligation of planning to help reduce social problems and see the potential for the public to be leaders in defining responses. However, use of technical, scientific and economic approaches by urban land managers can limit recognition of diverse connections to urban green and advance narrow conceptions of nature. We sample people’s responses to different forms of urban green and greening in three case studies from Melbourne, Australia. We show that modern connections and expressions are personal, social and dynamic. Human experiences are embedded in nature and connections develop from interactions with and about nature, in formal and informal spaces. Diverse connections prompt responses to nature, and actions affecting nature itself. Accordingly, we propose ways to develop more receptive, responsive, inclusive and connected forms of urban greening. These include recognising diverse connections and expressions, encouraging dynamic relationships with nature, and providing varied ways of engaging with urban green spaces that foster stewardship.  相似文献   


In the February 1977 issue of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER Leonard Guelke proposed a new approach to regional geography. This article questions the logic of Guelke's “idealist alternative'’and its applicability to geographical problems.  相似文献   

Locational Factors in the New Textile Industry: Focus on the U.S. South   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):193-203

After a brief examination of the geographic shift in the U.S. textile industry from New England to the South in the early twentieth century, this article focuses on the location of contemporary textile mills, which continue to be heavily concentrated in the U.S. South. The industry is analyzed cartographically by types of mills and number of mill workers. The new dynamics of the industry are expressed through modern corporate management strategies that recognize increased integration between manufacturing and markets, especially apparel and home furnishings retailing. Electronic technology, substituted for traditional low-cost labor, has led to the growing importance of localization economies in accounting for the spatial concentration of the industry in the core state of North Carolina and its extensions along the Piedmont into Alabama to the south and Virginia to the north. Economies of scope, flexible production, and quality output characterize the contemporary U.S. textile industry, which operates under increased global competition.  相似文献   


In this article, I scrutinize three art, design, and architecture projects engaging with “cultured,” or “in vitro,” meat (primarily muscle cells cultured outside of bodies) to illuminate the entanglements of academic and extra-academic environments that have characterized cultured meat’s history to date, and the conversations that this technology has spurred. In envisioning new ways of eating, and living, these projects (a book of hypothetical recipes, The In Vitro Meat Cookbook, Catts and Zurr’s bioartistic engagements with tissue engineering, and Terreform1’s tissue-house prototype “The In Vitro Meat Habitat”) illustrate cultural practices thought to be enabled by cell culturing’s new applications. Emphasizing such visions and conversations allows me to highlight an inattention to discursive dynamics within research on natures subsumed to industrial production processes (Boyd, Prudham, and Schurman 2001 Boyd, W., W. S. Prudham, and R. A. Schurman. 2001. Industrial dynamics and the problem of nature. Society and Natural Resources 14 (7):55570. doi:10.1080/089419201750341862[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). But engaging with the “subsumption of nature” framework simultaneously allows me to problematize artistic visions presenting nature as fully malleable.  相似文献   


This article examines the stomachs of ruminant livestock as a site of biotechnological intervention and analyzes efforts to reengineer ruminant digestion as a case of the real subsumption of nature. The livestock industry’s capacity to increase production is constrained by available grazing land and concern about environmental consequences of ever-increasing livestock numbers. Ruminants are also a significant source of greenhouse gases and the mitigation of methane is a recognized priority within the global climate framework. The pursuit of “sustainable intensification” and new technological fixes have been identified as preferred responses to these constraints. The case of ruminant methane calls into question assumptions about the primacy of accumulation, rather than regulation, in driving the real subsumption of nature. The pursuit of technological fixes within biologically based industries may be motivated by a need to stabilize the conditions of production, and regulation itself can provide an impetus for the real subsumption of nature.  相似文献   


This article aims to explore the role of home-based production networks within the industrialization process of rural areas in developing countries and its impact on the labor involved. Based on the structures of the Balinese clothing industry, the article explores the organization of production, provision of production and working capital, and composition and origin of labor. This article shows that home-based batik and embroidery clothing production in Bali is one of very few sources of income beyond agricultural work for immobile, rural labor. However, these production networks within the Balinese clothing industry are defined by weak labor relations vis-à-vis the clothing firm's exceptionally strong position.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):139-152

A critical geographic pedagogy of writing can help students participate in public life by gaining access to the means of knowledge production. Drawing on pedagogical and composition theory, this article analyzes student papers from an introductory-level geography course to show how geography teachers can create assignments that broaden the scope of student agency and expand access to power. This is one way to promote social justice in the classroom because it fosters habits and skills of critical citizenship and participatory democracy instead of passive, consumption-oriented attitudes. Students are better able to position themselves as active members of a community and as agents in the process of critically reshaping knowledge about the world.  相似文献   


It is commonly assumed that personal experiences of a changing climate will influence people’s attitudes to the extent that they will be more likely to acknowledge anthropogenic climate change as a real threat and therefore be more willing to accept both mitigation and adaptation efforts. In the article, the authors examine how survey participants’ personal experiences of extreme events and climate-related changes in the natural environment influenced their perceptions of climate change. Using data from a nationally representative survey conducted in Norway in 2015 and the results of logistic regressions, the authors find that individual observations of changes in nature were linked to higher levels of concern with regard to climate change, as well as to attitudes that were more positive towards personal mitigation and adaption efforts. Somewhat counter-intuitively, they also find that participants who had personally experienced a natural hazard event were less concerned about climate change compared with participants without such experiences. The authors conclude that personal experience of the consequences of climate change may in some cases have a limited effect on enhancing people’s concerns about climate change.  相似文献   

广州鳄鱼公园野生动物旅游中的生命权力运作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹铎  高权  朱竑 《地理学报》2017,72(10):1872-1885
自然的社会建构是近年来欧美地理学界重新审视人与自然关系的重要理论思潮之一。本文从自然的社会建构视角出发,以福柯“生命权力”的概念为理论工具,通过参与式观察、半结构化访谈和文本分析的方法,深入分析野生动物旅游活动中人与动物互动过程及其权力关系的运作,并展示在此过程中景区、野生动物、政府和NGO等组建的行动者网络。研究发现:① 通过标准化、高科技的管治与保育措施,景区中动物种群的性别、健康与数量等方面得以最大程度的调控,并由此形成了与旅游市场相适应的“生命政治”运作模式;② 景区已经能够熟练地规训野生动物参与各项旅游活动,并在此基础上巧妙地操控游客想要亲近并征服野生动物的双重渴望;③ 不同行动者在协商与制衡中组建的行动者网络,实质上为人对野生动物生命权力的施展提供了合法性与道德性的框架,使其更加紧密地嵌入到社会文化情境之中。研究丰富了野生动物旅游研究的相关理论成果,为人文地理学分析自然与社会的关系提供了新的思考和尝试。  相似文献   


Wild urban forests may elicit positive and negative emotions, both at a community level and within an individual. This paper examines resident perceptions and use of local forest patches in Baltimore, Maryland across four case study neighborhoods selected for differences in homeownership and forest patch management. Semi-structured interview data reveal residents’ strongly ambivalent attitudes toward urban wilderness across all study sites with only nuanced differences in perceptions based on homeownership and management regime. Baltimore residents living adjacent to forest patches were found to experience some of the restorative benefits associated with immersion in wild nature, even when they do not actually enter the woods. Positive experiences were balanced by negative emotions resulting from the perception that urban wilderness is chaotic and unpredictable. These ambivalent feelings may influence the benefits derived from these urban green spaces, as well as local residents’ desires for their future structure and function as social-ecological spaces.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):250-260

The geographies of Hollywood are multiple, contradictory, ephemeral and tangible. Our preconceived conceptions of space and place play a dynamic role in what elements we tend to focus on when discussing the cultural industry of American cinema. This essay uses Hollywood as a metaphor for the American film production industry and a historical geography of production as a framework to explore major spatial and structural changes within this industry from its inception to the present. It highlights teaching methods and materials from the course A Geography of Film at Southern Connecticut State University. Mode of production relates to the economic process where capital, labor, knowledge and imagination are blended to produce a culturalized product for consumption. The American film industry is a fine example of the commodification of culture.  相似文献   

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