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本文用β平面两层准地转斜压模式,讨论了具有摩擦耗散作用和对流凝结加热作用的斜压不稳定有限振幅问题,并对所得的有限振幅斜压波的振幅控制方程进行了数值积分。结果指出,在无耗散作用时,斜压不稳定波的振幅是周期振荡的。当摩擦耗散作用仅存在于下层时,不稳定波振幅最终趋于一个为零的平衡态;当上下层都存在摩擦耗散时,对流加热强度较弱(即m~*<1),则存在着一个振幅为零,另外两个为非零的多平衡态,而扰动波振幅最终趋于非零的平衡态。对流加热较强时(即m~*≥1),则仅存在振幅为零的单个平衡态,扰动波振幅最终趋于这个平衡态。 相似文献
斜压半地转模式中的非频散周期解 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
给出了3个通量矢量,从而将非线性平流项表示为3个通量矢量的旋度和散度,它们分别对纬向风和经向风的低频加速产生贡献。经过卷积运算,还建立了低频变化的动力学模型。给出了通量矢量E.、G1.、G2.等的空间分布及其相应的流函数与势函数的水平分布和时间演变,从而指出,瞬变扰动间的相互作用对流动具有低频加速作用。 相似文献
通过一个二维非线性斜压Eady波模式,讨论了斜压系统中初始扰动快速发展的动力学机制.由于斜压切变气流存在,其对扰动位涡的平流作用可引起初始扰动位涡的"位涡非屏蔽"(potential vorticity unshielding),导致线性系统初始扰动的快速增长.摩擦作用主要通过耗散局地扰动位涡,改变扰动位涡异常结构,特别是水平方向的位涡异常分布,从而减弱初始扰动位涡的"位涡非屏蔽"作用,抑制系统初始扰动动能的快速增长.非线性作用可以抑制较大振幅扰动的增长,同时引起扰动位涡异常丰富的垂直结构产生,导致初始扰动位涡的"位涡非屏蔽"的减弱,从而抑制初始扰动的快速增长.不同的初始扰动结构,可以产生不同的扰动位涡异常结构,相应存在不同的"位涡非屏蔽"作用,导致初始扰动的快速增长过程不同.位涡异常水平结构为"正负正"或"负正负"分布时,有利于初始扰动的快速增长,而上下层异号的扰动位涡异常在垂直方向间隔的距离越大,越有利于初始扰动的快速发展,这些结果进一步深化了对"位涡非屏蔽"的理解. 相似文献
本文用简单的结构模式分析诊断了扰动压力对积云对流的效应.结果表明:由浮力项、平流项和拖曳力项触发引起的扰动气压垂直梯度力与各对应源项具有同等量级,但与其源项的作用力方向相反.扰动气压梯度力在云的中上部为负力,它抑制了云的生长发展;在云的下部为正力,它使云向上的加速度增大.扰动气压梯度力对深对流的影响要大于对浅对流的影响.在云下部的扰动低压中心位于云边缘附近.浅对流与深对流的量级分别达-0.1— -0.2hPa和-0.2— -0.4hPa. 相似文献
本文主要讨论地形对天气系统的影响,研究了斜压大气中地形背风气旋的问题。用小参数法简化基本运动方程,利用青藏高原和落基山脉的实际地形,采用FFT的数值方法,考虑了不同地形、风切变、大气层结等诸因素对地形扰动的影响。结果表明:青藏高原和落基山脉东侧的地形扰动与统计结果较一致;层结对地形扰动的影响较敏感。 相似文献
本文利用低谱途径,将二层准地转模式转化为八维的强迫耗散的非线性系统。随着非绝热强迫参数的渐变,以流场距离函数描述的斜压准地转气流的流型演变从周期态转为非周期态。与六组不同的Poincare截面图相应的指数均为正值,以示非周期的局部不稳定特征。 相似文献
本文对斜压大气的小扰动方程作了严格和全面的数学分析:论证了关于垂直边界条件的正确提法以及初始场一些特殊问题,澄清了迄今不正确的和混乱的提法;给出了解的存在、唯一和稳定性的证明。在这基础上,对大气的特征波动作了分类,并证明内波的能量总是向宇宙空间弥散掉,最终强度趋于零。因此,即使扰动的水平范围为无限,或者严格地考虑到地球表面为球面,也有地转适应过程,这是以在未研究过的机理。 相似文献
斜压大气中尺度横波扰动的发展 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
为探索带状中尺度扰动发生发展的可能性及其对深厚对流云团的启动和组织作用。本文利用准动量无辐散二维模式讨论了斜压切变基流上中尺度横波扰动的发展问题。首先导出波能密度和波作用量,然后利用WKB方法分析了波包的传播,建立波作用量方程,进而从波作用量方程出发,分别讨论了大气中各种层结下横波型扰动发展的物理背景条件。 相似文献
在研究大气运动时,往往按时间长短和范围大小分成不同的尺度。这是因为不同的运动尺度反映了不同的物理本质,也决定了该种大气运动影响的范围。这种分尺度研究运动的方法,有利于突出主要矛盾,搞清问题的主要性质。但是这种做法並不等于说不同尺度的运动相互之间是截然分隔而互不相关的,事实上,它们是互为条件而相互影响的。 首先指出积云尺度的运动能影响大尺度的是Riehl,Malkus,他们认为厚的积云对流在热带大气平衡中有重要作用,以后他们和Yanai讨论穿透积云塔在热带气旋的形成和增长方面的作用时指出,高层冷心涡旋转化成暖心结构,主要是积云中凝结潜热释放的结果,並且建议积云对流作为一个加热机制必须在大尺度运动中以参数化形式加以考虑。Charney,Eliassen考虑了边界层辐合,首先提出积云对大尺度运动作用的公式。Kuo认为,潜热对大尺度环流的作用主要是通过深厚的积云对流释放,而不是平均垂直运动产生的。他指出,积云在消散时,通过和环境空气混合,对平均大气的热和水汽平衡施加影响,而积云的产生量取决于大尺度水汽辐合和近地面的水汽向上输送。他在1974年 相似文献
M. J. Manton 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》1982,22(1):91-107
By assuming that cumulus clouds grow from patches of air that extend from the well-mixed layer bear the surface, a model of fair-weather cumulus convection is developed. The model predicts the structure of the well-mixed layer and the cloud layer; in particular, cloud cover is estimated as a function of time. The model results are compared with laboratory and field observations. 相似文献
在涡度和散度方程简要讨论的基础上,计算得出长江中下游地区暴雨过程中涡度和散度收支各项的水平和垂直分布。结果表明,雨带附近对流层高层是源、低层是汇,尤其以散度场的不平衡更为显著,可见积云对流垂直输送涡度和散度是重要过程。 相似文献
The diagnostic model of the cumulus convection proposed by Yanai et al. (1973) was applied to the atmosphere over the Tibetan Plateau, and used to estimate the vertical mass flux, entrainment and detrainment, excess temperature and moisture, liquid water content, and condensation and precipitation rates of highland cloud clusters. The re-sults illustrated that in clouds over the Tibetan Plateau, the water vapor condensation rate, liquid water content, and efficiency of the rain generation process are less than those in the tropics (represented by the Marshall Islands region). Therefore, the condensational latent heat released over the Tibetan Plateau, overall, is much smaller than that in the tropics. The water vapor and liquid water detrainment from shallow nonprecipitating cumulus clouds, and their entrainment into deep cumulus clouds, serve as a growing mechanism for the deep precipitating cumulus towers over the Tibetan Plateau. It should be noted that there is a stronger detrainment of liquid water from cumulus clouds and a stronger re-evaporation rate in environment. The process of the condensation-detrainment-re-evaporation-entrainment is repeatedly in progress. It would play an important role in maintaining of cumulus convection on the condition that the supply of moisture is not plentiful over the Tibetan Plateau.The analyses also showed that the cloud mass flux Mc over the Tibetan Plateau is less, and the large-scale av-erage upward motion is much less than those over the Marshall Islands. Stronger compensating downward motion in the cloud environment over the Tibetan Plateau, responsible for the area’s strong environmental heating rate was re-vealed, and would link to the stability of the South Asian High in summer. 相似文献
The effect of vertical transports of heat and moisture by cumulus convection in typhoon 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
By utilizing the denser upper-air observations from the Okinawa region and Japanese islands during August 17-23, 1975, the vertical transports of heat and moisture by cumulus convection in the typhoon No. 7507 have been calculated. It is found that there exist a large apparent heat source (Q1) and a mois-ture sink (Q2) in the southern part of the typhoon at the disturbance, growing and mature stages. The magnitudes of the apparent heat source and moisture sink ace rather small, or turn into the apparent heat sink in the northern sector of the typhoon. In the southern part of the typhoon, the total cloud mass flux (Mc) is positive, whereas in the northern part of the typhoon Mc is negative. The above-mentioned distributions of Q1, Q2 and Mc agree well with the major cloud patterns.In the southern part of the typhoon, Q2 is positive because the drying effect is always larger than the evaporative cooling, whereas in the northern part of the typhoon, the opposite case is true because both the drying and evaporating effects of liquid water make a negative contribution to Q2. 相似文献
OntheEvolutionofFinite-amplitudeDisturbancetotheBarotropicandBaroclinicQuasigeostrophicFlows①MuMu(穆穆)andXiangJie(项杰)LASG,Inst... 相似文献
《Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans》1986,10(3):221-241
A theory is presented for the nonlinear evolution of fluctuations in a zonal baroclinic shear flow over topography on a β-plane. It extends an earlier linearized theory on the same subject, which showed that unstable growth was possible for hybrid modes made up of a pair of primary modes with the same frequency but different wavenumbers, each stable in the absence of topography, but made unstable by topography with wavenumber that bridges the wavenumber gap between the primary modes. The slow evolution of the amplitudes of the hybrid modes can be expressed quite generally in terms of elliptic functions that fluctuate regularly between maximum and minimum values determined in a complicated way by initial amplitudes and parameters characterizing the primary modes. For small initial amplitudes, the evolution can be described in terms of even simpler function, i.e., trains of hyperbolic-secant pulses that recur with a period that depends on the logarithm of (the inverse of) the initial amplitude.Maximum fluctuation velocities comparable to, or even larger than, mean flow velocities can be achieved for disturbances of the scale of the internal deformation radius (typically 50 km in the oceans, 1000 km in the atmosphere), topography variations 10% of total fluid depth, and parameters typical of oceans and atmosphere. 相似文献
Dynamics of nonlinear baroclinic Ekman boundary layer 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
By the geostrophic momentum approximation, the wind structure and vertical motion within the non-linear baroclinic Ekman layer matching with the surface layer are determined. A comparison of the Ekman solution with the classical one is made. It is demonstrated that the contributions of baroclinity, stratification and nonlinear effects to the wind profile within the layer are all of definite importance. 相似文献
In this study, we focused on the difference in appearances of the convectively coupled equatorial waves (CCEWs) in a simulation with the CCSR/NIES/FRCGC AGCM, between two experiments, one with and the other without implementation of the convective suppression scheme (CSS) in the prognostic Arakawa–Schubert cumulus parameterization. Realistic CCEW modes, i.e., Kelvin, Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG), and n = 0 eastward inertio-gravity (EIG) wave modes, were reproduced in the with-CSS experiment, while only Rossby-wave-like signals appeared in the without-CSS experiment.By comparing the structures of the Kelvin wave mode and the Rossby wave mode in two runs, it was suggested that the structural difference between these two modes in conjunction with the difference in the controlling factor of cumulus convection determines the CCEW features. The CSS implemented here is such that cumulus convection is suppressed until the cloud-layer-averaged relative humidity exceeds the threshold of 80%. In the without-CSS model, only Rossby wave modes are coupled with the convection. This is because CAPE controls cumulus convection in this model, and the larger frictional convergence of Rossby wave mode prepares CAPE to generate favorable condition for cumulus convection. In the case of the with-CSS model, on the other hand, cumulus convection is largely controlled by the humidity in the free atmosphere. The convergence associated with the equatorial waves can produce the moisture anomaly to overcome the relative humidity threshold, and maintains the favorable condition for cumulus convection once it starts. In this case, not only Rossby waves but also Kelvin, MRG, and n = 0 EIG waves are reproduced more realistically. It is suggested that inclusion of some kind of mechanism connecting the free tropospheric moisture with the convection under the condition of abundant convective available potential energy could be a key factor for realistic coupling between large-scale atmospheric waves and convection. 相似文献