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An analysis of published papers containing magnetovariation sounding data (MVS) is carried out. A catalogue of the most trustworthy MVS parameters' values covering periods from 6 hours up to 11 years is compiled. With the help of averaged data of the magnetovariation sounding a planetary geoelectric profile is constructed meeting the requirements of up-to-date understanding of the physical processes in the Earth.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for inverting ground penetrating radargrams in terms of one-dimensional profiles. We resort to a special type of linearization of the damped E-field wave equation to solve the inverse problem. The numerical algorithm for the inversion is iterative and requires the solution of several forward problems, which we evaluate using the matrix propagation approach. Analytical expressions for the derivatives with respect to physical properties are obtained using the self-adjoint Green's function method. We consider three physical properties of materials; namely dielectrical permittivity, magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity. The inverse problem is solved minimizing the quadratic norm of the residuals using quadratic programming optimization. In the iterative process to speed up convergence we use the Levenberg–Mardquardt method. The special type of linearization is based on an integral equation that involves derivatives of the electric field with respect to magnetic permeability, electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity; this equation is the result of analyzing the implication of the scaling properties of the electromagnetic field. The ground is modeled using thin horizontal layers to approximate general variations of the physical properties. We show that standard synthetic radargrams due to dielectric permittivity contrasts can be matched using electrical conductivity or magnetic permeability variations. The results indicate that it is impossible to differentiate one property from the other using GPR data.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) is an electromagnetic method designed for groundwater investigations. MRS can be applied not only for studying fresh-water aquifers, but also in areas where intrusion of saline water is rendering the subsurface electrically conductive. In the presence of rocks with a high electrical-conductivity attenuation and a phase shift of the MRS signal may influence the efficiency of the MRS method. We investigated the performance of MRS for allowing us to propose a procedure for interpreting MRS data under these conditions. For numerical modeling, we considered a subsurface with a resistivity between 0.5 and 10 Ω m. The results show that the depth of investigation with MRS depends upon the electrical conductivity of groundwater and surrounding rocks, on the depth of the saline water layer, and on the amount of fresh water above the saline water. For interpreting MRS measurements, the electrical conductivity of the subsurface is routinely measured with an electrical or electromagnetic method. However, due to the equivalence problem, the result obtained with these methods may be not unique. Hence, we investigated the influence of the uncertainty in conductivity distribution provided by transient electromagnetic measurements (TEM) on MRS results. It was found that the uncertainty in TEM results has an insignificant effect on MRS.  相似文献   

The behavior of the variations in the crustal electrical conductivity in a wide range of periods is studied from the data of magnetotelluric soundings (MTS) during the Kambarata experiment (a strong industrial explosion to construct the blast-fill dam on the Naryn river), as well as at Aksu, a stationary geophysical monitoring point. The concept of the interrelation between the stress-strain state of the medium and the change in the apparent electrical resistivity, which is based on the idea of the redistribution of mineralized solutions between the crack networks, is confirmed experimentally. A procedure of azimuthal monitoring is developed, which allowed us not only to identify the anomalous changes in the module and phase of apparent resistivity but also to establish the directions of their maximum increases and decreases (the axes of compression and tension). For 34 points of deep MTS in the territory of Central Tien Shan, the depth intervals in the upper crust that are most sensitive to the changes in the stress-strain state of the medium are established. The variations in the electrical conductivity are compared with the solar-lunar tidal impacts. It is shown that by analyzing the recorded time series, it is possible to recognize the characteristic signs of the changes in the stress-strain state of the medium that are caused by seismic events.  相似文献   

Critical path analysis (CPA) is a method for estimating macroscopic transport coefficients of heterogeneous materials that are highly disordered at the micro-scale. Developed originally to model conduction in semiconductors, numerous researchers have noted that CPA might also have relevance to flow and transport processes in porous media. However, the results of several numerical investigations of critical path analysis on pore network models raise questions about the applicability of CPA to porous media. Among other things, these studies found that (i) in well-connected 3D networks, CPA predictions were inaccurate and became worse when heterogeneity was increased; and (ii) CPA could not fully explain the transport properties of 2D networks. To better understand the applicability of CPA to porous media, we made numerical computations of permeability and electrical conductivity on 2D and 3D networks with differing pore-size distributions and geometries. A new CPA model for the relationship between the permeability and electrical conductivity was found to be in good agreement with numerical data, and to be a significant improvement over a classical CPA model. In sufficiently disordered 3D networks, the new CPA prediction was within ±20% of the true value, and was nearly optimal in terms of minimizing the squared prediction errors across differing network configurations. The agreement of CPA predictions with 2D network computations was similarly good, although 2D networks are in general not well-suited for evaluating CPA. Numerical transport coefficients derived for regular 3D networks of slit-shaped pores were found to be in better agreement with experimental data from rock samples than were coefficients derived for networks of cylindrical pores.  相似文献   


Synchronous annual variations in the geoelectric and geomagnetic field are studied on the basis of long-term electromagnetic monitoring. It is shown that the annual geoelectric variations have intraterrestrial origin and are not related to the annual geomagnetic variations. Temporal variations in the magnetotelluric impedance and magnetic tipper, which characterize the electrical conductivity of the geological environment, are analyzed. It is established that annual variations in the magnetotelluric impedance mainly describe the variations in the electrical conductivity of surface crustal layers and are less sensitive to the deep electrical conductivity of the Earth. The annual variations in the imaginary magnetic tipper at the periods of 1000–3000 s probably reflect the changes in conductivity of a deep transversal low-resistive zone (the fault). It is suggested that annual variations in the geoelectrical and geomagnetic fields, as well as in the electrical conductivity of the geological environment, arise as a response to the changes in the geodynamical processes caused by the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.


Summary A modified Gerdien cell was designed, evaluated, and built for measurement of the polar conductivities in clouds. This conductivity dropsonde was attached to a U.S. Weather Bureau, 1680 mHz, radiosonde for telemetry and to measure pressure, temperature, and relative humidity profiles. The combined instruments were ejected from aircraft, and others were released from balloons into the region of interest.Eight flights were made during the 1967 thunderstorm season. Three of these drops were successful in measuring conductivity inside of electrically active clouds. Two fair-weather profiles were measured for comparison purposes, and three of the drops were faulty.These very preliminary results tend to indicate considerable electrical conductivity in thunderclouds. The data are too few to support a strong statement in favor of increased conductivity, but the instruments were sufficiently reliable to prove that the conductivity was not reduced, as is normally assumed, in the clouds investigated.This research was supported by the Atmospheric Sciences Section, National Science Foundation under Grant GA-701.  相似文献   

Displayed daygraphs of magnetic observatory hourly mean values and of lunar magnetic variations reconstructed from spherical harmonic coefficients are used to illustrate the difficulties that arise in separating lunar magnetic effects from those associated with the 27 day recurrence tendency in magnetic activity.  相似文献   

A temperature-transient method to estimatein situ formation thermal conductivity and equilibrium formation temperature using circulation fluid flow-rate pulses is described. Flow-rate changes induce temperature variations in the well and the time from when the flow alters to the subsequent maximum or minimum temperature of the drilling fluid can be used to determine these two formation parameters. Some examples are presented to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Profiles of electrical conductivity in the troposphere and stratosphere were measured by balloon-borne conductivity sondes at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, from January to May, 1980, when volcanic activity was low. The aerosol concentration has been deduced from the relative decrease of conductivity from surrounding values by assuming the effective attachment coefficient of ions to aerosols. A prominent decrease of the conductivity near the tropopause is usually observed indicating high concentrations of Aitken particles (500–1000 cm–3). A decrease of conductivity, well above the tropopause, is sometimes observed, probably due to the transport of tropospheric Aitken particles with high concentration (200–400 cm–3) into the stratosphere.  相似文献   

Modelled conductivity variations with depth in the upper mantle obtained from geomagnetic induction and magnetotelluric results are compared to predicted conductivity variations obtained from laboratory measurements on dry material assumed to occur in the mantle. Higher than predicted conductivities at the base of the oceanic lithosphere suggest the presence of highly conductive partial melt. Using a known relationship between observed conductivity and the conductivity and volume fraction of the fluid, estimates of the melt volume fraction have been made assuming the melt to be in continuously connected network. In the sub-oceanic asthenosphere these values range from approximately 0.45 to 9%, whereas in sub-continental asthenosphere the partial melt volume fraction appears to be too low to increase the bulk conductivity. The partial melt content of the sub-continental asthenosphere may reach a few percent if the melt exists in isolated pockets. The apparent difference in melt content in sub-oceanic and sub-continental asthenosphere is discussed in terms of the different velocities of Pacific-type plates (which carry no continental block) and Atlantic-type plates (which carry a continental block).  相似文献   

The Banks (1969, 1972) and Parker (1970) models of the electrical conductivity distribution are critically reviewed along with classical models by Chapman (1919), Lahiri and Price (1939), Rikitake (1950a, b, c) and others. The modern models do not seem to account for the geomagnetic variations having a continuum spectrum and Sq at the same time. A large difference in response between the 1-day and 0.5-day period components of Sq is suspected to be caused by a resonance-like induction in the superficial layer of the earth. Dufficulties in determining the conductivity of the earth's top layer are also emphasized.An overall distribution of conductivity within the earth which seems to be the most reliable at present, is drawn mostly on the basis of Banks' model.  相似文献   

For a number of applications in geoscience, electrical conductivity of water is often used as a collective measure of the concentration of dissolved solids. A method for temperature correction of electrical conductivity data based on regression analysis of the actual temperature/conductivity relationship of a number of water samples from natural streams is presented. It is shown that the generally used formulae for temperature correction give corrected results that deviate considerably from the values determined by actual measurements. The error increases with decreasing water temperature and may result in data that deviate by as much as 20 per cent from the true values. The implications are thus especially important for measurements of solute loads and concentrations during periods of low stream water tetaperatures e.g. during snowmelt.  相似文献   

Investigations of the lunar electrical conductivity were described in excellent reviews by Sonett (1974) and Dyalet al. (1976). In this paper we will try to consider some new aspects of this problem in comparison with the Earth's data.  相似文献   

Pure and Applied Geophysics -  相似文献   

Anomalies of electrical conductivity are considered in relation to other geophysical parameters, such as seismic wave velocity, attenuation, seismicity and density, and to tectonic features. In the case of active subduction zones there appears to be a good correlation between low conductivity and the seismic quality factor Q. Beneath western North America, a conductive zone in the uppermost mantle apparently is controlled by the thickness and severity of the low-velocity layer. Anomalies in conductivity beneath rift valleys can be related to regions of intermediate seismic P-wave velocity, typically about 7.0 km/sec, which is suggestive of partial melting of mantle material. Within the continental crust, anomalies in conductivity are not, in general, thermally controlled, but they can show correlations with seismicity, and may indicate intra-plate boundaries.  相似文献   

Recent analytical studies of ULF electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere are reviewed. These fields have their origin in the discharge of thunderclouds. The problem for a vertical electrical dipole source played in an atmosphere where the conductivity increases exponentially with altitude is described. The analytical expressions for the electric and magnetic field, which vary in time and space, are approximately obtained by a vector potential. It is seen that the amplitudes of the pulse decrease with both increases of the horizontal distance and the gradient of the conductivity. However, the shapes of the pulse are almost constant.On leave from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Gumma University Kiryu, 376, Japan  相似文献   

There are limited homogeneous instrumental observations of the sunspot magnetic fields, but the Earth is a sort of a probe reacting to interplanetary disturbances which are manifestation of the solar magnetic fields. We find correlations between some parameters of geomagnetic activity (the geomagnetic activity “floor”—the minimum value under which the geomagnetic activity cannot fall in a sunspot cycle, and the rate of increase of the geomagnetic activity with increasing sunspot number), and sunspot magnetic fields (the sunspot magnetic field in the cycle minimum, and the rate of increase of the sunspot magnetic field from cycle minimum to cycle maximum). Based on these correlations we are able to reconstruct the sunspot magnetic fields in sunspot minima and maxima since sunspot cycle 9 (mid 19th century).  相似文献   

Coral-reef terraces on tectonically elevated coasts provide important data on variations of sea level. In this paper a systematic approach is presented for the construction of synthetic reef terraces. Idealized reef terraces are generated assuming a constant rate of tectonic uplift ν and a harmonic variation of sea level with amplitudehwo and period τ. It is further assumed that coral terraces grow only during periods of relative sea-level rise. The behavior is governed by the parameter u = τυ/2π hwo. If u > 1 no reef terraces form. If 0.217 < u < 1 a discontinuous series of terraces form on the uplifting basement. If 0 < u < 0.217 the basement is covered with coral and a series of coral terraces forms on this coral. Uplifted coral-reef terraces on the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, compare reasonably well with terraces generated by our model with τ = 20,000 years andhwo = 21.4 m. We also compare the observed terraces with model terraces using the paleo sea level inferred from18O/16O data. The observed terraces are qualitatively similar to those predicted using the oxygen isotope data, however, the model terraces require larger relative sea-level variations with a near 20,000 year period than those inferred directly from the18O/16O data.  相似文献   

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