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We examined heterotrophic bacterial nutrient limitation at four sites in Florida Bay, U. S. in summer 1994 and winter 1995. Bacterial growth and biomass production in this system were most limited by inorganic phosphorus (P) in the eastern and southern regions of the bay. Nutrient additions stimulated productivity and biomass accumulation mostly in summer. The magnitude of growth responses (thymidine incorporation) to nutrient additions was nearly an order of magnitude less in winter than summer. Biomass-normalized alkaline phosphatase activity in the northeast and south-central region was 5–20 times greater than in the northwest and north-central regions, suggesting that P is most limiting to planktonic growth in those areas. Chlorophyll levels were higher in the northwest and north-central regions and P-uptake into particles >1 μm, primarily phytoplankton, was also higher in these regions. Consistent with these observations, others have observed that P is advected into the bay primarily in the northwestern region. Abundant seagrasses in Florida Bay may promote heterotrophic bacterial production relative to phytoplankton production by releasing dissolved organic carbon that makes bacteria more competitive for limiting quantities of inorganic phosphate, especially in the eastern bay where turbidity is low, P is most limiting, and light levels reaching the benthic plants are high.  相似文献   

Community Oxygen and Nutrient Fluxes in Seagrass Beds of Florida Bay, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used clear, acrylic chambers to measure in situ community oxygen and nutrient fluxes under day and night conditions in seagrass beds at five sites across Florida Bay five times between September 1997 and March 1999. Underlying sediments are biogenic carbonate with porosities of 0.7–0.9 and with low organic content (<1.6%). The seagrass communities always removed oxygen from the water column during the night and produced oxygen during daylight, and sampling date and site significantly affected both night and daytime oxygen fluxes. Net daily average fluxes of oxygen (?4.9 to 49 mmol m?2 day?1) ranged from net autotrophy to heterotrophy across the bay and during the 18-month sampling period. However, the Rabbit Key Basin site, located in the west-central bay and covered with a dense Thalassia testudinum bed, was always autotrophic with net average oxygen production ranging from 4.8 to 49 mmol m?2 day?1. In November 1998, three of the five sites were strongly heterotrophic and oxygen production was least at Rabbit, suggesting the possibility of hypoxic conditions in fall. Average ammonium (NH4) concentrations in the water column varied widely across the bay, ranging from a mean of 6.9 μmol l?1 at Calusa in the eastern bay to a mean of 0.6 μmol l?1 at Rabbit Key for the period of study. However, average NH4 fluxes by site and date (?240 to 110 μmol m?2 h?1) were not correlated with water column concentrations and did not vary in a consistent diel, seasonal, or spatial pattern. Concentrations of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the water column, averaged by site (15–25 μmol l?1), were greater than mean NH4 concentrations, and the range of day and night DON fluxes (?920 to 1,300 μmol m?2 h?1), averaged by site and date, was greater than the range of mean NH4 fluxes. Average DON fluxes did not vary consistently from day to night, seasonally or spatially. Mean silicate fluxes ranged from ?590 to 860 μmol m?2 h?1 across all sites and dates, but mean net daily fluxes were less variable and most of the time contributed small amounts of silicate to the water column. Mean concentrations of filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP) in the water column across the bay were very low (0.021–0.075 μmol l?1); but site average concentrations of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) were higher (0.04–0.15 μmol l?1) and showed a gradient of increasing concentration from east to west in the bay. A pronounced gradient in average surficial sediment total phosphorus (1.1–12 μmol g DW?1) along an east-to-west gradient was not reflected in fluxes of phosphorus. FRP fluxes, averaged by site and date, were low (?5.2 to 52 μmol m?2 h?1), highly variable, and did not vary consistently from day to night or across season or location. Mean DOP fluxes varied over a smaller range (?8.7 to 7.4 μmol m?2 h?1), but also showed no consistent spatial or temporal patterns. These small DOP fluxes were in sharp contrast to the predominately organic phosphorus pool in surficial sediments (site means?=?0.66–7.4 μmol g DW?1). Significant correlations of nutrient fluxes with parameters related to seagrass abundance suggest that the seagrass community may play a major role in nutrient recycling. Integrated means of net daily fluxes over the area of Florida Bay, though highly variable, suggest that seagrass communities might be a source of DOP and NH4 to Florida Bay and might remove small amounts of FRP and potentially large amounts of DON from the waters of the bay.  相似文献   

Concentrations of mercury (Hg) in fish were compared between two Florida estuaries, the Indian River Lagoon and Florida Bay. The objective was to determine if differences in Hg concentration exist and to attempt to relate those differences to sources of Hg. Five hundred and thirteen estuarine fish were collected and analyzed for Hg concentration. Fish species collected were black drum, bluefish, bonnethead shark, common snook, crevalle jack, gafftopsail catfish, gray snapper, Mayan cichlid, pompano, red drum, sheepshead, southern flounder, spadefish, and spotted seatrout. Analysis of variance of species-specific Hg data among the three defined regions of eastern and western Florida Bay and the Indian River Lagoon substantiated regional differences. Proximity to known anthropogenic sources of Hg appeared to be a significant factor in the distribution of Hg concentration among the fish collected. Sufficient numbers of crevalle jack, gray snapper, and spotted seatrout were collected to permit statistical analysis among regions. Hg concentrations in all three of these species from eastern Florida Bay were higher than those collected in the other two areas. A major fraction of the estuarine fish collected in eastern Florida Bay exceeded one or more State of Florida or U.S. Food and Drug Administration fish consumption health advisory criteria. In general, fish from western Florida Bay contained less Hg than those from the Indian River Lagoon, and fish from the Indian River contained less Hg than those from eastern Florida Bay. Crevalle jack from all areas and spotted seatrout from Florida Bay were placed on a consumption advisory in Florida. Detailed study of Florida Bay food web dynamics and Hg biogeochemical cycling is recommended to better understand the processes underlying the elevated Hg levels in fish from eastern Florida Bay. This information may be vital in the formulation of appropriate strategies in the ongoing South Florida restoration process.  相似文献   

The unique geography of the Florida Keys presents both high risk of hurricane landfall and exceptional vulnerability to the effects of a hurricane strike. Inadequate hurricane shelters in the Keys make evacuation the only option for most residents, but the sole access road can become impassable well in advance of a major storm. These extraordinary conditions create challenges for emergency managers who must ensure that appropriate emergency plans are in place and to ensure that an orderly exodus can occur without stranding large numbers of people along an evacuation route with inadequate shelter capacity. This study attempts to answer two questions: (1) What is the minimum clearance time needed to evacuate all residents participating in an evacuation of the Florida Keys in advance of a major hurricane for 92,596 people – a population size calculated based on the 2000 US Census population data, census undercounts, and the number of tourists estimated to be in the area? (2) If a hurricane makes landfall in the Keys while the evacuation is in progress, how many residents will need to be accommodated if the evacuation route becomes impassable? The authors conducted agent-based microsimulations to answer the questions. Simulation results suggest that it takes 20 h and 11 min to 20 h and 14 min to evacuate the 92,596 people. This clearance time is less than the Florida state mandated 24-h clearance time limit. If one assumes that people evacuate in a 48-h period and the traffic flow from the Keys would follow that observed in the evacuation from Hurricane Georges, then a total of 460 people may be stranded if the evacuation route becomes impassable 48 h after an evacuation order is issued. If the evacuation route becomes impassable 40 h after an evacuation order is issued, then 14,000 people may be stranded.  相似文献   

Sedimentology and budget of a Recent carbonate mound, Florida Keys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sedimentology of a Recent carbonate mound is investigated to further our understanding of mound building communities, surface and subsurface mound sediments, and the overall sediment budget of mounds. Nine sedimentary facies of the surface of Tavernier mound, Florida Keys are described. These sediments are composed of Neogoniolithon, Halimeda, Porites, mollusc and foraminiferal grains, and lime mud. Muds rich in aragonite and high magnesian calcite show little mineralogical variation over the mound surface. Geochemical evidence suggests that the mud is mainly formed from breakdown of codiacean algae and Thalassia blade epibionts. Production rates of the facies are established from in situ growth rate experiments and standing-crop surveys. Annual calcium carbonate production is c. 500gm-2, intermediate between reef and other bay and lagoonal environment production rates in the Caribbean. The internal structure of the mound, studied from piston cores and sediment probes, indicates that seven facies can be identified. Five of these can be related to the present-day facies, and occur in the upper part of the mound (gravel-mound stage). The remaining two facies, characterized by molluscs and aragonite-rich muds, occur in the lower part of the mound (mud-mound stage), and are most similar to facies from typical Florida Bay mud mounds. Mangrove peats within the mound indicate former intertidal areas and C14 dates from these peats provide a time framework for mound sedimentation. The mound appears to have formed because of an initial valley in the Pleistocene surface which accumulated mud in a shallow embayment during the Holocene transgression. A sediment budget for the mound is presented which compares production rates from present-day facies with subsurface sediment masses. During the mud mound stage production rates were similar to accumulation rates and the mound was similar to the present-day mounds of Florida Bay. During the gravel mound stage (3400 yr BP-present day), conditions were more normal marine and the establishment of Porites and Neogoniolithon on the mound increased production rates 10% over accumulation rates. This excess sediment is thought to be transported off the mound to the surrounding seabed. Models are proposed which divide carbonate mounds on the basis of internal versus external sediment supply. Comparisons are made with other Recent and ancient mounds. Similarities exist between the roles of the biotic components of late Palaeozoic mounds but major differences are found when structures and early diagenesis are compared.  相似文献   

Florida Bay is Florida’s (USA) largest estuary and has experienced harmful picocyanobacteria blooms for nearly two decades. While nutrient loading is the most commonly cited cause of algal blooms in Florida Bay, the role of zooplankton grazing pressure in bloom occurrence has not been considered. For this study, the spatial and temporal dynamics of cyanobacteria blooms, the microbial food web, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton grazing rates of picoplankton, and the effects of nutrients on plankton groups in Florida Bay were quantified. During the study, cyanobacteria blooms (>3 × 105 cells mL−1) persisted in the eastern and central regions of Florida Bay for more than a year. Locations with elevated abundance of cyanobacteria hosted microzooplankton grazing rates on cyanobacteria that were significantly lower (p < 0.001) and less frequently detectable compared to sites without blooms. Consistent with this observation, cyanobacteria abundances were significantly correlated with ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates at low cyanobacteria densities (p < 0.001) but were not correlated during bloom events. The experimental enrichment of mesozooplankton abundance during blooms yielded a significant decrease in the net growth rate of picoplankton but had the opposite effect when blooms were absent, suggesting that the cascading effect of mesozooplankton grazing on the microbial food web was also altered during blooms. While inorganic nutrient enrichment significantly increased the net growth rates of eukaryotic phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria, such nutrient loading had no effect on the net growth rates of cyanobacteria. Hence, this study demonstrates that low rates of zooplankton grazing and low rates of inorganic nutrient loading contribute to the persistence of cyanobacteria blooms in Florida Bay.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of diatom algae inhabiting estuaries and coasts of the subtropical Americas are poorly documented, especially relative to the central role diatoms play in coastal food webs and to their potential utility as sentinels of environmental change in these threatened ecosystems. Here, we document the distribution of diatoms among the diverse habitat types and long environmental gradients represented by the shallow topographic relief of the South Florida, USA, coastline. A total of 592 species were encountered from 38 freshwater, mangrove, and marine locations in the Everglades wetland and Florida Bay during two seasonal collections, with the highest diversity occurring at sites of high salinity and low water column organic carbon concentration (WTOC). Freshwater, mangrove, and estuarine assemblages were compositionally distinct, but seasonal differences were only detected in mangrove and estuarine sites where solute concentration differed greatly between wet and dry seasons. Epiphytic, planktonic, and sediment assemblages were compositionally similar, implying a high degree of mixing along the shallow, tidal, and storm-prone coast. The relationships between diatom taxa and salinity, water total phosphorus (WTP), water total nitrogen (WTN), and WTOC concentrations were determined and incorporated into weighted averaging partial least squares regression models. Salinity was the most influential variable, resulting in a highly predictive model (r apparent2 = 0.97, r jackknife2 = 0.95) that can be used in the future to infer changes in coastal freshwater delivery or sea-level rise in South Florida and compositionally similar environments. Models predicting WTN (r apparent2 = 0.75, r jackknife2 = 0.46), WTP (r apparent2 = 0.75, r jackknife2 = 0.49), and WTOC (r apparent2 = 0.79, r jackknife2 = 0.57) were also strong, suggesting that diatoms can provide reliable inferences of changes in solute delivery to the coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Widespread use of septic tanks in the Florida Keys increase the nutrient concentrations of limestone groundwaters that discharge into shallow nearshore waters, resulting in coastal eutrophication. This study characterizes watershed nutrient inputs, transformations, and effects along a land-sea gradient stratified into four ecosystems that occur with increasing distance from land: manmade canal systems (receiving waters of nutrient inputs), seagrass meadows, patch reefs, and offshore bank reefs. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), the primary limiting nutrient, was significantly elevated in canal systems compared to the other ecosystems, while dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN; NH4 + and NO3 ?) a secondary limiting nutrient, was elevated both in canal systems and seagrass meadows. SRP and NH4 + concentrations decreased to low concentrations within approximately 1 km and 3 km from land, respectively. DIN and SRP accounted for their greatest contribution (up to 30%) of total N and P pools in canals, compared to dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) that dominated (up to 68%) the total N and P pools at the offshore bank reefs. Particulate N and P fractions were also elevated (up to 48%) in canals and nearshore seagrass meadows, indicating rapid biological uptake of DIN and SRP into organic particles. Chlorophylla and turbidity were also elevated in canal systems and seagrass meadows; chlorophylla was maximal during summer when maximum watershed nutrient input occurs, whereas turbidity was maximal during winter due to seasonally maximum wind conditions and sediment resuspension. DO was negatively correlated with NH4 + and SRP; hypoxia (DO<2.5 mg l?1) frequently occurred in nutrient-enriched canal systems and seagrass meadows, especially during the warm summer months. These findings correlate with recent (<5 years) observations of increasing algal blooms, seagrass epiphytization and die-off, and loss of coral cover on patch and bank reef ecosystems, suggesting that nearshore waters of the Florida Keys have entered a stage of critical eutrophication.  相似文献   

The Florida Bay ecosystem has changed substantially in the past decade, and alterations in the seagrass communities have been particularly conspicuous. In 1987 large areas ofThalassia testudinum (turtlegrass) began dying rapidly in western Florida Bay. Although the rate has slowed considerably, die-off continues in many parts of the bay. Since 1991, seagrasses in Florida Bay have been subjected to decreased light availability due to widespread, persistent microalgal blooms and resuspended sediments. In light of these recent impacts, we determined the current status of Florida Bay seagrass communities. During the summer of 1994, seagrass species composition, shoot density, shoot morphometrics, and standing crop were measured at 107 stations. Seagrasses had been quantified at these same stations 10 yr earlier by Zieman et al. (1989).T. testudinum was the most widespread and abundant seagrass species in Florida Bay in both 1984 and 1994, and turtlegrass distribution changed little over the decade. On a baywide basis,T. testudinum density and biomass declined significantly between surveys; mean short-shoot density ofT. testudinum dropped by 22% and standing crop by 28% over the decade.T. testudinum decline was not homogeneous throughout Florida Bay; largest reductions in shoot density and biomass were located principally in the central and western bay. Percent loss ofT. testudinum standing crop in western Florida Bay in 1994 was considerably greater at the stations with the highest levels of standing crop in 1984 (126–215 g dry wt m−2) than at the stations with lower levels of biomass. While turtlegrass distribution remained consistent over time, both the distribution and abundance of two other seagrasses,Halodule wrightii andSyringodium filiforme, declined substantially between 1984 and 1994. Baywide,H. wrightii shoot density and standing crop declined by 92%, andS. filiforme density and standing crop declined by 93% and 88%, respectively, between surveys. Patterns of seagrass loss in Florida Bay between 1984 and 1994 suggest die-off and chronic light reductions were the most likely causes for decline. If die-off and persistent water-column turbidity continue in Florida Bay, the long-term future of seagrasses in the bay is uncertain.  相似文献   

Three anthropogenic sources (urban, soil, and industrial runoff) were characterized for bulk nutrient and dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition using wet chemistry and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Each source was unique based on its chemical composition. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) comprised 91, 60, and 20 % of the total N pool in the soil, urban, and industrial sources, respectively. The DOM composition was dominated by terrestrial compounds in the soil, condensed hydrocarbons, lipids and proteins in the urban, and lipid-like compounds in the industrial source. A York River (VA) phytoplankton assemblage, dominated by Cochlodinium polykrikoides, was amended with the sources during a 7-day bioassay. There was a doubling of chlorophyll a and/or cell concentrations within 2 days, in the +Urban and +Soil treatments. The + Industrial treatment supported algal growth, but increases in cell abundances were only statistically significant at the end of the experiment (days 5–7), suggesting that this material was less labile to the original York River community than the other anthropogenic nutrient sources, on the relatively short timescale of the study.  相似文献   

Stable isotopic ratios of carbon and oxygen (δ13C and δ18O) from mollusk shells reflect the water quality characteristics of Florida Bay and can be used to characterize the great temporal variability of the bay. Values of δ18O are directly influenced by temperature and evaporation and may be related to salinity, δ13C values of δ13C are sensitive to organic and inorganic sources of carbon and are influenced by productivity. Analyses of eight mollusk species from five short-core localities across Florida Bay show large ranges in the values of δ13C and δ18O, and reflect the variation of the bay over decades. Samples from southwester Florida Bay have distinct δ13C values relative to samples collected in northeastern Florida Bay, and intermediate localities have intermediate values.13C values of δ13C grade from marine in the southwest bay to more estuarine in the northeast. Long cores (>1m), with excellent chronologies were analyzed from central and eastern Florida Bay. Preliminary analyses ofBrachiodontes exustus andTransenella spp. from the cores showed that both δ13C and δ18O changed during the first part of the twentieth century. After a century of relative stability during the 1800s, δ13C decreased between about 1910 and 1940, then stabilized at these new values for the next five decades. The magnitude of the reduction in δ13C values increased toward the northeast. Using a carbon budget model, reduced δ13C values are interpreted as resulting from decreased circulation in the bay, probably associated with decreased freshwater flow into the Bay. Mollusk shell δ18O values display several negative excursions during the 1800s, suggesting that the bay was less evaporitic than during the twentieth century. The isotope records indicate a fundamental change took place in Florida Bay circulation early in the twentieth century. The timing of the change links it to railroad building and early drainage efforts in South Florida rather than to flood control and water management measures initiated after World War II.  相似文献   

Viral tracer studies have been used previously to study the potential for wastewater contamination of surface marine waters in the Upper and Middle Florida Keys. Two bacteriophages, the marine bacteriophage ϕHSIC and theSalmonella phage PRD1, were used as tracers in injection well and septic tank studies in Saddlebunch Keys of the Lower Florida Keys and in septic tank studies in Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, of the Middle Keys. In Boot Key Harbor, both phages were detected in a canal adjacent to the seeded septic tank within 3 h 15 min of the end of the seed period. The tracer was then detected at all sampling sites in Boot Key Harbor, including one on the opposite side of U.S. Highway 1 in Florida Bay, and at an Atlantic Ocean beach outside Boot Key Harbor. Rates of migration based on first appearance of the phage ranged from 1.7 to 57.5 m h−1. In Saddlebunch Keys, ϕHSIC and PRD1 were used to seed a residential septic tank and a commercial injection well. The septic tank tracer was not found in any surface water samples. The injection well tracer was first detected at a site most distant from the seed site, a channel that connected Sugarloaf Sound with the Atlantic Ocean. The, rate of tracer migration from the injection well to this channel ranged from 66.8 to 141 m h−1. Both tracer studies showed a rapid movement of wastewater from on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems in a southeasterly direction toward the reef tract and Atlantic Ocean, with preferential movement through tidal channels. These studies indicate that wastewater disposal systems currently in widespread use in the Florida Keys can rapidly contaminate the marine environment.  相似文献   

In September 2011 and March 2012, benthic nutrient fluxes were measured in the San Francisco Bay Delta, across a gradient from above the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers to Suisun Bay. Dark and illuminated core incubation techniques were used to measure rates of denitrification, nutrient fluxes (phosphate, ammonium, nitrate), and oxygen fluxes. While benthic nutrient fluxes have been assessed at several sites in northern San Francisco Bay, such data across a Delta–Bay transect have not previously been determined. Average September rates of DIN (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium) flux were net positive across all sites, while March DIN flux indicated net uptake of DIN at some sites. Denitrification rates based on the N2/Ar ratio approach were between 0.6 and 1.0 mmol m?2 day?1, similar to other mesotrophic estuarine sediments. Coupled nitrification–denitrification was the dominant denitrification pathway in September, with higher overlying water nitrate concentrations in March resulting in denitrification driven by nitrate flux into the sediments. Estimated benthic microalgal productivity was variable and surprisingly high in Delta sediments and may represent a major source of labile carbon to this ecosystem. Variable N/P stoichiometry was observed in these sediments, with deviations from Redfield driven by processes such as denitrification, variable light/dark uptake of nutrients by microalgae, and adsorption of soluble reactive phosphorus.  相似文献   

In shallow estuaries with strong river influence, the short residence time and pronounced gradients generate an environment for plankton that differs substantially in its dynamics from that of the open ocean, and the question arises “How is phytoplankton biomass affected?” This study assesses the small-scale spatial and temporal distribution of phytoplankton in Apalachicola Bay, a shallow bar-built estuary in the Florida Panhandle. Phytoplankton peaks were characterized to gain insights into the processes affecting spatial heterogeneity in biomass. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) distribution at 50-m spatial resolution was mapped using a flow-through sensor array, Dataflow©, operated from a boat that sampled four transects across the bay every 2 weeks for 16 months. Chl a peaks exceeding background concentrations had an average width of 1.3?±?0.7 km delineated by an average gradient of 3.0?±?6.0 μg Chl a L?1 km?1. Magnitude of E-W wind, velocity of N-S wind, tidal stage, and temperature affected peak characteristics. Phytoplankton contained in the peaks contributed 7.7?±?2.7% of the total integrated biomass observed along the transects during the study period. The river plume front was frequently a location of elevated Chl a, which shifted in response to river discharge. The results demonstrate that despite the shallow water column, river flushing, and strong wind and tidal mixing, distinct patchiness develops that should be taken into consideration in ecological studies and when assessing productivity of such ecosystems.  相似文献   

A large environmental restoration project designed to improve the hydrological conditions of the Florida Everglades and increase freshwater flow to Florida Bay is underway. Here we explore how changing freshwater inflow to the southern Everglades is likely to change the input of nutrients to Florida Bay. We calculated annual inputs of water, total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to Everglades National Park (ENP) since the early 1980s. We also examined changes in these nutrient concentrations along transects through the wetland to Florida Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. We found that the interannual variability of the water discharge into ENP greatly exceeded the interannual variability of flow-weighted mean nutrient concentrations in this water. Nutrient inputs to ENP were largely determined by discharge volume. These inputs were high in TN and low in TP; for two ENP watersheds TN averaged 1.5 mg l?1 (0.11 mM) and 0.9 mg l?1 (0.06 mM) and TP averaged 15 μg l?1 (0.47 μM) and 9 μg l?1 (0.28 μM). Both TP and DIN that flowed into ENP wetlands were rapidly removed from the water. Over a 3-km section of Taylor Slough, TP decreased from a flow-weighted mean of 11.6 μg l?1 (0.37 μM) (0.20 μM) and DIN decreased from 240 μg l?1 (17μM) to 36 μ l?1 (2.6 μM). In contrast, TN, which was generally 95% organic N, changed little as it passed through the wetland. This resulted in molar TN:TP ratios exceeding 400 in the wetland. Decreases in TN concentrations only occurred in areas with relatively high P availability, such as the wetlands to the north of ENP and in the mangrove streams of western ENP. Increasing freshwater flow to Florida Bay in an effort to restore the Everglades and Florida Bay ecosystems is thus not likely to increase P inputs from the freshwater Everglades but is likely to increase TN inputs. Based on a nutrient budget of Florida Bay, both N and P inputs from the Gulf of Mexico greatly exceed inputs from the Everglades, as well as inputs from the atmosphere and the Florida Keys. We estimate that the freshwater Everglades contribute <3% of all P inputs and <12% of all N inputs to the bay. Evaluating the effect of ecosystem restoration efforts on Florida Bay requires greater understanding of the interactions of the bay with the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

The distribution of mangrove biomass and forest structure along Shark River estuary in the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) has been correlated with elevated total phosphorus concentration in soils thought to be associated with storm events. The passage of Hurricane Wilma across Shark River estuary in 2005 allowed us to quantify sediment deposition and nutrient inputs in FCE mangrove forests associated with this storm event and to evaluate whether these pulsing events are sufficient to regulate nutrient biogeochemistry in mangrove forests of south Florida. We sampled the spatial pattern of sediment deposits and their chemical properties in mangrove forests along FCE sites in December 2005 and October 2006. The thickness (0.5 to 4.5 cm) of hurricane sediment deposits decreased with distance inland at each site. Bulk density, organic matter content, total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations, and inorganic and organic P pools of hurricane sediment deposits differed from surface (0–10 cm) mangrove soils at each site. Vertical accretion resulting from this hurricane event was eight to 17 times greater than the annual accretion rate (0.30 ± 0.03 cm year−1) averaged over the last 50 years. Total P inputs from storm-derived sediments were equivalent to twice the average surface soil nutrient P density (0.19 mg cm−3). In contrast, total N inputs contributed 0.8 times the average soil nutrient N density (2.8 mg cm−3). Allochthonous mineral inputs from Hurricane Wilma represent a significant source of sediment to soil vertical accretion rates and nutrient resources in mangroves of southwestern Everglades. The gradient in total P deposition to mangrove soils from west to east direction across the FCE associated with this storm event is particularly significant to forest development due to the P-limited condition of this carbonate ecosystem. This source of P may be an important adaptation of mangrove forests in the Caribbean region to projected impacts of sea-level rise.  相似文献   

The sedimentology, mineralogy and pore fluid chemistry of seven cores from the Holocene sediments of Florida Bay were studied to determine the physical processes and diagenetic reactions affecting the sediments. The cores were taken in a transect from a shallow mudbank onto a small adjacent island, Jimmy Key. Steady state models of pore fluid chemistry are used to estimate the rates of various reactions. In the mudbank sediments, little carbonate mineral diagenesis is taking place. No change in sediment mineralogy is detectable and pore water profiles of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Sr2+ show only minor variation. Chloride concentrations indicate substantial biological mixing of seawater from the bay into the sediments in one of the cores. Pore water analyses of sulphate and alkalinity show only a low degree of sulphate depletion and a decreasing extent of sulphate reduction downcore. Models of sulphate reduction in the mudbank show that there is substantial chemical exchange between the sediment pore fluids and water from the bay probably as a result of bio-irrigation. The sulphate and alkalinity data also suggest that the underlying Pleistocene rocks contain water of near normal seawater composition. Stratigraphic analysis and δ13C analyses of the organic carbon in the sediments of the island cores show that the sediments were primarily deposited in a subtidal mudbank setting; only the upper 20–30 cm is supratidal in origin. Nevertheless, island formation had a significant effect on pore fluid chemistry and the types of diagenetic reactions throughout the sediment column. Chloride in the sediment pore fluids is more than twice the normal seawater concentrations over most of the depth of the cores. The constant, elevated chloride concentrations indicate that hypersaline fluids which formed in ponds on the island are advected downward through the sediments. Models of the chloride profiles yield an estimate of 2·5 cm yr?1 as a minimum advective velocity. Changes in pore water chemistry with depth are interpreted as indicating the following sequence of reactions: (1) minor high-Mg calcite dissolution and low-Mg calcite precipitation, from 0 to 35 cm; (2) Ca- or Mg-sulphate dissolution and low-Mg calcite precipitation, from 5 to 35 cm; (3) dolomite or magnesite precipitation together with sulphate reduction, from 35 to 55 cm; and (4) little reaction below 55 cm. In addition, one or more as yet unidentified reactions must be taking place from 5 to 55 cm depth as an imbalance in possible sources and sinks of alkalinity is observed. The imbalance could be explained if chloride is not completely conservative. Despite the pore fluid chemical evidence for diagenetic reactions involving carbonate minerals, no changes in sediment mineralogy were detected in X-ray diffraction analyses, probably because of the comparatively young age of the island.  相似文献   

Variation and uncertainty in estimated evaporation was determined over time and between two locations in Florida Bay, a subtropical estuary. Meteorological data were collected from September 2001 to August 2002 at Rabbit Key and Butternut Key within the Bay. Evaporation was estimated using both vapor flux and energy budget methods. The results were placed into a long-term context using 33 years of temperature and rainfall data collected in south Florida. Evaporation also was estimated from this long-term data using an empirical formula relating evaporation to clear sky solar radiation and air temperature. Evaporation estimates for the 12-mo period ranged from 144 to 175 cm yr−1, depending on location and method, with an average of 163 cm yr−1 (±9%). Monthly values ranged from 9.2 to 18.5 cm, with the highest value observed in May, corresponding with the maximum in measured net radiation. Uncertainty estimates derived from measurement errors in the data were as much as 10%, and were large enough to obscure differences in evaporation between the two sites. Differences among all estimates for any month indicate the overall uncertainty in monthly evaporation, and ranged from 9% to 26%. Over a 33-yr period (1970–2002), estimated annual evaporation from Florida Bay ranged from 148 to 181 cm yr−1, with an average of 166 cm yr−1. Rainfall was consistently lower in Florida Bay than evaporation, with a long-term average of 106 cm yr−1. Rainfall considered alone was uncorrelated with evaporation at both monthly and annual time scales; when the seasonal variation in clear sky radiation was also taken into account both net radiation and evaporation were significantly suppressed in months with high rainfall.  相似文献   

Water quality and criculation in Florida Bay (a shallow, subtropical estuary in south Florida) are highly dependent upon the development and evolution of carbonate mud banks distributed throughout the Bay. Predicting the effect of natural and anthropogenic perturbations on carbonate sedimentation requires an understanding of annual, seasonal, and daily variations in the biogenic and inorganic processes affecting carbonate sediment precipitation and dissolution. In this study, net calcification rates were measured over diurnal cycles on 27 d during summer and winter from 1999 to 2003 on mud banks and four representative substrate types located within basins between mud banks. Substrate types that were measured in basins include seagrass beds of sparse and intermediate densityThalassia sp., mud bottom, and hard bottom communities. Changes in total alkalinity were used as a proxy for calcification and dissolution. On 22 d (81%), diurnal variation in rates of net calcification was observed. The highest rates of net carbonate sediment production (or lowest rates of net dissolution) generally occurred during daylight hours and ranged from 2.900 to −0.410 g CaCO3 m−2d−1. The lowest rates of carbonate sediment production (or net sediment dissolution) occurred at night and ranged from 0.210 to −1.900 g CaCO3 m−2 night−1. During typical diurnal cycles, dissolution during the night consumed an average of 29% of sediment produced during the day on banks and 68% of sediment produced during the day in basins. Net sediment dissolution also occurred during daylight, but only when there was total cloud cover, high turbidity, or hypersalinity. Diurnal variation in calcification and dissolution in surface waters and surface sediments of Florida Bay is linked to cycling of carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and respiration. Estimation of long-term sediment accumulation rates from diurnal rates of carbonate sediment production measured in this study indicates an overall average accumulation rate for Florida Bay of 8.7 cm 1000 yr−1 and suggests that sediment dissolution plays a more important role than sediment transport in loss of sediment from Florida Bay.  相似文献   

We apply an objective statistical analysis to a 6-yr, multiparameter dataset in an effort to describe the spatial dependence and inherent variation of water quality patterns in the Florida Bay-Whitewater Bay area. Principal component analysis of 16 water quality parameters collected monthly over a 6-yr period resulted in live principal components (PC) that explained 71.8% of the variance of the original variables. The “organic” component (PC1) was composed of TN, TON, APA, and TOC; the “inorganic N” component (PCII) contained NO2, NO3, and NH4 +, the “phytoplankton” component (PCIII) was made up of turbidity, TP, and Chl a; DO and temperature were inversely related (PCIV); and salinity was the only parameter included in PCV. A cluster analysis of mean and SD of PG scores resulted in the spatial aggregation of 50 fixed monitoring stations in Florida Bay and Whitewater Bay into six zones of similar influence (ZSI) defined as Eastern Florida Bay. Core Florida Bay, Western Florida Bay, Coot Bay, the Inner Mangrove Fringe, and the Outer Mangrove Fringe. Marked differences in physical, chemical, and biological characteristics among ZSI were illustrated by this technique. Comparison of medians and variability of parameter values among ZSI allowed large-scale generalizations as to underlying differences in water quality in these regions. For example. Fastern Florida Bay had lower salinity, TON, TOC, TP, and Chl a than the Core Bay as a function of differences in freshwater inputs and water residence time. Comparison of medians and variability within ZSI resulted in new hypotheses as to the processes generating these internal patterns. For example, the Core Bay had very high TON, TOC, and NH4 + concentrations but very low NO3 ?, leading us to postulate the inhibition of nitrification via CO production by TOC photolysis. We believe that this simple, objective approach to spatial analysis of fixed-station monitoring datasets will aid scientists and managers in the interpretation of factors underlying the observed parameter distribution patterns. We also expect that this approach will be useful in focussing attention on specific spatial areas of concern and in generating new ideas for hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

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