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Food is essential for human survival, but harmful, toxic substances in food damage and threaten human health. Food production is inseparable from the place where the food is produced; that is, from the geographical environment that consists of natural and human environments, two parts of a unified whole. China’s territory is vast and its geographical environment is complex and diverse. Food production patterns in different parts of the country vary significantly, as do local socio-economic and cultural conditions. Such differences have an enormous impact on food safety. Based on the geographical area where food is produced in China, this paper reveals the main environmental problems arising from industrial and agricultural production activities, and related risks for food safety and health. In concluding, we make some recommendations for countermeasures. The main food safety related environmental problems include the excessive application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides; high background levels of heavy metals; discharge of wastewater and heavy metals; and excessive use of additives and antibiotics in livestock and poultry breeding and aquatic products. All these issues can lead to huge risks for food safety and thus health. These are not simply scientific issues, but also political, economic and legal issues, as well as social problems that differ from region to region. Therefore, comprehensive studies are needed to identify risks to food safety and health hazards in different areas. Systematic and comprehensive risk assessments of health problems caused by changing ecosystems, environmental pollution, nutrition problems and lifestyle, and especially comprehensive risk assessments of regional environmental changes and health risks are needed. Measures based on an understanding of local conditions must be put forward to protect food safety and health, to strengthen multi-sectoral management, and to improve environmental quality 相似文献
中国能源安全形势日益严峻,机遇与挑战并存。生物质能发展具备资源丰富、产品多元化、循环利用和增加农民收入的显著优势,加快生物质能开发对保障中国能源供给安全极为重要。本文通过运用灰色关联分析方法,对中国生物质能开发与粮食安全之间的关系进行定量评价。结果显示我国生物质能开发对粮食安全的影响并不明显,中国的粮食安全主要受其农业生产条件限制。但这并不意味着中国生物质能可以不受限制的发展,中国发展生物质能需综合平衡多种因素,如短期内大量投资、生物质供应的激烈竞争。清洁、可持续是中国生物能源发展的重要方向。 相似文献
中国食物供给能力分析 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
从中国各类型生态系统(农田、草地、水域) 的实际的食物生产能力出发,结合进出口产品中的食物部分,得出全国实际的食物供给能力,根据食物营养成分表中的转化率,将各类食物折算成人类生存所需的3 大营养成分(热量、蛋白质、脂肪) 的产量来表示,并利用ArcGIS 进行草地和农田食物供给的空间分析。以2004 年为例,中国实际食物供给能力为:热量1.601×1015 kcal,蛋白质6.163×107 t,脂肪2.717×107 t。其中,中国内陆生态系统实际可供给热量1.454×1015 kcal,蛋白质4.996×107 t,脂肪2.074×107 t,分别达到了陆地生态系统生产潜力的32.46%、38.33 %和41.12%,内陆生态系统食物供给还有较大的增长余地。在小康水平下,中国的食物热量、蛋白质、脂肪分别可以供养人口19.12 亿,20.84 亿和11.03 亿人,按照2010 年营养目标和2020 年全面小康目标,热量和蛋白质的供给已经较为充足,而脂肪的供给有所不足,今后需要注重油脂作物的种植和生产。结果还表明:中国的食物供给能力中,农田占据了绝大部分,不过比例有下降的趋势,从1998 年的84.66%,下降到2004 年的74.72%;草地和水域生态系统所提供的食物所占比例分别为4.83%~5.80%、6.02%~7.51%,波动较小;净进口食物所占比例逐年增长,1998 年仅为4.04%,2004 年增加到13.82%。通过平衡模型计算,在温饱、小康、富裕水平下,2004 年中国可以供养的人口分别为:15.34 亿,15.00 亿和14.11 亿,这表明,如果能够优化种植结构,合理配置植物性食物向动物性食物转化比例,均衡营养消费结构,中国实际食物供给较为充足。 相似文献
能源环境与可持续发展 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
从可持续发展的内涵来看,环境是可持续发展的核心,而能源环境是我国环境面临的首要问题,其产生的根源在于以煤为主的能源消费结构,此外能源技术水平相对落后,产业结构,能源价格不尽合理其对亦有较大的影响本文在剖析能源环境成因的基础上,提出相应的对策,以祈为能源行业可持续发展提供一些参考。 相似文献
资源和环境约束对我国能源消费提出了严峻挑战。雾霾在一定程度上可以看做是终端能源消费结构性矛盾长期积累的集中爆发。本文借助K-means聚类、空间相关分析等方法,对30个省级单元的终端能源消费量的时空特征及其结构演变进行了系统研究。进一步,运用空间计量模型多角度探讨终端能源消费对环境污染的影响。研究发现:① 从人均终端能源消费量来看,在研究时段内各省级单元均有不同程度提升,但省际差异依然显著。② 从终端能源消费量来看,在研究时段内具有显著的空间正相关性,表明了空间集聚特征的存在,并形成了多种空间集聚类型。③ 从终端能源消费结构来看,由于资源禀赋、产业结构等方面的较大差异,不同省级单元的各类型能源消费结构均呈现出多样化演变特征。④ 通过空间计量模型检验发现,终端能源消费对空气质量指数有显著正向影响,并且,这种影响在不同能源消费结构与不同区域有明显差异性。⑤ 根据研究结论,有针对性地提出能源消费与结构优化的对策建议,以期从能源消费这一视角为减少碳排放、改善空气质量提供思路和参考。 相似文献
中国粮食生产的综合影响因素分析 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
采用模型模拟的方式, 根据中国社会发展规划, 将未来社会经济发展情景与区域气候模型、水资源模型和作物模型相连接, 综合评估和分析未来中国的粮食生产状况, 以期为宏观决策提供科学参考。结果表明, ①气候变化将影响未来三大作物单产, 如果不考虑 CO2 肥效作用, 未来雨养作物单产将受到更大冲击; 当灌溉条件保障后, 水稻受到冲击更大, 单产降低最多, 尤其是 A2 情景。如果考虑 CO2 肥效作用, 未来玉米平均单产变化不大, 小麦单产明显增加, 尤其是雨养小麦, 水稻单产也有所增加。②未来气候变化、水资源、社会经济发展将影响中国三大作物的需水量和农业供水量, 导致水稻、灌溉玉米和小麦的播种面积下降, 而雨养小麦和玉米的播种面积上升。③未来气候变化、 CO2 肥效、水资源和土地利用变化对粮食生产的影响较为复杂, 依情景和时段的不同而不同。农业可用水资源对粮食总产的影响最不利, 致使三大作物粮食总产量明显降低, 成为未来粮食生产的主要限制因素, 尤其是水稻生产; 土地利用对总产的负面影响最小; 气候变化和 CO2 的相互作用可使总量少许增加。未来各情景下水稻受到冲击最大, 而小麦和玉米则表现为不同程度的增产。 相似文献
WANG KelinNatural resources deterioration environmentaldegradation sustainable resettlement inSouthwest ChinaWANG KelinChangsha Institute of Agricultural Modernization CAS Hunan CHINA 《地理学报(英文版)》1998,(2)
Naturalresourcesdeterioration,environmentaldegradationandsustainableresetlementinSouthwestChinaWANGKelinChangshaInstituteofAg... 相似文献
近年来食物浪费以及食物浪费的资源环境问题越来越成为全球关注的焦点,尤其是在发展中国家,食物浪费成为威胁食物安全的另一关键因素。尽管如此,在中国,人们仍然对食物浪费缺乏认识,尤其是餐饮业中消费者的食物浪费。因此,基于国内主流媒体报道的大量餐饮业食物浪费的案例数据资料,本研究针对餐饮业中的食物浪费做了系统的阐述。针对餐饮业食物浪费的初步估计,本研究揭示了我国餐饮业食物浪费的严重性。通过分析国际上大量食物浪费的相关文献资料,本研究具体阐述了食物浪费的资源环境代价。最后,本研究基于生命周期评价方法提出了针对餐饮业食物浪费及其资源环境效应研究的概念框架,以便更有效地减少食物浪费。 相似文献
Unexpected Results from China's Agricultural Subsidies Policy 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Given the huge demand for food created by China's large population and the high cost of transporting food across such a large nation, a food security strategy based on local self-sufficiency seems vital. To encourage agricultural production, agricultural subsidies have therefore been implemented since 1997. Although subsidies to support food production in China arose from the desire to combat poverty and hunger, they may have instead led to adverse health impacts, food insecurity, and environmental degradation because the complexity of socioeconomic systems prevented governments from fully understanding the relationships among the many factors in such systems. China therefore faces enormous challenges before it can attain sustainable food production at levels high enough to end hunger, without undesirable consequences. 相似文献
The past decade has seen what could reasonably be called an explosion in the number of food-related crises in China. Food safety issues represent a national crisis threatening the physical and psychological health of Chinese citizens, despite the repeated adoption of stringent food safety laws and regulations. This project, based on a stratified random sample of 337 households in Nanjing, assesses perceptions related to different food safety concerns and issues among urban residents and explores differences in perceptions across social strata as defined by socioeconomic and demographic variables using principal component analysis and standard statistical tests. 相似文献
基于扩展的环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC),利用1995-2015年中国省际面板数据探讨旅游发展对区域碳排放的影响,同时分析了经济增长、贸易开放程度、失业率、受教育程度和城市化水平等因素对碳排放的影响作用。研究表明:① 传统经济增长与碳排放之间的倒“U”型EKC假说成立,受教育程度(-0.061)、失业率(-0.062)和贸易开放程度(-0.170)的提升有利于降低人均CO2排放量,其中,贸易开放程度的减排作用最为明显;城市化水平(2.113)的提高会增加人均CO2排放量。② 旅游发展对区域碳排放的影响显著,具体表现为:旅游接待人次与人均CO2排放量拟合曲线呈正“U”型,而人均旅游消费与人均CO2排放量则呈现典型的倒“U”型曲线良性发展状态。③ 旅游专业化水平的提高会使得EKC向下方移动,经济发展的环境压力得到减轻,且高旅游专业化区域旅游接待人次与人均CO2排放量之间关系的转折点相对较高,而其人均旅游消费与人均CO2排放量之间关系的转折点则相对较低。 相似文献
中国食物安全基础的定量评估 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
食物安全水平受粮食生产和供给能力、食物结构的多样化以及居民的收入水平或获取维持生命所需食物的能力等因素共同作用和影响。本文从食物安全的内涵出发,依据评价指标选取原则,选定了与食物安全密切相关的评价指标,包括粮食自给率、食物消费水平及居民消费水平等,构建了食物安全可持续性综合指数模型,计算了1950~1998年我国食物安全可持续性综合指数,对我国食物安全可持续状况进行了单因子和多因子综合评价。结果表明:在50年代我国处于食物基本安全状态,60~70年代处于食物不安全状态,80年代初期及至90年代已进入食物安全阶段。从60年代开始食物安全水平逐年提高,80年代以来进入持续良性发展阶段。 相似文献
中国与全球能源网络的互动逻辑与格局转变 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前中国正处于从油气时代向可再生能源时代转变的关键时期,中国能源需求结构和能源利用形式的变化决定了中国与全球能源的互动逻辑发生了深刻转变。为更好理解中国与全球的能源互动过程,本文探讨了全球能源互动的基本理论认知,并借助复杂网络、投入产出分析等技术方法分析了中国与全球能源互动格局及其变化。研究发现中国与全球能源互动的范围不断扩大,程度不断加深,从油气贸易到可再生能源贸易,从油气为主的投资到多元化能源品种的投资,从传统能源贸易到隐含能源贸易等方面,中国逐渐塑造了多元化的全球能源格局。主要结论为:① “多煤少油缺气”的能源生产结构和巨大的油气需求,决定了保障海外油气供应是中国与全球能源互动最直接的逻辑,互动区域主要集中在油气富集的国家和地区。② 随着可再生能源的发展,中国与全球能源互动逻辑从单纯的油气贸易转变为涉及可再生能源相关产品的贸易,凭借制造业优势,互动范围从油气富集的国家和地区拓展到全球拥有可再生能源发展和装机需求的国家,形成了覆盖全球主要国家和地区的可再生能源贸易新格局。③ 中国的海外能源投资目标从有限数量的东道国扩展到欧洲、东南亚等国家和地区,投资业务不仅局限在油气领域,也扩大到太阳能、风能和水能等可再生能源发电项目及电网等基础设施建设投资。④ 中国作为全球制造业大国和贸易大国,在全球化程度加深的背景下,部分能源隐含于全球生产网络和贸易网络中进行二次分配,中国与全球能源互动范围进一步拓展到与中国具有一般商品贸易关系的国家和地区,形成了全球“能源中枢”的功能。本文可为深刻认识中国与全球的能源互动关系,维护国家能源安全和参与全球能源经济治理提供理论视角与决策依据。 相似文献
While political ideology is a consistent predictor of public environmental views in the United States, religious affiliation may also be an important correlate of environmental attitudes, especially in regions with a majority denomination. Using data from a 2014 survey in five communities across Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming (n = 906) experiencing renewable energy development, we investigate the influence of religious affiliation on environmental beliefs, views about climate change, and support for renewable energy. We are particularly interested in the influence of Mormonism, an understudied area of research. We find Mormonism, Protestantism, and Catholicism all significantly and negatively related to general pro-environment beliefs. However, this relationship doesn’t hold as consistently for views about global warming or renewable energy development. We also find income, gender, length of residence, and political orientation to be important predictors of environmental attitudes, and that general environmental beliefs are only weakly related to views about renewable energy. 相似文献
Eating Out Ethically: An Analysis of the Influence of Ethical Food Consumption in a Vegetarian Restaurant in Guangzhou,China 下载免费PDF全文
For exploring vegetarian eating in contemporary Guangzhou, this article employs the concept of ‘ethical eating’ and the framework of ethical consumption as outlined by Clive Barnett and his coauthors to examine food practices in a vegetarian restaurant through two dimensions: the restaurant dimension and the consumer dimension (2005b). Drawing on the ethnographic observations and interviews on food practices in a vegetarian restaurant conducted by Refreshing Vegetarian Food (Yixin Su Shi), in Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong province, this article argues that, on the one hand, the restaurant can provide an ethical environment for vegetarian eating and connects ethics and human bodies encountered through eating experiences. On the other hand, the restaurant is reshaped as an ethical food space through the performance of consumers' social identities and “self‐other” relations. 相似文献
The catering industry is an important industry related to the growth of the national economy and the needs of daily life. After 2012, the central government has successively introduced and implemented a series of policies to limit the official consumption and catering waste. These policies have had a huge impact on China's catering industry, especially the development of high-end catering. Based on expert scoring and interviews with government managers, the catering industry organizations, catering enterprises, researchers and consumers, this paper studies the impacts of the policies before and after 2012 on the sustainable development of the catering industry. The results show that: (1) Policies after 2012 have been very strong in their strength and duration, and this can ensure that the policies can effectively perform their restraint and management functions in the long term. (2) As affected by policies after 2012, the frequency and amounts of public expenditures in China have dropped significantly, and mass consumption is developing faster. (3) The impact of policies on income is quite controversial. On the whole, the policies have continued to promote the increasing of catering income after 2012, and have played a significant role in optimizing the catering structure and reducing food waste. However, the policies have had little effect on the improvement of industry standards and environmental protection. (4) The sustainable development of the catering industry requires the efforts of the government, industry organizations, restaurants and consumers. Steady income growth, a reasonable and healthy industry structure, sound industry standards, and low food waste are important standards and goals for the sustainable development of the catering industry. 相似文献
基于经济模拟的中国能源消费与碳排放高峰预测 总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40
能源消费所产生的碳排放是经济发展过程中不可避免的副产品,而且碳排放在大气中的积累会使全球气候不断变暖,因此经济增长与碳排放之间的关系一直是学术界关注的焦点。传统的基于EKC曲线的经济计量学方法一般是对经济与排放历史数据的相关关系研究,不能很好地反映二者之间的动力学机制。为此本文在内生经济增长模型Moon-Sonn基础上进行改进,首先从理论上得到了最优经济增长率与能源强度之间存在倒U曲线关系的必要条件,即能源的产出弹性小于0.5;接着将投入产出分析得到的反映技术进步下的能源强度代入模型,对中国未来经济增长路径进行了预测,同时得到了最优增长路径下的能源消费走势,进而通过对能源消费结构和不同能源品种的碳排放系数的预测和估计,以及对分品种能源碳排放的汇总计算得到了中国未来能源消费所产生的总的碳排放走势。结果显示,在当前技术进步速率下,我国分别在2043年和2040年达到能源消费高峰和碳排放高峰。此外,本文对能源强度不同下降速率对能源消费高峰的影响进行模拟发现,当降速为4.5%~5%时,能源高峰将出现在2040年前,此时的人均GDP为10万元左右,与OECD国家的高峰时收入一致;而且分3种情景模拟了可再生能源替代政策对... 相似文献
李旭辉 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2010,1(1):87-93
这一评述总结2008年耶鲁大学中国的环境和资源利用问题研讨会的讨论重点,包括:1)保护地方利益和防止污染扩散的区域协调;2)建立环境特殊区,实行前瞻性的环境政策试验;3)加强环境和资源利用教育和能力建设;4)协调国内和国际环境合作关系;5)中国的环境决策中权力的制约与平衡。本文不打算对这些专题进行深入分析,而是强调西方环境管理经验和教训与中国的现实相结合的重要性。 相似文献
Journal of Geographical Sciences - China is in a critical period of transforming from the oil and gas era to the renewable energy era. To better understand the process of energy interaction between... 相似文献