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《The Professional geographer》2013,65(1):140-153
Tropical deforestation is widely believed to directly influence the climate at a number of scales. Yet while much has been written about the tropical forest-climate relationship, there is little empirical evidence showing if and how local and regional climates are modified by deforestation. This study presents the results of an analysis of deforestation and climate change in a rain forest in southern Mexico. Records from 18 climate stations in the Selva Lacandona of Chiapas, Mexico were examined and related to an analysis of deforestation based on Landsat images. The area surrounding some stations has been deforested since the stations were established, while the area surroundings others has remained forested. Strong climatic trends were generally evident at the deforested stations, including decreases in the average daily maximum temperature and temperature range. No precipitation changes were observed. A comparison of the results with microclimatic experiments and modeling studies suggests that the climatic impacts of deforestation are overgeneralized at the local scale. Landscape heterogeneity appears to influence the biophysical mechanisms linking tropical forests and climate, and should be explicitly represented in modeling studies. 相似文献
新疆阿勒泰地区的生态环境问题及解决对策 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
新疆阿勒泰地区的生态环境从上世纪50年代至今经历了曲折的变化过程,但是总体来说该区生态环境一直在退化,只是在不同时期其退化的速度有所不同。虽然目前阿勒泰地区的生态环境恶化趋势有所减缓,但是曾经导致阿勒泰地区生态环境退化的问题并没有完全得到解决。纵观从1950年代至今的生态环境变化,阿勒泰地区的草场退化、森林资源剧减、耕地次生盐渍化、沼泽化、土地沙漠化、河流水量减少、虫鼠灾害及工矿对环境破坏等生态环境问题及其形成原因在我国的西部具有较强的代表性,因此本文试图通过回顾阿勒泰地区生态环境问题和恶化过程,分析其生态环境恶化的原因,并探寻在科学发展观指导下的可持续发展对策。 相似文献
能源环境与可持续发展 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
从可持续发展的内涵来看,环境是可持续发展的核心,而能源环境是我国环境面临的首要问题,其产生的根源在于以煤为主的能源消费结构,此外能源技术水平相对落后,产业结构,能源价格不尽合理其对亦有较大的影响本文在剖析能源环境成因的基础上,提出相应的对策,以祈为能源行业可持续发展提供一些参考。 相似文献
David Simon 《Singapore journal of tropical geography》2007,28(2):205-218
Formulations of anti- and postdevelopment are held by some critics to be more appropriate and sensitive successors to development, predicated on the assumption that it is essential to escape and transcend the discredited nature of 'the development project'. Yet, many such proposals remain unsubstantiated or have not provided significant gains beyond the now very animated theoretical debates. This paper seeks to transcend some of the associated divisions that are hampering progress towards the largely shared goals. A process of progressive convergence in alternative, critical and postdevelopment thinking is advocated and this paper outlines some promising directions being taken by such discursive and practical endeavours. 相似文献
Non-profit organizations are key actors in urban and community forestry (UCF) initiatives, and sometimes city residents resist their efforts. Between 2011-2014, 24 percent of residents offered a street tree in Detroit, Michigan, USA submitted a “no-tree request.” Differing views on decision-making emerged as a main reason for resistance to tree planting. This study used interviews with city residents, and those within a non-profit organization, between 2014-2016 to understand reasons for conflict over decision-making between these groups. Heritage narratives, or selective representations of the city’s history and character, helped explain conflict over tree planting. Residents who wanted greater decision-making power in tree planting assumed they would be responsible for stewardship, reflecting their historical experiences within the city. The organization’s dominant heritage narrative emphasized that residents held misperceptions of trees based on negative past experiences, and required education on benefits of trees. Recommendations for integrating heritage narratives into UCF efforts are provided. 相似文献
Garth Andrew Myers 《Area》2002,34(2):149-159
Sub–Saharan Africa is experiencing a new round of conservation initiatives, based around democratized local institutions and local knowledge of the environment. This essay uses political ecology research from a case study settlement in the Zanzibar islands of Tanzania to interrogate how to create the enabling conditions for these new conservation programmes. The case study highlights the importance of understanding social and political issues at the local scale for appreciating the problematic trajectories of progressive environmental planning strategies in Africa in the context of democratization. 相似文献
河北南部地区资源、环境、发展初析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
河北南部地区山前平原区农业气候条件适于夏玉米的生长 ,黑龙港地区适于棉花的生长。本区水资源匮乏 ,地下水超采严重。浅层地下水超采模数为 8.0 1× 1 0 4 m3/( km2 ·a) ,深层地下水为 2 .5 8× 1 0 4 m3/( km2·a)。全区水资源利用的综合边际效益以廊坊市最高 ( 2 6.68元 /t) ,保定市最低 ( 1 4.85元 /t) ,两者之比为 1 .80。区内地下水降落漏斗与地面沉降等环境地质灾害频繁 ,1 998年浅层地下水漏斗区面积为 0 .5 4× 1 0 4 km2 ,深层地下水为 1 .5 9× 1 0 4 km2。地下水、粮食和蔬菜受到农药残留、过量化肥的污染。本区 2 0 1 0水平年外流域调水将占可供水量的 2 3.9% ,但缺水率仍达 36.2 %。若全区通过发展工程节水 (提高综合节水率 3.2 % )、实施适水种植 (冬小麦播种面积下调 7% ) ,利用水分胁迫处理 (减少一次灌溉 )等节水措施 ,则比 1 999年节水 1 7.2 %。 相似文献
地貌环境是人类一切生活最基本的场所和物质基础。地貌环境特征研究是人类对地球表层最基本、最直接特征--地貌形态的探索和解释,其研究成果可在资源评价、土地利用、环境保护、减灾防灾等方面服务于区域可持续发展。选取深圳东部海岸地区,运用现代地貌学理论和方法,借助3S 技术手段,深入研究东部地区地貌环境特征,提取主要地貌特征因子,划分地貌类型,依据可持续发展理论,从地貌环境的适应性、脆弱性及恢复性三方面对区域资源环境和滨海生态系统可持续利用进行了评价。通过本次研究和实例分析可知,以“3S”技术支撑的现代地貌学理论和方法可在解决人类当前面临的资源环境问题与可持续发展方面发挥重要的基础作用。 相似文献
WILLIAM G MOSELEY 《The Geographical journal》2005,171(1):36-55
This study examines the hypothesis that poor households engage in less sustainable soil management practices than rich households in a similar socioeconomic environment. This broad objective is explored in Mali's southern cotton belt through three specific research questions. First, is there empirical evidence to support the claim that poor households engage in less sustainable soil management practices than rich households? Second, what local and extra-local factors influence household agricultural management approaches in southern Mali? Third, what broader scale political and economic processes are linked to the factors that influence local-level agricultural management approaches? The author reports that soil quality measures on the farms of rich and poor households are not significantly different, refuting the conventional wisdom that the wealthy are better managers of the environment. A variety of environmentally deleterious practices are associated with export-oriented cotton production, an activity more vigorously pursued by wealthy than poor farmers. Finally, the focus on poverty in international environment and development discourse has allowed the government of Mali to avoid a serious debate on the sustainability of cotton production. The study's findings are based on household interviews describing agricultural management practices, an analysis of farm field soil measures, and discussions with donors and national policymakers. 相似文献
王振东 《地理与地理信息科学》2007,23(4):66-69
解决张承地区生态环境问题的关键是解决生态建设与当地经济发展的矛盾。通过分析张承地区区域性生态和区域性贫困问题及其相互关系,探讨改变该地区现状的途径:一是建立生态特别示范区,实施区域特殊政策;二是纳入京津行政区域,由京津统一管理;三是遵循市场经济规律,建立生态补偿机制。 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):113-114
Abstract A new political geography has emerged that stresses the political conflict behind the production of space. This orientation in the subdiscipline constitutes a turn away from traditional political geography, where the emphasis had previously been on the spatial distribution of political phenomena. The “new” political geographic theory has been applied to the study of environmental issues, turning the attention of scholars to the political struggle behind the construction of nature as well as space. This article reviews how the new political geography of the environment (NPGE) perspective has impacted the study of such environmental phenomena as hazards, siting issues, human-land relationships, resources, development, and international environmental governance. It concludes by suggesting how the NPGE perspective can inform pedagogy in environmental education. 相似文献
以环境库兹涅茨理论为基础,通过对广东省1991―2011年的经济发展与废水排放相关数据进行分析,建立了广东省经济增长与废水排放的环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)计量模型。结果表明:1)广东省废水排放总量、生活污水排放量与GDP之间存在较明显的库兹涅兹曲线关系。2)工业废水排放量与GDP之间出现了脱钩效应,工业生产对资源环境压力逐步降低。3)生活污水排放量增长却相对较快,逐渐成为废水排放的主体,致使滨海水体中无机氮与磷酸盐的含量呈现出逐年递增的趋势,滨海地区水质富营养化日趋严重,赤潮发生的频率逐渐增多,直接威胁到滨海地区水体功能的正常发挥。4)从渔获率的年际变化来看:近年来广东省滨海水域生物多样性有所恢复,但形势仍不容乐观。尽管EKC理论表明经济增长最终会改善环境质量,但这是有前提条件的。广东省必须在发展经济的同时,制定合理的经济发展与环境保护政策,建立滨海生态环境保护区,实现区域经济与环境的和谐发展。 相似文献
亚热带山地民族文化与自然环境和谐发展实证研究--以云南省元阳县哈尼族梯田文化景观为例 总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21
一定的自然环境孕育了与之相适应的民族文化,而民族文化又对自然环境具有改造作用。民族文化与自然环境的相互适应是文化与环境持续存在的原因。本文通过深入到处云南南部亚热带山地地区的元阳县哈尼族地区的调查,提出和分析了哈尼文化与自然环境相互适应的结果一哈尼梯田文化景观的特征,并探讨了哈尼文化与自然环境两者梯田景观的关系,证实了哈尼梯田文化景观是哈尼文化与自然环境协调发展的结果,具有重要的理论和实际意义。 相似文献
《Urban geography》2013,34(5):458-482
In this paper I analyze the popularity and proliferation of New Urbanism within the context of a post-industrial urban political economy. By looking at the production of Northwest Landing, a New Urban development, I consider the post-industrial company town as one way to understand how political and economic processes are structured into the landscape. Because it focuses solely on spatial arrangements, and therefore on those who design particular configurations of space, New Urbanism effectively ignores the broader social and economic processes that both constrain and enable particular agents. I suggest that by attending to the broad appeal of New Urbanism without losing sight of the specific context within which projects such as Northwest Landing are created, our focus shifts from simply imagining what a better way of life might look like to critically analyzing the processes that prevent or facilitate the attainment of New Urbanism's normative ideals. 相似文献
县域经济发展与资源环境协调问题研究--以河南省为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
县域经济作为一个相对独立的区域经济,在制定发展战略、寻求经济增长的途径时,必须处理好可持续发展资源、环境的关系问题。文章从资源环境对县域经济可持续发展的制约和要求入手,对河南域这个特殊的经济发展单元进行了研究,提出了相应建议。 相似文献
DAVID SMETHURST 《Geographical review》2000,90(1):35-56
ABSTRACT. Although mountains have been studied for centuries, they are the subject of only a slender body of formal literature. Instead, those who study high places in specific regions construct working definitions and continually recraft bibliographies. Studies of mountains often focus on comparatively limited themes: physical processes, ecology, or sacred spaces, for example. As scholars become interested in environmental degradation and the development of mountains, there is all the more need to develop a mountain geography literature that expands the study of mountains to include the political, economic, cultural, and social dimensions of their environments and peoples. Three areas‐cultural geography, political ecology, and conservation theory‐are suggested for additional research. 相似文献