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付晓  陈梓丹  黄洁 《地理科学》2022,42(10):1727-1734
构建考虑多维特征的城市居民非通勤出行群体画像概念模型,提出一种按序结合相关系数矩阵与二阶聚类的方法,以进行非通勤出行群体画像。利用苏州市手机信令数据,基于非通勤出行时空规律和社会属性将城市居民出行者进行群体划分,并结合城市居民非通勤出行群体画像概念模型对不同类型非通勤出行群体进行多维度解析。结果显示:① 城市居民出行者可划分为:活跃?波动?工作日主导型群体、非活跃?稳定?均衡型群体。② 不同类型非通勤出行群体画像在多维特征上存在显著差异。③ 根据群体画像标签关联分析,除显性关联外,群体画像不同标签间存在隐性关联。  相似文献   

Very few tourism geographers have investigated the way meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) travelers search for information and their travel behavior based on cultural background and country of origin. In addition, little attention has been paid to examining the factors that affect MICE travelers' decisions to visit a certain destination. To address this knowledge gap, this paper aims to examine the impact of cultural factors on the information acquisition and travel behaviors of MICE tourists. It also examines the factors that affect travelers' decisions to visit a certain destination in cross-cultural settings. The primary data, related to the impact of cultural aspects of MICE travelers on their information searching and travel behaviors, were collected through a self-administered survey. The survey tool was composed of key elements—the country of normal residence, behaviors in information searching, the arrangement of the present trip, travel behaviors, significant effects on tourists' choices and satisfaction, and the socio-demographic characteristics of MICE travelers. The sample population was composed of Chinese-, Arabic-, and English-speaking MICE travelers at one of the top Middle Eastern MICE tourism destinations, Doha, Qatar. The relevant data were collected from MICE travelers at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Center, which is considered the main MICE sector setting in Doha. To test the proposed hypotheses, which concern categorical variables, a series of chi-square tests for independence or relatedness were conducted. These tests are appropriate for analyzing the relationship between two categorical variables. The study revealed notable differences between the three respondent groups. This paper proposes that destinations marketers should develop targeted marketing strategies based on the information and travel behavior of each cultural group. Particular marketing implications for Doha are discussed.  相似文献   

董红召  周敏  陈宁  郭明飞 《地理科学》2010,30(5):673-678
城市交通中,交通管理部门需要动态掌握群体性的出行规律,其获取方法亟待解决。为此,基于交通流的空间分析,提出了一种能够描述群体性动态出行规律的典型行车路线理论。在对交通流进行空间数据挖掘和动态OD("O"起始点,"D"目的地)分析的基础上,通过行车路线中热点路口的生成、备选路线的追踪获取以及可选路线的模糊聚类分析,从而获得能够表征群体性动态出行规律的城市交通典型行车路线。最后,以杭州市交通路网为例,开发了典型行车路线智能获取系统并进行了实验验证,结果表明,典型行车路线理论及其算法能够较真实地描述城市路网中群体性的动态出行规律,为交通部门的交通控制与诱导、公交路线规划等提供了决策参考。  相似文献   

Our purpose is to explore the travel behavior of blind or vision impaired people, focusing in particular on travel by bus. We differentiate the sample depending on the availability of a household car. We examine perceptions of and attitudes toward existing transit and various transit characteristics, highlighting features that seem to be frustrating or difficult. Finally, we have travelers evaluate the potential usefulness of various assistive devices, including electronic information that gives navigational assistance.  相似文献   

了解城市人群移动行为和空间结构对城市规划、交通管理、应急响应等具有重要的意义。近年来,随着信息技术(ICT)的快速发展,采集大规模、长时间序列的人群移动定位大数据变得容易,为人群移动行为研究带来了新的机遇和挑战。本文首先介绍了目前用于城市人群移动行为和空间结构研究的主要数据源及其特征,并分别从人群移动行为、城市空间结构2个方面对近3年国内外相关研究进行归纳总结。目前的研究主要从移动定位大数据中挖掘人群移动模式,理解人群移动时空规律,进一步透视城市的空间结构特征;而对城市空间结构与人群移动行为影响的研究较少。未来可通过融合多源时空数据,综合研究人群移动行为与城市空间结构之间的相互作用,发展大规模群体移动行为时空分析理论和模型,进一步深入理解人群移动行为与城市空间结构的耦合关系。  相似文献   

我国研学旅游发展与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随我国旅游业的转型升级,以及对素质教育重视程度的不断提高,研学旅游逐渐成为国内旅游研究的热点议题。我国研学旅游发展可分为酝酿准备、局部试点和全面实施三个阶段,本文从研学旅游相关概念与内涵、研学旅游历史与思想、研学旅游者心理与行为、研学旅游开发等方面对我国研学旅游研究进行了梳理与评述。当前国内研学旅游研究较为滞后,与我国研学旅游的蓬勃发展形成反差和矛盾,表现为研究内容单薄、理论视角单一,突出实践意义而忽略理论贡献。基于文献梳理与评述,本文提出未来研学旅游研究应关注研学旅游资源利用与产品开发、研学旅游发展与政策导向、研学旅游效果评估与管理、社会文明建设与研学旅游等议题。  相似文献   


Our purpose is to explore the travel behavior of blind or vision impaired people, focusing in particular on travel by bus. We differentiate the sample depending on the availability of a household car. We examine perceptions of and attitudes toward existing transit and various transit characteristics, highlighting features that seem to be frustrating or difficult. Finally, we have travelers evaluate the potential usefulness of various assistive devices, including electronic information that gives navigational assistance.  相似文献   

中介、身体与情感:川藏公路旅行中的流动性体验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王学基  孙九霞  黄秀波 《地理科学》2019,39(11):1780-1786
新流动性范式下,与交通行为相伴的流动不再只是旅游者到达目的地的方式,转而成为深刻嵌入于旅游通道空间中的独特体验。通过在与研究对象一起流动的过程中运用访谈法和观察法收集资料,基于流动性视角探讨川藏公路旅行者在道路空间流动过程中的多元体验及体验间的相互影响关系。研究发现:流动性体验构成了道路旅行者旅游体验的核心,并涉及中介、身体与情感的融合与互动。物质性中介塑造了道路旅行者的中介体验,在构建“连结”和制造“分离”中影响旅行者在人地互动中的身体体验。同时,流动过程塑造了旅行者从视觉到多感官的具身性体验,包含正面与负面体验的交替与综合,且时常涉及危险与疼痛的极致体验。最后,中介与身体体验形成向情感的投射,道路空间环境与流动状态的转换塑造情感体验的多变性。  相似文献   

吴啸  李晓军  彭龙军  尹剑辉  梁子森 《热带地理》2007,27(3):224-228,248
基于对城市交通信息发布系统平台的研究与分析,确定了GIS在城市交通信息发布系统平台中的应用目标和实现功能,构造了基于GIS的城市交通信息发布系统平台的总体结构,并探讨了GIS和数据挖掘与集成技术及其在城市交通信息发布平台中的应用。  相似文献   

In recent years, social media emerged as a potential resource to improve the management of crisis situations such as disasters triggered by natural hazards. Although there is a growing research body concerned with the analysis of the usage of social media during disasters, most previous work has concentrated on using social media as a stand-alone information source, whereas its combination with other information sources holds a still underexplored potential. This article presents an approach to enhance the identification of relevant messages from social media that relies upon the relations between georeferenced social media messages as Volunteered Geographic Information and geographic features of flood phenomena as derived from authoritative data (sensor data, hydrological data and digital elevation models). We apply this approach to examine the micro-blogging text messages of the Twitter platform (tweets) produced during the River Elbe Flood of June 2013 in Germany. This is performed by means of a statistical analysis aimed at identifying general spatial patterns in the occurrence of flood-related tweets that may be associated with proximity to and severity of flood events. The results show that messages near (up to 10 km) to severely flooded areas have a much higher probability of being related to floods. In this manner, we conclude that the geographic approach proposed here provides a reliable quantitative indicator of the usefulness of messages from social media by leveraging the existing knowledge about natural hazards such as floods, thus being valuable for disaster management in both crisis response and preventive monitoring.  相似文献   

丁疆辉  刘卫东 《地理研究》2012,31(4):733-744
地理学对信息技术空间作用的研究主要以城市地区为主而缺少对农村的关注,但从理论上分析信息技术应用在农村产生的影响似乎比城市更大。信息技术作为一种新的信息传输渠道、互动媒介与平台,正在改变着农村居民日常行为空间。利用中国东部典型农业大县的农村信息化发展为基础,通过问卷与访谈的方法对农村居民信息技术应用进行统计与分析,在此基础上,对农村居民社会交往空间的变化进行了探讨。研究发现:不同时期信息基础设施的拥有情况是影响人际交往空间变化的根本;随着新的信息技术尤其是移动电话和互联网的发展,农村居民人际交往空间出现极大拓展,同时相同空间范围的人际交往频次增加;互联网的即时通信功能使农村居民社会交往空间类型增多。  相似文献   

Conventional ways of trip planning using online reviews from multiple sources are often cumbersome and uncustomizable. The advance in information and communication technology (ICT) and the surge in user-generated contents (UGC) provide great opportunities to facilitate trip planning. This paper proposes a travel-planning tool by crowdsourcing multiple UGCs to provide customized information for tourists. We harvested hotel customer reviews from TripAdvisor, photo information from Flickr, and travel costs between destinations from Uber. First, we used geospatial data mining approaches to extract tourism attractions information from Flickr; identified multi-facet characteristics of hotels with natural language processing (NLP); and provided travel route recommendations with graph analysis. Second, we developed a web-based interface to let users communicate with the system interactively, which provides integrated recommendations including attractions, hotels, and visit route sequences. Two cities in the United States (i.e. Atlanta and Chicago) were used as cases to illustrate our approaches. The proposed travel planning tool is not only beneficial to support customized travel decision-making, but also supportive for hotel managers with strategic management implications.  相似文献   

Active participation in the outdoors not only provides enjoyment and adventure, but it is also important for health and promoting conservation values. The latter is particularly important for young people as they are at an impressionable stage in their lives. Geographical accessibly of recreation opportunities can be a major barrier to utlization of the New Zealand outdoors. While it would be ideal to have a variety of opportunities available to everyone regardless of residence, the distribution of opportunities is constrained by the extent of suitable lands. This research provides a population based assessment of the geographical accessibility of recreational opportunities. Accessibility has many dimensions and includes cultural, financial, and geographical barriers; therefore this research is only addressing one dimension of accessibility. Geographical Information Systems is used for the analysis, which involves a function called least-cost path analysis. This identified the travel time (using a private vehicle) via the quickest route from where people live (represented by census enumeration points) to the entry point of the recreation sites. The outputs of this research are maps and spatial statistics on the travel times to a range of recreation opportunities for different parts of New Zealand. This information is important for recreation planning. In addition, the information also provides research opportunities for modelling recreation use, especially when accessibility information is combined with landscape experience information and recreation usage statistics.  相似文献   

解佳  孙九霞  王学基 《地理研究》2020,39(7):1640-1653
随着道路旅行的兴起,中国背包客将涂鸦活动的阵地转移至道路和停泊点等非城市空间。背包客的道路涂鸦与城市涂鸦、景区涂鸦都存在着较大差别,它所具有的时空特殊性为剖析旅游过程中通道与停泊点的意义、理解旅游者如何参与地方生成、探索处于移动中的人群如何构建共同体提供了生动案例。本研究以川藏公路为案例地,采用移动民族志与多点民族志相结合的方法,探索背包客涂鸦作为空间实践的意义。研究发现,涂鸦实践使得川藏公路及其沿线的节点成为背包客旅程甚至人生经历的见证者,原本功能性、政治性的空间被改写成私人的、情感的空间,涂鸦实践还参与构建了一个后现代的流动新部落。因此,涂鸦重塑了川藏公路的空间意义,在川藏公路独特旅行文化的形成中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

日本一直是我国最重要的海外客源国之一,日本访华客源市场却处于缓慢的发展态势,在金融危机的影响下更是出现了负增长,研究金融危机背景下日本旅行市场,对于进一步开发日本访华客源市场具有十分重要的意义。文章系统分析了金融危机影响条件下,日本黄金周旅行市场的消费动向,及其旅行市场的人数、消费、旅行目的、旅行天数、海外旅行目的地选择等问题,并探讨了制约日本国民黄金周外出旅行的因素。  相似文献   

The vast majority of states impose visa restrictions on travelers from some foreign countries. Such restrictions are likely to deter foreign visitors from affected countries. They will therefore reduce the flow of tourists, businesspeople, and other travelers and thereby damage a country's tourism industry, reduce its trade, and affect its scientific, cultural, and other exchanges with foreign countries. This study estimates the damaging effect exerted by visa restrictions on bilateral travel in a country dyad data set covering the period from 1995 to 2005. It finds that, depending on the exact model specification chosen, visa restrictions reduce such travel by on average between 52 and 63 percent but with substantial regional variation. Given this large detrimental effect of visa restrictions on bilateral travel, the article discusses the determinants of why states impose such restrictions.  相似文献   

陈静  章锦河  刘泽华  周晶  杨璐 《地理科学进展》2013,32(10):1511-1519
作为现实旅游者分享旅游经历和情感的虚拟平台,旅游博客逐渐成为潜在旅游者出游决策的参考依据,已引起学术界和旅游管理者的高度关注,成为旅游研究新的重要对象。通过对国内外旅游博客研究的相关文献的梳理,从旅游博客研究内容与研究方法两个角度进行评析。在研究内容方面,目前国内外主要从博主、博文、博客技术等3 个方面进行研究。其中,博主研究包括博主的人口学分析、博文写作分析和旅游行为分析,博文研究包括博文对潜在旅游者的作用分析、对旅游目的地形象构建的作用分析及对旅游营销的作用分析。分析结果表明,国外相关研究比较深入,而国内主要是借鉴国外研究方法进行实证研究以及旅游博客的营销作用分析。在研究方法方面,国内外主要通过网站搜集渠道进行信息获取,应用内容分析法与叙事分析法进行博客分析。最后,文章提出3点研究展望:① 在研究尺度方面,需加强不同时间和空间尺度的博文对比分析;② 研究内容方面,应拓宽研究视角,充分利用博客中的图片等有用信息,通过实地调研数据的佐证提高研究的科学性和准确性;③ 研究方法方面,国内研究应该在引介国际前沿理论和研究范式的基础上增强区域性研究,构建中国特色的旅游博客研究体系。  相似文献   

Hospital service area (HSA) and hospital referral region (HRR), known as a hierarchical HSA system, have been used as analysis units in a growing body of large‐scale studies of healthcare spending, utilization, and outcome in the United States. However, the popular Dartmouth HSAs and HRRs were produced more than two decades ago and are unable to represent contemporary healthcare markets. This research uses a revised Huff Model to delineate two levels of hospital service areas in Florida, resulting in sixty‐four HSAs nested in twenty‐one HRRs. Three elements distinguish our method from existing work. First, a best‐fitting distance‐decay function derived from the actual travel pattern of hospitalization is embedded in the Huff Model to strengthen the model's theoretical foundation in individual spatial behavior. Secondly, the hierarchal central place structure is supported by the differing travel‐friction coefficients for general versus specialized patients; general patients experience a steeper gradient and thus a shorter average travel range that supports delineating more HSAs of smaller area size, and specialized patients exhibit a flatter gradient and thus a longer average travel range that leads to fewer HRRs of large‐sized areas. Finally, the delineation method automated in geographic information systems (GIS) can be easily replicated in other regions to define large‐scale and consistent hierarchical HSA systems.  相似文献   

To make predictions of future climate it is necessary to understand the past climate—temperature as well as precipitation. While a wealth of temperature proxies exist from northern latitudes, there is still a lack of information about past precipitation variability. Here we present a 300‐year‐long tree‐ring width chronology from xeric‐site Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Tyresta National Park, east central Sweden. Tree‐ring widths were compared to the long observed temperature and precipitation records from Stockholm during 1786–2000. Analyses of the climate/growth relationship showed that, in general, May–June precipitation had a dominating influence on pine growth. However, during dry periods, negative responses to June–July temperature were stronger, especially evident in the late nineteenth century. Periods of below‐average growth were associated with dry conditions in May–June, but occasionally periods of wet and cool summers also produced narrow rings. Periods of above‐average growth were linked to wet, but sporadically also cool and dry, early summers. The years between 1815 and 1833 appear to be particularly dry in the 300‐year context. Since growth anomalies are found in other Swedish drought‐sensitive tree‐ring chronologies during this period, it is likely that this dry period had a regional extent. This is the first tree‐ring chronology from southern Sweden that provides multi‐century information of past summer drought and moisture variability with high resolution and the study will add important information regarding past climate variability in southern Sweden.  相似文献   

以西塘古镇为案例地,利用问卷调查所获取的数据,通过层次回归分析的方法,探讨了重游意愿的形成机制以及不同求新动机水平下旅游者重游意愿的差异。结果表明: 满意度和地方依恋对短期、中期和长期重游意愿均有显著影响,求新动机仅对长期重游意愿有显著影响,而目的地形象对重游意愿的影响未达显著水平。求新动机对目的地形象与短期、中期和长期重游意愿的关系存在正向调节作用,不同求新动机水平下,目的地形象对重游意愿的影响程度不同。即随着求新动机增强,目的地形象对重游意愿的作用得到加强。求新动机对满意度与短期、中期和长期重游意愿的关系存在负向调节作用,不同求新动机水平下,满意度对重游意愿的影响程度不同。即随着求新动机增强,满意度对重游意愿的作用削弱。求新动机对地方依恋与重游意愿的关系不存在显著调节作用。  相似文献   

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