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Ardeotis nigriceps, commonly known as Great Indian Bustard (GIB), is a Critically Endangered, Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Threatened (EDGE) and endemic species to the Indian subcontinent. GIB is under tremendous threat in its last strongholds and sliding inextricably towards extinction. The GIB sanctuary in Maharashtra (India) is one of the last refuges of the bird constituting an area of 8496 km2 spread over in seven talukas of Solapur and Ahemednagar districts. Major portion of the sanctuary (94.3 %) consists of privately owned lands under a variety of economic vocations and large number of villages and townships. In view of the legal restrictions relating to Protected Area under the Wildlife (Protection) Act of India 1972, the inhabitants of villages and townships faced a very difficult situation regarding use of their lands, development of properties and deriving benefits from planned local and regional development. This created conflict between local people and the forest department over the use of land, which necessitated the rationalization of the sanctuary. The objective of the present study was to map the suitable habitat of GIB in GIB Wildlife Sanctuary as an input for the realignment of the GIB Sanctuary by identifying areas that are important for the GIB. Main parameters considered for the habitat suitability assessments are, habit and habitat of GIB, slope, minimum patch size and disturbance sources. Based on the criteria derived for the ecological and biological requirements of GIB, binary deductive habitat suitability modeling has been done using remote sensing and GIS and prioritized the potential habitats of GIB. The net area of important suitable habitat of GIB in GIB sanctuary is 2304.99 km2 out of 8496.44 km2. The output of the present study has been used as an input by the committee (set by Honorable Supreme court of India) on rationalization of the GIB Sanctuary and the sanctuary has been rationalized with an area of 1222 km2.  相似文献   

Jerdon’s courser (Cursorius bitorquatus) considered as lost bird is found in Sri Lankamalleswaram Sanctuary, Cuddapah District, Andhra Pradesh. It is listed in Red data book as endangered bird. Analysis of satellite imagery of 1989, 1996, 1998 and ground information have revealed an improvement of Jerdon courser’s habitat after declaration of area as sanctuary in 1988. Large open grounds show a decrease, white small open grounds surrounded by scrub plants offering protection and food cover increase. Analysis of satellite imagery shows core niche covering 4 x 3 km area and larger area of sanctuary (7.3 x 13.1 km) having various land cover classes. Comparison of satellite imagery from 1989 to 1998 shows degradation of larger area of sanctuary where birds are not seen.  相似文献   

This study presents a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based geostatistical and visualization analysis of crop suitability in two blocks of sub-mountain area of Punjab under diversification programme. It combines the limitation approach of land capability classification, productivity potential evaluation procedure and crop suitability evaluation framework of FAO. Two blocks from the sub mountain Siwalik region of Punjab viz., Mahalpur and Garhshankar were selected. This study evaluates the capabilities of the study area for traditional crops like wheat, paddy and maize, and recently introduced crops like sugarcane, sunflower, pea, rapeseed-mustard, potatoes and kinnow for agricultural diversification. The suitability of the crops has been worked out at the village level. About 35–40 per cent of total area mostly in Siwallik hills is not fit for growing any type of crop. Sandy texture, uneven topography, moderately steep slopes and excessive drainage are responsible for unsuitability of this area. The GIS based suitability analysis for traditional crops as well as for new crops, under diversification of agriculture has been undertaken. The geostatistical analysis points towards suitability of relatively large areas for new crops like sunflower, potato, pea (green) and sugarcane. Forty three and 14 per cent of total area has been found highly suitable and suitable respectively for growing green pea - a cash crop. Thirty three per cent of total area is suitable for growing kinnow fruit. The success of diversification programme is subject to logical government policy in terms of providing cold storage, food processing facility and marketing infrastructure.  相似文献   

Changes brought in habitat conditions due to increasing human influences on natural areas have posed serious threat to wildlife. Remote Sensing has probably omerged as one of the most viable techniques to assess and monitor habitat conditions. Comparative analysis of maps of two-time period can provide authentic data with respect to changes brought in the habitat conditions. Chandaka Wildlife Sanctuary, covering an area of 213.71 sq. km in Orissa is one of the natural reserves of elephants which has undergone serious changes brought in through anthropogenic activities of urban areas of Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar lying within the proximity of the sanctuary. The natural reserve, an ideal habitat for elephants, was connected to neighbouring extensive forest belts. These connections have been either degraded or deforested over the years. The present study analyses the types of habitat available in the sanctuary using remote sensing data (aerial and satellite). Vegetation-type maps of 1975 have been prepared from B/W aerial photographs of 1:25,000 scale. For assessing the current vegetation types, maps have been prepared from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (LISS II) false colour composite on 1:50,000 scale. Comparative evaluation of the maps indicates changes in the vegetation pattern, increase in mining and agriculture areas within the sanctuary. Stratified field sampling of vegetation types provide structural characteristics of the vegetation. Bamboo has been found to extend in the valleys and side slopes of the sanctuary area during past 15 years. An analysis on response of vegetation in all major vegetation types mapped have been made in the context of the invasion of Eupatorium odoratum. Finally, bamboo biomass has been assessed through stratified random sampling as it constitutes a major elephant food source.  相似文献   

Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district in Karnataka is one of the most backward taluks receiving less than 500 mm annual rainfall. The maximum area of the taluk is under monocropping, reasons for the same were not documented well. The present study was carried out using remote sensing data along with field survey and laboratory analysis for assessing the potentials and limitations of soil. Using the basic information on soil, climate and topography based on the matching exercise between the growth and production requirements of the crop, suitability of soils for groundnut, paddy and finger millet was assessed as per FAO land evaluation. The soil suitability maps were prepared using Arc GIS software. About 48 per cent of the total area was moderate to marginally suitable and 13 per cent of the area was not suitable for both groundnut and finger millet. Lowland areas covering 12 per cent of the area was highly suitable, 15 per cent was moderate to marginally suitable and 20 per cent was not suitable for paddy cultivation.  相似文献   

The Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, a man-made fresh water wetland carved out of a natural depression on the floodplain of two minor tributaries of the Yamuna-Gambhir and the Banganga is the country’s finest waterfowl habitat. This important wetland was set aside as a bird sanctuary in 1956 and it was elevated to the status of a National Park in 1981. It was also designated a Ramsar site- a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar convention. This important wetland has distinction of being the only Indian wetland to be included under both the Ramsar and the World Heritage convention. The attempt has been made to evaluate the habitat of Sarus crane in the Keoladeo National Park using satellite data — IRS LISS III and PAN merged product and GIS. Geocoded data of IRS —1C LISS III of 21 March 1999 on 1: 50,000 scale and PAN data of March 17, 1999 were used to generate the vegetation cover type map and open water. The maps showing drainage, human habitations, contours, roads, etc. were prepared using the Survey of India topographical sheets and contour map of park area. Information regarding habitat parameters was collected from the existing literature and field observations. The Sarus crane mainly fed in the wetland on the rhizome ofNymphaea sp.,Scirpus tuberosus andEleocharis plantaginea. As there were changes in their habitat requirements at different seasons, the sighting of Sarus crane in each habitat were recorded along with the time and activity during observation. The most utilized habitat for the entire period of study was moderately wet grassland followed by pools. The pools were used mainly during the summer. The water depth requirement observed was between 30–40 cm and 20–40 cm. The suitability maps for Sarus crane were then generated using all remote sensing based and conventional information using rule based equations in the GIS within the Keoladeo National Park.  相似文献   

A study on land degradation in the upper catchment of river Tons, a tributary of Yamuna river, in Uttarkashi district of the Uttarakhand state, was carried out using on-screen visual interpretation of IRS LISS-III + PAN merged data. The study area, which is largely mountainous, includes Govind Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park. Vegetation cover, slope and erosion status were used as criteria for the delineation of four major land degradation categories viz., undegraded, moderately degraded, degraded and severely degraded. More than 50 per cent of the study area is reported to be covered with snow and grassland. The moderate to severely degraded area worked out to be 42.4 per cent of the total area. The 32.8 per cent of area was found to be moderately degraded, followed by degraded (6.63%) and severely degraded (2.88%) areas. The depletion of vegetation cover on mountainous terrain and subsequent cultivation without proper protection measures is the reason for severe soil erosion and land degradation. In view of the existing land degradation situation, the catchment requires immediate treatment on priority for the sustenance of agriculture and wild life. It is expected that these measures will reduce the silt load in the river Tons and eventually, in river Yamuna.  相似文献   


The paper presents a geospatial modeling approach for the assessment of plant richness in Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary in Sikkim, a Himalayan State of India located in the “Indo‐Burma” biodiversity hotspot. Remotely sensed data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS‐1C Linear Imaging Self‐Scanner (LISS‐III) and field‐based methods were synergistically used to model plant richness on 1:50,000 scale. It was found that the sanctuary is dominated by East Himalayan Moist Temperate Forest (55.50%), followed by Rhododendron Forest (23.77%), Degraded Forest (6.66%) and Hemlock Forest (0.78%). The vegetation map prepared through digital interpretation of satellite imagery was subjected to landscape analysis and assessment of biotic disturbance in terms of disturbance index. The disturbance index together with species richness, ecosystem uniqueness, total importance value and terrain complexity was modeled to assess the plant richness in this unique sanctuary. Out of the 120 km2 of the total geographical area of the sanctuary, 28.45 per cent was found to possess very high plant richness followed by high (50.84%), medium (6.96%) and low richness (13.75%). It was noted that plant richness assessment at ecosystem level presents a more realistic picture than at landscape level. The study demonstrated that remote sensing coupled with landscape analysis, ground inventory data and geospatial modeling holds good potential for rapid and operational assessment of plant richness.  相似文献   

India has a rich repository of flora and fauna, but the rapid decline of wildlife and threat to its habitat has been a serious cause of concern. Hence, protected areas have been set up to achieve specific conservation objectives to facilitate timely and reliable information on forest types and its composition, degradation status and their suitability for different species of flora and fauna. In the present study, evaluation of tiger habitat in Corbett Tiger reserve is carried out using remote sensing, ground and other ancillary sources and is integrated using GIS using multi-criteria model. The results indicated that sal, mixed sal, miscellaneous forest, plantation, grassland, agriculture and scrub land are the major land use/land cover types and majority of the study area is covered under dense forest. Tiger habitat suitability analysis showed that large proportion of the area (51.4%) was found to be highly suitable followed by moderately suitable area (31%). Further, the correlation drawn between range-wise suitability area and actual tiger population in Corbett Tiger Reserve CTR indicated a positive correlation of 0.73. Disturbance to wildlife habitat, vegetation degradation and shrinking passage corridor are the major concern in CTR.  相似文献   

Alaunja watershed, located on ‘Chotanagpur’ plateau of Bihar, is mainly under single cropping. The area receives more than 1000 mm of rainfall but it has not been utilised properly to increase the agricultural output. The remote sensing, geophysical, DBTM (Digital Basement Terrain Model) and GIS (Geographic information System) techniques were used for providing scientific database for sustainable utilisation of water resources in watershed perspective. The landuse, soil and surface water body maps have been prepared using remotely sensed data. DBTM has been generated based on depth of basement information derived from geophysical data to provide information regarding aquifer geometry, fracture zones and sub-surface basins. Analysis indicated that surface and groundwater resources have potential to irrigate 53 per cent of geographical area of the watershed. But at present, this available potential has been utilised only to irrigate 7.03 per cent area of the watershed. Feasibility for large scale development of groundwater through dugwell is possible only in 2 per cent area of the watershed. The available groundwater potential to irrigate 28 per cent area of watershed can not be utilised through dugwells. The surface water potential is also poorly utilised. The present study also helped in prioritising the water resource development activities.  相似文献   

The reliability of habitat maps that have been generated using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and image processing of remotely sensed data can be overestimated. Habitat suitability and spatially explicit population viability models are often based on these products without explicit knowledge of the effects of these mapping errors on model results. While research has considered errors in population modeling assumptions, there is no standardized method for measuring the effects of inaccuracies resulting from errors in landscape classification. Using landscape‐scale maps of existing vegetation developed for the USDA Forest Service in southern California from Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite data and GIS modeling, we performed a sensitivity analysis to estimate how mapping errors in vegetation type, forest canopy cover, and tree crown size might affect delineation of suitable habitat for the California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis). The resulting simulated uncertainty maps showed an increase in the estimated area of suitable habitat types. Further analysis measuring the fragmentation of the additional patches showed that they were too small to be useful as habitat areas.  相似文献   


Waterholes are a key resource that influences wildlife distribution in semi-arid ecosystems. Mapping waterholes can guide intervening decisions for supplementing water resources and managing wildlife distribution patterns. Although remote sensing provides a key to mapping distribution of waterholes, efficiency of existing remotely sensed methods for detecting waterholes have to be evaluated and even new ones developed. In this study, we evaluated performance of the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) and Superfine Water Index (SWI) at selected optimum thresholds. Kappa results indicated that MNDWI detects waterholes better than SWI. We further validated MNDWI detected waterholes by testing response of waterhole area to temporal rainfall variability and waterhole persistence to spatial rainfall variability. Extent of MNDWI-detected waterholes varied in relation to temporal rainfall variability (p < 0.05). Waterhole persistence was not associated with spatial rainfall variability which could be explained by differences in waterhole types or low spatial rainfall variability.  相似文献   

Bolhasan Forest region with an area of 5,725?ha is located on east north of Dezful County, Iran. The region belongs to natural forests of Dezful. Considering the area is mainly covered by valuable species of Amygdalus Scopartia, its sustainable exploitation and development as well as restoration enjoys great importance. Study ahead aims at selection of suitable habitats for under studied species using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Therewith, the required thematic maps were imported in to GIS Software and final suitability map was prepared. The results indicated that around 2,119?ha (37%) out of all study area has high suitability for habitat of Amygdalus Scopartia. In the meanwhile, 1,603?ha [equal to 28%] is categorized as good suitability class and 2,003?ha [35%] has poor suitability.  相似文献   

The paper presents a geospatial modeling approach for the assessment of biological richness in Kuldiha wildlife sanctuary in Orissa located in the northern tip of the Eastern Ghats in India. Indian Remote Sensing satellite data of Resourcesat-1 LISS III and field sampling were used to model biological richness at 1:50,000 scale. It was found that the sanctuary is dominated by Sal mixed dry deciduous forest. The vegetation map prepared through visual interpretation of satellite imagery was subjected to landscape analysis and assessment of biotic disturbance using SPLAM software. The disturbance index together with species richness, ecosystem uniqueness, terrain complexity and total importance value was modeled to access the biological richness in the sanctuary. A total of 3.9 per cent area was found to posses very high plant richness followed by high (21.2%), medium (42.1%) and low (32.8%) in the sanctuary. The study demonstrated the geospatial technology in conjunction with landscape analysis, ground inventory and geospatial modeling seizes good potential for rapid assessment of biological richness. The fringe areas of the sanctuary having disturbance more because most of the small villages which are relocated from sanctuary, settled in those areas.  相似文献   

Due to the population growth and continuous migration of people from rural areas to urban areas, it is important to identify the suitable locations for future development in order to find suitable sites for various kinds of facilities such as schools, hospital and fire stations for new and existing urban areas. Site suitability modelling is a complex process involving various kinds of objectives and issues. Such a complex process includes spatial analysis, use of several decision support tools such as high-spatial resolution remotely sensed data, geographical information system (GIS) and multi criteria analysis (MCA) such as analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and in some cases, prediction techniques like cellular automata (CA) or artificial neural networks (ANN). This paper presents a comparison between the results of AHP and the ordinary least square (OLS) evaluation model, based on various criteria, to select suitable sites for new hospitals in Qazvin city, Iran. Based on the obtained results, proximity to populated areas (0.3) and distance to air polluted areas (0.23–0.26) were the two highest important criteria with high weight value. The results show that these two techniques not only have similarity in size (in m2) for each suitability class but they also have similarity in spatial distribution of each class in the entire study area. Based on calculations of both techniques, 1–2%, 25%, 40–43%, 16–20% and 14% of study areas are assigned as ‘not suitable', ‘less suitable', ‘moderately suitable', ‘suitable' and ‘most suitable' areas for construction of new hospitals. Results revealed that a 75% similarity was found in the distribution of suitability classes in Qazvin city using both techniques. Nineteen per cent (19%) of the study area are assigned as ‘suitable' and ‘most suitable' by both methods, so these areas can be considered as safe or secure areas for clinical purposes. Moreover, almost all (99.8%) suitable areas are located in district 3, because of its higher population, less numbers of existing hospitals and large numbers of barren land plots of acceptable size.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to understand the huge demographic data using GIS at village level. Two blocks from the sub-mountain Siwalik region of Punjabviz. Mahalpur and Garhshankar were selected. Various thematic maps were prepared using this technique. The inequality of distribution between various parameters has been studied using Lorenz curve and Ginni coefficient. Both Mahalpur and Garhshankar blocks are moderately populated blocks with highest population in south western parts. Population density is highest in the areas adjacent to the Garhshankar and Mahalpur towns. Schedule caste population is well distributed in both the blocks. The average sex ratio of the study area is 910 females per thousand males which shows that it is not a female deficit area. There are various villages in these blocks which have sex ratio more than 1000 females per thousand males, which is quite a good sign for these blocks. The literacy rate of the study area is nearly 57 per cent, which is quite low as compared to district Hoshiarpur having 81.4 per cent. Comparatively, Mahalpur block has more literate persons as compared to Garhshankar block. Lorenz curve shows that literate persons are quite evenly distributed. NRI families were around 10 per cent of the total number of families out of which 8 per cent are in Mahalpur block while remaining 2 per cent are in Garhshankar block. The study brings out important inferences at the village level by way of pinpointing the exact location of hot spots where action is needed by the planners and the administration.  相似文献   

The land use information collected for Dehlon block of Ludhiana district, Punjab from the analysis of the IRS-1B LISS-II data for the year 1993 and IRS PAN data for the year 1997 and SOI topographical maps for 1964 revealed a large change in the area of different land use categories during the period from 1964 to 1997. The agricultural land covering an area of about 94.14 per cent in 1964 reduced to 90.26 per cent in 1997. while the area under rural settlements increased from 312 ha in 1964 to 1162 ha in 1997. An extra area of about 169 ha under waste land was added during the period under study making total waste land area to about 400 ha in 1997. However, the block lacks the forest cover of the required limit. Considerable change in living environment was observed in the block. Number of persons per unit settlement area (ha) being 213.3 in 1964 reduced to 97.1 in 1991; it indicate that the living standard of the people of the block has improved with the changed cropping pattern and increased agricultural production during the period from 1964 to 1991.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand the factors that explain the spatial distribution of elephant poaching activities in the areas of the mid-Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe using geographic information system (GIS) and remotely sensed data integrated with spatial logistic regression. The results showed that significant (α = 0.05) elephant poaching hot spots are located closer to wildlife protected areas. Results further demonstrated that resource availability (water and forage) are the main factors explaining elephant poaching activities in the mid-Zambezi Valley. For example, the majority of poaching activities were found to occur in areas with high vegetation fractional cover (high forage) and close to waterholes. The results also showed that poaching incidences were more prevalent during the dry season. The findings of this study highlight the significance of integrating GIS, remotely sensed data and spatial logistic regression tools for understanding and monitoring elephant poaching activities. This information is critical if poaching activities are to be minimized and it is also important for planning, monitoring and mitigation of poaching activities in similar protected areas across the sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Physical habitat of any aquatic ecosystem is an integral part upon which the biological structures of resident communities are built. Degradation of the physical habitat has serious consequences on aquatic communities and is among the leading causes of stream impairment worldwide. Therefore, a sound habitat assessment approach is necessary to assess the condition of running water and to determine if habitat degradation is responsible for any degradation in biological condition. The present study was focused on Physical Habitat Assessment of Denwa River, a sub tributary of river Narmada in central India, for generating a Habitat Suitability map. The Denwa River originates from Satpura ranges in central India and flows through entire Pachmarhi plateau supporting a diversity of habitats for aquatic flora and fauna. A survey was carried out to assess the physical characteristic of Denwa river (84 kms) from its origin to the confluence point of Tawa Denwa river. Six reaches have been identified in study area on the basis of their physiographic conditions. For Habitat Assessment measurement, Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Stream and Wadeable rivers by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 841-B-99-002) have been used. Seven parameters from this protocol have been chosen for physical characterization. GIS techniques have been used to develop a Habitat Suitability Map of the study area based on scores to illustrate its suitability to support aquatic life. The present paper discusses in detail the suitability of the different reaches of the River Denwa for supporting the aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

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