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Experimental investigation of the combustive sound source   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we describe a unique low frequency underwater sound source called the combustive sound source (CSS). In this device, a combustible gas mixture is captured in a combustion chamber and ignited with a spark. The ensuing combustion produces expanding gases which in turn produce high intensity, low frequency acoustic pulses. With high-speed motion pictures of the CSS event, we relate the motion of the bubble to the acoustic waveform. We also compare the measured first bubble period in the CSS pressure signature with the predictions of the Rayleigh-Willis equation, including the dependence of the radiated acoustic waveform on the volume and depth of the bubble. Measurements of the first bubble period agree with Rayleigh-Willis theory in trend, but not in absolute value. In addition, we discuss the variation of the acoustic output with the fuel/oxygen mixture. Finally, several other factors that affect the acoustic output of CSS are discussed. These include the shape of the CSS combustion chamber, the type of oxidizer and fuel, and the ignition source  相似文献   

The lift force and turning moment acting on a model towed obliquely to the direction of motion have been measured. Two models were used; one of them was tested fitted with and without a rudder. These measurements were used to determine the magnitude of the lift coefficient and the point of application of the transverse force acting on the model. The data were then used to determine the lift component of the roll damping moment. It has been found that the equivalent linear damping coefficient due to lift is a nonlinear function of the forward speed of the ship.  相似文献   


The OMNI-Max anchors are newly developed dynamically installed anchors for deep water mooring systems. After installation, the anchor is keyed to a new orientation and position by tensing the attached mooring chain, which is known as the “keying process”. This study conducted 1g model tests to study the trajectories and capacity developments of OMNI-Max anchors in homogeneous and lightly overconsolidated (LOC) clays. A testing arrangement was designed to simulate the anchor keying process with a constant pullout angle at the mudline. A half model anchor which could move against the box glass was used to determine the anchor trajectory in the soil. The effects of padeye offset angle, uplift angle at the mudline, anchor fluke thickness, anchor initial embedment depth, and soil strength on the anchor trajectory and capacity were systematically investigated. Moreover, the critical uplift angle at the padeye and the anchor critical initial embedment depth were discussed. The results indicate that the anchor can dive both in homogeneous and LOC clays under certain conditions. A padeye offset angle of 24–30° is recommended for the OMNI-Max anchor to maintain high capacity and diving trend simultaneously. Besides, the anchor diving trend can be improved with small uplift angles at the mudline and with thick anchor flukes. A critical initial embedment depth of 1.3 times the anchor length is recommended to preclude the anchor from being pulled out.  相似文献   

Linear frequency-modulated (LFM) signals with 600 Hz bandwidth, centered at 1.1 kHz were transmitted from a towed source in a shallow-water environment in the Mediterranean Sea and received at a distant vertical line array (VLA). Arrivals recorded on the VLA were beamformed to give incident intensity as a function of vertical angle. Simultaneous measurements of quasimonostatic reverberation were made on a horizontal line array (HLA), towed close to the source. In this paper, these data are analyzed to study the relation between the angle at which sound arrived at the patch of seabed surrounding the VLA and the intensity of quasimonostatic reverberation returned from that patch. The validity of three candidate relations (Lambert's Law, angle-independent scattering and an intermediate relation) is investigated and scattering strength parameters (Lambert /spl mu/ and equivalents) are also deduced for the patch of seabed surrounding the VLA. Only weak evidence is found to support one of the scattering relations (the intermediate) over the other two and the reasons for this are discussed. The physical processes that may underlie the intermediate relation are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于物理模型实验研究瞬态冲击波在台阶地形上传播过程,揭示由于反射而在海脊上出现的波浪俘获现象。结果表明:在瞬态波产生区域附近,海脊上所测到的先导波即为最大波,其由泄漏至海脊外的深水波绕射至海脊所致。随着传播距离的增加,由于频散效应的影响,先导波逐渐减小,沿台阶近似直线传播的海脊俘获波和在台阶上曲折传播的海脊俘获波逐渐显现。在距离波浪产生较远区域所测的最大波晚于先导波出现,且这些由俘获波所叠加而成的最大波随着传播距离的增加而呈现出更加复杂的波面过程。  相似文献   

通过模型试验研究,得到海岸岸坡、气室宽度与频率响应和吸能效率之间的关系和规律,验证了一种理论计算方法的可靠性,证明该计算方法对波能电站的设计和工程选址有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The source mechanism of the tsunami generated by the earthquake of 17 October, 1966 off the coast of central Peru was inferred by studying the seismic and oceanic phenomena associated with this event. The seismic mechanism was deduced from geologic structure, seismic intensities, energy releases, spatial distribution of aftershocks, and fault-plane solutions. Using this information and empirical relationships of seismic parameters, the fault length, azimuthal orientation of the tsunamigenic area, and initial tsunami height, were obtained. From the tsunami arrival times at selected stations and from a reverse wave-refraction technique, the limits of the tsunami-generating area were estimated. Using these source dimensions, an estimate of the tsunami energy was obtained. The spatial distribution of aftershocks associated with the main earthquake and the earthquake strain-release pattern correlated well with known seismotectonic trends and the seismic-velocity structure anomalies which are characteristic of thrust fault systems at continent-ocean boundaries. The investigation revealed that the tsunamigenic area was on the continental shelf off Peru, northwest of Lima, in the western part of an active seismic belt between the Andean Mountain block and the Peru-Chile trench. This area is considered to be one of three distinct seismic zones in the Peruvian upper mantle and has been responsible for a number of tsunamigenic earthquakes within recorded history. The aftershock distribution and strain-release patterns suggest that the earthquake fault was a seaward extension of a fault system which has a pronounced surface expression in the Tertiary formations of the area near Ancon, Peru. The limits of the tectonic displacements and the tsunami-generating area were determined by a reverse wave-refraction method, refracting waves from Chimbote, Callao-Lima, San Juan, and Honolulu. The investigation revealed that the tsunami was generated by displacements of crustal blocks with a total area of 13,000 sq. km. Seismic and water motion data indicated that the uplifted portion of the crustal block was on the continental side of the rift. The energy of the main earthquake was estimated to be 1.122·1023 ergs. The energy of the aftershocks was estimated to be 2.357·1020 ergs. The tsunami energy was calculated to be 6.8·1019 ergs, or 11,650 of the earthquake energy.  相似文献   

Physical model tests were conducted to validate numerical models of moored-buoy systems. Three buoy types (sphere, spar and discus) were tested for intrinsic properties, three-dimensional impulse response and three-dimensional dynamic response to two-dimensional regular and random wave excitation. Buoy kinematics were measured using advanced video imaging techniques. Other data collected included upper and lower mooring line tension and mooring line inclination. Physical model development, test and measurement procedures and data collected are discussed.  相似文献   

Rigid-body slamming has become increasingly important as ships travel at higher speeds experiencing larger loads during hull impacts against surface water which can result in structural damage and crew injury. It is necessary to characterise the hydrodynamic loading during water impacts.We present a series of experiments conducted in order to study slamming force events seen by flat plates during free surface impacts. The experiments focus on the characterisation of the loads experienced by flat plates during the first phase of the slamming event, the water entry. They have been conducted in an especially designed test apparatus, the Slingshot Impact Testing System (SITS), which allows us launching objects against the free surface of an open channel, with the possibility of setting up different speeds and deadrise angles. We can study slamming with trapped air between the plate and the water free surface, at high impact speeds and small deadrise angles, allowing us to quantify the resulting cushioning effect. High velocity impacts up to 5 m/s were conducted at angles between 0.3° and 25°. It was found that the trapped air phenomenon significantly cushions flat plate impacts with angles less than 5° and impacts with larger angles adhere to Von Kármán's equations.  相似文献   

The results of an elaborate experimental investigation on bottom slamming of axisymmetric objects are presented. Drop tests have been performed on a hemisphere and two conical shapes with different deadrise angles. The test setup is designed so as to prevent small rotations of the test objects which cause scatter in the measurement data. The pressure distribution and evolution as well as the body motion parameters are measured during impact. By means of a high speed camera the water uprise is visualized and the wetting factor is determined for the cones. The results are compared with a three-dimensional asymptotic theory for axisymmetric rigid bodies with constant entry velocity. The ratio between the registered peak pressures and the asymptotic theory are in accordance with comparable experiments in the literature. The asymptotic theory, however, is found to be quite conservative, since the measured peak pressure levels appear to be approximately 50% to 75% of the theoretical levels.  相似文献   

The interaction between a spudcan and an existing footprint is one of the major concerns during jack-up rig installation. The influence of spudcan-footprint interaction has recently been well addressed by a number of researchers. A lack of investigation exists in mitigating spudcan-footprint interaction issues. In the field, stomping and successive repositioning is conventionally used in installing a rig adjacent to an existing footprint. Water jetting and perforation drilling are also sometimes suggested. This paper reports a measure for easing spudcan-footprint interaction issues, with the efficiency of a spudcan with 4 slots tested through model tests carried out at 1 g on the laboratory floor. The soil conditions tested simulate soft to moderate seabed strength profiles close to the mudline, varying the undrained shear strength. The most critical reinstallation locations of 0.5D and 1D (D = spudcan diameter) and existing footprint depths of 0.33D and 0.66D were investigated. By comparing with a conventional spudcan, the spudcan with slots reduced the induced maximum moment, horizontal force, and horizontal sliding distance by up to 80%, 40%, and 98% respectively. Critically, no additional operations, such as stomping/repositioning, perforation drilling, water jetting, are required to be performed offshore.  相似文献   

Water tank experiments were performed in order to investigate the behaviour of currents in pockmarks. A particle-seeded flow was visualised and quantified with the aid of the particle tracking velocimetry technique. The employed analogue pockmark is a 1:100 idealised scale model of a natural pockmark, while the highest Reynolds number in the experiments was one order of magnitude smaller than in nature. Interaction of the flow with the pockmark geometry resulted in an upwelling current downstream of the pockmark centre, along with enhanced water turbulence in the depression. Scaling-up the experimental measurements, it is found that the upwelling would be capable of preventing the settling of particles as large as very fine sand. Furthermore, the increased turbulence would support the suspended fine material, which can thus be transported away before settling. The net effect for a variable-direction near-bed current over long periods of time would be to winnow the settling sediments and reduce the sedimentation rate in pockmarks. These mechanisms may be responsible for the observed lack of sediment infill and the typical presence of relatively coarser sediments inside pockmarks compared to the surrounding bed. In contrast, sediments transported as bedload are likely to be deposited in pockmarks because of the weakening of near-bed currents as well as lateral flow convergence associated with the upwelling. Bedload, however, may not be the dominant mode of sediment transport in areas covered by cohesive sediments, where pockmarks are found.  相似文献   

冬季黄海暖流西偏机理数值探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海洋数值模式(MITgcm)模拟了冬季黄海流场并对冬季黄海暖流西偏的机理进行了探讨。冬季黄海流场模拟试验表明,黄海暖流由济州岛以西约32.5°N,125°E附近进入黄海,然后沿着黄海深槽西侧70 m等深线附近向北偏西运动;海面高度调整对黄海暖流路径具有重要影响,沿着黄海暖流路径的海面高度梯度比周围海区大,由海面高度梯度产生的地转流引起的北向体积输运占总的北向体积输运的78%。狭长海湾地形控制试验表明,单纯的黄海地形分布不足以引起黄海暖流西偏。黄海典型断面试验与渤海、黄海、东海地形控制试验说明,黄海暖流进入黄海的地理位置对流场分布有重要影响,黄海暖流进入黄海的位置恰好位于深槽西侧地形坡度较大区域,在位涡守恒的约束下黄海暖流受地形捕获沿70 m等深线附近向北偏西运动;试验还表明,黄海暖流进入黄海的位置与东海北部环流和地形分布有关,在冬季风的作用下东海北部环流的一部分沿着地形陡坡进入黄海形成黄海暖流。由此认为,黄海、东海环流在其特殊地形的约束下对冬季风的响应和调整,是引起黄海暖流西偏的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用瞬态全场测量技术———粒子图像测速(PIV)技术,研究了波浪对透空式建筑物上部结构冲击过程的流场变化特性。通过对采集到的CCD图像互相关分析,直观地显示了波浪冲击作用发生时结构物底面的流场状态,得到瞬间全场流体水质点速度矢量,并且应用概率分析法研究了冲击压力峰值与波浪水质点运动速度之间的关系。  相似文献   

A series of regular wave experiments have been done in a large-scale wave flume to investigate the wave-induced pore pressure around the submarine shallowly embedded pipelines.The model pipelines are buried in three kinds of soils,including gravel,sand and silt with different burial depth.The input waves change with height and period.The results show that the amplitudes of wave-induced pore pressure increase as the wave period increase,and decay from the surface to the bottom of seabed.Higher pore pressures are recorded at the pipeline top and the lower pore pressures at the bottom,especially in the sand seabed.The normalized pressure around pipeline decreases as the relative water depth,burial depth or scattering parameters increase.For the silt seabed,the wavelet transform has been successfully used to analyze the signals of wave-induced pore pressure,and the oscillatory and residual pore pressure can be extracted by wavelet analysis.Higher oscillatory pressures are recorded at the bottom and the lower pressures at the top of the pipeline.However,higher residual pressures are recorded at the top and the lower pressures at the bottom of the pipeline.  相似文献   

Highly dependent on boundary conditions, the behaviors of underwater explosion (UNDEX) bubbles would be quite unusual near boundaries that are discontinuous with abrupt changes in shape, e.g. ship structures that have already been deformed by previous attacks. The oscillation features of the UNDEX bubble near the bilge with a circular opening representing previous deformation are studied experimentally with electric-spark-generated bubbles and high-speed photographing. The bubble behaviors are found highly dependent on two non-dimensional variables, D and Φ, representing the opening-bubble distance and the opening diameter, respectively. Seven distinctive oscillation scenarios are summarized from 180 experiments, namely the ‘rim-constrained oscillation’, the ‘inward jet’, the ‘outward jet’, the ‘bump and dimple’, the ‘quasi-spherical oscillation’, the ‘spherical oscillation with jet’ and the ‘spherical oscillation without jet’. The occurrence domains of the scenarios are identified as functions of D and Φ. Significantly affected by the opening, the bubble behaviors are quite different from that near a non-opening bilge; the bubble jet might not be formed, or even develop from inside the bilge, which indicates that the bubble load on the bilge should be re-evaluated. Finally the speeds, initiation time and displacements of the jets in different scenarios are measured and noticeable variation trends are found.  相似文献   

Experiments in a wave flume have been performed to analyse the nonlinear interaction between regular gravity waves and a submerged horizontal plate used as breakwater. A new method, based on the Doppler shift generated by a moving probes, has been used to discriminate the incident fundamental mode and the reflected fundamental mode. The relationships of the reflection and transmission coefficients to the wave number at different submergence depth ratios are presented. The accurate discrimination, by this method, of the phase-locked and free modes allows the quantification of the higher harmonics generated by the breakwater and the analysis of the nonlinear interaction between the waves and the submerged plate. The transfer of energy from the fundamental mode to higher harmonics is very large in the cases of small submergence depth ratios. The vortices produced at the edges take part in the production of higher harmonics by interaction with the free surface but involve, at the same time, a dissipation process that increases the efficiency of the breakwater.  相似文献   

潮流发电帆翼式柔性叶片水轮机实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
潮流发电水轮机是海洋潮流能发电系统的核心组成部分.帆翼式柔性叶片水轮机是一种全新水流发电装置,叶片由柔性材料制成,在流体力作用下自动调节攻角,能充分利用流体的升力和阻力效应做功.以帆翼式柔性叶片水轮机获能系数为研究目标,采用因次分析法初步分析可能影响获能系数的因素,通过模型实验对叶片弧弦比、叶片边弦比、叶片密度与获能系数的关系进行研究.不同结构形式转子存在不同叶片弧弦比最佳值,叶片边弦比愈大,获能能力愈强;在一定范围内,叶片密度较小时,获能与起转能力强,转速波动性较大,适用于低流速工况;反之获能与起转能力弱,稳定性较好,电能质量较高,适用于高流速工况.最后提出优化方案,实验证实优化后水轮机在获能能力和发电能力上均有所提高.  相似文献   

An experimental set-up is developed and proved to be effective for laboratory study of an underwater towed system. The experimental technique gives a practical method for monitoring the kinematic and dynamic performance of an underwater towed system in a ship towing tank. Both the theoretical and experimental results in the investigation indicate that the hydrodynamic response of a towed vehicle to the wave induced motion of a towing ship can be significantly reduced by applying a two-part tow method. A comparison of the numerical and experimental results in the investigation demonstrates that the numerical simulation results are close to the experimental data, overall agreement between experimental and theoretical results is satisfactory. The results qualitatively verify the mathematical model of a two-part underwater towed system proposed by Wu and Chwang [Wu, J., Chwang, A.T., 2000. A hydrodynamic model of a two-part underwater towed system. Ocean Engineering 27 (5), 455–472].  相似文献   

The internal energy distribution of waves can be described using ocean-wave spectra. In many ways, obtaining wave spectra on a global scale is critical. Surface waves investigation and monitoring onboard the Chinese-French oceanography satellite is the first space-borne instrument for detecting wave spectra specially, which was launched on October 29, 2018. It can avoid the shortage of synthetic aperture radar detection results while still having some problems, especially with the effects of spe...  相似文献   

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