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Eight subsurface sections and a large number of thin sections of the Mishrif Limestone were studied to unravel the depositional facies and environments. The allochems in the Mishrif Formation are dominated by bioclasts, whereas peloids, ooids, and intraclasts are less abundant. The sedimentary microfacies of the Mishrif Formation includes mudstone, wackestone, packstone, grainstone, floatstone, and rudstone, which have been deposited in basinal, outer shelf, slop followed by shoal reef and lagoonal environments. The formation displays various extents of dolomitization and is cemented by calcite and dolomite. The formation has gradational contact with the underlying Rumaila Formation but is unconformably overlain by the Khasib Formation. The unconformity is recognized because the skeletal grains are dominated by Chaophyta (algae), which denotes the change of environment from fully marine to lacustrine environment. Thus, the vertical bioclast analysis indicates that the Mishrif Formation is characterized by two regressive cycles, which control the distribution of reservoir quality as well as the patterns of calcite and dolomite cement distribution. Mishrif Formation gradationally overlies Rumaila Formation. This was indicated by the presence of the green parts of Chaophyta (algae) as main skeletal grains at the uppermost part of well Zb-47, which refer to lacustrine or fresh water environment. Petrographical study shows that the fossils, peloids, oolitis, and intraclasts represent the main allochem. Calcite and dolomite (as diagenetic products) are the predominant mineral components of Mishrif Formation. Fossils were studied as an environmental age and facial boundaries indicators, which are located in a chart using personal computer programs depending on their distributions on the first appearance of species. Fifteen principal sedimentary microfacies have been identified in the Mishrif Formation, which includes lime mudstone, mudstone–wackestone, wackestone, wackestone–packstone, packstone, packstone–grainstone, grainstone–floatstone, packstone–floatstone, packstone–rudstone, and wackestone–floatstone. Markov chain analysis has been used to study the transitional pattern of different microfacies types vertically in each well and laterally in all wells as a composite section. The vertical analysis indicates that the Mishrif Formation characterized by two regressive cycles, the main one started with basinal or outer shelf environment, slop environment followed by shoal or reefal environment, and ended with a lagoonal environment. The lateral analysis shows the same regressive cycle, and by using the lithofacies association concepts, we built the depositional model of the Mishrif Formation environment.  相似文献   

中东地区白垩系Mishirif组以生物碎屑灰岩为主,其形成于温暖潮湿的环境中。综合利用岩心、铸体薄片、全岩分析、常规物性及高压压汞等资料,以伊拉克HF油田Mishrif组为例,开展生物碎屑类型、分布特征、差异成岩及储集层特征等研究。Mishrif组灰岩中生物碎屑以底栖有孔虫、非固着类双壳类、厚壳蛤和棘皮动物为主,含少量苔藓动物、藻类与海绵动物,其含量、类型及大小对沉积环境有重要指示意义。沉积环境决定岩石组分与结构的差异,在此基础上成岩作用控制岩石的孔隙结构与物性特征。生物碎屑主要经历了不同程度海水环境的泥晶化和生物钻孔、大气淡水环境的溶蚀和胶结、埋藏环境的压实压溶和颗粒破裂作用。以底栖有孔虫和非固着类双壳类碎屑为主的低能沉积环境具有“弱溶蚀、强胶结、强压实”的成岩特征,主要发育微孔、晶间孔及粒内孔,孔喉分布呈偏细态细微喉单峰型,物性较差;以厚壳蛤和棘皮动物碎屑为主的高能沉积环境具有“强溶蚀、弱胶结”的成岩特征,主要发育铸模孔、粒间孔及粒间溶孔,孔喉分布呈偏粗态中粗喉极宽峰型,是Mishrif组最有利储集层。以HF油田Mishrif组为代表的白垩系生物碎屑灰岩在中东地区发育广泛,故上述成果对于该地区生物碎屑灰岩油气开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为深化潟湖相碳酸盐岩储集层非均质性认识,以伊拉克M油田白垩系Mishrif组为例,基于岩心观察、物性分析数据、铸体薄片及压汞实验,对潟湖相储集层特征及成因机理开展研究.结果显示:研究区潟湖环境岩石类型复杂,生物碎屑具有多样性,储集层以低渗、特低渗为主,孔隙度分布范围宽,发育大量的基质微孔、铸模孔和晶间孔.储集层强非均质...  相似文献   

为明确伊拉克M油田白垩系Mishrif组碳酸盐岩储层展布规律及控制因素,基于岩芯、测井和铸体薄片资料,在三级层序地层格架的控制下,通过岩相分析识别碳酸盐岩地层暴露面、岩性转换面和最大海泛面,将Mishrif组划分为6个四级层序(SQ1~SQ6)。结果表明:研究区发育浅滩暴露型、局限环境暴露型、浅滩非暴露型和长期暴露风化型4种层序构型,每种层序的沉积环境,体系域类型、层序界面特征、暴露时间及对储层的控制等存在差异。浅滩暴露型层序高位体系域晚期发育厚壳蛤滩、生屑滩及滩前等高能沉积型储层;局限环境暴露型层序界面以薄层炭质泥岩为特征,主要发育台内滩储集层,高位体系域顶部致密胶结带可作为物性隔层;浅滩非暴露型层序界面为岩性转换面,高位体系域发育潮道和生屑滩等高能沉积储层;长期暴露风化型层序高位体系域发育生屑滩储层,低位体系域形成的风化角砾岩带可作为良好的物性隔挡层。在深水沉积环境和潟湖沉积环境中,与生物扰动作用相伴生的白云化作用有效地改善沉积物的结构组分,形成了多套薄层低能成岩型储集层。  相似文献   

李峰峰  郭睿  余义常  宋世琦 《沉积学报》2020,38(5):1076-1087
为明确伊拉克M油田白垩系Mishrif组碳酸盐岩储层成因,基于岩芯观察、铸体薄片、物性分析及测井资料,通过沉积微相分析确定研究区沉积环境,系统分析不同沉积相储层特征。结果表明:M油田Mishrif组为带障壁的缓坡环境,包括潟湖边缘坪、潟湖、台内滩、滩后、潮道、浅滩、滩前及开阔浅海。中、高渗储层主要发育于浅滩和滩前等高能沉积环境,储集层以粒间孔和粒间溶孔为主,发育大孔喉,生屑滩储集层和滩前储集层物性分布区间较大。潟湖边缘坪、潟湖、台内滩及滩后等低能沉积环境以低渗和特低渗储集层为主,孔隙度跨度大,孔隙类型主要为基质微孔、颗粒微孔、铸模孔和粒间孔,以微喉和中喉为主,喉道分选较好。综合分析认为:沉积相通过控制沉积物的结构组分控制了岩石的成岩演化。高能沉积型储集层以溶蚀作用和胶结作用为主,储集层物性是胶结物对孔隙和喉道充填封堵程度的函数;低能沉积型储层是生物多样性和差异成岩作用的结果,选择性溶蚀作用、与生物扰动相伴生的白云化作用、泥晶化作用、胶结作用、非选择性溶蚀作用和混合白云化作用形成的复杂孔隙控制了储集层物性。  相似文献   

Cation and anion concentrations and boron isotopic ratio of brines in the Mishrif Formation (U. Campanian-Tuoronian) from North Rumaila, South Rumaila, Majnoon, Zubair, and West Qurna oilfields southern Iraq were investigated. The aims of this study are to define the type, origin of the oilfield waters, and its flow model in the subsurface oil traps. Mishrif brines are characterized by having higher concentrations of sodium (50,500–84,200 ppm), chlorine (102,100–161,500 ppm), and boron (21.9–31.1 ppm) with lower sulfate contents (187–1350 ppm) relative to the modern seawater. Samples have slightly depleted in δ 11B (35.4‰) relative to seawater fall near the seawater intrusion of the diagram Cl/Br Vs δ 11B and occupied the field of evaporated seawater on the diagrams of Cl vs B and 1/Br vs δ 11B. The brine of Na-chloride type is characteristics of the Mishrif reservoir in all oilfields except WQ which defined by facies of Na-Ca-chloride type. A weak acidic brine of a salinity six-time greater than seawater plays a role in generating the formation pressure and controlling the fluid flow. The reservoir rock-fluid interactions were interpreted using boron isotopes which eventually reveal an ongoing dilution process by the present seawater intrusion and injection water used for the secondary production under conditions of high-temperature digenetic reactions. The 11B in the oilfield water is resulted from uptake of the tetrahedral borate after precipitation of calcium carbonate, while 10B is sourced from the thermal maturation of organic matters.  相似文献   

伊拉克哈勒法耶油田Mishrif组滩相储层发育,是研究区内最主要的产油层位。利用岩心、薄片、测井资料对Mishrif组沉积相进行了研究,结果表明该组发育局限台地、开阔台地、台内洼地和台地边缘4种沉积相,滩相储层主要发育在开阔台地和台地边缘相带。并综合利用铸体薄片、物性实验数据及压汞曲线等资料对滩相储层特征和成因进行了分析。滩相储层岩石类型多样,发育生屑灰岩、生屑泥粒/粒泥灰岩、砂屑灰岩等多种岩石类型,岩石颗粒较粗。孔隙类型多样,主要以铸模孔、粒间孔、溶孔和体腔孔为主,其中以粒间孔和铸模孔发育最为广泛。各类滩相储层孔隙度较高,渗透率差异明显,平均渗透率为(2.35~139.17)×10~(-3)μm~2。整体孔隙结构较好,排驱压力较低,大喉道较为发育。滩相储层发育受沉积环境控制和成岩作用改造程度影响,有利的沉积条件是滩相储层原生孔隙发育的基础,同生期溶蚀作用的改造形成大量次生孔隙,从而提高了储层的储集性能。  相似文献   

伊拉克HF油田上白垩统Mishrif组发育于新特提斯洋被动陆缘的碳酸盐缓坡,沉积相受海平面变化的影响尚不明确。通过对岩心、薄片的观察和分析,对HF油田Mishrif组中的储层发育段MB1-2层(厚度约100 m)的岩性及沉积微相特征进行了研究。结果表明:MB1-2层段发育了中缓坡生物碎屑滩与内缓坡泥晶灰岩交互相沉积,岩性变化频繁,具有向上沉积水体变浅、颗粒变粗、岩层变厚的特征,表现为较典型的潮下型米级旋回。应用米兰科维奇周期原理,根据MB1-2层的单层厚度(0.1~4.8 m),通过Matlab软件计算,将自然伽马曲线转换到频率域以捕获米氏旋回信息,得出旋回周期为2~48 ka,并推断研究区MB1-2层的交互式沉积环境受岁差旋回与黄赤交角旋回相互作用所控制。  相似文献   

伊拉克哈法亚油田Mishrif组碳酸盐岩储层孔隙结构类型的差异性及对其控制因素的认识是制约该类储层分类评价的一个关键问题。综合利用岩芯、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、常规物性、压汞分析等手段及统计分析方法对储层的主要孔隙类型、喉道类型、喉道分布特征进行了研究,确定了孔隙结构划分依据和方案,并划分出了中低孔超低渗细喉型、中低孔低渗细喉型、中高孔中低渗中细喉型、高孔中低渗细喉型、中高孔中低渗细喉型、中高孔中低渗中喉型六种孔隙结构类型,并通过毛管压力曲线的形态划分出了Ⅰ-Ⅴ五类线型;研究区主要发育开阔台地相,并划分出8种储集岩类型,分别是泥晶灰岩、生屑粒泥灰岩、生屑泥粒灰岩、砂屑生屑泥粒灰岩、生屑颗粒灰岩、砂屑生屑颗粒灰岩、介壳类漂浮岩和岩溶建造岩,其中岩溶建造岩储层具有较特殊的网络状孔隙结构。因此,可以认为哈法亚Mishrif组储层主要受早成岩期岩溶作用影响,其早成岩期溶蚀具有明显的相控特征,是孔隙结构差异性的主要控制因素,极大的改善了该套储层的物性。  相似文献   

The Abu Ruweis Formation is composed of carbonates, evaporites, and mudstones, with some locally developed pelletic, oolitic and stromatolitic limestones. The lateral persistence of bedding, the purity of the evaporite rocks, the alternating arrangement of marine carbonates and evaporites indicates periodic deposition in subaqueous conditions (salina). Petrographic investigations, X-ray diffraction analysis as well as chemical analysis have shown that the outcropping evaporite beds are mainly composed of secondary gypsum, with rare anhydrite relics. Five microfacies of gypsum were recognized according to their fabrics: porphyroblastic and granoblastic gypsum showing polarization texture, gypsum pseudomorph after anhydrite laths, and satin spar gypsum. The textures they display indicate a hydration origin of precursor anhydrite, which is in turn rehydrated from primary gypsum. Some of these anhydrites were formed as a result of replacement processes of the carbonate sediments associated with the evaporites, as evidenced from the textural relationships of the carbonate and sulfate minerals. The O18 content ranges from 1.45 to 8.38% PDB and the C13 content ranges from −1.52 to 4.73% PDB. Trace elements analysis has shown that the Abu Ruweis dolomites are rich in strontium (up to 600 ppm), and sodium (up to 835 ppm). The isotope composition and trace elements content, as well as the petrographic characteristics point to a penecontemporaneous hypersaline dolomitization origin for the Abu Ruweis dolomites. The evaporites were deposited during a regressive lowstand systems tract, whereas the carbonates were deposited under shallow water marine conditions during a highstand systems tract. The Abu Ruweis succession represents a relatively stable arid climate within a rapidly subsiding basin. Restricted conditions were provided by the development of beach barriers.  相似文献   

碳酸盐台地下切谷的研究多基于阿曼上白垩统露头。以中东地区伊拉克H油田上白垩统Mishrif组钻井岩心、测井和三维地震数据为基础,结合区域层序地层,从沉积旋回、岩相特征、测井响应、地震相平面分布与垂向演化等方面,对碳酸盐台地发育的下切谷这一重要沉积微相类型开展研究,并对其意义作了探讨。研究表明:(1)H油田MB2-1亚段发育碳酸盐台地内下切谷。下切谷内部以泥晶灰岩充填为主(与下伏颗粒灰岩明显不同),颗粒向上变细再变粗;测井曲线具有箱形特点;地震剖面上呈平行—近平行短轴强振幅反射,边界清晰,平面上显示近似河道形态但更平直。(2)下切谷在SQ_3高位域晚期(MB2-1亚段沉积末期)侵蚀成谷,SQ_4海侵期快速充填,下切谷的底部代表了区域层序界面。(3)下切谷切割MB2-1亚段,而且岩性整体致密,可成为油藏的横向隔挡层。碳酸盐台地下切谷的发现,对于层序边界识别、油藏非均质性研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Palynological analysis were done on 12 rock samples for Ratawi Formation from Rumailah well 131 and eight samples for the same formation from Zubair well 47, South Iraq, to extract sedimentary organic matters. Microscopic examination led to diagnose large numbers of spores, pollen, dinoflagellates (proximat, cavate, and chorate), foraminifera, melanogen, hylogen, and amorphogen. Three palynological facies were determined on the bases of percentages of sedimentary organic matter and palynomorphs from two sections. Analysis of these palynofacies clarified Ratawi Formation as deposited from environments ranging from delta and lagoon (suboxic–dysoxic) to shelf facies (anoxic near the shore–suboxic) with the presence of some layers deposited from semideep open marine environment (bathyal). Organic geochemical analysis of total organic carbon and Rock Eval pyrolysis were done to determine quantity, quality, and degree of maturation of the kerogen. Poor to medium proportion of total organic carbon of kerogen types II and III within a catagenesis stage are recorded in these rocks, and hence, poor hydrocarbon generation could be suggested for these strata.  相似文献   

通过研究峰峰煤田山西组岩性和沉积构造特征,将山西组划分为四个沉积旋回,根据沉积环境的演化,分析了其对成煤作用的影响,认为区内山西组为典型的河控浅水三角洲沉积,该沉积体系中的聚煤作用较强,尤其是分流间洼地持续发展的部位形成了较厚煤层,由于分流河道的迁移作用,煤层分叉现象,而且成煤后遭河道冲刷导致变薄或缺失。  相似文献   

辽南新元古代营城子组臼齿灰岩的沉积环境   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
臼齿(Molar—Toom)灰岩是发育于中新元古代碳酸盐台地的一种特殊灰岩类型。辽东半岛南部大连地区震旦系营城子组中部臼齿灰岩十分发育,野外观测、室内薄片以及比较沉积学研究表明,臼齿灰岩的出现与环境密切相关。通过米级旋回研究发现,该岩相段以发育浅水碳酸盐岩米级旋回层序为主,臼齿构造主要产出在微旋回中下部的中薄层泥晶灰岩和粉屑灰岩中,形成环境为潮下浅水环境。  相似文献   

The Jeribe Formation (Early Middle Miocene) in the central and southern Iraq consists mainly of shallow marine carbonates. Many microfacies have been identified: mudstone, wackestone, packstone, and grainstone with seven submicrofacies. Four major depositional cycles were determined. Microfacies developments and their distribution are controlled by cyclicity and relative sea level fluctuations. The Allochems in the Jeribe Limestone Formation are dominated by bioclasts. Peloids, ooids, and intraclasts are less abundant. The fossils are represented by benthonic forams and very rare planktonic forams. Calcite and dolomite are the predominant mineral components of Jeribe Formation. The carbonates of Jeribe have been affected by a variety of diagenetic processes such as compaction, dissolution, cementation, neomorphism, dolomitization, anhydritization, and silicification. By using the lithofacies association concepts, the depositional model of the Jeribe Formation environment was built. The Jeribe was deposited in open to restricted platforms which indicated lagoonal environment with warm and restricted-open circulation and the lower part (in well Hemrin-2) was deposited in foreslope environment.  相似文献   

This study is focused on sedimentary environments, facies distribution, and sequence stratigraphy. The facies and sequence stratigraphic analyses of the Bahram Formation(middleelate Devonian) in southcentral Iran are based on two measured stratigraphic sections in the southern Tabas block. The Bahram Formation overlies red sandstones Padeha Formation in sections Hutk and Sardar and is overlain by Carboniferous carbonate deposits of Hutk Formation paraconformably, with a thickness of 354 and386 m respectively. Mixed siliciclastic and carbonate sediments are present in this succession. The field observations and laboratory studies were used to identify 14 micro/petrofacies, which can be grouped into 5 depositional environments: shore, tidal flat, lagoon, shoal and shallow open marine. A mixed carbonate-detrital shallow shelf is suggested for the depositional environment of the Bahram Formation which deepens to the east(Sardar section) and thins in southern locations(Hutk section). Three 3rdorder cyclic siliciclastic and carbonate sequences in the Bahram Formation and one sequence shared with the overlying joint with Hutk Formation are identified, on the basis of shallowing upward patterns in the micro/pertofacies.  相似文献   

The Lower Permian Snapper Point Formation at its type locality in the southern Sydney Basin is interpreted as a regressive sequence of a linear clastic shoreline. Lithologies, sedimentary structures, and palaeocurrent patterns suggest a prograding barrier‐beach environment. Barrier foot, bar nucleus, bar crest, and back‐bar are distinguished. Abundant trace fossils aid the recognition of minor facies. The thickness of sediments deposited in the protected inshore environment may be explained by progradation into rising relative sealevel, but rates of sealevel rise or land subsidence were ultimately exceeded by the rate of sediment supply. Up‐sequence changes in the character of the sedimentation units and biofacies may therefore reflect an evolution from a barrier profile to an open mainland beach.  相似文献   

隔夹层和高渗层是影响油田开发效果的重要因素.以伊拉克H油田Mishrif组为例,基于岩心和测井资料,在渗透率控制因素分析的基础上,研究了隔夹层和高渗层的成因类型与发育规律,并探讨了对油田开发的指导意义.Mishrif组生物碎屑灰岩渗透率与岩石结构、孔隙类型和成岩改造密切相关,受沉积和成岩作用的共同控制.隔夹层包括隔层、...  相似文献   

本文主要在岩心观察和描述的基础上,借助于薄片分析、扫描电镜分析和阴极发光分析,通过不同成岩组构的识别及其成岩作用特征分析,结合区域地质背景,恢复珠江口盆地东沙隆起珠江组灰岩经历的成岩环境。结果表明:(1)整体的海侵背景和渐进埋藏过程使得珠江组灰岩中不发育表生成岩作用,但是频繁的海平面变化使得古地貌高部位生长的灰岩受到大气淡水的成岩改造,珠江组灰岩主要经历了海水潜流、大气淡水渗流、大气淡水潜流和埋藏环境等成岩环境;(2)不同成岩环境具有明显不同的成岩组构特征。海水潜流环境的成岩组构主要有广泛发育的藻的包壳作用和藻类-生物的相互包裹、生物钻孔的发育、泥晶化作用、海绿石的形成以及等厚纤维状环边胶结物、颗粒表面的刀刃状或叶片状胶结物、犬牙状胶结物和共轴生长方解石胶结物的发育;淡水潜流环境的主要成岩特征包括粒状亮晶方解石胶结物、棘皮多期共轴加大边和有限的溶解作用;淡水渗流环境中识别的成岩特征有非组构选择性溶解作用、示底构造、微型钟乳状胶结物和新月形胶结物;埋藏成岩环境的成岩作用主要包括压实、压溶作用、晚期溶蚀作用以及油气的侵位。  相似文献   

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