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Ambient relative humidity controls the stress-strain-time behaviour of granular media exhibiting particle breakage. Breakage is the result of crack propagation inside loaded particles. The DEM model developed uses the results of subcritical crack propagation in brittle rock to predict breakage and the subsequent structural rearrangement. Two closed-form solutions at grain level, stress distribution under diametrically opposed forces and the mode I crack propagation velocity, were included in the DEM formulation. Crack propagation velocity depends explicitly on relative humidity. The resulting model incorporates comminution and splitting modes of particle breakage as well as arbitrary grain shapes by means of aggregation of spherical microparticles. The model was first validated against a large diameter suction-controlled oedometer test on hard limestone crushed gravel. Direct tests on contact properties (local stiffness and friction) helped to validate the model. The model was then used to predict the response of large diameter suction-controlled triaxial tests on gravels having different (uniform) initial sizes. Time delayed deformations and wetting-induced collapse deformations under maintained load are also a natural outcome of the model. They were shown to follow quite accurately the experimental results.  相似文献   


For a given increment of deformation, stretching lineations can be defined either by old grains or by new grains.

Progressive strain accumulated in a matrix causes reorientation of old grains. The velocity field acting within a grain depends on the degree of non-coaxiality of the progressive strain in the matrix, and on the competence contrast between grain and matrix (e.g. Lister & Williams, 1983). Deformed populations of old grains do not systematically track the principal directions of finite stretch; this depends on the mechanical behavior of the grains. On the other hand, these populations may be good markers of finite strain magnitude, provided that the initial distribution is known.

In contrast, the statistical shape orientation distribution of population of new grains cannot be related in a simple way to the finite strain magnitude, but their preferred orientation is considered to be the best indicator of the principal directions of finite stretch.

An example is considered from the schistes lustrés near Kenestrelle (Val Chisone, Western Alps), where the observed mineral lineation is attributed to a late E-W stretching event in the alpine orogenic history.  相似文献   

In this work the available worldwide data on intraplate basic-ultrabasic magmatism are reviewed. It was established that over the past 3500 Ma in the Earth’s geological history the process of intraplate magmatism occurred episodically with relatively short breaks with no evident periodicity in its development. Due to the similar discrete character of intraplate magmatism there is no direct correlation between this magmatism and a definite stage of the supercontinental cycle. The evolution of supercontinents at all stages of their development was accompanied by basic-ultrabasic magmatism.  相似文献   

浅议作业成本法在环境成本计算和分摊中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李琼 《安徽地质》2013,(3):234-237
在目前传统会计系统下,环境成本直接计算分摊到制造费用,然后由所有产品共同分摊环境成本,造成产品成本信息扭曲。针对这一问题,采用作业成本法,可以通过设置作业成本库,并通过成本动因科学地、合理地确定计量环境成本,从而有效地解决这个问题,有利于管理层利用正确的产品成本信息做出有利于环境效应并具有长远发展能力的产品的决策。  相似文献   

为研究大断面软岩隧道掌子面变形规律及控制方法,基于新意法及非完整拱效应理论对雷公山隧道构造破碎区域掌子面大变形失稳机理进行分析,基于GSI围岩评级系统获得隧道围岩的力学参数,通过FLAC3D构建隧道三维数值模型,进行系列工况试验,研究隧道在非完整拱部效应时掌子面挤出位移及预收敛位移的变化特征,分析隧道掌子面预约束及预加固措施对大断面软岩隧道稳定性的影响。结果表明,掌子面处的挤出位移均在内轮廓中心处达到最大,并呈环形逐渐向外减小,超前核心土预加固在掌子面中心处对挤出位移及预收敛位移影响最为明显;隧道开挖在掌子面纵向造成的扰动范围约为1. 2倍洞跨,在掌子面径向造成的扰动大约为1. 5倍洞跨;根据计算结果提出掌子面加固措施,通过对隧道预收敛变形及挤出变形的监测分析,验证支护方案的可靠性,提出的掌子面预约束及预加固措施对大断面软岩隧道施工具一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A simple nomogram, which facilitates rapid time/cost estimates for archaeological and archaeometry surveys, is presented and discussed. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

为了论证和评价金沙江拟建某水电站高拱坝坝肩岩体的变形稳定性,应用有限差分程序FLAC3D对坝肩岩体在天然状态和荷载后的应力、变形和破坏的发展特征模拟研究,分析了坝肩岩体在正常工程荷载下的变形特征及超载状态下变形破坏特征,结果表明坝肩岩体在正常工程荷载下处于稳定状态,得到了坝肩岩体在超载条件下的变形破坏机制,并评价了坝肩岩体的整体稳定安全度和超载能力.  相似文献   

李建民  滕延京 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):113-121
载荷试验成果多用于判断土的变形特性和求得土的变形模量、极限荷载等数据。借助卸荷比、回弹比率、再加荷比、再压缩比率等参数对载荷试验成果中的卸荷及再压缩段的变形特征进行分析,发现其发展变化规律与由固结压缩试验得到的规律一致,载荷试验的特点又恰好弥补了固结压缩试验的一些不足,将其成果应用于回弹再压缩变形的计算中是一种有益的探索性研究。结合工程实例,在固结压缩试验数据处理方法的基础上进行合理改进,将载荷试验成果应用于基坑开挖回弹变形与再压缩沉降的计算,计算结果与原有方法的计算结果、工程实测数据对比分析,验证了该种方法的有效性。现有载荷试验数据也有着明显的不足之处,结合变形计算需要,对载荷试验的试验方法提出了改进性意见,为进一步的研究指出了方向。  相似文献   

Results from five different computer models for structural deformation in jointed rock are compared for a problem involving stress-wave loading of a lined circular tunnel in a jointed medium. The computer models include two discrete element codes, The Direct Interacting Block Systems (DIBS) and The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC), and three finite element codes, The Finite Element Code for Largely Explicit Calculation (FLEX), The Explicit Calculations of Interacting Bodies Under Rapid Loading Code (EXCALIBUR), and PRONTO. The finite element codes used either slidelines or joint elements to simulate the motion on joints. All codes had some difficulties with a sequence of preliminary problems solved to ‘shake down’ the computer codes. However, most of the shortcomings of each code were readily overcome. Results showed that three codes could obtain similar answers for tunnel closure, stress around the tunnel and slip on the joints.  相似文献   

黄明  刘新荣  邓涛 《岩土力学》2012,33(6):1876-1882
基于一种可考虑含水劣化特性的岩石黏弹塑性模型,推导得到了该模型的有限差分格式,并采用C++语言进行程序设计获得了FLAC3D二次开发的动态链接库文件。通过简单模拟试验对程序进行有效性检验表明,模型程序可较好地反映岩石的瞬时弹性变形、衰减蠕变、等速蠕变、含水劣化和塑性变形等特性。通过采用黏弹塑性模型程序对实际的隧道地质模型进行数值分析表明:与自然含水状态相比,围岩处于饱和状态时隧道的拱顶沉降、周边收敛和底鼓位移都出现明显增大,饱和状态下隧道底鼓值约为自然含水状态下的2倍,围岩自稳时间较自然含水状态时减小了40 d左右,严重缩短了二次衬砌的合理时间范围。计算结果与隧道现场实际情况较吻合,有效揭示了隧道大变形灾害的产生机制。运用该黏弹塑性模型程序可较好地分析围岩-支护体系的稳定性,并预测隧道二次衬砌的合理施作时机。  相似文献   

多层采空区多次复杂开采造成的累积沉降不能简单地用单一采空区地表移动变形模型作参照。对采空区的研究,时间影响参数是工程稳定性重点研究和考虑的问题。通过变形观测数据,得到一系列的时间影响参数C的数据点。C是随时间动态变化的,是相应的诸多条件综合影响的结果,拟合得到现时段的时间影响参数经验式。这对采空区今后的残余沉降的预测具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

The mechanism of reservoir slope deformation during impounding still lacks a convincing explanation. A generalized effective stress principle for rock masses is presented. A nonlinear iteration algorithm has been proposed and implemented in a 3D FEM program, TFINE. A case study of the Jinping-I high arch dam is then presented, and the calculated values of reservoir slope deformation agree well with the measured values. The results show that the change of the yield surface for the reservoir slope induced by adopting the effective stress principle results in plastic deformation, which is the main reason for slope deformation during impoundment.  相似文献   

为解决国家兰海高速(G75)定西段岷县隧道在建设过程中原支护设计方案出现的软岩大变形问题, 通过软岩类型分析、围岩变形力学机制分析, 提出针对不同力学机制的力学转化对策, 引入在矿山及边坡等岩石领域广泛应用的高预紧力恒阻大变形锚索, 提出了"超前支护+长短NPR锚索优化布置主动支护+钢拱架+混凝土喷浆永久支护"的高预应力主被动联合支护技术。通过数值模拟和现场监测效果对比研究, 结果表明, 现场试验段围岩最大变形量仅为73 mm, 恒阻大变形锚索的预紧力均在280~300 kN范围内, 可见优化后不同支护技术均对围岩变形起到了控制作用, 有效发挥了恒阻让压支护的作用, 控制效果明显。  相似文献   

高速公路路基结构分析及动变形设计方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢正  姚海林  吴万平  杨洋  骆行文 《岩土力学》2010,31(9):2907-2912
考虑汽车运动荷载,基于实测路面不平整资料,对影响动荷载的因素进行分析,提出了动力设计荷载参数的建议值。通过Odemark模量和厚度当量假定,将公路结构简化为3层体系,并利用弹性动力学原理及Fourier变换方法获得了路基顶面动变形的计算式。结合现有规范关于路面弯沉控制的思想,考虑路面路基的相互作用及协调变形,给出了路基顶面的动变形控制标准和确定方法,依据此标准提出了一种路基动变形控制设计的方法。最后以3种典型沥青公路结构为例,进行了路基动变形控制设计。  相似文献   

冯俊德  李建国  胡明鉴  汪稔 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z1):299-303
变形监测在工程、施工、运行各阶段均发挥着重要的作用,是确保岩土工程施工、运行安全必不可少的技术措施,是完善岩土工程设计方法的关键性环节和施工、运行技术决策的重要依据。传统的人工监测方法费时费力且监测频次和结果均难以保证。一种基于公用电话网和GPRS网络的数码监测无线传输方法及其装置,通过基于公用电话网的数据采集通信设备,由主控计算机通过无线传输配套软件,设置、控制监测现场的数据采集仪,并将监测结果通过GPRS网络无线传输至主控计算机,从而实现无人值守条件下的岩土工程变形数码遥测。该装置结构简单、精度和自动化程度高、误码率底、稳定性好,监测结果也更为准确、稳定、直观,使岩土工程变形监测不再艰苦和繁重,尤其适用于环境艰苦、条件恶劣等地的自动化遥测。  相似文献   

A single crystal of natrolite, Na2Al2Si3O10 ·2H2O (space group Fdd2), was studied by X-ray diffraction methods at room temperature. The intensities were measured in a complete sphere of reflection up to sinΘ/ λ=0.903 Å?1. A refinement of high-order diffraction data yielded residuals of R/(F)=0.9%, Rw(F)=0.8%, GoF=1.40 for 1856 high-angle reflections (0.7≤sinΘ/ λ≤0.903 Å?1) and R(F)=1.0%, Rw(F)=1.2%, GoF=3.07 for all 3471 independent reflections in the complete sphere of reflection. The X-X method was used to calculate deformation electron densities (DED) in natrolite. Within all tetrahedra, residual electron density-was found in the T-O bond directions indicating a considerable covalent contribution to the chemical bond. The range of the interatomic peak heights was from 0.19 to 0.34 e/Å3 in the SiO4 tetrahedra and from 0.11 to 0.23 e/Å3 in the AlO4 tetrahedron. The ionic contribution to the chemical bond manifests itself in the displacement of the peaks towards the oxygen atoms. Charge displacement due to interaction of nonframework cations with framework oxygen atoms as well as electron densities attributable to the lone pair orbitals in the water molecule have been observed.  相似文献   

地下水污染是重要的城市地质环境问题,地质环境经济损失评估是一项难于计算的工作。本文在调查研究一处严重的地下水污染场的基础上,利用恢复费用法反算地质环境经济损失,解决了污染场地对下游地下水和地表水影响而带来的经济损失计算问题。文中提出的工程措施和计算方法对类似的地质环境问题具有指导意义。  相似文献   

川西山区某公路拱桥变形破裂成因及处理措施探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
川西山区某公路桥为一长16m的双曲偏心单孔坡条石拱桥,横跨于一小型冲沟上。东侧桥基为强—中风化钙质泥岩,西侧桥基置于一多期泥石流堆积体斜坡上(未做特殊处理)。1996年建成通车后,1997年桥身开始出现裂缝,到1999年已发展成为一座危桥,且变形破裂迹象呈进一步发展的趋势。在这个过程中,为了缓解这一趋势并彻底查清变形破裂成因,以便为危桥的全面整治提供科学依据。先后进行了桥体及周边边坡变形破裂迹象的调查、桥体三维位移长期监测、桥基灌桨加固及效果检测、周围地质环境勘察以及地质灾害危险性评价等工作。文章在大量勘察、试验以及监测数据的基础上,运用工程地质的基本分析方法.并引入结构力学理论及断裂动力学理论,对该公路拱桥的变形破裂成因进行了深入地分析和探讨。研究表明,双曲偏心拱的桥身结构不能与周边复杂的地质环境相适应是桥体变形破裂的根本原因。西侧斜坡体侧向主动土压力和两桥台间的不均匀沉降是拱桥变形破裂的起因和触发因素。而桥面间歇性动荷载作用则是促使桥体已有裂纹进一步扩展的主要原因。针对桥体的病害原因,为危桥整治提出了将原拱桥桥身结构改为对桥基变形适应性强的桥梁结构,将西侧较软弱的桥基进行灌桨加固。将两桥台用地粱连接增加桥体整体刚度并在西桥台设置与竖向支撑相结合的综合处理措施。  相似文献   

王洪新 《岩土力学》2013,34(7):1874-1880
传统的分层总和法不能考虑地基三维变形,计算基础沉降的误差非常大。为了减小分层总和法修正系数的范围,基于侧限压缩试验的e-p曲线,推导了能够考虑三维变形的柔性基础沉降算法。只要把传统算法的分层压缩量乘以一个修正系数,新算法就可以在分层总和法基础上考虑地基土的侧向变形。进一步地,通过调整基础底面的压力分布,推导了条形刚性基础沉降的近似算法。算例分析表明,考虑三维变形的沉降算法可以解决传统分层总和法在计算小尺寸基础时沉降过小的问题。计算表明,小尺寸刚性基础沉降计算结果比传统分层总和法大,大尺寸刚性基础沉降计算结果比传统分层总和法小,这可能是导致分层总和法修正系数范围过大的原因之一。应用文中方法有希望减小分层总和法的一部分误差。  相似文献   

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