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东濮凹陷位于渤海湾盆地南缘,是中国典型的既富石油又富天然气的凹陷之一。文中通过镜质体反射率恢复了9个构造单元31口典型井的新生代热历史。研究结果表明:东濮凹陷各构造单元的新生代热历史总的趋势是一致的,并表现为"马鞍型"特征,分别在沙三段沉积时期和东营组沉积中晚期达到地温梯度高峰,其地温梯度分别为45~48℃/km和39~40℃/km,两期地温梯度高峰揭示了东濮凹陷经历了沙三段沉积时期和东营组沉积中晚期强烈的裂陷运动;新近纪开始,凹陷进入热沉降阶段,地温梯度逐渐下降至现今的31~34℃/km。此外,研究成果还揭示了东濮凹陷烃源岩热演化受东营组沉积时期的古地温场控制。文中的研究成果可以为东濮凹陷深层油气资源评价提供地热基础。  相似文献   

为了研究珠江口盆地的沉降特征、沉降特征时空差异性以及影响因素,文章共选取了32口人工井进行沉降史计算,并进行综合分析,从中又特选出12口典型人工井进行对比分析,编绘和对比分析了3条典型沉降演化图。结果表明:盆地整体沉降可分为3幕,第一幕为始新世,平均总沉降速率为85 m/Ma;第二幕为渐新世至中中新世,平均总沉降速率为146 m/Ma;第三幕为晚中新世至第四纪,平均总沉降速率为104 m/Ma。同一时期不同构造单元之间及同一构造单元在不同时期,沉降与演化特征都存在差异性,各时期沉降速率平面分布表现出"分区"、"分带"的特征,沉降演化的差异性变化与盆地的演化阶段及其构造特征有关。盆地整体沉降特征受成盆动力学影响,而沉降特征差异性受盆地动力学和构造格局共同影响。珠江口盆地整体沉降表现为"幕式"特征,沉降及其演化特征表现出明显的时空差异性,盆地动力学特征和构造格局共同影响盆地的沉降特征。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the thermal history of the onshore Dongpu Sag (DPS), Bohai Bay Basin is important for understanding its tectonic development within a broader regional context and for elucidating its poorly studied source‐rock maturation history. To unravel DPS time‐temperature development, apatite fission‐track data were acquired from eight sandstone samples in three deep wells. Thermal history modelling indicates continuous heating during the rifting stage (early Eocene to late Oligocene), followed by cooling attributed to tectonic uplift between ~27 and ~16 Ma, which resulted in the removal of ~1,400 to 1,800 m of section. Reheating occurred during the subsidence stage from middle Miocene until present. Unlike typical passive continental margin basins, the DPS experienced accelerated post‐rifting subsidence from ~5.8 Ma, which was especially marked since ~2.6 Ma. This phase was probably triggered by normal fault reactivation, in combination with a variation in the deep heat flow pattern.  相似文献   

The tectonic and thermal history of Cenozoic rocks from four wells (Asri-1, NE Ria-1, Hariet-1 and Yani-2) in the Sunda–Asri basin has been reconstructed using apatite fission track (AFT) analysis combined with modelling of previously determined vitrinite reflectance (VR) measurements. The wells all penetrate Recent to middle Eocene successions, in which only the Eocene to Oligocene successions have been subjected to temperatures suitable for partial annealing, due to rapid late Miocene to Recent burial. With respect to organic thermal maturities, the zone of minimum annealing coincides with undermature heating and records provenance AFT ages, whilst the zone of partial annealing agrees well with mature heating suitable for generation of hydrocarbons. The integrated AFT and VR data suggest that the Sunda–Asri basin continues subsiding, probably due to extension initiated in the late Eocene, and the successions near the base of the wells were recently exposed to the high present-day temperatures. The recent heating of rocks is consistent with up to 800 m of Plio–Pleistocene burial. Both the AFT and VR results indicate that geothermal gradients remained relatively constant through the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The southwestern part of the Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) is characterized by gravity and magnetic anomalies and by an extremely high thermal maturity of organic matter. This was for many years attributed to a Late Cretaceous intrusion, but actually deep burial is being debated. The complex thermal history of the area has been studied by fission track analysis. Zircon data provide evidence for widespread (hydro)thermal activity during the Permian and Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous. Apatite ages indicate a major cooling event in the mid Cretaceous (∼89–72 Ma) reflecting the time of inversion of the LSB. During the Cretaceous, the cooling of the basin centre was rapid compared to the basin margins. Apatite fission track ages from borehole samples which are recently within the upper part of the APAZ indicate a young heating of the sedimentary sequences until present.  相似文献   

The Riphean rocks of the Baikit anteclise have been examined using pyrolysis Rock–Eval 6 to evaluate the subsidence history and erosion level. The studied Riphean rocks have the МK3–МK4 catagenesis grade. Based on the catagenesis of organic matter we propose a model of maximum burial before the beginning of the accumulation of Vendian deposits. Estimated calculations of subsidence and erosion have shown that the assessed catagenesis grade could be reached at a depth of 7 km, while the erosion level was approximately 5–7 km.  相似文献   

依据二维、三维地震资料,精细分析位于柴达木盆地西南部的阿拉尔断裂的几何学特征、水平缩短量及活动时间等,并探讨了其整个新生代的运动学特征、形成机制和油气地质意义。结果表明,阿拉尔断裂平面上可分为NWW走向的西段和近SN走向的东段,两段近于垂直;剖面上,其西段倾向南,倾角相对较小,而东段倾向西,断面近乎直立。阿拉尔断裂自新生代初期开始活动,西段以逆冲为主,水平缩短量和竖直抬升量均达到3 km以上,走滑量约为1 km;东段以右旋走滑为主,水平缩短量和竖直抬升量为1 km左右,走滑量达到3 km。阿拉尔断裂的形成和活动受南侧祁漫塔格造山带向北挤压和西侧阿尔金左旋走滑断裂的共同影响,柴西南地区断裂活动与油气形成具有良好的时空匹配关系,对形成油气藏具有重要意义。  相似文献   

赵珍  陆露  吴珍汉  胡道功 《地质通报》2017,36(9):1553-1561
西藏冈底斯南缘中酸性侵入岩的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄在37~25Ma之间,热史模拟过程反映冈底斯经历了3个阶段的抬升演化。40~26Ma的快速冷却抬升阶段:受控于印度-欧亚大陆完全碰撞拼合的影响,并在37~26Ma抬升至现今海拔高度;26~8Ma的剥蚀阶段:受夷平和大型逆冲推覆活动的影响,出现剥蚀和抬升交替过程;8~0Ma的缓慢冷却阶段:受南北向裂谷作用影响,出现内部差异抬升。此外,北部墨竹工卡地区和南部泽当、桑耶地区,西部桑耶地区和东部泽当地区,均具有相似的抬升过程和历史,没有明显差异,暗示冈底斯经历了整体性、较均一的阶段性抬升过程。  相似文献   

李雷 《地质与勘探》2016,52(3):594-600
东濮凹陷是渤海湾盆地南缘极具油气开采潜力的凹陷,本文揭示该凹陷新生代埋藏史、热史及烃源岩演化史.利用凹陷各构造单元18口井的镜质体反射率数据,恢复其埋藏史、热史.结果显示,东濮凹陷经历“一升两降”的构造沉降,并具有“马鞍型”的热演化特征.自沙四段沉积开始至沙三段,地温梯度逐渐增加,在沙三段沉积末期达到最大,为45.2℃~48℃/km.自沙二段沉积开始至今,地温梯度总体逐渐降低,仅在东营组沉积时期出现微弱回升,现今地温梯度为30℃~ 34℃/km.以埋藏史和热史为基础,结合构造及有机地球化学资料,对东濮凹陷18口井烃源岩演化史进行模拟.结果表明,烃源岩热演化受东营组沉积时期的古地温控制,3套烃源岩成熟度均在27Ma(东营组沉积时期)达到最大.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Vienna Basin is a tectonically complex Neogene basin situated at the Alpine–Carpathian transition. This study analyzes a detailed quantification...  相似文献   

南海西南部北康盆地新生代沉积演化史   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
北康盆地位于南沙地块的西南边缘,为南沙中部海域的新生代沉积盆地,具有良好的含油气潜力。近年广州海洋地质调查局在盆地六万多平方千米范围内完成了近2000km的地震测线,及相应的重力与磁力测量。本文在区域地质背景分析基础上,对盆地进行了地震地层对比和详细的地震相分析,划分了3个超层序、7个层序,对其中的5个层序进行了沉积相分析,并编制了沉积相平面图。晚始新世以前,北康盆地位于古南海西北缘,盆地西北部为陆相环境。东南部为滨-浅海环境。晚始新世-早渐新世早期,南沙地块从华南陆块裂离向南漂移,随古南海洋带的被动消减和新南海的扩张,盆地水体加深,除西北尚有陆相沉积外,主要为海相环境。早渐新世后,南沙地块与婆罗州地块拼贴,北康盆地逐渐处于浅海-半深海环境。与盆地沉积演化规律相对应,早第三纪发育的湖相和沼泽相泥岩及早中新世发育的浅海相泥岩为有利烃源岩, 同期的三角洲相砂岩、滨海相砂岩及晚中新世发育的浊积岩为主要储层,区域性盖层为晚各新世以来的 浅海-半深海相泥岩、砂质泥岩、局部性盖层有湖相泥岩、浅海相砂质泥岩、泥岩和灰质泥岩。  相似文献   

Jakob Skogseid 《Tectonophysics》1994,240(1-4):225-247
The distribution of Cenozoic subsidence across Northeast Atlantic volcanic margins have been evaluated to define the width of the rift zone and magnitude of extensional deformation. The subsidence profiles are corrected for the effects of lower-crustal magmatic bodies emplaced during continental break-up. The dimensions of the bodies have been derived from the crustal velocity structure. The width of the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Northeast Atlantic rift zone was more than 300 km, and the lithospheric extension factor increases gradually towards the line of continental separation. A large number of high-quality seismic reflection data tied to scientific and commercial wells reveals that the initiation of extensional deformation preceded continental separation by ˜ 18 m.y. on the Vøring margin, off Norway. These results show that the Northeast Atlantic volcanic margins, commonly considered as typical volcanic margins indeed, have similar dimensions as non-volcanic margins, and as continental rifts. Thus, these margins contrast significantly with previously suggested evolutionary models based on narrow rift zones and formation during rapid lithospheric failure. The wide rift is compatible with volume of igneous rocks observed along these margins, and with a thermal anomaly similar to that associated with production of Northeast Atlantic oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

New thermochronological analyses of granites from the Malay Peninsula record the region’s thermal history during the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. 40Ar/39Ar and (U–Th–Sm)/He analyses are combined with existing fission track data to provide a comprehensive set of temperature and time data. Fully and partially reset K-feldspar and biotite mica 40Ar/39Ar analyses indicate a significant period of thermal perturbation between ∼100 and ∼90 Ma, and a second lesser perturbation between ∼51 and ∼43 Ma. Zircon (U–Th–Sm)/He analyses and existing fission track data indicate exhumation of the Malay Peninsula in the Cretaceous, and renewed, localised exhumation in the early Paleogene. Apatite (U–Th–Sm)/He and fission track data indicate rapid exhumation of the region in the Late Eocene and Oligocene. Late Cretaceous tectonism is linked to the reversal of a regional dynamic topographic low following the cessation of subduction along the Sundaland margin in the Late Cretaceous, causing regional uplift and exhumation and the addition of significant heat into the crust via mantle upwelling. Early Paleogene exhumation may reflect the continuation of Cretaceous tectonism or a discrete phase of Paleocene exhumation linked to localised transpressional tectonics. Eocene tectonism is coincident with major subsidence offshore of the Malay Peninsula, interpreted to reflect regional block faulting in response to north–south compression driven by the resumption of subduction along the southern margin of Sundaland in the Eocene.  相似文献   

The eastern Officer Basin in South Australia contains a Neoproterozoic to Devonian succession overlain by relatively thin (<500 m) Permian, Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits. Within the basin fill, there are several major unconformities representing uncertain amounts of erosion. Three of these surfaces are associated with regional deformational events. Regional unconformities formed between 560 and 540 Ma (Petermann Ranges Orogeny), approximately 510–490 Ma (Delamerian Orogeny), 370–300 Ma (Alice Springs Orogeny), 260–150 Ma; and 95–40 Ma. AFTA® results from 13 samples of Neoproterozoic, Cambrian and Permian sedimentary rocks in five wells (Giles-1, Manya-2, -5 and -6 and Lake Maurice West-1) show clear evidence for a number of distinct thermal episodes. Results from all samples are consistent with cooling from the most recent thermal episode beginning at some time between 70 and 20 Ma (Maastrichtian–Miocene). AFTA results from Giles-1 indicate at least two pre-Cretaceous thermal episodes with cooling beginning between 350 and 250 Ma (Carboniferous–Permian) and between 210 and 110 Ma (Late Triassic–Albian). Results from Manya-2, -5 and -6 and Lake Maurice West-1 show evidence for at least one earlier higher temperature event, with cooling from elevated paleotemperatures beginning between 270 and 200 Ma (Late Permian to Late Triassic). These episodes can be correlated with other cooling/erosional events outside the study area, and the AFTA-derived paleotemperatures are consistent with kilometre-scale erosion for each of the episodes identified. Integration of the AFTA data with organic thermal maturation indicators (MPI) in the Manya and Giles-1 wells suggests that the Cambrian and Neoproterozoic successions in the northern part of the study area reached peak maturation prior to the Permian, while limited data from Lake Maurice West-1 allows peak maturation to have occurred as young as the Late Permian to Late Triassic thermal episode revealed by AFTA. The approach outlined in this study is relevant to all ancient basins as it emphasises the importance of understanding events associated with neighbouring regions. The thermal history of the Officer Basin, as with most other ancient basins, has been strongly affected by significant tectonic events throughout its history, even though younger deposits are not preserved in the basin itself. The recognition of these younger events, and the implications of these events for the depositional history, is important as it allows identification of the best regions for preservation of early generated hydrocarbons, and in some cases, suggests areas where generation of hydrocarbons could have occurred more recently than previously thought.  相似文献   

Using low‐temperature thermochronology on apatite and zircon crystals, we show that the western Reguibat Shield, located in the northern part of the West African Craton, experienced significant cooling and heating events between Jurassic and present times. The obtained apatite fission track ages range between 49 and 102 Ma with mean track lengths varying between 11.6 and 13.3 μm and Dpar values between 1.69 and 3.08 μm. Zircon fission track analysis yielded two ages of 159 and 118 Ma. Apatite (U–Th)/He uncorrected single‐grain ages range between 76 and 95 Ma. Thermal inverse modelling indicates that the Reguibat Shield was exhumed during the Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, Palaeocene–Eocene and Quaternary. These exhumation events were coeval with regional tectonic and geodynamic events, and were probably driven by a combined effect of plate tectonics and mantle dynamics.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西南坳陷发现晚新生代伸展构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过认真、系统的地震资料解释, 我们在塔里木盆地西南坳陷首次发现晚新生代正断层。 这些正断层发育于西南坳陷的东北部, 走向 NE-SW, 剖面上组合成堑垒构造, 个别剖面上显示负花状构造特征。 正断层主要发育于新生界, 向上断至的最高层位是第四系更新统下部。 倾向相反的正断层向下交汇后断距消失, 断层继续向下延伸的情况不清楚。 根据断距 变化和生长指数计算, 正断层形成于上新世晚期, 持续演化至更新世早期。 正断层的形成演化过程与以往在阿瓦提凹陷、巴楚隆起和塘沽孜巴斯坳陷发现的晚新生代正断层基本一致, 正断层活动时间为 ca. 3~2 Ma。 它们形成于一个区域性弱伸展构造应力场, 代表印度-亚洲碰撞远程效应下, 塔里木盆地脉式挤压冲断过程中的一个构造间歇期。  相似文献   

A study of changes in siliceous microfossil assemblages and chemical analyses in a well-dated offshore sediment core from the Bornholm Basin, southwestern Baltic Sea, is carried out with the objective of increasing knowledge of the Holocene history of the area. The core covers about 11 300 calendar years from the brackish phase of the Yoldia Sea stage to the present. The first weak marine influence in the Ancylus Lake stage is recorded about 10 100 cal. yr BP (c. 8900 14C BP), indicating a complex transition to the Litorina Sea with different phases of brackish-water inflow. The lithology, organic carbon content and C/N and C/S ratios indicate no major changes in the sedimentary environment during the Litorina-Post-Litorina Sea stages. A high productivity event recorded in the Post-Litorina Sea stage around 950 cal. yr BP correlates with the Medieval warm event. A biostratigraphical change indicating a colder climate is recorded in the sediment at about 800 cal. yr BP, which might mark the beginning of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

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