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Groundwater outburst has an impartible relationship with geological structures such as water-conducting faults, which are widely distributed in north China. In order to study the seepage property and mechanism of water outburst from the faults above a confined aquifer in the coal mining, the simulation model of ground water inrush for fault was designed. The water outburst parameters, such as water inflow, permeability, seepage velocity, porosity and other variables under different material combination and water pressures, were obtained; the research results indicate as follows: (1) The changes of the water inflow can be divided into three stages, i.e., the water inflow slowly increases at the early stage, rapidly increases at the middle stage and keeps unchanged at the late stage. (2) The seepage process can be represented by the seepage combination types, which are composed of pore flow, fissure flow and pipe flow, and the seepage changes not only with time but also with different conditions. (3) Mining would lead to the reactivation of faults and further enhance the permeability of fault zone potentially. The tiny granules in fault would be eroded and moved to exterior as the time under the high water pressure and lead to the change of porosity parameters. In this case, the seepage velocity would increase ceaselessly, and then the seepage would convert into pipe flow and finally lead to water inrush accidents.  相似文献   

带(水)压开采安全评价技术及其发展方向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着煤矿开采深度的不断增加,将面临高承压水的严重威胁,带压开采已成为深部煤炭资源开发的主要开采方式,与此相适应,带压开采安全评价工作显得尤为重要.面对深部煤炭资源开采中带压开采评价技术的挑战,应该在完善双系数(突水系数和带压系数)评价体系的基础上,在带压安全开采可靠性分析、三维地质建模技术及其可视化、数据仓库及数据挖掘技术与突水规则的知识获取等方面,发展带压开采安全评价技术,以期实现在奥灰高承压水威胁下安全采煤的目标.  相似文献   

带压开采煤层底板突水安全可靠性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为合理评价孙疃煤矿10煤层带压开采的安全可靠性,建立了10煤层隔水底板稳定性可靠度分析模型。考虑底板隔水层厚度、底板岩石容重、抗拉强度等参数为随机变量,采用斯列萨列夫安全隔水层厚度计算公式建立极限状态方程。在研究随机变量概型的基础上,采用JC法、最优化法以及基于最优化的蒙特卡罗法计算隔水底板的可靠度以及失效概率,并探讨了该矿10煤层安全开采的可靠指标,避免了单纯依据定值作为突水判据的某些不合理性。  相似文献   

山西省霍州团柏煤矿11-101工作面为带压开采。为预防回采期间底板突水事故,采用弹塑性理论、现场实测、数值模拟验证相结合的方法,对不同工作面长度条件下底板破坏深度发育规律进行研究,进而确定该条件下开采的工作面合理长度。研究表明,随着工作面推进,滞后工作面6 m左右底板首先发生拉伸破坏,底板破坏呈楔形。工作面长度在60~120 m,破坏深度随着工作面长度增加呈线性增长,平均每增加10 m,破坏深度加深1 m。理论计算与数值模拟计算得出80 m工作面底板破坏深度为7~8 m,现场实测底板破坏深度为7.5 m,故工作面合理开采长度为80 m时,能够确保11-101工作面生产安全。  相似文献   

Impact of karst water on coal mining in North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coalfields in North China encompass more than ten Provinces. They contain six to seven coal seams in the Permo-Carboniferous strata. The lower three seams account for 37% of the total reserves and are threatened with intrusion of karst water from the underlying Ordovician limestone. Hundreds of water inrush incidences have occurred, in which a large amount of water suddenly flows into tunnels or working faces under high potentiometric pressure. Over 50 mines have been flooded over the last 30 years. Large-scale dewatering or depressurizing of the karst aquifer was considered essential to avoid water inrushes and keep the mines safely operational. This practice, however, has caused sinkholes, dry springs, water supply shortage, and groundwater contamination in the surrounding areas. One alternative water control measure is to make full use of the rock layer between the coal seam and the karst aquifer as a protective barrier to prevent or constrain water flow from the underlying aquifer into the mines. Grouting is effective when the hydrogeological conditions are favorable to this technique. Proper design of the grouting program and experience of the contractor are also important for a successful application.  相似文献   

针对邢东矿2222工作面深部带压开采接近临界值且局部受隐伏断层等构造影响,可能出现底板突水的问题,采用ESG微震监测系统实时监测导水裂隙带形成过程,并利用研发的CMMA-3D微震分析系统获得了2222工作面底板导水裂隙带的空间位置,为针对性注浆治理和安全开采提供了重要指导。基于断裂力学分析了隐伏断层活化突水机制,推导出隐伏断层扩展长度计算公式。获得了不同类型隐伏断层(正断层和逆断层)的扩展规律:正断层扩展长度(35)l与承压水压力p和侧压系数?均呈正相关;逆断层扩展长度?l随承压水压力p的增加呈现出先减后增的变化趋势。底板导水裂隙带渗透性随采空区垮落岩体压实度的增加而降低,阐明了2222工作面突水量后期逐渐减小的原因。  相似文献   

The influences of coal mining on the large karst springs in North China   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Environmental damage, to a greater or lesser degree, is caused by coal mining. On the basis of analyzing the hydrogeological conditions of the mining areas, this paper provides a sum-up of the characteristics of water disasters in North China-type Coalfield. Researching into the Baimai Spring group, this paper explores the relation between karst water and groundwater of coal-measure strata, using the methods of pumping test, dynamic observation, and tracer test. After working over the impact of mine water-inrush on spring dynamics, this paper estimates the contributory level of karst water to mining drainage. This paper holds that the mine water-inrush mainly results from karst water, with the fault structures acting as channels; the keys of mine water-inrush are faulty density, intersection and endpoint fault. Finally, this paper suggests that mining below Mine-9 be forbidden, and that below Mine-7 be properly mined, which provides the scientific basis for preserving springs and preventing water disasters in the mining areas.  相似文献   

赵各庄矿14水平的提升高度为-1 200 m,而奥灰水头压力为11.76 MPa.通过研究赵各庄矿底板隔水层厚度及其阻隔水能力,讨论了充分利用有效隔水层,采用局部实施疏水降压开采等防治水技术的可能性;采用突水系数法及弹塑性力学分析法,论证了赵各庄矿深部带压开采煤炭资源的可行性.  相似文献   

南方岩溶含水系统结构识别方法初探   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
岩溶含水系统因其含水介质的高度不均匀性和各向异性而难以刻画。文章选取鄂西岩溶槽谷区典型的岩溶含水系统为研究对象,基于野外地面调查、裂隙测量、洞穴探测、多源高精度地下水示踪试验、地下水动态监测等传统手段,结合新技术、新方法来综合查明岩溶含水系统的结构,探讨岩溶含水系统的边界结构、岩溶发育主控方向、介质空间结构的识别方法,最终刻画出岩溶含水系统结构的概念模型。文章的研究成果旨在为岩溶山区1∶5万水文地质调查工作思路与方法应用提供参考,为提高全国新一轮1∶5万水文地质调查成果的精度与质量做贡献。   相似文献   

Water inrush from Ordovician karst aquifer in North China coal mine has become a key issue on underground coal mining. To address this problem, it is necessary to identify fault zones, because fault zones might connect limestone aquifers and coal seams, enabling Ordovician karst water to enter the mine. In the study area, a series of parallel directional holes were drilled along Ordovician limestone at depths between 70 and 90 m under Ordovician limestone boundary. To conveniently detect fault zones and govern mine water disasters, a series of natural gamma-ray logging while drilling (GRLWD) were undertaken. The entire detecting region can be comprehensively covered by several directional borehole groups. Then, fast Fourier transform and short-time Fourier transform approaches were employed on the basis of GRLWD data and geological data to extract faults information. A segmented identification method for deep fault zones was established in this study. This method can be used to markedly improve the identification of fault zones within Ordovician limestone or the unitary lithology formation and provide crucial information relevant for deep coal mining safety.  相似文献   

Coalfields in North China encompassing more than ten Provinces contain six to seven coal seams in the Permo-Carboniferous strata. The lower three seams, accounting for 37% of the total reserves, are threatened with karst water from the underlain Ordovician limestone. Hundreds of water inrush incidences have occurred in which a large amount of water suddenly flows into tunnels or working faces under high potentiometric pressure and over 30 mines have been flooded over the last 20 years. Large-scale dewatering or depressurizing of the karst aquifer was considered essential to avoid water inrushes and keep the mines safely operational. This practice has caused sinkholes, dry springs, water supply shortage, and groundwater contamination in the surrounding areas, which is environmentally not permitted. One of the alternative water control measures is to make full use of the rock layer between the coal seam and the karst aquifer as a geological barrier. Similar to the application in the nuclear industry where a geological barrier is used to contain radioactive wastes, the barrier of this application is considered a hydraulic barrier as well with the objective to prevent or constrain water flow from the underlying aquifer into mines. Its effectiveness to constrain water flow is described by a parameter referred to as hydrofracturing pressure (Phf). When the water pressure in the underlying aquifer exceeds Phf, a wedging effect takes place within the fractures of the geological barrier and, as a result, water inrush occurs. In-situ hydrofracturing tests were used to determine Phf in bauxite and silty sandstone at tunnels. The Phf in the silty sandstone is larger than that in the bauxite but they both vary with depth (distance from the bottom of the tunnel). Based on the test results, a new safety criterion for water inrush was derived for mines and it has been successfully applied to mining practices with the minimum effort of dewatering in the karst aquifer. The same criterion can also be applied to tunneling and quarrying in areas with similar geological conditions.  相似文献   

The karst paleo-sinkhole is a special geological structure widely found in the coal measures of northern China. Some paleo-sinkholes have high permeability and connectivity, making them excellent connectors between the karst aquifer and the coal seam. Consequently, during coal extraction disastrous water inrushes take place frequently, which cause severe loss not only in mine submersions and personnel casualties, but also in environmental quality. Locations and the geological and hydrogeological characteristics of paleo-sinkholes in northern China are presented. In-situ drilling and excavation results show that paleo-sinkholes have different hydrogeological behaviors in different regions and in different mines. Based on observed data, mining-induced strata failure in the seam floor is analyzed. The existence of paleo-sinkholes increases the floor strata failure zone. Numerical simulation then is adopted to model coal mining with the effects of both the paleo-sinkholes and the water pressure in the confined aquifer. Analyses of the simulation conclude that the paleo-sinkhole induces the increase in the strata failure and deformation. These make water inrushes more likely to happen.  相似文献   

中国北方岩溶水变化特征及其环境问题   总被引:5,自引:14,他引:5  
随着自然条件改变和人类活动强度的加大,我国北方岩溶水系统从输入、输出到结构、水资源要素转换关系均发生了巨大变化,在短短几十年内有近30%岩溶大泉断流,80%泉水流量大幅度衰减,区域岩溶地下水位每年以1~2m速度持续下降,同时,有20%以上的岩溶水系统主排泄带的水质在Ⅲ类以下且总体趋向恶化,此外,还存在着矿坑突水,岩溶塌陷、地裂,海水入侵,旅游功能降低,生态功能丧失等诸多的岩溶水环境问题,极大地加剧了水资源的紧张状况。本文根据前人成果和实地调查资料并采用一些典型事例归纳总结了岩溶水环境问题及其发展演化趋势,展示北方岩溶水面临的严峻形势,以引起社会各界对此问题的关注,加大岩溶水资源调查研究与保护力度,同时,也为广大学者开展相关立项与研究提供参考。   相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(7):997-1009
The δ18O and δD values in the deep confined aquifer beneath the North China Plain which is located at 112°30′E–119°30′E and 34°46′N–40°25′N, reflect differences in paleoclimatic conditions between the Holocene and the late Pleistocene. Groundwater samples whose 14C ages are between 12 and 25 ka B.P have ranges of −9.4 to −11.7‰ for δ18O and −76‰ to −85‰ for δD values. These very negative δ18O and δD values reflect the cold and arid climate in the last glacial period. The temperature estimated in this period is 6–9 °C cooler than that of the present. The entire ranges of δ18O and δD values for samples with 14C dating from 7 ka B.P to present are −7.7‰ to −10.2‰ and −63‰ to −73‰, respectively. The greater δ18O and δD enrichments of these samples indicate a period of relatively humid and warm climate in the Holocene. However, the wide ranges of δ18O (−9.0‰ to −11.1‰) and δD (−66‰ to −80‰) values for samples with 14C age ranging from 12 to 7 ka B.P. imply an unstable climatic condition of rapidly increasing temperature, which marks the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene.  相似文献   


超前区域注浆是煤层底板灰岩水害防治的有效手段,而注浆工程中的劈裂注浆过程是决定注浆效果的关键环节,但由于对受注灰岩地层裂隙起裂机制认识不清,致使劈裂注浆过程中注浆压力、浆液水灰比等参数缺少有效控制,难以保证注浆效果。针对上述问题,利用颗粒元(Particle Flow Code,PFC)数值模拟软件,考虑浆液水灰比、地应力水平、弱面和裂隙的倾角和宽度等因素,开展奥陶系灰岩顶部劈裂注浆数值模拟计算。结果表明:在弱面和裂隙条件下起裂压力均随浆液水灰比(1∶1、2∶1、3∶1)的增大而减小,随最大主应力与最小主应力差值(9、12、15 MPa)的减小而增大,随弱面或裂隙宽度(3、8、15 mm)及其与最大主应力夹角(30°、60°、90°)的增大而减小;起裂裂隙沿平行于最大主应力方向延展;起裂压力值随弱面与基质强度比(0.30、0.03)的减小而减小,当弱面强度较高时,起裂压力大于裂隙条件下的起裂压力,而且沿着基质起裂;当注浆孔置于弱面两端或裂隙中间时,起裂裂隙沿弱面或裂隙的两端起裂,当注浆孔置于弱面中间位置时,起裂裂隙沿中间位置的基质起裂。研究结果有助于底板水害超前区域改造劈裂注浆的有效控制,指导注浆参数的选取,为解放深部煤炭资源提供技术支撑。


华北东部深部岩溶及煤矿岩溶水害特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国华北东部煤矿井开采深度迅速增加,矿井岩溶水害日益加重的客观问题,文章分析讨论了深矿井开采的基本概念,通过统计分析,得出中国东部主要煤矿井目前开采深度达到600 m左右且以12 m/a左右的速度向深部延伸的变化趋势。从华北东部地区沉积古地理环境与地壳运动演化史方面分析了该地区厚层奥陶纪灰岩的形成及其后期岩溶发育过程。通过对研究区几个重点矿区揭露的奥陶系灰岩岩溶发育特征在穿层和顺层方向上随深度变化规律的分析,揭示出华北东部主要煤矿区奥陶系灰岩岩溶发育特征在垂向上具有弱-强-弱和顺层方向上随埋深具有由强到弱的变化规律。提出了华北东部煤矿深部开采将面临的岩溶水害问题及其防治水技术思路。  相似文献   

New advances in karst collapse research in China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Until 2000, more than 1,446 karst collapse events and 45,037 sinkhole pits have been documented in China. In this paper, focusing on new achievements of karst collapse research in China, a large-scale model experiment, a method of risk assessment and data management of karst collapse based on geographic information system technology are introduced for the region.  相似文献   

喀斯特和岩溶科学术语源于欧洲和中国对同一客观实体(碳酸盐岩地形)的认知历史和差异性定位。中国岩溶研究从聚焦岩溶系统溶蚀动力的解构性工程属性和资源利用研究转向全面融合岩溶动力、岩溶生物地球化学、岩溶生态系统生产力的岩溶系统建构属性研究。在服务社会经济发展需要中,中国岩溶研究发现和深化了岩溶系统“解构”和“建构”的矛盾运动机制,而人类活动影响着这对矛盾运动的时空尺度和效应,并将其转化为包括岩溶石漠化治理的区域资源环境管理和可持续发展的理论和技术。深度研究控制小流域岩溶生态系统解构的侵蚀基准面自然演化与人为影响的规律和制约岩溶生态系统建构的植被演替(生物群落生产力提高)间的矛盾对立运动规律,将有助于岩溶山水田林湖草生态共同体建设,服务可持续发展和应对全球变化。  相似文献   

华北煤田岩溶陷落柱分类及其特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在总结华北煤田多起陷落柱突水事例及对徐淮煤田40多个矿区调研的基础上,依据陷落柱不同发育阶段的水文地质工程地质特征等,将其分为4个发育阶段:前期发育阶段、强烈发育阶段、衰退阶段和死亡阶段。通过分析陷落柱发育的不同层位,将其划分为3类,即奥灰层位之上可溶岩组、奥陶纪可溶岩组及寒武纪可溶岩组。继而,将陷落柱综合划分为12类,并总结分析了各类型陷落柱的地质特征。  相似文献   

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