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The extragalactic analogs of the microquasars, the quasars, are strong γ-ray emitters at GeV energies. It is expected that microquasars are also γ-ray sources, because of the analogy with quasars and because theoretical models predict the high-energy emission. There are two microquasars that appear as the possible counterparts for two unidentified high-energy γ-ray sources.  相似文献   

Recent observations of the binary system LS 5039 with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) revealed that its Very High Energy (VHE) γ-ray emission is modulated at the 3.9 days orbital period of the system. The bulk of the emission is largely confined to half of the orbit, peaking around the inferior conjunction epoch of the compact object. The flux modulation provides the first indication of γ-ray absorption by pair production on the intense stellar photon field. This implies that the production region size must be not significantly greater than the gamma-gamma photosphere size (∼1 AU), thus excluding the large scale collimated outflows or jets (extending out to ∼1000 AU). A hardening of the spectrum is also observed at the same epoch between 0.2 and a few TeV which is unexpected under a pure absorption scenario and could rather arise from variation with phase in the maximum electron energy and/or the dominant VHE γ-ray production mechanism. This first-time observation of modulated γ-ray emission allows precise tests of the acceleration and emission models in binary systems. Mathieu de Naurois for the H.E.S.S. Collaboration.  相似文献   

We comment on the main radio emitting properties of the proposed high mass X-ray binary LS 5039. Our study is based on multi-epoch observations with the VLA radio interferometer, at 2.0, 3.6, 6.0 and 20 cm wavelengths, as well as on the first data obtained by the GBI-NASA Monitoring Program at 3.6 and 13.3 cm wavelengths. The source appears to be compact (θ≤0′′.1) and moderately variable, with a non-thermal radio spectrum suggestive of synchrotron radiation.  相似文献   

New optical spectroscopy of the high-mass X-ray binary microquasar LS I +61 303 is presented. Eccentric orbital fits to our radial velocity measurements yield updated orbital parameters in good agreement with previous work. Our orbital solution indicates that the periastron passage occurs at radio phase 0.23 and the X-ray/radio outbursts are triggered 2.5–4 d after the compact star passage. The spectrum of the optical star is consistent with a B0 V spectral type and contributes ∼65 per cent of the total light, the remainder being the result of emission by a circumstellar disc. We also measure the projected rotational velocity to be   v sin  i ≃ 113 km s−1  .  相似文献   

The 'All Sky Automated Survey' (ASAS) photometric observations of LS 1135, an O-type single-lined binary (SB1) system with an orbital period of 2.7 d, show that the system is also eclipsing performing a numerical model of this binary based on the Wilson–Devinney method. We obtained an orbital inclination     . With this value of the inclination, we deduced masses   M 1∼ 30 ± 1 M  and   M 2∼ 9 ± 1 M  , and radii   R 1∼ 12 ± 1 R  and   R 2∼ 5 ± 1 R  for primary and secondary components, respectively. Both the components are well inside their respective Roche lobes. Fixing the T eff of the primary to the value corresponding to its spectral type (O6.5V), the T eff obtained for the secondary component corresponds approximately to a spectral type of B1V. The mass ratio   M 2/ M 1∼ 0.3  is among the lowest known values for spectroscopic binaries with O-type components.  相似文献   

The EGRET telescope aboard the NASA Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory ( CGRO ) has repeatedly detected 3EG J1835+5918, a bright and steady source of high-energy gamma-ray emission which has not yet been identified. The absence of any likely counterpart for a bright gamma-ray source located 25° off the Galactic plane initiated several attempts of deep observations at other wavelengths. We report on counterparts in X-rays on a basis of a 60-ks ROSAT HRI image. In order to conclude on the plausibility of the X-ray counterparts, we reanalysed data from EGRET at energies above 100 MeV and above 1 GeV, including data up to CGRO observation cycle 7. The gamma-ray source location represents the latest and probably the final positional assessment based on EGRET data. We especially address the question of flux and spectral variability, here discussed using the largest and most homogeneous data set available at high-energy gamma-rays for many years. The results from X-ray and gamma-ray observations were used in a follow-up optical identification campaign at the 2.2-m Guillermo Haro Telescope at Cananea, Mexico. VRI imaging has been performed at the positions of all of the X-ray counterpart candidates, and spectra were taken where applicable. The results of the multifrequency identification campaign toward this enigmatic unidentified gamma-ray source are given, especially on the one object which might be associated with the gamma-ray source 3EG J1835+5918. This object has the characteristics of an isolated neutron star and possibly of a radio-quiet pulsar.  相似文献   

We model the broad-band X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-3 in all states displayed by this source as observed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer . From our models, we derive for the first time unabsorbed spectral shapes and luminosities for the full range of spectral states. We interpret the unabsorbed spectra in terms of Comptonization by a hybrid electron distribution and strong Compton reflection. We study the spectral evolution and compare with other black hole as well as neutron star sources. We show that a neutron star accretor is not consistent with the spectral evolution as a function of L E and especially not with the transition to a hard state. Our results point to the compact object in Cyg X-3 being a massive,  ∼30 M  black hole.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on neutron stars (NS) of the magnetar type inside massive binary systems. We determine the conditions under which the matter from the stellar wind can penetrate the inner magnetosphere of the magnetar. At a certain distance from the NS surface, the magnetic pressure can balance the gravitational pressure of the accreting matter, creating a very turbulent, magnetized transition region. It is suggested that this region provides good conditions for the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies. These electrons lose energy due to the synchrotron process and inverse Compton (IC) scattering of the radiation from the nearby massive stellar companion, producing high-energy radiation from X-rays up to ∼TeV γ-rays. The primary γ-rays can be further absorbed in the stellar radiation field, developing an IC  e±  pair cascade. We calculate the synchrotron X-ray emission from primary electrons and secondary  e±  pairs and the IC γ-ray emission from the cascade process. It is shown that quasi-simultaneous observations of the TeV γ-ray binary system LSI +61 303 in the X-ray and TeV γ-ray energy ranges can be explained with such an accreting magnetar model.  相似文献   

The X-ray binary Cygnus X-3 (Cyg X-3) is a highly variable X-ray source that displays a wide range of observed spectral states. One of the main states is significantly harder than the others, peaking at ∼20 keV, with only a weak low-energy component. Due to the enigmatic nature of this object, hidden inside the strong stellar wind of its Wolf–Rayet companion, it has remained unclear whether this state represents an intrinsic hard state, with truncation of the inner disc, or whether it is just a result of increased local absorption. We study the X-ray light curves from RXTE /ASM and CGRO /BATSE in terms of distributions and correlations of flux and hardness and find several signs of a bimodal behaviour of the accretion flow that are not likely to be the result of increased absorption in a surrounding medium. Using INTEGRAL observations, we model the broad-band spectrum of Cyg X-3 in its apparent hard state. We find that it can be well described by a model of a hard state with a truncated disc, despite the low cut-off energy, provided the accreted power is supplied to the electrons in the inner flow in the form of acceleration rather than thermal heating, resulting in a hybrid electron distribution and a spectrum with a significant contribution from non-thermal Comptonization, usually observed only in soft states. The high luminosity of this non-thermal hard state implies that either the transition takes place at significantly higher   L / L E  than in the usual advection models, or the mass of the compact object is  ≳20 M  , possibly making it the most-massive black hole observed in an X-ray binary in our Galaxy so far. We find that an absorption model as well as a model of almost pure Compton reflection also fit the data well, but both have difficulties explaining other results, in particular the radio/X-ray correlation.  相似文献   

A0535+262 is a transient Be/X-ray binary system which was in a quiescent phase from 1994 to 2005. In this paper we report on the timing and spectral properties of the INTEGRAL detection of the source in 2003 October. The source is detected for ∼6000 s in the 18–100 keV energy band at a luminosity of  ∼3.8 × 1035 erg s−1  ; this is compatible with the high end of the range of luminosities expected for quiescent emission. The system is observed to be outside of the centrifugal inhibition regime and pulsations are detected with periodicity,   P = 103.7 ± 0.1 s  . An examination of the pulse history of the source shows that it had been in a constant state of spin-down since it entered the quiescent phase in 1994. The rate of spin-down implies the consistent presence of an accretion disc supplying torques to the pulsar. The observations show that the system is still active and highly variable even in the absence of recent Type I or Type II X-ray outbursts.  相似文献   

LS 5039 is the only X-ray binary persistently detected at TeV energies by the Cherenkov HESS telescope. It is moreover a γ-ray emitter in the GeV and possibly MeV energy ranges. To understand important aspects of jet physics, like the magnetic field content or particle acceleration, and emission processes, such as synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC), a complete modeling of the multiwavelength data is necessary. LS 5039 has been detected along almost all the electromagnetic spectrum thanks to several radio, infrared, optical and soft X-ray detections. However, hard X-ray detections above 20 keV have been so far elusive and/or doubtful, partly due to source confusion for the poor spatial resolution of hard X-ray instruments. We report here on deep (∼300 ks) serendipitous INTEGRAL hard X-ray observations of LS 5039, coupled with simultaneous VLA radio observations. We obtain a 20–40 keV flux of 1.1±0.3 mCrab (5.9 (±1.6) ×10−12 erg cm−2 s−1), a 40–100 keV upper limit of 1.5 mCrab (9.5×10−12 erg cm−2 s−1), and typical radio flux densities of ∼25 mJy at 5 GHz. These hard X-ray fluxes are significantly lower than previous estimates obtained with BATSE in the same energy range but, in the lower interval, agree with extrapolation of previous RXTE measurements. The INTEGRAL observations also hint to a break in the spectral behavior at hard X-rays. A more sensitive characterization of the hard X-ray spectrum of LS 5039 from 20 to 100 keV could therefore constrain key aspects of the jet physics, like the relativistic particle spectrum and the magnetic field strength. Future multiwavelength observations would allow to establish whether such hard X-ray synchrotron emission is produced by the same population of relativistic electrons as those presumably producing TeV emission through IC.  相似文献   

The few known γ-ray binary systems are all associated with variable radio and X-ray emission. The TeV source HESS J0632+057, apparently associated with the Be star MWC 148, is plausibly a new member of this class. Following the identification of a variable X-ray counterpart to the TeV source we conducted Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and Very Large Array (VLA) observations in 2008 June–September to search for the radio counterpart of this object. A point-like radio source at the position of the star is detected in both 1280-MHz GMRT and 5-GHz VLA observations, with an average spectral index, α, of ∼0.6. In the VLA data there is significant flux variability on ∼month time-scales around the mean flux density of ≈0.3 mJy. These radio properties (and the overall spectral energy distribution) are consistent with an interpretation of HESS J0632+057 as a lower power analogue of the established γ-ray binary systems.  相似文献   

On the formation and evolution of black hole binaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the results of a systematic study of the formation and evolution of binaries containing black holes and normal-star companions with a wide range of masses. We first reexamine the standard formation scenario for close black hole binaries, where the progenitor system, a binary with at least one massive component, experienced a common-envelope phase and where the spiral-in of the companion in the envelope of the massive star caused the ejection of the envelope. We estimate the formation rates for different companion masses and different assumptions about the common-envelope structure and other model parameters. We find that black hole binaries with intermediate- and high-mass secondaries can form for a wide range of assumptions, while black hole binaries with low-mass secondaries can only form with apparently unrealistic assumptions (in agreement with previous studies).
We then present detailed binary evolution sequences for black hole binaries with secondaries of 2 to 17 M and demonstrate that in these systems the black hole can accrete appreciably even if accretion is Eddington-limited (up to 7 M for an initial black hole mass of 10 M) and that the black holes can be spun up significantly in the process. We discuss the implications of these calculations for well-studied black hole binaries (in particular GRS 1915+105) and ultraluminous X-ray sources of which GRS 1915+105 appears to represent a typical Galactic counterpart. We also present a detailed evolutionary model for Cygnus X-1, a massive black hole binary, which suggests that at present the system is most likely in a wind mass-transfer phase following an earlier Roche-lobe overflow phase. Finally, we discuss how some of the assumptions in the standard model could be relaxed to allow the formation of low-mass, short-period black hole binaries, which appear to be very abundant in nature.  相似文献   

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