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本文在分析和比较了三维GIS中多种数据结构的基础上,重点讨论了线性八叉树编码原理、线性八叉树数据结构以及线性八叉树的生成、显示与操作,并从数据结构的优缺点着眼,提出将BR 法与线性八叉树相结合的观点;从三维动画技术着眼,提出将原型法、CSG 法与线性八叉树相结合的观点,最后提出一种基于多元表示的三维GIS系统的构想框架  相似文献   

3D GIS数据模型的研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
本文从基于镶嵌的数据模型和矢量的数据模型、分析型数据模型和混合型数据模型 4种基本建模方式出发 ,介绍了三维 GIS数据模型的发展现状.  相似文献   

虚拟GIS作为虚拟城市建设的关键技术之一,已经成为当前GIS研究领域的研究热点。本文以东华理工学院为研究区域,探讨虚拟现实技术与GIS技术相结合的VR-GIS技术,建立了校园虚拟仿真环境,实现研究区的3维动态可视化显示,为校园漫游和校区规划提供全新的技术支持,进而对城市环境规划、交通旅游等方面的发展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从结构和功能上分析了当前GIS技术的概念,对当前GIS研究中的主要研究方向和前沿技术作相应的介绍和分析,重点对目前正在快速发展的三维GIS技术研究的内容和方法做了进一步的分析和探讨,运用对GIS研究内容、方向、重点逐个分析介绍的方法,得出GIS研究方向和发展趋势的相应结论.  相似文献   

传统GIS平台在集成应用方面,体量大、费用高、功能大而全,尤其对于非专业用户缺乏性价比,缺乏直接面向用户的专题性解决方案。在开发方面,模块可复用性低、系统扩展性差。针对这些问题,分析服务架构的特点及其模块之间的协作方式,采用套件、总线技术,提出一种基于套件技术的一站式GIS系统框架结构,该框架的套件设计赋予套件层高灵活性,能够在GIS系统中灵活组装以达到设计目的。总线的设计支持功能服务的分散组合,提升系统的可扩展性、伸缩性。总体上实现了一种松散的系统体系结构,支持功能服务的分散组合及可复用,并在实际中得到应用,验证了该框架结构的可行性与科学性。  相似文献   

基于GIS技术构建地学数字填图系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机软硬件的发展,特别是GIS相关技术、地学信息化技术的发展,为开展地质数字填图研究提供了坚实的基础。“地学数字填图系统(GeoGIS)”针对地学工作实践,可以完成野外数据采集和室内建库、成图、数据管理、分析。系统于2003年起即应用于实践,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

GIS是数据大、比较全的地理信息系统,利用GIS丰富的地质信息模拟矿山实体结构,为科学、经济、安全生产提供依据.  相似文献   

航标三维GIS系统的构建与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
海上航标系统是海上交通安全保障体系的重要组成部分,航标信息化是"数字海事"战略实施的重要基础之一。本文结合上海海事局厦门航标处的航标日常管理与实时监控的实际业务需求,开展了利用实时仿真与电子海图相结合的技术构建航标三维GIS系统的应用研究和系统实现等工作。该系统的实现,有利于航标设置方案的审定与选择,监控者对现场环境的把握和应急决策。另外从业务应用和系统实现角度,对系统做了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

GIS技术是当前数字房产系统建设的支撑技术之一。GIS在数字房产系统中的应用,首先要解决房产分层分户平面图这一特殊的房产图形在2维GIS中的管理。本文提出了一种基于大二进制对象“图图分离、图属分离”的房产分层分户平面图管理的数据模型,并以杭州数字房产项目为例介绍了GIS在数字房产系统中的应用。  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的道路交通安全信息系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以GIS技术为基础,针对道路交通事故信息管理的具体要求和特点,分析交通事故的发生原因、概率及各种隐患表现的定性或定量具体内容,利用GIS-RTSIS对交通事故进行分析,标示事故黑点信息和空间分布,并研究引发交通事故的各种因素,在有效掌握道路交通安全系统问题的同时,找到预防交通安全事故发生的各种途径,为道路安全评价和控制提供决策依据.文章以哈尔滨市GIS-RTSIS模拟示范工程为例.详细探讨了有关基于GIS的道路交通安全信息系统的框架设计、系统研制及开发思路.  相似文献   

介绍了旅客列车报警系统的组成.给出了基于MSP430单片机并结合新型的高性能低功耗的收发一体的CC1100芯片,设计报警节点;利用BCH(15,7)编码保证无线通信的可靠;并用间断工作的方式进一步降低了功耗.通过实验证明,设计运行稳定可靠,并满足低功耗长时间工作的要求.  相似文献   

基于WfMC规范与CORBA技术提出了工作流管理系统的中间件实现方案,设计出方案的体系结构,实现了工作流引擎以及对引擎的中间件封装。在实际应用中,该方案表现出了良好的可扩展性与可配置性。  相似文献   

Reserves of some kinds of the crisis mines will be lack now or from now on, because of lacking seriously reserves of mineral resources and the crisis of exploring bases in support. So that it is urgent to predict, appraise, development and utilize the replaceable resources of the crisis mines. The mineral resources prediction software system of synthetic information is intelligent GIS which is used to quantitative prediction of large-scale synthetic information mineral target. It takes the geological body and the mineral resource body as a unit. And it analyzes the ore deposit genesis and metallotect, knows the spatial distribution laws of the ore deposit and ore body, and establish the prospecting modelbased on the concept of establishing the three-dimensional space of a mine. This paper will primarily discuss some important problems as follows: the secondary development of various kinds of data( including geology, geophysical prospecting, geochemical prospecting and remote sensing, etc); process synthetically and establish the synthetic information interpretative map base; correspond prospecting model with synthetic information of ore deposit; divided into statistical units of metallogenic information synthetic anomalies based on the synthetic information anomalies of ore control, then research the metallogenic information variable of unit synthetically and make quantitative prediction according to choose the quantitative prediction math model which is suitable to the demands of large-scale precision; at last, finish the target area optimization of ore deposit (body).  相似文献   

Reserves of some kinds of the crisis mines will be lack now or from now on, because of lacking seriously reserves of mineral resources and the crisis of exploring bases in support. So that it is urgent to predict, appraise, development and utilize the replaceable resources of the crisis mines. The mineral resources prediction software system of synthetic information is intelligent GIS which is used to quantitative prediction of large-scale synthetic information mineral target. It takes the geological body and the mineral resource body as a unit. And it analyzes the ore deposit genesis and metallotect, knows the spatial distribution laws of the ore deposit and ore body, and establish the prospecting model based on the concept of establishing the three-dimensional space of a mine. This paper will primarily discuss some important problems as follows: the secondary development of various kinds of data(including geology, geophysical prospecting, geochemical prospecting and remote sensing, etc); process synthetically and establish the synthetic information interpretative map base; correspond prospecting model with synthetic information of ore deposit; divided into statistical units of metallogenic information synthetic anomalies based on the synthetic information anomalies of ore control, then research the metallogenic information variable of unit synthetically and make quantitative prediction according to choose the quantitative prediction math model which is suitable to the demands of large-scale precision; at last, finish the target area optimization of ore deposit (body).  相似文献   

根据当前仿真技术发展和星载SAR的设计和数字信号处理面临的实际需要,针对星载数据量大,仿真时间长,提出一种基于HLA的星载SAR分布式仿真系统框架,并在Windows平台下验证了该仿真系统的可行性。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONAsanimportantcomponentoftheglobalterres trialecosystems ,forestlinkstheatmosphere ,soilandwatertogetherthroughitspowerfulecologicalfunc tion .Inrecentyears,owingtotheglobalwarmingandhumaninfluence ,forestfireoccurmuchmorefrequently .Theannualf…  相似文献   

Base on the oil shale data model,the authors analyz the four main data types and their mutual relations,grasped the focus on the oil shale data management,established UML visual demand model for oil shale resources in the field of evaluation,constructed three-tier system and developed oil shale resource evaluation database management system. The system can be used for managing oil shale data storage,enhancing the efficiency and quality of the oil shale resource evaluation.  相似文献   

Influenced by artificial factors, landscape pattern of Yantai City, Shandong Province changes continu-ously. Revealing its landscape pattern and its changing process has a practical significance for the urban development and layout. Zhifu District, Development Zone, Laishan District and Fushan District in Yantai City were selected to study the landscape pattern. Remote sensing technology was used to obtain landscape information of different peri-ods. Under the support of Geographic Information System (GIS), the spatial landscape pattern of Yantai City was an-alyzed and simulated by using various special quantitative analysis models. The analysis shows that built-up area lies in the center of Yantai City, the outside is vegetable land. irrigated land, dry land, garden land and woodland.  相似文献   

在飞速发展的现代化城市,研究GIS在安防中的应用对建设平安城市起到不可忽视的作用,有利于安全、防灾,减灾,将灾害损失减到最低.系统采用GIS技术,使用Borland C Builder编程语言,利用TCP/IP通信技术.实现对防区的实时监控、监控设备的管理、报警处理、视频显示功能,并实现部分应急联动功能,初步构建了一个基于GIS技术的安防平台.相比过去同类平台,提出了引入GIS技术,从而使监控设备的地学信息更加直观,利用监控设备对防区进行实时监控,同时通过报警探头传送报警信息,根据防区内摄像头调出视频信息进行报警处理,并直接利用相关指令进行视频切换.系统的建立在构建和谐社会、建设平安城市等方面具有广阔的应用前景.并且可为城市应急联动系统提供接口,为保障公共安全降低风险损失,高效利用有限的资源,提高政府对紧急事件快速反映和抗风险的能力,为市民提供更快捷的紧急救助服务.  相似文献   

Debris flow and Karst collapse are the main parts of geological disasters in Anshan,which have affected on the construction and development of the social economy of Anshan.In order to enhance the studies of rules of disaster and give scientific estimation and alarm ahead of schedule warning,we established the warning system of Anshan and investigated the corresponding software,which are based on the deep discussions about the crisis estimation and methods of prediction of disasters.In this paper,the foundation of model used in estimating the alarm ahead of schedule for disaster and the methods of appraisal for the alarm ahead of schedule are discussed.This system for warning and evaluating is the combination of the models of warning and GIS flat roof,with so many virtues,such as complete functions,convenience,applicability,which has considered the output of data,analyses of space,chooses of model,output of production,report of information for warning and the statements and help of system.  相似文献   

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