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In this study a typical tension-leg platform with net cage system is presented, and a set of equations of motion for the platform with a net-cage system of a simplified two-dimensional case are derived. Subsequently a close form solution is obtained when the wave-structure interaction between the top platform structure and the incident wave is considered. The parameter of solidity as a ratio of the twine diameter and the mesh size of the cage is also taken into account in the analysis. The purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamic behavior for the tension-leg platform with a net-cage system and its pre-tensioned tethers when subjected to incident waves and flow drags, and furthermore, to understand the relationship between the structure behavior and the properties of the net-cages. Numerical examples are carried out and the results are discussed focusing on the motion of both the platform and net-cages when subjected to waves of a range of periods. It is found that there is a close relationship between the dynamic behavior of the platform and the net-cage features such as the solidity ratio between the twine diameter and the mesh size of the net-cage while the parameters related to waves are held constant.  相似文献   

In this study the wave induced surge motion of a twin platform of a pretension leg structural system is investigated. A set of equations along with boundary conditions are derived, and solutions are obtained analytically. The tension-legged twin platform structural system might better represent a platform system in the practical application in either idealized two-dimensional analysis or actual three-dimensional practice than a single platform system. In the analysis the coupling problem of a two-dimensional tension leg twin platform interacting with a monochromatic linear wave train in an inviscid and incompressible fluid is considered. The problem is considered as a combination of the scattering and radiation. These two boundary-value problems are first solved independently and then combined together to resolve for all unknowns. The analysis is focused on the wave induced surge motion of the twin platform and the reflection coefficient. Other than the wave-related parameters, the dimensional effect of the twin platform structure is examined and presented in numerical examples. From the analytical results, it is found that the behavior of the tension-leg twin platform is significantly influenced by dimensional factors of the platform system such as the dimension of each single platform and the spacing between two platforms. It is also realized that to simplify the analysis of a twin platform system into a single platform, it tends to underestimate the wave-induced response and then reduces the safety of the platform system.  相似文献   

This paper studies the vibration control of a jacket-type offshore platform with an active mass damper (AMD) and presents a feedforward and feedback optimal control (FFOC) law. The linearized Morison equation is employed to estimate the wave load. The offshore structure is simplified into a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system. The original vibration control is formulated as the optimal control for a linear discrete-time system affected by external disturbances with known dynamic characteristics but unknown initial conditions. We give the existence and uniqueness conditions of the FFOC law. Simulation results show that, compared with the classical state feedback optimal control (CFOC) law, the presented control scheme is more efficient in reducing the displacement and velocity of the offshore structure subjected to irregular wave forces.  相似文献   

Fish cages in the open sea are exposed to cycle loads due to irregular wave climate during their service life, and thus the fatigue reliability assessment of mooring system should be conducted to ensure the safe operation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the fatigue failure probability of mooring system for fish cage. Numerical simulation of net cage in random waves is performed and the time dependent approach is applied to conduct the fatigue reliability analysis of shackle chains based on S-N curve method. The sensitivity analysis of fatigue reliability of mooring line to the uncertainty of random variables in the fatigue limit state is conducted. In addition, the system reliability for mooring system is analyzed and the effect of the initial pretension and safety factor on system reliability is investigated. The results indicate that a case without the initial pretension on anchor lines is helpful to decrease the failure probability of mooring system and the safety factor of mooring lines in the current regulation is conservative for the system reliability against fatigue damage.  相似文献   

本文介绍基于GIS技术的海口地区风暴潮、海浪预报系统的界面和功能设计及其技术实现。该系统提供了热带气旋资料查询、数值模式预报管理、区域预报结果查询、单站预报结果查询、历史典型个例查询等功能,具有数值模值模拟分辨率高、经验预报和数值预报结合、操作灵活等特点,可为海口地区风暴潮、海浪的预报保障提供重要参考。  相似文献   

真实的海洋波浪是随机的,而前人对海床的动态响应分析大都是选用线性波或者Stokes波理论,对海床的模拟大都采用Biot拟静力模型,忽略了流体速度及土体位移加速度的影响。联合使用Longuet-Higgins随机波模型(采用Jonswap谱)以及动力u-p形式的海床响应计算模型,使用COMSOL Multiphysics多场耦合软件的PDE模块输入方程进行有限元计算,得到随机波作用下整体海床动态响应结果。将随机波结果与一阶Stokes波和椭圆余弦波结果进行对比,并对渗透系数和饱和度进行参数分析,研究表明渗透系数和饱和度对于随机波作用下海床动态响应影响显著。  相似文献   

温州洞头中心渔港精细化浪潮耦合数值预报系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江温州沿海是我国台风风暴潮灾害的重灾区之一。本文基于目前国际上广泛应用的浪潮耦合模型(ADCIRC+SWAN),在洞头中心渔港附近建立了高分辨率的天文潮、风暴潮和近岸浪耦合数值预报系统。该系统综合考虑了天文潮、风暴潮和海浪的实时相互作用,系统对温州及洞头渔港区域的水平分辨率在100 m左右。通过近年来对温州洞头地区影响严重的台风风暴潮(含近岸浪)过程的后报模拟可以看到,该系统均能够较好的模拟天文潮的演进,准确的反映台风过程期间风暴潮、海浪的传播过程,精细化浪潮耦合预报系统采用了Matlab+GUI方式实现了计算结果的人机交互展示。  相似文献   

Cnoidal wave theory is appropriate to periodic wave progressing in water whose depth is less than 1/10 wavelength. However, the cnoidal wave theory has not been widely applied in practical engineering because the formula for wave profile involves Jacobian elliptic function. In this paper, a cnoidal wave-seabed system is modeled and discussed in detail. The seabed is treated as porous medium and characterized by Biot's partly dynamic equations (up model). A simple and useful calculating technique for Jacobian elliptic function is presented. Upon specification of water depth, wave height and wave period, Taylor's expression and precise integration method are used to estimate Jacobian elliptic function and cnoidal wave pressure. Based on the numerical results, the effects of cnoidal wave and seabed characteristics, such as water depth, wave height, wave period, permeability, elastic modulus, and degree of saturation, on the cnoidal wave-induced excess pore pressure and liquefaction phenomenon are studied.  相似文献   

This study investigated the linear and nonlinear dynamic responses of three cylindrical shell structures subjected to underwater small charge explosions in a 4 m×4 m×4 m water tank. The dimensions of the cylindrical shell structures were 90 cm×30 cm×1 mm (length×diameter×thickness). Both ends of the cylindrical shell were mounted with thick plates to provide support and create an enclosed space. The three cylindrical shell structures were un-stiffened, internally stiffened and externally stiffened, respectively. The experiments involving the dynamic response of cylinders subjected to underwater explosion (UNDEX) were performed under different standoff distances, varying from 210 to 35 cm. A small quantity of explosives was used to generate the shock loading. The plastic deformation of the cylindrical shell was observed at a standoff distance of less than 50 cm. Other conditions were tested to examine cylinder linear response. Dynamic analyses were performed for the experimental model using FEM and compared with the test results. The accelerations and dynamic strains of cylindrical shells obtained from the experiment were compared with those obtained by FE analysis. Finally, problems related to small-scale UNDEX experiments performed in small water tanks were analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical solution for the dynamic behavior of both the platform and tethers in the tension leg platform system when the platform system is subjected to the wave-induced surge motion and the flow-induced drag motion. Along with the analysis the coupling problem of a two dimensional tension leg platform interacting with a monochromatic linear wave train in an inviscid and incompressible fluid is being considered. The scattering problem and radiation problem are first solved independently and then combined together to resolve for all unknowns. The dynamic behavior of the platform and tethers was further solved based on these solutions. The material property and the dimensional effect for the tether incorporated in the tension leg platform system are both taken into account in the analytical analysis. Corresponding to the variation of material properties and tether dimensions, it was found that the dynamic behavior of both the tether of tension leg platform and the platform itself is closely related to the material property and the dimension of the tether.  相似文献   

The interaction of waves and currents is studied by the dynamical coupling of a third generation wave model and a two-dimensional storm surge model. The coupling process of the two models is implemented synchronously. To estimate the effects of waves on the generation of storm surges, the theory of Janssen is used. The effects of the wave radiation stress on surge levels and the effects of storm-induced currents on waves are also investigated.The coupled wave and storm surge models have been tested by hindcasting two storm events in the northern South China Sea. The use of the Simth and Banke stress relation underestimates the surges by 10%. The inclusion of the radiation stress improves the accuracy of the computed results slightly by 2%. The introduction of a wave-dependent surface drag gives a significant improvement. The storm-induced currents clearly affect the wave characteristics at the peak stage. However, as far as the prediction of wave height is concerned, it is better not to consider the wave radiation stress in the storm surge model unless this is accompanied by a wave-dependent surface drag.  相似文献   

基于1∶1的大型水槽试验结果,分析了波浪溢流过程中位于海堤内坡的高性能加筋草皮护面的侵蚀特征。试验观察表明试验期间有一定土壤的损失,但护坡无明显的破坏;土面高度测量表明,当土壤流失发展到一定深度后,如果水动力强度变化不大,侵蚀趋于逐渐停止,这种现象称为侵蚀上限;结合试验现象对侵蚀上限进行了初步解释,并讨论了侵蚀上限达到前的侵蚀速率特征;植株密度监测表明,试验期间的草茎密度基本不变,草叶密度在开始几次试验期间持续减小,而后达到一个稳定值,这对于海堤的可持续防护有重要意义。研究成果能够为波浪溢流期间海堤内坡防御的相关研究和工程措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

波浪能是一种清洁、可再生的新型能源,波浪能发电装置在海上作业时会受到变化的风、浪、流载荷作用,需要系泊系统保证其稳性和安全性。以适用于中国南海500 m水深的振荡双浮体式波浪能发电装置为研究对象,运用频域计算与时域计算结合的方法对双浮体及其系泊系统的运动响应和动力载荷进行计算,获取极端海况与工作海况下浮体运动和系泊缆索张力的时历数据。参照BV船级社NR-493规定的海上浮式结构物系泊安全系数规范,对3种系泊方案进行安全校核和对比分析。选定其中一种系泊方案,通过改变系泊系统以及能量转换器(PTO)的参数,探究参数变化对双体波浪能装置运动响应以及系泊系统特性的影响,为类似应用于深水的双体波浪能装置系泊系统的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

A modified gravity-type cage, developed by SADCO Shelf Ltd., was examined using numerical and physical models to determine if the cage and mooring system is suitable for an exposed site south of the Isles of Shoals, NH. The 3000-m/sup 3/ SADCO Shelf Submersible Fish Cage has angled stays between the upper framework and the ballasted bottom rim (in addition to net) to resist the horizontal shear deformation. The mooring system consists of three legs-each made up of a taut vertical chain and an angled rope, both leading to deadweight anchors. Normalized response amplitudes (response amplitude operators) were found for motion response in heave, surge and pitch, and load response in the anchor and bridle lines, in regular (single frequency) waves. In addition, a stochastic approach was taken to determine the motion and load transfer functions in random waves using a spectrum representative of seas at the selected site. In general, the system motion had a highly damped response, with no resonant peaks within the wave excitation range of 0.05 to 0.45 Hz. The anchor line force response was at all frequencies below 5 kN per meter of wave amplitude. The physical model tests showed consistently more conservative (larger) results compared to those for the numerical model.  相似文献   

This paper deals with hydrodynamic forces of a single semisubmerged circular cylinder containing a concentric cylindrical hole constrained to move in a water domain of finite depth. The fluid domain is divided into inner and outer regions. The Laplace equations governing velocity potentials for the three regions are solved by separation of variables and expressed in terms of eigenfunctions of the resulting equations which satisfy appropriate boundary conditions. Continuity of pressure and velocity at the interface of the regions provides the necessary equations from which the velocity potentials, pressures and forces are obtained. Numerical results are plotted for added mass and damping coefficients for different draft-to-depth and radius-to-depth values and for various wave amplitudes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an analytical solution for determining the initial post-buckling behaviour of submerged slender vertical steel structures. These structures may have significant bending stiffness and self-weight so that the axial force varies linearly from one end to the other. Such structures constitute main components of drilling and production platforms used for the offshore exploitation of hydrocarbons. An understanding of their structural behaviour after buckling offers opportunities for cost reduction and design optimisation. The initial post-buckling behaviour is evaluated by retaining non-linear curvature terms and using an expansion in series to reduce the governing equation to a set of linear ordinary fourth order differential equations, which are then solved sequentially by power series functions. The paper also presents results from buckling and non-linear large deflection finite element analyses. The numerical results validate and establish a range of application for the analytical formulation. This solution technique is employed to explore the behaviour of slender structures dominated by geometrical (tension) or flexural stiffness.  相似文献   

波浪溢流现象使得海堤受到了越浪和溢流的联合作用,复杂的水动力过程会引起海堤后坡产生严重的侵蚀破坏。基于FLUENT软件建立了二维数值波浪溢流水槽模型,该模型运用UDF速度边界造波法分析在不同超高条件下海堤后坡流量和水流厚度的水力学特性。结果表明数值模拟结果与前人物理模型试验结果吻合,该模型可以真实地模拟出海堤波浪溢流现象。在此基础上进一步研究了波浪溢流中越浪和溢流在不同相对超高条件下的主导性作用,而后建立了十分准确的波浪溢流海堤后坡稳定水流厚度计算公式。  相似文献   

Ocean Science Journal - An integrated model system was developed to apply surge-wave coupled simulations to the southern coast of Korea during Typhoon Sanba in 2012. Numerical experiments were...  相似文献   

利用自主研发的近岸海浪、风暴潮及海啸灾害远程实时监测系统,在广东省阳江市闸坡附近海域进行了远程实时监测试验.文章介绍了监测系统的组成,对2007年9月1日-10月3日的观测记录进行了分析,计算出台风增水、波高和波周期,采用低通滤波方法获得重力外波.实验结果表明,研发的近岸海浪、风暴潮及海啸灾害远程实时监测系统可供实际推广应用.  相似文献   

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