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J. Indu 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(14):2540-2551

A regionalized rain/no-rain classification (RNC) based on scattering index methodology is developed for detecting rainfall signatures over the land regions of the Mahanadi basin (India), using data products from the passive and active sensors onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), namely the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) and Precipitation Radar (PR). The proposed model, developed using data for two years from the orbital database, was validated using PR and in-situ data for selected case study events in 2011 and 2012. Performance evaluation of the model is discussed using 10 metrics derived from the contingency table. Overall, the results show superior performance, with an average probability of detection of 0.83, bias of 1.10 and odds ratio skill score greater than 0.93. Accurate rainfall detection is obtained for 95% of case study events. The relative performance of the proposed model is dependent on rainfall type, but it should be useful in rainfall retrieval algorithms for current missions such as the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor Y. Gyasi-Agyei  相似文献   

This study developed a correction approach to improve the rainfall field estimation using the TRMM rainfall product in a sparsely-gauged mountainous basin. First, Thiessen polygons were generated to define the measurement domain of each raingauge. Second, the rainfall of TRMM pixels in each Thiessen polygon was corrected using a benchmark method based on the difference between the monthly rainfall estimated by a raingauge and the TRMM pixel that possessed a gauge station (referred to as a gauged pixel). Third, the rainfall values in the gauged pixels were adjusted to the weighted average value of the gauge rainfall and corrected pixel rainfall. Finally, the rainfall in the non-gauged TRMM pixels was corrected as the sum of two terms. The first term is the adjusted rainfall in the corresponding gauged pixel in the same Thiessen polygon, and the second term is the rainfall (after benchmark correction) difference between the current pixel and the gauged pixel. Our results indicate that the corrected rainfall data outperforms the original TRMM product in the simulations of moderate and low flows and outperforms the sparse raingauges in the simulations of both peak and low flows.

EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Huang  相似文献   


A decadal-scale study to retrieve the spatio-temporal precipitation patterns of the Yangtze River basin, China, using the Tropical Rain Mapping Mission, Precipitation Radar (TRMM/PR) data is presented. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) based on monthly TRMM/PR data extracts several leading precipitation patterns, which are largely connected with physical implications at the basin scale. With the aid of gauge station data, the amplitudes of major principal components (PCs) were used to examine the generic relationships between precipitation variations and hydrological extremes (e.g. floods and droughts) during summer seasons over the past decade. The emergence of such major precipitation patterns clearly reveals the possible linkages with hydrological processes, and the oscillations in relation to the amplitude of major PCs are consistent with these observed hydrological extremes. Although the floods in some sections of the Yangtze River were, to some extent, tied to human activities, such as the removal of wetlands, the variations in major precipitation patterns are recognized as the primary driving force of the flow extremes associated with floods and droughts. The research findings indicate that long-distance hydro-meteorological signals of large-scale precipitation variations over such a large river basin can be successfully identified with the aid of EOF analysis. The retrieved precipitation patterns and their low-frequency jumps of amplitude in relation to PCs are valuable tools to help understand the association between the precipitation variations and the occurrence of hydrological extremes. Such a study can certainly aid in disaster mitigation and decision-making in water resource management.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor A. Montanari

Citation Sun, Z., Chang, N.-B., Huang, Q., and Opp, C., 2013. Precipitation patterns and associated hydrological extremes in the Yangtze River basin, China, using TRMM/PR data and EOF analysis. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (7), 1315–1324.  相似文献   

本文利用GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) 卫星重力资料研究了亚马逊流域2002—2010年的陆地水变化,并与水文模式和降雨资料进行了比较分析.在年际尺度上,GRACE结果表明:2002—2003年和2005年,亚马逊流域发生明显的干旱现象;2007年至2009年,陆地水呈逐年增加的趋势,并在2009年6月变化值达到最大,为772±181 km3;自2009年6月至2010年12月,陆地水总量又急剧减少了1139±262 km3,这相当于全球海平面上升3.2±0.7 mm所需的水量.水文模式得到的亚马逊流域陆地水在2010年也表现出明显的减少.降雨资料与GRACE观测资料有很好的一致性.在2005年和2010年的干旱期,亚马逊流域的降雨显著减少,说明降雨是亚马逊流域陆地水变化的重要因素.此外,本文采用的尺度因子的方法有效地降低了GRACE后处理误差的影响.  相似文献   

We report the results of a detailed study of dissolved Sr isotopes in the Solimões and Beni‐Madeira Rivers of the Amazon basin. This study developed data collected over 8 years indicating large spatial and temporal variations in dissolved Sr isotopes among the rivers of the Amazon basin. The large 87Sr/86Sr variations were found to be correlated with the geology of the source areas of the suspended sediments. The Beni‐Madeira River displays a high average 87Sr/86Sr ratio and large 87Sr/86Sr fluctuations during the hydrological cycle. This large average value and fluctuations were related to the presence of Precambrian rocks and Ordovician sediments in the source area of the suspended sediment of the river. In contrast, the Solimões River displays a narrow range of Sr isotope ratio variations and an average value close to 0.709. This river drains mostly Phanerozoic rocks of northern Peru and Ecuador that are characterized by low Sr isotope ratios. The isotopic fluctuations in the Beni‐Madeira River were observed to propagate downstream at least as far as Óbidos. This signal is characterized by an inverse relationship between the concentration of elemental Sr and its isotopic ratios. We further demonstrate that the Sr isotopic composition and content in the Beni‐Madeira River is controlled by suspended sediments derived from the Andes. Despite draining areas underlain by Precambrian rocks and having high 87Sr/86Sr ratios, such rivers as the Negro and Tapajós play a minor role in the total Sr budget of the Amazon basin. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Several satellite-based precipitation estimates are becoming available at a global scale, providing new possibilities for water resources modelling, particularly in data-sparse regions and developing countries. This work provides a first validation of five different satellite-based precipitation products (TRMM-3B42 v6 and v7, RFE 2.0, PERSIANN-CDR, CMORPH1.0 version 0.x) in the 1785 km2 Makhazine catchment (Morocco). Precipitation products are first compared against ground observations. Ten raingauges and four different interpolation methods (inverse distance, nearest neighbour, ordinary kriging and residual kriging with altitude) were used to compute a set of interpolated precipitation reference fields. Second, a parsimonious conceptual hydrological model is considered, with a simulation approach based on the random generation of model parameters drawn from existing parameter set libraries, to compare the different precipitation inputs. The results indicate that (1) all four interpolation methods, except the nearest neighbour approach, give similar and valid precipitation estimates at the catchment scale; (2) among the different satellite-based precipitation estimates verified, the TRMM-3B42 v7 product is the closest to observed precipitation, and (3) despite poor performance at the daily time step when used in the hydrological model, TRMM-3B42 v7 estimates are found adequate to reproduce monthly dynamics of discharge in the catchment. The results provide valuable perspectives for water resources modelling of data-scarce catchments with satellite-based rainfall data in this region.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor N. Verhoest  相似文献   

The upstream‐downstream sediment budget along the Napo River (100 520 km2, 6300 m3 s?1) was studied in the Andean foothills of Ecuador, at the west of the Amazon basin. A comparative study was made during four hydrological cycles (2001–2005) for three hydrological stations located upstream, and during one hydrological cycle (2004–2005) for the fourth one located near the mouth of the Napo River (region of Iquitos in Peru). This analysis showed an unusual increase in the concentration of suspended sediment recorded for the western part of the Amazon plain. Like the runoff (81 l s?1 km2), which is a world's maximum, the erosion rate (1160 t km?2 year?1, i.e. 47% of total suspended solid (TSS) export at the exit of Ecuador), one of the highest for a floodplain basin is the result of a stepper slope than in the rest of the Andean foothills, where typically sedimentation phenomena are predominant, and can be explained in part by a greater tectonic activity. Similar phenomenes were evidenced in small mountainous rivers in New Guinea (Milliman and Syvitski, 1992; Milliman, 1995). On the headwaters of the Napo River drainage basin, the tectonic uplift causes the Pastaza Megafan's existence. This progressively diverts the course of Napo River towards north and also provokes the remobilization of fine fluvial deposits. Moreover, this geodynamic trend is completed by the impact of volcanic eruption, earthquakes and landslides. The combination of these phenomena, so common in the region, has provided a large sediment transfer, not only at present but also in the past, as can be confirmed by the presence of incised terraces, mainly formed by volcanic materials. Then, these results were compared with a similar study carried out further south in the Madeira basin at the Bolivian foothills. These studies show the spatio‐temporal variability of the relation between sediment transfer and geodynamic processes at the Andean Piedmont. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summer-time synoptic-scale waves in South China and the Yangtze River basin are quantified and compared by means of analyzing the 6-year (1998―2004) TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) daily product. An innovative 3-dimensional spectrum analysis method is applied. The results indicate that synoptic-scale waves appearing in South China prominently propagate westward within a zonal wavenumber range of 9―21 and a frequency range of-0.12―-0.22 cycles day-1, while those in the Yangtze River basin primarily move eastward with the same characteristic wavenumbers of 9―21, but within a frequency range of 0.2―0.29 cycles day?1. Zonal and meridional distributions, and seasonal variations of these waves are further explored and compared. It shows that summer-time synoptic-scale waves in the South China result from the northward migration and oscillation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the western Pacific, whereas the ones in the Yangtze River basin are generally related to the synoptic troughs within the westerly flow, originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

Marine circulation above the northern Brazilian continental shelf is subject to energetic forcing factors of various origins: high water buoyancy fluxes induced by the Amazon River freshwater discharge, a strong coastal current associated with a mesoscale current (North Brazil Current (NBC)), a forcing by semidiurnal tide and by Northeast or Southeast trade winds according to the season. Using a three-dimensional (3-D) hydrodynamic numerical model (MOBEEHDYCS), and realistic bathymetry and coastline of the northern Brazilian shelf, this paper aims at studying the influence of some specific physical processes on the morphology of the Amazon plume. The very large volume discharge (180 000 m3/s on average) and the weak effect of Coriolis force are additional characteristics of the studied system, which induce a particular dynamics. The various forcing factors are successively introduced into the model in order to simulate and to determine their respective influences upon the plume extent and the hydrodynamics at the shelf scale. Simulation reveal that the coastal current is at the origin of the permanent northwestward Amazon plume extension while wind effect can either reinforce or moderate this situation. The tide intervenes also to modify the position of the salinity front: a horizontal migration of salinity front is observed under its action.  相似文献   

Field observations on small rivers of the Amazon basin are less common due to their remote location and difficult accessibility. Here we show, through remote sensing analysis and field works, the planform evolution and riverbed topography of a small river located in the upper foreland Amazon basin, the Ichilo River. By tracking planform changes over 30 years, we identified the factors that control meander migration rates in the Ichilo River: cutoffs, climate and human interventions. The data suggest that neck cutoffs are the main controls in the Ichilo River, with an annual density of 0.022 cutoffs/km. In addition, climate controls have been identified in the form of high-precipitation events that may have promoted cutoffs, an increase in meander migration rate and channel widening. The width distribution of the Ichilo River is well represented by general extreme value and inverse Gaussian distributions. The spatiotemporal variability of meandering migration rates in the Ichilo River is analysed in two locations where neck cutoffs are expected. Analysing the distance across the neck in these two points, we predict the occurrence of a new cutoff. The combined methodology of bathymetric surveys and structure from motion photogrammetry shows us the Ichilo riverbed topography and banks at high resolution, where two scour holes were identified. Finally, we discuss the impact of planform changes of the Ichilo River on communities that are established along its riverbanks.  相似文献   


A novel approach is presented for combining spatial and temporal detail from newly available TRMM-based data sets to derive hourly rainfall intensities at 1-km spatial resolution for hydrological modelling applications. Time series of rainfall intensities derived from 3-hourly 0.25° TRMM 3B42 data are merged with a 1-km gridded rainfall climatology based on TRMM 2B31 data to account for the sub-grid spatial distribution of rainfall intensities within coarse-scale 0.25° grid cells. The method is implemented for two dryland catchments in Tunisia and Senegal, and validated against gauge data. The outcomes of the validation show that the spatially disaggregated and intensity corrected TRMM time series more closely approximate ground-based measurements than non-corrected data. The method introduced here enables the generation of rainfall intensity time series with realistic temporal and spatial detail for dynamic modelling of runoff and infiltration processes that are especially important to water resource management in arid regions.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Tarnavsky, E., Mulligan, M. and Husak, G., 2012. Spatial disaggregation and intensity correction of TRMM-based rainfall time series for hydrological applications in dryland catchments. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (2), 248–264.  相似文献   

Contrasting regional discharge evolutions in the Amazon basin (1974–2004)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Former hydrological studies in the Amazon Basin generally describe annual discharge variability on the main stem. However, the downstream Amazon River only represents the mean state of the Amazonian hydrological system. This study therefore uses a new data set including daily discharge in 18 sub-basins to analyze the variability of regional extremes in the Amazon basin, after recalling the diversity of the hydrological annual cycles within the Amazon basin. Several statistical tests are applied in order to detect trends and breaks in the time series. We show that during the 1974–2004 period, the stability of the mean discharge on the main stem in Óbidos is explained by opposite regional features that principally involve Andean rivers: a decrease in the low stage runoff, particularly important in the southern regions, and an increase in the high stage runoff in the northwestern region. Both features are observed from the beginning of the nineties. These features are also observed in smaller meridian sub-basins in Peru and Bolivia. Moreover we show that the changes in discharge extremes are related to the regional pluriannual rainfall variability and the associated atmospheric circulation as well as to tropical large-scale climatic indicators.  相似文献   

Monsoon water cycle is the lifeline to over 60 per cent of the world’s population. Throughout history, the monsoon-related calamities of droughts and floods have determined the life pattern of people. The association of Green House Gases (GHGs) particularly Carbon dioxide (CO2) with monsoon has been greatly debated amongst the scientific community in the past. The effect of CO2 on the monsoon rainfall over the Indian–Indonesian region (8–30°N, 65°–100°E) is being investigated using satellite data. The correlation coefficient (Rxy) between CO2 and monsoon is analysed. The Rxy is not significantly positive over a greater part of the study region, except a few regions. The inter-annual anomalies of CO2 is identified for playing a secondary role to influencing monsoon while other phenomenon like ENSO might be exerting a much greater influence.  相似文献   


The generation of reliable quantitative precipitation estimations (QPEs) through use of raingauge and radar data is an important issue. This study investigates the impacts of radar QPEs with different densities of raingauge networks on rainfall–runoff processes through a semi-distributed parallel-type linear reservoir rainfall–runoff model. The spatial variation structures of the radar QPE, raingauge QPE and radar-gauge residuals are examined to review the current raingauge network, and a compact raingauge network is identified via the kriging method. An analysis of the large-scale spatial characteristics for use with a hydrological model is applied to investigate the impacts of a raingauge network coupled with radar QPEs on the modelled rainfall–runoff processes. Since the precision in locating the storm centre generally represents how well the large-scale variability is reproduced; the results show not only the contribution of kriging to identify a compact network coupled with radar QPE, but also that spatial characteristics of rainfalls do affect the hydrographs.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Pan, T.-Y., Li, M.-Y., Lin, Y.-J., Chang, T.-J., Lai, J.-S., and Tan, Y.-C., 2014. Sensitivity analysis of the hydrological response of the Gaping River basin to radar-raingauge quantitative precipitation estimates. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1335–1352. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2014.923969  相似文献   

An examination of summer precipitation over Asia based on TRMM/TMI   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A 6-year dataset of summer monthly mean precipitation derived from Tropical Precipitation Measure-ment Mission (TRMM)-Microwave Imager (TMI) was used to delineate the spatial distribution patterns of precipitation throughout Asian areas, which indicates that there are three rainfall centers located at the northern coast of the Bay of Bengal, the South China Sea and the western equatorial Pacific Warm Pool, respectively. Based upon the analysis of horizontal distribution, the capability of TMI for characterizing terrestrial and maritime precipitation has been evaluated and compared with Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) dataset. It was found that TMI and GPCP are well consistent with each other, while a few significant differences occur at several regions over land. By investigating rainfall esti-mates over six specific locations in Asia, a systematic underestimation of TMI was demonstrated, which could be explained by the inherent deficiency within TMI terrestrial algorithm relying on scat-tering signal from ice particles in a precipitation system. A further analysis shows that the highly in-homogeneous distribution of rain gauges employed by GPCP contributes a great deal to the significant discrepancy between GPCP and TMI, especially over regions surrounding the Tibetan Plateau where rain gauges are quite scarce.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) changes strongly affect local hydrology and sediment yields.The current study focused on a basin in the Brazilian Amazon and had the following three objectives:(1) to perform an effective diagnosis of flow and sediment yield,(2) to evaluate the impacts of LULC changes over the last 40 years on the hydro-sedimentological variables,and (3) to investigate the impacts of the possible trends or breaking points in the flow,surface runoff,and sediment yield series.The Soi...  相似文献   

Suburban areas undergo rapid land‐use changes due to urban growth. Consequently, the mitigation of hydrological impacts is a major issue in the field of flood and water pollution management. Nevertheless, suburban catchments have seldom been studied. This paper presents a method for analyzing the hydrological behaviour of suburban catchments; the particular method is tested on the Chézine catchment, located in a suburban area of Nantes (western France). Chézine provides a typical example of a suburban catchment, yet features the unique behaviour of a response time ranging from 1 to 6 h. It is proposed herein to classify rainfall‐runoff events in homogeneous groups according to their flow coefficient. A group of events is characterized by its mean flow coefficient and by its transfer function, which are considered as the signatures of the hydrological behaviour of these similar events. The transfer function is identified from the available series of rainfall and outflow data. The identified transfer functions serve to estimate the localization of contributing zones over the basin by estimating the basin transfer function from flowpaths. The consistency of these assumptions is then verified by comparing the estimated transfer function with the identified one. The application of this method to the Chézine catchment demonstrates that it is possible to distinguish various types of hydrological behaviour regimes associated with significantly different transfer functions. The joint analysis of the flow coefficient and transfer function of each group confirms that the Chézine catchment reacts like an urban basin with just the urban zones contributing to runoff under dry conditions. Otherwise, the wetter the initial state, the greater the tendency of this basin to react like a natural basin, as reflected by the different transfer function shapes. These results confirm the validity of the proposed method to analyse the various behaviour regimes of suburban catchments. In addition, this method helps define the specifications of hydrological models suited to suburban catchments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long streamflow series and precipitation data are analysed in this study with aim to investigate changing properties of precipitation and associated impacts on hydrological processes of the Poyang Lake basin. Underlying causes behind the precipitation variations are also explored based on the analysis of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) reanalysis data. Besides, water intrusion from the Yangtze River to the Poyang Lake basin is studied. The results indicate that (1) seasonal transitions of precipitation are observed, showing increasing precipitation in winter, slight increase and even decrease of precipitation in summer; (2) analysis of water vapour circulation indicates decreasing/increasing water vapour flux in summer/winter; in winter, water vapour flux tends to be from the Pacific. Altered water vapour flux is the major cause behind the altered precipitation changes across the Poyang Lake basin and (3) occurrence of water intrusion from the Yangtze River to the Poyang Lake basin is heavily influenced by hydrological processes of the Poyang Lake basin. Effects of the hydrological processes from the middle Yangtze River on the occurrence of water intrusion events are not significant. The results of this study indicate that floods and droughts should share the same concerns from the scholars and policy makers. Besides, the altered hydrological circulation and associated seasonal transition of precipitation drive us to face new challenges in terms of conservations of wetlands and ecological environment under the changing climate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the impacts of new river geomorphic and flow parameterizations on the simulated surface waters dynamics of the Amazon River basin. Three major improvements to a hydrologic model are presented: (1) the river flow velocity equation is expanded to be dependent on river sinuosity and friction in addition to gradient forces; (2) equations defining the morphological characteristics of the river, such as river height, width and bankfull volume, are derived from 31 622 measurements of river morphology and applied within the model; (3) 1 km resolution topographic data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are used to provide physically based fractional flooding of grid cells from a statistical representation of sub‐grid‐scale floodplain morphology. The discharge and floodplain inundation of the Amazon River is simulated for the period 1968–1998, validated against observations, and compared with results from a previous version of the model. These modifications result in considerable improvement in the simulations of the hydrological features of the Amazon River system. The major impact is that the average wet‐season flooded area on the Amazon mainstem for the period 1983–1988 is now within 5% of satellite‐derived estimates of flooded area, whereas the previous model overestimates the flooded area by about 80%. The improvements are a consequence of the new empirical river geomorphologic functions and the SRTM topography. The new formulation of the flow velocity equation results in increased river velocity on the mainstem and major tributaries and a better correlation between the mean monthly simulated and observed discharge. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


We evaluated precipitation estimates, TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3B42V7), CFSR (Climate Forecast System Reanalysis), GHCN-D (Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Version 3.24), and Daymet, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The suitability and quality of TRMM, CFSR and Daymet in forcing the SWAT-based hydrological model was examined by means of model calibration. A calibrated TRMM-driven model slightly overestimated streamflow, while a calibrated CFSR-driven model performed worst. The Daymet-driven model performance was as good as the GHCN-D-driven model in reproducing observations. In addition, the temperature was far less sensitive compared with precipitation in driving SWAT. TRMM 3B42V7 showed great potential in streamflow simulation. The results and findings from this study provide new insights into the suitability of precipitation products for hydrological and climate impact studies in large basins, particularly those in typical climates and physiographic settings similar to the Midwestern USA.  相似文献   

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