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Organic sediments exposed in a seacliff near Kalaloch, Washington, contain abundant, well-preserved beetle remains. Fossil assemblages dating from about 48 000 to 40 000 yr BP are dominated by species typical of the lowland and montane forests in the region today. A few species, Micropeplus laticollis, Olophrum consimile, Olophrum boreale, Arpedium cribratum, and Tachinus thruppi are presently not members of the Pacific Northwest fauna. Mean July temperature during this part of the Middle Wisconsinan is estimated to have been about 1°C lower than today. Later Wisconsinan assemblages are dominated by non-arboreal species, indicating a treeless, probably tundra environment. Mean July temperature based mostly on the occurrence of the alpine leaf-beetle species, Asiorestia pallida, is estimated to have been at least 3°C lower than the present day. Palaeoclimatic interpretations based on beetles are in good agreement with those based on pollen.  相似文献   

This paper reports data on the Atelian horizon identified in the Caspian Sea bottom. Seismoacoustic profiling has made it possible to determine its area, position, and setting in the Upper Quaternary sequence and the relation to the host deposits. According to the drillhole core data, the Atelian horizon is composed of continental clay loam and sandy loam containing peatlike organic remains. They are depleted in biogenic residues containing rare freshwater mollusk species. The Atelian deposits were accumulated in lake reservoirs filling the depressions developed in the strata of the Upper Khazarian horizon. The radiocarbon age determined for the first time by humic acids has been used to estimate the Atelian deposition time in the range of 40 000–45 000 calibrated years BP.  相似文献   

The section of Kazanian marine sediments in the mouth of the Yenisei in the area of Ladygin Yar is studied with use of electron spin resonance analysis of shell remains of malacofauna and infrared optically stimulated luminescence analyses of grains of field spars. The results obtained fall within the interval from 77 000 to 71 000 years, which allows one to associate this strata with the final stage of the Kazanian transgression. Transgress sediments with vast boreal fauna of marine mollusks including representative species Arctica islandica accumulated during the MIS 5 period eliminate the possibility of existence of a glacial environment in the lower courses of the Yenisei and, moreover, the location of the region under the shield of ice sheet within this period.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon‐dated palaeontological remains and bedding features suggests that climatic changes in the northern Taklimakan Desert since the beginning of the Holocene can be divided into four stages: (i) 12 000–10 000 BP, a cool–to temperate–dry climate resulting in apparent alluvial–fluvial and weak aeolian activities; (ii) 10 000–8000 BP, a dry cold climate, resulting in large‐scale sand dune activity under regional desert expansion; (iii) 8000–3000 BP dry, warm climate, with a decreased area of shifting sand and the fixation of many sand dunes; (iv) 3000 BP to present, rising aeolian activity resulting in sandstorms, under the combined influence of climatic warming and excessive exploitation of land and water resources. Holocene deposits from profiles in the Northern Taklimakan Desert consist mainly of fine‐grained aeolian sand and silty clay. The fine aeolian sand was formed from re‐sorting of aeolian sand during the cold period of the Holocene, while the silty clay was formed by flood deposition in the Holocene warm period. The desert and desert steppe arboreal species and high CaCO3 content of the warm period strata suggest that the Holocene climate in the area, although generally dry, varied between warm/dry and cold/dry, and, especially in recent times, has become increasingly dry. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对我国北方风积黄土广泛分布、不同地点黄土-古土壤序列可准确对比和黄土沉积剩磁稳定等特征,通过对不同地壳块体上相同层位的黄土样品沉积剩磁方向的测定,进一步探讨了应用"虚磁极法"研究鄂尔多斯块体与相邻块体的相对运动的可能性.初步的研究结果显示:该方法有可能应用于块体相对运动的定量研究,并初步得到,在第四纪时期鄂尔多斯块体相对于邻近块体作逆时针转动,自2.5Ma B.P.以来相对秦岭块体的转动约为31.5°±11.4°,自1.17Ma B.P.以来相对西宁块体的转动约为29.8°±14.7°,自0.46Ma B.P.以来相对太行山块体的转动约为8.2°±5.8°,相对于西宁块体的转动约为10.5°±6.4°.本文还根据这些块体间相对转动的角度初步估算了鄂尔多斯块体与相邻块体之间的活动断裂带不同时期的水平位移总量.  相似文献   

Twelve new AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) dates of large Quaternary mammal remains were reported: mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius, bison (Bison priscus), and musk ox (Ovibos pallantis) found in the Archangelsk Region. The absolute age of the identified samples varies from 46 000 to 22 000 calibrated years ago. These data suggest that a substantial part of the Archangelsk Region was not covered by ice during the indicated time interval.  相似文献   

现阶段,1∶25万地质图受地理底图涉密的限制,在地质工作和国民经济中的利用受到严重制约。2010年国家测绘局发布1∶25万公众版地形图,提供给社会作为公开出版之用,利用公开出版地形图可以编制精度要求不高的旅游图等示意性图件。本文开展了1∶25万公众版地形图应用于1∶25万地质图的实验研究,提出了一套将地质图套合在公众版地形图上的处理流程和方法:主要包括格式转换、坐标投影转换、地理要素替换、套合分析与处理、地图整饰等,实验结果存在200~500 m的无定向误差,可提供精度要求不高的地质图浏览、展示使用,较难应用到实际的地质工作中。  相似文献   

14C测年和岩石学的基础上,对豫北平原全新世钻孔沉积物孢粉分析,发现了蒿属、藜科、禾本科、菊科、莎草科、香蒲属6大科属草本,桦属、栎属、榆属3大科属阔叶类,以及裸子植物和蕨类各2种。孢粉含量具有6阶段的组合特征,分别对应6个时期的古气候与古环境演化:10 200~8 200 cal BP,气候冷湿,8 200 cal BP处指示了一次较大的降温事件;8 200~4 000 cal BP,温湿条件有波动,整体上显示了全新世中期整体暖湿气候的特征;4 000~3 300 cal BP,湿度较4 000 cal BP时降低,气候由冷湿向冷干转变;3 300~2 400 cal BP,整体呈寒冷干旱的气候特征;2 400~1 350 cal BP,温度小幅回升,降水增加,气候变暖变湿;1 350 cal BP迄今,温度小幅回落,气候较为干凉。总体上呈“凉湿-暖湿-凉干”的变化特征,各对应时期的裴李岗文化、仰韶文化和龙山文化分别呈现出“欠兴旺-兴旺-衰落”的景象。全新世气候的变化对古文化的兴衰演替有着决定性的影响。温度和湿度升高时期,受水热配置影响,喜湿热动植物增多,植被茂盛,原始农牧业生产力上升,物质相对丰富,人口增加,文化遗址单个规模、密度增大,显示出古文化兴旺的景象;反之,原始农牧业生产力下降,物质相对匮乏,文化遗址单个规模、密度相对变小,显示出古文化衰落的景象。本文研究结果初步表明中原地区中、晚全新世古气候变化与古文化兴衰之间有着很好的耦合关系。  相似文献   

In November 2017, Bali's ‘great volcano’, Gunung Agung, erupted for the first time since 1963—leading to the evacuation of nearly 150 000 people from a preliminary danger zone within a radius of 9–12 km from the summit. Since the phreatic onset of the eruption on 21 November, intermittent magmatic (Vulcanian) explosions continued to threaten local residents and disrupt air traffic to and from Indonesia's favourite tourist destination. Whereas the opening of the eruption seems to have been less energetic than the opening of the 1963 events, as of January 2018, the volcanic Alert Level for Agung remains at the highest level. Indeed, it remains unclear at this point what course the eruption will take and how long it will last, and the possibility remains that the eruption may turn more energetic in the months to come.  相似文献   

全球环境污染形势依然严峻,加大地热等可再生能源开发力度已成为人类社会的共识。在系统梳理河南漯河地热地质条件基础上,以新近系明化镇组温热水为主要研究对象,通过采样化验,结合所收集资料,对其水化学场、温度场、同位素等进行研究,提出了漯河地热地质成因模式。研究结果表明:河南漯河温热水水化学类型较为复杂,以Cl-Na型、Cl-Na·Ca型、Cl·SO4-Na型为主,次为Cl·HCO3-Na型和SO4·Cl-Na型。漯河新近系明化镇组地热水以沉积水为主,有少量的侧向补给,补给源主要为来自西部及西北部山丘区的大气降水,循环深度为1 320 m,属于典型的传导型地热系统。  相似文献   

河南濮阳西水坡新石器时代遗址出土的瓣鳃类共有33种,其中31种组成了Lamprotula-Cuneopsis-Unio组合,称为西水坡丽蚌动物群,其时代为中全新世早期。据贝壳14C测年资料(6 465±45 a BP)和同层出土的陶器特征, 为仰韶文化早期(7 000~6 000 a BP)。该动物群与长江中,下游流域洞庭湖、鄱阳湖和太湖及其周围水域的现代丽蚌动物群组合特征非常接近,同属东洋界、中印亚界动物地理区, 亚热带湿热气候。根据该动物群反映的生态环境,仰韶文化早期该地区的古环境地处亚热带,气候湿热,雨量充沛,草木茂盛,河流成网,湖泊遍野,水质优良,水生生物丰富,优越的自然环境为先民提供了从事农耕、渔猎的生栖条件。  相似文献   

Unglaciated parts of the Yukon constitute one of the most important areas in North America for yielding Pleistocene vertebrate fossils. Nearly 30 vertebrate faunal localities are reviewed spanning a period of about 1.6 Ma (million years ago) to the close of the Pleistocene some 10 000 BP (radiocarbon years before present, taken as 1950). The vertebrate fossils represent at least 8 species of fishes, 1 amphibian, 41 species of birds and 83 species of mammals. Dominant among the large mammals are: steppe bison (Bison priscus), horse (Equus sp.), woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) – signature species of the Mammoth Steppe fauna (Fig. 1), which was widespread from the British Isles, through northern Europe, and Siberia to Alaska, Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories. The Yukon faunas extend from Herschel Island in the north to Revenue Creek in the south and from the Alaskan border in the west to Ketza River in the east. The Yukon holds evidence of the earliest-known people in North America. Artifacts made from bison, mammoth and caribou bones from Bluefish Caves, Old Crow Basin and Dawson City areas show that people had a substantial knowledge of making and using bone tools at least by 25 000 BP, and possibly as early as 40 000 BP. A suggested chronological sequence of Yukon Pleistocene vertebrates (Table 1) facilitates comparison of selected faunas and indicates the known duration of various taxa.  相似文献   

The paper summarises materials on the mammal remains in northeastern Europe, dated by radiocarbon. Altogether, 23 local faunas of small mammals and 47 local faunas of large mammals were analysed. Multidimensional statistical analysis shows a strong correlation between changes in small mammal fauna composition and climate changes throughout time. The correlations with the spatial gradients, however, are less pronounced. The faunas are classified into three groups: (1) faunas of Holocene age; (2) Late Pleistocene ‘stadial’ assemblages; and (3) Late Pleistocene ‘interstadial’ assemblages. In some cases, changes in species abundance are better understood in terms of biotic interrelations rather than of climatic effects. The most pronounced change in small mammal fauna composition and structure occurred at the Preboreal/Boreal boundary, and a less conspicuous alteration took place at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. The most noticeable transformation in the large mammal fauna composition is dated to the early Holocene. Less significant changes are observed at the Middle Weichselian/LGM transition and at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. It is safely concluded that variations in the faunas of small and large mammals recorded in NE Europe during the last 35 000 years occurred synchronously and unidirectionally.  相似文献   

向荣  刘芳  孙有斌  陈木宏 《地球科学》2011,36(4):599-609
通过对冲绳海槽中部A7孔的浮游有孔虫定量分析,对该区18 ka以来的海洋环境变化进行了探讨.浮游有孔虫群落表现出非常明显的冰消期-全新世阶段变化:在18~15 ka的冰消期早期,浮游有孔虫群落以冷水种Neogloboquadrina dutertrei和Neogloboquadrina pachyderma等为主;在15~9.4 ka,浮游有孔虫冷水种含量迅速降低;9.4 ka以来的全新世则以暖水种有孔虫Pulleniatina obliquiloculata,Globigerinoides ruber和Globigerina glutinata等为主.此外,浮游有孔虫群落对千年尺度的气候变化如Heinrich 1、博令-阿罗德暖期(B?lling-Aller?d)和新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas)都有明显反映,在全新世还记录了一系列的冷事件(约2.3~4.6、5.3、6.2、7.3和8.2 ka).9.4 ka前后浮游有孔虫冷暖种群的变化可能对应了黑潮暖流的突然加强.采用5种不同浮游有孔虫转换函数对表层海水温度进行了估算,通过与Mg/Ca和U37k'温度估算结果对比,对不同转换函数的可靠性进行了评估.结果发现SIMMAX没有明显的冰消期-全新世变化.另两种基于现代类比技术的转换函数MAT和RAM,其估算结果较类似,13 ka以来的温度波动较小,对新仙女木事件没有明显反映.基于Imbrie-Kipp转换函数(FP-12E和IKM-Chen)的估算结果表现出了较大的冰消期-全新世变化,然而对于博令-阿罗德暖期变暖和新仙女木降温事件没有反映,研究发现这主要由Globigerina bulloides的含量变化造成.通过消除与生产力水平密切相关的G. bulloides的含量变化影响,修正后的两种转换函数FP-12E和IKM-Chen较好地反映了末次冰消期以来的表层海水温度波动,与该区Mg/Ca和U37k'方法重建的古温度有较好的可比性.因此,我们认为修正后的转换函数FP-12E和IKM-Chen更适合冲绳海槽中部的古温度估算.   相似文献   

The remains of trilobites and other species were unexpectedly discovered in a volcanic ash layer beneath the Permian–Triassic Boundary (PTB). Based on a biostratigraphic investigation of the Zhongliangshan section in Chongqing, South China, the quantity of the species gradually decreased with subsequent volcanism. This finding provides an opportunity to further understand the disappearance of trilobites and the evolution of the mass extinction event. The temporal coincidence between the volcanic eruption event and the loss of trilobites and other species supports the idea of a cause-and-effect relationship. The species remains in the ash bed appeared before the disappearance of Clarkina yini and the climax of the negative carbon isotope excursion, which implies that the onset of the mass extinction occurred at the end-Permian. The explosive volcanic events caused massive releases of CO2, toxic gases and volcanic ash and resulted in loss of habitat for certain species in the Tethys domain. This phenomenon may have led to the abrupt death of trilobites and the catastrophic collapse of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Palaeolithic people commonly hunted Equus hydruntinus, an extinct species of equid whose cursorial body proportions suggest an adaptation to semi-arid conditions. Despite the frequency with which it is encountered in fossil deposits, only partial cranial remains have been reported until now. As a result, the systematic affiliation of the species remains a subject of controversy. Two nearly complete E. hydruntinus crania are presented here for the first time. These skulls show that E. hydruntinus is a distinct species, more closely related to the hemiones (Asiatic asses) than to any other equid. This suggests that the social organisation of E. hydruntinus followed one of two known equid sociotypes: resource defense territoriality.  相似文献   

Palaeolithic people commonly hunted Equus hydruntinus, an extinct species of equid whose cursorial body proportions suggest an adaptation to semi-arid conditions. Despite the frequency with which it is encountered in fossil deposits, only partial cranial remains have been reported until now. As a result, the systematic affiliation of the species remains a subject of controversy. Two nearly complete E. hydruntinus crania are presented here for the first time. These skulls show that E. hydruntinus is a distinct species, more closely related to the hemiones (Asiatic asses) than to any other equid. This suggests that the social organisation of E. hydruntinus followed one of two known equid sociotypes: resource defense territoriality.  相似文献   

The geological structure and faunal content of one of the principal localities for Quaternary mammal remains in Western Siberia, Krasniy Yar (Tomsk region, Russia) are considered. This locality contains 3 layers of bone remains: lower (Middle Neopleistocene), middle (the end of Late Neopleistocene) and upper (end of Neopleistocene—beginning of Holocene). The richest horizon in number of species and the quantity of remains is the middle horizon, which contains the mammoth fauna.  相似文献   

Re-excavation of the type site of the Sharp's Hill Formation (Bathonian, Middle Jurassic) in Oxfordshire, England, has revealed several horizons with disarticulated remains of a species of stegosaurian dinosaur, here considered to be the earliest stegosaur. It is suggested that stegosaurs radiated out from northern Europe in the Middle and Upper Jurassic to the rest of the world. The general stratigraphy of the type site is described, and it is concluded that the stegosaur remains are possibly of earliest Lower Bathonian age. The sediment in which the remains accumulated is considered to represent a drought-controlled environment.  相似文献   

Forbes' Quarry, on the Rock of Gibraltar, yielded a human skull in 1848, one of the earliest Neanderthal skeletal remains known to science. Fragments of a second Gibraltar skull, that of a child, were described from Devil's Tower rock shelter in 1928 and have recently been reconstructed and reinterpreted to emphasize the distinction of Homo neanderthalensis from H. sapiens . Neanderthal skeletal remains are confined to Europe, the Middle East and central Asia, their most recent occurrence arguably a refugium in southern Iberia. The race seemingly became extinct about 30 000 years Before Present, for reasons as yet unknown, but a programme of excavations in Gorham's and Vanguard caves on Gibraltar is in progress to elucidate palaeoenvironmental and behavioural changes as some of the last Neanderthals were succeeded stratigraphically by anatomically modern humans with an Upper Palaeolithic culture.  相似文献   

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